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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1907, p. 5

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•i^Ar TiIE FLEES If ERTON ADVANCE May 23 1907 KSTABUSHED 1S73 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office • - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed No Delays in making Withdrawals Interest added four times a year Savings BanliL Department in Connection with all Branches. FLESHE.RTON BRANCH Ceorg'e MitoKell, Ma.nag>er Vicinity Chips Choral concert, Friday, May 31. Lath for saleâ€" Apply to John H. Jumiesun or Thos, E. IJ'onwick, Eugenia R. B. Curruthers of Kimberley left, Friday ui^ht, for New Lixkeard. S. C. Brown Leghorn oggs for hatching oOo per 13 eeg». Sue ad. R. AIlt<n. Several citizerm took in the excursion to Niagara on Friday. Chorul Union Cuncort â€" town hall, Flesherton, Friday eveniiij^, May 31. For inoucy at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. 8. VanDuaon, Flesherton. Miss Leone Bellamy is viHiting her sister, Mrs. DInsmore, in Owen Sound. For good second hand furniture, good as new, at half prices, call on R.J. Sproule, Flesherton. Miss Nathalie Grier of Dundalk w>is a visitor at Mr. J. A. Boyd's last week. For sale or rent in Flesherton 2 com- fortable houses, 1 briuk and 1 tnutal clad. Apply to R. J, Sproule, Fletiherton. Oolt for sale, general purpose mare, 9 months old. â€" Apply to Wm. Re^d, Flesherton, Next Sunday is Floral Sunday at the Baptist church and Rov. Mr. Kipp will preach on "TheLsssonsof the B'lowers," Don't forget the grand musical evening on Friday next. See complete piogram in another column. GIANT TRIPLETS V'Currenoy" "Bobs" and "Stag" Chewinc; Tobacooes, in big pings. Quality always the same. Get your flour, cement, halt, etc. from J. & \V, Boyd. Three cars arrived dur- ing the past week. Mr. Wm. Carson of East back lino recently sold a beautiful two-year-old driver, sired by Gauthier, for 8150 to Charlie Stafford of Port Law. For sale or rent in Flesherton, one comfortable brick dwelling, good stable and large garden. R. J. Sproule. James Wiliey's residence at Wodehouse was destroyed by fire on Tuesday of last week. The houso was of brick and in- sured for only 8600. For Quality and Qunntityask yourdoal- er for the now big plugs of "bobs" "stag" and ''ourrenoy" Chewing Tobaicoes. Wanted at once â€" Assistant for dress making accustomed to skirls and aide to assist with waists. Apply to Mrs. Frank Smith, Flesherton. 2 ewes and 4 spring lambs strayed t'l my premises. Jacob Lougheed, part lots 2 and 3, con. 5, Osprey. Strayedâ€" On May lOtli from lot 37, 5th con., Arieraewia, one red atocr two years old dnhornod. Any information as to his whereabouts will thankfully received. F. W. Nicholson, Port Law. Leonard U. Wilkes, the assistant pas- tor of the Baptist church, came up, on Friday, from Toronto. Misses Minerva and Valeria Stafford, daughters of Prof. Jos. Stafford of Mo- Gill University, are spending the summer with their aunt, Mix (Dr.) OtUjwpll. 1200 rolls of Wall Paper, newest designs and finest colorin{.'a for jwrlors, dining rooms, halls and bod rooms for sale at Priooville. C.E.Tryon, practical decorator. A No. 2 Mnssey Harris cream separ- ator nearly now, and well cared for. also a good sot of team harness, both articles good and will be sold reasonable. F. N. Field. Rev. Henry Berry of Holland Centre will preach in Flesherton and Mosfnrd Road Methodist chiirchoa next. Sunday, Dr. Caldwell proacliiug Educational ser- inons in exchange. To the public â€" Portrait work in all branches, crayon and water color cul.irg- iiig and picture framio''. A now supply of mouldings to hand this week. All out door work attended to proinptly. Private post cards for sal 0. \V. A. fiawkin, sue- ceasor to Mrs. Bulmor, Flesherton. For sale or rent, ,-;heap and easy term.'