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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1907, p. 4

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May 2 1907 THE FLISHEBTOW A1>TA»CE Just wwMwwy^^ F, T. HILL & CO. Making Things Interesting â- SP J. 81. W BOYD s o m: E Special Bargains t Here are large savings that shoukl make things interesting. We have searched our big stock through and with many new lines which we have secured big price concessions on vvc are going to make the next two weeks business hum by nuik- ing ihe dollars work over tinae. A blG SNAP IN LEMONS FROM OUR GRO- CERY DEPARTMENT 700 dozen elioiiie leirioiis. every one sound uiid guaran- toud Block, on sale Thursday morning \>er doz, . . .10c. A BIG DROP IN TABLK LINENS ATONE-HALF TO ONE THIRD LESS THAN REG. VALL'E. Wu wori> rery fortunate in sccurini; tlio eaniple ends of one of the bust Liiiun Manufactureis in (Jrcat Britain. These L'nenH are all in Table (.'loth Lei.gllis being '2i and 2h yards long, and represent many very fine (jualitie.s. "it is a big savini;, so be en hand early; thobc3t alwayH no first. They are ranged in these two prices as follows: Fine Table Linens in 2^ and 2J yard lengths for. .9Sc Fine Table Linens in 2^ and 2J yard lengths for.. .1.48 R.\IN COATS FOR MEN AT ONJEHALF ' REGUL.\R PRICE.S. 42 on?y Men's Heavy Twill Run Conta, in colors of HkIiI and dark itrey, rlopendable woarerw, regular vuluos ^3.75 and $4, clearing at 1.98 THE PRINT SECTION FOR A BIO BARGAIN 8000 yardH of a good quality Piint in the very latest patterns principally dark colors in the popular shadus, such as blue.", liluuii, blacks, reds, pinks, greens and all tints of blue representing big value, your choice per yard , 5c. CUSHION TOPST OUR REGULAR 25o AND 35c. LINES, SELLING FOR 19c. This week we are clearing out our ?tock of T.*peKtry Cushion Top? in all godd patterns. These are rei^uUr every day selling lines but wo wish to make room for thb new Slock coiiiiu;; in and the prices consequently are cut, yours for. ... ,' '. 19o WE ARE NOW SHOWING NEW MUSLINS This week wo have placed in stock all our new Sprine and Suniin.>-T Muslins. They are very pretty and Ktylish in design and priced no reasonably it will pay you to see the new things in ihis dei>artnient, price per yard 7io to 25o NEW cIlRPETS, CURTAINSAND^RUGS If you have any thine to buy in the house turni.shiiig lino wo are now showing the bigge6t line and iho nest value that can be found outside tliu cilics aiid for pricu a«<d quality we arc willinu that y(<u should make comparisons with the biggrsc tirms in ihe^. Sie what we arc doing in thesv linen. LADIES'.SPRIN(J JACKETSâ€" .Just a few left. See them! Prices from 85.00 to â-  ?7.50 LADIES' SlvIRTSâ€" A fancy Tweed Skirt, mixed greys. Special pri^o |BOOTS and SHOES HK ALL THE SPRING'S GOODS IN: * LADIES' OXFORDS-Prttent sailor tic at 81 75 Patent throe strap at 1 75 Ijidies Patent Colt. 3 .oO Ladies Doni^ola BhI, Goodyear VVijlt, patent tip a special at 3 00 Men'.s Patent Colt at 3 75 Men's Doiii;()!a anJ Bo.t Calf from 1.60 to 4 00 Meu'j Heavy Bootsâ€" A full line to c! from in|Frencli Kipgrain.Chrouie Eni^liah Kip. Ruli rten and all the cheaper lines in splits and grains. I Ready : All tho New Spring G.iodi in Made : Ciothini wm^ MARKHALE MftAftR,>>^ Ik^liiileMiv Tliiirwlny at ?1.IKI \vc aniiuui if piiid iu admnce, il..'Hl if nut t.u paid' tu-ovisioiiH of tlie MiiDioiiial Drainsiie Act. 1 liavii (.