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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1907, p. 8

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May 23 l»07 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK. ... 3« 'o -^ ... 76 to 76 46 tj 45 85 10 85 „.10 00 tol2 00 ... CO to C5 IJutterr'.r.'^ .'..'. 20 to Vugn, fre»U 10 t-" CuickeiM 6 «o Oeew JO to Turkeys ^-J-^ Duck^ 10 to 0«ta Paaa â- narli'y Wheal H»y Futatoea, p«r bag . 20 15 8 10 11 10 HELP FOR SICK KIDNEYS. There K no reason in t)ie world why yoa sbouUl suffer with Kidney Trouble, and ybu w-ont suf ferifyoutake Take "B<4 •Ju" on positive euartin- tce Hut it wil Icur* you r >r money rcfuudeil. 50c. a large box. A I il ruggists or by rooil postpaid. <•' Tt» Claflin Cbemlcal Co., Ltd., Wtndior, Out. r -IQ In Furniture The largest and best stock of furiiimib ever ohowii in Flesher- ton. This withunt fear of coiitra- dictioii. Come aud bbb some of tlitj uico tbiiigs iu ^sideboards Dining Roon\ Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorn Setts A special roduciion just now on everything iu order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT FlestoloQ - OdI. „ ,j •TO Ojâ€" , now is a 6ood Cime To enter the well-kiiowu * ZO&ONTO. QNT.> liijli -i'nAK: rDiciiiifrc'id and Hhoitliaml xclmol. Our xraduHtcH sra nlwiiys •uci*"<h(;jI. Their K.iiii'tior traiiiiuK unalil-^s ihcni to i>ut and liold exci 111 nr poMtioi>s, Thu pu[iils who ({raduito from our school arw in tho hi^lii'Hl and best sdhhu trained fur hus- i iiusilifj. <y • nimence now. W..J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cur. Y'unxt) aud Alexander Sts. Lwt fr«ek Rev. U. A. Reid bad bu attentloD allracted (»e»er«l timea by a osokling hen utterioK her noisy crioa from one of the lan{« willow trees in front of bis f saldence. Thoai{h it hardly seemed probabU tbat "Biddy" would aUenipt to tind » neat at such a heiKbt, Mr. Uied climbed up toinvefitiKate and found three rggton onoof I he lar^e limbs cluso to tho trunk and about ID feut from the ground. â€" Stayuer Sun. Clearing Sale At Port Law Kvuiyt!iini{ in dry isoodn, gtocur- icK, Iloois aud 8hiieH, UardwHto and Tiiiware, 'o lie sold forbttmv VHiiii ; all Miliiii siriv.lly canh i>r produce. Hi->ir in iniiid lain not lea\rin.< I'oit Lnv, i.iily SHllio'.; the ^(o^:k ao 1 c.iM devorc niore tiui I lo eavii trou.:liiii;j and juli J. A, St. JOHN Goi>era Merchant huJ Tinauiiih Poi-t Lftw - - Ontario For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is It with the children? Are they thin, pile, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparllla. You know It makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. ThotiWI'lren c»nnotpoii|lMT ''•^"•J'?,"J**}i"*' 4ol«« of Aj«r". Villa . All vcgetublt,«nK»rcott« <l. br J. O. Arer Co.. lowjH, Kâ€". iUM manoawtanri «< HAIRViaOR. AOUB CURB. CBERSY PECTOBAL. W* |i»T« no Monti I 'Wo pnbUtb ffio fornniU« of all ou» modloiziot. SboHbornBull The tliorouifhhred Shorthorn Bull, "Favo ite," 62235, is for servicu on lot 27-28,2nd ran ^ N. D. ll.,Artouiu8ia. redigreeonapiiUcation Terun«1.25 .ALEX. MoRAE, Ceylon BUSINE.SS Cards U'OULLOUGH & YOtJNQ banker Markdale t)o a general banking buBiness. Money loaneo a reasonable rate Call ou ub. TCHISLETT, • I'oittmastor, reylon, CommlBBiouur in H.C. J .Convevancor, deedH, uiortijaKoe. leasaw, willa etc. carofally drawn up Oolbctiuns mad?, cliaryea ruauonaljlo. Ali^o grocoriea, flour, feed etc. kept iu Btook, PriccB riKUt. RJ 8PROULB Po4tmastoi, Fleaberton i^ommiBelonor in H.C J., Auctioneer Con- veyanoor, Appraiser and Money Lender Beal Estate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortRagoB, leaseB and wllK carefully drawn â-¡p and valuationa made on Btaorteut