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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1907, p. 7

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lot StaLrcK Saves time, becaoae it makes ironing easier. Saves linen, because it givea a better grloss with Half the iron-rubbing. Saves bother, because it needs no cooking, . . just cold water. And it CAN'T stick. Buy it I by name. The Algerian coral reefs are divided into ten portions, of which one only is finished yearly. Ten years is the time for the proper growth' of coral. A Liniment for the Logger. â€" Loggers lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts und bruises can- {lol be altogether avoided in preparing Imber for the drive and in river work. Where wet and cold combined are of iJally experience, coughs and colds and muscular pain.s cannot but ensue. Dr. rhoma.s' Eclectric Oil. when applied to Ihe injured or adminiBtered to the ail- big, works wonders. A woman Is apt to make some very ilriklng remarks when she has occa- sion to tilt her husband for a little pin money. \ ITCn. Mange. Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cure din 30 minutes by Wol- foi'd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Bold by all druggists. Up to the year 1873 Iho non-commis- sioned oflficers and men of the British Army were allowed one penny per day beer-money. Very many persons die annually from Cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do no! delay In getting a bottle of Dr. J. n Kellogsr's Dysentery Cordial, Ihe me- tlicine that never fails to effect a cure. Tho.'se who have used it say it acts promptly, and thoroughly pubdues the pain and disease. Teacher : "Now, Freddie, it's vpi-y wrong of you to quarrel with Billy Jones ojid to harbor such re\engeful feelings against him. ("ome. now, pro- mise me that when you ni€«l Billy to- Inlght you'll forgive him." Freddie : "Well, when I meet Billy to-night, if his big brother is with him I'll forgive hini ; bul, if not. III nearly wallop the life out of hiiu." Not a Nauseating Pill.â€" The excipienl of a pill Ls the substance which enfolds the ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Pariiielee's Vegetahlc Fills Is so compoundixl as to pre.«ervo their moisture, and they can be carrieil Into any latitude without impairing Iheir strength. Many pills, in order to keep lh(»m from adhering, are rolled in Txwders. which prove nauseating Ui ihe lasle. Pormelee's Vegetable Pills irc so prepared that they are agreeable lo the most delicate. The cannon-ball tree is a myrtle which grows to a height of 80 feet, has pinkish ftowere, and a fruit the size of a 32-Ib. (hot. < One of the greatest ble.s-iings to par- ents is Mother Graves' Worm Kxtcr- minator. It effectually expels worms »nd gives health in a marvellous man- ner lo the Uttle one. Germany's ar.ny bills have increased IWi per cent, in the past thirty years. THE CHAPEL OF BONES. (By a Banker). One of the most valued gems of the British crown, and one of the nwst irw- pregiuible outposts of her ma.ssive power, is the insignillcant island of Malta. Although but a mere speck in Iho ocean, yet within h«rr borders are cUisleied innumerable objects of nolablt' whether to the antiquarian, the historian, or the lover of the beautiful in art or in nature. Here are some of Ih-.' (ine*t tapC5<lrlos in the world; here. ir Ihe palace of Ihe Knights of St. John of Jcru.