THE FLEES II EETON ADVANCE AUGUST 1 t9u7 ESTABLISHCO 1073 THE.STANDARD BANK OF CA^J.^A Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $ i and upwards are received, on which the highest ci:rrent rate of interest is allowed. No Delays h\ making Vvlthdrawals Jntcies?; added four tinies a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. Ca FLESHERTON BRANCH EiiA.r*C51ES AS^SC AT EOB-SaAM, UAK.XISTON Vicitiity Chips For inciiuy iit Imvusl riitcs, \<iU\X ;<L>cur- ity, '^o to A. S. VuiiDuseii, B'lesheittin. Born- -In Mftrkdftle- (III Sunday, .July 28 lo Mr. and Mi-s. A Myvillu, a -son. Secoiid-liiiiid Xoxcn biiidor and mawof forsjiU'. D. McTavioh, Flt-iduMton. FcfKl!â€" A fluni of trmiiBy on tlio cross- ing b.-twc'ijn .1. and W. IJuyd's and Ciii- hoH fued uhop oiit.s and corn mixed ariivud at J. & W. IJoyd's. IloKSBS Fob Salk, â€" I in^vre abouL 120O (Hiuuda and 1 liorsa about 1100 : Fiolti youuj; and sound. Apply to Win. ICiswell. Aug. 22nd. Blessrs. C. N. Richardso.i, Dr. E. C. Murray, W. Soniurs and F. H. HicklniK 1 leavu to-day for a fortnight's camping I and boating at Bell's lakes. Tbey \\i[\ he Benthiim Bros, store* on Thnradtiy, July accompanied by the Shirley M., from which, iiO doubt, much ploaauro \'ill bo d-..'tis'od. Acconut book lostâ€" On Collingwood gravol or fourth line, Atiemesia. The lindcr will lie .suitably rewarded by leav- ini; the same with John English, butcher, Ci'ylon. Mrs. Lafayetto Badgorow, 4th lino, is the chnmpiiin wild strawbtTry picker of fhi.s district, if wo know anythinj^. Dur- ini» the past season she picked 75 iniper- i»l t|uart8 herself n-ithoul assistance, and hna to sliow for it to doubtiin,' Thonnses 65 imperial (piart .stialors done up, besides what the fa.nily used on the table. Of course the strawberry season was a good Olio, but, as a picker, so is Mrs. Badg- orow, as the above remarkable record goes to. prove. BusiNKbs Cor.LF.oK Education â€" All young men and women who Intend entering a butintss college this fall are invited to write to the Elliott Business College, Toronto, for their handsome catalogue. This school is classed among the best business colleges in Canada. Tlie advertisement o( this college appears in this p.ipor. 25. Loser apply "â- ^ ''"^ office. A y.uiig niaii visiting at 11. PInntt's, . ! near Eugenia, whilo handling a gun on Saturd-iy snccc;;dod in shooting a vatuubl& two-year-old steer belonging to his host. Stock koh! â€" Road horse (ivo years | received by Ed. Thompsuu DOG LOST,â€" White and tan hound dog lost, about July I3:li. .\ny inform- ation of his whereabouts will bo ih.tnkfuUy Flesiiertun. old, grade .) 'rsy cow with c.-ilf, grado Jersey heifer witli calf, 1 calf (i nns. old. Apply to Mrs. John Whitfcn, Fleshecion. For Saleâ€" Maxwell Binder, Oft cut. nbr.ost now. Apply to Jos. Conitield, Flesherlon The Methodist Ladle's Aid held their annual -arden party on Mr.lohn Brcon'a lawn ou Thuisdiiy evoning last. The Flesherlon Cilizcua' Band was present A pleBsaiit evenin^r wis spent by all. The proceeds amounted to in the neigh- borhood of >*.ii.o(y ' GIANT TUIPLETS "Cuirency" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chowinu Tobaccues, in big plugs. Quality always t!ie same. Ml. U.W. Clinton of 0.spiey romrned last week from a viiit to the Northwest, and says the crops aa a wl'.o:e givo prom- ise of a medium yield. He visited the Armstrong coloi.y and found the prt..s- pccts there better than almost anywhere else in the west. C. E. Tryonâ€"Practicul Painter and Decorator, will receive ooiiirucls tor church decoration and .school inmses. PrioeviUe, Out. Three loads of Duiham young people passed throujih hrire enroiito for Eugenia on Friday. Tho p.ifty consisted o£ nine girls and ihreo b.iys. Wo suppose this is a fair tvidenou of the SL'xes as they exist in our sister town to tho west? For Quality and Qnanliryask yourdual- er for tho new liig plugs :{ "bobs" "slag" and -'currency" Ciiowni,; Tidja^coes. The Chrisi'iebusines.