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Flesherton Advance, 4 Apr 1907, p. 5

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. TtlE FLEESUEETON ADVANCE April i ldJ7 â- W" KSTABLISHEO tSTS THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office ... - Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS Deposits may be made or withdrawn by either of the two members of a household. This for^o^f account Uspedally suitable for those living in the couniry, as either member Tn attend to^he bankinV«h« i" '"*"• '" °^ "^ '^^'t' '}' '"''"=''. """^ ^ wtthaxawn by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or caU for further parucu-ars. Interest added four tames a ycsr Savings Bank Department in Connection \vith ell Branches. 13a. FI^ESHERTON BRANCI'I George Mitciiell, Manas'«*" Bn.ANCHES ALSO AT mjiVKAM, UATL^XSTOtl AND PHiCE'^'Ji-L:' Vicinity Chips last week l<> Joseph M'tchell of BadaeroH for the tidy Hum of $47S. One of the Loi-kot found on Sydenham street, i colts whs h Severn- Ranburn and the Apply to Mrs. A.S Vandusen.Flesherton. â-  other from VV. McCliinjj'H Honor B )und- Artemc.'^ia township council will meet on Saturday next. For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, go to A. S. VanDiisen, Flesherron. The sidewalk bylaw carried on Tue.sday by a majority of forty- dill o/ the isiiiil!. an«i ot M's. J.icob Holley of thiii townshi]). She was a nativn of hi« iiroviiiCe and was married here t„ h«r hiisbanJ')^ nhf> »u:vives her, fifty Mr*. D.ivid MirMuUeii pussod away on Wednesday last, 27th uit., after aa hx- tended ilineso, and tbe reiimiDs w?re in teirtd in ri'!-liert<iii cemetery Friday aftHrnoon. D(.ue:i3ed's maiden name <fas Madill. She win « siiter ot Mr. A, Ma- Apply to Good ch.mcc to loarn the barbering at i A. Wilson's, Flesharton. Farm to Renr â€" 100 acres. John Wright, FWsherton. ^ Bar;;iius i:i Wall Pap.TS-30od rolls for sale by C.E. Tiyou, Priceville. FoK SALE â€" Four pure bred, short horn bulla, from twelve to sixteen moniha old. years .-t^o. Sfie leaves heliiud a family of live sons anil on'i dauijh'er â€" Samuel, Rohert and .\lex. of this township. D>ivid and UlcharJ of Osproy, and Mrs. Teeter of Kimberley. I Ituiie-i culLpge, is spending Easter holiday! I at home. I Misfios LjIu Mitchell, Lily Boyd I and Willn Wright of O. S. Coilesji- ate, aio home for Easter holiitays. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong were in Toronto the fore pai-t of this week. Miss Priichard of Markdalc spent Good Eriday with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Uichai'dsnn. Mrs. Robert Mclut.yer of Brampton and Jlr. Henry Ric!iard»on. Dixie, visit- ed their mother, Mrs. Henry Ricliardsuti, Uurine the past week. Among the Edster visitors to Torcnt i were M. K. llichardsun and Miss Ohnst- enu, Mrs. James Geiiou and Mr. Elwood Genoe. Mr. S. Bot;f»8 moved bia household furniture to Guelph this weak. Mr. Jun.ih Bi.-cker also moved hia family to Berlin, wht>re be has been workini; for some time. A number of Toronto visitors spent Easter Suuday in town, anions' whom we noticed 0. E. McTavish, Misa Mnrgaretta MiAuley, Ben WiUon, Art hur Wardrobe and Mis» Lily Tliiatlethwaite. For saleâ€" Two puro bred Shorthorn Bull-H frmi twi;l»6 to twenty nionihs old. Color, roan and red; nlno s;i-od working maru; will he .sold reasonablti for cash o"" ijood pipi'r. â€" D. Mi-Millan. â-  â-  » m i â-  1- .Stone M<-ttU'iueut Pedeorees on application. J. i. Graham. | A pretty wedi!iii<; solemniz-^d at Robert McMulleu has pnroha.seJ the I the M^tholist pafsnouye iK-reon Wediies- John O'Brien farm, tijwn'ine Artemeaia and Euphrasia. • Good work ins; mare for sale cheap. A. â-  snap for quick .sale- Apply to D. A. Mathowson, Flosherton. Word wa.s received here ♦Tuesday of the death of Mrs. John Caesnr of Mark- dale. No particulars are to hand. Get your chopping done