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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1907, p. 3

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I Saves time, because it makes ironingr easier. Saves linen, because it rives a better (floss with half the iron-rubbing. Saves bother, because It needs no cootcingf, . . just cold water. And it CAN'T stick. Buy it The Algerinn coral rfiefs are divided into Ion portions, of which one only is finished yearly. Ten years is the lime for the proper growth of coral. A Liniment, for the Logger.â€" Logfrers lead a life which exposes them to many perils. Wounds, cuts and bruises can- not be oltoopther avoided in preparing Ihiiber for the drive and in river work. Where wet and cold combined are of ifaily experience, coughs and colds ami muscular pains cannot but en.sue. Dr. rhonias' Eclectric Oil. when applied to Ihe Injured or administered to the ail- ing, works wonders. A woman is apt to mifte some very Itriklng retnnrks when she has occa- lion to hit her husband for a little pin money. ITCn, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cure din 30 minutes by Wol- (ord's Sanitary LoUon. It never fails. Bold by all druggists. Up to the year 1873 Iho non-comnii.s- sioned ofltcers uiid men of the British Army were allowed one penny per day beer-money. Very many persons die annually frojn Cholera and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do Sot delay in getting u bolUe of Dr. .1. i Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial, Iho nie- V.iolne that never fails to effect a euro. Those who have used it say it acts oromptj^-, and (^oroughly jsubdues ttie pain and disease. Teacher ; "Now, Freddie, it's very wrong of you to quarrel with Billy Ijones and to harbor such revengeful ifeellngs against him. C.ome, now, pru- iinise me (hat when you meet Billy l<i- Inight you'll forgive him." Freddk' ; "Well, when I meet Billy to-night, if his !big brother is with him I'll forgive hitii ; 'but, if not. Ml nearly wallop the life out of tiim." Not a Nauseating Pill.â€" The cxfipirnt of a pill is the substance which ciifold.« the ingredients and mnkc-s up the pill ftiass. That of Parnielecs \'pgetable Pills Is so compounded as to preserve Iheir moisture, and they can be carrietl Irto any latitude without iinpairing Iheir strength. Many pills, in order to Itcep them from adhering, are rolled in fefwders. which prove nauseating lo Ihc la.ste. PnrinelPe's Vegetable Pills ire so prepared that they are agrecuble lo the most delicate. The cannon-ball tree is a myrlle which grows to a height of 80 feet, has pinkisli Howers, and a fruit the size of a 32-Ib. shot. One of the ble.ssings lo par- mis is Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator. It effecluully CNpels worm.s ind gives health in a marvellous man- ner to the little one. Germany's army bills have incren.sed ICO per cent, in the past thirty years. THE CHAPEL OF BONES. (By a Banker). One of Ihe most valued gems of the British crown, and one of the most im- pregnable outiwsts ot her massive IKiwer, is the insignillcant island of Malta. Although but n mere speck in the ocean, yet within her borders are clustered innumerable object.s of notable interest, whether to the antiquarian, the historian, or the lover of llic bcauliful in art or in nature. Hero are some of the finest lape.slries in I lie world ; here, ip the palace of the Knights of St. John of rerusnlem, fs probably Ihe mag- niflccnl collection of armour existing ; armour worn by those vnllont crusaders who for nearly a hundred yeiii's held Ihe Holy City