nntice. uionoy to loan at luwebt rates of InterOBt. Col octiouB attoudod to with promptneus cliaiceB low. Agent for Ocean Uominion BMamBliip Company, A call solicited. DUoPHAIL, liicouBsil Auoiioneer for tho • County of Grey. Terms moderate and Batlitactlon Kuarantin"!. The Brrannomonts ami dates of Bales can be made a^ TuR Advance offlee. BoBidenco audl'.O., CejloD, T«lopboue connoction. Doc. 8.07. HEO.U. L.UOL0W, Lioenaed Anctioneor for tho ^ County of Grey. I'roiuiit service ana reasonable terms, (^iotou Btatlon P. 0. I IlAllVKY rERlnOK, Feveraham ^' luauraDce, Koul estate aud uiinii'g Btook broker. Conveyancer, lioana and Collections. Write. for rateu on I^Mre, Life or Sick bunofit iniiuraiicu or information regarlinf; Cobalt mining ntouk. lletter ooutraots aud lowur rateion flru insurance bow. Farmers, Take Notice. I havu cpiwM'd wiirkioK for Mct^nrniack iii«-hlii*i. ii-.t th.1t I had any fault witli the iini'lerii.-iiiK, t)Ut.Jaoki.on A Ilannah, (if Mmk- •1 .1.! 11.1I.I I .\lD(;jiin«<:k »ix fiMit liinder to Mr WiUiin .^^.;Mâ- lllun last harvost fur tVSt m „i'i MlI»•|mv^ and him.ld Hatl.r-nu liiml.T and Kuni aiill the nld biinliT fur ^l.M, and mi ii,.r» rwcslixtru thuy are chvrcud to ih,*,. i|„it laarhain tVy ifet Ouiiii fur Um than 1 du. Why •loo • thi-y *>U Cheiu to Markdale farnierii for tlwa»||K' ITiij I .u,, pruve. I havr oi,„in„,f "*,.."' ^ "'•'"' I^l "'"'to ' l'«'t«rh.ii(nm'li to avU kiH iniiiI.ini.-iitB at M uk.lale and KIcshor- tuiii. I Will Bill the liiiichiw.Blxfmit 1111 one imy «ilO 2|..iyi. ?115 tlir.^.- |i„y, «120; (lrill.,,,me par Jill'"' drill «r,l. 2 pay« *(«, three jwy- idh a»d iith.T i»ui.-« to oiirre«|i .ml, Hinalleriirlaiger 1 wfll !»â-  at .MftrkiUle af ir t!i« liiat uf .\!.iich .WMTtr MiUirUy. Any nmi wiuitinif mn.'lilnea iM aeiMiri) w>U hnd me nn .Saturdays. I have »aB<M«'.iiiil hand Drill* mi liand, suuie ouly maked <«to aud two years, Nnxiin, l)>hawa Mad Peter Kaiuilton. .Vino aKcnt fur the Uoakaliiitl Plow, Pa^ Matiiiro .'^prtaderaud P. MAIIILU Societies AO V \t nieetB on the last Monday in eacn mouth, In tboir luugo room, CliriRtoe's block. Flenherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Rec, T. Ulakely, FluaMoler, NV.J. Hal, amy. VlsitluR bretlirrs Invited, PUINCB ARTHUK LODGE, No. :«)8,A.r.* A M, meets in tlio MaBonicball. Htrain'a block. KleBhorton. every Friday on or before the full inocn. W A.Armstrood, W M.; Herb. 3iuitb, Becrutary. noi'UT FLERHKIiTON 995, I. 0. F. n-eetB in ^ Clirintne's ninc.V the last WedntiBdav evening; of each month. Visllini; FoiSBters heartily welcome. O. It., Dr. Mniray: K. B., 'i'. Henry; Fin. Hec, C. N. Kicbardiiou. Ploaiio pay dues to Fiu. BeO. before tUa first day of tlie uiontb. pHOKKN FhlKNDS-FloBherton t^onnoil of ^ ChnnoM KriiimlB meets in Clayton's bull first and thin) Wednesday of each moot H p. m Pay AHSBsflmentB to tlio JHecorder on or before tnefli'it ilayof each month. Chief Councillor, T, Ulakeley:Uocordor, W. H. Bunt. Medical DU OAnTP.R U CP ABOnt.Pfaysloian, SnrgAon,otc OiQca aud rosldenceâ€" Petsr St., Fleshortou nit.A.T. IIOND " (iradiiate Toronto University. Mom- bur of Ontario Collrgo oj Physleiians and Hiir- geouB. Ua.\woll. Ouf. riuoceasor to Dr. Scott. Jr OTTBWELT. Veturiuary Burgeon Oraioats of Ontario Veterinary College, resideuo* â€" suconil door aouth west' on Mary Btreet. This streot runa south Presbytsrian Church. n WILHON, IllBchfinith "• jraduate of tho Veterinary Hcieoce ABBnolation. KeBldenco, Durham (treet, op- posits Hoyd, BivkllLg'B hardware. Legal LUCAH WniGlIT * McABDLE Barrlaters Bolicltore ConvoyaneerB, eto Oirioeiâ€" Owen Hound. Ont and Markdale Ont W H WnioHT, iloAniiLK I 11 Lucas M II'-FleBherton office, Uitchell'i Bank every Saturday, Klmberlcy Mr. and