\ TilE FLEESIIEUTON ADVANCE May 2 1W7 ft I8TABUSHEO 1*79 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto JOirn" DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for ihosj living in the counlry, as either member can attend to t he banting when in town. In case of death, the money may be withdrawn by the suivivot without delay or cost. Write or call for fiulher particulars. Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection ^vith all Bramjies. 13A â- FLES2iERTON BRANCH Geor-ga MitcJicll, Manas*** ER.A.NCH5S Ai.30 AT D»JK.HA>J. liARStlSXCM Aim PttSCK^^St,! .^. Vicinity Chips You may f;o fishing to-day. Dutch sets and potrtio onions. A full I etcok at Benthaui Drl'S , Flesherton. Miss III Howard nf iMiiritdalo 'n Rwnd- ! ing tliia Week .Tith Miss Alli*j Wilcox. For money at Lr.vest rate«, land secur- ity, go tu A. S. VanDusen, Flosherton. P. Bolder, Pricovilli'.wiis fined SuO and costs last week fur selling Ilijuor illeaally. Fot biiiinu-j, oranges auJ lemons ^o to Bdntham Bros. Staudiiid Wire Fence is male of No. 9 hard steel wire thicuuhnut â€" stioiiu sit.d durabki. Deuthaiu Bros, ageiua. Lath f.if .«aljeâ€" .\pi)ly to Jol^n H. Jamieson ui Thus, E. Fenwick, Eui^enia. ai. 3('. Mar: ii -Se.iour tjaii.ts, 100 % pure That's «liy ^Â¥e recouiciLtid thtin. Ben- tbaiu Bn;, agents, Fletliertou. F»r .liO'l second lumd furniture, good as no»-, at half piicts, calKmR.J. Sproulo, Fleshertun. Bav.-.iiis i:i Wall Papersâ€" -SOCO rolls for .salo by O.E. Tryun, PricevilU-. Thoro are two kinds of floor paint. SciiOL't'sâ€" the kind that dries over niijlit and we;irs like iron and the other kind. Ben I ha HI Bro'. The Aytou Biiidor T^'ino Fac'iiry. which ori<;iimily cost ?17,000, was nolo latly for87,0<>X For sale or rent in Flesherton 2 eoni- fortablo In ines, 1 brick and 1 nie'al clad. Apply to H. J. Sproulu, Flesherton. Mr. J e(iaaey,w'.io has been omp'oyod by A. Wilsiurhero for Si.nio time, has Btt.rtjd ;t t'lnsorittl business in Pricevillo. Colt For Sale,â€" htavy draught two jeirsold. A snap for somotxidy, R. U. \Vrij;hl, Flesherton. - Mr. Jts. Oiirse, who who was with R. J. Sprouio last fall, is i,pendin;{ aftw days in town, but expects to ;;o west in the ne;ii' future. Roy Kerr is openiiii! a confectionery Rtid so^d business ih the st^re in Sproule's block recently vacated by the bank, 4 doors i."»st if ilie postitfice. Mr. Peter Norris, who has opcuid a new ti;i fhop in Christoe block, uppusiie The Advance office, places his i'.dveriije- ment in this i-ssue. Head it. Get yi'ur eh-ipping done at the Electrie Plant, Eui(ctiia. Satisfaction nuariiiitei.d on clean gra'n. Come e»iiy in the day and avoid the rush. Next Siuioay Rev. Mr. Kipp preaches his iiiunial Sprinii sermon in the Bap ist chuie'-. Subject, '"The Lessons of the 8<asjM." Grand Villoy is talking up the mr.t-er of R'aitiiii^a ieinpoi'ancc hotfl â€" eiilu't by build ing or buying out one oi ihe exist in^ h te!.-. ' For sale die »p or r«utâ€" Lot 30, con. .'4. .Ai teimsia. All pU'Wi|j!< on thin lot is done fir this season and ready for seed ma. Ajiply to K. J. Spr.oule, Fleshert' n, or Johr. J. Martin, acruwi the ni-nd frunj preniisci. A No. i! Macsey IlairlH en am .sciar- ator nearly new, and well cared for. also n ncod sot of team harness, both artich s l»ood and will Ic sold reasonable. F. N. Field. Qnartorl)' ni»cti:;i.' and siicra>neiit"f llu' Loid's s;ippor nt xt Siniday a, ni. 10,30 u the Metholisl chuicli. M rniri;,"('Olli- gemene;' oveninj;, "Plumb Lino Uc! g- ion." For said or rtnt, chwop and ea'-y fceinis, giod brick 8-iooiiied dwtllinn and 1| aort'S of land in Flesherton. If nob S'-lu within slniit time wi 1 rout. Apply to U. J. Spr.'ule, 01- l>tvi,J McMulleu on the pr.'miSi'S. Wainiugâ€" Notice is, hereby sivon thai we will n.it