-•^timutLd tho vost an fullowt.:â€" To clioppiiit;, cienrins, grubbing and excavat- liig imil i-o'lH of ditch at *?2..')0 pur rod. ««.'i7 50 TwuecMoiit culvortx at ift!l).(X)eacb 4.) 00 ItoimliinK tv.u eiiive'Ua 17 !iO Survey uiidMnuicipal expenses lUS OU Total $JO0O CO Assossmoiit, Drain No. 26, Frotou and Artutueslt. Aiteiuceia's Share. Tho govornmcHt has vetoed licenses ((ranted 'jn St. Jon-ph's island. Local Opli.>n w.iscariied iboie but upsot i ii » lechii;aiy. The g>vi>iioei>t is wise n taking this stand uud should do ho in every case where only a technicality stands in the way. T'w'p |0once3- siou Arto- uieuia By-law No. 682 A By-law to p.uvido fm drainaiic work in tiie ToHUnhip tjf Aiteutesia in tho County of (irey and for borrow- ing on the credit of the uiuiucipdity the sum of ?1071, the tiroporuoii to bo contributed by said Municipilily for Completing xaine. Priivii>ii>nally adcip- tod tho sixth day of Apiil A. 1). 1907. WMKItK.lH till! Cjuii(;il (if tliii TowiiHliip of Proton l:as taliuii procois linf,';* tti cuiiiitnicl a drain in tite satd towiinlilp iindor thepioviHionH of tiie rnuniciiial drui]ia;{o aut.wliiiil) Bnid drum U t« buuxtoniUd or continued intotlictownstiip o( ArtouuBla. AM) WUintKAR tlic Muuiciiml Ciiuncil of thu Town^liipof I'i'oton ti&H Kcivcid tliu llfuvtt of ihu Towualii)r of AitonioHiu witli uuonyof Uieioport, jilanH, NpcciticutioPH. aHbLHsniiuits abd t!titiuiatuH of Ixaac 'I'taynor, Kh(1., 1*. L, H., liio Kilijineur of the prop(M.ed Worit a^riMjuilod hy tliii Municipal Inainaito Act, siid tlio Huld Kupoi t of tlio Kaid l^^iiKioi'ur iu ruopeet tiiui'cof Widoftiio Haid ilraiuauo worli hu far a.4 tliu UDiu rulatoe to tho lonnahip of ArtPiiiibia bdin^aa foDuwt' â€" Totlie llduvu sud iiiuuicipai ooniioil of the TowM..liiu cf I'loton: <ivutlenien,~lii accord. hucv with your iniilructioiiij, 1 liavo made an exuiiilnatiuii of tiiolocalitv niiMitirniu.l in ti.o 4ieti(ion of David McMillan and otiiurt^, of tlio rowni^ldps of Proton and ArttMnuoiji for tiiu purpuHo of looatiiiK a druin for tlio drainh^o of tiif landa iiiontion,)d tliorrin. nn:I aa I find hucIi dialu nuceaaary, I \wk Icavo tu aubniil licrtiwitti plft.ia, proni'H, apt)i;iflcatioiia. eiilininir^a and ftiiac'iiainuuta uf tiiu uHtiniatudcoattliuruof. Thu drain hein^ lo^jatud aa followf; -(*oin- iVinucillK on tlio \\'(*nt fddo iiftiioroadallnv^arico lielwouN I.ot 2?), Concon.Mon 17. and i.oi -i'.il, Uaui^o 4, Koutli"VroHtnf thu 'i'oi'ontoitini Hy.lun^ liani Itoad iu tliu Tw)). of Prot( n, tliuaco uortn :» il<'|.'rai a, JO niin., cant :t:l dot thencu north M (JrH. :^l luln. wokt iW (oi't, th<.'ria.i north 111) do;!. 