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Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1907, p. 1

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ksb^rtjun Jtiijatta. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPI.Eb NOT MEK. VCLXiVI, KO 1X1 Flestiertoii, Ont. Thursday XI.iy 2 1007 W. H. THURSTON, EDITCm BOPBlSTO* MEW Jewellery Store to See ! Have yf>u cr.lleJ in yet our new promises? Bigger Stock Better Display Of Jewrllry, Wjitcliep, Click', PUtei! Wiirf, a'ld ch-.ico things ill evory lino. Get your Wedding Pres- ents b,ere, Get your Wedding Rings J^ers. Prices Wt^A. Goods the Best W.A.Armstrong. member of the home staff and niece of the matron. Divine service yestcr(?i\y was not so largely atioi.drJ as usual, never: h-lenH it Wiis raiwie none the lest impressive by the poperful discourse delivered by .Mr. H»r- iiess, n"t from any abstract text bot from a genetiilization of the 136rh psalm espec- ially on the cotic'uvliiig words of ench verse,"for Hi.s m-rcy andureth for ever." We trust that the force of lii? ro3iark.s »iil be revi.?wed vid indelibly stamped in the memory of ih. *e of his hearers to wh-ni they wereappUoahte. Tnefellonr- §hip nitetiiig was dispen.''e«l with ovinii to' the al'isence of Mettr«. Ennis and M->r- , wood, the ors^n was also silent fur ih<i si-coiid time at divine service eitice its. i;ift to the institution. | 5 a. m. Miiijday morningâ€" Frasik Fos- ' ter passed away within ten minutes after ( writing the above items. Your cor. witiij Robert Ha<kiii were aL^ne with hifii all! uisiht. He w:is in a deep sleep aiuce 5 p. i m. yesterday, he ditd without a »trugi:le. ! Moniiy, April 28. Deceased was a brother of Robert Fenwick of this place. We notice posters up for a meeting of the Maxwell LiUjraiy Society for the ui winding up the S(.H;iety's bosi- ! nesK for the on the 30th. McFarland Miss Helen Midden ha-s returned hom6 ' <~< _„„ Onnrtfv'c jm CoUingwootl after an extended visit ^^'^^J ^ OUniy S from Colling ••ith her sister, of that town. MAI^KDALE, ONXAlilO BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STOKE ^-r^r^T-= Industrial Home Notes {By an InniaU) 1 i i tasyTo Retain Healtb. Most important of all is proper «l ten- ' tilin to the bowels. Avoid constipation its the healtb kiUer. H.irsli, ',;rippiii2 inedioine is ruifioas â€" beware of it. Bt«t results follow a truly vf^etahle rfroedy like Dr. UaniiU'>n's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which not only relieves cos'.iveness in one night but cures the cause of the tniuMe and prevents its return. No distress or inconvenience attends the iiso of Dr. Hamilton's PilU which are worlci f imous for thti"- mildi e^< ai.d efficiency. Si.!d everywhere, 2ac per box. We hare to rec<Td yet another death, which luike* the third during the month ; of April r.iid the s^xth since the beginning of the pre.ii^nt year, ani one or two more • understand some if uur 12ih Hue farmers loth Llue Osprcy Tlie weathoi- has moderated and in.r is the order of the day now. sced- in the verj tiear future would not be a •arprise. Surely the hoUHt of refuse is giving its quota te the ureat nsiktiown mmjirity. Ahxaodor Anderson, f 'f miny years known in Prioevillo and vicini'y, and have nearly finished .seedinij. Mrs Chas. Tuplin and family have ro- turuod from the West where ttii-y moved a year ax"' ^''â- - Tuptiti havidj; liied out there husl fall. The tympathy of the whole neigh WirhotKl ijoes out to Mrs.) »ho was admitted as a non -chargeable . Tuplin and family iu their sora beraave- iomate ill August last, passed away very meut. They were delayed some days in qnietly and easy about 4 a.u». on SLm- , Winnipeg through sickness of one of the day, 22ud iiist. It has btcn a wonder to family. all that ho livetl ao !