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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1907, p. 5

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^^â- ^ ! â-º <j s K. \ i TilE FLEESHEETON ADVANCE July 18 19o7 KSTABUSHCO 1«7a THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office • - - - Toronto $IJ00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Saving Departioent. Deposits of $i and upwards are received,! on wlucb the highest current rate of interest is allowed No Ddays in making Withdrawals Interest added four dmes a year Savmss Bank Depaitment in Connection with ail Branches. t» FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manci^er BRJVNCaES ALSO AT Z<JJ^ltA.M, HA.1A.RX.VTON Vicinity Chips' Fi)r money n> liiwe<it ratei?, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDuaen. Fl.Hhertou. Mr. Th-.s. Bulm-r vUued friouds in SinghHnipton last week. I Mr. C. W Rimuae i>f ilie Durhmi I Review WMH in towu MonJay. He at- j tBiidc'l thij funt- ml of the late R D. '; L-Kntti, w';u was a ni'phew tjy*?. Rfv. Dr. Brown, B.iptifli Foreign Missli>n Siipuiin'eudant, will prt^och in Mr. R. D. Hun-ell of Dundalk called ; tlie clupel on Suiidiiy forenoon on ye editor tbia week. j no%\ and m the othnr appiintuu-n's on Baled liay for .«Ale â€" Andrew B««Ltie, ' this eh«rK» at thu u.sual hours. Valley. Markdale P.O. 'j The Ft..«Wrt«« Ctieen.s Band is en- Mrs. Clinton and Misa Belle ««j{»d Ht a i^ftrden pi.ry at Proton Clinton were in Owen Soaud la«t week, S<*iioB tViday crenii.« .,f rhis wi^tk and Lath for 8»le â€" A|iply t., John H. Friday fV<;iiin2<): n;s.t woek at a m m<<ter Janiieson or ThoK, E. Fenwick, Eu^onia. Rwden prury at Rockvala under the uu:- A Mr. and Mrs. Richardson of Walker- P""'*^* "^ '*"* B« church, ton w.Te euests of Mr. and Mru. Win. ( Th.^ Gwy OM Boys of Toronto wiU Clayton over Sunday. arrive in f<.i-c« on 8»turday-of t.hi,<< week. Second-hand Noxen binder and mower 'A. '*•'"<"' '•â- 'â- ""<' 'li*" tver is expected this year and the j»l»t*- hand will be joy- fully ezlendot the home corners by the fcr sale. D. McTavish, Flesherton. Misa Leila Slonn of Eugenia was the j;uest of Misa Beatiieo Hales for eereral days during the put week. Mr. T. Clayton left on Friday last for a f irtnighfs bicycle and boating trip around the Georgian Buy, Muekoka lakes, etc. Mrs. Will Barnhouse ut Edmonton is visitiii? herparenl.s, Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of the "Valley. GIANT TRIPLETS -'Currency" 'Bobs" and "Stag" Chewina Tobaccoes. iu big plugs. Quality always the same. Mr. S. Cohjuett, Toronto, spent Sat- urday and Sunday with his family here, recurnioK Monday. For Quality aad Quantity ask yrjur deal- er for the new big plugs of "bobs" "stag" and "'currency" Chewing Tobajcoes. A garden party will bo held at the Rockvale Baptist chapel on Fiidsy of next week, of which more particulars will be ;;iren later. Mr. Chas. Phillips of the Toronto police force returued to hi* duties after spending a few weeks at his parental home near Maxwell. C=- C. E. Tryoiiâ€" Practical Painter and Di.'corator, will receive contracts for church decoration and school houses. Friceville, Ont. Silver watch Lostâ€" Tuesday ol last week, between Kimberley and townline, Artemesia. Ilaniilton movement. Finder I'l.'.'ise leave at this oQice. Several cars of No. 1 h ird ooal to arrive this month. Leave in your orders f./r your winter stock. J. and W. Boyd. HoitsES For Saerâ€" One good working mare and one good working horse, both heavy draught and in good condition, cash or good papei. J. M. Duncan Proton Station P. O. Mrs, Jaa. Oliver and little son. Jack, ^f Dutmit, are making a lengthy visit with the former's cousin, Mrs. Oscar Philips. Wanted â€" Two good ^tfl* '<>' dining room and kitchen work. Wages 814.00 per month, room and board. Apply ut <i;ics by mail to T. J. Heuley, 65<5 Yonge St., Toronto. In last weeks promotion examination report the name of Willie Wilson, as pa«9- log in second place from jr. 3 to sr 3, wa.