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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jun 1907, p. 1

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-â- *ijfc*>.-ftfc3«.i yksbtrtun "TRUTH BEFOKE FAVOR." â€" " PRI^iJCIPLEb NOT MEN." VCLXXVI, KO im Flesiierton, Ont. Thursday June G 1907 W. fl THURSTON. ^?F;??,, <s^o^Ki^o^f:jt^c^i:^^ (Si-mm^'^r^ r'l-'i':^<^. •i^-^:.r^;i^:' .^•r:^3fe':.:.y-. cFarland^Co a MAIfKDALE, OXTAlflO f ' 3* "t.^*?- ' HERON'S HOLLOW, OSPREY. The mills and pond shown in the foretrronnd of the above picture were erected by William Heron about the year 1868. They are mtuated on the Bjaver river some six miles east of Eugenia and are now owned by iTt the Georgian Bay Power Co , who propose ut-Iizing them as a water storage for their electric plant at Eugenia. Q| The mills were erected as a woolen manufactory and Mr. Heron did qait« an extensive business until his dcjith, Jrs 87 years ago, when his brother, Richard Heron, now of Fevei sham, took them over from the widow and ran Q tliem for five years, when they were given up as unprofitable. Later one James S. Taylor, a practiod man, v»j /t5 â-  puichased them but could n<it succeed and they were abandoned. This spot ip one of the ?J> Q prettiest, from a scenic at»ndpoiDt, of the many romantic locations along the Beaver river. Q Grey County's BIGGEST aaJ CHEAPEST STOUE 60,000 lbs. Wool wanted We want 60,000 pounds cf wool and are prepared to oav the .HIGHEST C ASH or TKAD E PRICES. _, To get the right idea of the Money-Saving in store for you this week note well the difference between onr regular prices and those we will be satisfied with. REGULAR 19c HOSE FOR 12k. PAIR Ladies and Misiaes Kibbed Cashmvre and Cotton h<.8e, Mizea 7, 7i. 9, 9^ oily, full fwihioned and fast colors, reuular price 19c p»ir, this week 12jic REG. 12i AND Uc PRINTS FOR 9ic About 400 yarda English and .American print, full 212 indites wide, in a large ra- rieiy o( nice patteins in obades of pinks, biutfS.ureyB, greens uud blacks and wbi'es Reijidar 12^ and 14 cents, this weik per yard 9f.c $1 25 BSD SPREADS F03. r,-. 33 only DaioAsk bid sp-eads of blue and white, rrd and wjvtp, ^tid pink and whi'n mixtures, fringed ill around, size 58x8(i inches, regular $1.25, iliis -.veek w»';.'i.8Da-; 50 AND 65c STRAW SAILORS f . r 25c. 18 only Men's tine quality siraw sailoifj not many of uny one style hence the*' must move nut, nil siers in the lot ilieir males were sold at 50 and 65c. We liave placed theiii toirether and will sollibs week your choice foi 2jj NEW Jewellery Store Have you called in yet to see our new premises 8 Bigger Stock Better Display Of Jewellry, Watches. Cb-clM, Plated Ware, and choice thini(s in every line. Pres- Get your Wedding eqts liere, Get your Wedding Rings f\ers. Prices Right. Goods the Best. W.A. Armstrong. ^F-^^i- ^-i?r- -^-T- râ€" ^~^n Industrial Home Notes {Bij an Inmate) Garden operat-ions. beyond preparing the ground have not yet bdk;un here on auAOUut of the cold tale season. Should warm weather now set in there may still be a good production of garden truck. Two more fenial6 inmates have been admitted and two riialo iiuimtes dis- charged duriuK the laitt week. The ad- uiitted were Mrs. Caraon