-* property in town h.%8 been sold. Mr. Oscar Phillips is tho Metliodist church annuuncemonts: Quarterly meetini; and sncrninoril at 1IJ.:5I) a. III. Sermons; .i. oi., '•The Saviour iu (Jelh.'icnienae," p. m., '"Two farmors, one ot them a fuel." . Pricovillo baseball cluhciime over Mon- day eveiiiii'^ and ant back someivhiit at the Kles herton club for the lerrilic drub- bing it g:ive them reconily. The score Monday ovening w.'is 7-5 in favor of PiioBville. Fleshertim nuurns the 1'i.«b of Its catcher, Billy U;foe, whoia away. .Jimmy Mihio, oporalxir at tho station, pitched a very uood ball Morrday evening but was not at his best. The game tvas quite an interesting example ot amateur baseball. Mr. (Jeorge Bellamy, while bicycling lo the station one day last «eek met with .1 diversion *hat ho would not care lo have repeated. When passing a loam ho .suddenly found himself lifted, wheel and all, into the air and. deposited into the ditch. One of ihe honses hnd reached out suddenly with its hind foot and cautibt the whoid ujidcr tho saddle, lifting it into the air as stated. George was semovvhat dazoJ, but neither he nor the wheel wore injured in the loast . It might have easily bocu much miire serious. Mr. F. T, Carr of Stoughton, Sa^k., informs the Advance that he has received his land grant as a vetcian of fenian raid day.^, and hopes ihc grant is at Cobalt! Spuskii.g of the weather and orips out there, Mr. Cirr says: â€" The Weather liera is and has been ideal sum- niev vveatlior. Tho crops are giowing PERSONALS Miss IJ. Kirk returned lo her duties in the post ollieo Friday after a week's holidays at her home in Arthur. Miss Laura Fawoott of Tara spent a fov»' days of the past week with friends in town, the guest of Mrs. Geo. Stuart. Miss M. Penncll of Toronto is visiting with Miss Florence Thurston. Miss Janet («ibsor, of Toronto visited friends hero last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karsledt visited with Elniwood friends for a few days during the past week. Marill Belts of Morey Corner, visilod a fo'.v days with his aant, Minerva Tucker. M'ks Susie McClocklin retnrnod to her homo in Durham Tuesday, after sjicnd- ing tho [list ten days with her Aunt, Mrs. Mark Wilson. Misses Lillian and Laura Armstrong returned homo on .Saturday aftor spend- ing three weeks with friends at Port Dover. Master Frank VanDusen of Goldtiidd.<, Nevada, i.t visiting his grandparents in town. Margaret and Minnie Simpson of Chicago vv.iro gnests of Mr. and Mrn. Fred Ilickliiig over .Sunday. Mr. Jos. MuUer of Mount Clair, N. J , is holidnying with friends in town. Rov. L. F. Kipp will go to Paifloy on Saturday and liis wmU will be taken up by Mr. Wiikcs. purchaser of the building which ho at i„|,nenHoly and thj ^eneial prospects ar present occupies as a harness .shop, and Mebsra Fred and Petor Norris h.ive pur- cha.sod 'ho bluok occupied by their tin shop. Tho Atlas Awu.-aace C i. of London Eng, aro oll'eiing a nice present fiee to any one send ng in tho date of expiring ofihfcirFiro lu^urancu (providing same expires within 12 month ; nnJ rale paid) also Company on risk. Cull or address p istal lo L Harvey Pcriaoe, Fire Agoiicy Atlas Assuratico Co., Fevtrsh;yn, Out. For Saleâ€" Olio mare 4 years (dd, about liiOO lbs. and sound gooil woilier or dri- ver. U.J.Sproule. Mr. W. J. Mill, pnn^-ip.d of (he public school heio, has wciifed a position* near Toronto and will lewo for hi* now (ield next month. Mr. Mill wr.s a iucces.'