Ha\ THE FLESHfiRTON ADVANCE MUtal t^. <» wwvvwMvy F, T, HILL & CO. Just Making Things I Merest in I J. &. W BOYD soivije: Here are large savings that .should make things interesting. We have searched our big stock through and with many new lines which wo have secured big piice concessions on we arc going to make the next two weeks business hum by mak; # Special Bargains ! ing the dollars work over time. A BIG SN.\P IN LEMONS FROM OUR GRO- CERY DEPARTMENT 700 (lozi'ii clioioe lenioiw, every ono sound and guaran- tiHjil stock, on sale Thursday raoniinK [ler doz, . . .10c. A BIG DROP IN TABLE LINENS AT ONE-HALF TO OMvTBIRD LESS THAN REG. VALUE. Wo were rery fortunate in sccurttij' the sample ends of one of tlio best Linen Maiiufacturcrs in (Jrcat Brikain. These Lineim ore all in Tahlu Cloth Lengths being 2] and 2i yards long, and rejiresent many very fine <]ualiiiuH. It is a big saving, so bu on band early; (he bisb alwiiys uo Briit. They are ranged in these two prices as follows: Fine Table Linens in 2^ and 2^ yard lengtba for. .9Sc Fine Table Linens in 2^ and '2\ yard lengths for.. .1.48 RAIN COATS FOR MEN ATONE-HALF "•• REGULAR PRICPJS. 42 only Men's Heavy Twill Rain Coats, in colors of light and dark urey, dependable wearers, regular values 33 . 75 and 84, clearing at 1.1)8 \^fm THE PRINT SECIICN FOR A BIG BARGAIN SOtiO yards of a good quality Piint in tho very latest patterns principally dark colors in the popular shades, such us DIue.", lilacs, blacks, reds, pinks, greens and all tints of blue representing big valao, your choice per yard 6c. CUSHION foPa OUR REGULAR 25o AND 35c. LINES, SELLING FOR 19c. This week wo are clearing out our stock of Tapestry Cusliion Tops in all good patterns. Those are regular every day selling lines but we wish to make room for the now stock coming in and the prices consequently are cut, youre for 10c ^VE ARE NOW SHOWING NEW MUSLIHS This week wo have placed in stock uU our new Spring ^ and Suninisr Muslins. They are very pretty and ^ stylish in design and priced so r«asonably it will pay J^ you to see the new things in this dei>artraent, price i£ per yard 7Ac to 25c ^ ~~NE\V CARPETS, CURTAINSAND RUGS fc If you have anythine to buy in the house furnishing ^ line wo are now showinf; the biggest lino and the best J^ value that can be found outside the cities snd for ^C price and quality we are willins that you should make JJp comparisons with the biggest (inns in the busiuess. ^ See what we are doing in these lines. |^ 1) LADIES' SPRING JACKETSâ€" .lust a few left. See them! Prices from W^ So.OOto .$7.60 J5) LADIEW' SKIRT8-A £ancy Tweed Skirt, mixed greys. Special priie ^ «2-75 |BOOTS and SHOES * ALL THE SPEING'S GOODS IN: ^ LADIES' OXFORDSâ€" Patent sailor tie at $1 73 ••; Patent three strap at 1 75 â- A; Ljidies Patent Colt 3 50 ^ Ladies Don^ob. Bal, Goodyear Welt, [Mtent tip a special at 3 00 ^ Men's Patent Colt at 3 75 JLt Men's Dongola and Box Calf from l.CO to 4 OO ^ Men's Heavy Bootsâ€" A full line to chocie from in'French Kip grain, Chrome Eugitsh Kip. Rub i-een and all the cheaper lines in splits and grains. Ready : Made : Clothing. All the New Spring Good? in. We (jive you yuur price on some special linps. Men's Fancy Twecdsingle breasted, fancy pattern, ap-to-date cat, sizes from 36 to 44 at 9C 95 Men's Fancy Worsted, sinale breasted, stripe, np-to-date cut at 9 86 Boys' S.piece Suits, Fancy Tweed, single breasted at 3 95 MARKPALE Is piililiahed every TliurHilay at ?1.(M) |>ef kimiiiji if putii ill iidvani.'e, dl.Do if not ho paid' â€" t ^ Artemesia Council .