THBfW JEB CHILD IJO SEA Awful Act of Demented Woman on a Liner. A dMp»Uh fiorn Now York wivs: The •(ory ot a <i«nuMiled :iw(lK>r who Ihn-w Hff H-riion'tis' alil infant into tho sc», •nd Uicii allonipte'! *« follow it. was S>Id hy Die olIictTs c( ttio slooiiicr Ko- â- ng Albert, wliicli airivi'd here on I'ti- 4a>' from Geno:i. The mothiT is Mre. ♦ikuiitna AinDln, who, wilh her hiis- 6end Olid llvo of tli<?;r thn'fii chiUlion. •riliarkod at N.iple?. One son already moA II. America. ICarly in the voyi'tl'" Sioth \Us. .â- \qiiM;i aiul lli.- iaf»nt rl.-niyh- lor coiitracl<>d measles and were sent to liie ship's hospital. The mother's mind iKH-nriie a/feolcd and last 'V\'ednes- day Mr.s. Aqiiila thni-sl the infant (hioiigh a port hole and attempted to follow. A .seaiitiin had .s<.>en the l>ody o( tlw (.hild fall fruni tlie port hole, however, and while (he sliip wa.s being .stop|K^J allendant.s found .Mrs. Aquila tryiiifi lo foreo her body through the port li'ile. .'^he wa.s re.scued. No truce of the infaiit'.s Ixxiy wri.s found. TIIKES \H. liUAIN. Tirps Take Much Ixiimer lo R.-ii'-e, and Ttiis (Iroally Inrrea.scs Tiieir ('«sl. A vciy important di.sliiu'tion belween • crop of trees and a crop of gi'uin or •(her tui-m pioduoe lies in the icnfith of tone i\ luke^s lo produce each of tlicm. A faniicr, for inslanoe, *i\v.s his prain in the spring "f ""^ year.. It .sprouts, .MAKING NKW GRAIN!?. Professor Xavilz Describes Work Done at Giielph. A desp:ilch from Toronto says: Pro- fessor C. A. /.ttvit/., of the Ontario Ag- ruullurul ('x)liegc. addressed the Agri- cullural CiiiMinitleo of Itie Legislature en \\â- odne^d;ly on plant lireeding as ap- plied lo farm <rops. lie told llio eoni- iniillee of the woik done at tlie Ouelph TniUey HiHl. In the new rmi,<; ,c the!""- " *<'"'"' f""''''*'-- "f iKltll were , , , ., ,,',â- •;:•;'., '''''•â- '^iK'd- white .^ime of their defects |*how advances. •mount of giinii huivcslcJ nnd the an ' - I he LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUKI'S. Toronto. April 2.â€" Call board quota- tions were;â€" Wlieatâ€" Ontarioâ€" No. 2 white, 73c ask- ed, outside; No. 2 mixed, 72c a^ked out- side; No. 2 goose, G7c bid, east. VVlieatâ€" .\fanitobaâ€" No. 1 northern, M^c bid. spot North Bay. Pea-sâ€" No. 2, 81c asked, east, G.T.R.; 78c asked outside. Oats-No. 2 while, 38Jicc bid, main line, 39>ic asked, on a 5-cenl rate to Toronto. Ityeâ€" No. 2, 63c bid, G.T.R., east. Branâ€" $20 bid, buyers' sacks, tow freights to New York. Olher prices are: â€" Wheatâ€"Quiet and firm, Onlarioâ€" No. i white w-mler, 71c lo 72c; No. 2 red, 71c to 72c; .No. 2 mixed ?lc lo 71>^c. Manitoba Wheatâ€" .\o. 1 hard, 87c to 88c; No. 1 northern, 86%c to ,87c, lake ports. OOJ^c bid, .North Bay;. No. 8 nor- thern, 85e. Oalsâ€" No. 2 white. 3S;<;c lo 39^0, out- side.; No. 2 mixed, 38c. Pea.sâ€" 78Xc. Oirnâ€" No. 2 yellow American, 52>^c I" 53c, Toronto and west; Ontario, 43c to 46c, basis Chalhain freighLs; none of- fering. Buckwheatâ€" 57o lo .58c outside. Rye-.Still dull. 63c lo 6.ic. Biirleyâ€" 53c lo 52 %c outside; No. 3 e.v Ini. 51c lo 51^; No. 3, 50c lo 51c. Flour- -Ontario 90 per cent, patents, S2.70 asked. .'