BURNED TO DEATH IN WRECK'LEADiNe markets oUR MINERAL PRODUCTS BftUDSTLFFS. .,.,,. ' roron.o. March a.â€" \Mie«fcâ€" <^ Two Express Messengers Killed on\^y^i^i^j^f^^^ . the C. P. R. Toronlo. March 3.â€" Wtienfcâ€" Cm'arii) No. i â- my^ to [-k-. ' Marii obiiâ€" No. 1 txard, Mc; No. 1 nor- • tbcrii. %&: ____^___^^_^^_^ I «jaisâ€" .No. 2 while. 3V»<: to 40c oulskle; I No. i mix'^d. i"*;4C U S*'. Ad«epst:h fnom VJonlreal says; As the i emergency brake firroiy. wilii 'he result p«jj; â€" i^d^ i.j sic. «b>ult of a coUision betwwn the east- 1 thai his led hund was txully crushed 'â- Oiniâ€" Nw. J yellow .AmericaiK ^%c bourid C. P. R. piss^nger train which 1 and cne o( his Qngers had to ampu- to S^--. ToronUi .irnl west; Ontario. le'l Toronto on Thursday night a.^d a lalid later at ttn^ hojpilal. The fireman ;4.))4c Ui 16 â- . basi.-* CSiatham treijlhlB. xvestboiind freight at Mountain, a small I or. the pa.i.-enger train, reahzing that j Biickw heatâ€" •'«•: Ui j«ic. tlation neiir K-'inpivilie, about 100 miles ] a colitiHin wai inevitable. iunip..-d and; Byeâ€" .Nonimaliy 65<.' to 66c. wes>t orMootreal, early on Friday morn- ! saved his life, a^ did llie ingin^er and ; Barleyâ€" N(j. 2. .'»lc to 32 V" ^^- ' *•''â- Ing, two express measenjiers in the em- i ti:rem-?n of tlie freight train. ' Ira VM: to .JOi;; .No. i. t'l; to fcv. I-loy of the Doiiiin on Express Company i The two entsines praclically lore theii- i Flourâ€" Ontario. 90 per cent, patent.*. lest Uieir lives. The in^neer.of the ].'« Ives to pieces, arul the niat; and ex- $2.70 aiked. $2.67 bwl; Manitoba, first po-soenger train was painfully injured. ' and several others received minor in- iunes. KILLED. MS. G. .M(:H(il.i;ON. express mes- Sffiger. Launer Avenue, st. Henn. NJonlreal. The Year's Production Worth 22 Millions. press cars were eiivel«)ped in flamt-s. pjiieiiis, $i.jU; aecQiida, *t; bakers', The two express men. wtw tiad. it i--^ $;jJ}D. , â- â- ; ♦ b< lieved. been partaily stupefied by the | ' ''â- ^'' ' ' - " ' concusifion, \>ere pinioned in the wp.'ck- j CXJLNTBY PRODUCE. age and were bui^ieii to death. Men ; gyii^râ€" Th-^ inari-Lcl continues steady. were standing aroiind wilfc P'C'^*''^- creainerv printi 26c to 27c spades and shovel.^, anxious to save ' ^^ so ki» 23cto2k W.VJ. HITCHINS. express nj«s«nger, them from their terrible position, bul i oairv prints aaetoillc ubourg. they were unabl-? to rend.'r any assi-st- • do' tubs 20c to 21c INJLHED. \. Lesperance. baggageman. St Adeline Street, severely cut across the re>overed, but they were distigurtd be- aiice. PoHwn-s of the bodies of Ihe char- 1 f-^^.,,^_{ ^f,^ ij^.; twin<s. iDic. red and mangleil reina:ns were at length i £.^^^[,(.|iai,ged at *« Uj 3lc; slor- cf aiee, and leaves a w*.*ow and one (o.