be vesponsiWe for any purchas es made by any pl•r^oll wh»ts(ievtr tilher i> our na'.iiea "r u'.herwt'e uid ss by writ- ten ordo-. Signed â€" Sarah .Jane Ifi.yoe, John HI) 1 Chit ks Boycc. Oiiincville go!i ^LO.OK) froui Andew Caineni 1 t.ii pay for the iiecdm of a pulho librniy biiiblin:;, but now it ban been f .iind ih t the sum i» insulKi'en' and A'<l"'iv nil doOHto auotlior ?5,r)t.ltV <>inii^i vidi' iii:dt;ttakes tu spend at least 91,250 annually ii\ niaintenai co. Aniitlnr ciise of small pt-x. devcli )iod in 5Ii rkdale 1 st week, a youni; hi man hi time. Ill ro c t'tiorts are beinsj made to keep the sc'urge under control ard iiny- thin? in â- Wf, likely wi,h the authorities wide a»ake,as tUoy are. Mr. Joseph Blakely of ti.e suburbs cap- tured a luon Oh Tuesday which had aliglit- td iJi) a small pond on lii.s place and i oul I ucit set away. Mr. Loon is aiw in the bands (<f the ta.tider.n'.st. Itwu.^ingood pluuia;;'. Tile Choral Union under the leadership 'f Mr.N. Larje, have jnnoucid the dale of their brt liei'ininj; conceit as Friday I evfnii'g, M.iy 31. FourfuU ch.-use' a o ; under pri paratt'm btsidis »<ilos,duot8,ete. T!;is .vill be a uruit Vnusical event and , eversbody is on the tip toa ofaniicipation. i A new postoffice wiU shortly be opened ar Koekvale, 3i miles east of F.eshei ton j<n the Coll n^vvood urarel. Mr?. S'eph- I uii Riiy is likely to be pnstinisire's. The ^posiiiiu wi 1 carry with it a salary of fifty , dollars. I An extensive auction sale o.' farm stuck ' and niij lements will bo htld on ^l^ 137- 13S, E. T. A S. Pv., Afteniesia, im Thurs ibiy, May 2 (tc-ibiy) the pr.iperly of .Alion Teeter. The farm will be olf.Tod for saK' at the same tini •, Radd Maitli auctioue ir. Mr. John Bunt spent a faw days with his brother, W. II. durin-.; thj (.last -iveek. ' .'ack" is at presen' iloiris/ i-irpiitrr w'otk oil tho Guelph Oodetieh C. P. R Ui« .siys the line will scarcely ba opj I fir thnajh t a'Kn bcforj r.e.ti fall. A deputy p 'stullioe inapec'or was in town the iore part of la-st week a'ld dnau don-n to ICimlierley t) look in:o the mat- ter nf exteiidinj: the inii! route down the valley tow-irtU He.Mhcoto and openiui;- a nuw ulh, 1) tit Conn's. \N u undors'.ind he was nut favorably impicssed wih tlie ne- cessity of any c!:aui>e upon the preseiit route. The p.-esent has been an off week so far us. business is concerned. .\ luavy thun- der stoim Snuday ninht was folli '.vei by an a! nil St continueus rain ."torm until Tuesday noon, when it turned to snow, and yave us some of the most il:sai;i-eeable weather we have had this spring'. The trees and telearaph wires were covered wit'i ice. Of course buildin}<0;ieratioui I avj been at u s.aiidstill. Tho Advance w s last week shown tho plans for Rich^irdsou and son's r.uw drug store, excavation for which is now ui.der way. Mr. Win. Large is the archi'.e.:t and builder. The drop; store will b.i 2of': by 4Sft, two storeyj with ci;pit|a and will bo thoroughly up-to-date with dispensing and coMSuItin^ rooms at the rear. .Architecturally the tmiUtiiii; >vill be houdsoiue aud 6i<i»hed in Mr. LHr<;e.'s best style, w^iich ia sayiii.; much. Last Siindny fh'i Mission Band of the Metludisl church held it-i annual electiin o'nHi-i'is, the followins; beitij; elected: Pros. Miss Fioreaoe Thurston; 1st. Vicj Pus. Mis. Cliiiten; 2nd. Vice Pres., Mra. \V. H. Thurston; C ir. Sect., E Ins Pa ton; T ens. , Ltllian .Armstrooi^. The Band has had a very sue e.ssful year, ra'sini; 'iv<r thirty dollars, more th m d"ullj tin' anioui.t rai.