^rlemosin townsliip council met on Saturday last. Tlie inotnlwrs were all presBut, llio reeve in the cliair, Jlioutes of last 8i'««ion were read and conlirmed. CouiniiiiiicaiioiiH as follows were plcsent- iil : From Neil MtKinnon and 49 oth- er!', asking that the statute labor in the police village of Priceville bo commuted at 7i>c pur day ; report of assessors on assessment of the police village of Price- v.lle ; r4)p )rt of reeve re road a( lot 24, con. 12 ; report of committoo re Price- ville statute labor and agreement be- tween the council and police Irustoua ; report of Court of Uovisiim on drainage liyliiw No. 1 ; lenders for concrete arch biidgu from various pirlies. Hy-law 083 to commute staluto labor in the village of Priceville was introduced and read a brut, second and tliird time, also Uy-law CT'.t, appointing municipal officers for IUO7. Carson- Meadsâ€" That tho accjunl of .1. ife W. Boyd for supplies for town hall, $1.40, hd paidâ€" Carried. McKenzioâ€" MeaiNâ€" That John Wright be paid bis account of %\ for taking vote of sidewalk Ity-law, and the same be charged to the account of the village of Fleshorton â€" Carried. Meadsâ€" Ctti sonâ€" That the reeve's ac- count for telephone mossages, 60c, be piiid --Carried. McKenzieâ€" McLoughryâ€" That the ao- ••(â- unt of 'bo Contract Record for ndvur- Using for biidgd tenders, $4.lilJ, bo paid â€"Carried, Moada â€" M jKeiizieâ€" That the account nf W. \\. Tliuanton for adveitising for bridge tondeis, $2.(10, be pnidâ€" Carried. Meadsâ€" Carson -That Mr. Thurston's account of ^65 for adveriising drainage By-law No. 1, Proton Station, be paid Slid tho sun e bo cli irgud to the drainage aciMiunl- ("ttrrieil, McKen/.i:> â€" MoIj"ughry â€" That (ho re- port of comniiltee appointed to confer wall the police trustees of Priceville be paid and the committee be paid 92 each for their services -(,'arried. MiKenzie â€" McLoughry â€" That tho Clerk advertise the closing of those parts i.f Snnpnon s'reet in the town plot of Ku- jjenia lying between reserves Nos 1 and ;', and 2 and 4, and a liy-law be passed at the proper time for such purpose â€" Ca I ried. McK'-itzieâ€" McLoughry â€" That Mr. Caison and Mr. Meads be anthoiizud to confer witn all pariiis having fences or oilier (dmlruclioMS on certain siriols in Piiccville as cipiiip'ainod of by Mr. Mc- Cabe, and U> take huoIi action as they may deem wise with the object of ha\iiig olmtrucliona renrnved â€" Carried. MaLougbry-Cara.inâ€" That ihe reeve a lid tiuasurer prepare a nlalcuieiu (>f all iiioiieys recuivi'd from Leslie Elliott on belialf of tho late Robert Smith, and afii'r deducting all ex|ienses ii.ciined the halanCH be forivarded to Mr. Ilarnes^s, manager of the c .unty house of lefiige - Cariied. McKeniio- Caraon â€" That a spet^ial ur.^it of oho hundred dollars be made Mini expended in and near Eu'/i-iiia, Ihe nMi >unt to bteipende^ under (be super- vision of cniomissioniT of Div. 4 â€" Ctrr'd )fi'adi â€" C»rsonâ€" That one hundred dollars bo granted and t')i|ieiided on 3d Hideioad north from Durham road to ciiiineet biao lino to Ceylon, the fonimit- niuMer of ward 1 to niL^etthe saiil amount w'lth t50 of 'j'» WJirJ appr pri. t' )!i and Horse Routes PERCY PERFORMER Tho Imported Huckncy Stallion E.H.B.B. [8260] CMI.S.U. (203> expend tho wholeâ€"Carried. McLoughryâ€" McKenzie â€" That J165 be granted to be expended by the reeve on valley road south from Andrew Gra- ham's â€" Carried. McKonzie â€" McLoughry â€" That the draft agreement prencnted between the Council and the police trustees of the village of PriDcvillu Vie adopted and exe- cutrd by the reeve and clerk, and the corporate seal attached theretoâ€" Carried. MoKonzio- Meads-That this Council accept tho tender of Messrs. Walker Bros, to build Ijoyne bridge according to^ Iilan and speciticati<iiis. for he sum of| TllUUSnAY uoo.i, Arthur 8toutenImr«i., S'14()(), Ihr work to be completed ou or Itanka; nielit. Cliaa. Hills.lot l'. con. 11. CoUIuk- before July I, 1907-Carried iTl'^l{5TY"tt,UocU>yn; ui«ht,Jo.. Mauar.y.. McLouyhiy â€" Carsonâ€" That the reeve Gorlnx. ' 8.