March 14 1007 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH W£EK. OatH 3'' '" •'I j>,.,^ . . , 75 to 76 i;*rl.-y '.'.'.!. 45 to 45 *Vlitf«t. "JS lo (0 ll^y 10 00 UiiO 00 I'dI.iook, per bag 45 to 50 iJmur 20 to 20 B^Ks frisli '-'- t" '^'^ Curksiis « to ^ GicHo .... 10 t. 10 Turkey* Hi" >! Duck* 10 to 10 f^=â€"^^ ^ u. ULirJ In Furniture The largost ami best stock of furiiitiinj uvir ahoHii in Klenlior- i )ii. Tliis njtiiont foiirof coiitra- <].jiioii. C/ioo and sho hoiuo of till,- nijellilDgs in Sideboards Dining Roonq Ci^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A spociiil foduclion just now on evtrything in onlor to reduce tliu stock, W. H. BUNT Fhstolon - hi •n eo>^w sk Your wnDoctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectora-l for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that. We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once know it. The b««t kind of a testimonialâ€" "Sold lor over olxty yoars." Experiments With Farm Crops, by J. C. Aj-BT Co.. LowoU, Also manoIaotuTers of f_ sahsapakilu. PII.LS. HAIR YIQOK. We h«ve no accreu I Wo pnbU>:i tbo ftormulAB of oil our inodlolncfl. ifers Keep the bowels open with one of Ayer's Pill* at bcdtlmo, Just one. ^'l^ Ui'ENS AlUII- "Jnm An exrellerit time lo imiIit the ' TOEONTO. OKT. "-^ C-lii:ill..'.s j;r«t. So! .ml til l!il.-ill0ss ;il;il .Sliii.ilmiiJ Tniiniiiii. iJ-iiniiiKl our };r.idu.iteti is fur «riHter tliiin the »ti;i- piy. Diir iiiaKuiDoei.t cHlaluyue id free Eiiiiirn.jW and be prejiarod lo aco<'])t \\ VL>.i4 potiitiou in thu HUiiijiier or liil. Nu ii.idsuciiMier vacuiioii. W.J. ELLIOIT, Princlpul Cor. Voii)(u uud Al'j.x wide.- Si». â- ^iy^inter* Term. Now (in a; iji.. nWKN SOUND. ONT. but «tiuluiit« are uduiitted (it any time without .iny fiioonveineii.-o to IheiuHi'lvi-fl ur Tiiruoconipleto and thorough <,our..-.i4 oi' Kliidy; HuHiiieh.s, Shmtliand uiij Tyiiuwritiiii», and I'rcpnniloiy. No iiialiLr your pioso-it (•ducntion is vvuciiiilli you tor a butler piiyini; posilion Full pMticuiars sent to any oddrcrtN frix). Wiii.. lo O A.FLEMING, Prnicipid. Wo havo on stock a full lino of (iour iind feed, Bnard'.s and fc'ord's Flour, all grades. Also Royal Household Flour. Groceries. Our Grocery Hlouk is the nvst coni- pleto in town and nnytbing you want in uur lino we have it. Thu prices too aro ri^^ht. Christie's and Mcl/un.hlan's soda uiid fancy biacuits. W. L. Wright. BisiNESs Cards M'CUiaiOUGH & YOUNG U Uaiikor Markdale Oo a ReoaralbiiiikiuKbiislneBB. Mouey lo»neu a reaaonablu tat< Call ou ua. TUIIISLKTT, • PostmusUr, r«ylt>ii. (^mmilwiioiior in H, i;. J , Convei'micor, deeds. nii)rtB/u«)«, UasuH, wilU ote.. cftrcfully Jrawii up lolltetloni mad •. cbarvos ri'aHoiial;lii. Also Kri.oort8», flour. locd etc. koiit In block, I'ricuB fi«lit. RJ srROULB . rodtiuastor, Fleiliorton ^.aiuiulH>louer In H. C J.. Auctioneer Con- vcvaucer, Appruleor and Mon.^y Lcudur KuhI K«tate and Iu9ur«uco ARont. IJeods mortgagee, leasua and wiila curefuUy drawn ui) and valuatlona u-.hiU. on nlioitoKt lioticc. money to loan at lowcH ratoi, of inturoBt. fol jutiona attoiidc 1 to with | cli&ri/ua low. Atfont for Ocean Stwrnabip Company. iroiiiptnesB Douiiuiuu A call aollettcd. D. MePHAir., Llei'UBod Auetlomior for tlin County of (irey. Ternin niodorato and mitlsfaetiiin guarantee.'