<i omitted. W,v.NTgi>, â€" Work by an experienced tiireoherman (or the clover and grain nbuson <tu either engine or separator. Ap^ly at this office. Special singing iU the Methodist church next Sunday. A male quartvtt in the in'^rning. Dr Caldwell's'Sermous, a. ni. "Abraham's groat Sacrifice on the Mount" p m. "liiHuiuce of Music and Song. Loutâ€" Dark bay mare, 5 years old, weight 1250 pound*, white star in fore- head, hind feet white, w?aring baiter. Reward for information leading to recov- ery. Tulfur Bros., Limited, CoUiogwood. Sheep Strayed â€" Three sheep and one laiub came to this neighborhood aU'Ut the 1st of May. Owner please |>rove jjTopcrty, pay ex|>HMM at>^ take »p»y.â€" Ruddy Stewart. ctttsena uf this bur^. A gentleman who has travelled C(msid- erably informed The Ad\-«oce cii Monday I that tho crijps in this vi.:ni:ry are look- ing .is vrcil, if not better, than at any point in Ontario. It is nice to know that w>! areso fav.jrtd. Teacher Wantedâ€" For S. S. So. 11, Artemesia, male or female. hoMiiig a second cla.-is oertilicate.duties toconimence third Monday in .\ 1907. Applica- tions received up to July 15'h, 1907. \|>plv statin;: .=aliry to Ceo. Pritchard, Sec.-Treas., Vandeleur Tlie ludiesof the Methodist church will hold a garden party on the 2oth July at the residence of Mr. John Breen. The Flesherton Citizens' Band will bo pres- ent and render some tine selections. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. Ad- mission, 15c. Tea served from 8 to o'clock . The prohibitiouia'a of Dufferin have put up a candidate to contest that con- stituency against Mayor McK'.'own of Orangeville, the Conservative candidate, in the coming bye-election for the Lei^is- lature. Tpe candidate is R J. Woods of Muimur and his strong plank is opposiiiou to the two thirds clause in the local op- tion law. Noticeâ€" The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. contracts to pay niarkec value ffjr household effects, farm stock, implements, hay and '.jrain also losses or damaire iu full caused by lightuin:i at abon' half the iliat other companies charge. .An Institution that otfers auo'i terms deserves the alronage of all prop- gteasive f;irmerii. A post card adilressed to their agent, W. J. Bowes, markdalu, regarding terms will receive prompt at- tention. Notwithstanding the fact that railway excursions have been more numerous than ever this summer, every one of thcin hiis been well patronized and all have been mouey-makiMs for the societies under whose auspices the excursiins were run. This certainly denotes that people in this oouuty are iiving on easy street and are in a position to enjoy recreation ani siyht-seeiiig when the oppoiluuity otfers. R. D. Legate, son of Mr. R. P. Legate of Ceylon, passed peace fully aw.»y on Saturday afternoon last after an extmiled illness of cmsump- tion, at the age of 28 years: The young man contracted the disease a few years ago while working in Ottawa. He paid a visit to the sanitiriuin at Gravenhurst.but was not benefitted and had continued to grow weaker, until Saturday, when the spirit took rting. Kob. was a young man of sterlina qualities and was a favorite with all. The remains were intertisl in Flesherton cemetery Monday afternoon, followed by a largo concourse of people and acconnpaniod by the Flesherton Citi- zens' Kind, of which he was an enthusi- asti; and respected member until wtak- ness made him desist His parents, hrjlhers and sisters have the deep sym- pathy uf u large circle of friends. The sawmill belonging to Scott and Irish, situated on the 4th con of Osprey, | about three miles from Maxwell, was burned ro tiie ground on Thursday night 'It last wuek. It is not known how the tire oriyiuatud. There was a partial iDjuirance. Notice to treapassers â€" All people are hereby warned against trespassing on the berry patch uu my farm. Alfred Tiiis- tlethwaitu. 