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Flesherton Advance, 18 Jul 1907, p. 4

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â- V. V July 18 1007 THE FLESIIfiRTON ADVANCE ~^!WR5H! ^d^yVWVV'W^ wywywwvy^ F, T. HILL & CO. BOOMING OUR JULY CLEARING SALE DuiinR tlie mouth of July wu an through all depntmenti in our h'n store and giither in »I! broken or odd linen and also mnny linos of n.erolmndiae thai h»ve not sold jmt us fuHt iih thfy ought to. In this wny wo con- stitute H July cloiirinif sale when all lines src put ou sulo regnrdlcHs of cost which means extraodinary value In the buyer. The foil iwng »hould be of iutorest to you. TRIMMED MILLINERY AT JUSr HALF RF^GULAR PRICES. In two wueks time our Millinery Department will be closed for the senson and in order lh>it we ahould not carry over a trimmed hat and to make sure that thay will be hoIJ, wo CUT THE PRICE IN TWO, ho be on hand enrly; best always go (iist. TABLE OIL CLOTH REMNANTS AT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN YOU PAY. 'Wpieces Table Oil Cloths in a great variety of patterns, all table cloih loDgths of 2^ and 2J yards each, selling at ) lefs than regular prices as follows: 2i yard loiisjths Fancy Table Oil Cloth for 43c. 2J yard lengths Fancy Table Oil Cloth for 48j. 50 ends In this |midsummer| if -- SALE -- I ! jfi Liidies White Shirt Wni^.s, regii!:ir 1 50 to 1.85 for 7oc 4^ \ y^ "'lint Wr»[>p.;c», r.^.'ular 1.00 for Toe '»^ F.ihcy Die-K .llaalins, soiling at 10, 12^ rtiid 15c ^ Km broidery Iiisci i ion.*, rogular 10c for 7c ^ I.aiiios' White rndcrskirts, rugulai' 1.25 for 98o ^ Ladies' White UudcLskirtH, 1.50 for 1,15 ^T Special piicct'K in nil wliite goods including Uowns, Corset Covers, Drawers. ^ Women's Cotton, reg. Ifrc lor 10,. Q[} A comploie etnck of P»r«sols ranging in price froui (iOc to 2 25 lino. A SNAP IN BOYS' COTTONADE KNEE PANTS. 12^c 125 is I pairs Boys' Cuttonade Pitnts, just the thing for the small boy for summer wear aud the piice 1 Cy^n less than the cost of making. On sale at per pair. J. ^2V^' Men's Furnishiiigs. Bolts, Neckww^r, etc. I80 7!lo BIG SNAP IN BOYS' TWEED PANTS, 29c. Per PAIR Tweed Pants, odd linep. many different patterns, but all sizei in the lot. July 75 pairs Boys' price per pair SELLING GOOD DRESS (JOODS AT ONE-THIRD TO ONE-HALF LESS THAN REGULAR VALUE. We have nearly 100 pieces of Dress Goods which bare not been selling as fsKt as we would like them. There can be nu fault found with the quality aud the lot represents 50c and 75c lines in blacks and colors, Ua «ile during July at per yard only 29c. SELLING LADIES DRESS SKIRTS AT REDUC- ED PRICES. 48 only Ladies' Dress Skirts in browns, blues, praya and blacks, nearly all sizes in the lot and 83 76c.$4.60, and 85.00 Skirts are include<l. During July, your choice for 2.48 LADIES FINE WHITE BLOUSES. SLIGHTLY SOILED WITH HANDLING, FOR 58 CENTS. 50 Ladies White [..awn Blouses in 95c. f 1.25 and 81 .60, iiunliiieh. These are soiled from handling. During July, your choice for 58c. 29c LADIES SUMMER SKIRTS AT 50o. ON THE?; BLOUSES TO MATCH. 7B Ladien Sammer Skirts in tioe lawn.s and linetis; some are insersion trimmed. Some uiitcle with pleHt-s, and some lace trimmed; all sizes nie on, hand if wanted we have the blouses to match. Your choice for i'Hc CLEARING OUT ODD LINES OF SHOES 08c. A PAIR. 125 piiirs Children's, Oirls' and Boys' Shoe." in Doti- goUs Buffi, Glove Grains and Box Calf nil s'zeB are ii> the lot and in many cases the price U than half, your choice durinfr July r 58c CLEARING OUT ODD LINE.S OF SHOES AT }»8.;. 