. 'Ilin arranunnionts and datoa of saloa can Im inodii a', Tu» Anvisca jineo. Kaaldcnco ttuJl'.O., Coylon, Toloiibono coaoeclion. Una. n.OT. 6K0. (1. Lt'DIXlW, IjIoouroiI Aiictloneor for the l?onnty ol (Iroy. Prompt aorvico ana ruasoucblo tcruia. Proton Htailon P. 0. The members of the Dntario Agricul- tural and Exporiiuoiital Union are pleased to state that for 1907 thay are prepared to distribute into every town sbip of Ontario material for experiuienta with fodder crops, roots, uraiue, Krasaes, clovers and fertiliiier'i. About 2000 vari- eties of fHrni crops havo been tested in the experimental department of the On- tario Agricultural college, Ouelph, for the lust five years in Succoision. Those con- sist of Viirieiie» fruin nearly all parts of the world, some of which havo done ex- ceedingly well in the carefully conducted experiments at the college and are now being di.ttnbuted free of charge for co- operative experiments in agriculture for lit07, U.S fcdlowa : 1 â€" Three varieties of oata, 3 plots. 2a â€" Tluee var. 0-rowed barley, 4 plots. Ub â€" Two var. 2-rowed barley. 2 plots, y â€" Two var. barley, 2 plot?. 4â€" Two var. spring wheat, 2 plots. 6--Two var. buckwheat, 2 plots, ti â€" Tao var. of field pea.<i, 2 plots. 7 â€" Emmer and ISpeltz, 2 plots. 8â€" Two varieties Soy, Sola and Japa- nese Beans, 2 plotf. (I â€" Three var. husking corn, 3 plots. 10â€" Three var. mangels, 3 plots. 11 â€" Two varieties sugar beets for foed- iiis; [lurposes. 12â€" Three var. bwedish turnip5,3 pluti 13â€" Kohl Ualii and two varieties of fall luriiips, 3 plots 14â€" Parsnips and 2 var. oarrot8,3 plots 15â€" Thrco varieties fodder and silage com, 3 plots. 16â€" Thrtfo varieties Millet, 3 plots. 17â€" Three var. Sorghum, 3 plots. 18-Grass I'oaa and two varieties of vetclioa, 3 p'.otp. 19â€" Field Cabbage and two varieties of rope, 3 plots. 20--Tliree var. clover, 3 plots. 21â€" Sainfoin, Lucern and i{urnel,3plot.s 22â€" Five var. of grasioa, 5 plots. 23â€" Three var. of field beans 3 plots. 24â€" Throe var. of sweet corn 3 plot?. 25â€" Fertilizers with [lOiaMies 8 plot-!. 26â€" Fertiliiseis with Swedish turnips 6 plots. 27â€" Sowin<i mangels on the level, and in drills 2 plots. 28:1â€" Two vat. of early potatoes 2 plots 28bâ€" Two var. of medium^.ripeniug pot it les 2 plot.". 28oâ€" Two var. of late potatoes 2 plots. 2"Jâ€" Throe grain mixtures for grain production 3 pl.jts. 30â€" Three mixtures of grasses and clover, for hay 3 plots. The size of each of fho first twenty- eeven experiments and Nos. 20 and 30 i.s to be two rods long by one rod wide; and in No. 28, one nd Fiiuare; Each person in Ontario who wishes to join in the work may choose one of the experiments lor 10,7, and app'y lor the same. The inittiiial 'W'ill be t'uriiisliud in iho order in which the applications are received until tlit supply is exliavisied. Ittnii'hi bo Will for each applicmt to make a seconci choice, for fear the; first CI uld luit be granted. All iiiatLrial will b;- furiiisliod eiiiirely free of charje to encli ap|i!icant, and the produce will, of course, become the property of the por.Hoii who conducts the experiment. Ontario A :iiic. College, C. A. Z.ivitz. Guelph, March 4'.h, 10117. Director. Societies A Sp.riiig Trade Tu introduco our Sptina Trii.lo tti: are iiitikiiig a iip.cial run mi all liardrtare and tinware, in Hlook to be sold, at the very liovaat pricin possible. NVo Also Cirry a iiiio line of (lre«s i.'ood.'