!, good brick S-ioomed dwelling and 1.} acres of land in Flesherton. If not sold within short time will rent. Apply to R. J. Sproule, or David McMullen on the premises. For sale cheap or rentâ€" Lot 30, con. l\ .Artemesia. All p1o^'-lng on this lot ig done for this season and ready for seed- inu'. Apply tu K. J. Sproule, Flesherton, or Jti'ir. J Murtin, across the road from premises. For Sale â€" Registered .Jersey stock. (Jne yearling heifer, 1 yearling bull, 2 spring heifisr calves. Apply to H. E. W. Kemp, Maxwi-11 t)nt. Kor stomach tifnilil(>ii, liilHouaness and con stipation try ChuiiilicalHiii's Stomach aiid Liver TaliI<'C«. Many reinaikahly curvs liavo been etfoctud liy them. I'rice 2iJc. Samples- free. For h.i1'.> liy W. K. Richiirdooii. I Mr H . Douglas has changed his Tuos- ! day noon stand of Gautliu-r from John I Hargnivo'a, t;ravel road, aa announced on bills and cards, to Samuul Pedlar's, 4th ' lino. The change has been madu for I convenience t-o custumera. I Markdalo Agrioukuial Society's Fal E.vhibitioi> is booked for the lataud 2nd j of October They have between two and three huudrt-d dollars of a surplus from last year, and are revising and enlarging t he premium list for 1907. Albert Jackson, Sucietsry. A meeting of the Fevei-sham branch of the Women's Institute will be held in the Methodist hall. Maxwell, on Wednesday, May 20 at 8 p.m. All members are re- quested to be present as it is the annual election of officers and business of import- ance is to be transacted A. F. Ross of Maxwell, who has been attending univer.sily in Turouto the past winter, returned homo ou Friday. Mr. Ross is now a B.A., having won Jhis de- gree from ML'Mis;er university this spring He leaves next wouk for the west hut will return in the fall to enter upon a pott graduate course. Mr, W. A. Hawkin has purchased the |)hot(jgr.iph gallery from Mrs. Bulmor, who has for the past thirty yoars or more boon jotting down the faces of citizens of this town and township. Wo wish Mr. H iwkin success. Mr. W. W. Trimble has invested in the pacing stallion "Joe Patchen," which ho purchased from the James Draii estate of Sandhill Unt. Uo will k?ep the animal at his own stable, this season. Any person wanting travelling stock should see this line animal. R. Cook, Ceylon, had the bones of his right hand badly broken one day last week by an eiu'aged bull. The animal had been tied in the stock yard and Mr. Cook undertook to release him, when the animal attacked him with the above result. He had an extremely narrow escape from death. Thero is a vandal or vandals out at Rockvalo who will be serving; time in Uwon Sound some of these days. One Siniday recently a buggy top was' cut to pieces and I'lat Sunday a bicycle tyre was stuck full of pin holes. Thero may be a case for the msgistrBte soon as evidence against certain parties is in existence. Warning â€" Notice is hero ly given that we will tut be responsible for any purcliaa 08 mado by any person whatsoever either in our names or otherwise unloss by writ- ten order. Signedâ€" Sarah Jane Boyoe, John and Charles Boyce. The Markdale Epworth League paid an eiijoyabU) visit to tho League of this place Monday uii^ht. The visitors suppli- ed the proiframe, which was mostly musical and an exceptionally fine oiio. That thero is a lot of good musical Uiloiit in Mardale was evidenced on Monday night by the sujieriority of their program. The Flesherton League supplied rofrosh- luents and a happy time was spent by all. Tho R.