2 ins. Word was received here Tue.sday of the death of Ida,second daughter of Hev. S.D.Gaudin of Cross Lake missicn, Kee- watin, from diphtheria, which sad event occurred about three weeks ago. This is the third child Mr and Mi-«. Gaudin have lost while in the far north, the last a little girl of 6 years was taken la^t fall. The afflicted parents, with three children, are at present on their way east and will arrive in l''le:ihorton on Friday of this Week. Mr. S. H.Ea.stman of Meaforfl called on The Advauce one day last week, ilu had been visiting friends at Friceville, where he tauiiht sctionl three years ago. Mr. Eastiuun waj a tavorite at Pkiceville, iu ftutt bin sunny nature makes him a favorito wn.jii.Mer he goes. He is also an ex.^eeiiifig clever scholar and a young man <•{ auibition, wh > wiil doubtless be heard from in the affairs of tais coimtry. We iuive marked hiui down for something go;Ml if iiis h tulth holds out. fie has juNi gr;uIjaieJ from Toronto University, taking ht:; B. .A. also wiuuing the Mac- kenxie sehuiarship iu history, value 9373 in cash. Hi; purposes continuing his studies, but whether in Canada or Paris he is ni t ceitain. We always feel like taking olf our hat to a young man of Mr. Eastiuau 8 stamp. m n »» » « Mr. M. K. Riehardsou, Agent tor the Children's Aid Society, for this uiiirict, was iu town Saturday. He was out to Jamea Hogg's iu Melancthou, where there are livo small chi'ilreu in charge of their father, a feeble old man eighty years of aate. The young mother died a year ago last spriiii; of pneumonia and the children are in a deplorable state and the b.mie in a very uusnnitaiy condition. The old man objects to ijivi up the ch'idren to ihe care ol the society and it is probable the law for their proteutiun will hare to be enforced. Mr. Riohardsoo's work covers a large area iucludi'ig the counties of Bruce, Grey. Pullerin :i:id Simcmi, and the Georgian Bay Islands. His sounrl imlgiuent :ir.,l syinpaUietio u.iture specially lit him for hia work of mercy. -Dundalk Herald. A Mt. Forest ror'iJence was struck by lightning but was not set on tire. ii>^rj 'f^ ♦• -V ,♦- •â-¼â€¢.â-¼â€¢â- Â»- -^r -^ >»â-  V- V- -•â-  -^ -â-¼- -^ -^ -«^ ""'â- ""'â- ..T' "^>^i7^1«?5-*^sW FLY TIME. Now is the time to buy your screen iloors and windows. *f^ If^a Screen Doors from 90f to 1.75 {j^j \M Screen Windows from :inc to 35c PjI ^Preserving Time We have a full stock of preserving kettles, ceilers, etc. f(ir preserving time. Come early avul get them at last ;>^ years price.s. I FLOUK , 'â- Â»2 Juat a few ba^s cf .Royal Household left. Lits -.ii'Te to arrive in a few days ^'j ;>?Sj foi 2.75 per bag. iKV I " Stigati^ '- |i j^/ Redpath's best granulated sugar tor 4.^ piir c. t. Sold for cash only- ^T I F. gT KARSTEDT S Flesherton •* Ontario fi n Springs Summer Shoes Entrance Examinations. FLESUEKTON. For honor .stand. n^j; 7i per cent, of the totid iiiiuks were leijuired. Latimer. Clar.. ,;i, uors;) Belhiiiiy. Fred H.; Bellamy, Koi • P.: Best, EllaiButler, Veronica: Duncan, H'.rold; Fisher, Mar- garet: Johnston, rl'bt.; Legard,.Io.s..Ulan, Magoe, M.iiiiie; IM ilheson, Donald' Jb:- Cauluy, Jessie; McKinnou, Ella; McMil- lan, B'lorence; MilligJin, Cora, Mnir, Jen- nie: OvT, Alico Iioue: PoUai', Delia; Ki.l- ley Pearl E.; Sloan, Albert E ; V.^dlace, Koy H.: Warling, Minnie; Whitten, .\lf-, Ida .May; Watson, GLidys. DUNDALK. NOW Uut spriag Tvoather la apprcacLiiug you will lo- quira finer Foolwear. • We have made a very special effort in selecting our gooils. Our 3tocli cf Slices -.vai uover so nice a: ;:ow. They are neat aad nobby, la Ladies Bala we have Kiu. Dongola, fine qual- ity. Iii OsfoHs we have a Cue range of iLe latest styles. la Geuts' wear we have a full range of ill kii:tls. We also have a large asscrtuieat of Children's Shoes. Trunks and Tele'jcope.