-ehead .r. K. Queen. pa.ssenger from Ow^ii SfiiDd, cut on the face by the shock while shaving. John Hartney. Ri<'hirond ."sjuar*. Montreal, engineer of the paseenger train, hai;d crushed and otherwise in- jured. llie «xpr«sr Irr.m Toronto, which left la»t night and wss due in Windsor - i?talion at 7.3j Kndav morrang. ha.1 vears. giving the best of satisfaction ig ; age, iW- to 2.V;. yond identification. : "poultry- Trail.' U liniileil to storage Mr. .NichoUon wa^ about imrly years | ^^ ^^, .^^.^ ^ v. •â€" ' 'â€" ' ''"â- "^ ="^ """'QiUke-vs. fi.sli-k.Ue.1 child-. He had lived in Montrwl ^â- '^â- ^^ten^.r.'lroz'n .U>:!. .. some years, and resided at No. « , j.-^,^., Laurier Avenue. ' Mr. hhlchins. the other vicrtin. whose aae is about lifty. ^^'as from ("nbourg. lie had beeti in lh>» service of the Dc- minioii Express Oinpany for msa>y just routvd"<l ttii» curve west of .Moun- tain StaLon, when she found a freight train, which ought to have been clear In the siding, in po6.5ession of the main . llc!ol2c . Scto 9c . 8c to 'Jc Ducks -Jctollc ..eese. 9ctoUc Turkeys Uc to 13c H.iwy- Itc to it- per pound tor paits ar..i Si to SS.^iU toi combs. B'-ansâ€" St.V) lor hand-picked, and hi> employers. i^ „, ' SI 35 to *l.V> tor pr-mes On the arrival of the iniin in .Vlont- r'^;t^,_7_^. r.„.,„J^ <r^. , nal. John Hartney. the injured engin Potatoesâ€" On -aro. Sac to 90c; ea.--tern, 3ine, and the eflei'l of the impact was disastrous. Engineer llartney immedi- ate y applied the emergency brakes, but it was loo late to avert llie crash. ^^• OPER\TOR DE\D nv TllVCK. eer of the passenger train, was taken nSc to $1. n -ar lols here. BaUM na>-«ll to ftt.JO lor Xo. I liiiioihy, aiid Sj> to SS..'jO for .No. 2 :n car lo!^ KT-'. Strawâ€" Steady a'. S6.7.-) to 57 in. car ! lots here. ic the Boval VicUira Hospital, where it was fo'iiid that hi5 hand was so badly crushed that one of hL<! fingers had to Ix amputated. The uniir es of the o^h-Ts â- siuck bra\t'i; lo !i,j. p.isi and tieid lli'-'wero '.nil seitou^. e- â- - j .MaNTRF.A^ MARKETS. I Montreal. Man.h a.-B^irkwhea'-yx; I.' 36'.jC per bta>fte:. T»o Wounds in lli> Neck. InDuird With Supreme Clwef U;n:(|.T ol ln<1ep.>iidenl f:on>-Am«r; ar. No. ! yeliow. j.)c. a Knile. Fore:»ter> -Suddenly railed. Ni. 3 inix.'d, (^ ex-s.ore. nas-^3a spot. .Na. 2 wh:te. o2;,c. says; Dr. Ononhyalekra. of Toronto, ! j^., ^,,. p^,, f,^-^fjp| fx-.«tor>-. p. asâ€" i;o.l:iig p' a.-. SI 'i tarioai lots. .According to the report prepared by tile oflioiaU of the Department of Min<ai> til*; mineral prrxJucts uf Ontario for liie year 1*16 represented a total valu? of 4t-2ji21.8U8. as compared with ^H.-'sii *J6 in 1905. Ttus l.-! ebttniuled on the value of tlie minerals in the form in wiuth they leave Canada. The net value of the metallic output w,as Sr,. 179,168 and of ttl«- non-tnelalli.; S9.0t2.t>46. The in..st noticeable guiiis during the year m '.he nielailic group are ttnise of silver. whii:!i w.a> $2.l7i).2t2; iiicheL StSLiSo; o)pi>er, SiOiJjjO; pig iron. S644.720. In tbe in./n-[ne(allic the excess of values pro- duced in 1906 OV..T VM6 were : P'jrtland cement. $o!X>.j6J. and nalurul gas. S216.