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Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1907, p. 7

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r WILL KISSING BE PROHIBITED ? The Osculatory Process Denounced by Scientists as Extremely Dungerous â€" How tlie Danger Can be Removed. A keen discussion is being carried on tj some of the best scientists as to the <iang(T and "crime" of kissing, led Ly nr. Somers, Health Ollicer of Atlantic <Jly, and Di-. Nalpasse, of the Medical Facully of I'uris. They charge the kiss with sfireading grippe, scarlet lever, measles, inurjips, whooping cough, ty- l-hoid fever, diphtheria, erysipelas, men- engilis. tuberculosis and many infecti- ous skin diseases. They suggest legis- Inlion on the .subject, and the posting n' nolicfs in railway .stuliqiis, street cars and other public places, but they s-ay il would lie to post them m vfrandatLS, in cosy corners, jwrclies, shady n<xik.=, or moonlit lawns. They also propose some compulsory legisla- tion for methods of disinfection of tile niotitli and purifjing the bi'ealh, especi- ally Willi ,1 view to the proUx'lion <jf vinocent bales, who are pariicularly s;jbjcct to infcclion. The greute-st and most effective puni'.er and germ <le- ilrover known to medical science f<^r the 'iiinulii. Ihroat and breath, as well iDi for the blrxjd, slomach and liini-'s. is l\svchine. !hal triumph of the rnedi- v-81 world that i.- attracting almost uni- versal alleiilion |iecau?e of the wonder- BURN ASHES, SAVE COAL iTHERG B PLENTY OF HEAT IN YOL'R BACKYARD ilEAP. Pennsylvania Shoemaker's Discovery â€"More Warmth in Ashes Than in Anthracite. While sitting at his bench eking out a living with hammer and awl, John EUmore, a cobbler of Altoona, Pennsyl- vania, for twenty years has been re- volving In his brain a problem that he has Anally solved to his own satisfac- tion, and that apparently is destined to revolutionize the question of producing heal. Ellmore says he has discovered a method of making ashes burn, and a praclical demonstration has convinced former sceptics. Ellmore not only makes ashes burn and produce heat, but he [)roduces considerably more heal from n given quantity of ashes than can be obtained from the same amount of pure bituminous or anthracite coal. At the plant of the Citizens' Electric Company he the other day was allotted one of ten boilers, and with three bushels, of ashes he produced more heat than was oblaine<I from the other nine. This de- moiisl ration was witnessed by several hundred persons. A .SIMPLE PROCESS. Ellmore Ls carefully guarding his se- cret, and has applied for patent rights. His process is very simple. He lakes ten parts of ashes to one pari of coal ^5i^?> topnqf mm 'i^rJ^.'^y/ Thia cold-water starch ^ir'sJ^i":/ %^^ ironing -day over gjl&iy quicker, with less wew on |fe'>jrthe ironer's muscles and far ^O'^f lew on the starched pieces. - 'JfGiTes a beautiful gloss. 'Needn't be boiled, .yet cannot Tstiek. It's a starch you'll like. Trr It STRAWBERRY | RASPBERRY BUCKBERRY ;C luadiii;; varieties. 7 varie- ties t>f Seeil potatoes. Cata- Ioi;ue tiitil price list free. 'Iti'Lse interested will please take notii'S. ta thia a<irt. will not appear a;;ain. JOHN BOWNHAM, â- tnithrey, Ont FOR{;()TTEN FOICEPS. Absent-Mindetl .Surgeon Left Pair r t : Forceps in Woman's Body. I .\ remarkable case of neglect on Iht part of a hospital surgeon is mention t<l in the British .Medical .loumal. Dr. Stewart, of M!d:and Junction, Wes: .Australia, records the cii'cumstances o! the case. He operated on a woman and found a pair of forceps in her body. The forcep.