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Flesherton Advance, 23 May 1907, p. 1

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^sb£rt0tt & M^^f»4m^ti^^ ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." -" PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXVI, SO 1324 Flesh.ertoii, Ont. Tliursday May 23 1907 W. fl. THURSTON, EDITOB KOPBlBTOB NEW Jewellery Store Have you c.-.lU'd in yot to seo our new proinisea 1 Bigger Stock Better Display Of Jowellry, Watches, Clookf, Plated Ware, and choice things in every line. Get your Wedding Pres- erits hiere, Get your Wedding Rings hiers. Prices Right. Goods the Best W.A. Armstrong. Our Port Arthur Letter C tndustrial Home Notes ^ (By an.InmaU) ^-&~-<tâ€" it- ^'^ J 7 a.m., 20th May, snow falling, niako » note of it. John Tisdale, referrad to iu last week's items, underwent another and more suc- oeeaful operation in the Owen Sound Hospital on Wednesday last. We under- stand that no cutting was necessary, the disease proving to bo in accordance with Dr. Ego a prognostication, an abscess, the pus being extracted through the nostrils. John underwent the operation nicely and when seen by Mr. Haruess on Thursday was resting quietly and in a fair way to recovery unless u more serious relapse occurs, but wo hope for the best. Tho angel of death again visited the homo claiming as ita viutim Christopher Vauetta about 11.30 p.m. on Thursday last. His death did not cause surprise, as for the past two yeai-s he has been subject to temporary spells of weakness, each one of which was tnought would be his last but being possessed of a remark- ably tough "vitality he struggled along antil finally taking to his bed two weeks ago ho gradually siiuk until he quietly passed away. Ho claimed to be in his 59th year but having no records he prob- ably was not more tlian 84 or 85 years •Id. The Rev. J. S. I. Wilson read the burial service over the remains in the service room after which undertaker Chapman transferred them to the Mark- dale cemetery forjiukerraent. The de- ceased was admitted to the homo in August 1904. There have boon five deaths iu the home since the l»t April viz., April 3 men and 1 woman. May 1 man. On .-iccount of rheumatism Mrs. S. Carson was obliged to abandon her pos- ition on the staff here on Wednesday last. We understand her place is to bo filled today but by whom we have not yet heard. Miss Ruby Stone of Stone's Line spent from Sunday till Monday morning with her sister, Miss Robinson, of the staff. Owing to the large attondanoo at the funeral of the Lite Mr. Wm. Shields of Markdale suburbs which took place yes- terday afternoon, tho attendance at our divine service from outside was sfiarse. Mr. Harness delivered an appealing dis- course from Roman's 14-10. Miss Ruby Stone very acceptably supplied the place of organist. Your cor. with another old oomrude attended service at Christ's church in tho foren<x)n for the first time this season and listened to an excellent and appropriate Pentecostal sermon prejichea by tho pastor, Rov. Mr. Robin- son. We wero glad to notice in last week's iasuo of the Advance that our estimable friend, Mr. Geo. Holmnn, Grand Rapids, Mich , was so far recovered from his Ill- ness as to bo agiiinable to wield his facile pen, in right good stylo too. One or two male inmates anticipate taking their deiwi'ture from tho homo this week. Your scribe intends making appUctitioa for three months leave of beoDoe during the warm weathpr. Bora Mlpplea, Any mother who has bad experience with thii diitrefwiiiB ailmuiit will b« |ik-iuod to kuow that ft cure may be affooted by applyinn Cham- tierlaiii'H .Salvo aa S(iun as tho child is dune nuraing. Wipe it oS with a soft cloth before kliowiiig the^be tu nurse Many trained â- nniM use this salvo with beat reeulta Fur •le by W. £. Ricbsirpson. " Northwest the star of empire takes its way." So writes the Khan in the daily Star of recent date â€" a phrase preg- nant with meaning at the present dejte. And amid the wondrous reports of fubu- Iims diseovui'ies of wealtli stumbled upon