of 0>Ten Sound and Bertha Cann of Euphraiia. The former is conipletely blind and 97 years of age; it canuot therefore be expeotud that the will be an inmate of this insti- lUtitn very hmg at the mi«k although phe is fairly lively for one of her great age, sti'l her pareer ip this world must be rapidly dtawiiig to a close, The Utter it a spinster of 40 years, npparemiy stnmg, healthy and active bodily but somewhat weak mentally. .Iiihn Miller was dikuharecd im the ex- piration of his t'mc on Wedn>'sday last. This. is the second time John has Iwft the institution, but beini< unQt for hard lab><r rvturued again to the home afior his 6r«l trial away, and as he seems i<o ni'iie able now than then to maintain himself i^ is i|uite pMbahle thai his absence from the •niino will net he very prlnngtHl at moat, '^be SAIUP may be said of Lochia McDon- ald who left on Fiiday last. Alilioufha Mlriiue able biitlied man, 70 ^uininors has passed over bia hi'iwl and h-* ia badly cripplsd by the ccntrac'ixn I'f the ritiht j again leg from an injury to the knte years ago, ' Dr still be is SI rung and able to do outsidu summer work amon'.; root crops, pitch s.heaves in held and baiu in harvest iiiuu and later ou do underbrusliinst unul the snow brings hiiu to a halt. Lcchie w.:8 a first class fuliow here, milked cow^i and JHd other chores, sewed and p tch«<i (tt^t haiiided) for o'ber old felluwa and always ready to help tbo^e who couldnot help ihemselves. A tine old Sco;, ia Loch'e. Be iutenda t.i return when he can work out na longer. Kiolit ye are, Locliie. Wiu. Scott, th»» you'.h referred to last we«b, is rapidly itaiidng ground: he is not* able to be up, sinu!> and whistles like a lark and IS able .for ihree good square meals a day. The youuKSter felt a little chagrined at thtf statement miUle «f bis having only bwa two years in this count' y when he has been a whole uuven years; we certainly unc/crstnod hiin to nay two and so did others. Never luiud lad it was only a mi!<take of either of us, but we hope you will soon be all right attain, as able to work as you say you are willinti; you will find pleuty of employ- ment uo matter h<<w long or how short you have been iu Canada, /tut we ^viae you not lo get rttfSe^at every tiitting matter which may cross your path. Mrs. Uolly whose domestic duties (we understiud) re<iuired'her presence else- where, severed her connections with the Ik)id«> staff last week. ' Mias Heunedy ot Artemesia is ennraged to till tlie vacancy. The rev. Mr. Frank of l:Sro>>kholiu and Rev. Mr. W»1wo'kI. Me.-4irs. MauninK and Merriam of Chatswoith trave a odl at the home one day last week. There wore no visit->is on Tbursdiy ast. Tonliflit If you would enji»y toniorrow 'take Cham- berlain's •Stomach and Liver Tablets tunight. They produce an aKne.xblii laxative uje<;t, clear the bead and ulL-ansc the atoinach. Price, 28 ceiita, Saui^li's free at \V. K. Kichardwu's drug store. in Flcsberton last Friday evening. Mr. Ben :Scott and lady friend called on actpiiii tancrs in our jrillago Monday eveniuu. Mr«. (R(!v ) Kemp visited with her sisier in AliiotuM last week ai.d also at- tended ihiS anunsi meeting of the W. M. 3 in Toionto The Meihodisr congregation of Max- wt<l) h.ive