<! were nearly 5 i/iches in length, and the width across the handle.' was about 2 inches, and they had been left in the woman's body after an opera- t:on ten and a half years before. "That the forceps should hftve attained the po- sition in which they were found with- out causing death is extraordinary.'' j Dr. Stewart writes: "Though the pali- I ont's health had been wretched during ' tl-.ese years, and a large part of the IMne spent in lied, it is worthy of no- lice that she had oponsionally fell well enough to parlicipote in dances. I have • reason to believe that no rs'cord of the former operation can lie found in the books of the hospital where il was per fc.rmed." Before you get Pen- Angle gannents all the s h r i n k is taLeni out. tot Pen- Angle'' 'Underwear' _ ^keeps you com- Ffy as well as ' warm.because the \ ^a h o r t fibres that ' ^make some under- kwear itch are taken ^ out of Pen- ' Angle wool. 3«f* \ â€" «ce^" lrU,mK''i"'old '^"a ^".er of j and over .his sprinkles a small quanli i^, the following brief stale- t.v of a rompvjund which causes the icombuslion. He says that for 25 cents experience men': "I suffered for over two years •atarih of Ih" head and throat and stonuich. and an obstinate hacking coug';. Th>- slightest cold or change r.f weather woi;!': cause the dusease to re- turn worse llian teforc. Doctors gave me no ivliof. 1 saw Psychine and Oxo- mulsion advoriised in the newspapers, and deridnl Ic U5e them. They had ;i splendid effect in my 1 obtained the permanent cure I had so long and so an.xioiisly desired. Psychine appea-s 1<' be a perfect germ deslroyer. 1 shall <j-i all in my p>i\ver to increase the po- pularity of the Di-. S'.ocuin remedies in froii 'si'llcient of Ihi.s compound can be pre- i pored to last an ordinary family one winter, with a coal con.sumptien of less than one Ion. In his shop he has used less than half a Ion of coal this winter, and he declares that a Ion will last him two years. DI.SCOVERY NO .\CCIDENT. j When he opi'ned the doors of Ihe boll- iir in which his compound was burning the- other day. .spectators gazed upon a (Ire that glowed brilliantly and had a bluish tinge. A lump of coal was sur- rounded by ashes nr.d Ihe ashes glowed like a '>ed of burning anihrncite. There OHENn.LE CURTAINS •dA all kiod* of houM* UanstDgt. ai«o Lioi cnaTAiNs °"'e.K*«°N*k'r" Wnt« ui u* ftbout jouri. â- BinW AaPUIOAM OygINO Oa.. tex lU. Montreal STAMMERERS The AR«(')TT aETMOD U the only loti- cal m-thod for the cure of Stamni -ring. It treit* tbeCAUSe, not merely the HABIT, and ln.«ures natural speech, i^amphlct, par* ticular* and refcrencst sent an requeat. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BEKLLN, ONT. CAW. In its initial slages a cold is a local ailment easily dealt with. But many neglect it and the result is often the de- velopment of distressing .seizures of Ihe bronchial tubej; and lungs that render life miserable for Ihe unhappy victim. As a lirst aid there is nolhing in the handy medicine lin^^ so certain in cura- tive resull.s as Hickle's Anli-Gjnsump- tive Syrup. Ihe fiir-fanied remedy for colds and couglis. 'fast y^a/K Id a variety of fabrics, styles and pitce^ m all lizes for women, men and childien, K\d guaiaoteed by your onn iaku ALBB BTA FARM LANDS-IN THE WKHOVm Weta-^kiwin district ; liau pr>vasiUu^ 9».a on application. U. D. Farri* &, tJo.. B«i ssi. Wetaakiwi a, Aibeita. ^ KOOtENAY FRUIT LAND 10 acres m Kooleniiy Fnut ^nirn^s an income of $3,000 a year in S years. Write â€" Wolverton & Co., Nelson, B.Cf this vicinity. 1 aiwsiys keep P-sycTiine wns apparently no diminution in the *n our house. It is our only d*)ctor. "LKGEH I.. IIARDV. "St. Basil de Ponliieuf. Quo." Psyrhine, pronounced si-keen, is coni- mciKk-d bv nil doclors and .s<'ieiilisLs who have interested themselves sufTici- ently in iheir profession and in the welfare of Ihe public lo investigate its marvelous qiiaiiiies. and c<msider in an tmprejudice-' mnniior lis results, as liie wonderful ct all disease and fier.m- desUovJ!)' agencies. l-'«r building iin «he rundown system and curing nil forms <if slo:nach troubles and disensrs of the .hosi. throat and lungs or head, it. i.s .