July 25 1907 Th e FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. Oata... â- .'.., J,. .;â- . 43 '.o 43 Pens .,...'. i.. .,,.i»,..,... 75 to 75 Karle; ^ ..;v:t4V.C.. 00 â-ºo 50 Wheat •; â- ; ; ..'.•» . V-.'. :r..'.. 85 to 85 Hay..... .'.â- â- .-.:;â- •. ...1? 01) tui3 00 Butter ..•...:.... 18 to 18 Vst'M, fresh â€" 16 to 15 Wool 24 to 80 Our Clubbing List A !v.:.cc, ?\nd Toronto World, daily [ ^3 2") Toronto Daily News ', 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 «0 Mail-Bmpiro 1 75 Fnniily Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 riO Kai iiiers San ... . 1 ^0 Fiirmars Advocate 2 30 W.-ckly Witn«88 1 80 vS>aurd8r Ni(?ht 2 50 Mgntreal Herald 1 20 r" -v^ In Furniture The largest and best stock of â- ftirniture ever shown in Fle^hor- ton . This withont fear of contra- diction. Come and see some of the uico things in Sideboards'"" '"' * ' Dining Roon\ Ciiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A speciftl reduction just now on ^l?f,. everything in order to '' reduee the stock. W..H, BUNT •Xi FlesMfl - DdI. Oj^ J Fall Terin OI'ENS SEPT. 3rd. It pays to attend the 1'^^niwfo. OWT. ^ â€" (Our. Yonxe and Alexander St8.) Tiiu schuiil that ranks first in tlior(iui;h- ni'Hi, pi'piilarity ai<d gunuinu merit. Our HlinnO.'incu is yruater, more atuiiuntH were jildci'd in positidiu and at butter B:il»rieR iliAn ill any previous year. Write today r«r liiihdsouie n^plpgue. W.X JtLLIOTT, J'linoij.iil Farm Laborers Und Domestics For that Dandruff There ift oae thing tbtt will cure itâ€"Ayer*t Hilr Vigor. It it a regalir ecBlp-medicine. It quickly destroys the cerms which ceuee this disease. The unhcilthy sc|lp becomes hesltby. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal to youâ€" healthy hair, no dan- drufF,nopiJBidcn,no eruptions. The bMt kiaa«f • testimonialâ€" "eold nr 6T«r sixty years." ixxi XuS iuiiUMtann of SARSAPAIOU. WLI.S, CflERBV PECTORAL. Sbortborn Bull The tborouKhbred Shorthorn Yiull, "Kuvo iw," t>223d, ia for service on lilt a7-2S, 2nd run N. D. R.,Artemesia. PiidigrKeoiiaiiplication Terms 81.20 .\LEX. McRAE, Ceylon Business Cards U0UL1X)U0H * YOUNG U&Qker Markdale Do a gaaaiaU|tfBM^4NMMsss» 'U one; loaned a reaao^HErste Oallou us. TCHIBLETT. ' Postmaster, Oeylon. CommisaioDor In H.C. J .Conroyancer, doeda, mortgagee, leases, wills eto. carefully drawn np Oollectlooa mads, charges reauonablo. Al»o grooerlei, floor, (ssd sic, kept iu stock, Prioos rl){bt. RJ SPBOQIiB Postmaster, Fkwberton tjommissloner la B.O J., Aactioneer Con- veyaDoer, Appraiser and Money Lender Keal Estate and Inaarance Agent. Deeds uortgagea, leaaes and wllU oaretully drawn sp and valuatloas made on shortest notice, money to loan at lowest rates ot interost. Col eotloQs atteodsd to with promptness charges low. Acsok tor Ooean Dominion Steamship Oompany. A call solicited. OUoPHAtlJ, tiloenssd Aaetloaeer for tlie * Ooanty o( Orey. Tiruis moderate and satlifaction RnaraDiead. The arrangements and dutes of aalea can tw made a4 Tub &UVA^CB oAoe. Kealdenoe sad P.O., Oeylon, TelepbOBe oonneotloD. Duo. «.07. GEO. U. LUDIiOW, Iiioenaed Auctioneer (or the Ckianty of Orey. Proniut service and reasonable terms. Proton Station i>. 