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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1907, p. 8

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t>» \ ^UK« 27 IW>7 THE FLESHKRTON ADVANCE THE MARKETS tAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH ... WEEK. Oata 48 'o 42 PeM » 75 to 75 M»rley .....":.... 45 to 46 WbMt 85 to 85 Tlay ^.1? 00 tol3 00 Potaroes, per bag 60 to 90 liutt«r 17 to 17 E^g». fresh i 10 to 10 turkeys .....'.%.... H tJ U Chickens..- 6 to 8 Oeeeo 10 to 10 Ducki .,. , 10 to 10 Our Clubbing List AdvikDce, and Toronto World, dally $3 25 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe .•••• 1 80 Mail-Boiplre .. .'. .". . . .' 1 75 'Family Herald ft Star 1 80 Toronto Star • 2 «0 Farmer* Sun , ;'. ...-â-  1 80 Farmers Advocate .,',, 2 30 Weekly Wltnew...... 1 80 Saturday Ki«ht. :.... 2 50 Montreal Herald. ............ 1 20 r -V3 s In Furniture The largest and beat stock of furnituit) ever shown in Fie^her- ton. Tbi* withont fear of contra- dtction. Come and see some of the nice things In Sideboards Dining Roorri Ct^airs Parlor Betts \ â-  .^ BedRoorq Setts A spedal reduction jasb now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT tt FleskBrtoD • Out. O/^ J Summer Sessio -Curinit July and August. By eutAng the TOHOWTO. ONT, Now, you will be through your courHe in tliu uarly fall which li an excellent time to got employment. Prepare for im)s- iti-ms paying $40, |B0, $60 and $70 a •iionth. Our collage has unexoelled faciiitio*; the attendance i;n>wa (;r<*ator; more students are getting positions. De- sire "suoeeiw. " Educate for it by attend- in« our school. Others have. Will you? Write for oataloRue. W.J. ELLIOTT. Principal Cor. Tonge and Alexander Bu. Clearing Sale At Port Law Everything In dry gouds, grocor- ies. Boots and Shoes, Hardwiire uiid Tinware, (o bo sold forbrliiw rvalue; all sales strictly naah or 'uroduee. Uesr ia mind I am not leaving Port Law, only selling the itook so 1 can de*oto mora time to eave trougbing and job work. J. A. St. JOHN Oeoera Motohaotand Tinsmish Port Law • - Ontario Farmers, Take Notice. I b.kvt oeaaed working for McConnaok inocliliies not thai I had an v fault with the iiiiplt!ia>!i)ts, bul JaoknoD A Haniwh, of Mark- il.kle n >M a MoOormack A\ fout biuiler \a Mr. IW4»>4 MoMnllen la«t karveat fur S12R.0O un tbre* i>ava, sad his old I'attcraou biudvr und then b.ild the old falndat for $1.S0, niid oa next yearS terms Uisy are sbaised to thnae that purhitiw tbsy Ret them ferlaas than I do. Why (l<m't they sail then to Markdale faraiara for t)iu8»ui«! This I oan prave. I bavconotrAct- »1 with I'eter Hawiltun. of Petarhnrt>wli to Doll kid imptements at ||aarkdale and Kleakw- ton. I will SbU th* Mtdeta, six Inot na mie imy tiiO. -l inys fllft, Shise pays $1*)) drilU, one l> ky 12 h<ie drill Wi, 8 paya W8, threr pay* t^VS, Msl »t har akNS lot aocraapulia, smaller ur larger. 1 will Ui at Msrkrtals after Um Krat of March mrty Stiimlay. Aay no* wanting macliinoa wf rrpaira will flfd ns no Saturlaya. I have '.•'HDiaMiiadlMtM Drillt on hand, aome nnly vn irked oas aad two fear*, NorAa, Udiawa »:i1 Fater HaasfltaiL Also Sffent fnr the l<\>akahiitt riov, Faiit Manars Sitruoderaod & MAOIU. Ran J^wqy Don^, txtrt â-  .Mliog oat vttb yottrhair. It tnllgfat leave you t Then vfnt? Tbatvould meaii thin, acnsfly* oseveo, rough h$dv Keep your hair at home I Pastes tt tlcbtfy lo your scalp I Too am eadl7<lo It vlth Ayer's Hair Vlgpr, tt to sotnethloii more thaa a sta4)le'halr drea»- b^tsa hair tBedicIoe, a (doie, a hcfr Cood. iot 4VIC ttattr TMnk** balr ei^ iMSinnxA. * NUX ___ ' vBcrauL. SbortbortiBullf The thorouKhlirod Shorthorn Bull, 'Tavo