- 970. The output of orude petroleum was worth *l;56.9!)9 less than in 190j. The output uf Uie lUAie^ at Cobalt tir Ihe year was : Silvor, .â- '>.a07.a3i) ounces, worth «.tj«,OK.»: cobalt. 312 Ions, worth S30.- *rj : nickel, l."* ton.>. and arsenic. $l.j5<i. L nlil the cioae ^i t'-Hib the C.oba)t cuiiip has pfoducoti ».ul6.»6l ounces of :^llver, valued at «5.i)l.>. »?J : iw: tons of cobalt, 2io Ion.- of nitSiei. uiid ».il9 tons of arsenic. For the three last naineil con- !jtituenl=. aiine-oAuers receive little or no I rvtiini. but tiiey are estimated to be worth S1J0.77".>,' .i>?3,i-i7, and .$3 J96, re- j st^ectively. Following is Ihe table of mefaliic pro- ducts. Il> ;;rr..-^s value is $13.t22.92S. from wlrcti S2W.706. the value of lol.JOO 'ons of (.iniarvj .t-^n -'-ii*-!" .1 :fu.j pig iron. L-j subtracted, making the net value S13.17J.162. tJoUl. ounces 3.519$ 59.27* Silver, ounces 3,357330 3343,0><» Cobalt, tons 312 !0.81» .Nickel, toas 10J.-52 3.836.U9 Copper, tons 5^40 'J96,54» lj«d •Ji.j'A Iron ore. ton.- ll».(m 301 JB2. p!g iron. Ions 275 jd8 tMidit Zinc ore. tons 400 6.fliliy Ttie output of llie non-melalUc grm^ was ; â€" Arsenic, tons 1.298 Brick, common. No. 300.000X00 «2.l57.i)(» Tile drain. No n.TtOMii 252 j(» Bnck. pressed. No. 39,A30jXJu 337.795 Do., paving. No.. 3,i»O.0flO 45.(X0 Building and i;rusti- "d stone titiOjaOO tjilc m carbide, toiw 2.626 162,7«0 Lament. Portd. bbls lj3(*.i<lj 2J»li)lt Uu.. natural ro<;k, bbU 8..J3 HJXO- Corundum, tons ... 2.91 i 26S.i4ii| Feldspar. U..ns 20.37:! i3Jil!>i Oraphile. tons i.772 15il)n> liypsuni. ions 3.2IS 6.61J61 Injii pvn!/*. U lis . 11.016 U).5(J3| Lime. W-^heb :.S85.tM0 ;9b.785. Mica, tons 355 69jX1 Natural gas iS.W6| Peat fuel. I. n- 100 90B Petroleum, liupenal gallons !9.ges.32S 761 wej Pottery 6j.00»l Ouariz. tons 3.SJ6 3J86I .Salt. ton-. SO.'iU 367.738 St-wer pipe 3IS.O0O .â- ^odaiile. cubic ft.. iOO S.OOO •I;i:,;. t'Mi- 1. 2:^5 3,iIM DE.AT1I or DR. ORO\m VTEKIIV. A despatch from Port Arthur say*. ^ de-i-alch from Savannaxi. Georg-a. vn'T'wn'le' E.'-iiest Iroiijvde. night operator of the ..' ,^_...>. ......i.i.. -t t-_â€" .".. no. •> wn ut. â- t". P. R. ut .Mack.Hizie River slalicu. It T... -.n. <n .viacMfue ri!>rr >•--".>..'. Supiei.ie Cluet R'lnger of the Indepeii- m.i^ eas 01 IV.I Arthur, -.vil. stabbed i P ^j F,.-re4o«. who caS to to death IM-Klay evenu.^'. suppo-.cd y 1-^ j^ ,^^ y,^ ^^^.^^ , a tramp, who attack..! hiin on the Iroi-k. ,->â- .,,..,. ... .,. â- ^„„.„„ ,„„.„„„„ v.sil to bis pai^iiU. ami the n,ad being ' ^'^ •'â- ^\*' '''';''' Jti'^, P^ .^'''. "°'^'- -SI. 10 in jobbiiu _.,..- Flour- Manitoba spring wheat. .?».;.i to *(i.6ii: siring' bakers'. 53.90 to *i.ltj; winter wheat paten's. S'l" t'> ^»-J- bi^kal bv rston.I anci no U-RiiJs''i^n"/^t";'J f"' l^, '>^"" ^^J'^'iv' "â- ;i't^ ,"'> siraii;ht lolUrs, ^X*) W «;>-'«>:<•â- :â- • j" ning, he "left eai-ly in the aftenioon to â- ;^-^'-'--^p- '''"J â- ^''â- •, ^^ • ^^- Duntop. ; ^.^g^, $(.65 to »1.7:.; e.Mras, »l-A) U, ualk back to his .la 10.1. <^iu:yi^y ] if^ri ta^hiro y.K^ "^ 't""'^ of death. ^l.V.. ny>min.' the (-..P.R. sei-lwinmen coveni.g I'''- Oronliywi.kha ha.l been suffering \Mi(,-.