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Flesherton Advance, 1 Aug 1907, p. 8

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August 1 1907 THE ^LESHEETON ADVANCE THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECT E EACH WEEK. OaU 43 '.o 4:i Poai 7o to 7u lUiley M •â- J 50 \V|id«t I^" >" **•'' Hay !•< 00 tul3 W Uulter â- .â- .". "..".' 18 to 1« KwK8. fresU la W I''' wll 24 to 20 Our Clubbing List AtlviiiKii, and • Toronto World, daily £3 LT. Toronto D-iily News i! :<" Weekly (Jlobo ^ ^^_ Mail-Eiiipire 1 'i'> Family Herald & Star 1 HO Toronl'i Star 2 HO Farmers Sun 1 ^J^ Farmers Advocate 2 iiO Weekly Witness 1 ^^ Suturday Nii;lit 2 f>0 Montreal Herald ... 1 20 V" ^ In Furniture The largest and best stock of furniture ever Khown in Fleshor- toii. This withont fear of contra- diction. Coino and sue some of the uice thiii^js lu Sideboards Dining Roorri Cl^airs Parlor Betts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now on evorylliing in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT ^urnitui'e Stealer fHS^ T) FhsbertOQ - Out. Oj^ J Fa.ll Terntx ^ â-  OPENS SEPT. 3rd. ''' " It pays to attend the TOROISTi'f). ONI (Cor. YoHRJ and Alexander Sts.) The school that rivnks first in thorouuh- ness, pi pularily ai'd genuine merit. Our attendance is t'roi.tor, more students were placed in positiona and at better aalaricH ih*n in any prv^viuuii year. Write today for handsome catalogue. W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal Farm Laborers H nd Domesti cs T have been appoiiitud l.y the IXiininion Unvurnnient t > place imiiiigrauls from the United Kiugdoni in [^ as farm iahourers or domostic servants in this vicinity. Any pi-rsons ri'(piirinj{ such help nh.iuld no- tify nie pers. piinlly tir by letter M'nliiig fnUy thu kind c.f help reipiired, when wantid and wk>!0« ort-jruu. The numborc arrivinu may not bo suliicieiit to Hiippiv all rui|UOsts but every <-trori will bo made 'o [)rovid>) «Hch sppliCHiil with I lie help refpiired. VV. w! TRIMBLE Can<i1lan Oovcrnmcnt Cmpluynicnt Aicent FLESHERTON, ONT. Farmers, Take Notice. 1 ct'OHed w liking U\v Mi-Cimn ir^k til t .'liiiiut, not tlul 1 had any f.oiU witli the t^iuluiiiL-iitii, hut .Ttuk^ni Allaniidi, nf Mmk- â-  i (Injiill a Mt:Oor:ii ick six fi)ot hinili-'r to Nfr. Wi|;t|i MuMullcu K.i liarvii.H far ^125.1)*) uii iiir«e*»ty!i, and \\\* oM i'attor.i.iii liiiiilitr and ilieii *il(l the old biiiilir for ?l.Wl, anil on next \ui»r'ii teniiH tliey ii|.j rfiarnoj to thuKc that p>i'h.i|>iitliey Kut theiiifiii'lsHi than 1 ilii. Why iI'Mi't thi'Y sell theiu to Markrhilt' f.iriiiirH for t.M.oaiiKj? This I can |>r>ivp. I hnvvcnntract. ixl with I'elBr IlatnilMu, of IVti.rlmroUKh, t) <.nli hill iiniilHinriit.i at .Markdalu ami KIcHher. r. Ml. t will Hell till.' Wiiulunt, tiix fnot nil i;iie pay *.10. 1! |«y» tll.'S, tlu'o pays .^I'JO; dilll.H, one P«y IJUiw drill $61, a juya SiW, tliruupayii <Mi."), I. ltd iitlier six«w(i> correHpooil, Hiniillernr larger. 1 will Ik: at Markdalo after the fimt of March .-very .S.jturday. Any one wuntiiii( machine.') IT rup:kir< will finil luJ i.ii Hatiirlay*. I have r'.niRKi'cimil liitnd i)rilt;i ou band, iioiue nuly wiirked naa aad two yean, N'oxim, Oxhaw.i ittid Puter UtniiUon. Also afceiit fur the C'lickuhntt Plow, Pwiii Man.ire Sprcaderand uu Tbl»«ll*r. D. MADILL. Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your ovti bair? Can't do if? R8veo*t CQOugh bair? It must be you do not know A yen's H»irVigorl Here's an intro- (dtcdoQ I May the acquaint- 8Qoe result in a heavy growth of ilch, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruiT. <b« b«st kind ol a tastlmontftl â€" "Void for over sixty years." All i?y #.0. Ay«T pp., Lowgll, Maw. yers maautkotar«ra of .iL SAQSAPABUXA. PILLS. CHEBRY PECnSAL. Sbortborn Bull The thoronKhhred Khorthorn Hull, "Favo ite," C2235, infer xervice on lot 27.2f<,2nd ran N. D. R.,Artemesia. Pedijfree on application Terms Sl.M ALEX. McUAK, Ceylon BusiNE-ss Cards MOULLOUGB A YOUNO Banker Markdale Oo • geasral banking baeiuesB . Uoaey loaned a reasonable rate Call ou us. TOHIBLETT, * PofltDiastor, Heylon. CoiiiialBBloner In II. 0. J . Couvoyancer, dceils. uiortKSKes, lassos, wills etc. carefully drawn up Oollectious mads, cbargen reasonable. Alto CrocorioB, flour, feed etc. kcnt iu Btock. Prices riKUt. RJ 8PB0ULE Podtuiaster, Flesborton uommlsalonor in H.C J., Auctioneer Con veyanoer, AiiprslBer and Motioy Lender lieal Kstato ami Inaurauco Acciit. Deeds inortgagos, loaaos and wills carefully drawn up aud valuations made ou sbortost notice, money to loan at lowest rates of Interont. Col ootious atteudod to with proiuptnesa cliai'ges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Htaamabip Compaoy. A call solicited. r* MePHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the *'• County of Qroy. Terms moderate and satinfactiou nuarautood. Tbo airani^emciitB and dates of snles can bo made at TiiR AnvAsci: oflloe. Kesldeuco aud P.O., Ccylou, Tclephoiio connection. Doc. 0,07, neo. O. LUDMW, Licensed Auctioneer for tlio " Oouuty of Grey. Prompt service aun reasonable terms. Pioton Htatloa P. 0. J HARVEY PRRinOB, Feversham 'â-  Insurancu, Itoal estate and miniPR stock broker. Couveyancor. Loans and ColloctiouB, Write for rates on Plre, Life or Sick benoflt iUBuiauce or information regardiug Cobalt mining atock. Hotter contracts aud lower rates on fire Insurance now. Societies A O U W meets ou the last Monday " 10 eaou mouth, iu tboir lodge room, ChrlBtoe's block. Fluslierton. at (t p.m. M.W., Krank Cbard ; Bee, T. PliiUely, Finaneior, W.J. Uel.amy. Visiting bretliren Icvitud, pKINCB ARTnUK LODGE, No. :«3, IL AM, meets iu the MaBouicball. Htraiu'a block, Fleflliorton, every Friday on or boloitt tbfl full moon. W A. Armstrong, W U.; Herb, limitb, Beiretary. noinTFLESnEmVN, bos. I. O. F. u-eot»in " Cbi istoe's Hlook the last ^Vudnesdav evening of each month. Vibitiog Foresters boartilv welcome. 0. K., Or. Marrav; It. B.. T. Het.iv; Fin. Sec, C. N. liiohardBOu. Please pay dues to Fin. Bee. before the Hist day of tbo month. nnOSEN FRIKNDH-Fleshoiton Council of " Chosen Prionds meets In Clavtoua hall (list and third WodiioBday of each mont 8 p. ni Pay asBusamoutB to the Recorder ou or before toe first day of each month. Chiol Couucillor T. Ulakeley: Recorder, W. H. Hunt. Medical DR CARTER U O P ft B Out. Physician. Surgeon, etc Otllca aud ruBldenooâ€" Peter st., Flosherton HR.A. T. HOND " Graduate Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario College o\ I'hysloiians aud Bur- geons. Maxwell. Out. duocoasor to Dr. Scott. T P OTTEWELL ' Vetflriuary Burgeon ^ Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, lesidouoo â€" sooond door south west on .Mary street. Thla etreet runs south Prosbyterlau Chorob. JJ WILBON, UlttckBuiitb "• 'Jradnate of the Voteilnary Bcioncu Association, liesideuoo, Durham Jtreet, oii- poBlte lloyd, HIckling's hardware. Legal LUCAH WRIGHT A UcAItDLE