-- a Lirge Str, k at lowest Prices. Call and see U3. Wm. CLAYTON ;^ Bailey, Mamii-; Uell.Samuel; Cornfield, Norman, Champ, Lotne; GulieK,'Jhristinn; Hayes. Kathleen; Henderson, Stella. Mc- Artliur, Melville; Neelson, L'zzie; Niehol, Lcuio; Piper, Harry; Kmidle.Rhea; Rus- sell Veroin; Sha:'p, Ruu«, Wright. .4nnie. TIio cortitjcates of thcMe who have pa.s.s- ed nud iiiarka of ( failed will bo sent in due lime to teachers or candidates. MAKKDALE Black, .Maggie J.; Itiiwers.EthuI, Boyd M.irtha; Burnett, Eva; Chapman.Geo.W; Elliott, May; Foyarly, Angela; Halbert, Frco; Henry. Willard; Irvinic, Sarah E. ; lrvin,U"ury C, Leslie, Wm. H.; Ma'aou. Md'on;; McCar'y, Mac; Kitciiie, Miy; Richa:dson, Euieraon; Scoit, Ellis S , Walker, Enid. Court Northern Light, No, 127, 1.0. F. .\NNL' .All FXCrusION fr.iiii OUKN SOfM> ami all stations South toSlu-Un-tUBt'TORONTO ami Nl.\U\K.\ Kil.Ij^i N. V. I'er Canadiau PiLCilic Hiiilwuv to Turooto, Niu,<ara Navii;atioii Co. to Ltjwistoii. Oo.qo Route EIck3t:ic Kallwiiv to the Fnlli'. ( UIU.^Y. .lULY I9th. iDir.T KATH.STO gtatioQ forouto Niiujar* Time Kails N.Y, .jflBftvinf Owoii Sound .. ?:'iU ?2..'» 7-(» A. .M Knoklora 4 aiO 7.17 " CtintsKorth 2.i0 i;« 7. 10 • Rollan.lCoiitrQ..aiO «.ao 7 •14 " betkley 2.05 i-JO 7.5i â-  Marltclttio C.Oj 2.10 8.07 ' FlbKhertOQ .... ilVJ 11.U5 S.-30 • Proton 8U) B.CS S.SS " Uuuiialk 2.i» 3.0.1 H.1S ' OoiDotoii i'X) aOO SM •• Mo!n.notbon 3.03 ' Sh-llmrno ... l.O l.W 0.19 " ChilJrou bet retiii ft au<l li yoar?, hajX >vbin-i- fare*. Al! tirkcts to Sia^ara Fall*», o\copt froio Sbolburne. :.'yod to rvfeurii bv ^oe<'ithI train luaviiiK (YouUiJ St.) vbiM f .Ti!y '22i»dati0 o'clock i>. ik . or by any rci;ulu< train not lator i.ban .I':ly 3S\nl. Toronto tiukji^ (tood to rntiirn nor later than July IfOtla. Sliul- b:>rno ticH«ti* u.>0(J to retuvn uot l.otor tlicin J ily2iHh. to NIT K.^IL T<1 TAKK IN THISOliU KFlia.MM.W AND ALWAYS RN JOY- BEN THAIVl BROS. ^jHai;dwarej^ The building oeasou is uow lu full swiug and we are fully prepared to meet the demand. We have a fu'l stock of everything in that hue. Call aud :,'tt cur prices before buying elsewhere. We have a full line of Forks, Rakes, Scythes, Uoes, etc. ueetssary to the baying and harv3si trade. We are agents for the Martin Seuour paint guaranteed 100 per cent, pure, the besi paiut ou the market. GROCERIES When yon want gioci.rios tlmt you can rely on we have tbent" Our personal guarantee goes with aii^vtiiiiig v/e sell in tl.e â- .;roceiy l ^ Hue. ? * Tlie fruit season is now on and we ctiii supply you with any and [-i all fruits now in soascm. j ^ HIGUEST Places PAID F(JK BUTTER AND EGGS. R^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, r! „ f'i liil = tin = ^ I desire to iiitcnm the public that I have opiii.'ci :i new Tinshop in the Chn.stoe Block, Flesherton. I have purcl.-useil Mr. F. G. KaiK'i»dt s complete linsmil'iing outfii and am fully p'epatcd t'< do all kii.ds of cus- tom work, includins^ eavo troughing, furoikce w.irk and repairing of all kinil.s. A full Btuvk of hi in<'in:ido tin eoials will he ki pt coiisianlly on h.aiid. I [lurpose giviiiy sjitisfaction to my palio'is afij all my worn will be done with that end in view. Give tne n call -and a chance to demoD- strate my fituvss to serve you. P. norriSt Fl^sbertott. P^3!o?«^^XB'*kS^^>'il^^ff'tJ^kj5lfci^^5ti^iS!!i^^4^^K^^43^^ Some misoreaiit ia scratching plate glass windows in Mt. Forest and the police arj afte; biut. A Brantford farmer shipped a car ln,.cl of rhukens til New Yolk and reprrts I hat they l.iid enough i'|;g» eiiroute to pay the freight.

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