«ed the previous year. Last weo'c wo iuv ted the pubic 'o inspect the class of young man who con- gregnte on *he cornets Sunday evcninjjs to ihe discomfort of p deitiiani. The oi rneiv, as a matter of fact, were total'y litii'ccupud l.i.st Sunday o'cnii.g by tl o element referred to. I ut the cuiiousp-ib' o fhi uld ni't be disc uraned as the rx'.ibi- tion wi'l 10 d< ubt bo repeated in tl'e 11. ar future, V h( n ihe emiisilies phnk tip ttiflii.ient coirage to get biiek ( u their roost. C. O.F. Ce'ebi-.it;„n at Vandelour on July 1st, fur h-r piriicu'ais later. J. I. (irahtim, C ]{. To United S'a'es C ubscribers The postal antl orilies have rais.xl th-" pn tiKe o ! all pipeis !{' iiit; tu the United S'ates to the luin: of one o- ni for every pnfier, or 52 cent.» on each siil script ion iter veaf. Tlds makes it necessary fi'r us to itdiaiice the price of subscription to our Tnited State.^ subsciibers to 81 50 pel- am urn. and all subscr ptions will be cut olf on i.xpirv, uiakiii}; |>rnmpt renew- N neoessnty. This raise (>f post;({o ratoi affects all nt w-pipiei's mil iiiaj;azines S{o- i 1^ to the State.-", hut the present rates I > p 'inis ii» Canada a'e nit inteifcred 'vilh, a d the prce rem.iiiis one dollar here. Myers- White. A viiy pbiisjiiit time w.ss ."pet.t at thj l.i>meilMr, Hriiry White, Third Line, i'upbnsii, on Wedupsd.iy, Muveh 27th, which was the occasion of the marriage Mr. (leorKe Bilk. Tho f his daughter, Mabel, to S' eldon Myers of Lady the way of nn epidi nrc i? not ceremuuy was performed by the Rev. W.H.LearoydoE Heathcote. Only the iniinediate family connpctioDs were in attcinlance.-' Tho croom's present to the bride was a beautiful and costly watch. The other presents were beautiful and useful. The l-ride looked charmint..Iy fair as she leaned upnn the arm nf her father who nave her away. The brother of the srooni, Mr. O.scar Myers, act&i as <;ri)om.-umn and the sister of the bride. Miss Nettie White, acted as hridosmaid. We wish tiie youn;j couple a prosperous and b.ipny life la Your Cold Better? No its as bad as ever. Nnthinu seems to help. Why not use the up-to-date specific "C.itarrhozme," which drives out cold in one day. Inhale Caiarrhoz- I'oo and you will be relieved in two minutes. Continue the treatment and cure is assured. Healing, germ descroy- ina and pleasant, nolhingfor colds, throat troubleand Catsrrh compares with Catarrh- ozone. Sold e»eiy where, 25c aud 81.00- We Will Fly Soon Dr. Alexander Graham-Bell says that it is only a ((uestion ot a brief period when the progress of aeruil navigation will make it pissible to have dinner in America and bre;;kfast the next morning in Euinpe, covering the distance across the Ailaniic in cosiderably less than twenty hours. "My expectation," said Dr. Bell, "ie that an airship will be perfected capable of making 150 to 200 miles an hour. My opinion, however, is that the next s'ep in aerial tiiglu will take the form of sii..;ii improvements as will make possible tho ceatiun of aerial baltleships. "The actual problem ot the navigation of the air has already been .solved by the Wright Bros, of Cloveliud. Naturally there will be developiueLi along commerc- ial lines, a feature ot which will bo a great increase in speed, but the moat attention wili bepiii tu adapting airships to the purposes of war. My belief is that America will be the tirst ooutiiry to pertc'ct aerial battelships. This belief is bastd on inside iutoriiiation, and from 1I1.3 source I got reliable statements on which I base my pieOiction of ihe early production of an airship of euocmous speed. '1 am confident that it will not be loug bifore tiyiug ma.hiiies w.ll be every ivhete. The develop njins if the next tew months wid be uiiprecedeateJ, but tho interestiiii^ point is that only very few ksmw how near America is rmht now to solving a iiuestion which will revolutiiii.- sizo warfare lluougliout the worM. I mean the the cousituctiuu of a practical itcrial balttl.