at the Electric Plant, Eugenia. Satisfaction guarantetw.! on clean ^raiu. Come early ia the day and avoid the rush. R>g;stered Yorkshire sows eight weeks old, prize winning slock, fir sal-. Sire, first prizo at Toronto and London. Prices Riulil. â€" Andrew Sinclair, ftic* iDtyre P. O. Ring Lost â€" 14k. gold ring in Fleshor- ton a couple of weeks ago. Five dollars reward will lie paid for Uio return of this ring to the Advance Office. For Side â€" One good heavy general pur- jHiso mare weighing about HtWlbs., thir- teen ye;ii'.s old, sound and in good con- dition. Duo to foal on tho 28th of June to Good Luck. This is a biu'gniu at 8150 Henry M. Douglas, Vandeleur. Mr. J. loob Lever's daughter, Flo, had her hand and arm cuuiiht in 'he wheel of « cream separabir. Her hand was badly bruised and cut, but no bonts were broki;ii. Dr. Caldwell's Sormoiis for nexi Sun- day. A. M.,, "How to Keep young." y. M. A great Soldier Saiusou, at Etam; The J»»-boue. ^ Mr. R. H. Wright and family of (Uange Valley have moved to town and taken up their residence in Mrs. Osborne's resideuce, Ccllingwood street. Tho AdvancH extends the right hand of fellowship. After an week of spiins weat-her a cold dip arrived Saturdiy night which shot tho thermomeler down to around zero. Dan Luitch ol the subjirba was plowing laat week, but in doiiit; some- thing eUe this week, while Jayk Frost lakes an tiiuinz. Eggs tor hatching fwvm prize winners that have taken 49 prizes at exhibitions including the Toronto Industrial and Owen Sound. White and Brown Leg- horns, While and Barred Rocks, While Wyandottes, Butf Orpingtons, Black Minorca* and Pekin Ducks. Order early. Maple Grove IVmUry Farm, John W. Ford, jr, Mark dale. Ma^^istrate A. S. Van Dusen was eng- aged Tuesday afternoon hearing a par- ticuUrly unsavory case from Osprey in which one Hugh Thomiwon was chnrged with hiving crinnnnl intimacy wiih a girl under foui teen years (.f age, named Patterson, extending over n period ot about Jtwo yearn. Thompson was com- mitted to C>weu Sound to stand his trial. Crown Atoroey Armstrong conducted the case under instructions from Detective Grier of Toronto. W. II. Wright appcar- cl for the defend^iut. The evidence was unfit for publication. Mr. Levi Bctts of the Collingwood lltavel sold a jH»ir of two-jear-o'd eolis diy, the 27rh. when Mr. 'Henry F.?nwick, of Eu!»eiiia and Mrs. Sarah Towell of ,T<JY'oiito were unit'-d in mnrri/tge by Rev. Dr. Caldwell. Tho bridi-groom is wel' known at Eu'^enia. and tint bride i.s from Toroiirn. She was ta.stefully and becom- ingly attired for the ceremony. After receiving congr8ulaiion» the happy c.mpie left for Toronto where they will vl^it friends. They will reside on Mr." Ft n- wick'sfarm near Eugenia. Tbe .Advaoco joins with their many frienas in ing to the happy couple its best wiuhes. VVe uu.iers'an 1 that Rockvale is like- ly soon to h'lvo a genuine postofllce. For some years they have had a make believr a private olliee siipjiortjd by farmers of the vicinity. The government, we are iiiforntdd, is about to take the matter up and grant an olUje of geiiujnii government standard. Tbe only delay now is, we be- lieve, that a good Grit cannot be found within u radius of two miles who would look after the distribution of his majesty's mails, and some uauiihty Tory v.ill have to be given the plum. « hich will [irobably be worth §2o or Siii) per anuuni, do your own washing, pay your own rent and boaro yourmlf. Such an ollicc will be a great convenience to many and some benevolent Tory will no doubt accept the responsibility. Services suitable to the Eistor season were held in all the churches on Sunday. There was a special song service in the .Motliodi.