<, vonuis, prints, duuks, gliiyhanid, coitonades, sliirtings, and ready ti> wear shirts. Call and sou our Block. Eavo troughing a bpecislity. J. A. St JOHN GENERAL i«EaCHANT - - PORT LAW Farmers, Take Notice. I have ccajinl wurkinK for Mu'^unimik liiacbini:a, not liiat I IiimI aIiv fault with tin' iiiipU'iii'.iitM, but.IuckKKii A:llniiiiali. i.i .\l;iik .l»lu....l.l a Mrl'oi-inack six fuot hinder In Mr. \ViUuu McM'i'l.'n List har.iist ."jli.").!*! nn Ibree payH, and his oM I'ultcrsiiii liimliT anil liieu »olil till! ol'l binder for v^l..'*!'), uiiil un next yt'.ir'a lernm tlmv are ilivgiirt to tluni. t!nit iwrlra'w tlwyKet thoinliirUHH lliaii f do. Why 'lou'c thiy ^I'll tlxiik to Markdali! farmers f<ir thcH.inie? This r can prove. 1 lmv..ooutract- wl with iVti r Maiiiilton, of IVterlioiimnli, t.i i-iil his iinjili'inenta at Mnrkilale ami I'lMlu'r- I 1.1. 1 Will Jell till' idiidci'*, aix foot on line pay •Mil), 2 iwya *llf>, tlMVB paya 0121); drills, nuo \i iv 12 hoe drill S'il, 2 paya W3, tlircK p.^yii 51|,.\ .".ml oiliur Mtvr, lo C"rreip.)n'l, maallerorlnrKor. I will bo at .. af'.ir tlin of .Marjl, ivtfry .S miiilsy. .\ny nni' wanti.iK in:i«!iiiie.i or r.iptiira will tind in;) i>a Satur'htys. 1 havu Motnu:UH'onil li.t!iil Drill* »n li.tnJ, sonut najy worked oiii) and U^o yunrs, N'oxoii, (l).)l^\v^ nnd IVtor Alao agent fur the O'liikshutt I'-nw, il'arU Maiiiiro Hpreaderand liutu.i Threaher. D. MADILK U W meeta ou the Inat Sfonday in oaon montli, lu their lu.i(<o romn, ChrlRtoii'a block, t'leblierlon, at Spill. M.W., Kmnk t'hai-d ; Koe. T. liliiUoly, Kiiiaucier, W.J. lleliaiuy. VlaltiiiK b>-uthrc[i luvilml. PIIINC!13 ABTHUU liODOH, No. MS, A.F.A A M. inoeta lu the Maaonicbail. Stvaiu'a blocV. KloBhcrton. every I''i Way on or before till) full niocn. \V A.Aimatronit, W M.; iturb. .jmith, beLrutary. nifUTFf.KSnF.IlTflN, na-. I. O. F. irootaln ^ CluJHtoo'a liloel' tlinlju.t Wi'dlle.idav eveidllK i)t eiieh month. VIsIiIcik" KortsterB liearllly wele lino. ('. 11., Pr. Miirrav; 1',. h., 1'. IleLr); Kill. Sec, C hi. Uiuhard^nn. I'leaBO pay diiea to t'lu. Hec. before tUo llrat dav of llio uioiith. piIOHKN KIiIKNDB-Floahorton (Council of " Ciioaen Prionds meetn In Clayton's ball first an.l third Wodne:iday of monl H p. m Pay aHSoaanients to the Iteeorder on or before till, ftmt dayof each inontli. Chief Ouuiiclllur, T. lilakolBy:Ueoorder, W. II, Hunt. IIONOU ROLLS Report of S. S. No. 7, Artemcsiu for February. V- lioliliio I'atton, .Toseph Oliver. I V--(jeriliH Md'hail, Kiiiina Meads, A. .McMillan, Annie Muir. Ill- Clarence Muir, John Whyte, H. Watson, Ella Gilchrist. II â€" Lily Mci'hail. Kddie Ding*Bll. Pt IIâ€" Clark McMillan, Archie Whyte, L.itii.. Muir. I'i, 1â€" Duncan McMillan, \V. Pnrslow. Elizabeth Scott, teacher. â€" â€" n a n aâ€" but it can't quarter centdrv'a succefisful" record of wonderful and almost niiracolong cures of the most difficult and intricate cases of throat, lung and stoinach troubles. Such ia PtiyChme's reconl. Thoueanda of cases given up by leading doctors as hopeless and incurable have be.'jn (luickty and per- manently cured by I'syehine. It is an infallible remedy for coughg, colds, broiicliitis, pnetunonia, consumption, -iadigc-ation, loss of appetite and all wasting diseases. again worth livlnK."