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Flesherton Advance, 25 Jul 1907, p. 1

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.._>-.. -(. - â-  y â-  » •? JFksIj£rl0n <^ftiiaita. "TaUTH BEFORE FAVGE." - " PBINOrPLEb NOT MEN. VOLXIVI, RO 1328 Flestierton, Ont. Tl^ursda^' .July 2o tOOT W, 3. THORSTON, EOiF-.PTOK a -NEW Jewellery Ladies' Gold Guards Neck lets, Lockets Bracelets. A run ua these ilwigB now. Never hud as large a stock, ntnl can sell at lower prices ihan ever before. In addition our other lines of Jewellery are more complete than ever. W. A. Armstrong. afcerouvj)!. The Rdv Mr. Billantiue ijreach-.ii an imprusRive ecrm<"'n from Ov.b. i'S 1 Lc^ Bruthtrly Lovo Cmitinne. Mr. Thowi )re Wood :;nd lamilj" of Doliarviik-, aro visiti.-ic; with tho formur's father, Mr. David Wucd in F'-vcrahiun at [ireseni. Ikli. Albi^rt' Hitn!uy'« little dauahtnr, M^iry, tour yd'ipj fif age, !iao the misfortune to tall off <: t'oncj on Moaday murninc; iijd broak her i;>)!l''.r bone, T'r. Bond of M«x«fi£ll IH in RtteUi'..»uco aiiJ lliu littio girl i.^ resting r.icely. Blood, Pure, Rich, Red. Rosy Kton- in lbefi>ce, sparkliite i»yea, vivacious Hpirit6 are nil l^o outcome of i:ood blood. No surer wiy exists of purifyriu and enriching tho biood than to use Dr. llainiltun'ii Fd'a. By their gentle action on the bowles, kiilneya and liver they filter every impurity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do the woi'k uucesaary for the mamten- ance of hcahb. To be well, look well, and fuel always at your best, use Dr. Hamilton'* Fills of Kandrake and Butreruut.a truly wonder- ful medicine for yoonjj and old. Price 25c at all dealers. East Mountnlik MAXWELL returned VIS- Mias Alice McCallum has home from thedty. Miss Bfae WMtaMk of Tecoofco is iting at her home. Mrs. W. H. Guy aod dangbter, Aniiie, visited frieoda in Collingwood last week. Mr. George Heron of Toronto spent Sunday and Mundny with friendalrare. Mr. NVi!i liobtnaon of Tat w ita ay>-» few days last week with frieods bMe. Mr. and Mn. Edward HeOallom left lost week to vitit with their daughter, MtK. Inkster, at Edmonton, Sask. Miss Bessie Clmtoa returned home from Clarkaburg last week. Thomas Bemrose is visiting friends at Party Sound. Mr. and Mrs. WiUiams of Toronto were the guests of Mr. Qeo. Whiteuuk last week, also Miss Whiteoak of Mark- dale. Miss Gertie Mo&t, who has been teaching at Qalt, k spending the holidays at hir houie horu. Miss Ella Ueitman of Mclntyre visited with Mrs. Walter Kerton for a couple of wi^eks. Mr. Rebert Potts called o» friends hem after twenty years' absence. Mijs Wiggins of Chicago is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. B. Winters. I Mis8e!« Clara and Lizzie Hillyard of CiUioffWDod .spent the 12th at their h )tue here. Word was received here last week of the death of Miss Lizzie Mclntyre of DoUttrville, Mich. She will be reraeui- bered by many of the young people here ' as she visited for some time two years Ago with her cousin. Miss IdxsieGuy. â-  â- Â»Â» Miss Flora BrauilF of Collingwood 13 the guest at present of her cousin. Miss Mary Braniif. Miss Maud Smith of Toronto, is home on a visit to her parents, Mr. .