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Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1907, p. 8

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- ••SWIU'JH!**. •.Tjw:. v-jf ->-•-. / Mach 7 1907 THE MARKETS CAREFULLY CORRECTED J EAC WEEK. Oats 3« '" :^C I'^m, 75 to 7o lUrley ".".'.'.".' " ^S to 4.", Wheat **" •« '" Hny 10 0() ti.lO 0') Piitaioes, per bag ^^ t" ^^ butter... 20 to 20 B :(,'», fresh 22 to 22 Onioken* ^ •" 'J G.-eso 10 to 10 Turkeys H to ^1 Ducks 10 to 10 THE F L E S 11 K R T N A D V A N 1? E XJL- r •rn t.- In Furniture The largest and bust Ktock of fiiriiiniie ever Hliown in Fleslier- i/iii. This without fear of contra- diction. Coino and sue some of the uice things in Sideboards Dinirig Roonq Cl)airs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts A spocial reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the atock. W. H. BUNT ^unnitune beaten FlesWoD - Ont. ti Oi- J M Madoby J. C Ay«r Co.. TjOW4U*M««a Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it â€" Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Thif U the flrit qusitlnn yonr doctor would Aik: "Are your boweli regular?" He knowa that dally actlun of the boweli U abiolutely ettf^ntlal to recovery. Koep your liver active and your boweig regular uy taking laxative doses of Ayer't PlUi. ilyers Mao mauuilaoturers of HAIR VIGOR. AQUe CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no eecreti ! We publleh the formulae of all our mediainee. -5H-14- Address to Orangemen To the AJembert of the Orange Order of Eiut Orey. Bketiiren,â€" Thr-jugh the ever guiding liand of kind Providence we are agiiin lieriiiitted to a-isunible for our annual duly in connection with the well beinii of our Msaociation. I welcome you, one and all, and am pleased to see and know nmny have, by their preovnci-, in the work of our Graduates OK Till'. rnpri.Mt ' XOBONTO. QHT. Rea.liij p, t ^i,o... ...< .... ^...ciiujiaphi'is, H tOHkoepef'N, lovt-'toc ciei k.s, cutiiinuicl-tl tjachel>, Shoriiitiiit teiioliem, tic, ril i;tio(i ealunos. Uuiiiiti.ii tuliy Lwunry limes our supply. Ijuuli a iluiii itiii i.Uics not sueiii pMSeililu but it is ti tic. (.lot NUperior Work in well known. E.jler niiw. Catalii^iue fiw. ;; .. W. J. ELLUrrr, l'rinci(ial Col. ^uiigu and Aluxaii lor nis We have on stuck a full line of hour and feed. Bi'iinl's and Ford's Flour, all uradea. Also Royal lltmsehold Flour. Groceries. Our Grocery stock is the most com- plete in town and anything you want in inir line we have it. Tho prices too are riiiht. Christie's and McLau(.hlun's soila and fancy biscuits. W. L. Wright. BusiKE-ss Cards •jT'CULLOUGH & YOUNG ^'X Iliuikcr MaikrtRlo Jo A {^enerAll)aukiii|{ buHiiicKB. Money loaneu & ruaeooablu rato (Jail on UB. TCIlISliliTT, • rosttiiastcr, ^oylnn. l.'oininieBlonur iii II, C. .1 , Oonvevaucnr, docds. uiortUhKeB, IcaBOH, wills eto. carcfttllv tirawii tip C(;tlrctioiie mail.'. chart;t>s reaHuiialilo. AIho crncories, flour, feeil etc, kept lu stock, rricva ti«bt. niintlii as titizena of thin irreat country. I trust that our oe'iherations i»-day will be 'characterized by good fellowship, hariniiiiy and mutual forbearance ami retult with benetit and credit to the Order and the Empire. Yours fraternally, W, W. COLLIKOBUKN, County Ul««ter. Dundalk, Feb. 5th, 1907. ^^lâ- w on .-i; I 111. OWEN SOUND. ONT. It Rtmlents are aiiinitlcd at any tinio williont any itieonveniemi< to 'lienisijIv.'N • '!