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Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1907, p. 5

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Tflfi FLEESHEBTOK ADVANCE May 9 IW)7 «•â-  U CSTABUSHEO ISTS THE SIANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office . - - • Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Wilbdrawab Interest added four Umes a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. FLE5H£RTON BRANCH Georgo MitcHeil, Maaase*" BR.ANCBC3 ALSO AT DVRIf.A.M, MA.R.RI5TOSr AV30 PSllCKVXl^if^F. Vicinity Chips For money at lowest rates, laad secur- i ity, go to A. S. VanDusen, Flesberron. j Lnth fur oalo â€" Apply Co John H. JarnK'sou or Thos, E. Fenwick. £ui;cnia. Dutch Sets and Potato Oni'jns. A full stock at Itanthani Bros., FleHhertoD. For Bananas, Oranges and Lemons go BeGtham Bros. Quarterly aorvices were held in tiie Methogist churuh on Sunday last. i »-, ,. , . , , „ I 1 he piihce trustees hare appointed Mr. Bornâ€" In Arteaiesift, April 25th, to John Wliitten as police constable tor the Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips, a son. |villH«p. Mr. W hi' ten will pay special spent *ttention to the street corner lobfers and L'f the '"^*P 'hem moving. The weary Willies will h;;va themselves alone to blame if, 'after this thuroutjh warning, they are Mrs. Frank Reniiie and daujthter, Vi"' brought before the magistrate and fined a da, of Vjctoi ii Ci-rnurs, spent Sunday |fm^, with Mrs. R. Moore. George McGrutlier drove a Markdala Livery to town 'fu^l^d^y. The animal ran aivay while here and made a break for Muiish.^w's stable and in enterin:| struck one of the bui'gy wheels, smashing It to kindling wood. Camp will be held at Niagara again (his year on the 11th of .lune. Members of Company No. will report to C. N. Richardson or Lieut. Joe Kelley Mark- dale, at once. Ne* recruits should enlist I early. Mr. BHlIantyne Abercrombie Sunday with Mr. R. Richards on suburbs. The township of Proton became "dry" on May \. Three bars were closed â€" at Proton Statioo, Cono and Hupevilie. For i:ood second hand furniture, good aa new, at half prists, call on R.J. Sproule, Flesherton. Mrs. Rjbt. Phillips, of Toronto, spent Sundiiy with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Phil- lips, Rockfa'e. For sale or rent in Flcuhcrton 2 com- fortable houHus, 1 biick and 1 metal clad. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Rev, Lewis F. Kipp, B. A., ia going to preach uext Sunday morning in the Bap- tist church on "Can I Please God." There are two kinds of floor pain'. Senour'sâ€" the kind that dries over night !ind wears like iron and the other kind. Bentbam Bros. Lock up F. G. Karstodtsadvertisraenb iu another coWran and note the very special hnrtcaius he is otfenug for the next two weeks. Arbor d^y was observed on Friday at the public school by a general cleaning up and g;.rdeuing in the forenoon and a holi- day for the children m the afleruoon. Colt For Sale, â€" heavy dmught two years old. A snap for somebody, R. H. Wright, Flehhurton. Get yiiur choppuig done at the Electrie Plant, Eui;enia. Satisfaction guaranteed on clean grain. Come early iu the day and avoid the rush. Standard Wire Fence is made of No. 9 hard 8teel wire throughoutâ€" strong and duriiblu. BoQtham Bros. Ma-tin-Senour p.iints, 100% pure. That's why wo recommend them. Bou- thaui l?f03„ agents, Flesherton. 12C0 rolls of Wall Paper.ncwest designs and finest colorings for p.irlor.'