-tnd Mm. Jno. Smith. Mr. J. £. Marsh of Markdulo, was a caller at Mr. Jokn. Martin's on Wednes- day last. Miss Mary McCort spentafew dayslnst week renewing old acquaintances in i^ur vicinity and purposes holding service in the chtirch next Sunday afternoon at half past two o'clock. A very interesting game of football took place on the tnuuntaia on Saturday .BVeoiBg;. last b«twe«a the married and single men. The score being 2- 1 in favor of the|formcr. A large crowd witt-.essed the game. The refere egave excelltnt satisfaction. The next .;a!ue will !••) glayed next Saturchvy evening i<n Mr. [arry Thompson's^Hut, .'Ird lino. Don't fail to attund as we fxiwct a very interesticg gunie. l>all kicked iff at 7 o'clock. Mr. John Braniif jr. spent the past week with friends at Allau(ble. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cargo visited Egypt friciiils on Sunday last. Mr. aiid Mrs. Chard cf KookvaK' visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMuJlen recently. Mutilated Coin. Perhaps there- are many people who are E^'t aw.-ire of tlie fact that, to ivendor in payment for any purcha«e, or other- WL?e try to pass any coin of tho realm however .slightly mutilated, or defaced o-xcept through the process of long circriJ- ation are jubjectingthomselve.s to a heavy penally, and as ignorance of the law la no plea for it.s tr:>n»i;r.'ossi>)ij, people can- not be too caifful ic uiviiii; i.r receivinii change. A fow days ajjo, the writer seut an order to one of the leading publiahitiu c<nnpaiiie8 in Toronto accompanied l)y ten cent pieces in payment. A fyw days later 1 received a letter from the lirui st.iting tliat the order had been received auil would I)e promptly attended t<; when proper currency was remitted as 'ine oi the coins -.vaa found to be j,>iugs;ed. On carefully eiamiaing tiie which were rutumed to .-ne I di.scuveied chat a small hole had lieen drilloii ihrough one of the coins (a compacatively new one) prub- .•i!)ly for attaching it to a wr.tch chain. but the hiJe had been so neatly plugged with lead or some lither Ijase lu'atal, that it is quite possible the coin might [xws through a thousand dilferent luuids un- noticed, a sniidl dark speck only being visible. Some time ago I read of a man in Montreal who went to a deutiFt to have a small cavity in a tooth tilled. Tlie dent- ist, being at that time out of dlling mat- erial, took from his pocket a quarter dollar piece, from the rira of which he clipped a small piece of silver to fill the tooth. The man tendered a bill in pay- ment, and in making change the dentist gave the man the quaiter dollar piece from which ho ha«i taken the clipping. Straightway the man bid information against the dentist, producing the coin in evidence, and the dentist was heavily fined, for tendering the ci'in of tho rciim which he had thoughtlessly mutilated. â€" F. G. McFARLAND & CO, Grev Conntv'.s BIGCxK.-T an.l CHEAPEST STORE ? 1 4 a to Drop ! 'ivet the town and vicinity. 13»cl Huj n Ou'.cltly Hc-iie-J. 'â- | am so deligiibbd with wli«lCh.tinLerIi«in'8 .Salve done fi'i me that I feci bound to write aui' t-'ll von so," jiys Mr'". Robert M'.yttuD, 437 John St., Uamiltou, Out. "My lit le (laiiiti't«r I'.iJ a b!.