• oiliorK. ThroM ci»iipl'ic ami tliorouijli i.itifsrts ofsiuilv: r>iisii!f'K, .Sliortliiiiid Hii.l Typewritini;. antl I'lipitratorv. N" iiiuMur wliiit yoiii- piVHij-it fdiiealon is "eCHiitii y.,ii f,,ra lietinr paying ito.sitioii Full patliciilara Siwit to iiiiy nrldris.s frov. Vviiti) to O.A.FLKMINO, Principal. bi iSprlng rade ad I) on in Til iiiii-.ulti(i> iiiir Spiiim Ti we are iiiitkinw » (>«l run ill! hiirdivartj and tiiiwaii-, stock to be sold, itt, the very Invest price* piitsilile. We Also carry a line liiu> of drt'SH vrniids, veiveis, prints, ilucks, oini^liiini'i, c'llioiiades, iliiitiii){.i, anil rtutdy lo wear shirts. Call ami aee our stuok. Eivo trou.!hini{ a BpeoiHlitv. RJ UPBOULB Pontiuaetor, Ktosherton ,./OiiimlsaioDor in H.O..T., Auctioneer Con- voyanoer, .\i)pralttor and Money Ijontior Kinl Kstatn ami IiiBuranco Agent. Dueils iiiovtRaiieB. loasnft aivl wilU carefully drawn up and valnatiouB niitdo on fhurtetit uoticc. iiionoy to loan at luwoHt ratefl of interottt. Col octioiiB attuiiilo:! to with iironiptnt-sB char|/Qf« low. AKont for Ocoaii Dominion Httiameblp Company. A call ttolicitud. DMcrHAII., I.icrnnoil Aue'.lonner for tlii> • County of tii'ov. Tornif* moilorato ami R.atisfaullon i.'tmri>titi'fui. Tht> nrratiKtunentp and datosi of Malnt can ht* made a*. TiiR AnvANt k ollloe, UoHiduncu and P.O., Cuylon, Telupboiiu (â- t>unoction. I)oi:. 0,07. .UDLOW. (IKO.G.I.UI "J County rcaBonable terms. bicensod Auctioneer (or tho >t Berv ion P. 0. ot Grey, rrompt servloo ann I'lotou Btailo J. A, St, GENERAL MERCHANT HN PORT LAV/ Farmers, Take Notice. ] have tviuied wiirkhiff fur Met Wni ifk ni.'cltlncH, nnt ili:tt I li.ul liny f.mlt with tin- liii|i|iMii«iit.-i. Iiiit.lackson >"c lianniih, of .Mml;- >Vil.^ s lid .1 iSlct'iiriitack bIx hinder tn M;-. Wil-i.ti .McMnllen lust lnrvi\>.t f,.r .'.tlijltio i,,, tiirc! ;>ay«, .â- \n(l !ii« iilil I'litt'Tjinii liinriiT and then miid the nlil liincl. r fur .1:1. lil), niiil on next vi-ti-V tvriiiH tliey are cli:ii(,'r.| tii ili,,:,,. that )<< rhap^itlKy L'l'ttl'ein fiuluYiK than 1 d.i. Why • I iii'l ih"y xell them til Miirkil-ili' faniieiB fiiV tliesaiii •.' This I can piiivi!. I h ',vei: nitrael- ••tl with I'eter Humilcii'i, of fVterlKiriinijli, ti> si'll hin iiniili'ini'iits at Miirkdiile an<l l''lf»luir- roa. 1 will Hell ib'bhKJeii, K.x tiiDtoTi one pay l;-i:ii, » \,:iy* ?11.>,'j pity-* l^ilJO; .IrillB, one P ly 1 J hoc drill Wll, 2 pay* Wa, three pays S(V>, .Old i.tnur Bizeatii onrroHpond, Mnialleror iui>jer. 1 will \f at Miirkdaie iii'er the lir«t r.f .March iVf.v SViiiirday. Any (i;i« wanting inrcliiiteB • a- repair- will iind iiic <iii Satiir:lav». 1 hn\o n,.lnr^4c,â- ,lnd hund Diills on hand, .Hnini' only v.-iirki'(l one anil tw > y^aiB, Ni.xoii, Onliawa i:iiil IVtiT Uainilton. Alan a({'-nt f'H the r i.|(rtl)iitf I'liiw, I'.iriB Maanro .Spieaileiaiiil CliBtnn Tlireeiier, D. MA DILI.,. that Hu many have shown an interest noble order. Wu have been blessed during the past year with peace, harmony and content- ment in our ranks, unusual progress in the dovelopinput of our order, and a commend ableadvancemeot towards the elevation and bettermunt of the Institu- tion. There has been a marked Increase in the meinbership of our Association durinfj the past year, and, if I reineinber correctly, ttiere have been 65 now lodges or>{anized during that time. In New- foundland there has been a large increase in number of new lodges, which siieak^ volumes of good for tile people of that historic island Wo must ailmire them for their steadfast devotion to liberty of coiiscienco,their veneration of the British crown, and their Orange principles. It it) encouraging to us to khow^ of the rapid progress of our Order in British CtdumlJia, the North West Territories, and I might say in the Yukon as well. About twenty- Kve years ago there was not an Oraniio lodije west of Port Arthur, and now we aro safe in saying that there are over a thouHaiid. They are doing a good worK in those new portions of our groat Domin- ion, with h11 its po.ssibilitiesund resources. My brethren, none of us could be eiiynged in a nobler work than sowing ihe seed of our Order among the present and rising