150 pairs Womeirs, Boys', Girls' and Men's Shots in extra good iju»lities but not exactly the latest styles but represent good wear and iicurly all sizes arc in the lot, and many ciines the price is less than hnlf. Dur- ing J uly your choice for per pair It8<;. A full range of Suninitr Uuderwiar Fancy V08U1, Cabhcnere Socks, rt'iiu'ar 2oo for Fancy Shirts, regular l.(^) for House Furnishings .\ full range of Carpets in Tapi'Htry Brusseli, Wools, Uiuons, also Linoleums and Oil CIolli.s. Bcujlit at the ild piicea am! ai there has boijn a big advance in these goods you will liiil it worth your while to make your purehisBK while you g. t the b.;nefit of ihe old price. 4 yd wide Linoleum bi'st quality at, per »\. yd 00 1 1 Flour 81 Feed I ^ We have a full s'ock of fl.jui an.l feed includine. Bran, Sli'irt', Feed flour, ^^ ^ and FIVE ROSES FLOUR made by the Lake -jf the W(X)ds Milling Co. ^ " Koewatin â€" Every b.-'g of this Hour is gu.iraateedâ€" the best 9our in the laud r â€" no other can equal it. eHO€€RV DCPHRCIttCnC $PE0T HCS. 4 CANS CHOICE I'EAS FOR 25c. 5 CANS CHOICE HERRING FOR 25c. 3 CANS CHOICE CORN FOR COAL Several cars of No. 1 Hard Goal to arrive this mouth. Parties who Coal f >r the winter months should give their orders uoiv aud get the lowest price â€" call an 1 leave your ord»rsâ€" a gool tinii now to get it in. Hardivare A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axes, sans .lad all kinds of wood men's Bupplie.s, alsi BUILDER'S SUPPLIE.'^. Pariiej contemplating building should not neglect getiing our prices before purc!.a.<in^ elsewhere. J. S^W. in ouKi^nDKEaiJiKe dephrciuciic. Vou will find a full line at prices you want to pay* FLESH ERTON^ WW MARKPALE RAMWW^ In publinhed rvery Tliurwlay at $1.00 yai ainiuni ifiwid iiia<lvanc<>, ^l.Tx) if nut ho |>aid Road Thoughts, ' At a meeting held in UuHlph recently A W . CauiplMjIl, Ueputy-Minister of I'ubli': Works, made tlio following aiale- niuiit*: â€" "In the Ust ten years the resi- â- leiits of townships in Ihe Province of Ontario have spt-iit 10.510,900 day.n in Malule labor. In the same time the t'iwn<hip council have expended 89.- U45,tiltt in cash on the iiiakiiii;and re^Miirs of public highways within their li.iiitti. In additi<in to this nearly 9'<IOU,000 has been spent by the eoui-lies (one third of i-auiu beiMi{ contributed by (he Provincial (â- ovuriiineiit) under what is known as the good roada inovoineut. This statement doi!i not includu the out- lay by citief, towns, and villages, nor uven the cunaidjrablu sumi spent by uountiea which are not taking advantage ol the (joveriunint'H g x.d nmiis policy. Astuuilii.