<i hira on her knt-. I api'l'i'd Cb.iUilK. Iain's S. live and ii hrHlod beatitifiilly." This :f«Iv9 aiiay* tlie pain of a burn almost i:ista:itlv. It ;» fi>r sale by W. E. Ricbt>rd80M. â€" . â-  n e>i â-  VaudcSeur LISTEN Something's going Whau the drop occurs it will croUo :i >;r'.:.t -cnsalion Tho drop will take place. FRIDAY, JULY 26th AT 8 A. H. It will be the greatest drop in prices of ail ^^prin^ and Sammer (^loodt that has taken place for many a day. We wane to clean out all Spring apd Summer Goods. We want to start each season with frr'sh stock. Coming, as this sale does, right in the midst of sweltering weather, when all naturally think of the light weij^lit matenals, it makes it all the more important that yon should 3tt<)nd this sale and %at your share. LOOK AT THE DROP PRICES. $1.00 Dress VoUes for 58c Mr. S. Osborne's saw nsil! w».s burned to tho grouni.' on Saluruiy niurn'iig abuitt four j'clixjk. Tile origin of tho Pro is unknown sa the mill was shut down on i Friday at noon and every prdcaulion „ „ _ , ^. , â„¢. _ . . .. , j taken to prevent such an cccuiTence. *?V^\_9"'^?*"l°L.^^'iL_''i"*,.!'i The mill was a new one and h»d only loth Liae Osprejr with friends to this neighborhood last week. Mr. Samuel Brownridge is tlowly reocvering from a severe attack of in- flamatory iheuniatlsm. Mrs. J. Nelson and little son of Owen Sound visited the former's aunt, Mrs. A . J. Coiiron of Feversham, the paib veek. Mr. Harry Hoitman has his ne* store ill Ffvershain nearly completed utd has started at bttsineas. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paul have got ' settled ill their new house in Fevenbam. Wo wish the young oouple a pleassnt and prosperous journey through fife. Mr. and Mrs. Cbas Philips and two children of Tomnto are visidug with Mr. aiid Mr«. J. A. Kemahan «t pceesat Mr. Joe Ii win had the lnu^â- ttau• to have his sawmill burned along with several hundred dollars worth of lumber on Fridsy night last, s severe loss to Mr. Irwin as na had only been ranolng his s kWmll a thort time. been iu operation about two months. This will be a serious lo's to Mr. Osborne, as there was no insuranse. The Sons of Temperance held an open meeting in the hall here on Friday oveii- iue and a good program was rendered A silver collection added five dollars to the tr«asury. Mr. J. H. Uolley visited friends at MeaforJ recently. Miss Lillie Crahtrea of R >cU!yn '8[ieut last week with friends in thi^i vioi^uty. The Methodist Sabbath school h>:ld their aunu-U picnic in W. Bu-.-'ita >n's bush on Wednesday Kst and a rery pleas- ant time was spent. Haying haa commenced and i!< a fairly good|orop, codsideriiiii thj season. Mr. ancl Mrs. Bal. Olark are visiting the fotuiers sister, Mrs. Goo. Pritchurd. Mrs. Jamoa Careo of Flesheiton, was the guest of Mr«. 8. Gilbert list wkhU. Messrs K. Carson and Allen McLeai) .â- > â€" J u A â€"1.^1 K.u »iâ€" i. of Priceville, visited friends ill this vic-n- Providence Sunday »cho<d held their j^y iggj; ^^e), •unualpiooicou the public school grounds '„, ,„^ „,, ^If Jo.iee of Ceylon, on Thursday last A large crowd gathered g ^^ ^^ ^^ ., „ g,,,, ..^ nnd increased the sihool funds to the j *^ „ n„ , . amount of aJHWt ten dollar*. After tea | yfXt^n Your Back Hurt.i. was duuoied ol the crowd wended â-ºheir •, , . way to Mr. Jas. McKonwe's field where Of course it » hard to work. St.