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Flesherton Advance, 11 Jul 1907, p. 5

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-wd? :Ji:*Z*^--^ V TilE FLEESHERTON AD7A.VCE July 11 19u7 : -v >, t < C«TABUSHCD 1S7ft THESPM)ARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - >. . . Toronto The Standard Bank pays Interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. Safvii^ Bank Desmtment in Connection with all BrandKS. FLSSHERTON BRANCH George Matci\ell, Man&ger BICAMCHXS ALSO A.T I>^J».£[AM. UAK.XXSTOM AND PRIC£V3t.Z^£ Vicinity OKipS Pr^sbylenan church Sunday. Mr. Mc- I Le.nn alfwi atWnded the 50 year juiiilee Baled li!»y fur mIb â€" Andrew Bealtie, Orange Vaiiey. MtrkJnle P.O. IJoin â€" At FUshcrton on Sar.d«j, July 7, to Mr.»ad IIts. P. Loocks, a s-m. For money at lnwest ratei*, Und secui- ity. go to ^- S. VauDTJsei*, Fiesherton. Mn4. jS^is-^n of Markhivm is the j^cfst <of her smV, Mrs. i. Wilsun. LaHi for Rale â€" Apply t.i Joha H. Ja:uies<>a or ThiHs £. FenwlcW, Eujenia. The Bai>ii»t S. S. picnic wm heU Tat^- dny in R. .\!lea'9 bosti. For Qu liny and QdatitiTy ask your er for the now Uig plt;j{»r>f •'bobs" "stag" and ''ocTrticy" Chewing Tob«3co«s. Mrs. W. Beotham biu been atteii;lir^ the bed.'-idu of Mrs. A B^atham in Tor- cuto fur the past coipla of weeks, GIAST TRIPLETS -'Currency' "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewtne Tjbaccoc?, in big plu^s. Quality always tho same- Mrs. R. W. Laird of Petrolia and her j of the Pric^vilk- Presbyterian church Mun- ; diy eirening. ytva. .1. M Duncan and daughter, [ Lena, visi'ed in Toronto last wo-k. Mrs. Oeo. Slau^^h'er and two daiiuluflrs or Stmlford nri> sp,.'n(iiii2 a couple o." wcck.s with Mr an<^ Mrs. W. H. Bunt. Sheep StriTpd â€" Tlirpf shficp and one I lainli CKinn -o this Pfit;hl-orl".o<1 ^h«>a< ; the 1st iif May. Owner please prove I iiroporty, pny fS.{rt>niie3 aiid 'uke away.-r^ â-  R'ddy Stewar^. j \V»n;<"d â€" T«-i-v good gir!» for d'nina room and ki'choii work. Wa^t^s ?14.0O 1 per in"nth, roini anil b<..'«rd_ .\r|i1v .ir 1 .in?i» Ky mail ti> T. .1. H.>a]oT. 556 Y"P!;e St., Tcronto. Teacher Wantedâ€" For S. S. No. 11, -Xrternesia, male or female, holJin<z » <eeriij cla'^s certifioafc, duties 'ocomnionio third M-»nd.iy iti Au^nst in07. Applica- tions received up to July 15'h, 1907 two sons, Gjrdon *od Linton.are visiting 1 Apply st.-\tin;: s.-»lHrv t" O.-o. PritL-Hwd^ at the Baptist parsoaagti. Subject at Baptist church next Sunday nioruiog ia " A Royai Sui-itde. " Rev- Lewis F. Kipp will preach. Secoad^Land Nuxen binder and mower for sale. D. McTarteh, Fiesherton. Friday will be the glorioua Twelfth. Arteinesia district purposes ct^IebraCiug at Markdale and Osprey at Msxwell. Fleshertou Band will le»»e for Toronto Thursday eveniog to take part ia the ::el- cbratiuu there on Friday. Mrs. L. \V. Thom nod Mrs. Chiistoe of Waldermar ar« spending a few days in town. .\b»ut twoDty ttckets wer«sol(I here for the S.S. excvnioo to NiacMs on Friday last. Midses Martha and Lena Wright of Detroit are tiuetts of Mis F. H. W. Hickhng nvd other friends. The PrttabyteriaQ Sabbath ichiHiI held their aniiutd picnic on the »gricaltur»l grounds Tuesday afteru<ion. Sheep strayedâ€" One «we wiih wool on and two Fpriitg lambs. InfortDation thankfully received by Wiu. Cameron, Eu^jer.ia P. O. .