<ms!, for when id- i Mr. Harry McGowau of Ro'> Roy met mitted he could scarcely move about lor . with a painful accident last wet;k. While want of uieath and was almost afraid to | cuttini; wood in a bush a limb fell and Hb down at i.ight for fear of suffocation, ; caujjht him oti the le>{, brcakiug it badly. bein;^ a very .stout man and apparently j Foed has been very scarce owing to the inwardly bufdened with fat. nevertheless j backward spring r.nd hay is selling at he kept going about., and iu all those j from thirteen t<> titteeii dollars per ton. oioBths no dou't thiuk lie luiaaed a meal I Mr. aod Mrs. R OoUiuette visited until the la*t two days of his life, when , friends in CoU.ngwooJ lust week, be took to bia bed and passed away as Wo are alad to report that Jlrs. Alex, itbove stated. Uunder'.aker Chapman in- 1 Saigewn of' Fevershsm is recovetine from terredlhe renjaiiis in Markdale cemetery 1 her long illness and we hoj«> to see hor on Monday afterwjou. There was bo I cotnpletrly restored to health. Mrs. Ostruai of Ottawa h.-us been visit- in? friends in Fevorslura th« past few weeks. Fred R. Heron has returned to his paieiital home on the eighth line after • . . . ,> ^ j^_ minister or burial .service performed over the remains for such hftd been his expres- sed desire previous to his death. He belonged to no church, had no religious WUef except Ih^t death was the end of all uiaitkind. and so was bis belief . spending the ppst six mouths in 0. T, on that pi^iot that ho would lisi-en to no ! Kh<,pi! at Bridgeburg. conversation of a religious na'ure and would even be inclined to get out irf tem- per when approached by any of his better thinking comrides on relig.ous subjects; he wanted to haar nono of it. What a depl'irable condition for a ^eison netuini; the octogenaiiau stage of iifo. Frank Foster met with peculiar kind of sCckiiess on Monday night last. Sliortly after retiring he got out of bed and ciuii- nienced battling with tho iron bodsts^ad, badly cutting .and bruising his hands and , , •, r it waa with difticulty that throe or four of I Then proably you know the evils of hi* room-mate* were eojiblod to get him | disesiion, fcrmentaiou and irrUatum that back to bed, out of which he {i4l three | accompany dik-eativo troubles. Nixr or four limes during tho night and ho ^ important is to know how pronipily was delirious the whole ui'4ht. The next NcrvUine cures. Quick as a ink it relieves morning he waa iu a daz«l and apparently , bloating and freliag of, puts the il.uieuled conditiau. but fell asleep on a ' entire digestive apparatus «n perfect ohair about niM.n and was carried to bed ' order, mikea you feel tit and hne all in an adjoining r-H.m whore ho lay the : over. For internal pain Poison's Narvil iJctureof death, but for his heavy breath- ' ine surp.a».»e8 every known remedy. Kg, sleeping for more than twenty four , Keep it iu the bouse always, its a s.urce hours and could m t bo rouaeil. Dulof comfort iu tho hour of emergency, awakening he appeared much better. On | Large bottles for all dialers. Bauday he ate a hearty dinner and felt like ftettiutt apbut found himself ^oo weak. In tlie oveuing be again fell into a heavy slumber in which he atill lies at time of writing and it is quite possible Win. Evenson who has been with Mr, S. Roberts the past winter has wno to Toronio where he intends working at his trade of bricklaying the coming summer. Bethel sunday school wa.* reorginized for the coming suuinier on SunHay last and will commence on Sunday May 12th with J. Coulthard as superintendent and F. BraAeobury as sec treas. Is Your Trouble Indigestioa? ^>i MAXWELL On Friday evening of tho 19th uist. a uuus. u. >..>...* --_.„ r~ number ui friends and neij^bors gath- wiU have passed away ere these items ap- ennl at tho residence of Dr. Bond to bid pear in print. No hopes are entertained farewell t<^> Mr. and Mrs. Ghuisfoi-d oro lor his i-ecovcry. He is about 72 yeara of their dejxirture for the west. A very „, i enjoyable evening was spent. A very »p- Kx-ward«n UcAtthur and Mr. Bnlner nn>iiriato address was roiul by Mr. An of Priooville were at the home on Bolger pn>i>riate addi-ess was roiul by Mr. Mon- drews, while Misses Maud Guy and day of last week settling tho affairs of the Maud Kiunoar made the presentjition of iate Alex. Anderson whose funeral ex- a nice purso of gold. Mr. Gli»nsford penaes were not chargeable to the