Mrs. Tboa. Brooks of Clarks- bnrK were the guesta of the furmem' par- enia here ou Sunday laul. Mr. Bruce Mylea a>.d Miss Mylea, of Ileuthcote were the t;u.i8t8 of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myles SpritiKbrook Farm, on Sunday lust. We nte pleased to learu that little iliin Edna Buriitt, who has been ill niih pneumonin, is Improring. Mis.s Lizzie Kuntner of Heathcute visited friends here on Monday last. MesHrti. Ht>rhort Fawcett und Jack Miiyuiliin of Collingwood were tho guests uf the former's ^lurents hero on Tuesday and Wudnesday last. Masttr ClilTurd Luu)(heed of the tenth line Oollini;wuiid was '.he guest uf his cousin, Mr. Andrew Fawcett, one day last week. Miss Kula Scott and friend, ftliss Gertie Fawcett, of Wuduhouse, spent Sunday at the lormor's parental home here. Mi's. Best, who. has bem on the sick list, is able tu ha around again. Miss Jean GrHhaui of Duyno Villa was the t;uoat ot hor friend, Mrs. Geurve Proctor, one day last week. Mr. C. Knott uf I'lmrnbury was in town last week. Mr. F. D. Gof! of Clarksburg, took charge of tho service in the Union Church here un Sunday evening last. MisH Eva Illask visited Epping friends un Saturtlay niid Sunday la^t. The Kimberluy Branch of the O. W. I. held their annual meutini; in the Urauge Hall here on Wednesday after- noon laat. Tiie following otliera were elecud for the enHuin;< year: Pres., Mrs. G. H. Walter; Vice Pres., Mrs. W. T. Ellis; Secy. Treas., Miss JVIaude L. Fawcett. Directors, Mis. Jasper Stuart, Mrs. A £. Ellin. After all busin- ess WHS transacted all repaired to Mr. C. Harris's ice creuin pailor where ico cream and cake was served. We are aurry tu report Miss Battle Fawcett ou the sick list at Present. Mr. and Mas. R. J. Stuart and Mrs. Hugh Uammond visited Flesherto6 friends last week. Ml, aud Mis, J. Wyvill of Vandolcor neie the ({ueslsof the latter's parents here, on Sunday l^t. Mr. Leonard Wilkes, student ofMc- Master Univerdty, Toronto, tiHik chari{e of the sei vice in the Union Chuch here un Sonduy afternoon last. Mr. Wilkes is a pleauing spouker. We underKt-ind he will have charge of the Kimberloy and Ceylon appointments this summer. Mr, John Myles af I;lailubuiy, was tho guest uf Mr., and .Mrs. A. E. Mylus on Sunday last. Mr. John Faivcett of Maikdale, Was the (.'uest of his brother Mr. Richaid Fawcett of ihe luburbs last week. Lnidlaw of Sbidburne is the guest of his son Mr. Janie.s Laidlaw at present. â€" â€" â-  1 11 » m â-  Select Your Medicine with Care. In debility and weakness medicine shou'd lie mild and far reauhiiiK. Many iiills and pugativcs are too harsh, are Iratitic instead of curative. Exouf'sive HCti^.n in followed by depression, slid knowing this. Dr. Elamiltun devised his pills of Mandrake and Bu'teruut so us tu miltily increase liver and kidney activity, tlui-h uut thu elementary tual, tone and roi^ulato the bowels. Tliusdo Dr. IJuniil- tnn's PilU eliminato poisons from thu body, real ore clearness tu the skin, lirlne strength and that sweet restorer uf healthâ€" i>leep. Dest niedi';iiie un earth, 25c par box at all dealers. VaiKlcIeur Notwithstandinu the latcrpiing most of tho farmers in this vicinity tiiiished seeding an early an usual. Mr. Jaaper (Jilburt and sister Violet visited thuir sister, Mrs. Will Uutchinsuii, thu first of the week. Mr. Jake Neely had the misfortune to lose a valuable inaru lusc week. Mr. Ira PeriKo »f Keversham, visited at S, Osborne's recen'ly. Mr. Clark has been on thu sick list fur some days. We hupe soon tu hear of his recovery. Mr S. Oaborne hns liis new saw mill ahuut completed and will be ready for business in a sliurt time. new organ and has reorganized their choir with Mm. A. llanley as organiut. Ice cieam social