«2.67 bid; Manitoba, first bakers' SiS.OO. Braii-«23 bid. Montreal. BAIN AND FAMINE Acute Distress Among Starving People in China. jces through the a,ffom.t slagcs n He|c-,llej:e in the selection of .seed and hy- Wadcand the head, and r.pcns, all m « h,;,,,,,,;^,,^ cr<«ss-ferlili7.ation. lie Vntenl^, SI.!iO; seconds. $3.75 few months and m Ihc ate ,<ummer ,s „|„^t,,^,^.^ ,,,^ ^ ^ -â- - tervesled. he nnsmg o a t.mlHT c o , ,„^ ^^^^|,^ â- „^ ^,„,„,, » mailer en .re y '^â„¢ -hybrids of p-eat promise obtained s^:,i^.4:^iyyi^;;;ii^-„,-:f-^ â- >«-- ^•^"- ^haf, jearsold ! „.,,g.„ Kvcn it the anne:il f;OUNTRY PRODUCK. Butter- Receipts are light, and prices .ua. am.,unl of wood p,U on the ir..^^\^ZL::T:nL '^.rk'C^hf agHcul «r« equal in value, yet the ndvani,%'e , j,,,.,,, u.i^,,^.,,., *' fcioains with the grain crops. I.ol us \ •oppose we have ur. acre of trees which , i\>^i;(.Ts wn rnfKJS. Must grow lifty yeai-s lo reach llieir best «gc at wincli ttiey can be marketed, and are then worlh S."ilKW, and thai we have^lmwer n( I'lirni Desrends on Counlry 'o/j!^' JcKi<le tliii^ an acre of land on which i %,.;,, KalaniiiAoo. Mvnual crop-, of grain are grown. Five i , , , , , ,. , ... , . Uniidrcl dollars, divide.l l.v lifly, gives '^ despaleli (roin Kalamazoo. Michi- â- li leu dollars as Ihe va:u'. of the an-^""' *•">'â- '^ M.ower of insects of a kind oual growtii in ihe lixvs. Let i.s .sup- """\'''' sen in this vicinity, large in size fl«6o nlso that the net wilue ol Ihe grain I'""' «'''-"^''s!« i" color, together wilh ^1 very small frogs, fairly covered llie ler- riltu'y helweon Kalamazoo aiuI Rattle Creek on Tue.sJny afternoon. The storm I'ldki- ipiiekly in a elnii(lliur.--t. Frog. Cnamery, prijiU 27c lo 28c do solids 25c to 26c Dairy, prints 2.5c to 26c do tubs 2Iclo22c , Cheeseâ€" .Vt Uc for large and liXc for Iwins. Egg*-Ouolalinns range from 19c to A despatch from Shanghai says: The famine-stricken Chinese have been prac- tising cannibalism in localities where the distress Ls most acute. Authenti- caled cases have thus far been few, but it is feared that cannibalism will spread unless relief can be more .speedily and more widely dislriliuled. The spread of fever continues, and the heavy rains are increasing the general misery. Spas- modic rioting has occurred, but the nut- breaks have not been serious. The famine funds total approximalily half a million laels. The famine relief organiz- ation is taxed to the utmost in super vising Ihe distribution of relief and in managing the relief work, which now employs hundreds of destitute Chinese. The committee is apptealing for more volunteer helpers. Large orders for grain have been placed in .-America, An-. sIraHa and .Manchtiria, wilh Ihe stipu-' lalion that they must be filled as promptly as possible. white, ,39%c. Oalsâ€" Firm; No. 2 white. 47Xb; No. 2 mixed. 43%c. Barleyâ€" Some business done at 70 to 75c for Western. Bveâ€" Steady; c.l.f. No. 1, 70e. giown on Ihe other acre i.s also ten dol liirb, for puriKXses of comparison. Now conipuro the h.nrvesis. On the «oo<l-lol Ihe v/ood is allowed lo glow »CKlisturbed for fifty ycnv-^. and IIi.mi. • hen eul, brings live hnodnd dollar^. 