agnin,sl all the nllncks of Iho Saracens ; gilded and emblazoned armor worn by dauntle-ss knights in many a Stately pageant or brilliant joust or tourney ; or the less enriched morion or casque or vizor which look its place when Iho more romantic age ot cliivnlry had passed away, and was sMceoi'ded by u more grim un<l seriou.s warfare. Or More gorgeously di'c<irated calliedrals, or iM'aulitul subtropical gordens, oi- natural parlerre-s of brilliant nalure-cullivaleil fUAvers gUming in muuy-hueti splnnlor. And then. too. I hero niv ttic ralaconibs, almost oxn'ctly similar to lluiso of Home, although of si/e. with many another striking object of great and exceptional iiilerost. But Iho slrangi's) sight of nil is un- d<iUhlo»lly one of tlio churches, which, doC(ualo<l from fl<Kir In ceiling with skulls and dead men's bones, present a msrE NO. 2t-OT. spectacle weird and ghastly beyond ex- pression. At the entrance to the chan- cel stand two jjartly draped skeletons, grasping a scythe to typtfy Time; the alcoves on which they stand being de- corated with, apparently, rib and wrist- bones, arranged in an artistic design, which, though on close approach grisly and unutterably gniesome, from a dis- tance is really handsome and attractive. Round all the walls ai"e arranged lines of skulls, the intervening spaces being filled in with geometric designs formed of every bone of the human body ; tlie wide arches are bedr/.ened with an ara- hesque design of thigh and other smaller txines, and even the altur itself is de- corated with various bones, the rcredos lieing a ghastly work of art In a floral design s\irmounted with a sort of crown oi glory of linger bones, flanked by two large liowers made of .shoulder bhidos. As there are no seat.s in the church it is lo be fioped that no services are held there. Surely it would have been better to have allowed these relics of jwor humanity lo rest in their tombs until at the sound of the Archangel's Irimip Ihey all rise agoin lo life. And then will the angel's separate them into two classes those who hove lived the life of Ihe righleoua. and whose sins are blotted out cit Ihe record by lailh m the atonement made for t|jem by the Hedeemer ; and those who, alas, have forgotten their fiod! it A story is told of a man who was walking beside* a railway line wilh a friend who was very hard of hearing. A train was approaching, and as it rcimded the cun'e the whistle gave one ct^ ©ar-deslroying shrieks which .seem to pierce high heaven. A smile liroke over the deaf man's face. "John,' said lie. "that's the first robin I've hear since Christmas!' Stops CoUe â- nd bowel diieidcn. M«k. panjr batuu •â- dioigr. rr 'mad plump I by 50 vean' tuccwWul Me. A«k jour for itâ€" Nones' m Hofliers' Treasure -2Sc-6U>lil«$IJS. lOmJc QMBiical Co., LiMtid MokoL UNFEELING MON.STER. "Oh, mother, Jack doesn't love me any more!" "What makes you Ihink so, my dear?" "He ran out of mucilage and he want- ed to boriviw some of that p-p-pudding sauce I made to-day I" Bees will fly a« tar as .^ or even 6 miles from Ihe hive to gather honey if supplies are scanty nearer ut hand. As a rule, three miles is their outside limit o' (light. WHAT DO PKOPLE NBBD who ar* ran down unmlo. »»Ie. lUtlena? " ForroTim," the bet. lonie. It b«H<U, m»k«B strong, it gi»M new 1U«. Thar* »r* numj tonics but only on* " Frsrovia. Higgins ; "Old Millyuns is a distant relative of youis.'t he ?" Wiggins : "Yes ; and the richer he becomes the more distant he Is." Only Iho e who have had Ihe expert- tnco can tell Ihc torture corns cau-e. Piiin wilh your boots on. pain wilh ttiPin offâ€" psiiu niglit and day; but re- lief is sure lo those who use HoUoway's f:orn Cure. CRDAM"W&Sr FLOIR A pure, hare) Manitoba fiour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVERVWHERE $UPPLIFO WITH FLOUR AND FEED. 