-d- -Ma-ntoba bra:.' in bags. -$20 li:*r ,-H-clion of ihe l.no \ve»-l of .Mac- ' '""" u'abetes for to years, but it wa-; {, jgoj. ^h-Hs. $22 to S22.-)0: Ontano kenxie found Uie bodv of voung Ironside , "^' "»l»' Thursday that his condition tr;,,, „. bag-, S2ii u. S21; short-. «22 to Ivii!" uUuigside Uie raiiwav track. There ' b«^'a"'e sertous. I lie body w a.s 'or- jy> jj; niUle.! moiiUie. $21 l-J «2j: \vao cv.iv evidence that he h.td come lo;«'r<leJ '"5 loi-onto early .Monday slrught -ram. $2* !-â- 529 per I m. he death" bv foul plav. Thev made fur- ; iiwrimig. Mr Dunlop and Mr. .\. F. ; jviiw Oatsâ€" Per hug. S2 to $2.1ii :n ther invof li"gation. and were slartled to i Stevenson, of Port Huron, Mich., ac- gar lots. *2.20 t.- *2.25 m jobbing lots. see that the young man had two wounds companied th>' remain-. ; nay_\„. t. .§i:;.5ii: No. 2. S12.jo: No. in hLs nei-k. intlicted -.vi'.ii a kTufe. The ; .ji __ ^, $li.50: ckivor tni\--d. $11: pure c'cvcr, •coal was lorn, and ItuM-e were evidences i $10 "lO to $11 per ten in car lots. that a .-ilriiggle had taken j.latv. . The MVimiKU MEN Tm: BRWKST. p"iovi.-:oii.-i-l5arre..- short cut mess. snow was covered vvitli blood. \ shorl , SJ2.> ^„ $*t.5); hall baiM>?Is. $11.75 i-; dislanoe awav 'rom llie Unly was found i lestiiriony to Superior ('.ourage in tbr jij 50 eleai fat tmcks, S2t to $24.50: the weapon wilh which the deed had! BnUsh Conimon^. |^^;, ;.„^ [^.^vv 'iie-s. S20..')0 d $22.:i0: been done, an M-diixHry jack-knife. It ^ j^^pau-h from Ixmdo.i .-avs; T*.ti- barrels do.. $10 7.-> to $11.:*): dry sailed Vds covered with blood. „.^„, ^,.^, ^^.^,^ ,„ ^^^. ^f^^^â- ^j ^.^^^j ,j,„„ ^^^^^ t-a,.,,,,. 12c !o U'-i.-: barrels moiison Wodne*4iav nighi 10 the Bupec- pla'e i*<^- *1* '" $12.50; half barrels 101 courage of married men. In «>e *i- 'S-i'J ^ *^-'-*- t>a.rrete heavy mess ccurRe of Ihe debate on the War .Secre- i heef. $8.50: half barrels do.. .$V..5: cjim- UirvV army scheme .Major Seely, who ! P« u"<l ^â- ^'^- ^'''^" '"^ lOV. J»'-"«-"onJiM^ Commanded a company of Imperial : to si'-'': breakfast bacon, l-y: '° ''*â- '• .A despatch from Welland snys: Mrs. j \>vmanry in the South" African Wai-. ! Windsor bacon. I5',c to 16Sic: fresh 3. McConnei: was a-phyxia'ed here from U»i«] i; was the genera! experience there Uil «d abattoir dre.N.sed^ hogs. $10 to the fumes of naliiral gas. t>eing found ! that married soldiers vnere more cour- $10.25: •Uve. ^57.25 to S7.W. Uiicojiscious on Friday afternotin. Slie . ageoUsS than the unmarred ones, and Civeesv"â€" Dealers are s<il! quoting 13,V dievl o.n Saturday morning. Mr. and 'thai the same characleristie was admit- foi white and Ik- tor colorvd Mrs. Mc< onueil had just removed here j ted y developed in the Riisso-Japancse 1 Buttorâ€" Fresh made creaiiKTy. 25 V '^ from l.apeer. Mi'-li.. Iior body being 1 War. | »6c: medium gnidep, 23 V ''i -'**•• '" returned there 011 Saturday afternoon, j ♦ i baskets or half ha.