'M Wt.i. fvaat 'MH fnttt. thinico noi th OU de){. ;!U tnin. wetlfidO lout, thuncu Jicr'li .fi di-c. .'Kl niiu. loi^t :i:i'.l fiol, thnnco uortli 2.) doK. ,'iO niin. neat 7'i!7 fcut, Miunco noithllodutf. ^iniin. woal ll'iO f.iut tliani-n iiortli I di K. west I7ej faui morn or \->h§ to tlio toftiilino hclwi^tni tiiti 't'ownuhipucf Pro- tuu Httd Artuuiuhl.t, thont-o north 4 dt>ft, '2U uiin. weal Hit foot, tlii'uco iioitii :m iliii;. oaat aiu tout, tlunco aoutli SI do^. rast :nii) ffot, ttiuiicu nnrtii IfJdi'ij. 15 mm. uaat 7'J.ifuut, thnncoiiortli tUdc([. caat 2.14 font, thnncu north '.ISduK. IS udn. iitit 1:14:1 tout, tui'iiou nor\li 4;] dun. wtiat .^5Mfout, thenco north Ji di'K. ta«it -0.\ foot, thi;n(;j iiorth 75 d' 1;. IS miu. caai. l.Mi f. i-i.thuneu noitli fti dof. I^miii. vrtittlU fwul, tliunco Konlli 71 duM. lie niin. wi'St 272 (wt. thuncr l'.l di'C. IKI ,niii, uroat 1(10 feet, thuuco north 1 1 dii-. oaai .Tifl fi'ot, tliaiioo north (iUdo|{. wuat :ill fuel., llmuco aoutli A4 do^:. weat mifojt, thuiMto north tvj,lt>i{ wu;it mjO ffet, thencii north 'M diu. oaat 1117 fo-3'., tbeno* north '1.' oiu,'. SO niiii.woxi loHfunt, thonco north GJ dog, 15 tnlu. taat IIUO foot, thuuco north Uldig. WflSt'iiUfuut.thiiiiuu anil til 811 d tMUmin, tvait V.29 faot, thunoo nortli 111 ilefj. I.*! iiiln. wuat •â- 06 foot, tbeui'O 8oiilh 4.'i dif,'. west 4'>1 font, Ihoucu aonth til dr||. l.'i niin. woat lluii fuut, thurino noithjn do}.', wrat lil't fiio', tliLUitu f uuth b7 dot), au niin. wusl OJI foul, tlunicu nnrtli rm dri;. weat lli foi t, thoruu feuntli TV drK. nott :isii foot, tlioiicn north W dit,. wojl lll.i foal, inoro or loaa to wlinro a Hudt.?!o it outlet OA'I ho ha I in a liruncii of thu Hai:({.ou river, niuklnff a b tal diitancu of IS.IXX) feet. TW'i iiciw culVL-i tu nill ho roiijiiail U) bo btillt, one wlinri) tlio drain c>'o».)04 tho road lie.. Iwooii loMU, cciii, 17, and ii.MKII, Uat,i.'it 4 Pro- t.ri, a;ld oiia wliuro tlio di'llin ci'o^i'HH tlio aiiic- riu I liutw.ion lot l-^iO. con. .1. an I loi U^il, ctin. 4. Proto:i, and iia Hid ll'iw of tvatorat thu^ii pdiita la not Itktge, I wool] rnou:nnisnd the putllnn in o( a largo til* draiu pipo Uii till) Tonr:i<lil|i lln.i lictiroun luta tlX), can., c.iaalon :i, H.W.Artciiioala toivualiii . ami lot iU], cjujoiiiloii J, H. W. Proton rownihip, tlin pri»- aotcilvort InlKhtdo hy onloiglmt «i'lr.n>«ir' i'lft af niao tlie-oiio oil tiiu tvn u.ih^Ioii tiriM lie- tw jaii iMiicoaalona 13 and .f.^onth woab,Arleiiint:la I iwiKliip. •' lot ;ffJ, l;Vo:ii [ho ou'vorl on thu '^jionaion lluu U'<t iiioiilin^iol Ihe work rr- ipi-r.! I la th I donoit Irig of a am^ll' atroaui (jriiU.i:; pari ol the Sauuo.i rl/or. Hi ouiiiia'. lilt tb icO'O ol Dili noi-kluohi II >g inclJi'i'al »xpe I1 1« i- ilOM, wiiloh aniii I hay ai ttis 1 1 on tin iatdi Milrjiii beiiel^tled U^t-ibj or MSjanablo tliArulo', yitiauAut t'> Uie lindlow'f Hurvoy i rotou Mlatlun S. W S. W plSO 1' P »wp I''routiil> 189 Ixit or Part Lot 1U0 51I iflt' ISO 100 IMI lUO 19U II K v.: 74 I4I74 11>|71 10l74 171/4 lH'/» Wli /4 Value of Uou't aoo IS ts 20 'ii ii ss 60 12U 25 2.-) 25 21 23 23 35 •Xi 2S a-. 2i 2S 2S 23 2S as 21 ao_ li'i lUU ValuB of out let 11 ahil'y « f 7j We oive you your price on some special lines. Men's Fancy Tivcediingle breasttd, f incy p:\ttern, up-to-date cut, .sizes from 3l) to 4-1 at ... . .... 