.fid teachir here, as tho eiUrincc results prove, he liavinu passed nearly 8t'> per cent, of the pupils who wrote. There were sovtii c»llâ- ldn^es wrote and ii.i pass- ed. Tho tiustev.i Imve been adrortisimi for a ci.miplete new staff fur this school. Noticeâ€" The Sydonham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. contraols lo pay market several miles at this value for hoii.iehnld elVect.s, f.trni stock, mpleineiits. hay and gr.iiii also losses ov daiiiauo in full caused by lightning at about half the ciat ihat other companies charKe. An Institution that olf^rs such tflrins deserves tho atnuiage of all prop- of the most promising kind for :\ bounti- ful liai vest. Every one is jubiUnt at Stoughton, Saak. Tho glorious 12th came duly L.ihand and w« celebrated and jubilated a:id!)ltshud procoduro and precedent in this grand now i>rovinco, ;'?!tskp.lcbew'in, to tho tap of the Orange drum. .'V glorious day, a hiippy crowd and a rich success every way. WantkI),â€" Work by an experienced thre.shermau for the clever and grain season on either engine or separator. Apply at this olSoe. The Ailvance j<iurncyi-d down tho Valli-y Road ou Friday last towards Kim- berby and was Ihorousjlily sui prised at the Iniprovenionls made in that thor- ousihfare dining tho past ciuple cf years. The whole load from here down is ipiilo smtnblo for buugy travel. Perhaps it would convoy a sKtisfsctdry idpii of the condition of this road if wo statu that wo bicyclod ••c^ fur down-as Mr,.Iohii Wolnr'i. without having to walk leii rods of the way all told! Cot.sideiablo Rlrotchosof tho way have also been iiinvellcd, For end tho drive is a most charming oneâ€" a regular "Lovers lano" of leafy graen verdure, iwisl.< 'ind turns along tho rippling Boyne, and llie road oxceUeni. The largest kiml of a load can be brought up this way, and the cotisiderable ninouiitfi of money spent gressive farmers. A post card addressed i have been supplemtntod with good, cen- to thoir agent, W. J. Bowes, markdnle, jscientious statoto labor, until now the regarding terras will i-c-ive prompt at t Valley Ri ad i'l beginning lo ful61 il^s tontion. -I' s*i:»y. Lcok out for this Alan It he offers something "bettor" than Putnam's Corn Extractor, it's tho ad- ditiiinal profit or inferior goods that teinirts him. Putnam's is iho one sure and painless cure. Use no other. / â- I !»»<â- .â- â€" - ELLIOTT- CARTER On Wed.July 24, Mr. William B.Elliott of Owen Sound to Miss Annie Pearl Car- ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Carter of tho East back line, Artemesio. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Caldwell at the jiarsonsge, Flesherlon, after which tho whole party repaired to thu bride's parental homo for a dainty tea and pleasant evening. The young couple will live in Owen Sound. Sudden Death Mrs, Francis liuntof Wood bridge who has been living bore willi her son, W. H. Bunt, for Bomo time, was called awsy very suddiwily ou S^iturday morning last. Mrs. Bunt was in her usual good luiiMi Fiiday evening. At 5 a. m. next morn- ing she was taken suddenly ill and within two hours was dead, notwiihstanding the physician's eH'orts to save her. Tho de- ceased lady was 75 years of ago. She was born in Toronto shi'rtly after lier parents auivod in tbiscounlry. Tho re- mains were taken to Woodbridgo on the 5 p. m. train S.iiurdiiy and tho funeral look place there on' Monday. A siul feature of tlio casa w.s the fact that Mr.s. W. H. Bunt and childien left to visit friends at Woodbiidge lliuevomns; before and 'Mrs. lUint .^ir. was .ilone with her sun ill tho h'luse at tho tinio. .Mis- W. II. BuiU. WHS recalled and niurnod on the next train, We have a splendid assortment of Teas, including Molaganm, Salada and bulk Teas, both green and black. We can suit everybody in this lino. Be sure to call here for your Toas or anything else in the Grocery line you may require. We have it all and the prices are right. ICE CRKAH This is Ideal ice cream weather and our ice cream is the best. Try Some. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a by-law w-.- Iiassed l>y the lamiicipal council "f the town shiii of tiaprev on the eixth d\v of July, A. I). 1907 providing the issue of delielitures to Ihj amount iif Slllo'l. (i,r the purpose of t-rectiuK iv new sclio j1 heiisu in Sehixil section No. 14 in the said township and that such by-law waH rPKistf-red in tho re^'islry office of the souUi ridinK of the oouutv of Rrey on thu 18th day of JiUv, .