generation of those new Brovincfj, where there is room for mill- ions of tho human race, knowing as we do, and a< every unprejudiced or thinking man must admit, that wherever the Orange t)rder exists, or is best known, that liirality and its surroundings are mure pra.speious, more Godfearing and belter in every sense of the word. In speaking of the progress of our Order it would not be riaht on my part if I Omit- ted making special mention of the ci;y of Winnipeg, wliere rapid sltldes have been made since the erection nf tho Scoit a memorial liall, vihich speaks of their loyalty and Independence. I am told that the city of Winnipeg has inatle more progress than any other city in tho Dom- inion during tho past year. \V;i pray ntid trust that their progress and prosp- erity may never be hindered, but that they, and we, shall continue to be imbued with those , broad national principles of one Hag one language tiid noti sectarain hchoole. wdiich things are essential to make up a country or nation. We have no deisire to bo separated from our fell. iw citizens, no matter of what creed or niitionitlity they may be, hut we desire, for iho advancement and piofperity of this country, to unite in having ime grand national school hystem, indeponilont of aiiy partienliir church, with the best pi.ssiblt! nttaintnents that can be ^secured. Wo trust that our Order may make great- er progress than over and that the people tiwiy bo awakened to tiie fact that they reiiuiii' ."otnething in the way ot an org;iiiiz.\tiijii for protection against en- croaehiiientii on their religious liliertie.s for wliioli their forefiithois shod their blond ill days gmio t>y. Iwaiittoaaya word in reference to our gloriiiuH iwefth of July which reealls t> onr Mienioiies events nf the past. The defionsiratiniis of list year were unusually suocessful and attractive, and were witnessed with ap|)roviil and admir- ntioii, by tlinusands nf onr frii'iids, who ,ire not cnniiected with the As.sociation, hut who come out, as wo no, tn celebrate one of the greatest victories that has ever been achieved ly the liritish nation. That victory l.iid broad and deep the platfortii of religious libeities that, not iinly yon and 1 aie enjoying *o day, but all who ary living under tho British flag, irrespeotive of creed or natintiality. I noiiic that wheiievor CiTtain classes are driven out of other countries for their itdiili.'ii they are only too tlad to take refu'jo under the Union .lack. Wherever that lliig la niifurled to the breeze you will Mnd the Oriitigo flai; beside it The same liberties to all with spicial privili-tes lo none are our ptinoipl iS and we have niaiptaitied them for over two hundred years, and 1 am ][prouil to say they are stronger 'o-day than over. Our banner staniis for the fiindiimental principles of iiidividoHl jnHgment, imiividual action, and civil and religions liberty lo all. Since our last annual meetiii>; wo liavf hcen called on to mount the loss of several nf our breihern, among wiiotn were the late hi'jbly esteemeil Brolheta J. \\ . Morrow and Tho.-. Ilanbiiry, who might be faiily ret;arded as the pionetTS of Oiangeism in Uundalk. I'm. Thoa. Chirid.o, of Slielbiirne, and Bm. John Abbott, of rrntnii, were also guild broth- ers who will be ufeatly nii^aid. While «e moiirii tlieir Ih.'.h we slmuld feel proud that wo had aninng our tneinbere men who were mi highly respected in the enniinniiify. In coiielnsiiin I think I should say a word ill praise of Tlu^ Sentinel. It)) so with more than the jord. limy fivliiigs of " "" â€" - - I satisfaction. In its pageJ« I find a con- rUf'AS WBIOHT * MoMtni.F ntant s..uiee of informHtinii m, imbl c IJ tarnsLiira So,ic lorB (^lnvo\flnce^e nto I .• i i .i i r i ,,„ „ c J ,, . J., ,,,'' iiuisti in» ill which he meiiihers of tie Olflcei^â€" (liven Riiund Off and MarkdaloOnt li, , â-  .