and entertainment at Providence Methodist church. Lady Bank on Monday, June 10th. Admission 15u, Why not investigate tho mill tire in Fevershanif Surely one has as much right to be investigated as the other. Ensign Poole conducted a memorial service fur Mrs. Wni. Pool in (he S. A. barracks here on Sunday evelxing last. We understand that a furniture factory in CoUingwood town has gone into li<iuidatiun and several of our Kiwinill men are losers several hundred dollars each. They sold the factory men liniiber and could not get the cash and now their paper is nut going at par by a long odds. . <â- > Good Word* for Cham bei"- laln'a Coufflk Hcxnedy. Pe<iple everywhere take pleasure iu testify intr tu the ^ood uoalilies of Chainberluin's Cough Remedy, Mrs. Kdwani I'hiltjie of Harclay, Md., writes; '.'I wish to tell you that I rciNiinuicnil CbaniWluiii's Cuuirh Jleniody. My little (firl, Catheriu*-, who id two years old, ha* bc-eu takiuK this reiicdy whenever she l^as had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I con- tracted a dreadfuul cold myself, but I took Chamberlain's Cough Roniedy and wnsiioon an Well as ever." This remedy is for jale by W. E. Kichariison. BOCTOBS rsrae , PATENT MEBICINES Tb« Honett PhysMan Is Anxlotis td Cure and Uses the Best Avail- able Remedies. Drnti.stry rjn 8. C. MURRAY I,. D. R , ilrnlal iiirgeon a* liaiier gradual • of Toronto llnlTer.ltT and Keyal College ot D»iil»l nuriiaonB ofOntarie, Oas a4aBialBt«re4 fur teeth extraation. â- â€¢a at raaia*Dce, Toroato stiaat , rUthtttCD "Hall Mark," the valuable importid stiillioii belonging to Mr, Thou, Mercer, had a narrow escape fruin being burned to death on Satuvday iiiaht. He was beiii^ taken to Owen Sound on a fre'gUt train iu charge of Mr. Peter MpKechnie, his nianH;;er, when the rtar end of the car in which ho wiia ench)Red caught tire fiuiii a spark from the eiii;iiie a short time after Icavinft Berkeley slaiiun. It was not noticed by AlcKe:hiiio ui.til a hile was burned iu the roof. II1.1 first thought was how tu siiiiial tho engineer to stop the train. Seizing a horse blanket he leaned out the car door and frantic* ly waving the blanket succeeded at last in attracting tbeutteuiion of the brakesmen in the van who ininiedlately gave the siynal to stup the trail), Hy this time ihe entire end of tho car was in a mass of fi micp. Tho tire was speedily extinguished, however, and no dauiagu was done tu either uiau or beast. It was a narrow escnpe lor both "Hall M-rk" and hi.s iuunagt.r. The stalliiD is valued at 94,(j0O.â€" Siuni:- ard. One of the Saddeat Stories First it was a cold, neglected of course and Catarih developed. Nothing was done and consumptiun followed. Watch the little cold, keep it from grow- ing by uaing "Catarrhnzone." Nothiujj simpler than iiihai ing the germ-killing rapor uf this grand remedy. Colds and calurth floe as before fire. Every trace uf throat and bronchial trouble yiehU liiimedia^oly. Catunhozone is sciemitic and absolutely guaianteod fcr pieventinii and curing catarrh find kindred ills. Two hizea, 25o and $1.00 at all doalets. ... ^ , , loth Line Osprey We aro very sorry to report tho death of Mrs. Win. Poole of the 12th line. Death came U) hor on May 13th and the roinainrt wore hiid to rest in the Lady Bank cemetery un Wednesday 15. De- cuased loaves a liusbaiul and three small children to mouru her loss. She was 25 years uf ago, iu tho prime of life, and be- loved hy every one who knew hor. The sympathy of the entire neighborhood goes uut tu Mr. Poulo in his great bereavo- inout, Mr, Goo. Julian hud the misfortune tu have a lire at his sawmill ou Monday night uf last week which damaged his machinery to the amount of several hun- dred dollars . The Osprey