0. T HAUVUT PEBIQOB, Fevnrslmm ^' Insurance, Heal estate and mining stock broker. OonvBysnoar, Loans and Collections, Write (or rates Oo Fire, Life or hick beuoflt inoiiraiioe or Information rogurdinjj Cobalt raining stoalc. Better contracts and lower rates on fire Insurance now. Societies . V V meets oii the last Uonday ' 10 eacn month, Ir tbeir lodge rootu. .Ohrtatoe's block. Fleaherton.nt 6 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard; Bee., T. Blakely, Finanoler, W.J. Bellamy. VtsltlDS bratbrao Invited. pKINOE ARTHUR LODQK, No. :«3, A.K.& ^ AM, uieetu In tbe Masuulcball. Strain's block, Fleshortod, every Friday on or before tliefnll uiocn. W A.Armstroug, W U.; Herb. Smith, BeLrotary. 1 lia\ e been appointed by Ihri Dominion Uovernnieot t) place iiiimi<{rantB from the United Kingdom in positivnj as farm luVinururs or attmoatic Hsrvsut;) II. tins vicinity. Any pArstnis rii|uirinif suoh help should no- tify mo personally or by IflltPr H Htiii^ fully the kind of help rcigiiired, when wanted and w«ne< offered. The iiutuberH arriving may oot be sufRdeiit to supply all rpquesta but every I tfort will he QwdH to pruvjdo each appllotnt with the help required. w. w. trTmble Ciinidian aovarnasnt Bnsployuenl Agent FLESHERTON, ONT. Farmers, Take Notice. 1 liftve censed working for McOorniack iiiv:lii»M, nf>t that I had any fault with the itiiiili-m.-nts. Iiut.lsokson & llannnh, of Mark- dilo * ili a M:(!i.rin»ck six fwit binder to Mr. Wil.on MjMnllen last harvest fur ll2ri.(KI on lliruep.tys, iknil hisiilil PattorMin lihulcr and iliuii Sold the old liiudcr for St.fiO, ani on next >>f»r's lernn they are i'hart(o<l to those that parli.x|>nth>'y Kit them (or lean than I do. WTiy ilon't they Hull theui to Markdale farmers for iheiianiu? This I oao |>rove. lltave contract- Hil with Peter Hamlltiin of Peterljorongh, to siill hin iiujileiiientii at Markdale and Klevhtir t in. I vs'ill sell the binders, sixfiHitun oneu»y JiHi, 'ipayn lllf), three pays JliJO; drllln, one |.4y 12 hoe drill SAl, 3 pays $68, three p:>v' M.\ â- ml other Mixes to cnnwHxmd, nualluriirlttrRer I will \f at Markdale after the (|r»t of Muroh if»erv Hmirdivy. Any ouo wanting maohiuea or teitalrs will find we on Habirlnya. I have aiunesi'oond luuid DritU on hand, soma only H<orked onn and Iwn years, Noxon, Onhawa and I'cter Ktmlltnn. Also aKrnt for the t>>ckshiitt i'low, Palis Manure Hpreadcrand gn Tbreahfr. D- MAUILU noi'BT FLBSHEBTON, «», I. 0. F. n eele In " Cbrlstoe's Ulook the last Wednesdav evening of each month. Visiting Foresters beartilv welcome. C. B., Dr. liarray; R. B., T. HeErv; Fin. Bcc, O. N. RIobardson. Please pay dues to Fin, Bee. before tbe first dav o( the month. nHOBEN FhlENDB-FIasherton Council «( " Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's ball first and third Wednesdav of each mout 8 p. in Pay aHSOHSineiitfl to tne Recorder on or before toe first day of aaoh month, Cblaf Councillor, T Blakeley:Keoord«r, W. B. Buut. Medical DR CARTER M O P ft B