-)t church at night at which Mr. Gallagher, repiesei»»>iug tho Cho.sen Frieuila, sang a plea.sing solo. This gentleman has an excellent tenor voice. Dr. Caldwell preached a twenty minute 3«rmon suitable to the occasion, based on Matthew 2S-7. At the Pieshyteriun church a rev. genlleinan named McLend took the [dace of Kev. Mr. Rose, nho was announced to preach tl>e pulpit vacant. The church was beautifully decorated with caster lilies and other dowers. The sermon was based on Mark IC-'.': "Now when Jesus w.ts risen eirly the first day of tl.o week, he appeared tirst to Miiry Magdalene, out of wlioui he hi d cast seven devils Personal Mention Mis. J. W. Blakely of Uorbe.tun is, visiiini; fn ends in town. Mis* N. Gi-ior of Dundalk spei.t Easter with Mrs. John A. Boyd in towu. - Jennie Wilson and ]\Iias May Hales spent the holiday in Toronto. Mrs. (Rev.) Caldwell apent Eiuter with relatives in Toronto. liav. Dr. Callwell visited in Toronto this week. Mr, Albert Stewart spent SunJ.^y with friends in St. Paul Miss Belle Brown spent the holidays 111 Toronto. Miss Mabel Mathewson ia visiting her grandmothor, Mrs, Henry Mathewson. Mr. Beit Jamicsim, telegraph operator at Bowmanvillo, ja visiting his mother here. MiH Mabid Boyd, who isattondiog Aim* Easter in this neighborhood passed off very quietly. Mr. Roy Fletcher of Owen Sound Higb School and Miss Sadie Fletcher of Duali.'ini arc holidaying at their par- ental L< lue. Uita B«iyce is suffering from np- pendecitis. She i.s under Dr. Dixon's care. We sincerely hoiic sheinay recover. Mi.s.s Laura A. Whittjiker of the Xor- them Business College, Owl-ii Sound, is holidaying at her parental home. Mis» R. Robinson .spent Good Friday at her home here. • Miss J. A. Harrow, teacher, is hol- idaying with her parents. Expectant Mothsrs should take "Bu-Ju" during this trying time. The extra strain, weight and undue pres- sure on the delicate organs often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This not only increases the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby in jeopardy. keeps the kidneys strong and vigorous â€" neutralizes Uric Acid in the blood â€" relieves Irritated Bladder ( Cystitis)â€" acts as a mild tonic on all the female organs. A "Du-Ju" pill at bedtime takes away the sharp pain in the back â€" relieves the dragging, bearing down pains through the hips â€" prevents Constipation â€" is tlie best protection against Kidney Trouble during pregnancy. At all druggists, or direct on receipt of price, 50c a large box. 07 THE CkAFUN CHCMICAL CO. UMTrCD anNoson. e«T. Glasses That Cure. V Eyestrain causes many serious ills- Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. We adjust glasses that remove tlie strainâ€" give a lasting cure. VVe guarantee satisfaction. '^•L-TSHuRTON.. The brick veneered residence of Walter and Robert Holmes, Mcaford suburbs, was burned to the ground. Insured for 81000, which does not nearly cover coat. Presentation At Eugenia. On Friday evening a large number of friends and neighbors met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crozier to bid them farewell ere their departure for New Liskeard. During their sojourn in the neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Crozier have become noted for their hospitality and kindness and it was with the deepest regret it becjime known they intended to leave and t<ike up their residence in New (Ontario, the bind of which we hejir .such glowing accounts. rivalUng the West. A veiy enjoyable time was spent. A notable feature of the evening was the reading of an appropriate addre-ss by Mrs. Milton Neil, while MisM Nettie Martin maile tho presentjitiou. Although taken by surpriiie, Sir. Crozier was master of the situation, and on hehiilf of hunself and family kindly thanked the neighbors for their thoughtfnlneHs. He .issured them it would ever Imj a pleasure to look back upon the time they had spent among them. Mr. a.vd Mrs. Chozieb : Dear Friends, â€" We, your friends and Neigh- bors, have )us.seinbled here this evening to