<alcni, is probably the most mag- nillcenl colloflion of armour existing; armour wxirn by thciso valiant crusaders wtio for nearly a hundred years held the Holy City against all the attacks of the Saracens ; gilded and eiublnzoncd armor worn by dauntless knights in many a Stalely pageant or brilliant joust or tourney ; or the less eiu-ichc^i inorinn or casque or vizor which look its place when the morp romantic age of chivalry hud pas.seU away, ond was suocoodeti by a more grim un<l serious warfare. Or here gorge<iusly docoraknl calhwirals, or beautitiil subtropical gaixleivs, or natural parterres of l>rilliant nature-oultivaleil IkAvois glowing' in many-hued .splendor. And then, too, there are the Calooonibs, exactly similar to those nf lUi?ne, allliough of loss size, with many nn<ither striking object of great and exceplioiial interest. But Ihe slrangi«l sight of all is un- dinibtedly one of the chuirhes, which, tlrcoriil<\l Irorn fkxir to ceiling wllh skulls and dead men's bones, present a I<v>*rF NO. 2l-«7. spectacle weird and ghastly beyond est- pression. At the entrance to the chan- cel stand two partly draped skeletons, grasping a scythe to typify Time ; the alcoves on which they stand being de- corated with, apparently, rib and wi-isf- bones, arranged in an artistic design, vvhKh, though on close approach grisly and unutterably gruesome, from a dis- tance is really handsome and attractive. Bound all the walls are arranged lines of skulls, the inteiTening spaces being filled in with geometric designs formed of every bone of the human body ; the wide arches are bedizened with an ara- besque design of thigh and other smaller bones, ajid even the altar itself is de- corated with various bones, the reredos being a ghastly work of art In a llcral design surmounted with a sort of crown of glory of ruiger bones, flanked by two large flowers made of shoulder blades. As there are no seats in the church it is to be hoped that no services are held there. Surely it would have been better to have allowed these relics of poor humanity to rest in their tombs until atj Ihe sound of the Archangel's liump they all rise again to life. And then will the angel's separate them into two those who have lived the life of the righteous, and who»" sins are blotted out of the record by faith in the atonement made for them by the Redeemer ; and those who, alas, have foi-gollen their fjod! « .\ slory is told of a man who was walking beside a rnilway line wilh a friend who was very hard of hearing. \ train was approaching, and as it rrunded the cur\'e the whistle gave one of those ear-destroying shrieks which seem to pierce high heaven. A smile Jiroke over the deaf man's face. "John said he, "that's the first robba I've hear since Christmas!" Stops CoUc â- n â- nd bowel dimdcn. Makes pmif babiu pinuMtdnMy. PraiPad by 30 yean' mcemdai â- ae. Aik your drappt Nnncs' mt Ut/bars' Treasure â€" 23c-6l>Ml«$l.2S. UNFEELING MON.STER. "Ob, mother, Jack doesn t love me any moreP' "What makes you think so, my dear?" "He ran out of mucilage and tie want- ed to borr«iw some of that p-p-pudding sauce I made lo-dayl" FLOUR A pure, hi Manitoba flour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS eveUVWHERE SUfPLICD WITH rLOUR AND rCEO. * WRITE \J». VC AL50 MAKE 'gtE^EN CITY.' A BUNDED FLOLR THAT HAS GAINED CREAT FAVOR A3 A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'AU. PURPOIEV FLOUR. Bees will fly as lar as 5 or even 6 miles from the hive lo gather honey if supplies are scanty neuter at hand. .\s a rule, three miles is their outside limit u' night. WHAT DO PRO PL B NEBD wBo ar« ran down aniaaic. »»1«. liatUw? "F«rroTii»," th« 6eft toni<. It bntlda, makaa •trans, it (ivw naw Ufa. n«ra ai« vULBf taaies but only ana " rrarona. Higgins ; "Old .Millyuns is a distant relative of yours, isn't he?" Wiggins: "Yes ; and the richer he tiecomes the more distant he is." Only tho e who have had the experi- ence can tell the lorture. corns cau-e. Pain with your boots on. pain wilh them offâ€" pain night and day; but re- lief is sure lo those who use HoUoway's f;om Cure. 