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Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1907, p. 8

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APRIL 4 1907 THE FLESIIEIITON ADVANCE â- *-^K« THE MARKETS CAREFULLY r CORRECTED EACH WEEK. "^: / ntn. . . Hiirlfy Wli.-at , 30 to 7u to 46 t'l 05 lo SO 75 45 (55 ILi.v ...10 00 t.,10 00 PuUious, per ba){ (i.j to 55 Uuttei 20 to 20 Kiri^.^ frosh ^ â-  • • 15 to 15 Ohick-JiiH •.„ (! to H Oeoso 10 to 10 Turkeys .,..' 11 la 11 Ducks 1,0 t« 10 r' -vn ill K In Furniture The Inrgost and bcHt stock of funiituie evarRhown in Flesher- coii. 'I'hig withont fefir<if coritxa- diclioii. Coino niid sue aumu of tho uiue things in • Sideboards Dining RooiTi Cl:\a}rs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order tn reduce thu stock. W. H. BUNT tTitnnitiife S/Jealeny ^ ^FUarlon-Oiit. ^j 'IPKNK Al'ltll, IJNI) All cxculleiit time to uiiter tho Kroat ). CiniKlri'n I'l-sf. Siilidil ut nnd'J Trftiiiing. DHniiuid for our i;r;iiiu;ite» ii f:ir j;ru.'ifor t lian the sup- ply. l.'!irin«t;nit'c«iit iiatulnKUi) i< fri'O Eiiiorri'.w ftnd bo prj(mrod to accept: ii v<A>'\ po.tiiiun in ih'.* Minnn)i.'r or full. No uiiJ.siiiiiiuer vdl'hmoii. VV. .1. KLMorr, Princip.ll Cur. Vdii;.;.,' iwid .\l'-.v iiul(!r .StH. Now oil lit tiio ^\Vâ- E^f SOl'Nn, ONT. l)Ut stiiiloiits ar« iiihiiitlcil lit any time wlihoiit .my iiiconveiiKMiiM to iht-ingeUvs orotliiMN. Tiirua cmii|ii.Mo jinil thorough w)iir.s'!» of .study: Biis'nosa, Shorthand itml 'I',|Mwritiiig, ruid I'rcsMr'itory. No niatiif vliit your pi'OH.i'ii, Hduoition i.s we can lit y..ii for ii het'or p.iyii^ puiition Full p'lriiculnra sant to niiy additss free. Wiito to O A. FLEMING, rnnoipM. ^priii ^1^ i.f priiij,' i ( li Tu iiiid 8(1 II n- we with thu hiri(«Ht line of hind iiiido tinwHre ever (â- ffuied to iho puhiir. (^.ll mid Na« f^u yourself. Our priuiH uro riKl)t. Also u fiuo line of dry coodii, hoon and HhoOM and frosh Kmcrrii's «r iving idniosi daily. Eave troiighlng and Job work- a specialty J. A, St. GENERAL MERCHANT - â-  FORT LAW Farmers, Take Notice. I hnvii cerntdd ttinkiiii; ffir McfJiirinni^Ij lii;«liiiim, not thatlliiid any fault witli th« ijiipluiiiriitH, l)nt.lAck»iiu &, of Sl.nk. â- laliin.ild II .\l<:n.iriiinck nix font lundwr tn .Mr. Wil^nii .Mo.\tiil!nn hint Iwirvent (in iJlL'fi.lWI mi thrut |i.i>M, ,inil lii» old l'«ti"rsi.!i lilmlc-r iin.i then iinhi tliu old hiiid:r for ;J1 ,50, ivnri on nuvt y»»r'« ti-riim tl»«v «ro liharwud to thn»e tlmt pcrhiii'^ tliiy Kvl them fnr Ibj^ t I do. Why diiu't tliry ii'll tlmin to Marl<(l:tlf furiiiiirs for the»rimi? Till" I Ciii |irivo. I Imvecnntraul- kA with I'ctir Iliiiiiilton, of I'derlmrouifli, tn •nil hi.i iin'iliiiiii'iitK at .Mnrkdnh- niiil KIihIipi'. ton. I will netl the I'hulert, nix foitnii line |Miy IbilO, '2 puyn *ll i, thl.-*! p'iv* MI2II; drilln, niie jMiy IJ hoe drill W.I, 2 pnyj .SllJ, tliiveiiayx KKl.'i, luid ntiior iijzi.'* t4i cirrimiiriiKl, mu;illir«irliiiif«r. I «rill he- nt MHrkdale ftf'cr the fiiHtnf Miirch or«rv .Stiniday. Auy imim wimtitiK mAoliim.ii or ropiiirn will find nii> nu Hutiir l.