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Flesherton Advance, 16 May 1907, p. 2

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*- ssliE iImTibeck Mystic Shriners Killed in Wreck on Southern Pacific. A dospntcli from Snnia Bnrbarn, Call- fdriiiii, says: Twonly-pighl cU'iul nnU n t-LOif iiijiircd on Suiidiiy nifilit comprise Ihf cnii^nllios tino lo the wicck at Hon- do oil Satiirdny of tlie l.siiuilia spceinl tiaiii of New Yoik ami fVnnsylvaiiia Noblos of the Mystic Shrine, who were rttiiniintr home from the annual mcet- jny of the Imperial Council of the Nobh^s of the Mystic Shriners ul Los Aii^'i'les. Tlie train, carryin}.' 11.") .Shi'iners and fiKiuls from Isiii.iliu Tciiiple, Buffalo; I'.HJali 'iciiipli'. Hcailiii).'. I'a., und neifli- l>'jniif,' cities, was ruimiiijr n<^irtli at tlf- ly miles an hour on the Si/uUn'm I'li- cillc line, when the loiVjijK'live ylnicl< a defective swlltli at the saiid- twept, .siding al lloiuln, near ttie I'aiilie Ocenn, a^l/Il^' wtiirU llie railroad iims, for a tiundred miles iiortli <A Santa barbara. The lorfirimllvo liiriied a soiii- ersaiill into the sands. The cars land- ed on the wrecUi'd locomotive, and the roa<l)es were rru.shod and to<ik fire, but llii llairus were suon e.\lin^'uishoU liy uninjured per.son.s from tlip two rear eoaelies. As Honda Is is<j!ateil. it was rot till late on .Sunday that definllo in- f'innati<in of the wreck could be ob- tained. The bodies of twenty-five cf the victim- are now al .s:anla ISarbaia, and the others at .San I.uis Obispn. The iiijund. mniiy of whom are terribly hurl, and s<jmc of whom may die, ari' al San Luis in two sanitariums Obi.siw. HU.NMNG AT TI'lirtll-TC SI'KEn. Till' wreck occurred al iJ.;i5 o'clock, an hour aiKl forly mimilcs after Itie con- clave visitors; forming a merry party, left Suiita IJartjara. They had spent all ^ the niorniiif,' there .siglitscmig. 'Ihut the train was making '.errilic speed when it .'-truck Iho def.'ctivc track is liorjie out by the fai-t that il cuvered the 01 iMiles of crooked track from San- la Barabara to llomla In tfn) minutes. The locomotive in leaving the rails tore up the track, badly twisting the .steel lails. The baggage car half buried it- self in the .sand licside the locomotive, it was .smashed almost to kindling wood. .SCALDED TO DK.VIH. The dining car, in whicti were 32 per- sons eating luncheon, b-iunded into the nir and fell directly on the <k'molislied l-icomotive. Nearly every person in the <liriiiig car was instantly killed. .Scores were scalded by steam escaping from disitinnecleti pipes. The rear coaches were hurled into the wieckagt', killing or injuring lliose who iniglil otherwise have escaped. .Several ]-)crs<jns pinioned in the debris were ivia.sted alive. fCngineer Frank Chomplnin was pilch- e,' with the cab 25 feet beyond the en- P'ne. He got up and ran a mile, seek- in),- help, before he discovered tlial his (iiin was broken and that he was se- \erely scalded. LEADINfi MARKETS Bni-AD.STUKF.S, Toronto, .May ILâ€" Call board quota- tions are; â€" Wtieatâ€" Ontario-No. 2 winter, V7c l':d. C. I', n. oast; mc asked in store, .Montreal; No. 2 goose, 75c asked, oul- si<ie. Wheatâ€" .Manitobaâ€" No. 2 northern, 921' asked, sixjt North Bay. (xjrnâ€" No. 3 yellow, 55c asked, spot TV.ronto. Oilier prices are:â€" Wheatâ€" .Manitoba â€" Lake portsâ€" No. 1 bard, 90c; No. t northern, Sb.i^c; No. 2 northern, 8G>ic. Wtieat- Ontario, No. S white winter 7(;t to 77c; No. 2 ii\d, 76c to 77c; No. 2 niiNcd, 75o. Oat.sâ€" .No. 2 white. 40c to 40>^c, oct- Mue; No. 2 mixed. 3'Jc to :iO>ic. I^as â€" 7t(* lo 7.'>c. Cxjrn- No. 3 yellow .