-imply unapiri.iioli.nb'e. It i= do- slincd to revolutionize many of llw old theories, and f\irnisli a reliable home Ireatmenl. Kor .sale at all dru2gi^ts, 50c.. and or Dr. T. \. Slocum, l.iiniled, 170 King-slree! wesf, Toronto. When a girl gets hold of a young man's hearl strings she proc<!Ms lo tie them 111 a beau knot 'amount of heat during Ihe several hours thai lhi» demonslralion continued. Ell- more says his di.scox'ery was not nn ac- cident. His father before him had con- reived the po.ssibilily of obtaining heat from ashes, bul had not lived to demon- strale it. I^IND IN ..\MERICA. The yountyr F.llmore ha.s boen ex- perimenting for more Ihan twenty years, and it was iilxiul eight monlhs ago that h' niially obtained Ihe right solution. Before giving Ids secret to the world Rllmore demonslrnled time and agtiin ii.s praelicabilily. and was satislied af- !ei I'O h:i'! nirtdc le«= Ihan n hiilf Ion f f coal produce more heal Ihan he here- tofore had obtained from ten or fifteen Ions of coal that he held probably Ihe greatest discover^' Ihal has been made in a century. "Henry." asked Ihe Sunday-school teacher, "what is Ihe conscience?" "The conscience." answered little Henry, "is what you have after you have been eat- ing cake and jam and things out of the panti-j', and liien you have lo lake cas- tor-oil, and that cures the coiiscienee.'' Is there anylhiiig more annoying Ihan having your corn stepi)ed upon? !s there anything more delightful Ihan get- ting rid of it? Holloway's (xirn Cure will do it. Try it and be convinced. He talk.s and she listens during the courlship. but after the marriage tlie plan is generally reversed. PertKy Yeurtelt ag&inst pulraonar; troublaa, tnuluding ounnumption, with .Allen's Lung Bal- aam. It will looaan tha cough and phlegm. Cur* raooo (oUows. Many young men do aot propase bc- eause they fear that the girls will say "yes." Externally or Internally, U is Good.â€" When applied e.xternally by rub- bing. Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil opens the pores and penclratcs the tissue as few liniments do. touching the seal cf the trouble and immediately affording relief. Administered internally, it will still the irritation in the Ihroat which induces coughing and will cure affec- tions of 'he bronchinl tubes and respir- «tory organs. Try it and be convinced. ONE E.NOUGH. "I say, auntie, uncle .said this morn- ing that there wasn't another woinaji like you in the world." "Ail, Ihe dear fellow ! Did he really, Freddy ?" "Yes, and he .?aid il was a jolly good job, too.' Worms cause fcverishness. moaning and reslle-ssness during sleep. Mother Graves' Worm E.xlerminator is pleasant, .sui-e and effectual. If your druggist has none in slock, get him to procure il for you. Miss Oldgirl : "Yes. I am single en- tirely from choice.'' Miss Tcrt : "Whose choice ?" After Wastinc Pe»«r« hasten recovery »« health by the use of " Ferrovim.,' It in the bful toutc. It builds, strengthens and gives new vitality. Try it, it wiU maka you feel stronS. When a man is hanging by his toes from the corner of a building, and mo- mentarily expecling to drop, nolhing satislles him more than the discovery thai, he is safe in bed at home. To of Sedentary Occupation.â€" Men wlio follow sedentary occupations, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise, are more prone to disorders oJ the liver and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives. The former will fUid in Farnielee's Vegetable Pills a restorative without question the most efflcacious on the market. They are easily procuiable. ensily taken, act ex- peditiously . and they are surprisingly cheap considering their excellence. DODttS ' ^KIDNEY Mistress : "Did you turn on the gas in the bedrot-im, Bridget?" Bridget: "Shure an' 1 did, mum ; can't you smell it?" Per Veara