cii:ins;fd >^.h*!ir hour of service from 6.30 to 7 o'clock p.m. ; Ptty the Bu»y Office Man,^ He feeli half dead, a seuse of nausea, beadaclie and nerve s'rain. Ue is on the verge (It brvnkdowu through iiverwf>rk aiid lack uf exercise. These diHiculiicK arc best ovurcoine by Dr. llamiltou's Fills which do make the bowhs active, stimulate kidneys and liver and thereby fiee ihe nystem of impiiiiiius. To revitalize ai>d stimulate your wh'de b«i(ig,{to shake olf letbarity aud rircdness, noihiiiii coiupartH with Dr. Uaiuillou'.s Pills which do make good looks, good spirits, |2oud health. Sold everywiiere iu 25c boxes. $3*25 Crimmtd ifats for $1.95 15 Ladies Tiiinmed hatji, haodsoinely trimmed, regular §2.75, 83.00 and 83.25, n two alike, must bo sold out quickly and in order to do so we have put thani on .in-" table in millinery ^.om and have marked them to sell at, yuur choice f 1 Oj 83.00 MSN'S FINE BOOTS FOR 1.58 37 pairs men's tine Dongola Kid and box calf leather iu Congfe»« and lace styles, medium toes, J D. Kinif make, colois black and t-in. S zfs G, 7. 8i, 'j^, 10 aid IG^. R»sular 2.75 aud 3.00 per pair. This week pw {»ir 1 .58 30c GALVANIZED PAILS FOR 19c. Extra heavy galvanized pails, steel hand- les and sold iu the regular »ay at 30r. Wliiie they last each l!)o 40o <.)UTIXG SHIRTS FOR 25c, 4 doz. Liaht fancy flanllelet^o oulif^f shir's in .stripes, clliini attached and C"!- or« fast. S.res 14* to 10.^ Ri-gular 40-; reduced [irice each 2ic 60c SAUCE PANS FOR 39c. Just a small quantity of blue granite a^iune pans, .some »ith lid and oibi>n- without hut the hitter are lsp|ied. R'"s- ular 50c, this wei k each 3'.)c McFARLAND & COMPANY i^^:^^;^:;^:;^^^^^:^ k.-. MAXWELL At the annual meeting of the Women's Insliute on Wednesday evening last, oSicers wore eleete<l as follo*s: I'rus,, Mra. Wqi. Wright, Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Chutou; SfC. 'Ireas., Mss Lizzie Guy; Directorsâ€" Mrs. James Cls.k, Mis. Ed. Linloy, Mrs. W J.Aright. The Insti- tute IS in quite a flourishing condition •lid great interest h.-ia brun taken in the work aud we with the ladies to still try •od make it a greater sucue»s durli.g the neat year. I)»i)'t forget the farnigra annual meet- ing June Utb. Fur further pnrticuUi* aee posters. Mr. Ue«rge Buckingham,* ho hat) been attending the anivetsity colWe, is U'li- daying at his pitreutal home at present. Mr. Jamfts Uamey of the gleu spent a few days with bis aister, Mrs. Fred Sp.if- tord, last week. Mr!i. Valentino B.ll viaited with friends in Ooliingwood hist week. We are very Horiy t.i sea -Vlr. .1. Peii- r< so laid up «iih a lery .<oie band, Oloud p.iin(in beii.;/ tht cause, but we hope he I wil soiiu be able to leluiu to his wu:k Ouud jttei.ded ih • i.lioral oaicert loth Line Osprey Tho Osprey Tnwnship S S Conven lion was held in the Piesbyterian church at Feversham on Thursday last and wa.s well attended. The speakeis wore Mr. U. A, Brown B. A., Provincinl Secretary, Subject: "The Sunday sh<>ol teacher," Rev. Mr. Mathewson B. A.. Presbyterian Minii>ter of Pricerille, Subject: "Child hood.. The Battleground of the King- dom." Bi>th Hul'jocts were handled in a . ^] maaterly manner and listened to wiihK< much pleasure. Mr. Geo. Buckingham ; M; gave a short address on Sunday sciioul { ^^ supplies, Mrs.