-wi. 1 liava •ian«'».-oiid li:ind Drilla on liimd, niina ouly v<rki'.l oua and two yearH, Noxnn, Ushitnik and l'»t<<r Ilaindton. A ho mimi fnr thn OMkiihiic. flow, I'uria MMiiiire .Spreiilcn iid liuThroiihrr. D. MAntLL. We Trust Doctors [f you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- I tion, you should begin at once i with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the I Sarsaparilla you have known i i cU your life. Your doctor | knows it, too. Ask him about it. Piil««« th«r« Id flatty action of tho bowelt, [x4ar>n(yus pttxluots lixe abtorlMc). rnuiina hund' Kchtt, bllkmitiieAa, n:uiJi«A. Uv.pepeta. and tliua "la ti ' *"" ' "^ pT>y«aUii( th* Hananarini work. AT»r'« m all TO(«labl«, _ _ , rom UolnfC ttl b«tt 111! ar« llTor pUla. Act gentlr. BLado by J. O. Ay«r Co.. T.owen. Uaaa. AiiKi manu/acturc;-* cf HAIR VIGOR. AaU£ CURE. CHtiSRV PECTOIUL. yers W» bavo BO oooreta I W« pnbllah til* funaulaa of all our medlolnaa. Does Your Wife Bake? If she does idle wauta good flour. This is The Place for good flour at tho Wright prices, which are low prices. We also sell all kinds of Feed. GARDEN SEEDSâ€" Our stock is com- plete with everythinj; you could wish for in this line. Wo sell Electrolene, tho heat illuininntir.g oil oB the market. 25c per gallon. Our Prices Suit. W. L. Wright. FLESHERTON BUS1NE.SS Cards ».rCOLLOUOII & YOUNO •** liaiikui- Mar' 'lale Ju a caoeral buukiug buaiii ibb . Moory loane<i a ruasonaljlu rato Cull ou us. TCHISUETT, * i'oiitui.strr, Ooylon. C^ouiiiiliifllonor ill It, ('. J , Conrcvanocr, domiH, nioi'ti;aRuH, luuHuri, wiIIh (fto. cavefuily «lrami (ii> (.'nllnctious iimci.^. cliarfjUH ruaiiouifcUlo. AUn i;iuuarlt>s. Hour, tceii via. ke(>t in atock, I'riuuii RJ 8PB0ULH I'odtniastor'i. F|^i>hortau ,.aiiimi»slouer in H.O .1., .\u(itiun^<r Con Tuytiuopr, Appraiser and Money LfiUdt^r Ittfal Kutato tktol InKiiranco .^((cnt. DtmilH lUvirt^usen, loasus aii<l willu carefully drawn lip and valaatiuus inmlo on ^liortuHi nnticf. uiontiy to loan at lowDHt vatt<H of intcrtiBt. Col uotlons attuiidud t.i with pruinptUirKH cliar^'tm low. Ayunt fur Oonnn Doiuintun Si'aiiiiitiii> Company. A call nullcittid. DMcrHAIL, l.ici'mio.l Anctlonecr lor llin • (Comity nf (Irov. Tormtt luo'inratn aud Kiitisfaotion Kiiuinnttiod. Tin* airunntHnuntB and ilatu<ior nalfridiu Iw inado a'. Tiik .Ii>v.%m-k oitk-e. Heaidouct] and P.O., Ceylon. Tulipliouo (HUllniOtlotl. s Doc. 0.07. ».^. G'lO. (J.LUl Coniity ruiisouabla tenns. LUDLOW, Licensed AiictloiiptT for tli« ly. Prompt awn I'lOlOD SUklion 1>. U 80CIETIE8>S "" jr â-  • ' AO U M* maul', olv tl>e last MuDdiiy lu taoii luonlti, l;i Cliuir lodqo room. (Mirlstoo'a block. Flohliurton. at B p.m. M.W., Praiik Cbard ; Cui:., V. Illakcly, Kliiaociar, W.J. liuLaiuy. Viaillux brutbrec ILVItad, PlilNCW AUTni'K LODUK, No. Hiia.A.K.ft A M, mootH in tho Miinonlcball, Ktrain'b tiloijli. FloHburton, evofy Kriday oo or b»,fore tlio (nil inocn, W A.ArtusttouK, W U.; Huib. oiaitli, bticretary. noi UTFLKSHDUTON, 09.