ranadians have boen using "Tlia D. A I/' Montliol Plasters and the sale for tbem la greater than all other plasters oorahined ; a »pa- oiflo (or baokaohe, headache, aoiatio pains. Prisoner : "My lawyer is unwell. I ask for a fortnight's delay. '" Magistrate : "Put your ca.s(} off for a fortniglit ? W hy, you rascal, you were caugh! with your iiand in a gentleman's ixjckel ! \V hat could your lawyer say '!" Prisoner : "Tliat"s whal I'm anxious to know*.' "I pi-csume. sir." began Ihe young man, limidly. "Ihal you will consider it very presumptuous for a fifty-dollar rail- road clerk to apply for your daughters hand in m.Trriage." "N<it at all, my boy." responded Senator Slickguy. kindly. "I ilaresay your side grafts are quile re- munerative." Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Col4 no question about that, but â€" why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when^ou can step into any drug store m Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURB for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twer<y-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure yoa as quickly T Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement witn a positive guarantee. The next time you have • Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH Howell : ".-V good deal di-pends on the j forniHtion of early habits. ' Powell : "I I knew it : when I wns a baby my I mother hired a woman lo wheel me about, and I have been pushed for money ever since." Tiny tuberclea on the skin of sorofuloos peo- ' pie produce the hideous ittseasa called lupua. neaver's Cerate, used in tinio. wiU savp the .*in fnim destruction. Applv to all affected partiL Cleanse the blood with Weaver's Syrup. "George," she said, "before w-e were married you were always giving nie pre- ' seals. Wl'.y don't you ever bring me • anything now '.' " "My dear. ' replied (3eorge, "diil you ever hear of a Usher- 1 man giving bait lo a lish he had ' caught'."' Then the kettle boiled over, i 50 BULBS 25 CcDta. Will Brow in the hou5« or out of (Itx'tv. UracinUit, Croctn, FDch»i&«, Uiaiu, Tnberot**, BeroT'iii. Jonquil i, DkiTodils, Cbiiitte L:lT. Dewey Uly. (lloTinia, LlllM of tliA Vft:irrâ€" ftUpcitpftid.sfte. instuBpf or<>o(n. AsApreintcoi'jrtthtbeM Baib* w* will mm FKBI abig cullftrtlon of flower M*(l»â€"oT*ir 300 iciada. Sum*rs«t NMr»*ry. S«m*rÂ¥Ul«, MsMtp Insure Your Horse for $1 Our Veterinary Madlral Chart saves doctors' Mil* and horses' lues. No horse owner should Im with. lut one. Worth ten timas its weight in gold. PHcs $1.00 Past Paid. Affsnts Wanted. The Veterinary Medloal Chart Co., IM Confederation Life, Toronto. .\ Sui-e Cure for lleadnche.â€" Bilious heiuiaolie. to which women are more subject than men. lKV?omes so .ncute in some subjfcis Hint lliey are uticrly pros- I Irutcd. 'I'he stomach refuses food, and I ttiere is a conslani distressing effort lo I free the -stoniiich from bile which has become unduly secreted there. Parme- ; he's Vegetable Pill.s are n .speedy alter- ; nlive. and in neutralizing the effects c f , Ihe intruding bile relieves the pressure i en Ihe nerves which caused the headache. jTry them. TOURS Krom tlS.'i to ti46. f<" proj^raiame, write Rev. Dr. Withrow TOR'JNTO. ncluuea Irish World's Fair. /YOUR FOWUHE Sr~ m^ -^wnd twft rest tUmp wlltt Mrih Jtl* *ad I wt MICH.\EL FAR.\DAY. From a humble blacksmilh's .son. Far- aday ixjse to be one of Ihe most distin- guished chemists and niitunil philoso- phers in English history, lie niinie great additions lo Ihe range of human know- ledge in regard lo Ihe science of eli-c- Iricily and magnetism. Magnelo-oleo- Iric induction, magnetism of light., Uic condensation of ga.scs into lluids and solids, were all Faraday's discoveries. Then, iigaiii. Faraday's "Experimenlnl Hesearches on Eleclricily " were not only of extreme importance in thems.