'WRTTE US. Vt ALSO MAKE â- QUEEN CITY.' A DUNDED FLOUR THAT HAS GAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A CENtRAL HOUSEHOLD 'AU PURPOSES' FLOUR. ll"aAMFBELLMlLLINGtO TURONTO JIJNfTlUN ONT The French possess four settlements in India. These are Chondernagore, Kari- lal. Yanon, and Mnlie. Their combined urea is 189 .sciuare miles, mid popululioii about 280.000. Hungaiy uses iiioro charcoal than any other European coimlry. lis an- nual cou.sumplion is about 2,000,000 tons. Thcre'.s a lot of brass in Ihc composi- tion of a gilded youth. MARK THIS DISTINCTION ; A purely looal dlseaM of th« akin, Ilka barlrar'n ttoh, 1b cured br W«ftT*r'» Cerate aloue. But where the blood is loaded with Impurity, such as Salt Bhaam, WeaTer'a Syrup alio should be used. Gibraltar was first fortified in 711 A.D., when Ihe Saracens made it a base for their operations against Spain. How lo Cleanse the System. Pannc- lee'b Vegetable Pills are Ihe lesiill of scicnliflc study of llie effects of extracis ot cerlain rooLs and herbs upon Ihe di- gestive organs. Their use has demon- Sirated in mniiy inslnnces that Ihey re- gulate the action ot tlie liver and the ki<lneys. purify Ihe blood, and carry off all morbid nccuiniilations from the system. Tliey ate to take, and tiielr action is mild and beneficial. AN EABI.Y BEOINNEB. Smilhâ€" Jiiii.son Is certainly a pro- progressive individual. jfifiesâ€" Progressive! Why, he's down- right lazy. Smithâ€" Well, hc'.s progre.ssivc enough lo have spring fevei' long before win- ti r ends. WitLKIIM e LEANING -a "Ta' ADIES'... * ^"Jtv;- Ou be deoe teffeotly kf ow rraaah l*K>oew. Trr It â- aitWH »iiaaieMi avimo c» . mOVmAIs TOBOMTO, OTTAWA A qUBBIO CUT YEARS OFF WOMEN'S A0E9. Scheme o( German Doctor More Suc- cessful Than Sarisfactory. The Brilish Medical Journal, of a re- cent djile, tells this story. A GeMhan doctor discovered a means of restoring lost youth lo women which Is more potent than Cogliotro's famoun pentacle rejuvenescence and advertised that he could in two day.s rejuvenate the most decrepit hag. This brought a crowd of ancient dames to his home. At Ihe first interview after a careful auscultation he Invited each patient (o write her surname and Christian name and age on a piece of paper. The age.s to which the women pleaded guilty varied, but all ruled high. The doctor undertook lo give each patient the prom- ised eli,\ir the next day. but some lime, h" said was required to adjust Ihe atrenptli to the individual power of re- sistance. f)n Ihe appointed day Ihe women callwl again, but the doctor expressed regret that he had unfortunately mislaid Ihc papers containing Iheir ages. For this rea.son a new wt would be requir- ed. He added casually that they ought to know that the oldest of them muel allow herself to be burned for the good of the u St. as the basis for the remedy was human ash. Th" next day the women brought back pi.p<*rs with their ages inscribed. It Pen -Angle b a vuieiy of itylet, fcbrici and piiees. for womeo. men and duldren. Form-fitted. Dralen an uahorized to leplice iuUndy ud •I our coit any Peo- Angle gannent faulty io material or making. M Pen-Angle Under- wear is form-knit BO it can't help flttingr yourflgnre^ â€"it's made of long - fibred wool BO it won't shrink â€"and it's gtiaran- teed besides. The whole idea is to make it so good you can't afford not to buy by tb« trademark (ia