\TL.'liDAVuoou, Ma kdaIeHoos«. Markdilo wtiero liu will r«inaiu uutil tlJo folluwiii|{ Mun*. day morning. Thin i-mitu wiU bu contiuuedfluiiuij ttio sea- son, ho&Itli Mill wuathor poruiictiug. TOlNSUKi;. *1J.(X) i. \V. MAN.VUBV , Proji., Markdilo EOUTE FQUIDOT MONDAY, May G, Will leave Markdalo House. Markdalc, nud iirueutd to Flnsbcrtou for uuou; Uaxwull (or iilfut. TUESDAY noon, Sitigharoiiton; nifht. Duo- troon. WKUNKSDAYnoou and uislit. Cooks Hotol, ColUnuwoo.l. is hereby appointed to meet C.P. railway ollicial ro ilitch at Ceylonâ€" Carried. i McKenzie â€" McLoughry â€" That the; liiKt sittin,4 >'f 'he Court of Revision on assi'ssnient loll of 1907 be held in tho township li^ll on Saturday, tho first day of dune, 1907â€" Carried. Council adjourned. â- % *m* * * • Doubled Up With Cramps Stomach feels like an infernal machine and you want relief mighty quick. Noth- ing does the work half so soon as Poison's Nerriline. VVhy it kills tho pain ina'antly. If your bottle is empty get another today. Nervilina keeps the doctor bill small hecBUao it cures little ills before they grow big Nothing for indigestion, heart liui II and orainps like Poison's Nervilino. Largo bottles for 25c. Contracts Let, The contract for the bridge in town, which was swept away by a flood on Jan. fourth last, was let on Saturday to Walker tiros, of Southampton for the sum of fl4(iO. The same tirm also secuied the contract for crmeiit aidewalks at 9c. per sijimre foot. It is interesting to note the wide vari'ition of csliimtes in the tenders for bridge work, tho lowest being $1400. and highest $2400. There were a larue iminber of tenders received, among which were: John Langdon, Kenilworlh, 81427 ; E. Sargent, Ceylon, $1800; Nichol and Frost, Owen Sound, $1500: MACNETLAGE MOSDAY-Will leave his own hIbMo, lot 4,1, con. 11. Artemebia, and proceed to Jolin Uob- Bon's, 11 Osiirey, for noun; tlieiico to Irwin IlutchinaouH, Hill liuo Colliuitwood, (or uiglit. TUKBDAYâ€" TiiTlKB. TouiimonB. llauks. for noun; ttionce to Thoa. I'oUarJtu, Uibraltor, fur nltiht. WEDNR8DAY-T0 David McUullen's, lot 10, con, 1*2, Ospiey, for noon; tlionco to Alex, Mc- UilluiiV, lot 3J, con, 10, (or uiKlit. THUDDDAY-ToMelntyre, for noon; tlionce to Maxwell for nit^ht. FUIDAYâ€" To Ja8. UnsBcrs.Uockvalc.for noon; tbeuco to tiiii own stable (or night wliore be will remain until tbefoUowinij Monday moruirj^. R. Ferris, Thos. BtacK, Proprietor. 'Uroom. GEILVNIUM ROUTE MOKDAY-Uill leave bis own stabln, lot 40, con. 11, Arteniosia. and proceed to Kiiiuear'd toiii|iorancelioufie, Feveruitaiu,(or noon; tbjnce to Uob Uoy for niijht. TUESnAY-WiUprocoed to It.lliioking ham's, I'itb Uaprey, (or uoou; Ibuuceto bis own stable (or niKbt. WKONRSDAY-Will proceed to Win. Iirown, ridge's, Itb con., (iBpruy, (or noon; thence to Cbarloe Dowillii(i's, Ouiitro Line, (or niubt. TIIUUSDAY-Will proceed to Edward I'at- ton's r. &• .H. K, Artemesia, lor noon; tlionoo to the Park House. Pleahertun, (or uight. Flour 8L Feed We have .