*, dining rooms, halls and bed rooms for sale at Prtce»il'e. C E.Tryon.practicaldecorator. Mr. \V. Gauaiii, of the Eugenia circuit, will preach niorninK and evening in the Methodist church here nest Sunday; Dt Caldwell tilling his appointments. Call in and have your choice from some of the, bes": and usweat Suitings and Tiouserings ever shown in town at F. A. Tucker'.s nexi door to Bank. For sale cheap or rentâ€" Lot 30, con. 14. Aitemesia. All plnwii g on lhi« lot is done tor this season and rtiidy for seed- ing. Apply to K. J. Sproule, Flesherton, or Johr. J. Martin, across the road from premises. A No. 2 Ma'.sey Harris cream separ ator nearly new, ai d well cared for. a Kood f ol of toHin hariiesn, buth articles gi>od and will bo sold reasonable. F. N. Field. For sale or rtnt, cheap and easy terms, good brick 8-ioonied dwelling and If acres of land in Flesherton. If not sold within short time wi'l ren'. Apply to B. J. Sproule, or David Mc.Uullen on the premises. Warningâ€" Notice is hereby given that wo will n jt be responsible for any purchas- es made by any pereou whatsoever either in our names or otherwise unless by writ- ten orda-. Signedâ€" Sarah Jaue Boyoe, John and Ch.irles Boyce. Liist--In Flesherton, on Monday, May 0, a pair of specs with gold frames, case from Annstr'>iig, jeweller. Kinder pleaao l->ave at Advance olKce or with Mrs. J. U. Duckutt, Eugenia. Mr. E''. Thoiopjon is placing a base- ment I ndtt his residence and erecting a bake ofen under a 30 fihit kitchen at the tear. In the busen;i'iit he will place a 4-hi>r.-iep"wcr ga.suline enijino and «n up-N>-daie mi.\er. Mr. Ban McDonald 1 as tht* contract of the stonewoik and is now busily- cnt;sg«*.l thereon. The price of this paper to subscribers in the United States is now $1.50 and must be paid strictly iu advance. If any of our subscribers over there wh" have not paid in advance miss their favorite journal next week they may kick to the government â€" not us. A Proton Station correspondent to l)cal exchanges claims that C. Petch, who ran sixth in the Boston Marathon road race, lived at one time near Proton Station, This is a mistake as the young man was born in Toronto and has lived there all his life with his parents. A little 10-year-old daagh ter ft Mr. Wni. Hill, E^ist back line, met with a ser- lons accident on Saturday which may lame her for life. She accidentally slipped from a bu^ay, her toot going between the spokes. The 'ihild was drawn around with the wheel and hor knee di.slooited badly. Drs. Ego and Carter set the Umb" The little gi.-ls leg wa? twisted comploly around and the setting of the injured limb was difficult. NoTiuBâ€" The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. contracts to pay market value for household eiFeots, f-irm stock, implements, hay and grain also hjsses or damage iu full caused by ligh'ninst at about half the cost that other companies charge. .\a institution that otfurs such terms deserves the patronage of nil pro- gressive farmers. A post card addressed to their agent, VV. J. Bowes, Markdale, regarding terms will receive prompt at- teutioii. At the monthly meeting of Chalmet's Church Ladies' Aid held on Thursday last Mr?. A. S. Vandusen was elected President in place of Mr?. Thorn who recently moved away. The day of meet- ing was changed from the Thu'sday in the mouth to the first Weduesday. Mr. Joseph Blackburn was given a pleas- ant surprise by a generous gift from the ladies who thus expresse'l iheir ajipreci- ation of services rendered the society by liiin. .At the conclusion of bu-siness, refreshments were served and an enjoy- able time was spent. Notice â€" .According to bylaw all ttock and geese are pmhibited from running at large ou the streets at night Cows must be shut up from 7 p. m- until 6 n. m. This bylaw will strictly enforced hereaf ter and will take effect Juno 1. Now that we are getting tho cement sidewalks they will have to be protected and the police trustees de.