4^ Ihi; grain r.cie. on llu other liaini, a <iTop worlli ten dollars is laUeii oil al Ihe, <it{| of the liisl year -forty-niHe yeara ' '^â- "'â- 'â- '<^" '"'â- "' Aeloro any crop whatever is taken off tho tw,>id-lol. Suppose Itiis ten d^dlais is put aw.ny 'i Poultryâ€" Good turkeys sell fairly well at from 15c to I7r. but there are very few <if ihem being received. Priie> qiiole<l iielow are fn\- storage. find differ aecnrding to Ikjw anxious you are lo get II. Ordinary 7c lo f)c Inferior 6c to 00c Fowl ()C lo 7c l>egMii falling slowly al liist and increas e<. ill niMiilnr until ealehbasin-s became cV'gge.l uilh tliem. The Inigs followed after tin' fiiigs. Prpressors and .students niiml»ers of insects home Geese 7c to 9c Turkeys 9e to lOc Honcvâ€" Paib, 1 Ic lo 12c per lb.; cximbs $i to $2.rifl per dozen. R<'ansâ€" .$1.55 for hand-picked and NEW YORK WHEAT .MARKRT. New Y<irk, .\pril 2. â€" .S|)ol steady; .No. 2 red, 8l%c elevator; No. 2 red. 83%c f.o.b. Hfloa-t; Nn. 1 northeni. Dulutti, 91 %c f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 h.Hrd winter, 8<>J^c f.o.b. alloat. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, .April 2.â€" K.\port cattle were ipiiet, with few exixirt buyers on Ihe market. Prices show practically no change. Ruleher trade was quiet, and. apart from the local demand, cattle were little wanttxi. A few buyers had orders for one or two of choice quality, but for the ordinary run of caltlo trade was very draggy. Prices are about the same as quoted last market, only insignificant changes being noticed. Slockei's and feeders are now in bet- Itr demand, and prices are fu-mer, es- pecially for heavy catlle. G<x)d heavy feders are quoted from .$4.40 to .1*4.75. Milch cxiws are quoted easier to-day, but here are few of them offering. Calves are quoted linn al .$3.5l) to .56. .50. Sheep and lambs continue linn, wilh a moderate run. Hogs are quoted unchanged M $6.9<1, fed and watered. POIND DKAD ON PRAIRIE. F. U. Singer Probably Killed in a Ran.-)- way Accident. A despatcli from Lethbridge says . 1 he body <if F. II. .>^inger. a rancher, was found on the prairie on Thursday night, and Ihe news was brought to the city on Friday by Thomas and \Vi..iain John- sen, who found Ihe body. It is probable that Mr. Singer was killed in a runaway 01 his way home, after taking .Mi-s. Singers mother to her home in Leth- bridge, as his te^m returned to his" ranch, nlxjiit twenty-hve miles south of the city, about minnigtit on Tuesday. To allay Ihe fears of Mrs. Singer, two neightwrs .started to search for the miss- ing man, wMlh the result that about 8 o'clock on Thursday night they found the body about twenty miles from Ihe cily. \ Ihe bank fo:- the ,„.x| forly-niiio''"'''^ '^"'' ""'"""""'''""">' '^''"^â- y "^""' yeore. Again, at the end of Ihe .second'''"''-^''"''" Pr''\nilc<l. Most of the bugs year (i.e.. Iwo yea.s fn.m Ihe lime Ihe j «'"'''-' '"''"^ "'!""" P''''^"'! "P- firee sewis are sownl. \se get nnolher ten I *•â€" 4!tH*rs from the grain acre. Suppose this I DISi: VSF.I) rATfLE ISKO. .*». is put in Ihe li;inli- Itiis t^ne lor torly-eight yeai <. of Kiurse. And .sup- 1 charoes Xqaiiisl Montreal Aballoir pane, furliier, thai this is done with each I Conumnies Ua dollai^ :eceived for tho gioin diir- , for examination. Scienlitlc nulhorilies $1.35 for primes. 