ite," 62389, is for aervice onlut 27-28,2nd ran N. D. R., Arteueaia. Pedigree on application Terms 11.26 ALEX. MoRAE, Ci^lun Business Cards u'ouujOnaB * todnq <*k Banker Markdale 00 a general banUaf bnslneat . If oney loaned a raaaosable rata Call on us. TOHIBLBTT. â-  Vottmaatar, Csjlon. Oommlsstoner lo B, C. J , Convertneer, deeds, inortgaKea, Isaaea, willa ata.earefully drawn up Collaotlona mada. ebargee reasouaXle.' AUo groceries, tlotu, feed ato, kant iu ttook,' Prices rlKbt. RJ BPBOCIiE Poatiuaatar, Ftasherton oommlsaloner in H.O J., Auotloneor Con voyanoer, Appralaar and Money Luudcr Ueal Estate sad Inanrance Agent. DucJs mortgagea, leasaa and wlUa caiofully druwD OV and valnatlooa madeou ohorteHi notice. luoDey to loan at lowaat rates of interest. Col eotlons attended to with promptness dliaritss low. Agent (or Ocean DomiuioD HtaauMhlp OoDipany. A oall aollcited. rv lf(tf>HAIL, LlernaeJ Auolioneer "• County of Grey. Terma moderatu for tlio , - ,. itH and •stisf&otlon gnaraateed. The arrauRO.nutits and dates of sales eao Iw made a>. Thk Advancu office Reaidsne* and P.a, Ceylon, Xelepliouo connection. Doc. <.07. (lUO. G. LUDLOW, Lleenaed Auctioneer for tUe " County of Grey. Proiupt service ana reasooabl* tarnia. Proton Builon P. 0. I HABTBT PBRIOOB. raversham *' tnanranee, Baal estate and miuing atooli broker. Uonveyaueer. Loans and Colleotioos, Write for rataa on Fire, Ufe or Sick l>cnoftt iusaraoce or luformatlou reRar-ling Cniialt uiining atook. Better contracts aud lower rates on flxs inanranes sow. Societies A D W maatt oa the last Monday in eaoQ mouth, In their Iourb roou], Ubristoe'a Bp.m. M.W., Frank Uliardi Boo., T. HIakely, Financier, W.J. Ualianay. Visiting brethren Invited. DKINOB ABTBUB LODOB, Ko. !I3S, A.F.ft , , ..^.M-J""*** *" ""• Maaonlohall. Btralna block, Flsabartott, sverr Friday on or before the full mocB. W A.Aruatrona, W U. Smith. Saorstarj, Herb. noPBT rLBSHBBToN, ogs. I, P. V Cbrlstoa'a Blook the last Wedne P. V. n-eetsin . . r^ - ..-.-r lesdav evening of each month. ViaiUnf Foreatera Ueartllv weloonie. O. B.. Dr. MoAay; B. S., T. Hecry: Fin. Bao., O. N. Wbardaon. • """O, Please pay dnaa to rio. Sao. before the first davofths ntontb. CnOSBN PHIBNOa-Fleaherton Council of Cboaen Friends weeta In Clavtou'a hall first aud third Wedueadav of aaeh moui « p. m Pay asaeaamenta to tns Becorder on or before tba first dayof each month. Chief Couucillor, T. UlakalsyiMseorder, W. B. Uuut. Medical DR OABTBR MO PAS Ont. Phyalcian. Snroeon. etc Offlca and rosldanoa-Patar at., Fleaherton HR. A. T. BAND ir .,» P'^HfS Toronto Unlveraitv. Mem- bar of Ontario Oollasa oj Physioiiaos and Sur- geona. Maxwell, Ont. dno«etBor to. Or. Soott. â-  â-  < u â- Â»â- . â- â-  . J P OTTBWBLL * Vsterlnary Sargson Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, realdeuos â€" aeooud door aouth west^n Piasbytarlan Obaroh, g WILSON, Blaekamltb . * . A. ^radoaU oftha Taterlnary Selonoe II!S''*8°"i ,.?*,"?•»•<• Durham itreet. op- poalte Bold. Hloklihg'slkardwaro. Legal LU0A8 WBIOBT * MeABDLB Banistars aollaltors Oonvayaneera, etc Offlcesâ€" Owen Beaad.Oat andMarkdalaOnt W H WaMBT, Moimui 1 n Looas N Bâ€" naahsttoa oSsa, Mitshall't Bank every Batardav. D DBinrreTRY n B. & MtlBRAV U D. B., dental anrgeon honargradaata of Toronto Coiverattvand Reyal Oaltega of Deatal aaniTona nf Ontario, Oas s4mlalat«re4 tor Isolk aitraetlon. oflle* al raaideaea, Ts roato street riesherton , Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry Our beee bare wintered well and wabave a somberalcolonieatBr sate and youug awaruia after tba Arst of laaa. Voa thonid aea our pen of 8. U. Brown La^ores before getting your eggs tor kateta lag) UtirgjMB.MfUi