\inerican, 55c to 5:'%c, lake and rail, 57%c all rail; On- tario, Wc, Chalhain freights. Hyeâ€" Dull at Ote lo G2c. Parleyâ€" .No. 2. .W^c to aic; outside; No. 3 e.\tia, 52%c to 53c: No. 3, 51>i;c to 52c. Flourâ€" Ontarioâ€" 90 per cent, patents, .S2.7.J bid; Manitoba, (irsl patents, S-L50, Sfconds, ,$^1; bakers'. HS.'M, Toronto. Bran-,$.n lo $â- }â- >: shorts quoted al S22 lo S2.1, outside. GRAVE SITMTION IN INDIA Armed Natives Crowding Into Lahore-- British Troops Concentrating. I.I.OOU SK'.KRD ITUIM BOOV. P..\lra()r(lin!iry Dealli of a Man in ne- (riijenilor Pipe. A despalch fivmi Chicago say.s : Wal- tei Hunter, eiigine<'r fur .\rm<iur and r/imjiany. met his death on Friday in an iiidieard of manner, when hi.s bloo<l wiis ulmcst instantly drawn from his binly liy .siicti<iii pressure of 4(H1 |Kimids to the siiuare inch in a refrigeraUir iiipo on the iVKjf of the Armour p<]wer plant at the .'^loek ^ards. I'hysjcians who exam- ined (he Nuly ileclare llial no .similar case ot violent denlli had ever come to their alli'iilion, Hunter's lir,> having l>een lilerally dniggiil from him by the resist- less su(li<m pi/wcr, jii>t as air would bo drawn fr<im a vessel by a vacuum pimip. Hunter bad lK'<n sent to repair a leak in u pijio through wliiili the water runs from the refrigerating iiiaehinery to the reserxiiir. 'I'he enorimiiis .suction pres- sure in the pipe is l>elleved to have <liawii his leg into «iiie of the pi|>es, win'n- he was found <lead live niimites alter he had ascended lo the ro<if. Kx- aiiiiiiati<>ii disckj'.i'd Ilial his blrr-rd hail been <liaiii('d through the shallerod arleries <i[ his leg, which was de-sliyiyed by the. terrilic suction foixe, a power greater than is Utilized to dnve Iho bwdtcil locomotive. FOI'ND IIV\(;iN<; IN HF.N-IIOI'SE, Old Knipl(i>e ol <;overmnrnl .Suirides nl Ullawa, A de^palch fiuiM Ollawft says: Wil- liam Hullaiul, for tlie past 30 years an employe <if the Kleetiical i;)ei)arlmenl of •4hc Dominion ('Kiveinmeiit, was found OM \\ edne.silay iimrning hanging from a iboam in the fowl-h<iuse in the I'oar (jf lt\i M'sidenci', Itiiss^ll lioad. The Ixxly was discovered by his wife. He bad been <lead S4iiiie time. The deceased had l>een (iultering ti-om Ills fjf despondency, anrt bud eiidiiifd periuds uf mental deraiige- inent fur .s<jiiie viais. He wus a nalivo ol the West <d Kiiglaiid, and caiiii) lo this ciiunlry mihh' ;ir> years ago. TWO ACCIDENTS TO TRAINS, Misplaced Swiirli C^iuses the Death ol an Engineer. A despalch from Winnipeg says : A bad smashup took place in the C.P.B. yard,s at rortagc la Prairie on Wednes- day moi-ning between the yard engine and a wrecking train from Winnipeg, i.T which Lngineer Paiiiel .McIVinald, in charge of the wrecking engine, was fatally injured and died in the hos- pital Ihrec lioui's laler. The switch was lelt oprii, and Engineer McDonald did iKd see that it wius oi>en to llie side track unlil he was almost on top of il. He fell jnst west of the .switch, und his head struck an old grain door lying Ix-side the Irack. His skull was fractured. Al K,.')0 on Wedne^day morning mixed train No. ITii had two coaches derailed two miles east of relllpiece, on the Bran- don-Miiieota branch of Iho C.l'.R., caused by a broken rail. Tlie following passcng'i's received cuts und bruises; W. F. i;ilis, llamiota; Mrs. W. V. lU\is, llaniiola; (ieorge L, Stone, Bapid City. Aleri M. Stewart, of Winnipeg, and Mrs. r.osby, of llamiota, also rec<'ived some seralchi'S and were badly shaken up. Damage to rolling slock was not heavy. COLNTBY PRODUCE. Butterâ€" Receipts are increasing, and llic market is easy al quotat'ions. Creamery, prints 2Ccto28c d<i solids 2'icto25c Dairy. prinLs 23c to 25c dr. tubs iUUoiic Cheesi'â€" UnchTinge<l at 12>i;c for large and 13c for twins, in job lots here. F.ggsâ€" Steady at 17c lo 17>^c. Honeyâ€" Pails, lie lo 12c lb.; combs, S-1.50 to $2.50 per dozen, accopJing lo quality. Beaiis-.SI.5n lo .?l.55 for hand-picked find $1.35 lo SI.iD for primes. Potatoesâ€" Ontario. S.')c to 90e; eastern, SUfia to 81.10 in car lots on track here, Ontario, nominal. Baled Hayâ€" .'