{ that stuluie labor ih worth a dollar a day, there has been expended tluougb the towmliip councils alone in hlior and ca.ih twenty million dollars, 'ir two million ay^-a-^, in ih-last ten years. And yet I venture to say that the rimds >>f the Province are littlo betlsrllmii thuy vtere at tliu beginning of that ten year periisl. " DuuliiiK with the pieliminarius iivCtHsary to secure ;fioJ toails, Mr. 1 ('auipbt'lt said:â€" "The first thing to do is to pass a by law iixiiiit the width of 4iighi|tiiya within municipal judrisdiction. Tlie next IS to provide for the abtilition of the statute l.tlxir, and the raising of the money necestary lor the roads in the furiii of uaah. The third is to provide for the ap|H>inlmeiit of a skilled itticer. who will hake supei vision of a'l road buildiiikt wiihiii the iiiunici|ial limits." Since ilie passing of ihu good roails laws there has been 'pent l>y ii'iie counlieti i.eariy i!K)0,UOO, ime third provided by the provinci'. Of this amount Smiic«<- ha. s|>eiit 8i)7, M:M1I1; Wentwotth, fSfi, H00.25; Lanark. 8:(0.1AU; WellinKton. «I7,84;1 70; Oxford, 8l7.«7«.S7, Lincoln. S'.I,125.II7; Middlesex. 87. 141.3(1; Leiuiox and Aildinkitoh, $4, 3.')8. 18 , and Haatings it, 438 75. A New Stevens Catalogue Wti have jusi been informed that the J. Stevens Anns &, T<x>l Co., Chico|a'e Falls, Mass., manufacturers of the |n>pu- lar Steveiui Single Shot and Repeating Rides, Shotguns, Pistols, Firearm noces- sorieH, etc , have issued a new H'M page u<it<ibi]gue. Tbi.s B4x>k of Reference enibmceN de- tailed descriptions and illustnttions of all St^ivens goods and contains in addition. valu^lde and intereating pointers on the proper care and selection of Firearms, Shi Kiting, Ammunition, etc. The front cover ia especially attractive and uivjque and ori((inaf besides. It de- picts, ill appnipriute ctdors, representat- ives of all nations shooting the univer- sally popular Stevens mixiels and nmkes a stirring "action picture." A number of the well-known Stevens Anns are faith- fully pniduced in conjunctiou with this illuKtriition. We HUggest that all iiitereatc'd in fne- ariim â€" and what healthy, red-bloodid American is notfâ€"should send 5 cents in staiiipa (in order to cover postage), to the J. iStuvens Arma & Totd Co., Chicopee Falls, Mass., for a copy uf their latimt attractive and exceedingly useful tiienrin catah>gue. A s'.range accident happened lo two canoeists tni the Saugeen near Walker- ton re«eiilly. \ farmer had a'rnng bai b wire across the river to keep the :attl« Iwck. TliB canoe struck this and in n jiffy 'he boat cajwized and both the oc- cupants of the canoe were precipitated into the water. Mr.Robeitsim suoce.^ded in leacliiiig the shore, but Mr. Hender- son L'ot his feet tart|>ted up in the wire and was almost diowned before he could liber- ate them. His coat and wnistuoat had in the meanliiiie floated down the stream ! and have not yet been recuvcred. Alone with the waistcoat went Mr. Henderson s 1 gold wa'ih. Mr. Robertson lott a suit case and contents. Seven oien hata been aneated by Oiit. deleotivea, ahanted with passinit countiT- fuit inoQ«y. Alt are, or have been, resid- ents of Lindsay. Conductor Thompaon, who wassentenc ed to thr«a yearsin ueiiltoniiay for neg- lect of orders, reauUiog in the colliaioii at Uourock, haa been pardoned by the Minister of Justice. BITING PAINS IN THE BACK. Rvery man and woman â€" who has dragged the day out with back " almost brealciag," and then tossed in bed from side to side in a vain endeavor to find relief from the maddening piiu â€" would pay fio a box, if necessary, for Bu-Ju. 