Uarrtsters Solicitors Coiiveyanoers, etc oniocsâ€" Owsn Bound, Out aud MurkilaleOnt W n WHiflHT, MoAbw-k 1 1) Lucas N Uâ€" FleshertOD oflloe, MUohell's Uauk •very Balurdav. Dentistry D1-. B. C. MURRAY L. D. S., dental surgeon hnnnrgradnsto of Toronto University uiul Uoyal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, Gas aduiiuliitered tor tooth extraction. oUloo at residence. To route street Flosherton, Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry Oar hijee have wintered well and wo have a mimber of colonies for pale and young awarins altar the first of Juno. You sbonld seit our |it>n c/tH. O.Hrown Leohorra bofoie gcttiug your egga for bateblng; to saBts lot 13 egga. Lot ITO.aadCTJk 3.U. U. ALLEN, rieibcrton Vaccination For Blackleg and Anthrax. The disease known as Blackleg lu cattle, althouijh entirely unknown in many ex- tensive agricultural sections of Canada and not at all wide spread in any district or province, annually oauaos.iuiU< extens- ive losses, to CAttle raisers. Anthrax, which is also the cause ot serious lois of stock. The former disease is ainiosr entirely confined to cattle under 3 years and is generally fatal. The latter attacks other classes of farm animals and ; ho human subject is not exempt from its infliction which generally results serious- ly. J?y the aid of science cattle raisers .are now enabled to protect their stock agitinst these maladies. As the human family is v.'iccitmted a«aiint small pox, io the .same manner cattle are rendered immune from Hhickleg anthrax. The department of Agriculture at Ottaw;-. throuirh the the health of animals branch is now in a position to sujiply preventive vaccine for each of these di.-.iasjs at the nominal cast of five cents per dose. Until recently, by special arraiigeiiient with extensive m.^nufactures iu tlie Unit- ed States, these products wore secured at a reduced cost, and were [ilaced in thu hands of Canadian euUle raisers at ten cents per dose tor Blackleg vaccine and fourteen cents per dose for Anthrax vac'jine. It is due t.o the fact that these preparations are now being made at the liiolouicial Labatory In connection with the health of animal.^ branch that they can busupplid at five cents per doso. The vaccine for ISlackleg m.ty bo ad- ministered by any intelli:.ient perKon by means of an lustrumetit supplietl by the Department at lifty cents. Anthrax vaccine, which is also supplied at five cents per dose, is more dilKcull to administer requiring a i|ualified veteri- narian to treat an aiiimil Cattle raisers who have fear of an at- tack of either Blaclilt',^ or Anthrax would do well to apply to the Veterinary Direc- tor General at Ottawa for the projier preventive treatment. Eczema. For the eoud of those sulleiiiijj with eczema or other such trouble, I wish to s.iy, uiy wife had Something of that kind and after using the doctors' remedies for some time conclnded to try Chamberlain's Salve, audit proved to l>e better than anythint; shehad tried. For sale hv W. K. Uichardsou. Kliirenco,theeiglit-year-old daughter of Mr. Henry Deacon, of near Walkeiton, had a marvelous escape from an awful death recently. The little girl and her sister were engaged at the cream separ- ator, and while st</opiiig over to pick up a pail the long curls of Florence got ill the cogs of the machine. It was luoving rapidly and in an in.staiit had torn a lar^e quality of liair from the chilli's head, leaving a bare spot ex- posed. Mr. Deacon hearing the