â-  i â-  • . j - â-  ! Oiniii;e Assniatinii are deeply intiTostei'. It is alsi full of iiif.irmation u".;arding ihe One of the pioneers of Proton, in the person of Mrs. .lane Ferris, relict of the late J, Ferris,, ar.. passed away Saturday, Feb. 23rd, at the hiniie of her son, .lames, on the 16th concessiou. The deceased had been in failing health for some lime and latterly was stricken with paralysis which resulted in death. She was 71 years old, was a native of Ireland, where she was married. She came to Canada wilh her husband over forty years ago, settling on tho farm on which she died. A little over ton yesis ago Mr. Ferris pa.ssed away. Tlie soni- and daughiers who survive them are: .lohn, of Melancthou; James.on the old homestead ;.loseph, in Arteinesia;.Mrs. John I'le»ter,of E.;reninnt;Mr8. Wm. 4rm- stronif, in iMichigan,and iVlrs..Ios. Coulter, in Proton. They were all pres' nt at the funeral except !Vli-». Armstrong. The re- maius were laid to rest in Salem Metho- dist church cemetery, near Swinton Park, on Monday, Rev. W. F. Roach, of Price- ville, ofhcintiiig. T!;o pall-beaicrs were six grand.sons of tho deceas.d:â€" .fames, William .1, and Thonms G. Ferris, (sons of .lohn Ferris), Win. I'lester.SamueUnd .lames Catchelor. â€" Herald. the bar room loafer w«« as valuable ii» the soul of the gentleman. That is true. It coat the same price to redeem it. But that is no reason why hts vnto should count for more than that of tho christian gentleman, and I would consider tho bar room a very poor .icliool in which to teach men or boys the valuM of their souls. â€" A Mi'ither Who Loves .fust ice. It's so easy to Cure Rheumatism* Stich a simple treatment. So ab- solutely cert-iin to cnre. Just talce Ba-Ja. Not a few doeesâ€" don't stop even after a few boxes. Give ha-Ju a fair chance â€" take it faitlifully ; carry out tlie directions CMCtly ; and Ba-Ju will cure yotJ as surely as 2 and a make 4. Another Mother's Letter To the Editor of tlie Advance:â€" Dkar Sir, â€" I have never undertaken to write anythinir for a puldic paper, but I would like through your paper to say a fe(r words of appreciation and encourage- inurit to mothers who have had tho cnuraue lo take up the cudgel against the unjust three fifths vote. I think they hare just cause for doing so, when the vote of a bar room loafer counts for more in the government of their country than the viiteof an upright, truthful christiai man. Oo on, mothers ; your cause in' just. God requires justice between man and man. Fight for the rights of your bnys. The Master said, I came not to brinj; peace on the earth, but a swoid. But let It be tho sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. It is ()uick and powerful and sharper than a two- edged sword, and is sent for"h conquer- inii and to conipier. Teach your little bny.e, and your biy boys, too, to love and obey the precepts of the Gospel, and you will soon have the kind of men you Inng for to send to purliament. Premier Whitney, when attempting to justify the position ho had taken in regard to the vote, made the remtirk that tho soul of cures Muscular Rheumatism, In- flammatory Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, because it removes the CAUSE of Uiese troubles. Yotmc's Point, P. O. " Have tried your Bu-Ju Kidney Fills, and found them very beneficial for Rheu- matism and pain iu tlie back. They are certainly a blessing. My husband is also receiving great benefit from Bu-Jo. He j h.-i3 h.