county, thanked tho nci^jhbors for their thought- Your scribe lenders congmtulatioiis to fulness. Irie«d J.J. Lyneea on his recent mairiage; John Dtnnrowe and Geoi^ Fleahor hoping that ha a«d his moat eatimabia drove over fr»>m CtJUugwiKxJ and visited brJde will enjoy a long, pruapemua and with the former 'a brother, Wm. Benmnw. Micitoua life. He also extends oongraiu- last Suaday. lations to Miss Annie Chislet: of Ceylon Mr. and Mm. Chas. Heron leave for on accurtnu so reaponsible a poaition in Buffido this week after spending the the city, wiafting her every (uccew. , winter witli the former's i*rent«. U'las Robinson of tha staff spent fr«)m Mesaw. Alex. Hud.son and Wui. Mof- noop Saturday ontU Monday with Mia* {at left for tho weet last week. fjtmn Dunningtoo, 0*«i> S«aad, • lat* Wm. Fenwick of BIyth passed away on Kiiuberley j The farmers are busy getting the ground ready for aoudiu/. Born near Kimbi-rly on Monday April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Dduiel Loughced % daouhter. Mr. R. R. Fiwcett was iu Tboru bury on Mondiy Last. Miss L<>a.sia Smith of Toront,* is holi- dayini; at hi*r parental home here. Mr. Ferris of speat Sunday at Mr- Geiir^e Lawrencts. MiiS Kinuia McCIuiik of Fleshartna i* visiting at her parental home here at present, Mr. George Stuart of Flesheiton was ill town on 4Iond.ay last. Miss .Myrtle Thompson of Ceyloo is the liuest of l;sr cousin Mios E L-awrence of this place. Tho KiinbiT'.ey branch of the O. W. I. luet in tho ( )ran!»e hall on Thur^d-iy after- noon last, where a very proHrahlti time WIS spent. A paper by Pnf. Evans of the Ma^DonaMIiia.'itute.Outiiph.on Heme ions was r.'ad. A paper on Oard- euin,r. by Mrs R. Dou;:las of Vand>'leur was also real aud was rery instructive. On acount of the inclement weather the attendance was not vury li>rge, but those who were pres!?nt did not rearer coming. Messrs. John and George Wyville of Vandelcur spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fawcett of Col- lingwood spent a few days at the farmer's parental home faete recently. Mr. Frank flutehin.son has finished seeding on his new farm near Epping. Success Frank. The Kimbeiley branch of the O. W. I. will hold their siioual buisness meeting on May 15th in the Orange hall at 2.30 o'clock. .\ full attendance is requested Ice cream will be served. Mr. Robt. R. Fawcett and sister Mies Maud atter.ded the wedding of their brother Mr. Simon Fawcett, at CoUing- wood on Wednesday last. Mr. Ernest AI!sn who h.vs been in thi»i empitiy of Mr, Will Weber of tho suburbs j for «ome time jiasl hassioueto Colliiigwooii j to work. Wo wish hiin every succe«s. I Married â€" On Wednesday, .\pril 24. at \ at the Baptist parsonaue. j Rfv. J. H. Cameron, Ilia, oldest d-anghter' of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Frye of Collinis- j w..od to Simon, youngest fon of Mr. and Mr3. J. H. Fawcett, Kioiborley. We, extend consmtuLaiions. i A Money Saving Opportunity For this Week When we say a "money saving opportunity" yop can rely on the statement for we always do as tb advertise and you can always depend nu every word of what we say, for we never e.-iaggerate m qaantiiy, qaality or price and we invite yoa to inspect tbe price indpcements we've placed on bargain tables for this week. If these price indaaamsuts wja't attraci yoa to Cats store, wlii; wilt? Ti'c DRESS GOODS FOR 45c About. 300 yards of wool tweed suiting in neat stripe and check effects, predomin- ating colors, brown, zreeo, navy, light and medium grey, full 42 inches wide .