red). zo» Underwear was found that each had taken many ytars off the age jireviously admitted. The doctor, pretending to have found tho first papers called them to wllnesa tht success of his invwilion. Compar- ing the lists, he showed that he had kept his w^ord in regard to rejuvenation, because in forlv-elght hours they had all become many years younger. Canadian Pacific Irrigated Farms SunkyAiderta'v Before deciding where to locale in the 'West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Selling; Agents, I 305 COKiSTINE BUILDINQ, f MONTRBAL. Your Money ou't mp uunrnkg If your wTingi are depeaited «liw« yen oaot run fat aay monien* and tew fo* •mooote to maet paawng waata. youll be more apt to Itt Ibm jrlndf I lie eaA gather intaraat. Oar ayatam ol BANKHIQ VtUULhuUhrndtatt as If yon Tiaited the Uniaa T^aat Oa'a oUtm ie t| hm. Wei 4 per cent. Intarast en Deposlte Interaet la aoiapimadad qxut*mij. BalaaoM are always sa>>iae« te THE UNION TRUST CO., Umlted Temple Building, 174-176 Bay S(rmt,TQBOIIT« Sand for MONfY TO LOAM "Btetfclncby Mall" â- AFKIY OKPOaiT VAULIB TO MADE IN CANADA Complete i^unchee 2 aii4 4 Cycle Cnglnee HAMILTON MOTOR- WORKS. Ltd. HAMILTON. OUT. SPECIAL 60.D.&Y OFFER IS.'io^^;j?i'L"5EXcif.I'^TTV&l'kK%T?.?i5g& FACETOFACEWrra THE SUN! 11 '& loS!* IIUOBO ON FAKM, SKA Oa BANCIl. OT MAIL INSDRBO. tLiM iH<-« brtwe. TllMeTelMcopn tn lUdflitoMot tha «<r SJi fMt in o iMaUoni. Ther iirs bRiaB aPuHUw ' IX I. KNBlia. aHiiiiqcallTrrott^ <u>4 kijuoa. rlaMvpta «( ifela •!» kitTc H^a nlil troa |>.N to lOO Krarr WJoarBtr ij, HI ii iMiitw nttr- -*•""" owwIdIt wonr* ore of ibM« (nrtramiKti; knil lie nirmu«k«al<i lx>*m>P<>> ANT «rtl TelMMIM jraT AB n VJUMBNTRV or maMr rf InolodT W*AT A jeWEIrr i AT»l iToT 1, iSf. M««rrKirM»p<n|rn«. a (Z. OWnjuwrJluul "Ith^f "» W •«•"» ''•cppJa ff* •«? " •r CMC ooooMUad ulita whtohTliiul tiM plM«itra of obverrTnir * R wM •lBi<irt» »r CMC oooomiM- Tour SolM __ forlb»TwL__ CO., ojun. w P^ffiii roTi? â- oo. At UO AtUtrtf B 1>l •i BBS avanT. nbw voajb tc Send for FREE bookâ€" «Roof ing Right," â€" worm your reading TJie Pedlar People Get the facts before you roof ajthing. of Oahawa Your Grandsons Will Be Old Men Before This ''Oshawa" Roof Wears Out Reol your buUdings with "Sskawa " Galvanized Sted SWnalee thia year, v\d thai will be a GOOD repf h> 2009. We win ^iv«| you a written guarantee, baoked Dy 9260,000, tbat such a roolL properly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at lease] twen^-flve jreare. 5HAWA' "ffl^ 5HINGLE5 make reefs water-tigljt, wind-proof, weather-proof, ruet-proof, fire-ptoof for a century, â€"our plain guarantee keeps it so foV/ 25 years without a cent of oost to the man wbe buya it.' Made in ONE QUAUTT ONLT,-of 28-giuge; semi-hardened STESL donbie-galvanlzed They lock on all POUR sides- the ONLY METAL shingle that n^ed NO CLEATS. Easy to put onâ€" a ham- mer aiid a snips (timiers' shears) are tools enough. Cost LESS «iQa last tonger than any other roof. Tell us the surface «ea ot any roof on vour place apd we will tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right m^^x^v utei:*. .»*&% •tessa*. «!:!sssf«. ?p23e8».,(» ait fi PAGE Ifada of Hlifh Carlwn Wire,â€" well jroTs It to yon. makaa It aUll atrongar In aervloe. VAOS WIRB BEST Jj proTs It to yon. COIliKD-not; â-  It ataya tauU Paiiitad WHITll over heavy rSMOB COMPANY. LIMITBD. .. . - ETj>«rlenoa<1 rtoalorn to oroot It Leadanllln aniae â€" m in raorlt. Qot UluntraloJ liookiut and 1007 prioea bofora buying WallrarvUl*. Toroaktc. MeBtr*»l» SU JoHv. ^Vimt^um^ s , i\ \- m

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