-reLs. 22 V to 23c: An investigation stiowe»l that Ihe ohim- | The aerical Centre in Gennanv i;^ Manitoba make in boxes or lub.s. 2uc r.ey had bectune tilled up and had net caiL<ing dissensions, which may result to 2K'. Recei|ds this morning wei-e |J7 perm. tied the ga- tuiiK^ to pass out. i'l ttie early dissolutioii of th e Reichstag, packages. - ]. .,jj;;_\evv laid. J2c; limed and cold slor»gc. 2«c. Re^-eipls this morning werv nil. last week there wore 2W cms received. MKS. McCONNKia.X DEATH. '^^'oinan .Asphyxiated by Natural Gas at WcHand. GAME AND FISHERIES ACT Important New Bill Introduced By the Government. The Govemmei'.fs new measure re- ?V*cting game and lishenes was inlro- <tuoed in the Ontario Legislature on Wedn.sday aftornoon by Hon. Dr. Reaume. It taUi-s Ihe place of Ihe On- tario game pixiUvlion ac! and Ihe On- tario lioherios u.-r and all amendiiienls tc them. Inspector.- oT game and lish- ♦:i. s not e.x.'. etling Ihree in nuiiilier are to l>c appoint d ti; see that tl;e wardens end o\cr>eers carry out their duties properly. Among the most important changes are the en.ictn.ciil of !!k' following close {icastms to supersede those nuw e.xuil- ing:-Di<T. moa-e, reindi-er. caribou. J<i«v. 21 to tK-t. I'.i, both days inclusive; grou.-e, pheatanls. prairie fowl, part- rdge, woodvxick, black and gre.v squir- rels, betw<en D''-. 15 and Sept. 15; «iuai! or wild lurKeys, between Dec. 1 and .Nov. 1: swans or geese, lelwcen May 1 and Sept. I. ducks of all kinds or liny other water fowl, betwevii Dec. 31 anil Sept. 1; snipe, rail, plover or any other birds ki.cwn as shore birds or Wadeis. be\\e<'ii Dei'oniber 15 and September 1; capticailiie. between Deo. 15 and S' pi. 15, but for the pre- sent these bird- are proUvle<l by an all-lhe-viar-round clore season lasr.i;g until l',t09; hares, batwcon Dec. 31 and •Oct. I. -The pru>en'. law iwpecUng beaver, otter and rnoskrals Is unchang- ed. The use of auloinalic guns is forbid- den. Persons employed on the con- siruction of ra'lways or other public works shall not tie al owed to have pos- ses-ion of or car.'y liri'ariiis unless ati- lhori/.ed by specml licence, fjr which reguiaUons are p.xivided. It 1- made an offence for any hotel, re.-laurai>i cr club to supply for or as part of a meal any game or (isli, unt^er any prelend'^'d name or under Ihe de- signation of anything which might at the time be la'vfutly .supplied. In ivgard to penalties persons gnilty of ln-eac-hes of the clauses of Ihe acl -e- j Iiiriiig to di'er, moose, elk, reindeer, cuiilxu, iH-aver or otler are liable lo a tine for eacti ofteiice not evceed'ng $100, ami not !e-s than SStr. together with cq|^ls. Al present Ihe fines are $80 lo $5«). For offences agam.st other sec- I ons Ihe Lability is f4'r lines from $5 k- $50 and costs, instead of $5 to IS5, as formerly. !ii default of immediate psymeiit the nffeiul.'i's are to be Im- pri-one<1 for a perit.-d not exci^etling llirc.