terUatcgs. % liA4»i, Fleahertoo Spraying; Potatoes for Rot The Ontario Department at A^cul* ture is making an investigation into the potato industry of the province by Mr. H.B.Stnith, D.S.A. After visiting the niostiinportantpotato growing sectioits of Ontario, he is preparing a special report for publication. Pendmg the free re- port which will* probably show a more serious state of aflairs than is genorally 8up]^oaed,tho following recommendations afo put out with a view to impressing upon farmers the necessity of immediate action. The treatment of potatoes to prevent the rot is a utatter uf extretne importance. | Ontario produced* fewer potatoes In 1906 tlian she ever produced m any single year in all the time the Provincial Do- partmont of Agriculturo have been cil- lectiug information concerning the acre, ages annually devoted tu form crops. Within the past few years the area plant- ed to potatoes in this Piovinco has do- creased by 60,000 acres; the product Il)y approximately 6,(XX),000 buahela. Pres- ent indications aro that the'crop of 1$07 will be ligliter than last year's with the high' pi-ices that have ruled for some tune strongly maintained. Farmers, 'on the right kind of soil, who have planted a good acreage to this crop thix spring, will, if thuy are able tu successfully bring their crop to maturity, reap larger returns f^om potntoes than they could likely derive from any Hue of farming in which they might engage and it is to point out brief- ly one or two little thini^s that in these days must be attended to, if potato grow- ing is to be succuBsfully accomplished, tiiat this article has been prepared. Inability to cope with the rot has been the great cause of failure in potato grow- ing in Ontario, yet five dullara or even less will cover the entire cost for mater- ial and labor required to treat ono acre of Bordeaux fixture and this mixture properly made and consistently and in- telligently applied is a certain prevent- ive of rot. From experiments officially conducted at Gudph, at Ottawa and ut practically evei^. experiment station in the United States and from the practical experiense of gr6wevr everywhere, Bor- duaux Mixture ha h proven the only oli'ect- ivo roinedy for potato rot. , At Ott<iwa during the jast throe ye.irs the avciiigo incrotise iu yield fruui spraying with this niixluio was 94.5 bushels per acre. Ik>rdeaux mixture for potato spraying is made as follows : (^>nper Sulphate (Bluestone or Blue V-itrol)", t> lbs, ; Un- alakod lime, & lbs.; Wafer, 40 to 50 giil- lons. ' ^ As it is inconvenient to weigh the lime and cupper at the time of mixing and quite impracticable to keep a supply of ready mixed Bordeaux ou hand, stock solutions of the ooppor and lime are us- ually pre|)Bred r^djT for mixing as ro- (juireit. To prepare' material sutHcient to treat one iuire of potatoes four times, proceed as follows; place T2 pounds of Dluest4>ne iu a httg or basket and sus- pend it near the surface in 36 gallons of water in a barrel.' It will dissolve in' a few hours and eitery gtvllon afterwards dipped from this )>arrel will contain ex- actly 2 pounds of bluostdno. For the lime stock water. Slake the lime by the U80 of as little of the water as poss- ible, and when all is broken down, bring the solution to standard strength by adding what remains of the thirty gallons of water. Every gallon, of lime mixture now contains exactly 2 pounds of lime. These ntixtures, if kept under cover and evaporation prevented, will retain their strength all summer. In making the Bordeaux it is import- ant to roniomber that these strong "stock" mixtures 'must never be brought together. Pour 9 gallons of tho