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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1907, p. 4

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â- Â«vr •IJULY 25 1907 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ww^vwwy F, T. HILL & CO. W^t/y^^^WVi BOOMING OUR JULY CLEARING SALE DmiiiR the month of July wo go through all tJcpsrtmeDlB in oor bit? Bfcnro and gather in all broken or odd lines ftiul abio many lines of u.tichiin liso !i»vo not sold juat ua fast as they ought to. In this way wo con- slitulo a July cloarinsj ealo when all Uuis are put on sale ragatdles* of cost which means extraodinary value to ilie buyer. The foUowng should bo of irjt<avBt to you. TKIMMBO MILLINERY AT JUS! HALF REGUL.\rv PRICES. In two weeks time our Millinery Department, will bo closed for the «o».'>on and in order thiit we should not carry over a trimmed hat and to rauke sure that th.iy will bu hoU, wo CUT THE PRICE IN TWO, so bo on huii.l early; best always go first, tablp: oil cloth remnants at one-third less than you pay. jOpieces Table Oil Cloths in a great variety of patterns, all tablo cloih lengths of 2^ and 2^ yardfl each, selling III i leas than regular piiees as follows: 2J yard lengths Fancy Table Oil Cloth for 43c. 2i yard lengths Fancy Table Oil Cloth for 48c &0 ends in this line. A SNAP IN BOYS' COTTON ADE KNEE PANTS. 12^0 125 pairs Boys' Coltonade Punts, just the thinp for the small is less than the cost of making. On sale at per pair boy fur summer wear and the price 12^0. ImidsummerI I -- SALE -- * Ladies White Shirt Waists, regular 1 50 to 1.85 for 75c al^ Print Wrappers, resukir 1.00 for 75c ifl fancy Orers Mu«I:n«, selling at 10, 12^ and. 15c yji Embroidery Insert ions, re!; 10c for 7c v^ Ladies' Wiiite Underskirts, regular 1.25 for 98c Ludies' White Underskirts, rcaular 1.50 for 1.13 •Special pricee.i in rll white goods including Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers' Women's Cotton Hose, reg. 15c for lO,. A complete stock of Parasols ranging in price from 60c to 2 25 i DIG SNAP IN BOYS' TWEED PANTS, 29c. Per PAIR 76 pairs Boys' Tweed Pants, odd lines, many different patterns, but all sizes in the lot. price per pair July 29c SELLING GOOD DRESS (JOODS AT ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF LESS THAN REGULAR VALUE. We have neiiily 100 pieces of Dress Goods which have not been sclliug as fast as wu would liko them. Thore can bo no frtult'found with the quality and the lot represents 60c and 75c lines in blacks and colors, sale during July at per yard only (Jo 29c. SELLING LADIES DRESS SKIRTS AT REDUC- ED PRICES. 48 only Ladies' Dross Skirts in browns, blues, prays and blacks, nearly all sizes in the lot and 33 75o,$4.00, and 85.00 Skirts are included. During July, your choice for .2.48 LADIES FINE WHITE BLOUSES, SLIGHTLY SOILED WITH HANDLING, FOR 58 CENTS. 50 Ladies White Uwn Blouses in J»5c. ^1.25 and 91 .60, (lualities. These are soiled from handling. During July, yuu' choice for 58o. LADIES SUMMER SKIRTS AT 60c. ON THE |, BLOUSES TO MATCH. 75 Ladies Summer Skirts in fino lawns and linens; some are insersion trimmed. Some made with pleats, and soniu lace trimmed; all sizes are on, hand if wanted wo have the blouses to nnatch. Your choice for tfSc CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES 68c. A PAIR. 125 pairs Children's, Girls' and Boys' Shoes in Don- golas Buifs, Glove Grains and Box Cilf all sizes are in the lot and in many cases the price is loss than half your choice durini' July 58e' CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES AT 98c. 150 pairs Women's, Boys', Girls' and Men's Shoes in extra good (jualitius but not exactly the latest styles but represent good wear and nearly all sizes are in the lot, and many cases the price is less than half. Dur- ing July your choice for per pair 980. enoeeRv DEPHKcmGnc speei hcs. 4 CANS CHOICE PEAS FOR 25c 5 CANS CHOICE HERRING FOR 25o. 3 CANS CHOICE CORN FOR 25c. in OUR f>nDKewJiKe DepjiKcmcnc. Vou will find a full line at prices y^u want to pay. .At-:. ^.