\.l). IIW". Any ni >tion to nuaah or set aside the same or any part tliereof must bo made within one month from the date of registration and can- not be made thereafter. Dated tliis ailth day of July, A.D., 1907 TllOMAlS SCOTT, Clerk. Will Drill For Oil. A Detroit '/ftiitlemnii ia making prepar- ations to drill for coal oil at Kiinberley. Options are being taken on all the farm piiipetly in that corner of Euphrasia and a couple of holes will bo put down Ihisfnll. Ccrtain'sigiiB have boon present in the va'loy since tho settlers arrived and it is now proposed to see if these signs will liiul 10 anything. W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON Clearing Sale At Port Law Everything in dry goods, "'jirocer- ies, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Tinware, 'o be sold forbelow value; :dl saloe strictly cash or produce. Bear in mind Tarn not leaving Port Law, only --elling tho stock so I can devote more time to eave tronghing and job work. J. A. St. JOHN Genural Merchant and Tinsmith Port Law - - Ontari r 'Out-of •doors" will) u STEVEN*â€" ^. - best thing lor • frrowInK boy I ^ Learning to shoot well and . - 'I, acquiring qualities oil •â- ' "* self-control:* DECISIONlfAND Jo M ANLINESS iaicf «te»U dae'to STEVENS FntKAKMSTOOCATION. Ask your" Dealcr^o'r STovebg-Ulfli^ Shot«ims~Pistol3."»In!ii6t onoiir time: Uonoreil make. Il'.yim Aioiiot obloin. we ship Jiruet.^ &xon^HTTepnid .'.unon receipt of CatnlOK i'jice, - ' Evorjrt!im,( you Miiat to know uUiut the STEVEItg u fminj in 140 l>n..„ Illusirmto.1 CatiloK.J MaUeJ '?.i â- !^"' â„¢"'*_ '?. """"I* '" li-r PMMm.. f neaud- -fliii, .iutiiiratii'ii inr yvnt t>i 'tl lor I] c'.'DtB lo sLauipt. ful T "dou Color ilniiK' orclub r,"iiiiâ€" J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO.*' * P. O. Box 4097JtC Chicopee Falls, â- sMa«».,-fu7'S.A^ Thompson's Bakery. Bread delivered regularly and sold at the following placi' : â€" K CE Y Cook's and LON J as. PatMsmi'e. P a 1 C E V I L L Post OfHce. EUGENIA Ciirns, U. Parks. P. McDonald. K I M B E R L E N Wobar and M. R. U:i'nniond M A X \V E L L U. Kin near & Son. F E V E R S U A M Robinson and Ab. Hutchinson. fierton .^f-'V^^JS-.^.^^^:^-. iK' L FLY TIME. Now is the time to buy your screen doors and wiiKlows. Screen Doors from 90c to 1.75 Screen "Windows from 25c to 35c Preserving Time Wo have a full stock of preserving kettles, ceilcrs. etc. for preserving time. Come early ami get them at last years prices. . FLOUR Just a few baT;s cf Royal Household loft. L 'ts nuire toarrive in a few days for 2 75 per bag. Sugar Rpd|iath'3 best granulated sugar for 4.8ij per cwt. Sold for cash only F. G, KARSTEDT Flesherton "' • : *: Ontario Received Their Grants No. •> company, .'list batlalioo, was organized in 1.S65, and the following yosr did duty ill the fenian raid. Tho veterans of that time are only now recoiving land scrip in recognition of their services. During tho past ooiiplu of weeks the follow- ing cx-meinhcrs of this company have received thuecrip, untitling tboin to locate Lwd in 'lino or len townships of New Ontaiio: Geo. Mooie, Jidnison Quilcn, K. J. Carson, Joseph Watson, and James Paton, all siill reniding iu this town- ship, also Mr â- " T. ("arr of Slouch- ton. SrhI-. . NOW tlittt stirumer woatber quiro finer Footwear. ^ Wo have mado a very special effort in soleotiag our goocls. Our .slock of Shoes was never so nice as now. They are mat and nobby In Ladies Balfl W" Lave Kid, Dongola, fine qual- ity. I.i Oxfords wo have a fiqo range of the latest atyloe. In Gouts' wear we have a fuli-nuig« of all kinds. 'Wo also have a large assortiuout cf Ohildmn't Shoes. Trunks aud Toloscopoe a large Slock at lowest Prices. Call and sco us. Wm. CLAYTON ^/^ V>"^-^'^'^?^.-'^i >â- > .V ;*?^^.-^^^^^-^.-'^s?r?^*?'^^t^i^»^^^.^