-hip. i'cylon The home ol Mr. Will Hudson.Osprey, WIS the scene of a pretty home wedding 00 the 3rd inst., when hia dau..:htbr. Miss Jennie, became the bride of Robert Plummer, a popular young farmer of Colliiigw.xKl township. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Kemp of Maxwell at four o'clock iu the afteruoon in the presence of sixty friends and rel- atives of Ihe bride and groom. The bride, who was prettily attirnd iu a suit of pan.ima cloth trimmed with orerlaco and app.i.iuo w.ig assist .;d by her friend, MissMary Adainn. The groom was sup- ported by Mr. Siuart Plumracr. Tho bride was K-ven away by her uncle. Mr. Doan. After the ceremmiy the wedding party enjoyed a daintily sor'rcd wedding breakfast ar>d spent tho evening with music and gainer. Among those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs, Doan, Tiny township, Mr and Mrs. Lambert of Thoinbury and .Miss Fewster of Hom- ings Mill?, On their stai t nn the matri- monial .sea, Mr. and Jlrs. Pluuinier are accoHipaiiied by the best wisher of their many friends. A uti.. l<oreiit Wig interested a numhef of hearers one morning with the statiemenc that the goreriiuient was not going to ii^sue post cards any longer. In reply to the surprised question why, he said because they are considered long enough as they are now. Pure Bred Camvp9rtl)$ and B$rk$bire$ I have for sale youug 5t<>ck of both braedj fcr breeding purposes. Come and see them or write for prices. M.1T 07 -a. W.Ross, MaxwelL Mr. and ilrs. Burrows, Riverview, vLijited his sister, Mre. H. Tucker, last week. Mrs. Tucker and her brother sang tho voluutai'y at tho cliarcli hero on Sun- day to a very appreciative congregation. airs. .rVli'iod i-ucker of Egreinout, who wa.s ujcntioaed as being vei'y low iu last week's paper, died, last ruosday aud was buried on 1 iuiisday at Ebenezer. She leaves three giils besides her husband to mourn her ios;^. One of the youngest girl-s is about 13 years of ayj, tlio other 3 or 4. '1 lie deceaiicd lady w.is a con- stant luembor of the .Methodist church. George Cairns, who went to North Bay, returned home on Satiu'day. A huge mimber of Italians have ar- rived here to work oil the railroad to im- prove the track in the vicinity of tiiis stiitiou. Miss Mao Sprott has goao to spend the suniiuer with her sister, Mrs. A. Aroliibakl of Colbock. Danger m Farming, "Doi'..\r Wheal" 13 fine for farm- ers, but they take long chances â- with their iiealtli m geltiii.g the â- wlicat. Bad w<;;it!icr, lifting, straining, wrenched backs, l.iy tlij foundation for Rheumatism an! Kidney T.'ouble. Tlicre i; a f.ir-ior, out Markham -way, wlio - â- was so bujy making money tliat he did n jt realize lie w.i3 inakiug ill-lie.iUii at the same time. II3 liad li:;adaclie3 ; ol'tcn his back hurt so bndly he could hardly sLiud, often tlie urine was highly colored and scaliling. But ho Ihonfjht lie was only " â- working toolL-.rd." One d.iy he canglit cold. The nest day he had Rheu- m.itisiu. This Markham farmer suffered 7 yearj with Rheamalisia nil til chance brought a friend â- who told him aKiut Bu-Ju. They relieved the excnici.atiug p.iin, and ci!rc<l hi.m iu three months, MaKKX.VM, O.ST. " I hnd suTcrcd .'xJmo.Ht continually for seven years t.*:Ui ICidncy Trotitile ; coul<i^carcely walk ami was niiat^lc t-j attcnt tj my fare.i t1uUc$. After takin:; the first few pills I felt ttiuc'i ri-- liercKl, and after takiu.7 half a l>ox was ab'.o to Jo .1 full day's wortc. I know one ^ox of Ba-Ju savf.l tne $io.oj Doctor's bill, ati.l t)iink t'lcv are (lie fi-ieit Pill niaJe.:' Ja.mi» AnnoTx. Tenders for Dpddging. TENDERS a.Wrcssed to tbn atidcrsigiiBil and * oudtrscii ••Tendur for DredKltiq." will bo reeeivod up to and including Mondav, Ma<|t6tb, 1907, for tile dredjilni; required at tb'o followicg places ill tho Province of