!il2.50 to $13 per Ion for Nei. 1 timolhy and SIO to .?tl for sec- on<lary grades, in car lots here. Baled Strawâ€" Easier, at SCTJ lo $7 per l'~n, in car lots here. A despatch from London says: Friday wa.s llie 50th anniversary of the out- break of the Indian .Mutiny, which began ill .Meerut on May 10, 1857. The coinci- dence is s.-jniewlial alarming. The news from India, which dominales Friday morning's newspapers with this suisler jubilee, increa.sos the anxieties which the present happenings in the Indian Empire awaken here. That Sir Denzil Ibbetsoji, Lieutenant-Governor of Ihe Pi.njab. whom Chief Secretary Marloy Ihe oilier day described in the House of Oimmons as one of Ihe ablest and mosl experienced administrators in India, should have summoned big mililary le.- inforceiiienls to Lahore and postponed his own departure from thai city, is re- garded as adding lo the gravity of Ihe situation. The India Ollice has issued nothing on the situation, allhough il is undei-slood il is in constant communi- calion with the Viceroy. Pending some ollicial declaration the" newspapers com- ment sparingly, but print their owTi and the news agencies' news conspicuously. Such comments as printed call for firm action by the Government. .Some recent statemetits in the House of Commons by Mr. Morley and his ap- proval of Ihe deporlalion of Lala Lajpat Mai betray nn sign thai he is disposed to underestimate the possibilities of the situation. ALSO IN EASTERN BENGAL. Although for the moment the Punjab seems lo be the chief centre of the trou- ble, it is noteworthy that there is in- creasing unrest among the natives in Haslei'ii Bengal. This seems lo centre in the .\lymeii .Singh district of Ihe lat- ter province, which is a thousand miles PROVISIONS. Dressed Hogs -S9 for lightweights and $8.50 for heavies, farmers' lots. Car lots nominal. Porkâ€" Short cut. .$23..50 lo $2-1 per bar- rel, mess, 821 to .$2t..')0. .sJiiinked and Dry .Silted Mealsâ€" Long clear bacon, lie to ilX'" for tons and Ciises; hams, medium and light, I3%e to IBc; heavy, ll)^c lo l.")c; backs, I(!,'<;c 17c; shoulders, lie <o ll%c; r<ills, UJ^c; out of pickle, Ic less Ihan smoked, I.nrdâ€" Easier. Tierces, k'^c; tubs, li'Xc; pails, 12>ic. kim; entehtains prrmieiis. Wishes Tlieni I'ros|)erily nt Royal Itaiiqiiet ut ltuckin(|l>aiii Palace. A despatch from Ixindon says: Ttic King gave a <linner on Wednesday night to Ihe colonial Premier.s, Miiiis- lers. High Cximmi.ssioners and .Xgents- General of the colonies, al Buckingham Palace. Several memtjers of Ihe Royal fiimily and a numbep of Cabinet Minis- U IS mid distinguished per.sons were present. The King gave a hearty wel- come. He wished prosperity and ha;)- piness lo the distinguished .statesmen fioiii his dominions oM'rseas, and liusted they would carry away with them an agreeable impression of Ihe Mother Coimlry. He wished them God- .soeed on their v<iyage home. I Rl lll[ Corby'5 Distillery and Grist Mill Destroyed. A despalch from Belleville says: At â- n early h<iur on Sunday morning the large stone ili>,lillery and grist mill ef <lic II. txnby Cxiiiipany was reduced by tire lo a mass <it siiioulderiiig