\n ox team driven to a cart passed tJiroujh town nn This relic of t>ld decency attr*c:«d oonsiderable at- tention. C. E. Tryonâ€" Pract4oal Puinivr and Decorator, will receive ooutrao's tor church decoration and school bouses. PriccviUe, Ont. The Misses Fulton of Woodstock and Mr. Irving U. WaUoo B. A., colleK'*'* teacher, Toronto, are gaMM of Dr. and Mrs. Carter. Osprey District L.U L. will oeWbrate At Macwell on (he 12th, with a choice concert at ni^ht, at which Bert Harvey, the comic, will be present. See bills for full |>articular«. Dr. Ctldwell's aermotu next Sunday, a. m.,"The Blood 8p(iakliDgand Siayiiig of the Firitbortt." p. m. "The Young Man, Snitablt) tor â-  husbabd." The furs found at the station kiti week h,tve been shipped to the office of the Deputy Attorney GeDeral's dopaiment, ToronU>. Wantkd,â€" Work by an ex^^iMlced threeherman for the clover and grain sea.oon on either engine or tvp&ralor. Apply at tbix office. Sec.-Trcas., Vimdrleur H"R.srs For Siesâ€" t'^iie g(K>d xorkina mare and one go-il worJcins Itorse, both heavy Jrau>,ht and in eood condition' cash or good pap^r. J, M. Duncan, Proton S?«iion P. O. Wiiatedâ€" .\ â- .^•>od sjirl for general house- hold work in family of four; must be neat, clean and reliaM*. The right airl will be well paid, initial Hilary S15.W per mon'h. Write at once givim; refer- ences as to character to C. W. Cli idwick, Cr Beaty .\ve Toronto. Lostâ€" Between V;indcieur and Flesber- ton or in the tatter Monday sfrernoon, a number of letters siid tnvel.pes con- taining notes and receipts to the value of 8600. Finder please leave at this ofliee F. T. Hdl A Co., Markdale, are bo.>iii iug % cleariiig gale durini' the baUiioe of July. Tlioy have cut millinery in half, and also make immense raductious iu table oil clo'h reniuauts, boys' cl"Chiiui, dress goixls, ladies" shoes, etc. Prices will be ^-iven in next week's adveriieemcnt, but d'lri't wail ior that. Tho bargains are here â€" ci-tne and get lh<-m. At a ui'itod meeting of the congreg- ations of Eugenia, Fleuherton and Proto" Station Pre»byteri:in churches, held on the 3rd inU, it was uuaminously :igreed to issue a cUl to Rev. tJ. C. Little of Both well, in the Chatham Presbytery. .Mr. Little preached here oa two occasioo^ teceiitly. Tho agricultural ground* here were the scene of an excitiu;; footbidl ma*ch Monday eveni.'g. The men building the cement walks in town undertook to trim the junior team of this place. Somehow they were amiss in their calculation us - the juniors won, the score being 5-0. vVe heard dark rumors to the effect that the gi.Mtl keeper for tho cement men was bought, but have been unable to verify them. SoncK â€" The Mutuiil Fire Insurance Co. contracts to pay niiukec value for household elTect-', f trm stock, impleiueuts, hay and v;rain also losses or damage in full caused by lighln;ni{ a*-. about half the cost that other com[>anies charge. An Institution that offers such terms deserves the atrouage of all prop- greisive farmers. .\ post card addie&sed to their agent, W. J. Bowes, markdale, regarding terms will receive prompt at- tcutiou. Ornnd Orange Demonstration, Mark- Mesurs. Thus. Fisher »Dd John English dale, July 12th,â€" S;:ceche!>, Games and juturned hfitue 'com Idaho on Mooday. jc^mcert. IVizus for marehing and lo jge.s Mr Fiskor camefur his family aud Mr, 'coming a great distance. Siiecial traiu English ilso purposes retuniing bo Idaho as follows;â€" Corbeton leave 10.30, faro after harvest. 75c; Dundalk, 10.40, COo; Proton, 10.50, Mm. K Vsnaant uui son, Milton, , 40c; Fiesherton, 1100. 