8(5 0.") Men's Fancy Won-sted, sin^ilt! bieasted, .striiie, up-to-dare cut at 9 85 Roy.s' 3. piece Suits, Fancy Tweed, sioulo breasted at . . . .., 3 05 Total fnr bonaAt * OlO 125 Tottil for outlet Uoadd uf Muuicipftlity Total d 117100 And WlioieaB (he auxnui to be levied in nc- CDidiinru with tho fluid U'l'ort b\ iho Tovudhiv of Arti iiu;hiu (la it's luriuutiun fcr tho coi>- filiucTtii-n of btiiil drnii.aKO work is tlui Buni of i»hH\ i-\('t(it-iv(' III Iho lUitn of «110 a6t(t>KHud a{;iiil)fit the Miid Townchlp in v(:ti|>i 1 1 of tiiu roatla tlitiuiu biiicltttod by ral.t (h-aiiiu(;o wi.rii. An>l WhcioaHtho Municipal Ciunril of tho Ttiwufihip of AitoiiieRift doen not th-uitci to aii>* liual frchi tliti Qdid report, plauB, ttpccitloatioua . aafiettemonts aud estiaiatos of tho mid Etigiu- eor. And WheroBB tlio amoiiutit of tho (])•)>:; ititon ded to bo created by tills Hylaw i.-t tho »iiiu of 91071. exuhihivu of the NUin uf ^100 th» anionut of tho Muiiicipulity'ti HUbio of thtt piuputiu'l work, and thotutal aniotiut tn bo raiscii aim ji..l- ly for pAviiiK tlie said debt aud,lutt!i-ust iH tbu bum Df #!;;«.. 0. Ai:d WheroaH the said debt is rreatod not only ou thosocuiity of the!>po' ial ralo rulatuig tburotoKCttled by this HyOiiW but U fui-.iiL'j* ^narautucil by tbo Paid Muoieipulity or tho TonnKlupof AvtuitiORia at lathes iiur»iiaiU to tlipproviBionn of Tho I'oiisoliilatt^a Mutitjipul Act 10C*3 »Dd Tltti Municipal Uraina^^o Act. And Wheruai the total aMst^KHtwl valnuofthe whilo Ileal property ratuul'lu u dot this )*>- lawiHthoHuni of *i:('ifiO attordinK totluihv^t ruvit'od atHvetnicut roll cf the R»id towu^hip of Aitcuitaia. ThiTufurv tlio Municipal Counc!) of tho (rnid towiinbip of rtrtcuioHia pnrrinuiit to tlio pro- vif-'ionu of Tho MuniL-ipaf Uratuoeo Act onactu as follows, - 1â€" Tho said roport, plans, Bpeciflcatlons. aftseafimentB and oatimatea so far an thu »unio relate to the Township of Ai:touiti:<*a aro Itero- by adopted. aâ€"The Itoovo of tlio Hold Township of Arfco- n o»la may bonow mi t\w credit of the rnipi>r ntnui of tlui Haid Township oj Ait*i)HHiu thf 9\vn of One ThouBar.d audHovk^nty Ohm DoMarh (i'Ui7hbt'inK thuKoil Municipality « prop rtiou ofthcfun>i9 iiecoftrtary for tho work.audiiuiv iK-uo dt'hontured of the coporation to amount iu Mitus of not lottB ttian titty doHan^ each and payable within ten years frciii tht datt) of the Haid debo.ituros with liiter;.}st it tho rat" of flvo par cwut. por ainiuui i^'i.-ii'uuluj'i by tho Corporation of tho towuHhip of ArtuniuMiA. that ifi to say.â€" In tun equal annual inatalnieutti (intL-ro'4t and prlnolpal inulii 1 d in each auiuial jtayiuont) payable vespectlvoly in one, two. tlir(>e, foLir, Avj, uix, suvou, el^lit, nine and tun \ oait) from the da*o of tho Hamo, aaid dubou- tnros to bji payblo at the Standard Uauk of Canada at Ftcahet tun, Ont. Dâ€"ror pavlii({ tbo sum of Nine Hundred and VortyHix UolhuHtbo anionnt cliar^od adainu tho»aid landn for bun<itU and tbofiuniof Quo tiundrtid and T-ventv Kive UollnrH tiio uniount uhart;n.r a^'ainat Fald lands fur ontlut liubility upiirbfroin lands and roads hulout^in^ tour con- trolled by the Municipality a^id foi coveriui^ in- terest