ruins. The piviiiis«'.s are iilualed al Ihe Village < I I'x-irliyville, wliich Is upwards of live I. dies norlli ol the elly. The distillery was built upon the banks ol Ihe River Molra miiJiy years ago by tin' late Mr. Ileiiry Corby, and was n lour-storey hUiW sirucliire with a baseinenl. Tlio filoiie-built gi'i-<l iiilll adjoins, and was t.iily .HCparnlcd by n stone fire wall. Al atout L30 Ihe night llremnn, named I). Iliibbs, iifKiii Ihe premises, siiu Hod unioki?, and ui^in opening a door lend- ing from the engine-room Ifi Ihe dLs- littery piopr was quickly drlv*n'bacU by liames. which almost tnvoloi.ed Inm. Huhhs escaped and raised the fliariii. lie was severely burned alvml tlw fare and liend. and was subsequent- ly remo\c<i lo the city for medical Iroal- mont. distant from Lahore. Here, according lo a newspaper despalch, the Local Governmeiit realizes fully the extreina peril of Ihe .-iUialion. and is prepared for mililary uperation.s on a large scale. Ncvcrtheloss, ils failure fo check the se- dilious ni<ivemenl promptly has, it '3 added, resulted in a stale of revolt. Thousnnd.s of Dacoils, consisting of Iwth Hindus and Mohammedans, are r<jnni- iiig in the Myinen Singh district, plun- dering and burning villages, and ill- treating loyal natives, many of wiioii? have been murdered. .\I.\NV AGIT.VTORS ARRESTED. Thirty-seven ugilalors have been ar- rested by the mililary police, who are hying to' stamp out the movenien.t. The despatch further says that seditious lit- eralure has been spread broadcast through Euslmi Bengal, and that the noting at Hawal Pindi has been distorted into a triumph of the natives against the British. lx)yal natives of the better class are writing to the newspapers and aulliori- ties. urging the necessity for prompt nieusures. Tliey declare that the anti- European nioveincnl has gained im- strength in Bengal since H\e re- signalioii of Iho late Lieutenant-Gover- nor, Sir Baiiipfylde Fuller, who was f.irced to relinquish his post because he tne<t to suppress the present agitation in the native schools. The parlioipalion of Mohammedans in Ihe Myineii Singh outrages shows clear- ly Ihnt Ihe nioveinent is directed against British rule instead of being a fight be- tween Hindus and Moslems, as was at first supposed. In a few minutes the entire premises were a mass <i[ liames. The cily lire brigade were nolilleil and a sleam en- gine, with a number <•{ men and a quantity of, was despalclu'd to the scene, tind worked all day on the ruins. Owing lo there being no wind at Ihi; time oilier large buildings, such a i tank and warehouses, were saved, A lank conUiining 3,7(K) gallons of whis- key in process of nianiitaellirQ was de- slroyed, and upwards of 200,000 |)Ounds <'t barley, rye and corn. An empty Ixjx ear belonging to the Grand Trunk Rail- way C/jiupnny, left standing in fi'<iiil ef the distillery, was deslroy.vl, II Is esliiiiiited the lass \ ill bo In Ihe vicinity ol 8250,000, and th. Insurance will Ik' in the vicinlly of .SlfiO,U10 less Ihan the loss. The -work of rebuilding will be commenced as soon ns Iho mat- ter ol inshrancft Is .vllle<I. It will be an iip-lo-dale building, equipped with all nio<lcrn applianoes. The lire is Ihoiiglil to have origlnatod ly £|H)nlan(y)us combusHon. MONTBEAL MARKETS. Montreal, \fay 11.â€" The local market f< I' oals is nrin, and 4.5c is now quoted f< r No. 2 white Maniloba and Uc for !he same grade Ontario. Buckwhealâ€" 55c to 5G>^e per bushel. tjorn- .'\mericaii N<i. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 nii.xed, C5e, ex-store. Peas â€" Boiling pea.s, $1 in carload lots. $1.10 in jobbing lols. I-'lourâ€" Manilolm sjiriiig wheat, .