•»nd fti regular way woul.l sell at 75c pec yard. These are new and fashionable goods bought fiotu a certain wholesale as a clearing line and we have marked them at per yard 45c. 14o PRINTS FOR 9c C4S yards of Enuiish and .American prints fast colors, iu new patterns, and would sell in regular way at 124 and 14o per yd. This week you can have your choice at per yard 9e 15c LADIES 'FANCY COLLARS FOR 5 120 6ne quality ladies sheer lawn turn- over collars in white .and assorted designs and worth in regular way 10 and 15o each Our price while they last 5u 6oc T.ABLIE LINEN FOR 48c Extra line, double Damask Tatlo Linen (all linen) full 64 inoht« wile. Regular 56c yaid, sale price 4lk' 6c GARTER ELASTIC FOR 2ic. G<xHi quality fancy garter elastic, | inches wide. On sale at per yard SJo- 75o TEA PLA.TES FOR 48c DOZ. Fancy decrated sumiporcelain ware Tea plates. Regular value 75c per doz. There's not many of these, so we would advise you to come early for "hern. While they last tbe price per doz. is 4Be ?1 25 MEN S HEAVY BOOTS FOR 90c 30 pair men's heavy plow boots, I»l cur, bellows toiigue. riveted seams heavy soles, sizes ti, 7, 8, 9, 10. .Hegular price 1.25. Sate price per pair 90c. 35c HAND SAWS FOR 224c Medium weight handsaws, 20 inches long warranted standard cast steel, worth in the regular way 35c. Our price. . . .2*3^ 16 FKGS. SEEDS FOR 25c Don't forget us when you are in need of Garden Seed*, for we are selling 16 pkos. (May's 5 cent size) Garden Seeds for. .25c All Departments abloom with new goods McFARLAND 81 COMPANY ivi ii. RKn Ai:.£: . S>- -»•,-»- -T- -^ -^ ^^- f -r -^ -^ V'^r, -nr' -»- ^^i.T' ,-^. -^ -^ -y^- C ^ '^. .""^5^ S t„-s^-W^\.'.. V^sL^- .~j^\^^ m ,t\'M.!m'. a-«ainlln'lM . -« n â- ' ^ f>' „ ii ' â- *--»> Easrnia Seeding his co:niiie"ced. Tho fine weather of the past week left the groutid tn i;ooj cndition. Mr. El. Graham of "B..yno Villa" treated the choir of both churches to a tafty pull one evening roocntly. A very pleasant evening was spent by all Mis.-! Mamie Hogg was very ill for some time with tonsilitis. Mr. To:u BHi« has bought "Mapel Grove" farm at Eugenia and has com- menced putting in the crop. Mr. Walker Sloan came home from RioJimond Hill ou Saturday to visit his family, M »s May Jameison of Tortmto is the guest other coiis'n, Mi-s (Jrace Jameisoii. i Mr. Jo« ph Williams is tho champion wood sp'iier, ho having split BfteencorJs; of wood for Mr. W<H>dt>uru in eleaea I hours. I Mr. F. G. MacDonald has gone to the , city for a few ilays. | Mr. R. Williams h.^ had a vi>ry nice office erected at his house. It is very C'>RV atitj a great improvctnent. Mr. ann Mrs Duekett havu inv^ve<l up' to their summer co't^ig* and are tilling their lime kiln to burn this week. Mr. Walker has had splendid luck with his sheep. Ho has twenty- five lambs from twelve ewes. A very heavy thunderstorm passed over Eugenia tm Monday. The lightuiug was very vivid. BENT PAINTS! PAINTS! We haio just put in a stock of M.XUTIN SENOUR Paii:f», tvery can of whitfli is guarnntced to give saMsfaotion. Martin Seuour paint is guaran- teed loot pure. Pure white lead. Pure linseed oil. Pure zinc and color. Sold subject to chemical analysis. Trj- a ca« aud be convinced. Wa also have a full liny »f Paint brushei". White wash brashes. Stove brushes and SI109 biuahcs. Our stock is complete with all tho latest desig'is and colorings. Wit»G Fencing We are ag nta f 'r the t!'ano;ir«i Wire Fence, the bes: oc the market. Highest Prices Paid for Farm produce p, p ,re bred UJWte Eegborn Eggs fcr SaU |i p A sequel to the fire which destroyed i the planing mill of the Thi>rn>>ury Plan- ing Mill Co. last summer is a legal action entere<? by tho a-ssignoe, Mr. D. G. Cooper, and the bank of Toronto, to recover insurance to the amnnnt f>f $3,500, which as yet is unpaid. The^ defendant oompaniea ar« the Penh ^ Mutual, the }H>licy of which amuUDted to , $1,500, and the Gore Di.strict, with a policy for $2,000. It will be remember- ed that the company failed and shortly after the mill and its content* w?r4 wiped out by fire mw = tin â-  Sbop, I desire to inform the public that I have opened a ijew in the Christoe BhMjk. Flesherton. I have purchase^l Mr. F O. Karstedl s complete linsmithing out til .ind am fully prei)«r«,l toU., all kinds of cus- tom work, including eave tr-uphing, furnace work and repairing of all kind*. A full slock of homemade tin g."«ls will I* kept constantly on hand I purp;vse giving Rttti»f:« tion to my ivitrons and all my wor* will bo done aVh that end in view. Give me a call-and a chance to demon- strate my fitness to serve you. F1<s1)«rtone vl

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