by our hardy pioneers in tho way of for- est and mine, perhaps the most sui-pris- ing to the aver.igo Canadian are the rea- lization of the agricultural possibilities of •our northern possessions. It requires' no pheuomouul memory to recall the time when the shores of Georgian Bay, lakes Huron and Superior, were consid- ered the boundary line of amble Ontario, all beyond being left to the tmpper, lum. ))orman and Indian. It is not hard Ut i recall a statement made irt parliament by I (mo of tho wise men, tliat the country I liorth of the lakes was only fit to produce i Christmas trees and woodchucks. It is not necessary to spend seven years in the region to discover tlie mistaken idea so I long entort'iined. While it is true that I a large part of tho land is not farm land, ! it is just as true that a verj' considerable portion of Thunder Bay district conven- [ lent tt> the twin cities of Port Artliurand j Fort William (and the same descriptiim, j I aiu crcditiibly informed, will hold good I regarding other h.calities) is remarkably fertile, and where systematic fanning luis been introduced is proving highly satis- factory. There are certain sections adja- cent to tho towns, such as Slate River and Whitetish valleys, where several townships together present as fertile and inviting fields for tho farmer as any points I with which I am acquainted, abundantly supplied with tho purest water, most of I the streams well stocked with fish, while , small game is plentiful and a fair supply , of deer, moose and caribou. Wild small j fruits, including strawberries, gi-ow in ' abundance, which seenm to indicate the I possibilities iu the fruit lino. While I fruit growing is still iu its infancy, those I who have tried itâ€" one of whom, Mr, J. I L. Moikle, wholesale merchant of Port I Arthur, informs me lie lias found it a SUCCCB. Seasons are short, but growth is {)ho- J nomenally r.-jpid, tlie jiroof of wliich re- I quires only a stroll in the woods in June I or .luly, whore gaass, ferns and other wild phmts show such a stature as to o))- struct the view, wild grass si.x foot in height being nothing uncommon. The main crops so far raisoil here are jjototoes, oats and hay. Mainly owing to tho fact that tho demand for thcNO staples so far exceeds tho supply they have to bo imported in large quantities. The overflow of wheat from the west keeps that coioid at tho standard price, but wherever tried the yield has been fair and gratle A 1. The farm land being limited and lying in sections, t<> a great extent out of line of the C. P. R., lias in tho past escaped the notice of the main rush to tho west. Iu the localities above mentioned a few particulars might not be without interest. 10 miles west from Port Ai-thur on tho O. N. R. going west we reiich tho tiist stop west of Fort William, Slate River. Crossing the ferry south, over tho bridge and enter Shite River proper, a jjart of Papoongo township, the townships of Blake, Scobie and parts of othors,a verit/ able garden as far as soil, climate and gen- eral topography is concerned. Miiuy farms 12 to 'M years under cultivation are assuming a considemble value and many cozy homesteads are found. Hei"e is sit- uated the famous 1000 acre farm of Mr. W.S. Piper on which 1000 buslielsof oats wore taken from a ton acre field. A days drive over tho pleasjint roads of Slate River valley is a rare treat. Adjoining ! this on the west lies tho White River valley, each named after its princijwl i sti'eaui, contjiiiiing tho western portion of ' Papoonge, with Gillies, Pofir.son, Marks O'Connor luid Conwell townshijis, oin bracing some of tlie finest farm land to be found in thitjirio. O'Connor is the cen- tral township of tho groap and may fairly be called its garden having mostly gently rolling land, a gi-oat portion of I which was burned over years ago, most I of tho timber being destroyed leaving the land easily cleaned and removing most ' of the stumps with little labor at the pres- ' ent day. { In this township are located some old neighbors of The Advance. A town lies i between tho