-lves, but they have been of the utmost cousequenco lo science by leading lo Ihe tallcr'day de- velopment of this gi'eal force. \ FREE' )«Bd twft rest tUDip wllti Mrth JtIS *ad I wHI ••04 ^^.v • p^u p:c:ut> or .tfar Uf« trua '.Im cr«4l« to lh« Kr»«* All ifi«tt*ta of k«ala««a, u>v., aior. rloc* utd SAoltti. piolBlr tWd by th« cr*«t«i| ,lBtroW*r llTtac. P«traa« aMnauh^d oiid M(iiS*d, MOF.lCOAMU.Dw>. IS, MIMirtir.eOWi,' .W.4DAN WAOH'fi 9 FA.WOIA EM'IPEli. 'I'he ceieloatod <dd.fa^hioned Keraedies used hir years with peifect suoeess. t'ures rhoumstisni. piled, female tronbl; s ; k, sure bust developer : re- duces floiin ; makes icrsy .lalrdak. Klectric Fool Rase for sore and sweaty feet. Liquor and te- baoco habit cured. Kvery dru,(^ivt has tJe iaiete. dlents. Very inexpensive. Knee Ol.i^. Ritfter of the.:e reniedie.s is worth many t'^es the prioe. K.vy A CO.. Caztun Bldij.. Suite Ii:!0, Chicago. GOOD BUSI.NE!>S HLLES. Do il belter ! Letting well enough alone never raised a salary or declared an e.xira divi- dend. .\nd what was well enough for yester- day is i>oor enough lo-d;iy- do it belter. He.-icue tfal litlle from the maw of dull routineâ€" do it better. Seek out Itw automatic act of habit- do it better. Pul another hour on the ♦ell doneâ€" and do it better. Strive not to equalâ€" iSlrive lo surpass Do il better ! CRMIVPW^E A pure, ha Manitoba flour for baker? and others demand- ing strengtli, color and unifortnity STRONG &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS DEALERS EVtnyWHERE .SUPPLIED VITH FLOUR A NO FEED.* WRITE US. â- WE ALSO MAKE 'QtlEEN CIFY.' A (LENDED FljOUR THAT HAS CAINCO GREAT FAVOR AS A CCI«ERAL HOUSEHOU] 'AU. PURPOSES- FLOUR. (AMPBEUMILLINGCO rURON TO JllNlTION ONT ISSIE NO. l4-«7. CIIALEL'n n.W'S "FIRE-SI IIP," According to Prof. W. F. Cianong, Ihe traditional "fire-ship" cf Ihe Chaleur Bay, New Brunswick, appearing usually before a slorm. has a basis of fact. It is <\ hemispherical light, with the Hat side toward Ihe water, glowing sometimes without much change of form, bul at other limes rising into slender, moving columns, in whicu an c.\cited iinagina- lion might recognize the fluiuing rigging of a ship. The general explaiialion offer- ed is that this object is a maniteslalion of SI. Elmo's fire, nn electrical pheno- menon ; bul the reason for its appearing only on or near Ihe Chaleur Buy is not known. Mislress (who has given her maid a ticket for tho IheaIre) : "Well, how did you like the perforinnnee?" Maid: "Oh, i( wns .splendid, ma'am. You should have heard how a servant girl sauced her missus I" C( Send for FREE bookâ€" ''Roofing Right,'*â€" worth your reading Tour Grandsons Will Be Old Men Before This "Osfcawa" Roof Wears Out Roof your buildings with " OBbaws " Galvanized Ste«l Shingles this year, and that will b« a GOOD too/ in 2007. W« will giy you a written guarantee, backed by $250,000, that such a rooL properly put on, will need no repairs and no painting for at 1«mI twenty-five years. 5HAWA Galvanized STEEL Shingles make roofs water-tight, wind-proof, weather-proof, rust-proof, flre-proof for a century, â€" our pluin guarantee ktjepa it so for 26 years without a cent of Ci,8t to tho man who buys it. The Padlar People Get the facts before you roof a thing. of Oshawa m^'-^''^^>^<^^W^^' Made In ONE QU.UITY ONLY,-of 28-guarfe. semi-hardened STEEL doahie-j^vanlzed They lock on all FOUR sides- the ONLY METAL shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put onâ€" a ham- mer and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough. Coat LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the surface area of any roof on your place and â- we -will tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right Montreal Tonxito Ottawa ttl-S Cnux av W. U Colburn* St. «U buwaz St londoa « DnuuuSt. Winnipeg n LomlwnlSl Vancouver ^

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