9 assert Ihe specimens nie not known. I Polatoes- Ontario. 85c lo 90c; eastem I'lil claim tliey would not tiave reached 'Ojc to .?1. in car hits here. Baled Ihivâ€" Market is nrni at $11 to $12 for No. I timothy and $10 for No. 2 in car lots here. Baled Strawâ€" $6.75 to $7 in car lots here. sag all the year.s following until the wood-lot is cut. II Iheso yearly depo.silo ot If.n dollars •ra left unloiielied. we shall, al the end of fifty years, have ths hillowing â- mounts, according lo tho rates of in- terest : With interest .il 5 per cent. per iiiiniim tS.Ota. i.S Wilh Interest al 4 per cent. per annum 1,520.06 With interest at U per cciil. per luiiium 1,127.95 With interest ill 2 per cent. Qcr annum 845. SO .V cnlculalion such as the above gives »€ry good leiLson why land, if fertile <nough lo produce agrienUural crops, •hould be devoted lo lii.'se crops ralhcr than 1(1 lore&l. Tnivs will grow .--alis- T» on land Hint is altogether t<i(i ficov for agricultural crop-., and all that Om advocates of refonv-linp lusk Ls Unit Qm land which i,-> too po<ir for agrlcul- A despatch from M(mtreal .says : Mon- treal is lo have n stockyard invpstiga- lion tlial will compare with Chicago's, if .XUI. I.iiriviere's iiiforinalion can be bi-1ieved. Aid. Larivieie said to-day : - "A staleineiil has been forwarded to me asserting tliiil Iwo big abattoir <'ompan- ies in tlie cily which have special char- ters from Ihe Legislature, are using cat- U ' wtiich dii,' of diseases, and they are ec.nverted into lard. I shall the Council to appoint a special coni- niissioii to inquire into Ihe whole mat- ter It is asserted by pnrlie> who have written ine ahniil the iiialter Ihat an in- vestigation will prove that animals unfit for lannaii food are being toiled downij)6>!;c per biushel PROVISIONS. Dres^o,! Hogsâ€" $9.50 for light and $0 for heavies, fanners' lots; $8.25 lo in' car lots. Porkâ€"Short cut. .$23..5n to $24 per barrel; mess, ."821 lo $21.50. Smoked and Dry Sailed .Meats-Long clear bacon, lie to ll><;c for tons and cases; ham.':. ine<lium and light, l5V;c to ItV; heavv. I'.V' to 1.5c; Imeks, 16>ic I,; 17e; shoulders, lie lo 11 Vic; rolls. ll>ic; out of pickle, Ic less than smoked. Lard- Finn; tierces, UX''; '"bs. 1'3^<^; pails, 12%c. MOVIRKAL MARKRTS. Monlrenl, April 2.â€" Buckwheatâ€" 55c lo PITS BAN ON TIIKATRK. .\rrhbishop Rriichrsi Causes Sensation by a Pastoral. A desipatch from Montreal tays: .\ seiLsalion has luvn caused in Roman Calliolic circles by the action of .-Vix-h- bishop Rruehesi, who, in a pastoral is- sued on Sunday, denounces immoral Ihealrieal productions in general and names llio Theatre Noveaules in parlicular. Ttie ground of the .