^ I. 0. F. ireet« in ^ (.:iiriBtoe'» JIlocl* tliolaKt Wednesday HVoeirn of rncli iiioiith., \'!.4itint; Korustera lio^irtllv wi'lcoiMo. C. Il.j^r. Slnriav; It. H., j'. Hui,r>; Kin, Sec, (J, N. OTcliarilson. IMnikAo pay. dues tu Flu. &oo. bofor. tU. tlrbt duv ot tloi niontli. niinSRN FMF.NPS-FlBsliortou Oonncil of ^ Cliorton FrioinU i,iocI.m in (Uavton'abal] ftrst, and third Wednoi.dav of ouch niont H p. pi Pay ai^anHinonta r.) tin. lti'fovil«'v on or bcfoui ti'c llrst dayof oao'i ninntii. Cliiuf Couuclllur, T. Hlakoloy;KBCOrdBr, W. H. Hunt. Medical Dn OAIITBR M O P A H Out, I'hysician. Rnrstcon, etc ipilico and rusiduncoâ€" I'otiir ot., Flcaherton nil A. T, lUiND Oraduate Toronto tlnlversltv. Mem- bor of Ontario ("olli'cu oj Phvuiriilans and Snr- KOJim. Maxwell. Oni. auccunnor to l)i. Kcolt. T P OTTEWl'.LL ' Votorlnary Kiir^eon Clrartiate of Ontovlo Veterinary roll«(!B. rctoiluMCfl â€" 83coi)d door Houtli wohl on Murv sti-oet. Thl» alreet runs »oHtli Pravbytariau UbnroU. PUICEVILLE Last Wednesday evening, March 27th, a vnry hnppy event oocuired at the hoii»e of Cims, Slaclntyre nf tilr:iie1j{ township near I'rioovillu when his;r, .Sarah Mucliityre, btcaiuo the *ifo of Ohas. D FerL'uaon, a young farmer of Kgrenioiii. In spite of thu rain and uiud aliout fifty friends were when thu knot was lied l>y Kev. Mr. Kinp, assisted by Uev. Mr, Mutliesoii, Tlio biide was attended hy hor sister, Miss Minnie Mic- Iiityre, of Toronto, while DouualdFtr- tju-oii supported the urooni. Thu wed- ding march was played hy Miss Hopper. Tho young couple will reside near Uoothville. After living over forty years on the Sodth Line, near liere, ,Tohu McLean has sold hi.s farm imd stock and is leaving next week for (Jwen fei.und, where he has [lurcliased house at lU Water street. Thursday eveinng hi* home was invudi d hy tho neighliors id the line and friends from Prieeville. During the eveiiiii;- Mr. Arch. McMillan read au address to the family and I''ro(l Frook preiented them with a beautiful hall-rack, as an iiidicitioii of the eatBein in which the family is held hy the community. Mr. McLean replied very suitably, after wliich Mr. Arch. McLean and Rev. Mr. Kipp expressed tho sorrow of the neighbors, at tlva removal of the family. Mr. Ale.x McL^iin' WHS presente<.l with a purse st the saqte time. .Jack Wfost reignivl BU[)reme ayain Inut Monday. Huisilenced the fxigs and gave the ulow horses an extra day's lest. MeHvyf'Qipliet in the Sauget^ii lait week, and daSi^gt'il the tuwiillne inidge. Harry JIorrt>*-«fartfd for town early on Good KriUny, carrying a large paiKul of eL'VK, and vvloni lie can.e to the afore.said hndi/e he lould "ee the inarki-t and his de-'tmatviii on thu other nide, but ho had one more river to crots and the bridge not ihire. By the time he lraiii|>ed 1200 rods of Hwantp around the bond and came up street he was red in the face and lire w.'is lb his eye. Ho tr ed to inforni several id us that " the town lino bridge had liouat'i"â€" well, down there, but he eoutilutitaee what iiku the old bridge wouliL<6e iheri'> IVrhiip-i Harry knows. T)ji» sw.e: prmhict of tho maple is not very al uiidanL tlue year, auoordiiig lo lepoits. â- â- ' • M's. Butter tB-oioyiilvlt^r large barn acr'K.s the »lroi!C^f<> KMlt-orHie hotel. 