«.piiin a football match was warmly eontested ' over hurts, is tedious, and you between th« tenth lino Timers and the the 13th line Kovere, tho rasnlt beinti 1 iu favor of the Timers. Also a match between the eisth line team and MatwrU, tl^p score itanding 2-0 Id favor o( tk* fltb litie teaia. Const Feyersham, Jio. 694. 0. U. W. wonder what to do. Ever try NerviliueV Nothing like it for wiak 01 lame back. It panetrates to the core of the pain, eases from tl.e Brst upplioHti in, brings cure that deUos a reln|jBO. No Hniiiinnt ! is so clean, so soothiuR, so oer'sio to kill ' muscular, rhonmatic w sciatic pains. »tl«oasdnW«^*mkei.itb»Pwil»srtor- Your dealer nelis P<;Jso"'s Nrtrvillne in tan ciHW#^ yer^tthaw on Mowto/ large 85c bottles NVhy >H>t trjr it? Proton Station Garden Party. The Ladies Aid ef Pwton Frosbyteiian Church held a very enjoyable guden party on the church grounds FruLty ni|jht In the evening there was i» base ball match between toains from Proton Station and Bethel. The game residtod in a victjry for tho Proton t^jain, tao score being li5-8. .\fter the game ai! roiviired to the church grounds whore tea was l.tid. After tea a short but enjoyable progr-xm was given, consisting of ohorusos, solos and recitations. Tlie Proton choir opened the program with .1 -.vjll rendered choru*. Miss Saundets delighted the audieiice with several recitations, beinij heartily encored erich tijue. Miss Saun- ders is a clever reciter aud her oflbrts were hiijhly appreciated. Miss Madge McLe<'tn, of Toronto, rendered a rind responded t') a hcuiy eaane. 'Miss McLean possesses a splendid soprano voice aud is al.v.iys listened to with pleas- ure by a Prfiton audience. Miss K. Prickett, of Torojito Junction, :.l8o sang a solo ia a very pleiuiin^ laanuei-. Sba was encored responded with luother pretty solo. Tho Flesherlon Cilizuns' Band vi-\6 in a'.iond;inco and gave .1 Ixmnti- ful supply of music, botli before and during the program. Tliis is the firat time for a nu-.nbr of yeai-a tliat this baud liiis appeared ij Proton and thoy created a very favorable impression. The pro- ceeds of the g.udeii party amounted to over §60. >Ir. Neil McCanuell acted as chairman. £uee:iia Tho Grey OiJ. Boys oxoiirsion brought a lar§e number of frionds from tho city to visit their old hmne, amoa^' whom wore the following ; Measrs Wesley and Will Latimer, thoir wives and chil- dren ; Mrs. Slack .uul diii^Iitor, Ei'.ua, aud Mrs' Thoiinison and children, at R. Plantt's ; Mr. and M rs. K. KoUiuger at .Mr. Woodbiini's . Mr <tnd Mrs. .Vifred Thurston and children at Mrs. Win. Walkers, Sr ; Mv. and Mrs. Fred Le- Gard at Mr. Moldium s , Mrs. Purvis and son at J. E. Williams' ; Jlr. Ge«irge Gordon at Will Gordon's ; Messrs R. .iud R. Fogg at It. Parks ; Emerson .Smith at. the home ; Mrs. W 11 Fen wick and children a,t T. Fcnwicks ; Walion Williams and childi-ea at J. ^Viliianis ; Miss Grace .Taiiiieson. Mrs. Kern.ahan and Mrs. McKiimou at John K. .Jaiiiio- j son's; 1) .lainiflson ar, his mother's, Mrs. 1). Jamieson .s ; Jliss Georj^iua Smith and ' Mrs. Richardson and children at. Aditin I Smith's ; Mrs. .'iloott at U. Plantt's. Miss V. Johnston of Oriersvillo vinited I at Leonard Ijktiiii.'r'.', oiid Mtss Uislopj 1 of Clarksbiirg with h.>r i.iivtiiits in toe! - Valloy. ; Miss .\llie Wil'iams i; 'Wtt'-^iri^nds â- it Kiinborloy. "A Mrs. W. ti. F n.