- .Mni I. RlcU- arO.s. MiirriotlnCove, N.S. "My luni;» arc now 8i>und as a bell after usiiisf rsychliie."â€" U. KobbUis, BriilKcbiirg, Out "Pnychliip saved my life." â€" A.Wal- den, 7 Coruwall St, Toronto. Psycliine Never Fails Psychine has no Substitute AT ALL 0GALCR3. SOc and (1.00 A BOTTLS DR. T.A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 KingSt. W.. Toronto "My son had a terrible coush and was wasted to a sliulow. lAjctors Bttj.l be could not live. lie iLScd psy- chine. It cured him."â€" Mn J. Rang- er, linickvillo. " After taking $6.00 worth of Psy- chine uiy I'jngs arc well and life is Toim<)rov3 Our Eartli Roads. In order to slut a inDvemeut to! improve the cniidilioii of earth mads in j Ontario, " Tlie Farintr's Advocate," i in co.operation with >tio Public Woiks; Dep'irtuiei.t of the Ontario Cioveiniui'nt, is olioring SlOO in priz s fur the best [ results fri III a season's usu of the inexpoiiaive iiupleniont called tli.; sp'itlog drag. Tl'-eio are two set.* of prizes, one for the Eastern and one for tho Western i part of the I'n.vince. Tlie first prize in i eSch case is ?25, sect nd prize 815, and' third prize 810. There is no fee to enter, and the coi.dilions are very sitiipio. The judiiing wid be done by Mr. A. VV. Campbell, Good Ruiids Conmii.-'.-ioner. Fuller par ticulara ui.ay be obtained by dropping a card to "The Farirer's; Advoeate," Loiidin, Out. Wo iniuhl add that the enlrioa for this excecdiniily interestinu and praeiical competition will close ou March 27th. NOTICE UICIIARD HOY, Esii., Arteiiiesia Dear Sir, â€" While deuTi"!? that I ever said your lio^se WAS diseastd. 1 quite cheerfully st.ite that I am i|'iite well satisKed chat your Ktalliou "Vouui,' lieli{ii;ri;"i3 not diseased and that any stateineuls c:r ruiuora to the contrary are not founded in fact. ROBhIiT FERRIS Wituessâ€" A C. McKay, Medical CAUTPU M U P & 8 Out. PhyBlidan. Surptoon, etc OlUce and residenosâ€" Peter st , Flesherton omc Prevention of Eye Trouble. 33EFORE Stock Taking ''^'°"°° '' "'"''' """^ '"'* ** I It Is cheaper. We will discount all our Rcady-Made 1 j, , possible When cure Is tmpossitle. Chithnig, Dry Goods. Hats, Cajjs, i Underwear, n.ots and Shoes and Hosiery; Eye troutJlc may be avoided by the tlnelj Ht 15 per cent, until March 15. } Wo have a few Horto I'.lanliets left wliicli [ wo wiil 8.11 for co.^t ra lier than carry J over. Leave y.iur order for binder twine .as we j aro in pi)..-ition to supply any amount! at lowest price.". Thanking ilie public for their imtronai/ei in 190C and rehp.'clfiil'v solicit your ti-ade fur 1067. use of glasses, averting: discomfort, sofferins and permanent Impairment of slfflit. We arc properly ciiulppca ta adjust glasses and guarantee satlsfacUon. m.ik. R. N. Kinnear ar.d son. MAXWELL . tV/iuLE" iNi:? jt-TiC^lW; »'^S:?T;Hfc.RTeiV- A.T. ItOND ilraduute Toronto I'liiveraity. Mem- ber of Ontario (Tolle(^e o; PhyhieliaiiK and Sur- (jeeiiH. Maxwell, 0i\^ iSucccssor to Ur. Hcott. J P OTTliWKLl, Veterinary Huvfieon Orartiiate of Ontario Votorinsry CollcRO, ri.Hidii.iutf â€" ajooiid door aoutli wonf on Marv atraet. 