11. Wallers (i'()§l\V,!hl|i'-'Bisl or holidavs in'loronto. t-^s -ititiAeri' M'l'h- King, and baliy, (jillesuio, {t!(*c> nwAt to the city last wei-k to visit frietjl^s.!'."'' V. .McLc'od (Kiieinau Dan) had a sue (••'KKfiil sale lati week iitid will letiirn to Toronto, where In- was for several years an etii'jient member of tlin lire t>ii>;Hde, !>taiiley Kergusoo, Kimberh-y, iaspuiid- iiig hia Eiiater vauutiun ut home. PALE AND Anxious ing matter to mo sskiiig for my trade tnd" The same thing is I happening uTery day in many other towns. Like AMcv/ Disease. Nfcv. ;,/ ;!i.j mon who umer had corns is the pain felieved hy Putnam's Cora Extractor. f)ld corns and new ones cnrod quickly by Putnam's." Sold everywhere. Mr. G. T. Martin, architect. Smiths Falls, has taken out a pafent f.T an iin- proreinent in the consttuctiiTo <•{ railway coaches, an alteration wliich he onatonds will l«K:)on ihu dai!'.rer of cars piling u[ - wanls when a collision oixurs. M prr- «i-nt when there is a colliaion the front cars pile up on each other, and thi" causes ;;reat destrueltoti. but with Mr. Martin's new device hfc will overcome thif. Iti- sread of the ends hcirig peifecily !«rraii;ht hn purp-isi'S hiiviii;; them eon!.truiHod on a »lii;ht bevel, so that when the impact comet the ear will be hurled to right and left and ditched ins'ead of piled up. The principal appears to bu a yood one, and action will be taken at .«•;') tii lay the iiiaiter before the carliuildorsaiid r.»ilwa>.s. Mr- Martin has a, uiw «<lt of d^'awaigs, showing ib« r^suU uiidjiir ttie^^reseiit eon-' diti'iii and wli».t, lfeiCi>^Vt!^'hd'ft will be the rjault if ears aj» crffi^truCied according to his patents. ^ ., :V.' • Though tfie Township of Mono carried local option on .lanuary 7 by a vot8.iif 470 to 240, Chief .Tustiee Meredith (plashed tho by-law liecause the towoshi]) otUeia's made the mistake of advertisint! the vole on tho by-law live days too soon, .Tames Haverson, K. C, appeared for Mrs. Margaret Uenderaun, hotel propriet' TBI'S. "I am sorry that the law leaves nie no discretion," Said the Chief Justice, in making the ordiT. "I am*!^orry for the volets wh'i suffer because of the negligeice of their otlicers " HOMES For Setders IN WESTERN ONTARIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached Wrlto for free coplea of SEHLERS' GITDE SlliS'Sf^.'S^S train wrvioo for aettlera travelllnif with live stock and olTbcts to tho North ws.-^t in .March and April, with piwtontfer and truitf hi rates. WESTERN CANADA erl'p?iSr^of'"u.e weal and woetcrn conditions. 80 paaes of Informollon Invaluable tosettlars. Lserul J. VV. Railny, V. S. of Roteraont com- uiitted suiuid. hy lianr'iii; liuiKoif, mp« prisedly while in n (it of de*poiid-ncy. Dr. Fawcft', Ho'stein, wa« struck in the eye by i »tono ilv'nig frmi a hoof and Is likely to hnc the aii^ht. Minister Speahs to Mothers . Tails His Wife's EipMience for tka Sake of Other Saffervrs. Tlie following letter has been sent to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pul>- lication. Dr. T. A. BlOCTiin. Llmitad .