•» full s'ock of Houi and ffed iiicludin'i. Bran, Shorts, Feed flour Corn, Barley ch "p and FIVE ROSES FLOURâ€" Every bag of which> guaroiiteadâ€" the best tlour in the land- no other can equal it. Hardware ; A full stock of stoves, tatigi^s ^md h.it.TS, axes, saws and all kinds of wcod- J uien'« supplies, al*i Bl'ILDEK'S SUPPLIES. Parties contenplating i building should not neglect gonitis' our prices before purcliasing elsewhere. I J. & W. BOYD â- FLESHERTONT FRIUAY-Wm proceed to B. Ferris', east back lino, (or one lioiir: tbeiioo tobliuwn stable fur ,,, ,, „ o .1 . oi .on ri nlnlit wbcre ho win roiuttiu until the following Walker iiios , Boulhitmplon, ^1400; Cross Monday iuodhIuk " Tiii<- and Wuldrick, Oweu Sound, $1000; gill and McKay, Totienlniin, P1670; Bowanand Elliot, St. Catharines, %2tM\ Mapio Loaf Pavinif Co., Simooe, ^2400; Gritlilh, Tliameavilli.,81425; J. 0. Wil.son, Cliatsworth, ICitol2.50; Clark and Jones, Owen Sound, ^1764; Spr>gi(eand Uard- iiinii, Meaford, ie;24iMI, The lu'idge will bo a 20 ft span arch briilgi", tolid concrete, 17 feet high and 24 feet lone. The contract call.i for its eoHipletioo by July Isi. The successful colli rll^Ulr^l are cousins of Mr. John Walker of I'liyd's hardware. Ti ndcrs for the Ridenatk rsnged from !)c, to ll'jc par squaio foot, and was awai'del the Wa'kor liini at the lowest tiguie. R. Ferris, Handler and Ferria Bros., .â- Hector. Proprietors. HONOR BOUND MONDAYâ€" win leave his own stable, Kiuibev ley, an.l proceed by way of 4tM lii.e Hud Epi>iii|> hIcIo road to T. J. ferry's, lot IS con. I>, Kiiplira. Hie, for noon; tbeuce by way of 7tli lino and and 10 i:idor>:ad to his own stable for niitht. TUKSDAYâ€" Win proceed by way of Jili lino In Robert OonueV. lot 'i7, con. \',i, Artouiosi.i, tor noon; thcnuu by w.ty of lOtb lino to Richard OttuWells. lolU. con. II, Oapreyfor nifjbt. WE|1NF.S1)AY- Will pro.i«i.a by way of lOtli hldei'oad and 19(b line to John (ittewufl's, I.aily Hank, fur noun; Ibuncii by way of l',i lino and M iilderoa(l.\rti'nu>sia> to bis own Btable for n'Kbt. THUIISDAV-Will procoed by way of Valley road and llitth'n siilornad to S.oi.uel Uoodfeb lowp, lot 1:!, con 1, Enpbiiuiia, foi- noon; t'leuoe by way of townlinc aii'l IHkud 11) si oroad to Samuel MoOUiiiti s, lot 20, con. i!, Kupbrasia, tot 1 bonr; theneu to bin own stable for uiiiht. FRIDAYâ€" Will remain in bin own Btabte. HaTIIRPAYâ€" Will prooeod by way of and 7 Blderoad to .\ukiih ItulVii. lot 0, con. 1 Kiipbra-sia for noon; thence to loa own stable where be will remain until the followintj Mouda} morn- ing. WM. McCLUNO, Mauatier and Collector. Your Painful Corn. What it wants is ilii; sooihing attention of PntiiHin's Corn Extractor, jvbich bfls out I ho vi-ry root and brunch in short older. No pain, no after effect, just clean wholesonia cure--thal'a "Putnam's." CREMORNE (iMf. 12027) Clyde.sdale st«llion Oukmoksb, Imp. I(12\»27) foaled in tho spring of IWW is a iae.s.s- lelied upon" with ui'oie implicit cnnlidcnce than '"« «"P«r'<'' ".«.;>".is -1",..... ...... ..vtion. (lhaml.orb.in'8 Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea At two yeiirs and ton months ho stands Remedy. During the third of n eentry in 17 hands plumb, girths 7 ft. 4 inches and wlilr.'.i it has Iwen in iiae, pciiblc have Ifaiinvd weighs nearly IHIlO lbn. At maturity he that It is ths on« lemody llnvt iicvorl fails. '^iii „.yi„i, 210(1 llw. or over. Parties \V).o:ne,l,,c,-dw,thwat<TnndK«,...ten<-dlt is i,,,,!^;,,,^^,,. (he biggest and lieat Clyde pleasant to lake, rur s^ile by >v h. Itidiard- ' . o... . *" ....-•' son. see this promising cult as he will m:ike a bigger and bettor hi use than the Duko of York that I won 3rd prize with iu Toron- to and Ist awl Gold medal afc Ottawa in i'MH. C^olov, Black with white stritHj in face. Imported by O. Sorby, Ouelph. Sired by Borelands I*rido by Baioiis Pride, iliiii. Rival Belle by Lord of the Isles by liamot by Siuiquh.