bluc- Ntiine solution info a forty gallon barrel., (an ordinary barrel holds between 40 aud 50 gallons) half flll tho liarrel with water, ndd 2^ gallons of tho lime solution, till up with water, stir thoroughly and the mixture is ready for use. For api)lyinj(,-a spray pump will be found economical of labor and materials, and the gain in produol ftuin ouo year's spraying of oi«l acre of Potatoes will usually |wy the entire cost of such an ap- pliancu, but if none is at hand, Bordeaux may bo applied aft«r tho same manner as pnris green would Ihj applied in solution for bugs. The olijec,t is to keep the crop oovei-ed with tho mixture during tho season in which blight ia liable to occur, and wHile modem spraying of fanners in Ontario who are uhtaining iiuite satisfactory results from applyirg tlie Borde;ux by whatever means are at their diH^msal. In preimring tho mix- ture where any^kind of power aprayors are to l>e used, always stiaiii the lime solution when ipixing with the bluestone. The lime sometimes slakes lumpy and clogs up tho iiMnels. If reiiuirtid, |)aris green may be ^iplied with the Bordeaux, adding half a pound of (mris jfreeu to each barrel of t|>e mixture. Spraying should begin about July loth and tho vines kept covered till September. Four applications as retiuired, will usual- ly accomplish this. Some have gut fairly natisfactory results from ono good spraying just at tlta time tho disease begins to sproad, and as we gain iu spray- exiwrience, the number of applications may porha|M be decreased, but ordinari- ly, it is best touae the mixture at least four times. Bordeaux is the oidy oflbctivo loinody yet devised for the C(mtrol of potata blight. It is easy to make a|id easy to ajpply and where properly made and thoroughly applied is certain to bo efi'eot- ivo. 'ftie only precautions to ol>aerve in making are U> use pure fi'(:<>h materials and mix these iu correct proportions and in the proper way, and in apti lying to keop tho mixture on the vIuoh uunng the season tbftt blight is likely to appear. HEALTH FOR WOMEN. nr«, Emin« Dalgle of riocton, N. B., Sends an Open Letter to All Sufferers Host women are tired when rhey wake up. Uoutework draas along with great difficulty. Nervousness is always present, headaches seldom deiwrt, tears are ever ready to fiow. But there is a core, a true specific for Women's ilU that restored a prominent lady iu MuDcton, Mrs. Daigle, who tells the following experience: "Abuut a year ago I hod a serious sickness, sort of a general bre.'kkdown. My dii;oslion failed entirely and I was able in! est .but little. I took viident stomach pains and suffered torribly from headaches. My dooti r said it was "nerve exhaustitm" and I might never be well. My troubles increased, for as I trrew weaker I became subject to neuralgia ahd rheumatism. Sleep finally futtook me aud I alm<J8t lost heart. Different medic nes didn't he*p. Doctors couldn't do me any )jood. I was desper- ale when I heard of Ferrozone. The liret box convinced me it was what I needed. It toned up my stomach, gave me a splendid appetite and then my recovery seemed easier. Ferrogone increased ay weight several pounds, has restored my nerves, given me a good color and strength such as J never hjtd before. For the weak and sickly I ran truthfully reci>romeiid Ferrozone." (Signed) Emma Daivle. REMEMBER: No more stimulant or alcehnlio connection can take of the nerve and blood nourishment contained in Ferrozone. This true tonic always does what is claimed for it. Sold everywhere ia 50c boxes or six for #2.50. By oiail from N. C. Poison & Co., Hart- ford, Conn., U. S. A., and Kingston, Ont. That a flo:k of hens is alioat as good a paying proposition as a farmer ciii have, at the presi-ut price of egga, was demon- strated by Nelson Mustard the other day. Eroni 75 hens he gathered in one week 38 dozen fggs, which, at 16 cents a d<><en, brought him f6.08. Allow iuu 58 cents for feed he had a net proSt of $6 50 for the week.