25c. See bills who have been visiting friends bere for for particulars. Jas. I, Rowe, Mister the (>«st fortnight, returned lotbeiihuwe 10-t L, 0. L. in Toronto uu Uosd^y. ( The quarterly business meeting of the J^v. McLoAO of Tata pMscbed in th» Baptist church here, was held Monday eveninii. The Tressuvei^B. Allen, re- j.orted a total tnoome during the quarter <.f $75.83. abou: S42. of whicii cime |ft«:i Suuday collections. After pnyiiig all eipen-ies. » balance oi three dollars re- maiued. Tl«j pastors report showed f.^rty seripops pie.tched, laentyseven prayiT meetings conducted, three funerals and two ba^isms. Mrs. H. B. gakes of San Dieso, Cal., and Mr. Geo. Harris, St. Catharines, ire guests of reli\tivea heire. Mr. M K. Richardson left on Tuesday for au ni.opectien tour through Muakoka and Psrry Sound diitrict io connection with his child saving work, and expects to be away s<>rae time. His duties will take him as far noith as Tur'as Fails. Mrs. Audrew Beiithaui, wi.o under- went an i^perstion in the Western hos- pital. Toronto, recently, is recovering nicely and was removed on Sunday to -he h-::ije of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Sh-^i^fiid. It will be some time yet before skti :"s s'long enou-^h to bebrt)ught home. Ther-j has 'jeen some 1-ttle friction In town over the impounding of , animals. It aeeijis the pound keeper appoint- ed by the Council did not ijuiiiify by tak- iti;; the (IfccLiration of office, but instead haudeJ ever thj ji^b to Mr. Harmon Rad- ley who accepted it and also ti.-ok in some animals Wwte brought to Lim. As he evidently not properly jippointed soaie of thrt owners of impounded animals are t:o-.v after him and something will pr>tbibly be heard from it at nexr Divlsi-tt Court. Mr. Geor,'e Lavrrence 'li Kiraberley •died on Sand.iy last at the ^e of 74 rears. Mr. L.i»rence had been in failinv; h^jalth fot- souae Voars, and lust week took .^ parlytic stroke while woikiiig in hi? gat^l- I en, where h« wus found unc ui^cioas. j and from which he did not 'rally. The i fun<?ral tx»ok place yesterday (Wednesday) j ti) Matkd;ile cemetery. Mr. Lawrence was >«ac of the ijjirly settlers of Euphrasia and was one of its most highly respected citizens. H^^was frugal, iL:iv:strious, aud a giX)d Hiriglt'? >r. He leaves i widow and seven children to momu tho of a kind fither. Tlie children are James. John, Robert and Ella of Kimberley, tho two latter oo the homestead, Willie ill the Wiiit, Nubie smd Maggia (^Mrs. Hearv Ellis), Po-.vassac: .-uid Harry of Trout Creek. Tbewlvlowis a sister of the late Mrs. Jane Thompson of this place. The edkor of this piiper h.\s alt his life kiioau Mr. Lawrence and can psy a hi^h tribute to his memory. He was honest and uprii^ht to a degree, an i' and hard worker. wi:h a warm kindtieas of heart for his fellow- men that is all too uncommon to-day. No fellow beii:g erer saffai-ed au injustice at the hands of George Lawrence. He now rests after a life of hard toil. ^^m^^i9f?^Tri\h\hi^s>hi^mTu'^m^^ Gents' Furtvishings We have on hand a number â- â€¢( nic.-Sj tiniiS. All of -.he tinesc tweeds and w.irstids. AA St the lowest prices. T I E S Also hAvea fine range of the newest Ties includintt plain checks !i(ripes and plaids in all colors. Also some orange and bli;o for the Orangemen for â€" 25c Ready-Made Clothing Call and see how uicely we can tic you in a Roadymade Suit. We hiye just what yi)U want. Prices ringing from "i.OO to 16.00 per smt. 1 SUGAR Just arrived a car of R^ paths Su?ar at fo.OO per cwt. C\ >,- H » t- 'â- ,4 » l.l-T h A Car of Cement. .Also arrived a week or s<j iu^o. Recommended by other cement macufactur- en> to be one of the beet tiade at Shalio-.v Lake for 82.24 per bbL F. G. RAHSTEDT M Fiesherton - Ontario f ^^?4^' (M Grand Orange Celebration