-isoline launch which Dr. Murray has been building in spare moments dur- ing tho past winter is now all complote and the launching is oxpecled to tako place this (Thursday) afternoon at Cul- iens' lake. Tho little vessel looks very pretty and has had' a now pcnant pro BOiited to her l>y a few of tho villagers. She will bo christened tho Shirley M., and is named after the doctor's little 4- year old daughter. NoTK'E â€" Tho Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. contracts to pay market value for household effects, faun stock, implenients, liny and grain also losses or damage in Full caused by lightning at about half tho cost that other companies charge. .'Vn Institution that off. rs such terms deserves tho atronage of all prop- gressive farmers. A post card ad<lrc8.'iod to their agent, W, J. Bowes, markdnlo, regarding terms will reooivc prompt at- tention. Tho annual business mooting of the Method iat Ladies' Aid Society was hold at thoparsonago, Wednesday evening, the loth, when tho following ofliccrs wore elected; Pros., Mrs. Dr. Caldwell; 1st. Vice Pros., Mrs. George Mitchell ; 2nd. Vice Pn-s., Mrs Jos. Clinton; Sec, Mrs, Frrd Hickling; Tioas., Mrs. Will Arm- strong; Parsonage Coinniiltpe, Mrs. Will Moore, Mrs. W. H. Bunt and Mrs. Will Boyd. The Treasurer reported cash receiptsfor the year S104.20. Expenditure $27.84, Tho Secretary reported a large ucrease in membership. At the annual meeting of the Women's lastitute on Tuesday the following othcers were elected:â€" Pres., Mrs. R. Best; Vice Pres., Mrs. A. Stewart; See., Mrs. W. H. Thurston; Troas., Mis. Wm, Wilcock. District representatives are the Pies., Sec, Treas. and Mrs. W. A.Armstrong. The institute is in quite a tlourishing con- dition and great interest is taken in the work, as is evidenced by tho members taking the subjects which have been as- siunud to them by thoprogram committee. If "Bobs" Trimble gels safely through the next ten years his life may bo worth insuring, but during the past six years of his existence it would havo been a bad risk. Ho has had his full share of excit- meiit for a six-year-old "Kid." A couple of weeks ai>o ho was in the water wiUi Jiuiinie Stafford. Bobs "swammed" out but Jimmie was pulled out more dead than alive. Saturday last Bubs fell off a load of straw and landed on his face in a beil of gravel which gave his features the appearance of a bad case of smallpox. Bobs' mother is trying to keep him in bed now, she having a wholesome fear of the next difficulty, but finds the under- taking next to impossible, Purtlaw The wedding belLs referred to in last budget were ringing for the niaraiage of Mis.s Ida E. Simmons, eldest daughter of ilr. iiud Mrs. W.R.Sinnnons to Mr. John G. McKoo. Tho ha])iiy event took place at tho homo of tho bride's iMU'ents, 4th lino on Wednesday, May 8tli in the pres- once of a largo nuinbur of invited guests including relatives from a distance. Rov. L. W. Thorn, the bride's former pastor, perforniod tho ceremony and Mrs. Black- burn of Floshorton played tho wedding march. Miss Tressy .MeKeo, tho gidoms sister was bridesmaid, while Mr. .