'The French po.ssess four settlements in India. These ai-e Chandemagore, Kari- l-al, Yanon, and Mahe. Their combiiK^ urea is 189 square miles, un«^ population about 880.000. Hungary uses more charcoal than anv other F.uropean country. Its an- nual consumption is about 2.000.000 tuns. There's a lot of brass in the composi- tion of a gilded youth. MARK THIS DlSTlJfCTlOH ; A Roraly loeal dlraua of the sliln. Ilka harbar's Itclj. Is ourad br Woarar'a Carats .%lun«. But whara tha blood fs loadad with Imparity, auoh as :^t Btiaum, Waarar's Syrup »i»p ahould ba usad. * Gibraltar was lirst fortified in "It .\.D., when the Saracens made it a base for llieir operations against Spain. How to riennse the System. Parmp- lees Vegetable Pills are Ihe result of scienllfle study of the effects of extracts of certain roots ond herbs upon Ihe di- gestive organs. Their use ha;? demon- siraled in many instances that Ihey re- gulate the action of the liver and the kidneys, purify the bkxid. and onn-y off all morbid aecumiilations from Ihe system. Tliey are easy to fnke. and liieir action is niiUI and benelicial. AN EABI.Y BEGINNRB, Smithâ€" Jini.son is certainly a ppo- progre.ssive individual. Jonesâ€" Progressive! Why, he's down- right lazy. .<iiiitthâ€" Well, he's progressive enough lo have spring fever long before vvln- li r ends. DODDS ' KIDNEY /PILLS. &L^ • PH. illo ni«r ions.s«M:ai ,i.l»' OLEANINQ ^ LADIES'... ^ WALNIIN OR OUTIN« •UITC Cam ba 4aM »wf Mttf by oat ? >â- â-  ii > P>nu>M. Ti« M MMTHW AMMIOAII BYIINO 0» , tKomMAis roBoirro, ottawa a qvbbbo CUT YEARS OFF 'W0.MEV8 AGES. Scheme of German Doctor Mors Suc- cessful Than Sadstactory. The British .Medical Journal, «l a re- cent date, tells this story: A German doctor discovered a means of restoring k)sl youth to women which is more potent than Cagliotro's famous penfacle rejuvenescence and advertised that he could in two days rejuvenate the most decrepit hag. This brought a crowd of ancient dames to his home. Al the first interview after a careful auscultation he Invited each patient lo write her surname and Christian name and age on a piece of paper. The ages tc which the women pleaded guilty varied, but all ruled high. The <k)ctor under'ook to give each patient the prom- ised elixir the next day. but some time, h- said was required to adjust Ihe sirengtti to the individual power of re- sistance. On Ihe appointed day the women called again, but the doctor expressed rfgret that he had unfortunately mislaid the papers containing their ages. For this reason a new .set would be requir- ed. He added casually that they ought to know that the oldest of Ibera musi allow herself to be burned for the good of the r^sl, as the basis for the remedy was human ash. The next day the women brought back pspers with their ages inscribed. It Pen -Ancle ; b a vanctjr oi atylo. I fcbric* and pcioea, foi I •romei, men and j <luUr<n. Fonn-fotcd. I Deakn are autfaonxed i to leplacs iojtandy and rt our coal any Pea- i Angle (annait (auhy I Ib Boaterial or Pen-Angle Under- wear ia form-knit 10 it can't baip fitting yotirflgiira^ â€"it's made of long - fibred wool BO it won't shrink â€"and it's gusran* teed besides. Tha whole idea is ta make it so good yoa can't affonl not to buy by tbm trademark (ia red). loi UNDERWEAR was found that each had taken many years off the age previously admitted. The doctor, pretending to have found tho flrst papers called tbem tc witness tlK success of his invtntion. Compar- ing the lists, he showed that he had kept his