thereon ioi l(>>oar» at tho •'atootHvu pi-r cent. P<^i' ^'>'>iiin thu rollowilig tot%l, F^poeiai latea *^^'^^ •'"! abuvaall other rates bliall bo ftiiKOBfieil. li'vied and c'lloctod In tho t-ftuui U'ku^ iiiu- and at tho fiaino time ad other taxuH are luvludand oo.luutod upon and from thu umtur- inunlloi:ed loti and piirtti of IqIh and the ttiiinunt of tho nald total fpeoial rates und in- toioHt agiiiuHt each lot or part of lot renpootivoly Hliall he UH e^iicd, levied and collected as afur.'- gaid ii) oncli voar fov ten >eani after tho Hnui rawjintof this by law duiiufc' which tho aaid debentures have to run. Wo hiive a full sNick of Hmu anl feed iiu'ludin;?, Bran, Shoits, Food ll'>ur Cai'D, CnrlL-y ch-.p and FIVK RUSKS FLOUKâ€" Every bag of which ja guju'oiilesd- â€" tho .bc'it fluur iu ihe laudâ€" no tUhei: can eciual it. ware A ful! stock of stoves, iaii.;!'.s urul Inters, axt"). saA'.s and all kinds of wcod- iiMii'a supplies, al.s.i lUULDKU'S SUPPLIES. Parties contoMpkting building should not iu'i;!ocl i^ouioK our prices before purclia.sini' elsewhere. & W. BOYD FLEBHERTON :1 4 TlusBylaw rihall Iw i)ul>li5ht;d once in every w«t;lc f«»r four coiiijeciilive wt-uks i:» Tile b'lHslierton AtiviincL* iiewspiiju'r |»ulili.shed ill t!ui viliaii'.; i>f I''l<;.'.li'.'iti>:i iinil sUuU c<)!iio into fiiiee upon ami after tho final im.tsing tliiTeiif, anil may be oite<l ;vs Dr.Hii.igo Bylaw Nil. I, and may 1)1! Ijiinvu us the IVoton Statiiiu Ur.iiimKe Uyliw. NOTICK. Notice in hereby Ki^en th»t a C">ii t I'f Re- visiim will Im held at the town hall, in tho vil- lage uf rie.ihortiiii, in the Ci.iuitv uf Civy, ou .H.itiii(lav,lhi- it'a day of M.iy, A.l>.10O7,at tho himr (if 10 o'eloek in tno fi>ieu>)ii;i,f(ir the tiiv.iini; I'f iippialsâ€" if anyâ€" iniide afj.iiiiBt the:kl>i>vi'a>i- .seiiKinfiit.s or any ip.'irt iherenf, and fur the udjustn cut if said afnewnnnts in the iiianmr pioviihd by the Mnniei| al DraiuiiKe Act. a nctiee of nrxh apiK^al to be yervetl upun the Clcik of the Municipality at leaBt ten dayi" prior to the first sitting i>t the diurt. And further nnticti is hereby piven that any one intending; t.> ajipW to have the fiirt^oine Hylaw or any imrt therei'f <[«a.^hed must, not h-.ter than ten days after tho final i*K.iiii(,' thuri'i-f, serve a nutico in wlitin^,' npim tho IIl-cvb ami tlo- Uli'rk «( tiie uiuniciiutlity of his inU'iitioii touiak6 a|ipHeati<in for tliat impiuiao to the J I iijh Court (if .lii^<tit"^ dniiii;,' tin- six wiektt iicmt eiikuint; the final j>att«iui( of t*ie Bykiw. \V. J. BKI-I.A.UY, Clerk.of thu Township uf .Xtteiuesia. I ,„ . t . f . ''lV> cover Tot«l Npoeial Uato Au. Aw. 1 C'oncosKicjn Lot or inrt of Lot \c'h Name of Owucr Value! of Jono' 1 val ont lot lia- bility 1 int. for I y'vH at i„ p., .». iliu' eaeh y'r fov 10 years S. \\\ 8 c 9 c « â-  â-  â- 9 9 T. it S. U. 189 fit) •51 •.'2 tH) «7 (K) 9 70 T. .V S. 11. 100 6U ' «K) W '7B 00 c 50 00 â-  2r><)0« 25 90 2 8. W. -• T. & S. K. ISO 71 15 tX) z 4 40 19 40 1 94 tl tt 187 71 15 (H) -1 4 40 19 4»» . 1 94 tl t( 188 72 20 (V) 5 «0 25 00 2 5!) (1 t4 pt 181» 76 \VHLuitlo« 25 (X> ^ it KM) . 