main of C. N. R. and the Port Arthur an<l Duluth branch, the great Kakabeka falls being just imtside Its N. E. boundary. So it is well served with railways, while two good government j roads intersect it, crossing in tho centre I and both loading to tho railway. Mr. John WhittJkker, formerly of Coyhm aud â-  Mr. Wm. Muir of the same locality reside on main road, while three miles north Mr. Joseph Oilison, one of Artemesia's form- er CouncillorH, occupies a half section of excellent lond purcnosed last year from your scribe, while immediately acrostt the rood Mr. Herb. Gouoe has recently Secured 100 acres of No. Hand with some 'mprovemonts. Other sections to the north and north- west are being opened up and a largo amount of good land, much of it well tim- bered may behomestoaded. Timber con- sists of jack pine, spruce, taiuarac and birch, while in the rougher portions volu- al)lo minerals lie buried. It has always appearovl to mo that to the young fanner who comes here willing to take off his coat and pixicoed to luixed farming, a fair competence is within easy reach. Some of tho prices current here at pres- ent and they i-epreaent nothing unusual at this season with higher tendencies at particular seasons will indicate the pros- pects: Hay «20.00 to 822.00 Oata 50 to .60 Poti\toes,porbag 1.50 Eggs, doz ;W to .40 BiiLter, lb 35 to .40 All kinds of vegetables at 25 to 50c per peck above Toronto prices. When we consider that any head of a family can .secure 160 free and preempt 160 more at 50c. per fjcre it seems strange that it is not bettor known. Not wishing to exhaust your patience I will rest for the present. Hoping at some future time to give you a sketch of some of the points at which the cities ha\t) developed in tho last six years, I am y<mi-s, W. M. CL.4.RK. Box 344, Port Arthur. Ont. McFarlandfi^Co. MARKDALE, ONTARIO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Slaughter Sale -OF- Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes. THE J. D. King & Go's, plant has changed hands and their ENTIRE STOCK of Footwear was sold in Toronto by auction ou Wednesday, May 8th, 1907. Our W. L. McFarland attended the sale and was fortunate in securing MANY LINES at SLAUGHTER PRICES,and on arrival of the goods (which we expect this week) they will be put on sale at prices that will move them quickly. These goods are not dam- aged in any way and in most linos tho aale price per pair would not buy ^the leather that's m them. Come iu and see for yourself. \ PRICEVILLE Born â€" To Mr. ami Mrs. Goo. Wading on tho 19ib, a dauub'o-. Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Ijilbert spent Sun- day at Mr. Alex Carson's. Wedding bolla will be ringing iu the future. CUaml>erlain'8 cOllf, Oholern and DlMi-rliaeii Heinedv. Tlurn is probably n<) niediuinc made that is iplifd u)>oii with inoreSniiiUcitconfidcni-'o than Cliaiiilk'ilain'a CNili(',-Clior«-ra and Diarrhoea UiniBily. Oiiring the third of a contry in which it has Iweii in use, iwnblo have learned that it in tho imo remedy that never fails When rediiccd with wator am! swuetcncid it is pleasant to take. For sale by W. E. Richard- EuKciiia A meeting to ori^anize a football clu*' was held in the Muiishaw Uou8e,Eugeni«i S.itunlay May 18th The club organized will bo known as the Eue*'nla iieavers. Corrospoudence from other teams is soclicited. Following is a li»t of otfioors: Prts., G. F. McDonald; Capt , Fred Jamic3on;Sec., Stauley Campbell; Treas., Fred Graham; Man. Com., Edgar Graham, D. Williams, Arthur Walker. Mr. liobort Purvis of Toronto i» visit- ing friends in (own this week. Mr. John Walker of Sbelburne was in town Inst week on busines.