'Hie first box gives such iirstant re- lief â€" and afterwards tskes away every trace of pain and soreness â€" that sufferers would not be without them at any price. Bii-Ju costs only 50c a large boxâ€" and is gnarantecil to cure Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and Rheuuiatlsm. If your druggist does not handle Bu-Jnâ€" the Gentle Kidney Pill â€" write The CUaiu Chem. Co., Ltd. Wiudaor. Out 55 rKfR^jfi; he got Sr. Patrick (luieted, but it is cer- tain that he did aud what is stra nger still is the fact that the ovvnjr o.soap ed with only a few scratches on his hind and a few on his side. HOMESEEKERS' • â- COND-OLA«« ROUND'TRir EXCUR«ION« TO ,, MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA ExournoDslaava Toronto TuMdaysb wta sixty days from coins June 4, IS I July a, le. SO I Auarui â€" ~ SMtt. 10 and a*. TIekota fithin Summer Stock. I have on hand -a number of Rub- ber l\ugs. Dash Aprons. Dusters Fly Nets, Whips, Axle Grease, Hoof Ointmetit. llivrnees repair ing (.f all kinds >'.one promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposito The Advance ctili.'e. Fleshkkton, - - Ontario '. Geo. Ruther- iia-r<i« eooapi' 'I'he hired man at M font's. I^ort-e, had a very fiiiln b ing kitlu.l by li^hMiing. While I he fanily were at breakfast a ourrunt pamml throliKh the hoU't*, tirikini the lured man and p4rM«<iy piralyziiiK his arm and ha. id in whioh h« neld liw fork, ^^e learn thit hi is rucoreriiig from the i-lf^icts and will pro^ahty not lt« disa' led ill sny way, â€" Raflisutur. Mr. John McKenaie, Spruce Hedue, Kuward, lost a valoalde horse recently, by a peculiar acoidi<nt. A board had iMien taken off the hurie'a stall for venti- lation, the horse sot hia head through Ihe aperiiirti and in twiating to fet his hi-ad ou> ho must have bunt Ihe juular Tuiii in his neck, as heUed lo death interndly, dropping dead while being l«d away from the stable. The loaa ia lisavy, a« the horse was a pure brsd Clydesdale stnllion. two yuani old an I waa »a« falueil at |l,- 000. That the hearis of lb* paople arejn ' the rit(ht place waa deiuunatrated at Oreeuiore the other day in a practical manner, aays The Star. Miaa Ann Nee- ly was unfortunate In Itiae two eowa' wiihin the lait few m'mtha, and aa it wai' from tbooi that ib« greater part of hnr iiiooiue wn« der.ved, it waa vrry general- ' ly felt that the loaa waa toomueh for her' III buai alone. Ao«n«dingly a nihacriptinn list was iwi toot, and In a rar* short time over 950 waa oonirilMitfil mm h*i>dod to her lo aaatil in f^^imttni *hat «he h^d been t»^l^J|1 HP»tp |n laaiaf[. / Progress on the ni'W railway is not 1 very swift in town. The right to oro»> : Oarafraxa Street has not yet been set'lrd, I though an enKineer of the Railway Com linission was li<n-e recently and loiiked in I the direction of the disputed tenitory It aeoms as though anothfr yi'ar «ill elapse before cbe cars come in. â€" Durhiiin Crhonicle. TOURIST SLEEPERS Ar* tb* Mina from all polnta in Ont«rio> raofing from S32.00 round-trip to Wicnipac to 142.60 round-trip to Ed- Tiekats to all pointa in tb* North-we(«. A limltad numt>«r of Tourist Slnping Cars ^â€"^â- ^^^â€"â€"^â€" will t,e run on aach •xoursion, fully aquipped with bedding, ato.. •mart purt«r in cliarge. Barttia miut Iw aaoured and paid >>or through local agent at least six days bafore aacunuon laavee. COLONIST SLEEPERS i°rrr&"fS "â- """"""*""""""â- "â- " bertha, paasangara •upplying their own baddiag, will lie uaed aa fa* aa poaaible in place of ordinary ooachea Rales and full Information contained In fNia HomeaaalMrs' pamphlet. Ask nearaat O.P.R. asant for a copy, or writ* to .