\rch THROWN FIFTY FKET. A. Rousseau Killed by a Train at Vaud- reuil Station. A despatch from Montreal says: A. Rousseau, nineteen years of age, whose home wa.s ut Isle Perrot, was killed on Widne.sday at Vaudreiiil Station by be- ing run over tiy the International Lim- ited. Rousseau tried to run across the tracks in front of the train, but mis- calculated Ihe .speed. He was caught oi> Ihe centre of toe track and th^ow^l iji) feel. He struck against a board fence, and when picked up and cnrriefl Ic, Ihe platform it was found that nearly every bone in his body had beem frac- tured. He was also badly cut and mimgled. DYNAMITE IN A CROWD. Terrible Explosion in Mine al U tein. South Africa. bishop's action in regard to the lalter i ^ despatch from Johannesburg theatre is that il posted and advertised jQdurhig Holy Week a play entitled La ' Raffale, which he claims is uii apology for suicide and which was produced. The Archbishop forbids the faithful to attend Ihe theatre. The .same jilay was produced last year without any objec- tion. into lurd. ' 4. FATHER OF.SAI'I.MKn'S WILL. Pries! Leaves Fnrly Thousand Dollars to His Parish Town. ,\ de.spnicli from Montreal .says: The nirni crops shal! !»• iKTinaneiilly de- , ,uipre.-ed,Miled aellon of n parish priest votfld to forest. 'A'hrn itiul is don ihem will be sunicieiit for'\st lo provide ttnployment Un :i iii'ge number of for- «£teri>. *- Clft'HLII PRKV TO FLAMES. Cniiiai) Calhoiii Edifirr at IVIarir\ illr. (Jiiehrr, Uiirnril In ('.round. A. liespaleh from .Montreal says: the Town of Marievil'. m Inch had the mis- forliirie lo ili, ,<iltege only a few a«'k> ago, liii-s been visile<I with an- "Umt di--iisler in the eomplcle (k>lrue- <mn ol till- Roman Catholic Cliiiirh. vhich was burned lo the groioid in | *e<lne.sdav iiinrning, with all P â- con 4nL<i. The in tli.> ! A5t be saved, a. id Ihe Micred v ss ;>manieiils belonging Ixdh lo iti< nnd lo Ihe rii'-ently (Uvslroycd â- *eiv all Ui^l. as were sr\ ^1 >'nlii iMe oil painlings. some oi Ihiiii by ia- â- nous Kuropeaii mastiTs. The lotul" loss s r. nghly e.slimnled al $80,(X)0, and the • oioiinl of insiiiiine.e Is given n.s ijitt). 100 only. Four bodies ia the dcadtiouse «ijoining 'lit- ihiircl, were rescued wilh much diniiully. leaving $li),(X)0 lo Ihe town in which his parish wns situated, liecause he fell he had secured Ihe money in laxe.s from the piNiple, wns taken in the will of Rev. Father rV'snulniers. the late par- isli of SInnlord, in the county of Nicolel, lie left the niiinicipolily ' .500 shares of the stock of Ihe Richelieu A (hiliirio Navigali<in Company, and he makes the people of Slniiforii his lega- lee>. The clause states lliat as the peo- ple tind given him Ihe money In la.\es h.- wns retiirntng il lo the people. mit>\ ANT r.llSTOMS REVENl'E. â- "'«<> I n le 4^ RICH IKON FIKLD. tarfle Area of lleiiiiKilo Ore Disrovered - Many C.luiins Slaked. A rt<'spalch from Vaiioouver, B. C, iJiy."?: A huge doposil ol bog iron ore wmalile has I'Ctm ilisonvered in Quat- »rno Soundred. ( >ne hundred and eiglit eliiinus b.ivfi already tnicn located. The jrKHiiid covers li.fiOO acres nnd Is ljelie\'ed to l>e one of Ihe richtnt iron deposita «n Vancouver Island. ,,i,y Relnrii- liir Past Nine Months 85,897, ,tiiil 8«M« l.arniT Than I^sl Vear. rush 1 V de.spiihii [nun Oll.iw.i s.iys; The months li.-cal period of the iVi- 1.1 ni.n r'osr 1 nn Saturday. For this term of nine months the ni.sfoms rev- enue amounted lo .?39.rk53.S98. compared with $3t.94li.9;!0 for the same nine montlxs of last year, an lncre,i.«e ol $.'