^ bn^b .>tit mm MARKHALE WWftW^ r* Men's Furnishings. A full range of Summer Underwear. Fancy Vests, Belts, Neckwear, etc. Cashmere Socks, regular 2»c for 18c Fancy Sliirts, re-.jular 1.00 for 79c House Furnishings A full range of Carpets in Tapestry Brussels, Wools, Unions, also Linoleums and Oil Cloths. Bcu'.;ht at the old prices and as there has been a big advance in these goods you will Mnd it worth your while to make your purchases while you get the benefit of the old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum best (juality at, per sq. yd 50 Flour & Feed We have a full stock of tloui and feed including, Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, and FIVE ROSES FLOUR mailo by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Keewutin â€" Every bag of this flour is guaranteed â€" the best flour in the land â€" no other can equal it. COAL Sevt-ral cars of No. 1 Hard Coal to arrive this month. Parties who use Coal f }r the winter months should give their orders now and get the Ipwest price â€" call and leave your ordersâ€" a good time now to get it In. Hardware A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axea, saws and all kinds of wood men's supplies, also BUILDER'S SUPPLIES. Parties contemplating building should not neglect getting our prices before parohasing elsewhere. J. & W. BOYD FLESHERTON tSHe Id publiHlied every Tlmriiday at Jl.tX) .unuiu if piiid ia advance, $1.00 !' not hi> \tOc paid For Those Who Cannot See In making his annual appeal to the readers of < >ntariu newspapers for inform- ation which will enable him to locate the children and youths of l)oth sexes who are oligiblu for sdmisHion as pupils of the School for the blind at BrantforJ, Princi- pal Gardiner aaks The Advance to call {mblio attention to the need for some nstituticm whore tho adult blind may be instrucled and employed. GonornI experience has demonstrated tho inadvis- ability of combining a workshop for adults nitli a school for children under one mana!;<'nient, yet tho blind iidulUi, who far outnumber tho children of .school age, should be no loiigor neglected. In New York State, it has been a.scertained by careful inquiry that out of 6,008 blind persona (mly 684, or 0.73 per cent of thn total number, are under 21 years of age; 3,193, or 53.14 per cent, are ovor6() years of age; while 1,33(1, or 22 88 per cent. are between the "ges of twenty- in 1 and fiftyâ€" in priiuoof lifu and capiilile of beiuk; retiderud in wiiole or in part self-support- ing. It i.s piobable that the percentagen in Ontario aie similar to those in New York. Many lose their sight by accident after paHHin,' sohoi-l ago, and many who have l-een l.liiid from birth or childhood Deed help ami direct. on iti order tu Wi>ik profitably. In California, Connecticut, •lie District <'fC<duinbin,llliiw>ii, Indiana, Messaobusei Us, Michigan, Nuw Jursoy, New York, Ohio, Ptnsylvauin and Wis- cuiisiii workshops or "boinos" havo been piovidad, and in Wnalniiu'ton, Colorado and other states the iiiatter has been taken up by Wonion's Clubs and other aiaocialions of philaiilluiipio ladies, whose influence upon public opinion and I he Legislaturea will cenainly effect the desir e<l result. The first necohsiiy is to got un aocurate knowledge of the fauts, and to this end Mr Gardiner will pladly receive inform ation relatinu to blind iiiHidonis of Ont. of all Hgt!S rnaiiiuH and |>ont-oflico addiet- MS.) ThoReunlor yonis of »|{e. not deficient in inle'lict, atiil free from d'seaHo and physioal intirmity, wh • are blind, i.r nboes sight is ho defective that they nro unablu lo read ordinary type and attend asohoid for the scoine without serious injury to ihe