Ont, Phystolan, Snrgeon, etc OiQoa and residenceâ€" Peter St., Fleahertou nw. A. T. HOND ** Qradnate Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontario College o) Pbysiciiana and Bur- geons. Uaxwell, Oat. ducoessor to Dr. Bcott. JP OTTEWBLI/ Veterinary Bargson Qradnate oi Ontario Veterinary Collage, reeldenoe â€" aeoood door Booth weat'oc Mary street. This street raos south Presbyterian Ohnreb. n WILBON, Blacksmith "' 'Jradnate of the Veterinary Releuce Association. Basidenoe, Durham street, op- posite Boyd, Uicklliig'a hardware. Legal - â€" * r"7- LUOAB WRIOHT * lleARDI.B if*;.!'"''^ * Barrlatora Bolloitora Conveyan'a^ts, ettc Officesâ€" Owen Boond.Ont and Markdale Ont W H Wbuiht, UoAbDU 1 U LOAas N Râ€" FleahertOD offlos, Ultohell'a Bsu)i every Baturdav. McNsvinâ€" Crawforfi. Dentistry Dr. 8 C. MURRAY U D. B , dental anrgeon houoi graduate of Toronto Universitv and Koyal Colleitn of Dental flnmeone ot Ontario, Out, adiuiolatered (or tsath extrantlon. olUoe at rasldeDOO, Tosonto sl>««l Flaebsrton, Shorthorns. Bees and Poultry Uur beoa have wla«Ms4WH and we have a number of colonies tor nk ana yonog ewarrae klter tbe first ol June. T«l| abOOld «aa our pan ofH.O.Ilrowii l^OMfMM* ffeMiug your eggs (or batchlnmWseiisSsM ( A quied but pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the home of .VIi-s John Craw- ford, Cayley, Alta., on June 26'Ji, 1907, at 2.30 p. in., when her third daughter, IMyrtle E, was united in uinrriagu to Mr. Donald McNevin of Yellow Grass, Sask. , by Kov. T. r-Perry of High River. The pallor wan prettily decorated in pink and white with yroen folii.t-o und white b!o8- â- ums. The bride entered tha parlor loaning on tliO arm of hui hrothei-, F. L. Crawford, to the tjtn.liid of the wedding march played by Miss May Crawford of iro\ershain, Out,, cousin ot tha bride. Thobrido wa.T cliariniDi'ly gowned in white niik niid wore u bridal \ til caujjht with orange blosaoms and carried a shower boquet of v.utte carnations, roses and maiJun hair I'l-rns. She was attended t>y her sister, Mish Iva ^Crtwford, who wore while or«[andy aiid cirriud a oi^qui-j of pink carnatiou!. -nd maidon huir ferns. The biidcgrconi v.so supported by M.. J. A. Wickcns of Cnvley, Alti. After the ceremony and usuiti cou!ji'iitul.ition8 tho l^uesls entered liiediii'.ng room .%ud par- took ufndaiii'j v,edduj>; dinner. The Itride wai5 the red[iiunt ot iniuiy beaut ifu! prcsenla tesiifyinii to the osiei'ni in whicir tho young ci up'ii are held, .\mang ihein wei'ejk beautiful water .set and :t dozen silver desert ape â- n.s from iho young people of Caylty, with whom the brida was a favorite. The h.ippy cuuplo took the eveuiusf triin at Naninn to t'isit Oal gary, Bi.nfT and Golden. On thiir return they will reside at l^leir home near Yellow Grass, Sask. Cest Medloine in the '^Vorld for Colic und BlHhorrea. "I 6nd Chninbcrlf.in's Colic, Choleta and Diarrhoea Kemeuy to I.e the btbt rcuicdy in The world," says Mr. C. L. Carter of bkiruni. "1 am subject to colic and diairhoui. La-Ht spring it seemed a« thnogh 1 would die, and I think 1 would if I hadn't t.