^ e. B, rami. DMtM Pm*. W» ^*-^ Tof«als F,ir liokata and full inform i ion see W. (Caesar, Agent, Flesherton. The aun lis of Ciuadian borsoiunnship pretwilt no m.ire atrikiiig iiiitanoe of a narrow escape than is contained in a n- port that comos from the lowii>-hi|i of (ilioonock Tlioj mail who tiguiid in ilii." dang irons incident i.s .las. I). Oiiniinell, owiuirsml manager of the noted l*i ivh I oi'oii stallion, St. I'atrick. Ho \v.'«s in ik- ing hii usual eoiice.ssions wh'n an niito- I mobile swo iped by and canned the bi.: I Ht'tlluin to roar ii'io the air. Mr. ('amp- he. 1 was sitliiig ill the rii! Ir.idiiig the h'irso when the incident bai pfued and before he ciuld wet from b.s pHiilm," , p'laition the stallion tnire down on the rii;, . wreokiin; thj v>-hicle and strikinu the occitpnnt with hw kn-es. Mr. Caii'iihll I was :;riishe;l ai{ainst the wheel .if the biii;- , uy but mansKod to get clear of tli\). out- fit before the bi^ steed comm-need iilnn- lliin*. The crash of the wroek oiused the horse in tliu shafts to break lo -se and it projceded up the road l.'avin; Mr. t'ainp- b II and the big stallion to fight it out on Ijle highway. Uistorrdoes iii,t t«ll how STEVENS IN CAMP OR FIELO-AtI MOUNTAIN OR 8HORB i Thera It always* chine* I to enjoy isme ihooting TO SHOOT WELL VOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE FIREARM 1 the only kind we have been making far upwards of f Ift; yeart. Ogr Una: RIFLES, PISTOLS, SHOTGUNS, RIFLE TEIeSCOPES! ETC. Aal( your Dealer, and Insist on the HTKVKNS. Whore not sold by K«. tallers, «o ship diroot, ox|irr«a 1,1-0- Pald, upou rvceipt of CatuloK prioo. Mvatl n,r 140 fug* lllu>trate<l caliiluK. A n lartlapeBHklilo houk or ready rslter«BC« tor innn nad boy - 4 euBta la «hoot4*r«. lanvni Muilod ntr" rcn «'»lor Ilaagar Aurwurdud n>r »l» >«at« la »taii. J. STUVKNS ABX8 * TOOL P. O. Bos «oe7 rhloop«o Falls, Maaa., r. S. .4, CO. WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia st ock - -- Bes t St^ck Bc1l$» DlanUets* RoMs Fur lined cuats, pockelboo!;.s, satchels, razor .strops and othir lei'.thcr yoiiis. utters -bosl makes -and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Oi\t. Pure Bred Camwortbs and BirUsbires I have fur null' young stcxjk of bothbit.'i>d« ft r lire-.'din^t inirpostd. CMmi »nd see tlieiii <o- write ior ii.icvs. M.17U7 -G. W. Koss Maxwell. farm Property for Sa!:* Lota ?.8*'i;1 :». coact'«aion 8, 200 aero---; Lot :i8, looucxhiou It, 100 iicrra; Lot 38. aonojiiaioT 1'.;. no aov< I.; Lot iff, cnnce^iloii \i. KHstiirly 8.^ aisTOB. Tha aloinsttUl are all lu tho t'lWTiBliiv of Artinibnl* iiijil will bo soli) at reai«>u^t>l>> pi'icee on casv toruiH. J.K.fiil ULING. EoxS67, ColUoKWoud ~" Farm tor Sale I Lot li.")*7. aid uou. W. T. a. K., Arteniowa. , oolitiitniiiR about 11.S of ivh, about 20 acrtii lni?.n â- lu.l swaioi'. Will watDiii.l, largo frAiiio Imid I ami oc'Uifuitalile bouSH. b;u»ll orcbai-J. Vot ! s«96lou to bf bid 111 tall. For price au J terms 1 apply on (arm to tUf m dersignedorKljiiliertim r.O. JOH^ SriSVVART, I'lop. Bull tov Sejpvioe Thorough brr<\ Durlintu bull for aervice. JOHN ADAMS, Flmherton. % :; ' . . h >{-' \ I / it;

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