Oweii Sound in The Srst celebration held by the new county of West Grey will be held in Owen Sound, Friday, July 12th, l'J07, to celebrate the 217th anniversary of the battle of the boyne. All lid^es coming are re<}uested to communicate with the secretary stating iiumbor of brothers ex- pected iu procession, the nnniber of the lodge and name design.iting same. Ample scconimodslion is guarantoetl to all, single fare on all trains on C.P. R. aud (J. T. rai]w«73, g'>o-l to 13th. Good speak eis have been secured and prizes will be given for lar?;e»t Iodg->, best uniformed and tor life and drum A. royal nelc ice is extended to all. Johnston Little, Sec. Com. Fall Fairs Fhe fellowinu are the dates for fall fairs in this vicinity. KLESHERTON. Sep. 21! aud 27. CollingwooJ, Sep. 24 to 2t3. Clarksburt', October 1 ami 2. Durham, September 24 siid 25. Dundalk, lVt>ber 3 and 4. Elinvale, October 7, S and a. Fevershini, ' >cti.>ber 3 and 4. London, Seplembor t^i 14. .Vleafurd, St ptember 2fl and 27. (>wen Sound, S<?ptember 13 and 14. Rocklyn, October 3 and 4. The City Dairy Co of Toronto h.vs signed an aureemeut fir liie of the Kiiioeul fat-ii ot" 7-kO acres, near New Lowell, for the purpose of st irtimj a hi:) J.tiry farni. It is tho iiiteiition to h.'rd about 500 cows on the place and supply Toronto with milk. Thrt scheme i< a result of the roceni trouble with ihe milk producers' .^sRociatiiui. In these days of enlightment it ia a ditficu'.t matter l^> succeasfu'ly conduct a nioiiojily. Th« barns ind studies on tha fa ni me prob. ably the most expensive in i>a'. and o\ or ?2o,ooo to build, and the improve- inen.'s contenr^dated this fi'.l will m >ke tbepropeitywjrth f5-',ooo. Spring* Summer Shoes NOW tuac spring weather is afp.oachiug you will re- •pira finer Footw»»r. \Te Lave lasuie t verj spcci«I effort i.n selecting our goods. Otir stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. Tbey are neat sjid nobby In Ladies Bsls we have Kid, Dongola, fiue qtial- iiy. I J Osfunis we have* fine range of the latest styles. In Gents' wear we have a fnll mngB of iU kinds. Wc also have a large as^or* !a«i>t of CbiMren's Slices. Trunks aad Telescopes a Ursia Stock at lowest Prices. Call and ste us. Wm. CLAYTON The t.irmer, if ho ou!y know it i.s a little nearer the kiii:;dom of heaven than sny one else on eartli. He is certain of 3 S4iu.we meals a day aud is the only man who can fence himself in .and live i't spite cfih.> rest of mankind. A few csttle and sheep and fowl provide him with fiH>d and clothing, while his fields yield him flour and .» source of revenue. So gener- ous are these provisions and so eouiuioii. that hsnily one farmer in ten takes an account of them ahhough the ordinary bu-iness man thinks he has done well when he reaches the end of the year »nd tinds thii: ho h.-is a little m >re than made ends meet. The Mwm 11 bjlonriiu t> Mr. L 'uis Feigehon, siluUsl o i Mr. .J. S Cunie'--< farm on the townliiie between S->tta*a- saua and CollinjwooJ t -wiiships, wa.^ totally clestroytd by tire recently. Whan first lioiiced the tire appeared to l)eabou: the boiler but ia a very short time it fully enveloped -be â- â- -m'.\ iiul w-w leyond contnd of the tew people 'Ji-i! hered._ Sur- rounded as the mill wis by pile-! of wo.hI the tire »t>re;id aid bof'fc boit>i{ p; - tin^ui.shei consum.-d uiwanls of t«o hundred cords of hardwood slabs valued at $ooo and a iv'*"'''-'' "^ lumber woith It least $3 H>. The I 'ss on the mill is about ;?l,7oo which with on lUe stock aud the increase iu lb'- cost r.