express our i-egret at your departure from our midst. During the "yeani you have spent among uh wc have always found you the cmiindiinunt of kindness, goodwill and neighlxirly feeling, ever ready to share our joy.s and with synipii- tiiizing words and actions to allay our sorrows. We feel wo could not part from you without showing you in some way tho esteem in which you have been held. As a symbol t)f our respect and good wdl we lusk you, Mr. and Mrs. Crozier, to .iccept these chairs and pupie and you, IslJ^'thu^ hiHiuet hold- er. W hope that in your new home in New LLskeard these intrinsic tokens will .serve U) reciill jjleasjinc memories of this community, in which you have lived- .Should auld aciiiiaintance lie forgot, and never brought to mind; .should auld lictpiaintance bo forgot, and the days of auld lang .syne. Signed on behalf of the neigh l)orhoodâ€" Nettie Martin, Mrs. M. Nei mount Pleasant f>2rd* Of parebrod scutcii Sbortorna witii tt\a famous louuit stock bull. Bcottisb Chief, ut the buad. Youug stock for sale, pidoes rooM^uable ttirms easy. otmarOcff 15. ALLKH Prop. 170, Con. 2,E.T. & S.K . Hereford Bull for Service Hereford Bull for .senice, Siiartan X i2706. Winner of Sweepstakes Silver mmlal at East Grey Agfricnltural Fair. lUOti for Iwst 2 year old Iml! any brc<~i. Will stand fjr service at lot It)*;, 3rd west T.S.K. Terms gl.ixt and $5.00. W. BUSKIN Pure Bred Camu^ortbs and Berk$l)ire$ « I have for sale some jiuiebred Tamwoith 8<.ws, also two uiuo pure bred Berk.sbirr buara nearly ready to wean. Sacisfactioii gnarau- U'Cil 07 -G. \V. Boss, Maxwell Farm fcr Sale* Lot 33, con. 13, .\rteniu8ia; 100 acres, cleared, ."X) acres hardwood busli, ;J0 .icre awiuiip. (jr<HKl frame house and log sables, and log stables. Wei! watered. Will b» sold cheap and on easy tenns. Apply to I10V27 R. W. McMuUen, Eugenia. Sbortbom Bull The thorouifhlired Shorthorn Bull, "Kavo ire. " li2235. is for ser\ice on lot27-28,2ndraii(i X. U. R .^Vrtemcsia. I'edigreeonappliration Temia $l.2.i A.LEX. MoRAK. Ceylon FARM FOR SALE Lot 30, oon. 11. township of Arteuionia. con- tainiiii: 100 acres, 10 acres uniior cultivation, 130 Booil pasture land, olearod; roat in husb, i;"od orehaid, well watered; loii house, log stable, fiuiuubaru, J iiiiloa from school Will sell heap, on easy terms. .\l>pl.v to luiar J.W.CBOZIEB, Eugauia ^ ^ i$ ^ ^ Spring ^SummerShoes Now that spiiug weather is apptoachiUtj you will re- quiro finer Foolwoar. We Lave made a very special effort in selecting our goods. Oar stoclt of Slioes wa3 never so nice as now. TLcy are ueat and nobby. lu Ladies Bals wo have Kid, Dongola, fine qual- ity. Ia Oxfords we have a fine range of tbe latest style?. lu Gents' wear we have a 'ull range of all kinds. We also have a large assortmonl of Children's Shoes. Trunks aud Telescopes a largo Stock at lowest Prices. Call and see U3. â- 'm. CLAYTON 'iij^^ff^^^'^^tfS k^'^i. iifii^p^p^fi^ a i^U<^fi^ >S7ii^^\ ^iis-^ F. G. KARSTEBT Mouse Furnishings | "VVe have a large assortment of Linoleums, Carpets, Kugs, Curtains. Window shades, Paints and Oils and everything necessary for House Cleaning. rj<e^.x . Ty jj r .t -Tyr ^i ^i Ttn. ' j ^ -j 'i m ' .â- Â»Â«Â»" r -nr ^ ' L ' .m w yi' ^e^-r Linoleums 10 pieces Ueavy Canadian Lin- oleum in Block, It'loral and I'ile patterns, new style, selling at, per sq. yard, from 25o to uOc Carpets Vi pieces <ii Velvets. CruRsels, Tapestry, Wool Union. All of the invest stylus selling, per yard. fr..m 2Cc to , 1 40 Curtains Wo also have a full range of Cur- tains. Price ransinii from 5t)c uor pair to 5 00 WRAPPERS at special Prices Sis dozen hill sized Frint. Wrap- pi-r.-s. Neat desian. Jnat the thing ki' Housecleaniug, Regular price 1.25 special piice 75 I OarloRd ol' '^JdtSr uXi^ Fc«d expected any day. '| |^ m^ Fleshcrton, Ontario ^^sk® .ACafiliS iii

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