-id great pain iu tlie small of his back, but is so much better now. Mrs. a. C Kidd. Rheumatism, iu any form, means irri- tated nerves, and is caused by uric acid being deposited iu the blood stream. The only way uric acid reaches tlie blood is ' through w-cakness or disease of the Kifl- neys. The only way to cure weak, dis- 2 eased Kidneys, and'tlius cure Rheumat- ism, is to take Da-Jo. 50C a large box. At all druggists, or sent on receipt of price. THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITCD WINDSOR. ONT. 71 .Societies & U W uienls oh tho Uet Mondny 1 otLQu nioiitli, in tlu'tr Idm^o rnom, Clirifitoo's btooli. FluHMfirton. nt H M.W., KiHiiK Chard; Soo., 'l\ Mlnkflv, !â-  iimuciur, \V.<I. iltjliaiiiy. Vtsitiug b*'t)tbr«'r. Invitud. pUINCre ARTHUR LODOK» No. M38. A.F.A t A M, nietitfl in ttio MikKonlr hall. Htrain'i' hlock. KiOMlnirtoii. uvery Kriilay nn or >u'foi« thetiill !i)ocn. \V A.AiinHtioni{, W M.; Herb, oiiiith, Sflcrtitfiry, nouRTPMCsiTKnrnx. oor*. i. r. ^ Clhi istoo'* lUork tho Inst WrHries F. irepts in lesfiftv *'Veniiip or i-in'.\i inonth. ViHitlii^' Knrchttji« hoartily wt'I(!oiiio. ('. It.. T)r. Murray; K. H., 'i\ H<ti.vy; Kill. Si'C, ('. N, Hinliav'isoii. l'U«»i'*« pay (liM'H to Fin. Sec. before tho firHt inv of tho month. nwosKN FhTriXPR-FIoRhfivton Connrlt of " OlioRoii FritMiiiH nu'ori' in (.'Inyton'M linll Hint ntut tliir'l WtHitieHiiiiy of okcIi niont H j). m I'hv aHSuKKMnnitK to tlui Hfirordcr on or Itufort- tii'o limt 'lav of t'lifli inont\i. Chlof Councillor, T. Hlakt)ltt>;K<>uor(lur. \\. U. Ituut. Mkdical D^ CATlTKn M C P & 8 Ont. Phyaloian. RnrRGon, etc 0:Hco an.1 roaidunroâ€" Puter at., Pleshcrton BEF'OIRE Stock Taking We will diBcouiit all our Ready-Made- Clothiig, Dry Goods, Hats, t^aps, l'iiderwrar,Biot8 and Shoes ami Hosiery at li) per cont. until March 15. We have 11 few Horso Blankets left which we v\'i:l sell for co»t rather than carry over. IjI'svi' y.iur order for binder twine as we are '" position to supply any amount at lowest prices. Thanking t!ie puldic for their patron.ioe in l",IO(i and rtspectfnbv solic.t your tnidi* for IDlir. R. M. Kinnear and MAXWKLL son. kEY^amuN '• CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. Tha backward child too oftert becomes tho unsuccessful mari- ;ev/fe.LC' 'fii''> T^5 V^«jHr'^Ti3iNl % In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Sep- arators and Wire Fencing. n M A.T. HON'D Urnilualf Toronto tlnivernitv. Ateni- r of Ontaiio fi.lU'i),. o; I'hvhioilans anil hiir- iHiB. Maxwiill. Om. rineoebHor to Dr. Hcolt. I 1' OTTi;wf',i,i, Veterliiavy Snrpoon (liailnato of Ontario Veterinary rotletje. ri'Hiiloiico â€" Rseonii iloor anutli west 01: Murv stroet,. T,il« street runs soutli l'i«Kl)vt«rlan Clii.roli. H \VIJ-8I1N, Klnik<.nil»1) Irailiiiifo oftliB Vu'evinarv Beicnoo A»i-oclatlon. ll.' Ihirliani (troct, on- liosltu lloyil. Hluklii.g'a lianlwaia. HORSE SHOEiNG A SPECIALTY Heard's Carriage Works Legal McXAVIBH \V II WllIOHT. .M.AHin.l' 1 11 7.1T.\B N nâ€" I'letlierton oltlce, MitchoH'a Uauk tTsry Raturilav. Dr.NTISTRV D". P. C. mURPAV I. n. R , rtontal unrgaon hfinof uraflitAte ot Toiento llnlvortltv aitii Itnyal ColUfta of Iiental Siit»j.'oiis nf Ontario, flat ailnilniaiprnil fnr keetli exti action. Oulo* at rutldaoca, Torunto at uut, I'loiherton. nriiev, and (he ninvemelils of proie.staiit- inm thioiighiiiu, tho world niid no Oriinueiiian can afford to do without it. With the Uininst e.onllden«B therefore I Hgaiti cinninind Tho Sentinel to the hrithreii, helievinu that tho weekly porsual of ita contents will strengthen the'.t zeal for the Order »ud iinirove their m For First Class Buggifes, C.'irts, I'loasuru and Lumber Wagons, cuttors. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO MOkSE SHOEINQ ANOGENERAL BLACKSJV.ITHING and guarantee, lirst olaas work. Wo keep on hand V'loughs imd Plough repairs, and Harris and Noxon reimirs for binders, Mo'veri: machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. Riso Massey- all kiiid.H of VJ\)^n in town giv<^ i$ a call p. 1 i - -m - â€" Aff'

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