^ months. .A «*cond offence com- milti\l within 'wo years iiu^n.< piinish- n-eitl to Ihe ex:ent of not less than (toubte l^e min mum of the penalties tnenljoned. A Uiird offenc-e involves puittohment not Uss than ITlo .'iia\.iniuin I penallie*. V- ! BLFF.VLO MVRKl-.r. ! Bulfaic. March 5. â€" Flour â€" Sl.^ady. ' When' â€" Sprinii. quiet aixl weak; No. I I Virlhern. S>i-: WmJer. dull: No. 2 wliitc, »<:. Croâ€" Sbady; No. 2 yellow. 51V: N'- - ^^'''*^'- "'-"â- »'â- • Oatsâ€" Strong No; 2 vviiito. 4TV: >>«'â- - ""'XtXl. I.V. Bariev â€" Slit.!i'-"er: quote! at 6i> lo 68,V- I Ryeâ€" Firm: No. 1. Buffalo inspection. ; 7lii- asked. I NEW YORK WIIE.VT MARKET. ' New Y.rk. ,\laa-h 5.â€" Spot e;isy; No. :» i-eU, Se^ic elevator: No. 2 retl. S.3\c I f.o.h. afloat: No. I iwrlhern. Duliilh. ! l»2>ic f.o.b. alloal; No. 2 hard wuiWr. 8CXC f.o.b. afloat. tlVE STOCiC .MARKETS. Toronto. Mairh 5. -Prices held steady in bulchers" aiul exporters" callle at Ihe Western Market lo-<lay. Several loads of e\[xirlers' callle sold i a* N.UO to $r>.l5. aiiu in ca-si-s wIhmv Ihe Iqualitv was choice $5.25 was paid. I Pickeil biitch»-rs cattle. .^l.W to $l.7ii: j heavy butchers', metliuin. .<t.25 lo $l.5il: mixed tots and c^'ws, $2.75 to $;^.5ii : I export eow.s, $;t,60 to $1.25; caiiners. $1 ! I ) $1.30 per cwt. ! Sto«4Jvers. ch«iice. $3 lo .$3.25: com- i moil. $2.:>0 lo $;!; calv.>s. $1.75 lo •S2.25: â- feeders. $3.:lii lo $;t.9t>; shorl-keei>c. $1 I t-i $4.40 per cwt. I E'«porl ewes. $1.75 to .?:).25 ; biu-ks. |.«t;l.M^ Ki $4..50; graiii-ftxl lamhs, -$6.5(1 to j Si6.75 ; coumiou lauilis. $4.50 lo $5.50 I per cvkt. Hogs continued to sell al ii*.?!) f.ir I. selects, and $6.65 for lights oitd fat>. j .» I France and Spain have agixvd to l.uild I three railixwds across the P\ reuees w ith- 'in ten yeurs. Titt.E .-;e>:uli.n(;s. Drslribuled ul No-iiiiwl (.0-1 lor Forest l>kiiiliii.|. For Ihe purpose of aiding fnrmers In Hie uuproveineiit of their wood-luts and ! 'he re-(on!sling of wa-te p<jrlions of their farm.-, a co-.jperaJivc sclienie tias been set .m fixit by ihe Ontario C»ivern- menl. The auu is. primarily, to plant ou waste lan<J. or, ;u the woixls of the Circular sent >.'Ul. "Ihe tVpartment pre- fers to m.ike pluntaiions on such waste P'.rtioiLs of itte farm a.s steep hil'sidie>. light sandy, rocky, or gravelly spoi>. swaiMp land, portions of farms cut off by strcaius ••r otheiwise '.ui.>U(table U.r regular Ullage" ; in other words, the liind that will be found advantageous to devule lo tlie planting of trees is land %vhich. through its lack of fertility or its lad location, wi.l net pay lo grow lield crops on. .A forest nuisiery was started at the C. .A. toUege Mine three years ago. dur- ing Ihe miiikslry of Hon. John Dryden, iUii a laige number of white pine, black locust, tulip, and olher varieties of trees are now ivady for distribution. Mr. E J. Zavilz, a graduate m foresU'v of the Iniversily of Mictiigan. is ui charge of tht nursery ami of the distribution