-â€"Dear Slit : WltWn tlie last two years my wife (who is of a dellcaia conatltiitlon) lias liad two nevin; ottacks n WILSON, Itlaolomith "• Iradnatd of tho Votrrlnarv Bclence Amoi-.latlon. Uvuidrnc", nniliaiu itroet, op- posite Hoyd, HIrklli.K'a hardware. Legal Your Countenance Indicates the liotiy's AwJul Struggle for liealtb, Impo'sihlo to Work or think cloaily ivheii there is no reaeive of visjor, no iiuurlsliiiieiu in tho blood, no supply of nerve etli'ivy. Tlio life oi the half-sick man is pitiful, in fact, aliiioit eriiiiiinil, when bounding s'roiigth IS so (piickly derived from Fcrro- zotie. This nutritive tonie is guaianleed to «tretit;ilieii all men, women and child len Weak organs go! new force, vital energy * is gnaiantuid. Mu.sele and fat aiii nddod, healthy eohir restonil, and I he blood fairly tingles with mw found lile. U.^ad tho evideneo â- >( .Ino. Carter, of 42-1 Kiiif St. East, T(k|;oijio, wlm says; " .-Vfter a .severe attack of Grippe my health wa.s almost ahattored. 1 sullnred conatHiitly fioiii iiervoiisnoes aud dys- pepsia. A*. ni;4hl I would waken with tiTiilile palpititioii a«d heart pains. Work lirtcaiiin- a u'lvat wU'ort. At len in in the mornii.g I wa.s so tiled and weak I Could hardly Hotk anoihcr iniiiu:e. " Then came a bad attack of i heUDia ism, which laid uie n|i in bed. I eould scarcely lift the »oi);ht of a poninl, liiid to atoop or bend was impoitsihle. My dlâ- ug^iat recommended Fetrozone, and he knew what h" was talki.ig about, tor it rebuilt my Ntroneih, uavu me abundant appeiilo, belter blood, and now norvo energy. Tho ihonnoitinu has disappear- ed. 1 weitdl more, feel refoshed and vit^oroQs, and am able to work tun hours a day. Kerrozone did il all." Yiu will bo steadietl, t.oncd and strengi honed for all time to come with ForroZ'dio. Got the genuine in 50o boxes or six for ?2.50, ut all dealers, or N 0. P.ilsoti aud t'o., Hartford, Cuiin,, V. S. A., or Ktniiatun, Out., ruoAfl wiiioHT * ^rc;^KnLR M liarrlatort Hollcltova (!onveyftDoeri, «to Omo"iâ€" Owau Kound.Ont and MarkdalnOnt W H WamnT, tlcAi>r>LK | H Ii«!fA« N H'-FlBihurton •»ary Haturila*. offlo., Mtteheir* D r. B. C. Dr.NTislKY MIIUBAV r^ n. R, dontal «nr«*nn konarpartnata of Toronto' I'niTartlVT^uii llafla nf Dantal Bumaons of Ontario, JJ-Tair.ll ,.„., OMSlml.latoraA for taath oxtratllon. Offlatatftddantaitarantn ataeet, riMbort.n, Tho other day a inerchaii I in the town of Mitchell happeiiod to see a fanner receiviiit! some Koods Itt the depot and I noticed that they came from a Toronto I mail order liouso. He nnticud also that I the Koods wore riaht in bis line and tho same as he had carried in his store for years. Ho immediately approached the farmer nnd said, " I could h»»e sidd you every article you have there -for less uiuney than you {laid the Toronto houae anti save you the freieht besides.'' " Then why on earth didn't you »»y ao?" answered tho farmer "I have t'xkeu the Mitchell Advocnte for years and have ' never seen a line about your selling thttae gtiods. Tho Totuatu huuw|MM«<iTeriit- pnppe. tjoth ot which have t)«n speedily lofrectcd b;.