-iken Cham- berlain's Colic, Cholertand Diarrhoea Rem- edy, I have'utbeen troubled with it since until this week, when I had a veiy severe attack and tiKik half a bottle of tho twenty tiye cen* size Chamlwrlaiu's Cohc, Cholera and Diarrh- oea Remedy, and this morning I feel like a new man." F.jr sale by W. E. Richardson. An Old Friend (From The Burks Falls Arrow) The Editor of The Arrow was delighted to have as his guest over Sunday an old and very dear friend in the person of Mr. M. K. Richard.sun, who is associated with Mr. J. J. Kel.so, Torouto, in caring for neglected children. Mr. Richardson's tender, synipathetio nature and love for childien, his high personal character and his many estimable qufilities of mind and heart peculiarly fit him lur his nubie work. Ho is a gentluraau of culture and re&nemeiit, and a pMbli; speaker ef rare ability antl acholarljr nttainniuiits. Mr. Richardson r«preBeiitcd South Grey iu tho Piirliamont of Canada for live years, bnt declined renoiniuatioii at tho end of the term. Uis speeches iu parliament wore listened tu with clu.se attention by both sides of the House, and were remark- able for their frecdum from partisan bit- terness, and fur their presentation of facts in a lucid, logical, and convincing manner. He was un<iuestionably the ablest M. P. ever sent Ottawa by the electors of tho important constituency of Soth Grey. Of this, the most beloved friend of "Auld LaiiK Syne," we may say that his noble, unseltish life is accuintely portrayed iu those lines of the poet â€" •'I live for those who love me. For those who know me tr ue, Fur the Heaven that smiles above me, And awars my spirit tou; For the cause that lackij assistance. For the wrong that needs resistance. For the future in the distance. And tho good that I can do. Mr. Richardson accompanied the Editor on a trip down the river on board tho Armour on Monday, and was enchanted with Ibo beautiful scenery, which, bo frankly admitted, was unnurp.tssed in Europe or America, in both of which he hag travelled extensively. C3oiistlpatton For constipation Ihire is nothing quite no nice as Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tnblots. They always produce a iileiisaut movement of the bowels without any aisaKrei- able effect. Price 2fiK. Bamplea free. IAII10,«o4«.T«a,f|, â- •(Ma. •. «a«.BN, f leshw^. Western Fair, London The Western Fair, London, Ont., pro- mises this year to eclipse all former i-ec- ords. As thin is the 40ih Rxhibition without a break the management arc anx- ious that it should be a great sucochs. Entries are already coming in quite fast and considerable space has been allotted in the different buildings. A number of improvcment^t have been made in the grounds and buildings thia year for the comfort aud convenience of eihtbitorH and vi!4it(>rM The pri«e list has been carefully revised and added to. knabetighue's Airship will make ascen- sions daily. The Dankmar-Schillor troupe and tho Ernesto Sisters will thrill those who see them with ilieir daring acts. White and LeMart and the Les Aribos will iiiHlruct and ainuMu, aud with music by