$•4.2.') If St.GO; strong bakers', .HI lo .Â¥t.l0; winter wheat patents. 8t.l0 lo $4.25; siralghl rollers, S3.e0 to $3.70; do., in bags, $1.65 to $1.75; extras. $1.50 lo SI.55. Millfeetlâ€" Maniloba bran, in bags, 820 lo$22; shorts, $22 to $22..'i0; Ontario bran, in bags, ,<;20 to $21; stwirls, .$22 to .Si.'9.5(); milled inouille. 821 lo $25; straight grain, .$28 lo $») per ton. Rolled Oalsâ€" Per bag, $1.90 lo .$2. Hay- No. 1. $i;t„50; No. 2, 812.50; No. ?. 811.50; clover, mi.xed, $11; pure clov- er. $10..V) to Sii per ton in car lols. Provisions- Barrels, slmii cut mess. .<!2i.'.,V) lo 82:l..Vi: half barrels. $11.75 to .«:!2.50; clear fat backs. .S2i lo $H.M: long (III heavy mess. $.'il..50 l<] $22; half bar- rels do.. $10.7.5 to $11.50; dry sail long clear baeim, ll>^c to 12c; barrels jilale l-.eef. »13 lo $U; half barrels do.. $7 lo •^".50: barrels heavy mess be.^f. $10; half barrels do., $5.05; i'omp<iiinil lard. O^c lo lOe; pure lard. \i\c. lo 12?^c; kettle rendered. 13e lo 13^c; hams. ISVJc lo 1'h\ aecordine In si/.e; breakfast bacon. Lie to llie; Wind.sor baivm. 1.5c lo ICw; killixl abattoir dressed hogs, $0.50 to ,?;i.75; alive, $7 to $7.25. Butterâ€" Some sales were made id 20 !<;<'. and for ex'ra choice lots were quoted at 23c and 23 5^c. Cheese The English market is slrong- c\ and shows an advance of Is, white being now' quoted al 0,ts and colored 65s. Egg.sâ€" Prices are steady al 17>ai' (o 18e. BUFFALO MARKET. Buffalo, May 8.â€" Flmir Firm. Wheat â€".Spring dull; Nn. t Nurlhern, 'XWy^: Winter ,»Jtronger; N<i. 2 white, !KV. Corn -Dull; No. 2 yellow. .5,5c; No. 3 while, 51>^c. Oals Dull; No. 2 while, 47c; No. 2 mixed, H%c. Byeâ€" Firm; No. 1 in store, 74c c.i.f. Bnrleyâ€" Nothing doing. NEW YOBK WHEAT MARKET. New York. May 14.â€" S|>ol, steady; No. 2 red. 90^1' elevator; No. 2 rwl," 0(%c f.o.b afloat; No. 1 northern. Dululh, .SI.OOK f.o.b afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 93l f.o.h. aOoat. and prices were firm to strong. Choice callle sold from $5.10 to $5.40, and me- dium from .$4.90 lo $5.05 per cwl. Choice butchers' callle sold at .$5 to 85.20; fair lo g<X)d bulchei-s', at $4.50 lo 84.90 ; g<iod cows, $4 lo S4..50, and me- dium cows, $3.50 lo $4 per cwl. Heavy feetlers, 1,050 lo 1.100 lbs. sold a; S4.50 to $4.75; short-keeps brought $1.70 lo $4.85, and stockers were selling al $3.25 to $3.75 for fair, and $3.90 lo Si. -25, for good ones. (loud grain-fed lamlis ore quoted al ...T.JO to $S ptM- cwl ; common lamKs at $5.50 to $6 per cwl ; spring lambs, $3 lo .$•( each ; export ewes linn nl SG lo .$0.50; bucks, .$4.50 to $5.50. Liberal deliverii-s of hogs were i-e- ^'orded. The prices of selects were linn at .$13.50, and lights ami fats brought $0,25 per cut. THE K.VMINSKY MIRDEII. The Muunled Police .Make Arrests 8t Rosthern, Sask. A despatch from Rosthern, Sa-.k.. says; The Mounted Police have unravel- led the mystery surrounding the mur- der of Michael Kaminsky here lasl .laii- uary. Kaminsky was killed in a tight near the elevators, and the Ixidy was left h.inging over the fence .some dis- tuiice from the scene of the crime. De- tectives have been al work ever since, and on Thursday Ihe fwlice arresled three Galicians-^o.seph Rogozinsky and bis nephew, Jasky Bogozinsky and Maxim .Sladnik, who are believed to oe Ihe guilty parlies. The preliminary ex- amiiialioii was held behind closed doors, but emnigli is known lo Indicate that Ihe police arc certain of their jnen. .More arrests arc expected. 4u . JE\l.Ol'S, TOOK HIS ONVN LIFE. Olliiuu Bartender, Married Three ^Yceks, Shoots Uimsell. .