\lbert Blaukbum of Duntroon acted as grooms- man. The bride wa.s the recipient of a hirge number of beautiful and costly presents. Mr. and Mrs. McKoo havo returned from a honeymoon trip to To- ronto and will reside on tho fourth line. We join their many friends in wishing them bou voyage thrciugh life. Mi's. Ried sr., an ohl resident of this ])arfc, who lived with her son, William, died on Friday last, tho result of a {wra- lytic stroke. ITio funeral took place to Mount Ziou cemet<!ry on Sunday, Mr. Gaudin officiating. Henry Osborn had tho misfortune to fall from his wheel last week, sust^tining a badly fractured arm. Mr. F. Thomp.son lost a valuable mare Inst week through iuflucnui. Miss Annie Thompson and Mrs. C. Pedlar of Toronto .ittended the nuptials of their cousin. Their sister, Gortie, accompanied I hem home. Mr. James Conitield sold a fancy horse for a fancy price, Saturday. Miss Mnssey of Chicago, who has been s|)ending tlio past few mouths in Canada is taking in Port Tjaw among other im- portant i)lacos. She is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Annie and Lydia Sheiudown. Don't Use Greasy Liniments A century ago they were popular. To- day people want something easy to apply, ouriuin in results, and above all a clean hniinent. Whun nerviline is applied aches and pains disajtpear as tho pores absorb its soothing healing properties. Nerviline penetrates to the core of the |)ain, eases instantly, and loaves uo oily bad smelling memory behind. Good to take in, capital to rub on, and five limes more powerful in destroying pain than any oily liniment. Don't fail to got a 1 arge 25c bottle. 2nd Coxioex^-t „f the Flesherton Choral Union in the Town Hall, May 31st, '07 PRtXiRAMME I'ART I 1â€" Cliorua Tho Boys of tlio Old Brigade Tarks Clioial Uiilou. 3-Bolo Tlio Carnival Mulliy ZillivTriuiblo 9â€" Ladies Quavtotto Houio Swoot Homo ParkK Mrs. harun Misa TliiirBtoii 1â€" Duet S-Solo 0-ChoruB MiBB'rriinI)Ie Mrp. lllaokburu O That wo Two Wore Maying Novin Mr. ana MiB. N, Larjio Clover })lossoms Tliompson Howard Ltugo Out Gla.ckJoo Park) Cbornl Union -Trio WliBii far From Tlio Camp.â€" i'arks Mrs. Largo, Mossrc N. A H. Largo. S-SoIo apriuRtido Mrs. N. Largo GreoDO 0â€" Cliorus With Ilorso and Hoiiufl Union O&ldicott lO-Dnat Aftor tbo Fray Masern. N. and H. Largo Honbcur ll-Lodipn Qnartto Tho Girl lleliiui tho Mull Mrs. Large Miss 'J'linrBton Miss Triuiblo Mrc. Dlackburn 18- Solo Captain Jack Bt Mr. N. Larso . Quontln 13-CUoru» Ooo.l Night Beloved , Cbor.<l Uniou Ood .Save the King. PlDBUti.1 Wool Wanted We are prepare<i to pay the highest price.s possible for your wool this year. Flour and Feed Wo just received word that Flour has been raised 50c a bbl. in price, but we have some on hand at the old price. You reap the benefit. Come and get some while it lasts at the old price. Rock Salt We have a lot, of Kock Salt on hand. Just the thing j^ for you at $1.50 per 100 lbs. F. G. RARSTEDT Flesherton - Ontario Spring ^Summer Shoes NOW tliat spring weatber is approaching you will re- quiro finer Footwear. We bavo made a very special effort in aeleoUng our goods. Our atook of Sboes was never bo nice as now. Tboy are neat and nobby, lu Ladies Balfl wo b&ve Kid, Dongola, fine qual- ity, lu Oxfords we bave a fine range of tbo latest stylep. In Gents' wear we bavo a full range of all kinds. Wo also bave a large assortment of Children's Shoes. , " >. - Trunks and Telescopes a large Stock at lowest Prices. Call and see ua. Cock-a-Doodle-Do ,Tust a word to people who raise poultry. If you want good, healthy chickens, buy your incubator from A. Wilson. I set all machines in running order that I sell, so tho purchaser will bavo no trouble and can depend on having pood resuiis the first hatch. I always have a machine go- ing. Call and see and be convinced that you are behind the times without an incubator. A. WILSON, Flesherton Box 21(5 Notice to Creditors In the matt or of the estate of GEORGE ALEX4 NDER, late of tho Township of (Jsprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICB is horoby glvan pursuant to the novisod Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chop. 129 that all creditors and others liaviog