the brat available bands and tho grand display of FireworkK each evening fol- lowed by that lusgnificont pyrotechniial display " The Siene of Gibraltar,' will make one of the beat progmiuo ever pre- sented to the public at any previous Western Fair. Remember the d«to», 8eut. 6ih to 14th. Reduced rates ou M railroads. Write ths Secretary. Weatorn Fair Lflioe, London, for all particulars as to i(iaco, price lists, pniarammeB, etc., and m»ke your entries early. Take the postmaster's Wordfor It iix. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cherry- vale, Ind., keeps a stock of genera! merch- nnjIiiiB and patent fneflicini'.s. He s-^ys: 'â- Ci;;imberlain'3 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemndy is standard liere in its line. It never fail-i to ^ve shtisfaction and we could hardly affovd to be wi{bOT:t it. For 8..i.: hy W. E". Richardiion. Fall Fairs Fhe fallowing are tho dates for fall fairs in thi.-( vioitiity. FLESHERTON. Sep. 2t> and 27, CoUingwood, Sep. 24 Lj 26. Clarksbure, October 1 aul 2. Durham, Soptemher 24 and 25. Dnndali;, October 3 and 4. Elmvc.ie, October 7, 8 and 9. Feversliam, October ;5aiid 4. Lon'lon. Sc-pteml)er 6 to 14. Mofiford, Spptembcr 26 end 27. Owen Ki.und, S«pteiiber 13 niC. 14. Rocklyri, Octobei 3 and 4. and am able to w<»rk ten hoars a day Ferrozone did it all.'' You will be stea'died, tonpd- and strengthened for all iim« to come with Ferrozoue. Got the r. muine in OOe boxes or six for §2.50, ar all dealera, or N. C. Poison & Co., HiV'.turd, CouD., U. S. A., or Kingston, 0;it. â- â- ;.. â- YorlcshlreBoar f .f Service Tu '.inde'. ji'cned huf it :ic;y; e o.i'.o-, 163 '2iidW. T. AS R., Art"-.i..t- 1. a c'>or.)u,rliIire Yolks.: ire l:oM-. "Lf.^<evie-.v V.ct^r," >fo.l8130. Terms $1. CO. Thoroi..'r<;d'.ex:ru. Asplen did :-.t. :V Better. 1'«.07 TyO!>l QUI'. G. Prop. . PALE AND .ANXIOUS. ^'ouf Countetianci; Iridicatss the Body ri A'ft'ful Struggle For Heaiih, Ii!ipo'!.'»il'!e tn work or think cic.iiiy when tiieru is no renerve of V';.^<ix'. no ncouishment in the Mood, no supply ot nerve energy. The life of the half-sick man is pitiful, in fact, iilmo^t criminal, v.-iie»» houndiiic strength is so fjuiijfcly derived from Ferro- '/.one. "^ Thi.-i nutritive touie is ^{Uirivuitjd t i stien:<thon all nieu, women aud children. Weak organs get now foic,», vital energy is generated. Muscle and fat are added, huidthy color i*; restored, and the bloud fairly tiegles with new found life. Read the evidence of .Ino Carter, of 424 Kinu' St. Enst, Toronto, who says: "Af'.er a sovere attack of Grippo niy health was alia )8t shirtered. I suffered constantly from nervousness and dyi- pepsiii. At night I would waken with terrible palpitation ard heart pains. Work become a gieal effort. At ten in tho morning I was so tired and weak I could hardly work another minute. "Then came a had attack of rheuma- lisiu, which laid me up io- bed. 1 couid scarcely lift the weight of a pound, and to stoop was impossible. My drug>{iat recommended Ferrozoue, and he know what he was talking about, for it rebuilt my strength, gave abundant appetite, better blood, and new tieive energy. The rheumatism has disappeared. I weieh more, feel refreshed and vigorous, Fctll tez*ixi cit The OWEN SOUND, OKT COMAtF-NCKSONSep:. and, 1507, Three t'loroufch uud pr.ictie;>l cour.es "f study. Fii.