>ir. Will stand for soii.son at Markdale House, Miirkdale. gilO payable 1st Jan. 1903 or when mare provci in fold and §5 extra on every living colt. HENRY M.D0UQLAS5, Collector GAUTULEli (NO. 3383) Gai'TUIEU No. 3383 is a beautiful dark rich chestnut Svith while stripe and hind stockings, weighing 13(X> lbs., stands It) bunds high, Wiw foalodin spring of 15KU at Seilgely Farm, Hinsdale, 111., the piiip- erty of E. M. Biutou. Gauthier was sired by tho famous stock stallion and prize winner. Regent, and out of Gabrielle, winner of two first prizes at the World's Fair, Chicago, and first at Madison Square Gardens, New York and tirst at Tn»is- Mi.s«issippi, Dniaha. Gauthier Ls also a gi-andson of tho faiiums Perfection, five timos champion and sweepstakes of Am- erica over all Coftch and Carriage breeds. Gauthier has proved himself a sure atock- Kettut' cf tjood, Btruui;. Stuart colts. Uunug the three pabt aeaauna be has foaled 70 per cent, of all mares bred, ilia isoHa have been aelllng readily from «73 to iflOO at six months i Id. Two of bis ooltnwere sUowu at Toronto exbibi.. tiou last fall, each winiiiut; first prize. ROUTE FOR 1907 Monday uightâ€" I'ark Houbc, Plcalierton. Tnosdiy uoou -John Harsraye's.OOiUuKWOod gravul ; Tuesday night. Maxwell, Wednesday noooâ€" Geo. Lawl&r's ; Wednesday uiKht, Eugenia. Tbuiaday noou -Klmborley ; Thursday night I'eter McCaaliu's. Friday noou-John Erskiuc'a, 9th line. F.ii- pbra^ia; Friduy night. Win. Sluel's, 'r'L.A. iSt K. balurc.ayâ€" Uarkdalu Hoinie. "I'KKM.-^â€" iSlO OO ir»Burcance Hy. M. Dougluss, Man, and Collector Frank Honsberger, seventeen years of ago, and si n of George Honsberger of bands, was accidentally shot throu(,h tho heaitatnoon Monday while practising target shooting with a young Englishman an employee VI his father, at Staynor. It is not 'known how the accident oc- curred, as llie Englishman is too much overcoina to give a clear account of it But it is presimied that llonsborcer, who was acting as loarker.ftccidentally stepped in front of the target or that the gun was proinatui'oly discharged. Summer Stock. I have on band a number of Rub- ber Rugs, Dash Aprons, Duster* Fly Net*. Whips, Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment. Harness repair- ing ot all kinds done promptly. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance offlc*. Flesherton, - - Ontamo WINTER HARNESS Q00D5 Bid Stocks 'Best Stock Bells, Blankets, Kobos Cl>nti\hRrlc\ln'B COllo, CUolern niiU Hlarrlvocet HeuieUv. , . â„¢ . , ,, ,. • 1 .1 . I large, iiiiuvsivo, heavy boned colt pos Tliere is proUl^y "" r;!!:^^";:;;;;::;.::;?^,^ in^snpcrior bree<Ung ..ualitv and .ct Farm Icr Sale Ixitx 1 Id and 147 1st West of Toronto .ind Sydenham road, c^ntainingone huudrod acres more or lv«». Price three thousand dollars if H lid at once. W. a. riCKKLL. Fur lined coat.s, pocketbooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather gooda. uttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W.MOORE, FlesKerton Oat. Stiortt^ornCattle fcr Sale Lsviuiasand Wiuploa, the best of breadiss and qualitv. Bull, cows and belfois for sata at reasonable prices liUl S3,00D.S CUAS. STAFFORD, FleshartoD HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the ''.'st Photos ia at BULMERS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. dale stallion to impi'ovo their stock should SPECIAL ATTENTION Wo pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture trMD- ing a specialty. Try us tor any kind of pictures snd we will proiniaetalisfaction. Mrs. SUI^ASKI^^