little one's awful cries hurricxl in from the yard and succeeded in stopping the machine. While thu injuries are of most painful nature the child is doing well and no fears are entertained that she will not recovery. For An Impeilrecl Appptltc. Toiniprovc the apiietite and the digestion try a few doses of Chamlicrlain's .Stomach and Liyer Tablets. Mr. J. H. Saitz, of Ditrnit, Mich., says: "They restored my appetite when iiiii>aired, relieved me )f a iiliiated feeliiir and caused a iileasaiit anil satiafaetory movement of thelsiwlts. " Price, 'S>Q. Samples Free. W. K. Richardson. An Orangovillo despatch of Mmday says; "George J. McDolald waa arrest- ed Sunday nftoniuoii in the township of Albion on the charge of falsely represeiit- iiig himself as a recruiting I. thcBi from 15. Battery, Stanley Barracks, Tnroiito. He obtained board and lodging at thu America Htdel here last* month. The otHicurs nt Stanley Barracks repudiate the account, and McDonald was summon- ed to iipjH'ar in the police court. The casiiwas adjounied, and the defendant did not answer when the case was called. A warrant was issued and the prisoner WHS at rested when coming' out of chuich in his khaki uniform by County Constable Alien. Four able bodied men attempted a rescue, following the constable, armed with ston(>s. The constable promptly haiidoufled his prisoner and drew his revolver, when the men made olT. Mc- Donald is suspected of attempting to scleral forged notes here ;)rnd at .Shel- biirno. An effort w ill be i;(ade to appre- hend the four men who endeavored to to rescue tho pri.soncr, as they are known. -* K »*l m â-  HOW CONSUMPTION STARTS. Tired When You Waken â€" Languid All Day â€" Nerves Worn Out â€" Snap All Gone. I'our limbs feel " drnggy " and exces- sively weak" A night's sleep seldom biitiKS satisfying rest. Continuous head- aches, exhaustion and nervous sensations de.stioy your health. Soon every spark of vitality is uted up. Then you catch luborculosis. S;art to-day. P.uild up, got now nerve force, and overcome this process of decay. Use [''erroziiie, which physicians consider tlio most vitalizing, uplifting tonic ever made. Ferrozoiic cures because it can furnish tho body with suthcient nutriinout and tiii'dtnu material. Think (if tho instant effectâ€" r»t once the appetite increase!!, delightful color in the cheeks prores lich, red blood is hciii; circulated. Tired muscles are inviv'.orated, flesh and weight are added. Nei\e force develops, and bounding, joyous health is firmly established. This ia certain â€" Fein .none rest.iros failing strength from any cauM. The experience of Mr.Thos, Down, uf Schrei- ber, Ont., proves this: "Uou.sebold worries and cares had about exhausted my strength. I was weak and miserable. My cheeks lacked tho color of health, and occasionally I had spells of rheumatism. Then my appetite fell off, and nothing could tempt mo to •eat. Worn-out feelings, chills and de.s- po'idency filled my rdry being. I became anaemic and dwindled down to a shadoM'. Consumption was wery near. Ferrozoiio put strength in my body with a rush. It buiit me up, strong, virile and happy, and I have been well ever since." Ferrozoiie cures sickness by curing the real cause â€" kck of blood and nerve tone. It keeps pdople at their best â€" fit, ready and aiixjous for work. In 50c. boxes only, six for 82.50, at all dealers, or N. C. Poison i Co , Hartford, Conn.. U. S. A., and Iviiigston, Out. Fall Fairs Fhe following are the