..697,8C>.S. The colle<-lions for March, 1007. were $5.10l.:>.37. nn inereiuse cl $678,870 over March, 1906. „. 4. , I?OU SAFETY OF CIIILDRKN. All \VinipP!| Sidiools lo be Equipped \\i|h Rroud ltt|tranie!t. A desfwileh .frfim Winnipeg .says: In order lo avoid r. rejictltiou of "the lire tragedy in Montreal, by which a .school teacher and children lost their lives, u has been decided that all the .schools of Winnipeg .shall be equipped wiih broad batoonios m order to fucililate escape in cue of tire. Cornâ€" American No. 2 yellow, 55c; No. 3 mixed. 6ric ex .store. I Oats- On spot. No. 2 while, 52 Xc; No. 3 while, 4l>^c to 42c; No. 4, 40>ic to 41e per bushel, ex slore. Pea.'^ Roiling pea.s, $1 in carload lots and $1.10 in jobbing lot.s. Flourâ€" Manitoba .spring wheat, fri.25 lo $i.60: strong bakers', .$4 lo $4.10; winter wheal pntenis, $4.10 lo $4.20; straight rollers, $3.60 lo $3.70; do., in baps, $1.6;. to $1.75; extras, $1.50 lo $1..'.5. MiUfeed- Manilolia bran, in bags, $20 to 822; shorts, $22 lo $22..'iO; Ontario tiran in bag.s, $20 to $21; stiorts, in .sacks. $22 lo $20..'')0; milled mouille, $21 to $25; straight grain, $28 U) $29 per Ion. a Rolled Oat.sâ€" Per hag. $2 lo $2.10 In car lota and $2.20 to $2.25 in jobbing k)t-s. Hayâ€" No. I. $13.50; No. 2. $12..10; No. 3, $ri..TO: clover, mixed, $11; pure clov- er $10..50 lo $11 per ton in car lots. ' Provisions â€" Barrels short cut mess, i.«22 to $23..Mi; half-barrels, $ll.7.^ lo $12.- 50; clear tat bucks, $24 to $24.50; long cut heavy mess, .$20.50 to $22; half-bar- rel.s do. ,'$10.75 to $II..')0; dry salt long r]pnr bacon, 12c to \2%f\ barrels plale beet, $11 to $12.50; lialf-bnrrels do.. .$6.- 5f. to $i'>.7:i; t'ttrrels heavy mess beef. $s.5(); half-barrels do.. $4.75; cnmivmnd lard, 8Xe to lO.V; pure lard. IP<c to t.3c; kettle rendere<l, i:ic lo 13\^e; hams. l3o to IfiVje. accoi-diug lo size; brenk- lasl bacon. Lie to Kic; Windsor bacon, 15XC to t6)-aC, Irosli kil'eil abattoir dre.s.spd hogs, $10 to 810.25; alive, 87.- 45 to $7.('iO. Bull, r New-made creamery Is quoted at 27e to 2Sc: (.-hoiee creamery is quol- C(* al 26': undergnides. 24c to 2.5c. I'',Bi!s -The market is linn with an ever-increasing demand. The local market Is nrm and unchfingc<l. ni'FFAl.O MARKKT. Buffalo. April 2. â€" Flour â€" Steady. Wheal -Spring dull; No. 1 Norlliern, 87%c; Winter strong; No. 2 white. 79c. Comrâ€" Firm; No. 8 yellow, 51^0; No. 8 WITH CLOTlllNr. ABLAZE. t\lrs. Burnett of Si. David's Fell Down Stairs Wilh Lighted Lamp. A despatch from Niagara Falls says: Mrs. Binnolt of St. David's was pr,)- tably fatally tanned on Friday evening by falling downstairs wilh a lighletl keivsene lamp in her tiand. Her clo- thing was soakid wilh oil and look lire. She ran out of doors and lo a small creek, into which she plunged to ex- tinguish the flames. By this time her clothing was almost entirely buriwd off, and when she was laken froan the icy water stie was in a very serious condi- tion. She is a woman of advanced age, and slight liopcs are entertained for her recovery. Four whil-e men and lifty native.< instantly killed and Ihree whitest sixteen natives were injured by th^ expected explosion on Thursday ^Mt o two castj; of dynamite at the â- ?!