word in regard to rejuvenation, in forty-eight hours they had a!! become many years younger. II "CAMPBELL MILLINGCO rUHU^TO -JIINdlUN [ ONT Canadian Pacific Irrigated Farms r ^ Sunny AiDERTA Before ckddlng where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing; land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative~wanted in each county. ' Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selliiig Agents, 305 CORISTINE BUILDINQ. MONTRBAL. Your Money ou't iwr bMnMi^; If yonr mmigi are deseaitad wbar« yon eant nm in My menMo* sad Awr ffrt amooata to maet paauag wsnta, yoirU ba moxo agt to MO tta uiliii^yl tto amA gkthsr intarast. Onr iyitaoi ox BANKmO BY MIL b n Srft iMl Em M if yon visited tbaUniutT^oifc Go's aOoasagensa. WealMT 4 per cent. Interest on Deposits Intenst ia oompimadad tjoAtteily. B a l a nn aa sro alway* aabiaot to afea^Mk THE UNION TRUST CO., Umttsd Temple Building, 174-176 Bay Sirast, TOMKie Sand for BBaMaf. MOmVTOLOAN • BknUng by Mall - fMFKTY OEPOflIT VAULW TO I MADE IN CANADA Camplvt* L*unch«« 2 aad 4 Cycle CagliMa h HAMILTON MOTOR. WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. OUT. SPECIAL 60-D.^Y OFFER I?»ya:?S.^ESS?ciJI^TVK£«'3?KSKi FACETQFACEWnH THE SUN! V- 2': f > V t ON C, ONLY '- 1 o'^ â-  tXDID ON VASn, 8KA0B KAKCU. BT HAIL IMBCRRV. tUM ilTlVBLT Boca a foa^ tai«*ogp» wa« acfer MlU fvr this orl'*« htlw- T%c«e Tvleacopca tr* mftda br oaa of tha 1 ol Baroae.a iW M^rg cl<>«*a it ikcnM ai.'1j>B>n l.*fr 3^ f*«( 'ji n wctltins. 1'h«T fin BRASS K)USl\ on tk* Son. ftOARAli 1. 0«r a«w ctf*lcffii< TnV^ t<?AJ'o*wel>«a4louciti<lfaiiti.«ic .>iikl>«WEKFl 1.1. E>«r.a. K-iisiitiniif rrouiiduad adlM'a. orUfM^aanaai raCo. OBMTuaix IluMi'"liJi â- laaann of AW*rvlBir iMaiiai fc WM »!â- <»« I» par oaalooaeaaJod. Taor Solar «y»-plaMl«»|r«.tUvin lUJ^'i KIWKrBD BioSr* CO., DmPTTw L » ckA.nbKB 'Did ba wiikoiit iTpw-kMiilfby lit Id BO* mua w. - ...afirtBATti a my racont Kttr<ipoan trip on* of »n Kollpor t>f tlMStin At tb* AU04r4|Ui Tyrai l^_->ntii« to BO an tai> oodosJoa w*o miutf KB!) 8TKKXT. 2IBW YOK>. cr Send for FREE bookâ€" ''Roof ing Right, "- worui your reading. Fedl&r People Get the facts before yourooX tthinff. of 0»hawa Tour Grandsons Will Be Old Men Before This ^^Oshawa" Roof Wears Out Roof vour buildings wHh " 6shawa " Galvanlzad Steel Sbingles this yaar, viJ that will be a GOOD roof to 20W. We will gvrm, you a wikten gvarantve. backed by 1250, o^, tbst such a roof, properly put on, will aeea no repairs and no painting for at least! twenty-five yeara. 5HAWA' '^fsr' Shingles make roofs watsr>tlgbt, wind-proof, w?ath«r- proof, ruat-prbof, flre-prooifor a century.â€" our plain fuaraniee keeps it so f oti 26 years without a cent of cust to the man wna buys it.' Made in ONZ QUAUTT ONLT,-ol 28-daade,' semi-hardened S T E K L doobie-^Tanlzed They lock on all POUR sides- the ONLY METAL shlngrle that i>§ed NO CLEATS. Easy to put on-a ham- mer and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough. Coet LESS and last longer th;ui any other roof. Tell us the Sturfkc^ area of any roof on vour place upd we will tell yod exactly what it will cost to roof it right. m>j5?afsfV u^feri:*. *y*^c?3. •tetfo. rsTSsay* ^irsssi^ Mi iba* PACE FEMCES^WEAR BEST" t« of Hlfrh Curbott Wire,â€" w«11 nroTS It to yoit COILED nut oriBipod. Thin [«• It â- Ull itroii(ar In •orvloo. It atsja Unu Painted WBiTB OTor heavj as wjkajt yriwLZ fsnck coierANY. limits _,^ »»l»ani^ln?â€" mat proof. Kxperianoed de«lor« to Kpoot It Laada all (n ntM »o» â€"as In marit. Get llluatratod booklet and «W7 urlcca bofor* buyiat '»lk«rvlll*. Torocite. Moiktr*»l, Si. Jolk*. WlaBt»4^

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