^ V.^ W. Nicholson ofi.^' Por Uw aud Mi-s. DOwding of Waiehaiu i i ( both gave short adrcsscs i»nd (jave poiots K ill their exp»-rience i.s Sunday school i ^^'' teachers which wi'l be helpful t^i all I V who are engaged in Sunday sohoi>l wnik. | "j The Feversham chojr rooderi'd somo j ^t choice musiu and a hearty vote of thanks 1 ,y WA-; tund'TuJ them. At the ilose if lUe ij service the "fflceis for the onsuint' yfar iK were electoi', uaiuely: Mr. Win. Wrii<hl, ! .^' M'axwell, I'res., Mr. Hugh Ruber!. s, â-  '/ Mclntyre, Vice Pres.,. Mr. Ed Pedlar. Fcvershnm, Sec. and trcaa. The visits iiig coiuiiiitlec for the South are Mr. W. ) W. Andnrs'iii ot Warebam, and Mr, H. ! Dowu of llatherton. For the North Mr. | Robert UiiiderKou, "f Rob Ity, and Mnw WatS'U of -Lady Bank. We underntaiid Mr. Win. Davids u of the 12th line has purch ised the S.inieoii faun on this line, the price being ahoJt- fonr ihi'URind dol'ars. • Mr. Wiu. Hi-iidry has sold the Ueath- cote fai-ni for four tliuuHaiid fiv^ htiiulr* d dol'aiK. Liind vaU;.'S areKtill luokiu;^ up in spite o( backward season. BENTHAM BROS. HARDWARE. This is the season for builders sup- plies. RememK^r, we have a full stock of everytliing iu that line. Wo can quote you lowest prices, a.'i our stock was Ixiught at lowest import price. Have you ever seen or exaniinod the Cyclone Waaliiiig Machine ? If not, call in and have a look at them. The best and eJLsicst wash- er on the market. JuKt .1 woni about Wire Fencitii; Don't use any other kind until you Iwjvo.seon the StAudavd WireKenic iiiiide of No. 9 hiird .sluel wire and tied with "the tio that biiids.' GROCERIES. Oiur Grocery Stock is complete in every line. We handle nothing but the best lines in Groceries and give our per- sonal guarantee tliut I hey will give the best of satisfitction. We pu^htglicst prices rash ur trtulc fur Farm I'roducc. Pure bred Whit:e Leghorn for s.ale. Eg2s ** C5)« 3usy Ecrttcr Store ** FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. J^ ^ ' ^ â- * â- ^ ^^ *- ^^ -^^ -^^ , ^^ ^^ , -** ^ ^ ^ -^^ . ^^ , ^^ .^t -^^ , *^ ^^ -^^ "^ â-  ^^ '^T i " V ^Wi > I. c k â-  A ;.< •4 I' I 1 ^^H 9,? mw ' vm = sbop, i Proved AJttr FJfly Years. ; Tho tent ut t'iio.' liA-« piMiTc.l tli:it Pn'- nain's Coru'ExtiH •'."•r rures qu'eker, wi'li leb.s diseo^nfort and more thiin'uah'y tlnui a: y thinK else. Ci'iriiiiis iii acid.'*, is p'lreiy veiji table and absolutely guaru'e- ed lubiat on ••Putnnui'â„¢" only- it's tl.e butt ^ y^ I desire to iffonn '.he piililio that I have opiMi.-d a new Tiii.>^hop in the ChristoB Bioct. FIe->her|on. 1 hiivo purchased Mr. F. G. Kirsti di's complete iin-<mithii.n outti" and am f"l!y piepajisl to do al! kinds of rii.«- toin work, tn'^liidintf eave l.r-'iighir.a, fun ace Work aiul ni^airitiu of all kiiMls. A full tin tfoods will bo kept c- nsrHntly on Land. 1 fMirpost! ifiv.rig laM-^faoTi' â- !! to my palvoiis s'-d all my »or< »!il be d.'i.e will; t'.at eud in view. Give iix; a call- and a chance to lieinon- auato my tito.sH t.u aeivr yi>u. P. Hcrrfs, F,cs^;crtvll. A..,V- v.»> »s '«it^?- *<?*': 1" ? •v-'* .<-*.- -,1 (â- â- / "A M

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