( re- building wi I make a iota! <â- ( on which there is not a dollar in.sur*nce. The !;«ine • tii.-ials are i>J tli.) watch (or those who shoot cranes. The due foi killiiia ihose 's from S5 to S2^. under the new i( iiue law. , Court Northern Light, No. 127. 1.0. F. \NNL".\r, EXrfKSl IN fr-'M- •'WBN sot'vn snttull aiatioiis South toSh' lb. ru to TORONTO >»«.t N1.M!AK.\ K\I.L,-> N. \. k' -e C»u«iU.tu Pacific Railway to To oi:to. N:iv;4k-A Sdvi^jfttik>n Co, to Lewiston, UO'Ua Koi;to *•- '.i ic KaUw.v to Iht. Fails, »hIDAY, JULY I tb. ADULTRVTESTO Stativu Toroutu NiBj^ra Tiuio t'tiUs N.Y, of IwiviDg 7-00.4. M. 7.17 •â-  7.:« •• TM •• â- .M â- â€¢ lt.07 •• 8,90 •â-  ass â- â€¢ ».« â-  SW •- 9.(» -• •J.H - C'.iiitlr»u b.»frvdtfu3 a:iil U yoaxi*, liait )il>.>v4 far»l^ All tickets to Ni-vi-iV-* K.iH^, e.x,-ei»t li'Otu t»liolburu«, icooU to rutnru bv Si><-citil train loavinc Toronto tYonni; St.) w'uut July â- Ji.*:i I It: j o'vloflkp. ni., ur bv anir ruKulnr tra a not ls-.«r than July !23utl. Tor.tuto ticlijis ^â- â- KMi ;o r»6Qrn -K^tl-it.w iliau -I i!v A-'th. S «^1- j b:o tii' lickals goo4 to rrCnra mil littor i tttiiio Jiil-.-»th. DO NOl" F.ML. TO T.AK^* IV TV^ Oi.UBBLlvBf.V i^"^ •• "V^TSKU JT 4B1.S EXCLUSION Farm Laborers Jj iid Domesti cs I ha-.-e been sppoinCed by the Dominion Government ti place immigrants from tne United Kit^gdoiu iu positions as farm laboureis or domestic servsnli in this vicinity. Any persons r><|uirin-4 such help should no- tify me personally or by letter stating fuily the kind <>f heL^ re<|;iii-ed. wheu wanted ao-l wa^as offered. The numbers arriving may not be autfioieiit to supply all rei|uests but every effort will he made r.o providu each applicant with lite help re<]uired. VV. W. TRIMBLE Can idian Government Emplovnei t Agent FIESHERTON, ONT. HOMESEEKERS' m â-  KCONO-CUtSS MOUNO-Tllir â- XCURSIONa TO , .MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Excursooj IesT« T(>r-.*Dto TiMetfayflL Jun« 4, IS I July 3, 10,aO| >ii0ii»« 13, 271 a^pt IO and 34. Ticlwta 5ood to ratum wtthin siatv ><•¥• fro<B (o4iic •t«. *1 poi 00 1 nninU-tnp to E<i- ;q lh«No(1Ji-wwst. DATES Are Um muzm frocn ^I pointe in Ontario* r&ntfiac iroiu i-i'2 00 nrund-trip tv WiuQipeg u> $4:? .SO Tickets u> all pumtd moutea. TOURIST SLEEPERS v)wen SoQuil . . »%m *iSO Bock.tor.1 . -iW a.*) C'b«sswi>rtli . . . .3.-10 i.i3 HoII»"d Centre .^10 â- 3.90 IWrkl. y il5 a. 4) Mmlflale â- J.OS 2.10 Vlusbertou .... ii» 3.05 SbS UiiM'laik . iOS 4.0S Cut be ton ..i(JO 2.00 Melanccbou... l.SS l.M SMol'iurue â€" l.t.l !..•« A Uinited oiuabar of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ T"unet Seiepuis C«rs ""â- â- "â- "â- """^^^^â- ^^ will b« run utt SMcIk *3tcttr*ioa. fully equipped with be^ldioc. ev. , emort porter id cbaxge I^erth5 must be MeurwJ and iimd ror through lixvU o^eot at \mH mM <iftya before excuraioD iaa^M. In which th«ee is do extra cbATce foe berths, COLONIST SLEEPERS supplyins thair own txdilios. wtll b* aiwd â- â€¢ lac as pu{«ibl« in plaos oi ordinary- ooaobss. RalM and f^H Information eowt a l n ad In f^<*« HomwMker*' pamphlet. Ask m «r«i> C.P.R. ^•nt for a oopv, or writa to «^ «. I, roSTtft OMHat Hm. Aft. UA, Twwta For tioksts and tiilt iiif oruiatum see W. ('aesar, .Agen*, Flritlierioti. Yorkshire Boar for Service T'.ie uniK-t sieneit han Utr ^erviw on lot ItiS 3nil W. T. & S K.. .\rteineni.-v s ih<>n>UKhbrv Y>rk->hiie lM>ar, "LaKevirw Victor," N<..lti4avt. Totlnn $1.IN>. 'rho;ullglH«<Is extla. .\ itpieu- did St >ck letter. l-letOT TmiS. tJVIUU, I't.H*. |.0. %

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