<iire us to state that ihey will be, r fgatdless of consequences. Any person not wishing to get pinched will keep their cows shut up at night after June 1. And this is only a preliminary, because it will soon be found that cemei b walks and cows do not agree at any time of the 24 hours and they will be kept off the streets altogether. That will be s reform of a desirable kind when it comei, but we are evidently not quite ready fer such a drastic change aa yet. A narrow escape from drowning ocottt- rod at tho bridge here on Tuesday about noon. Jimmy Staflford, a 6 year-old boy, in company with a companion, "Bobs" Trimble, his own age, were playing just above the temporary bridge, when both fell in. Bobs "swamoied" out .and ran for home. About 150 yards away ho met Mr. C. N. Richudson and told him atwui falling ill and that Jimmy was still there. Mr. Richardson ran swiftly to tho spot and after some difficulty loaited the little fellow and pulled him out. He was in- sensible and black in the face. Charley worked over him for some time in a scientitio uianner and at last h'ld tho sat- isfaction of seein? him reco\ er his senses. He was taken tothoBaptut pvrsimageand Dr. Carter sent for. He has about rec"v- .ered but another minute m the water r would probably have provid fttal. Among a few things held over las t week waa a report of a meetiog bold by a number of yuung men with tho objeot of organizing a baseball club for the com- ing season. The young men decided to pin their faith to baseball this summer instead of football and organized with tho Following result: Hon. President. Mr. John lluMstadtler; President, Mr. J. A. Boyd; Manager, Mr. Ed. Thompson; Captain, Mr. Ed. Bentham; Sec. i Treas., Mr. C. H. Munfihaw; Jlanaging Commit- teo, Ed. Denthaiu, Herb Smith and C. N. Richardson; M.iscot, Master Herb Sul- livan. There are some good players iu the club and we trust the boys may have a succesafu. season. For the past two Sundays Rev. W. S. Wright, B. A., preached in the Presbj - terian cbureh here t-o interested and ap- preciative congregations. Mr. Wright has been studying in Edinhnrough fcr the past year. B. A's., B. D.'a an'dnther "B's in the bonnet" do not always make successful preachers, but iu this case elo- quence and choice diction accompany the letters of honor and we have heard it hint ed that Mr. Wright is likely to receive an invitation to become the regular pastor here, but whether he accepts is another question. Uo is an unmarried man, but we are prepared to torsive him for that,as freely as we hive forgiven others for the saraa thing, and then supplied their needs. Ho FOB Toronto axd Niaga&x FallsI Grand excursions from Owen Sound (and all S'ations South as far as Shelburne) to Toronto by C. P. R., then by steamer to Lewistou making cloae^connection with the electric railway to Niagara Falls. .A special train will leave Owen Sound at 7.30 A. M. on Friday, May 17th, and Flesherton at 8.50. Returning will leave Toronto Union Station on Monday, 20th, at 7.00 A. M. Niagara tickets good to return by any regular train or special till Monday evening. This is an excellent opportunity to witness the "King's Plate" at Woodbine on the 18th. or Eastern League baseball matches (Toronto and Jersey City) on 17th, and 18th. Fare Flesherton for round trip J205. See posters for further particulars. At a well attended meeting of citizens in the town hall Monday evening it waa decided not to celebrate Dominion day this year, owing to the fact that Durham, Dundalk and Vandelear, hadallau.iounc- ed their intention of doing so, and that the funds on hand, ;^60, beheld over unt'.l next year, when it is anticipated that a bumpor demonstration can be plan- ii<h1. a few years ago Flesheiton prv^vid- ed two detuBastrstions which have never been e.tcelled in towns of much larger dimensions, but it was found that accom- modation waa in-tulficiont for the crowd. It is different now, and the great successes i/f former years can be repeated next year with tho assurance that the crowd, no matter how large, can have all the 'iccommodation and comforts required. Don't let it be forgottjn Ijy our sister towns that Fh'shertoii will celebrate next year, and will do it wt"i tho old vim. That is, D. V. S PECIALSAL E Commencing May 15th and continuiug until only the end of the month. Thia sale, which is for cash or produce only, exceeds anything ever held in Grey Coanky. Look here at the offers. READY MADE CLOTHING AT f4.y8 50 Ready made suits both S. B. and D. B. m both checks and scrips. Regular price from ^00 to §10.00 going at ... ,|4.98 CHILDREN'S SUITS 81.50 11 Children's two-pieced suits, bhruso and knickers. Exceikut value at. .