elainia against the iratato of the eatd Oflorgo Aloxandor, deceased, who died on or about the twontv- Boventh riavot September, A. D. lOOO.ararpqiur- od.ou or hofoio the 10th daj of .Tuub, A. I". IfW. to nond by post prepaid or delivery to W. Q, Alistor, Kovcrshaui. Ontario, exooutor of tho iKKt will and testamotit o( tho said dooeasod, thoir chriBlian and BurnanieB, addrosees and descriptions, tho full particulars of tbeir claims tho statomont of thoir acocunts and tbo nature of the Beouiitlcs (if any) bold by ANF) FURTHKR TAKK NOTICE tliat after snob last mentioned date tlio said executor will proceed to dlstributo tlio assets of tho dooeasod among tho parties ontitlod thereto having re- gard only to the claiius of wliicb thoy fhall then have notice and thatthosaid oxeoutov will notbo liable for tbo said assets or an v part thereof to any person or povBons o( whoaa claluiB notice shall not bavo boon roooived by him at tbo limoof Buoh rtiRtribution. Dated April, 26th, A. D. mi. , , ^ „ , ,, Lucas Wright & McArUlo, ilwon Sound, Oi't. Solicitors fortbo Exooutor. Farm Laborers H nd Domesti cs I have been appointed by the Dominion Govwrnmeiit t j place immigrants from the Unit«d Kingdom in positions as farm labourers or domestic .servants in this vicinity. Any pei-sous requiring such help should no- tify me personally or by letter stating fully the kind r>f help required, when wanted and wages offered. The numbers arriving may not be sudiciont to supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with the help required. W. W. TRIMBLE Canadian Qovernment Gmployraent Agent FLESHERTON, ONL HOMESEEKEMS' â- mmm PACIFIC", Shorthorns, Bees and Poultry boos bavo wintered well and we bavo a number of i:o!onios for »alo and yonni; swarure after tbo llrfit of June. Yon p.honld Beo our p;'n ofS. CHrnwn I.OKliovnH before RottiiiR your OJRB for batohiiiR; so cents for 13 bm; *• Lot 170,2ud E.T&S.B. B. AfjLEN, 1 lesherton Court of Revision NoUoo ts hereby given that the flret sittlns of til-' *:ourt t»f HuviBioii on the ARuoARineht of 1007, Township of Arteniosia will bo held in the Town Hall, fjoeliorton, on Saturday tho first day of J mo l(K)7at ton o'clock a. m. PoiBOus who navo appoilod will ploass taka noticp, W. J. Bellamy, Clark. Dated May 2-1, WT, RATES TOURIST SLEEPERS SICONO-CLASS RCUr-ID-TRIPv EXCURSIONS TO M.VNITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA n ATCQ Excursions leave 'i'nmnto TuovdAysr. '*"''^" June4, IS; July 2,1G,30| AuKUHt -^â€" 13, 27, Sopt. 10 and 24, Ticket* Sood to return within sixty days from goinK at«. Are the same from all pointn in Ontario. _ ranKlrig from S32.00 ruund-tnp to Winnipeg lo i-i'ijtij round-lrip to Kd- monton. Ticicels to all point.-i in theNurlh-we4t. A limited number of i"'Mnst Slccpmg Car» will ha run no each excursion, fully equipped «ilh bedding, etc.. smart porter in rharpe. i^ortlis mupt ho secnrei) and pnid >'or throuuh local agi-nt at least six days before exc\irsion lea\ va. In which therf» is no extra charKn for berths, passont^erji supplyinc their own boii.iinn, will be u^ed as fur tui poss.iilo in place of urdiiiuiy coaches. notes and full lnfortr.->tlon contained In fre« Homeseekeri' pamphlet. Atk nearest C.PR. agent for a copy, or write to C. 0. FOSTER, Dlitpict Pan. (gt., C.P.R,, Toront» For tickets and full iiiformation seo W. (-aosar, Agan', Fleshorlon. Pasture Farm for Sale COLONIST SLEEPERS .?' Pasture farm, KX) acres; 7;') .lores grAs.s, 15 acroH hanlwrtod. It) acres nwainp, never failing creek, well fonccd. I./ot8 21 A. 22, 1st con. , -S.D.U., Arteinwin. Iul5 â€" :i.WATTEKS, PiiopviHe. ,

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