sight, should attend the school ul' Brantfon!, which is maintained by the Provincial government for thnir bonetil. A letter or a post canl, .tddrtSed to the Principal, will receive iipaiediide attention. Entrance Exams for East Grey The following is a list of tho succes.sful candidates at tho recent entrance exumi- nation held at the centres named. Tho number of marks necessary to pass was 40 per cent, on each papei and 6<5 per cant, of the total number of marks. Can- didates making 76 per cent, of the tot»1 number of marks are awarded honor standing. KIMBERLEY Flossie Allen, Harvie Black, Mary A. Fawcott, Wm. Hammond, Flor. Hutch- inson, Robert Kerr, Esther E. Latimsr, Beiuice Scott, Luella Wiley (honors). FEVERSHAM Norman Campbell, Wilton Field, Wm, A. Orumm''tt, Ella Heitmau, Agnes Uender«on, Flora A. Hill, Charles 0. Irish, Milburn W. Kemp, Winslow Car- nahaii, Malcolm McMillan, Wm. J. Mor- rison, Florence Room, Marion Sayers, Harold Spofford, Mary Stephens. No Liniment Can Cure It. That pain between the oyes Is'nt neuralgia. Many think so. but it is catairh, plain ordinary catarrh that needs attention right now,. Your proper lead is to use 'Catarrhozono." Doctors recog- nize it as a cure that surpasses all others. Sure btfoauao it does reach the trouble; .lafe, bocase no drugs to take, you breathe i' 8 healing vapor direct to tho course of tha trouble, aud cure is guaranteed. Two sizes, 250 and #1.00. Sold every where. into the Methodist parsonage and he preached his first and very acceptable sermon to a good sized congregation on tho 14t!i inst. Ooinmittoes are appointed and arrange- ments are in progrosa for holding a gar- den party on tho parsonage grounds on Aug. 7th. Rov. J. A. Mathoson and family are camping among the ishinds near Midland. A great many fields of oats are attacked by a jwi-anite and the crop ia turning brown and is almost worthless . Tho C. P. R. bridge men have begun operations on the bridge to span the Saugeen north of the village. Misses Ida and Eunice Ferguson of Manitowaning were kho guests of their uncle, T. A. F erguson, last week. Miss Martha Watson is holidaying at her home here. La«t week's papers, with their reports of tho Entrance examinations, brought news of success to all of Princij«»l Cav- michaol's candidates â€" Master Donald Matlu'son, and Misses Ella McKiunon aud Gladys Watson, Wo oflisr to them our congratulations. Miss Love of Toronto, visited her mother Misrs. J.B.Egan and Fennely aud the Misses .Morgan of Dundalk were in town on Sunday. The biggest trout reported .so far this season was caught by Mr. T.F.LocksrC In the Saugeen River at Hugh Wilson's on Monday. This speckled beauty, weighed Tuesday morning, tipped the scales at a little over three and a half pounds. Tom took about half an hour landing his prise and has not fully recovered from the ex- citement of the tussle yet. Mr. Bell assisted in the landing process, and it is thought if weighed on being taken from the water it would go very close to four pounds. â€" Dundalk Herald. PRICEVILLE Tho Jubilee services in tlio Prosby- torian church on the 7th and 8th were a great success. Rov. Alex. MoGillivary of Bonuar church, Toronto, proHche<l to | very large cougiojfations morning and! evening on tho 7tli. Tho aorvioo.s in the Methodist church were withdrawn, and almt>Bt the ontiro congregation iittonded tho Jubilee sorvioes. The jwator of Bonar ciiurch labored hero 31 and 32 yuai-H njji^ and was a great toniporanoo worker: ' At the morning service a hymn w:w 4ung with groat onthusinHni was wrilton by tho la^ Rev. James Of Ceoru BoJa Will Cvn Too. If you are cnfferisg aTOotci with Rbcumatlsm. Sciatica or Neuralgia â€" if the Kidneys are to afiected that Tou have pains throaeb the hips and in the small of the bad: â€" don't hesitate • moment in (pending 50c for a larm box of Bu-Ja, the Gentle Kidney Pill. Von