|l.oO MEN'S SHIRTS FOR 49c 10 doz. men's shirts all sizes from 14 to 17, both stiff and soft bosom. Regular 60 and 73o for 49o 5 doz. men's shirts all sizes and new style Regular iSl.OO for 79c ^OYS' CAPS AT 13o 35 Boys' caps, regular 25c going for. .13c MEN'S FEDORAS AND CHRISTIE HATS AT 1.19 4 doz. men's Fedora and Christie bats, all latest colors and .shapes, regular 1.50 to 2. 00 lines for $1.19 F. G. Karstedt • TIES AT I'Jc .ibout 50 ties both in four-in-hand, bo'is, Ready made ties, regular 25c for. . . . 19c LADIES' READY MADE SKIRTS Ready made skirts all new styles and patterns, rei;iilar 1.75 to 7.50 are going from 1.25 to 5,00 PRINTS AND GINGHAMS Just arrived a large consignment of Eng- lish Prints and Ginghams newest checks and stripes for 12A to 15f. WALL PAPER We have one of iha largest sto:k o's wall paper iu town. We must clear s<jma i.f it out. We are selling them for less than coat; Call and aeu them. Fine Salt per barrel 81.29 Just arrived a oar load of Flour and Feed Flesherton •fm The Band Will Play. Should the evening be favorable the Flesherton Citizens' Band under the direction of F. A. Tucker will render the following program on Friday evening, May 10th: Iâ€" March, The King's Guards. IIâ€" Waltzes, Poetica, by Theo. Moses Tobanl. Ill â€" Intermezzo, In the Garden of Rosea. IVâ€" March and Two Step, Why Don't You Try. Vâ€" Waltz, W. n't You Come Otfer toMy House. VIâ€" Medley March, Alice, Where Art Thou Going. VIIâ€" Comique, American Life. VIII â€" Waltz, Killarney. IXâ€" Medley March, Yankee Buys. X â€" National Anthem. Keep this program and come out and hear the Band. F2U'm Laborers Hnd Domestics T hare been appointed by the Dominion Government ta place imniigraots from the L'nit«d Kingdom in positions as farm labourers or domestic servants iu this vicinity. Any persons requiring such help should no- tify me personally or by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted and wages ottered. The numbers arriving may not bo siifhcieut to supply all requests but every effort will be made to provide each applicant with the helu required. W. W. TRIMBLE Canadian Qovernment Employment Ag«nt For stomach titnibles, billiousnens ivnd cou- st'patiuii try ChambealaiirH .Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkably ciir«,« liane l>een effected by them. Price J.'je. Samples free. For sal- by W. E. Ricbardsuii. Our Clubbing List Advance, and Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Daily News 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 SO Mail-Empire 1 75 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 80 Farmers Sun 1 80 Farmers Advocate 2 30 Weekly AVitiiess 1 80 Saturday Night 2 50 Montreiil Herald 1 20 .Cock-a-Ooodle-Do Just a word to ponple who raise poultry. If you want g'xiil, healtliy obickens, buy your incubator from A. Wilson. I set all machines iu running order that I sell, so the putt'haser will have no tmublo and can depend on having food resui's the first hatch. I alwavs have a machine go- ing. Call and see and be convinced that you are behind the times without an iucubuior. A. WILSON, Flesherton Box 246 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of GEORGE ALEXANDER, latei.f tho Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, Farmer, decea-sed. NOTICR ia hereby ijiven pnrsuand to tiro Revised Statu -8 of Outario. 1607. Ctiap. V^> tbat all creditors and otliers rinvinR claiu s a :aiu6t tlie estate of the said Georgo Aloxau Jor, decoaae.^, wlio died ou or about tbo twentv- sovanth day of Sepreuibor, A. I>. 