- the use o! psychlnc. W t hiive such faiU) In the efQcifcuo' of your n-'me<iii.'a that as a temlly we ujie no othor. For tonins up a di-bllitated aystam, howaver run down, rctrtcniig to bealthy sctiin the heart aud longs, and a< a speclSc for all wa»t^ Ing di.',i--«*e5. Tour Psyuhine and Ozomulalon are aiaiply ptcrleis. Yours dnceiuly, Eev. 1. S. Eice, U, Walker Aveane, Toronto, ...PSYCHINE, Pronounced Si-keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic * properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Biood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. PIP (PRONOUNCEO a&cui>0 is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King St. W., Toronto, There is no other remedy "Just as Good" as PSYCHINE. Dr. Roofs Kldnev Pills are a eure and j permanent care for Sheumatism, Brighfa I Disease, Pain in the Back and all formt I of Kidney Ttoable. 260 p«r box, at all dealera. Farm fcr Sale niapa and atAtUUca. TIME TABLES 'riS^^IS^^tSSS^se^vtc^ to Winuipec and C^ltcury. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Leave Toronto dally. Comfortable, rtximy bortha at raodoralo rates, ^^llly cquippe«l with bedding, eoolting range and every con- toidanc*. Bortha ahould be reeorved (UiWinKh nearest I'.P.U. A«eut) atleasttwo weeks before departure. Write to^lay for tree books and anythlni- you want lo know about tho west and how to reach it. Addraas . C. B. FOSTER. Dist Pom. Agt.,, Toronto Lota 1 if> aiulUT 1st West of To^o^tl) and ."^yileidianj lo.ii!, eoutaintn^'oue hund-e ' a;reK niiire or leMi. Trice three thousand d.'lUis if jiuUi at once. W.G.PICKELU Stock Taking \V« will di.-couut all our Riady-M.ii.e Clotliiio, Diy Goo<U, Hars, Cajis. Uuderwear.B 'O's and Shoes amt Hosiery .It 10 percent. UM'il March It. We have a few Horn* Hl^inkets left which wo wil sell for coft la'hcr than carry over. Leave order for binder twine »s we aiein position to supply any amount at loivesi prices. Thanking the public for their pfttronai'e in I'.'OC) and rcsn-'ctfiiliv 'iolicii your trade â- f..r 1'.'67. R. N. Kinnear and son. M AX W I'LL •r- ** '" -------- ^L* In Sleighs, Biijigies, Waggons, lliirrowvs, rioughs. Cream Sep- arators and Wire I'^eucing. HOBSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY \\ Heard's Carriage Works wm D. MoTAVISH lit fiESi[RIIlfl fiiRllii8[ Bi»[[i For First Class Duggios, Carts, Pleasure and Lumler Wagons, cutters, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO nOkSE SHOEING ANOQBNERAL BLACKSMITHINO and cvtarantee first class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, an^ Massey- Harns and Noxon repsira fur binders, Mowerk til kinds -jf machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. • Ulben in town dive t^s a call « m ( riite

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