township Sunday Sch<M)l Ctmvention is to be held in Fuvershani un May ;iO, A guud programme is being provided. Providence churfh has purchased a m^^'^ism •" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. The backward child too often becomes the unsuccessful man- ^0 A. Armstryrtw-, ir-V/KLE' 'NO JPTiClAIV The discission of the blU now befoTCi the Dominion Parliament for tho KUlatlom of the manufacture and of jjatent or proprietary medicines is one ot the utmost Importance, and is receiving a ffreai deal of attention, ooC only by the proprietary medicine manif facturera, but aJ*> Uv the retail and wholesale drugiBlata. Every manrufai** turer of reUal)le and hl«h class r^ inodlea weloomoa the blH aa a step tit the right direction. The discussion has brought oat the fact thait the beet yhyslolaiks in Canada azul on tha con- tinent approve of and preacrlbe Psy- cdilnc- In cases ot tha most difficult character. In a recent Instance of very Serious tbroat and lung trouhto the patient had t«*n usln* Psyihlne. Two leading Unljted States speolailats were consulted, in addition to two eminent Canadian physicians. Upon learning what the patient was Maine, e. •ample of Psychlne wao taken and analyzed, with the result tbat tbo phyaiclajts advised Its continuance. Thoy prescribed no other medldne but Psychlne, with the result that the pa- tient has fully recovered and Is a. splendid wuliklng and talking adver- tisement for the wonderful ouratlv<a power of a remedy that will "stand up" t)etore tho keenest pnjfessloaBJI criticism and analysis. As a builder up of the system and restoring aU wasted condttlona, Psychlne has ao equal, and the best and moat earneB*. physicians recosnlze this fact. " At the age of 28 my kings were In a terrible Btate. I had la wrlppe toa year- before; It settled on my I1UD8B and 1 kept steadily growing '"»«f till I got down 90 Vow 1 was In bed for six weeks. I had a consultation of doctors, and they said they coiUd do nothing more for me. Then I start- ed to u«e Psychlne. I took the medicine for more than a y«ar. It certainly did wonders for me. I am now as atpon* as I was before my slduies^k "MRS. H. HOCPB, "Morxierth, Ont." Psyohlne, pronounc«>d sT-keen, Is Q»s greatest of tonics, building op the sy»- t tern, lncroasln« tho appetite, purl^- itx tho blood, aid's digestion, and acta I dlroctly upon the throat and lunafc' I alrrtjie tone and vigor to the entire «y«tam. At all druggtets. «>o. and »1. or Dr. T. A. 9locum, Limited, 17» KJnff Streca wast, Toroota y^Aat do i/ou Want? If it is anything a well regularol Gricery shuuLl supply we have it and at the right price. We have all kinds of urocories, but one ijuality â€" tho best, M lys and Stti-1 o Brians assorted seeds, 2 pKckngas for he. Corn, Beans, Turnips, Mangolds. Suvar Doe's and Onions, iu bulk The priut'S will suit. Uur Ice Creuni Parlor is open and dolui{ a big business. Tho ipiali'y uf uurlcd Cream is tho best over. W. L. Wright. FLESUERTON "^J-ESHERTOrJ It % II n In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Feucing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Flesherton Carnage Works If you are thinking of bu^-ing a buggy be sure and give me a call before buying elsewhere as I have a first class selection to choose from. 1 Guarantee Satisfaction in Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing All kinds of ploughs and plough roiiairs on hand; also rejtairs fur Masaey Harris, Nuxon and McCurtnick farm implements. A^ent For" MELOTTE [REAM SEPARATORS !>• MpTiLVIS» â-  I keep a stock on hand al- ways and anyone wanting a cream separator please drop me a card and their wants will be attended to. ^ ; JPlevHertoii '»j.

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