• finlein mine. One of the white rnen killed was an .\merican named William Hnrvey. The explosion occurred al a/ time when Ihe mine workers were mus- tered preparalory lo going lo work. A native tamperrtl wilh Ihe dynamite, which exploded. $95,000,000 IN DE.\Tn DIIES. Rerelpls in Britain Year Beat all Records. A despatch from Ixindon saj^s : It is now known that the receipts from death duties during the fiscal year just ending Ix^al all previous records. The total, in round figures, will be .$95,000,(X)0. Since lh3 passage of Sir William .Vernon Mar- court's Finan(M> Act twelve years ago the total receipts from dealli duties have ex- ceeded SI,i*X).O0O,000. The largest sum paid on one estate was .$4,500,0(X), on that of Ctoorgo .Smith, generally known as "Chicago Smith," who lived at the Re- form Club at an average rate of 18 shil- lings a day. DEATH rL.VIMS OF FHIE VICIIMS. The Monlrval Protestant S<'hool Board is Nfllified. ,\ despatch from Montreal says: The Prott^tanl Board of .School Commission- ers have bivn notified of claims damages on behalf of the families who tlieir ohildren in the lire a I the Hochelaga .Sctiool. The claim.* repre- sent a total of $12,800, or .$800 for eacK child. All the parents have placed their interests in Itie hands of the Rev. Henry Jckill, rector of St. Mary's Church, who i.s acting with the advice of two prom- inent legal firms. FOl!R BOYS KILLED ON TRACK. Were Rrlurtiino lo lliilfalo From a Hunt- inn Trip. .\ despatch from r.uffalo. N.Y., says : Four iKiys weiv run down and inslantly killed hy a light engine on the Pennsyl- vania liailroiul traeks nt Inilian ("hureh R(iad, n<'or Ihe eastern cily line on Fri- day nighl. 'they were-relurning tixun a hunting trip, uiut were walking along the tracks. A pas.sing freight train drowned the noise of the approaching engine, which ran them down. Frank Hose, engin<H'r of Ihe ligtil engine, nnd Cliarles Ceushaine, liis llrcnian, said lliey di<l nol notice the boys on the track until after the accident occurred. It was quite dark at the time, and the dusl raised by Iho passing freight liain ob- scured the boys from view. FORT WILLIAM BOOMING. .New Buildings lor Induslrial Riiilding) Will Cusl 8.^.0OO,«<)0. A despatch from Fort William, Ont., says : This spring will see a great de- velopment in tho industrial progress of Fort William. Plans already prepared fo:' buildings and factories will take a total of $5,500,000. HAS ALFONSO CONSl'MPTION? Sensational De.spalrh Wired From Home lo Paris I'apor. A despatch from Rome to the Paris Journal says it is staled that news has arrived at Ihe Quirinal to Ihe effect thai King Alfonso ot Spain is suffering from tuberculosis, and Ihat Ihe Spanish Court is extremely uneasy ri-garding his cond;tion. KINGSTON STILL Ql AKF.S. Six Sharp Shocks Heporled since Fri- da\ Last. A despatch from Kingston, Jnmairfl, .«iays : The Pansin.i Canal Commission has filed a claim lor $19,000 against the local Government tor tents and food sup- plies lo Iho, earthquake sufferers. Tho oonunission will be asked lo waive its claim. Tlio earlhquakes are recurring. There have been six sharp shocks sinc« Friday. A