\ despatch from Ottawa .says : Olivier Deslauriers, a bartemler, ivsident on Cooper .Street, commilled suicide on Saturday evening by shooting himself in the head with a revolver. Deslauriers had only been married three weeks, and 11 is said was led to commit Ihe acl through jealousy. ^VERE SIX DAYS IN OPEN BO.\T. Terrible Plifllit ol Two Fishermen Picked I'p by Liner. A despatch from Halifax, .\.S., says: The steamer Bornu. from \'cra Cruz, brought into port on Wednesday lwc^ .\iin'rican lisheriiienâ€" .McPliee and Sleelo- â€" wliiii! she picked up off Cape Sable,^ idler they had spent six days in an open dory, willii/iit food or water. The .sclu^oner Montrose, of Boston, to wliich tiio men bi'loiigcd, was llshiiig off Brown's Bank, when, on account of the- fog, the dory containing these men got separated from Ihe schooner and lost. The men endured great hardship, and were on the point of collapse when Ihey wore picked up. Two cither members of till crew of llie same schooner, under al- most similar cireiiiiistanC'.?s, were landed a! a point on the coasl alxiut 60 niili« from here. The liornu was bound for Montreal ,but owing to Ihe ice she could i:ot roach thei'e, and cringed her coursa for Ilalifa.x. *- CANNED FOOD INSPECTION. New Act ^YiU Come Into Force on First ol August. A despatch from Otiawa says: The Canadian Gazotte contains a proclama- tion bringing into force on .\ug. 1 ne.xt the Acl for the inspection of canned g<xids, meat and llsh. The regulaliojis f< I inspectors are being drafted. Some 'iS inspectors will be required, and il will tiike about $75,000 lo enforce the Act. The Vclerinary Director-General, Dr. Riilherford, will have charge of the in- speclors. ANOTHER SMALLPOX CENTBE. Anderdon T(>\\nship Wants Provinrial Health Board's Help. \ despalch from Windsor says: The nporl of a sinallix)x oulbrcuk in Ander- d<m town>hip is coMllrmed. II is said there are upwards of sixty cases. As- sistance fruMi Ihe Fi'ovincinl IVinid of Health has been rwiiieslcd. Il is lliought Ihe contagion stirend from Sandwich West, where Iheie was an oulbreok le- ctnllv. BIfi DEAL IN TIMBEB HITS The Victoria Harbor Lumber Company Buys Out Cook Bros. i.ivi: sror.K markeis. Toronto, May 14.â€" Though the offer- ings of cattle were moderately large, trade was active al Ihe We.slern Market today. Exporters' callle w«* mora «clive, A despatch from Toronto says: A deal in lumber properties has jusl been closed which is the largest single pur- chase in the history of the-liiiiiber trade of Canada. Iimnense properties ore Involved, and the price, ';l Is said, is in Ihe neighborhood of Iwm inillion dollars. The sale, which was recorded on We<lnesday, marks the pass- ing away ot one of the pioneer IuiiiIki- Ctmpanles ol tlie country, and greatly inerenses Ihe prestige and power of the purchasing company. The vendor is Ihe Cook BiMS. Lumber Company; Ihe purchaser, Mr, John Waldie, of the Victoria llui-lbor Lum- ber Company. The properties Iran* feired are all those belonging to Ihe f<.rnier company on Goorgiiin Bay, in- cluding limlH'r limits and lumber mills, 'the timber berths are numbers 147, tC-7. 149, 150. .s^carte Township and an lediau reserve on ('iO<irgiaM ^ay. The Crown Lands IVparlincnt was iiiiablo to stale the price paid, but it is under- stood that il was very Utile short cf two million dollars. By this transuclion Cook nn<l Bros, praclically reliro fi'om the luiiibop business, and Ihe Victoria Harbor Liini- lei (xjiiipany becomes the .second large** company In Canaila, and Ihe third larg- <:sl on the Conlinenl of Norl^ Aii'w'ica.

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