â€" Creeniore Star. The Cau5e of Sore Feet Kxaniiue them aud you'll probably Gild corns, Whether hard, soft or blee<i- ing, apply Putnam's Corn Extractiir. It'H painless, it's sure, and above all quick Co acci Insist un only "Putnam's. " John Lowery and h's son, of Tecum- seh, drove to the back of the farm tho other day to shoot (irjuudhojrs. Lowery, senior, got out of the buggy to draw a bead on one of tho animals they were iu search of when the gun accideiitally dis- charged, shooting the horse, which died shortly afterwards. Oh, for a Clear Complexionl A clear c>mp.<xion is the outwari evidence of inward cleanliness. In bad health the face becomes a sigo-board, telling of disease within. If yellow, bile is not properly secreted; if pallid, the kidneys are faulty; if skin is murky and d»rk circles beneath the eyes, knik for constipation. Whatever the cause, no remedy compares with Dr. Hamilton's Pills which are niild, safe, purifying and vitalizing in their action. "They give a marvelous rosy tint to the cheeks, hri<»hten the eyes and establish health that deliet age and disease. Sold every- where in 26c boxes. ~ For ttomaob troubloi, bUIittuaneaa aad con stipatioa try Chambealain'a Stomach and Liver Tableta. Many remarkably cures havs beeneffecte<} by them. Price 2Sc. Samplea free. For aal? by W. K. Rieiianlton. Sl'iorttiorri Cattle fcr Sale Leviotas and Wimples, tba beat of breeding and qnalitv. Bull, cows and heifers for sale at reasonable pricos I*t 32.oon.5 CHA8. STAFFOBD, Fleshartoo """" WARNING Notice is hereby gi ran that any person taking gravel and undermininir my fence wUi be held responsible for daraairea. â€" JAS.PATON Wai t For It. Union Sabbath schools of Shelbtjrii'e will run their annual excursion tu TORONTO & NIAGAKA FALLS, U.S., Friday 5u3y 5tb 1^7* This excursion will go by large boats to Lewiston then up the GREAT GOUGE ROUTE to NIAGAE.A. Tickets from Flusherten to Toronto .'tnd Niaiiara ?2.05. Niagara tickets good ri; return on any regular train up bo .Tuly 8ih. Train leaves FleshertoD 7.10 a. m . This will be tho best excursion of the seasuu. Young Plants. We have on band an nniuually fine selec- tion of strong healthy Tomatoe, Celery and Cabbage plants. We alio have on the way a fine lot of high class flower plante including Begonias, Ferns, Coleus, Pansy Geraniums, Flowering Maples, Baby Rambler Roses, Tea Roses, Hydrangeas. This is only a partial list. These plants will be fist sellers. Cone early W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lefucj. Present neglect means future trouble. We A. Armstrort«» ~ JCWkLK' *MO OPTiClAIVi s^l-ESHERTON. M»X X^lS/» X%X^X/SifX^S/% ^%X^ 'ii^ In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. • HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heau'd's Cairriage Works Fiesherton Carriage Works If you are thinking of buying a buggy be sure and giv9 me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. / Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinds of plough.sand plouuh reiMiirson hand; abio repairs for Masaey iLirrio, Noxon and McOi>rn)icl( farm implements. Algenti Foi:* MELOTTE [REAM SEPARATORS I>. MqTJIVISH I keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a ©ream separator please drop me a card ai\d tneir wants will be attended to. >â-  I 4 m9: ( t I if P f '1 J_

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