7 40 32 40 3 24 t( t( pt HH», HJ 11. Ni'llnon 25 00 BO 00 2J (HI 97 (K) 9 70 t( (i pt I'.M) ), .(. â-  .WrlKlit 25 (M> r 40 32 40 3 24 II Ii «*I'18!I â€" it 11)0 Xi Jas.Morrow m 00 17 70 77 70 7 77 II 11 pt 181) & IW 2."i JX\ Wright 120 00 36 40 155 40 15 54 fjidlnw'H Survey Vrnton HUtUui 1 1 25 00 7 40 .12 40 3 24 tl a; . 25 (HI 7 40 32 40 3 24 (1 Si 25 00 7 40 33 40 3 24 .t 25 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 4t 26 00 7 40 32 40 3 24 it 5! 25 Ot 7 40 32 40 3 24 tt 25 00 i 7 40 82 40 3 24 " » i 25 (X) « 7 4< .32 40 3 24 II 10 25 (KJ 7 it , 32 40 3 W Ii 11 25 OC * 7 It 32 40 3 24 II .l-i 1 -25 0() 7 4( 82 40 3 24 11 i;< v ' 2") (V 7 4U .12 40 3 24 il 14 â- /'< 1 2i") OJj 7 4t 32 40 3 24 " ir.! '/, . 2.> (H) 7 4' 32 40 3 24 II It 1 'A I 25 00 7 4(1 32 40 3 24 11 17 'H 1 iib 00 7 4( I .S3 40 3 54 11 U '," i 21 00 (S It 27 10 2T1 11 11 > VJ i 20 (K) 5 W 25 W) 2 69 iU»1 00 126 lio' •AU\ (M 1 ^:t^7 oo 138 70 Farmers! Look Here! 1 have opened up a, new Hanwjjs shop iu town and havB a guod tujd ever iiicrensiim stock of 15el^ BlanktMs, Ilobes and a!l Winx^ Nk(.essitie3 for iho Uoise Own^l. Drop iu and have ino do a»y IJaroees Refiairin? you niay haw, I can do it riuht. 0. W. PHILLIPS Directly opposite The Advance office. Flesiierton, - - Ontario On S.i;urd*y Inst week, irhilj Mr, Harry MctJowan ot Rob R'.y w»m encay- od in felliii;.; a troo, a lnnt> c me diiv«u and sruok him on tlie le:; Lelow tlio kuec. To-* blov was si I oavy that the lex """ 1'roktn .iiid part of the bone driv.n tliri>j;.4'i Ihe tkin. Mr. Mv('o*an is doiuK as vvo'l as could bo expected. The Original Corn Cure, Nosubilitnte 1ms been devised that gives the rpiiek, painless riMil'H of I'ut- naui'HC'orn E.xttaetor. For llfy yiara il.s success hast been iiiuijimlU cl. F' r .-iifely and tborou'^h cure u-.e "I'utnan 'f>" only. Farm Laborers ^Thavo been uppoiiited ly the 'Uoniinioti (Jovernnu-nt t) place iiumiKranta from tho ruitcd Kii K"'*"" '" po-titi.'iij as fiinn luhoutem or dourjjue ki ivaiits 111 this vicinity. Any persons n'nuitinx such help sliould no- tify 1110 peiMonally or by teller alatiog fully the kind if help recpiirel, when wanird and Wh^o* ott'eivd. The uuiiiljers arrivinu nmy not bo dulticiont to supply all rei|U03la but every ttl'ort will be made to provide WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bia Stock = = Best Stcch Fur lined coats, pod<etbooks, satchck, razor strops and other leather good.s. Cutters-best makes- and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flcsherton Out. S}\ortliornCattl e fcr Sale"" Loviniasooa Wimplo,, tho boat of brcs.luu; aiHl.,„ftl,tv null, oow. awl bcifera lor "ate «. rijaaunatjlu iiricos Lot ya.oo<i.« OUAS. 8TAFF0HD. Flealiortoa HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place ti> get the best Plio'os is at UULMERS PUOTOGRAl'H GALLERY. ea'll iippUcant with roiiuirod. the help W. VV. TRIMBLE Can.ilUn Uovernmtnt ITmploymtnt Aj;cnt FLESHERTON, ONT. SPECIAL ATTENTION We piiy Special Attention to Cop)ing and Uabie.s' pictures. I'i.turo flam- inj; a specially. Try us for any kind of pictures and wo will promise jalisfaction. Mrs :bui.m£:}r ft'

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