diites for fall f:iirs in this licinity. FLKSllEKTON. Sep. iiti and 27. Colliiii*ood, Sep. 24 to 26. CiarksOurif, October 1 and 2. Durham, September 24 and 25. DuiidaiU, October i5 and 4. Elm vale, October 7, S and 9. Fevershaiii, <)ctoher 3 and 4. Loiuliiii, September G In 14. Meaford, September 2t) and 27. Owen Souiiil, SeptenibtT 111 and 14. Uocklyu, Octobet 3 and 4. Tho Prtmioutorio Consolidated Mining Co., iu which Owen Sounders have in- vested upwards of a <i;iarter of a million iiullius, has as-signed and the property hris been Si 'Id to Leopohl Ephraini, the original owner, for the benefit of the creditors. The mine is situated near Nogales, Mexico, and it was found that practically the only w.iy ojien was to .sell the mine t> meet the oliligation.s of the company. The failure of tho company will be a finincial Idow to a largo number I if men and others in t)wen Sound and f.illy KX) are interested. Tho blow i.s pr.ibably the heaviest that Owen .Sound investors over rj.;,)ivel. Yorkshire Boar for Service ., VlZ- n "i*'L"if"'"l *"" ''"' **""'<=« "1 l"t 16.i 2nd W 1 .&.H. K.. Arteuieain. a thoioughhre â- To ins il.m. Thi-rougbreds extri*. A splen did stock sretcer. - IdecOT TUOS. qUK>G, Prop. Sl^ortliorri Cattle fcr Sale Lofinlaaand Wimples, the best of breeding ttuil iiuiilit". Pull, cows and heifers for sale at reusouabie prices Lot :t:.uou.5 CHAS. STAFFORD. Plesbertoo Fall tex*m at The .-^^ mVEN' SOUND, ONT. COMMENCES ON Stpl Jnd, 1;)07, Three thorough and practical courses of study. Firt't-claga equipmen:. l"p-to-date m^'thods of instnictinu. St^idents (fiven special assistance at de.'»k. We te.ich Biisi- subjects including BOOK-KKKPING. COMMKRClAf. r,.\VV, .VRITHjrKTIC (";OKI{K«PO\!)F,NOI';, PENMANSHIP KTC. SlIO llTi LAN D and TYPEWRITING, anil PKEPATURY work. Vv'orthy students assistetl to positions. Write for Announce- ment. C. A. FLEMING Principal. LjOCSIiI S£^ ^'iTasi ted For Flenhertoii and adjoininia^ country to rei-resent "CANADA'S GREATEST NUR HERIKS. " A pemirment situation for the rif.'hi, man, for w'oum the territory will be reserved. Pay weekly. Free eiiuipmeut. \'.''itefor particular.*. STiJNE and WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries Over .SiM) Acres TDRONTG â€" â€" ONTARIO. p- Wcstern The exhibition the people all like to attend EXHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND IT PROFITABLE TO CO. KNABEKSHUE'S Airship daily, and a full list of Attractions.with plenty of Mudic. Fire- works after prograiunie each evening, conclud- ing with that grand display, "THE SEIGE OF GIBRALTER." :; REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS. Seud to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programs aud all iiiformatiou . W. J. REID. President. A M. HUNT. Secretary. LONDON, September 6 to 14 la^M In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works %^^%«'%/% %«^%^/«^ ^^Vk^-^k^^. If you are thinking of buying a buggy be sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. I Gimrantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and . General Blacksmithing All kinds of ploughs and plough repairs on hand; also repairs for Ma.ssey Il.irris, No.xoii and McCormick farm iinpleiiienlif. ii^emt For" MELOTTE [REAM SEPARATORS 1>. MoTAVISXi^ A keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a , cream sepanitor please drop me a card and their wants ' will be attended to. - - JFlesHerton

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