^t-,l,i--8 eq;ui>nieiit. Upto-dat- mothods of inatruction. Studi-nts ^.tvin special .".nsistunc.' iit desk. We teiich liusi Jie.ss Kuhj^et,. Irhulin;; I!Oi)K-KKF.riXO. CO.MMKUCfAI. I,.A\V, AlUTIiMKTIC, CORUKMPCVN I )t-;X(,;E, PK.NMANSIUP. KTC. .SHOUTH.ANDa-'dTYPKVVKlTlNt^ ami PKKP.VTOKY work. W(,!thy stude..- assifted U) jio.iiti.n.-. Wiite for Ann.iunci • nieut. t'. A. KLE.MIMi Pr:ncipal. TEAS. â- i.'jve M Sf,'ei.'Jrd iCi vt'i'.::.!: •.).* T.-a.sj iuuir.g Mehig.inr.a, ,& -.id", a^i'i bulk •.".. bo;.ti irean p.; d Vlsck. W.i can â- '. everylioJy-ir. thia li.ie. BeRur.;io ;â- here '.u- your 'I'.'-.s er ai'yi.fiins; else t.io Grocery iitio you buy i'ei|ui.e Wj ,, ve ito'l ?.nd the ;p.'c>;s ' life ri.;ht. - '3 iuvv. ice K.-C'ixa â- •a;.;..;)}-;' >â- .;•â- â- » our ice ceiiin i'l the biel, Tr> S-xlli. F L E .S H K R T O N Stiort^;orn Citf.e fcr Sale Levluiasand V'.'ioipihj, t°oe be^i; of Icaeiiiog a"d iiUttUo"-. I'.':"', cows ftod belftrK (or .alo at roaeouiible pricen Lo;;H,con,3 Cfl.\o STAFFOItD. Fli.ihertoD IK ish 'li'ilie'to f WAR.^iNta Notice i« hereby gi /en that .iny per^ia., liikipg (;i:ivel aid uudaimiiiiufr iny fea;e will • Iv held r-MpoLsible fo.- d'lm;; e '. â€"A \9 MM'ON' For Flesherton Mid adjoining country ro represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NUR- SERIB^.'' A [wrmanent situation for th* right man, for whom tlie territory will b» reserved. Pay weekly Free equipment Write for particular.'. STONE and WELLINGTON Fonthdl Nurseries Over SCO Acres TORONTO â€" â€" • ONTARIO TPa^ ifihtW.ll, Cc>.»vh:ch:» 4c. Anyone wnrttiig n sbrrt^ii snn ".i, "'-ir ion :u!.; Q'llcKt; a»!*ecl»la <''.l^ cool m l'>-*e »pli<^:ier ;m ini'Mitlon Is prt>l)HM7 pateiHAl. A <v.»,p)..nitiv. ti0Tijiil.rlcll»«»'a4enluil. IT'iTi.'t*. »ul: )'iU«nU 3e.it'rod. tl-Jtjf,; aj.-''icv tu: -i.-nv".:!,.' ! arfi^i'*. PnUiUts u;<on tliroojb iliilnn i C-. ri'C.'IVi.., ipKkUnvtice, wi'-'i..'tii cl).ir:<' ..t „ Sclenflflc ii5ner!C4j«, A himdBonieiy ll'ai-fii.isd wwwiv ) -r.-i.«i oir- c'jl/iuot^ '.( iri7 iimen'lr.'ic J'iii'»-.|. T-j.»-.«. W n rear : tour is.iiiLbs, *1. 8<*; I/*,' â- .-e-"''.i ile.* \9i/SlS/X9S;/%/X^%/Si£^%/5»S&%>XfS!^ « 111 Sleighs, Buggies, Wtiggou.s, <Si « Harrows, Plough.s, Cream Sep- « « arators and Wire Fencing. «( HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carriage Works T f you , ace thinking oi buying a buggy be .sure and give lue a call l>efore buying elsewheiv. as 1 liave a first class selection to choose from. / Guaranlee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing AHkluds of plouii'hs and pkiuj^h rap;;ivKon hand; also rpj^airs for Maasey Harvia, " . -- - ;>xon .'\nd Me.Oi>r!.iic'; f;in:! iinpbniente. A^etit Fox.'" i [REAM 5€I*ARATDR5 D, Mo7i^VISH I keep a stock on hand a| way.s and anyone Wanting a cvenni separatof please drop nie a card and t) oir waots will be attendo^ to.