will get such relief frcan the first few doses that nothing could persuade you to dlscontlmie tmtil ctirca. Itu-Ju not only saves you endless suffering â€" it com^etely removes every trace of Rheumatism and Kidney iVonble. If your druggist wtll not suppdy y°u with On-Ju, send retail price to The Claflin Chemical Co., limited, Windsor, Ont, 66 Ceylon Miss Marie Chislett from Owen Sound and Miss Anns ChUIett of Toronto spent a few days with their parents and other friends at Ceylon and Fleshorton . Mrs. MoRae, her daughter, and sister, wluohljauey Melift,from Cleveland, with Mr. C. .„„, ,„,,,,,• , , - - , J ^"'" I Molia from Toronto took in iho Groy •ron,.;vholalu.rodhot^eas a Old Boys excursion and vinited tho oarly days, and afterwards died In the parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mnlia. iniH.Hio:i held of India. Wo boliovc he was tho first to form singing c1a.sso8, and to iiistiuct (ho young people iu vocal r.iuaic. The clo^tillg hymn wa« an old Methudist one, written by Charlos Wo.H-|Coyloii aud ley, "Tho year of Jubdoe," und tho frio„d<< singiti- of it f.urly mude the house rio^;. Alf r^ Olii.slelt and Mrs. F. Tuck Eve.-ylKKly ni tho vast - -â-  i- their t», Mr. and Mrs. John Mnlia. Jos Hemphill, Miss Maggie Hemphill, Willie Hawk, Geo. Dealinan and Bort Stock hill took in tho excursion to Uwon Sound ,<ind on their return dropped iff .-.t called on .â- > few of their viaited at John Chislotta r o; .;.id Pure Bred Catnwortbs and Berfc5bire$ I have for sale yonog stock of bothlxeeM for breeding puri>oite«. Come and we them or write for prices. M.l" 07 -G. W. Ross Maxwell. Tarm Property for Sale* Lots S8 and 39. coDcossioD 8, 200 aer«a; Lot 30, concesaion II, 100 acres; Lot !iS, couceSMioD 13, 100 iwreB; Lot 37, oonofHiBioii 19, westerly K acro^. The atoro8&ict are all iu tbti towuabii] of Artemesift aud will be sold at reaaoaabi* prices on easy teruis. • J.K.HICKLINO, Box807.Col!iugwood Bull fox* Sex*irioe Thoroughbred Durham bull for service. JOHN ADAMS, Flesherton. CANADIAN PACIFIC HOMESEEKERS' â- oaud Trip Exctvctea* NORTH-WEST ,.-. . . ,„^ couigretrafion Toronto „„, soomoil to be smgmg. The enterUnunont othf'r fvionds, e'Vwf?. T 'trT*'f "•• ;">"r'' 'â-  Mr. Marshal Burrows ,.,( Riverviow „r.d ?; 1 rj.lftim'''"^""'^^ oollectioiis hiU,roliKHf.x.o, Sf. Louis visa*] .v„.i, PvM?lf • w ,u .'sister, Mr., a. '"uoke.,onMot.dav. Ivov. Mr. Ueiry and f .uiily have moved Mies Jlabl* MoArthur with her friend, TUESDAYS JULY AUGUST SEPT. 30 13 nd 27 tO Md 34 tkkrti lood returuhtg wbhm utty 6^t VEHY LOW BATES for •ecooU-clMi tick«b tu Winnipeg tmd all inswrt^iii Nedb- wv^t k>wiu TOVBISr SLSEPINO CAKS a« e«ck ncunboo. Bcilha «! amklT addiSoiwI ctA*. BvftK* imiMbt rMMvcd c*tIt: wtv Koavy deauaJ. Apply to i loofel aocDt *1 WmI • vre«k bcJoM e^cuaioa Invai. Summer Stock. I haveoDbaudanamber of Rub- ber Rugs, Dash Aprons, Dusters Fly Net», Whips, Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment. Harness repair- ing of all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite "The Advance office. Flesherton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNE55 Q00D5 Bifl St oelt » â-  Bes t Stock Bells, Blankets , Kobes Fur lined coats, pocketbooke, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. uttersâ€" beat makesâ€" and everythino in the harneaa line. W. MOORE. Flesherton Ont. STEVENS IN OAMP OR rilLO-AT MOUNTAIN OR BHORI ^ TkMtisihnyetsftaaM H wj*]f iHM tkeeUif ^ keM«akh|fcrirni4iefifmiyMra . STKTKICS. Wkere aot sold by IU»- taUw*. we skl» dliMt, anissenw- M^ «lfc« teaeln of «aitogVS,^ mSS&srrri^a J. nSTJUIS ABMS * TOOX. ^. ». O. Bm M9T CM e of ee WtOit, V.S.A. CO. Ath aaorast C.r.R. atoia IBfoimatlon Ttckel Aivat B. FOSTER. CS.t.P.iK A*.. CPJCTi For lifckola Mid full luformaiion see W. C.iiia.\T, AgfUt, Flenhorton. •• N .i ." t

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