'I'hla tlroot runs south I'lesbytariau Charcu. H WILSON, HlaekHnllh 'Iradnate oftho VHtnrlnarv Rclonoe AMiorlai.lon. Uesideiiee, luirhani Jtroot, op- poaitu lloyd, lltcklii.ij'a liardwaru. Legal etc LUCAS WRIOHT * HreAFrT.P. Harriatera Holieitors C iii.eyanoers, OfTloxaâ€" Owen Kouiid.Ont «iidMiirkt"aleni;t W II WaicniT, MoAi;pi.r. I H I,rr.\!i N ll-!.'!caherton oClco, WitchUrs BaLk every Batuvdav. Dentistry E C. MURRAY 1,. I). R., I'ental aurgenn honor gradual of 'IVir'into linivpr*ltv and lieyal Colltga of Duntal Siiruaona nf Cintailo, lis* ailniiniatared for kaeth sxtoaation. (^fUcs at reaidsDtt, Toreuto street, Flueherton, D' A Son Writes 'l\, the Editor of the Admuce: â€" Dn.\K Silt, â€" Having read with iiiteri st a miiiili«j' of letters contributed lo your valuable pn[)tr by the dili'erent mothers regal ding local oplii n, I lb. night 1 would voice my suntinients. Wo nil know the stunning blow that has been muted out to local optionibts by the Whitney govern- ment and our own representative, Mr. I. n. Lucas was a paily to it having support- ed the objectionable clause in the new Li(iiU)r .\et where it n latoj to the ie(|uire- meot of a liO per cent, vole of the ilectors for the carryiiig of local option. Much prefsnie has bieii bronuhl to bear on Mr. Whitney for llie stiiking out of the ob- jeelioiiabKi clause, but all to no avail. Now, under the oxislin.{ circuins'iuieoit, what is the propwr couisu for the temper- anjo people to pursue? As Mi. Lueas supported lliB objeutioiifdilo c!au:.e in the face of strong ))ioleflts from many of his coimtiluen's ii would only bo reasonii'de lo wilhdiart- their siii port from hiin (soiiii'iliing that wo would ra'her not do) (lut WH believe Cand wo believe we are voicing the sentinieiils of niany more) in btandioi; on the aide of IrMiiperance and moral rolorui even though it doe.s iuhrii tho sacriSeingof parly politics or oven our best friends and until we tlirow our paity poliiios lo ihu winds tnd stand on the side of the tuiuiinranco and moral reform we need not looU for any sweeping reform* from silherof the great iHilitical pariioc. In Conclusion let mc ask of all who love thuir homes and our fair Dominion' of Canada lo do all in their power to push the teniperanct) chariot along and so free our country from Iho damiiablo cursi.', the liipior tiiilVio, R. R. Fawiett, Kimhcrley. Mil I i In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggotis, « Harrows, riougli.^. Cream Sep- « arators and Wiro Fencing. HORSE SHOEiNG A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works ID. MeXAVISH .^ iii[ mmm mimi For First Class Buggies, Cart.<), Ploasure and Lumber Wagons, cuttev.s, Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO llOkSE SMOEINQ ANDaENER.\L BLACKSMITNINQ and guarantoo first cla.s8 work. We keep on band Ploughs and f^lough repairs, and Harris and NoXoii reiiairs for binders, Mowort miohitieiy, also Hinder Twine on hand. »i»u Masaey- all kinds of