1907 arerf^inir* O'i.oii or boforo tho tKli da\ of Juno A. D, 1907. t Jsendby post prpi aid or delivery to W. r. A ster. Koycrshajm, '.mtaiio. exooator of tbo U twillandtostftoieut of tho tho cni.l docease', t 'ir uliristian and suruaipes. addresi^as aiiu lo ci'iirttoDS, the full particulars of tlieir claims tbo fitatemout of their aoocinits and tho iiaturj of the sccutities (if any) bald by tbeti). .VJCD FURTHITB TaKIS NOTICE tliat after sucn last ii:iii>tioriod date the said o.\ocutor will procood to diBtribiito the assets of tba deooasoil aniong the parties pntitlod t.liereto haviiij,' re- gitd only to the claims of wbicli they shall tti*'>n bavo notice and tbattbe said ffXecutor will not bo liablo for tbe said aSKcts oranv part tb*?reof to anv person or jwrsona of wlioao clalDie notioo shall not have been roceiveU by bim at ibe lime of snob dlatrii>uti ju. Dated April, aoth. A. U. Luoos Wiicht & Mo.irdle, Owen Sound, Oi>t. Solicitor for the Executor. TENDERS addressed to tho undersigned and i oudprsed "Tender for DredRing. ' will bo i received up to and including Unnday, MayCth, j Vm. for the dredging required at tbo followiuj; I places iu tbo Province of Ontario during tbe ' present year: Belle River, Cbeual Ecarte, God- ariiiJi. Kincardine, Port Elgin. Port Burwoll, Point Kdward, Port Stanley. tlODdeau. Biver Tbamos, Wiftrton. Blind River. Sydenham Riyor. Beavertou, i3roDte, Bracebridge.'Moaford, Owou Sound. Tbornbury. Toronto. Waubau- sbene, Wingfleld Basin, Nigger and Telegraph IslaudB, Trenton Harbor and Darlt Cbonuel, Peuetangaisbene, Midland .Hamlltoo, Cobnig. Coabined specification and form r>f tender can be obtained at tbe Department of Public Works. Ottawa. Tenders must include tbe tow- ing of the plant to and from the works. Only dredges oau be employed which are registered in Canada at the time of filing of tenden,: Contractors must be ready to begin work within thirty dayei after tbe date they have beeuuoti- &ed of the acceptance of their tender. Tenders will not be considered anlees made on the form supplied, and signed with tbe actual signatures of tenderers. Au accepted cheque ou a chartered bank, pav- Dble to tbe order of the Honorable the Minister of Public Works, for one thousand dollars i;^l,00O),must accompany each tender ae security deposit iu ocunection with the dredging to be performed. The cheque will be returned in case of uou acceptance of tender; The Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. By Order, FEED. GELINAS. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 17, 1007. Ncwspapora inserting this advertiaomsnt without authority from tho Uepartmout will not be paid for it. FLESHERTON, ONT. Stock Taking Wo wiil discount all our Ready- Made Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Underwear, B.iots and Shoes and Hosiery at 15 per ceut. until March 15. We have a few Horse Blankets left which wo will sell for cost rather than carry over. Leave your order for binder twine as wo are iu position to supply any amount at lowest prices. Thanking tho public fnr their patronaiie in 191)6 and respectfully solicit your trade for l'.>67. R. N. Kinnear and son. MAXWELL FOR sale: Mount I'leasant Herd Wo are offering for sale the young stock bull, Scottish Chief a Broad' Hooks Uoldeu Kauit>. In individuality bo is sncniid to iiolo and a good stock. This animal would make a good herd leader. Also Scottish Barouâ€" II months old bred from Cecelia stock. Got by . Seoltihh Chief. Lot 170, Qu i. E, T. and S. R. KICH.VltD .\LLAN Fle>i)ertou. Sprng& Summer Shoes NOW that spriug weather is approaching you will re- qnira finer Footwear. iVe Lave made a very special effort in selectiug our goods. Our stock of Shoes was never so nice as now. They are ueat and nobby, In Ladies Bala wc have Kid, Dongola, fine qual- ity. In Oxfords we have a fine range of the latest styles. Iu Geuts' weai- we have a full range of all kinds. Wo also have a large assortment of Children's Shoes. Truuks and Telescopes a large Slock at lowest Ptices, Call and see us. Wm. CLAYTON

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