Oatario .itirinR the present year: Bello Uivor. Cbeuai Bcart«, (iod- ericli. Kincardine. lort Elfin, Port HurT\-oll, Point Edward. Port Stanlev. Bonfieau, Kiver Tliaraeii. Wiartcu, blind Hiver, Sydtoham Ilivur.Beaverton. Bronte. Draoebridge.Moaford, Owen Sound. Thornburv, Toronto. Waubnu- shene, Winsflcld Basin. Nicser andTolegiaiih Islands, Treaton Haibor and Dark Channel. Peoetanguisheno. Midlau.i .Hamilton, CobaiK. Conrbinod .specification and form of tonder oun be obtained at tho Department of l»ublio Vv'orks, Ottawa. Tundera must includn tho »ow. iiiij of the plant to and from the works. Only rtrodKos can bo oiuploved whicli aro reijistorea :n Canada at tlie time of tiling of tenders- Contractors must bo readv ui begin work within thii-ty days after the data thev hava bejnuoti. fled of the acceptanca of their tender. Tenders will not bo oousidored unless made on tlia form supplied, and signed with Uia actual siKnataresof touderors. Au accepted che(|uc on a chartered bank, pay- able to thu ortler of the Honorable the Minister of fubiio Works, for one thousand dollars («l,OOOI,must accompany each tender as securitv deposit in counectiuu with the dredfiiig to be performed. Tho cheque will bo roturnod iu rasa of nou -acceptanca of tender. Tho Department does not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or auv tondor. By Order, FRED. GELI>'AS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 17, 1007. Newspapers inserting this advertisemont without authority from tho Uepartiuent will not b'.' paid for it. SB FORE Stock Taking Wo will discount all our Ready-Mado Clothing, Dry Goods, Hats, C»iJ«, Underwear, B 'ots and Shoes and Hosiery at 15 per cent, until March 15. We have a few Horse Blankets left which wo will sell for cost rather than carry over. Le-'tve your order for binder twine as wa are iu position t<'i supply any amount at lowest prices. Thanking the public for their patronaip in 1906 aud rsKpectfully solicit your trade for 1907. R. N. Kinnear and son. MAXWELL Hereford Buil for Service Herefoid Bidl f>>r .service, .Spartan >io270(J Winner of .SweepstAkos Silver medal at East Grey -Agricultural Fair, IDOii for best 2 year old Dull any breed. Will stand f >r service ak lot ISC, 3rd west T-S.R. Tarms 31.00 aa4 $8.00. W. BUSKIN Sbortborti Bull The thoroughbred .Shorthorn Bull, "Faro ite," 62i3.">. is for service on lot 27-28,2nd rang N. D. K .Arteuiesia. Pedigree on applicatioB Terms «1. 23 ALEX. McK.AE. Ceyl»ii .'Vlaunt Pleasant Herd Wo are offoring for sale tlio vonng stock bull, Scottish Chief a Uroa.! Hooks Oolden Fame. In Individuality he is second to none and a good stock. Tble animal would luake a good herd leader. Vlso SotJttish Ijaronâ€" 11 months old bred from (;«c«Ua stock. Got by Scotlish Chief, f.ot 170. 2i1. K. T. and S. B. UlCIiAHD ALLAN Flesherton. NOW that spring weather is approaching jou will re- iiuiro finer Foot'wear. We have made a very special effort in selectiug our goods. Oar stock of Shoes was uever eo nice as uow. TLey arc neat and nobby. In LaJies Bals we have KiJ, Dongola, fine qual- ity. Ia Oxfoias we b,ive a fine range of tho latest style?. In Gents' wear we have a ftiU range of all kinds. Wo also have a large assortment of Children's Shoes. Trunks and Telesnooos a large 'Slock at lowest Prices. Call and see us. Wm. CLAYTON We will refund yournioi'-oy ;ihonKl tliese Gentle Kidney Pills fail. .vc. a hrge box. At all druggists, or sent on receipt of price. 69 The CUniii Chemical Ca. Ltd., WMsor, Ont. 1 ee I It is evident that the life of ^1 a board fence is less than a 'I year. Why not build a good fence, either coiled I i^/ire or ready woven Give us a call and we give you the lowest price going. i&SB Flesherton, Ontario j^g^ "Wire spring wire. I s* 1 'S:i(^c>f 'As