^. Wo are expecting Home big things from the newly organized football team, WHY SO WEARY $7.50 Men's Suits for $4.85 We have taken all our broken lines of Men's Suits that were sellinsr at 86.00, ().50, 0.75 and 7 50 and placed them by theraselvos, and now offer them to first comers for $4.85 a suit. Just tliink what a bargain these suits will be f>'r the men who call early enough to get thorn. Sizes 30 to 42. Do not let this opportunity getaway from you. 75c. OVERALLS for 48c. This week we put on sale all our Grey Dinini Overalls, some with bib and others without, iu medium and heavy woiijlit cloths that wero selling at 7oc and 85c a pair. There's not many pairs to sell but while they last you can have your choice for per pair. .48c 15c BOYS' VARSITY CAPS for 5c. About 50 Boys' Medium and Light Fanoy Tweed Varsity Caps, worth in rei;- lar way 15 cents, to clear 5o 91.25 BLACK SATINE SKIRTS fcrSOo .')7 Ladies Fine Quality Black Satine Underskirts, with deep flounce and three rows frilling, soreral rows cording tnd good full sweep, §1 .25 value, sale price to 7o GINGHAMS for 5c. 088 yardi of fine quality Gingham iu med- ium and sniSil blue checks, colors fast, and would sell in regular way 7o. our p'ico per yard oc. clear each. .890 35o LADIES BELTS for 10c We have taken several of our broken lines in ladies Uelts that were selliiii! at 2jo snd 35o, and find that in many cases llier is not more than one or two left of a kind which means they must move out quickly, sale price each lOc McFARLAND 81 COMPANY i. 'I Always Restless and Weak Isn't Naturalâ€" But It's Dangerous- You have to work hartl. This us»»b up lots ot nerve force and tears dow^u the bodv fasier than it can build up. The result is a half-dead feeling you oaii't shake off. Somehow you must got more vitality. The water in your blood must be turned into nutriment and building material. This is just what happens In using Ferro7/ino, which renews iho blood and norvcs, and inakos each orj;«ii do the WDik that nature expects of it. Ferrozone cpiickly incren.ios your weijjht, brings appoiito and healthy color' instills a rcservo of vigor into the system that defies weariness, exhiiuslion, debility, or sickness of any kind. Tho enormous stieiigihoning power of Ferrozono is proved iu llio case of Mrs. Edward Hill of Orr Lake, Ont., nho says: ''Two years ago I had n nervous break- down. At night I tossed restlessly in bed, unable to got any rostj from sleep. In the morning I sufford from over-power- ing weakness. My appetite was poor. I (^rew pale, thin and despondent. A slight hacking cough aho added to my burden. "My doc'or said to try Ferrozone, and it did mo good iu a few days. I increased in stronglh, tho nervous sons- ations disappeared, and with my appotitn oamo back my color and good spirits. I have sained over ton pounds in weii'ht, and aa my aae is 56 I oonnider Ferrozone is a marvel." (Signed) Mrs, Edwurd Hill. REMEMBER THIS: Ferrozone 1b a true timloâ€" not an alcoholic stimulant. Fifty choolate-coated tablets in n box for fifty cents, or 82.50, at nil dealers, or N. C. Poison & Co., Hartford, Coun., U. S, A., rad Kingston, Ont. k i i BENTHAM BROS. PAINTS! PAINTS! Wo have just put in a stock of MARTIN SKNOUR Paints, every can of which is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Martin Senour paint is guaran- teed 100% pure. Pure white lead. Pure linseed oil. Pure zinc and color. Sold subject to chemical analysis. Try a can and be convinced. Wo also have a full liny of Paint brushes, White wash brushes, Stove brushes and Shoe brushes. inra.ll Pa.pex*s Our stock is complete with all the latest designs and colorings. Wo are agents for the Standard Wire Fence, tho best ou the markot. Highest Prices Paid for Farm produce g Pjre bred l^Wte Cedborti eaa$ tcr Sale <i U ?Tg^y^>sg^g!^;^'^S^'^' ^'j^^^^^ Hew ^ Zm - Shop. I desire to inform the public that I havo opened a new Tinshop in the ChristoB Block, Flooherton. I havo purchased Mr. F. G. Karstedt's complete liiiHmithiiig outfit and am fully prepsro>l to do all kinds of cus- tom work, ineludiiiir eavo tfiugbing, furnace work and repairing of all kind't. A full stock of homeni.;do tin uoods will be kept constantly on hand. I purpose giving .sati«fait.lon to my (Mklrons and all my wor< will bd done with that end in view. Give ma a ull â€" .nd a chance to dcmon- sttato ray fitnoss to surv. you. P. norriSt Ffesbertoif. )!ti;f(i}fiC^^^i^iii^i^^^

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