-.-^-\ 'tI ffcnr/ r f TVi- roni.o ti t'lo f^u-jl t'l Vrs. T.JK.'t'at' k of Eugenia .Mr. 'ind Mrs. "V. H. McN»)iy .ind .'. ughter spaak 8ui>d»y with frie«id.s at Full 44 inches wide dress voiles of black and white mixture, blue and white, grey and white. These are handsome weaves and sold in regular way at 81.00. Drop price, per yd 58 ALL WHITE LAWN AND MULL WAISTS DISCOUNTED .Ail our white blouses in tho house are a gem nf exiellence in every way and thoro are many styles to select from. Elbow, tbrjo p'arter or long sleeves in the vari- ous styles. Here's but a few qaotations to .?how how we're dropping the prices Roij. BOc for 35e; Reg. PSi 'or t>8c; Reir. *I-.0<»fjr7«c; Reir.'f^oO â- ' r Mfl; Koi:. 2.'CXi and 2.10 f. r 1 .,0. W.H .30 for LSo; Pwog. 3.00 for I ,'J:' -itc. ^.! sizes^n 'ho 1>6. 58c Dress Voiles for 35c Tliis lot ot tine quality dress voiles sisis of a large variety of flake and check effdote 42 in. wide, and seld in the reg- ular way at 58o per yard. Drop price per yard con- .2&c -' ?fl 00 DRESS SKIRTS FOR 94.38. Light Grey over-p!aid effeok skirts con- sisting of two styles, one having two rows of biack braid srouc '. bottom and plaitu ot'selt, the )ther, soreral tows of plaiting. These are haolsomo styles and oleannt litters, regular ptitjas tiSO and Sfi.'X). Df,; Price ,^-..: . . ?4.38 28c COLLARS FOR lOe An assorted lot of Ladies F-, jei.a -.Alfirs, all sizes, regtdar t.iook Price "»« .ung • ALL DRESS JVIU5L!SS ".EDUCED We've ^ nice ..asortmcnl. U-.-: J '.bia se.i^cii s ai.jss musiins but we do not purpose oar.-vtn.' (me piece (*2r .;o h-^vc .-educed all a: : ^ll-ws: Reg. lOc, drop priu- 7c, Reg. â-  " 12* and loo, Dr-.p Price 9c; Bo^. '-'5, 30 aud 35c per yard for ISc. McFAI5LA?^D SI COMPANY [ -^â- ^v- 'i^"^ V, '^ ^T'.â€"^mt^^:7^,^i7^ ^^ BROS. Tko bu..idii!y season id uow la laii swinj a .1 wo are ptepar.d to meet the deniaii-l. We have a fu'i stcc'- of everyihiug m that n-'o Ca^I and ;:et oai- pr*ees bt'f3;'o 'o.iying eUewhero. We liavo a full line of'Forks, Rak:s, Scytli^s, aocs, etc. necessary to Ibo Laving ^ 1 i harv3sl "-ada. Wc aio agents for tho Martiu Set ou.-va>.;L suarauteed ICO per cent, po 6 tbo best paiai on th-' market. GROCEiilES Vv'ljeo von waut grocevies t!-.. y:i can ie;y on we Lave tbom- Our persoBiil guarantee goes w th ai.^yllnog >e sell m the irtooery li"u. Tijo £ui; 8Ci»oa is now on atd wo cati snpt.i» yon with atij H;;d '1 frv- ' s MOW 1 sfa?. tj. PKICES V\VJ FOR BL'TTER AND EGGS. F R T Ii. ONTARIO. hig.:jes,t F L E 3 H ^g^^^lS^^^^^^^'t^^^'^^ r llei» - cm • Sbo^. 1 de.-ire Christcia cjaip!-.!'" torn wr 1 i.ifo-m the public I have o-*ni-d a new Tmsh-^p In the Bli'i'c. KI"shirtou. I have pun-hiised Mr. 7. G. Karste'lia (. ria-d'ir^ing outUt »tid aai iiiliy pr.'pr.r.vl to do all kinds of ciis- k. in''fa''.'n» 'ft'o 'â- â- '""3'''"K' '"''â- ''•'*'* '""''' "'"^ rnpairlnji .=1* iiiul rnpairln^ ot .M , ,. â-  ,-.. atoak oJ hoinemftda t;ii goods wiU be kent cfiwraiitiy .in h:i---t. I "ivpr-so "ii»ijj{ r.i\-.iMr.!c^">i> to otv pal o'lS and all luy wor< wdl 1.- iiiie with ih.w end in vi.'W-. <"Ji<-..> .;â- Â« s «ip. .Mid » chanoe to d«.!ioii- stritti my fihicsi l~ »*!rve yon. Kcfrit, l^«sb«rtcn« i fi;?^.l^X5^i»>^5<^t5ik^X^^J^^'5^^85»>^»»^

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