work. .Any one farmer may secure, in any r.ne season, trees enough to plant up Iwo acres of la.nd. .No one may get iiwre ihan this number in one year, (hough this same number of trees may t)e pven lo the same man for se^eral years m succession. He must pay the express charges on the trees from C.uelph to his iwarest railway or express station; this is the only charge made. He u> also r<.xjuired, of course, lo prepare his ground for planting Ihe trees, to plant ainl cai-e for the trees ami guaraiiiee that they shall be protected from hve slock, ihe department does not. how- ever, undertake lo furnish seeds of nut- bearing trees ; such trees are hickory, oak. chestnut aiKl walnut. The best way In start llicsc is to plant the nut oc acorn itself. SomelJDies 'here is danger of a vigor- ous growth of wee«ls aiinug the tree^ so planted. est>ecially when the plan'a- tioiij> are made â- » ^'oixl agriculturai soil. In such cases cuitivaUon for the Urst year or two is advised. \ number of persons tiave already taken advantage â- •'f li;e offer made by tlie departiiieni ; so tar as known, the results have been good. The sites cho- sen tor the plantaUcns differ consider- ably in rharacler. 'rom rocky ni.iaideo lo sand plaiiij. nea.'- tti.> lakes. SOCIVUSM IS CRlSnEP. An Extreme Reversal of the Popalar Will in London. England. \ d'-sp.ilc'! '.-OTi L>3ado;i sass: Soci- c i.-;;: suflt-red a decisive and o^erwhetro- iiig defeat on Friday al Lhe haii4s of, the 1. mdon electors. The result of tlift. County Council eiection ii 'J*e ctwice c; 79 Reformers, 36 Progressives, and three Labonles. This last Cjjuncil cot»- sisled of S3 Progressives. 3i Moderates ,iww caileil Reformers), and one j»de- I pendent. Never in a great comrniiiiity has there been such an extreme reversal of 'tie popular will wilh regard to a parly or| policy. The Progressives have oon-- trolled London for IS years, since the* creauon of Ih.' iVnintry '"ouncil. From liiat outset they have engaged in a oon- stantly broadening policy of municipal vwiiership. and 1'. was Ihis poln-y that, f'>rme-i lihe sole issue of the preseot- ci.!iipjign. London has now '.â- ondeoincd I' lid repudiated it in a decision so em- t)tsitic that its revival is impossible. The old l/juncil's re<.'ord of exirav*-. , gance. waste. niUmanagimient, decep- j lion by f<ilse accounts -ind |tereral in- I competence was, perhaps, the worst I ever made by a publii- body wtxxse members were not ao.-iised of personal dishonesty and corruption. Fngl^iunen. ; however, are the most palK'nt people' : oii earth in their treatinetit to public j clliciaL- and their wi'UngneRs to give •any policy entered upon a full and fair I trial. .Municipal ownership, or, in other ^oals. SoiiaJism. has had such a trial i :!• L in<i n and it has utterly failed. j Thit and nolli;nj e'sL.? !- '.h,_> n;eaning* c! lOi'.dons verdiL-l on Fv.-iav, PROVINCIAL FINANCES Prosperity of Ontario Reflected in Budget Speech. .A despatch fn>m Toronto says : Hon. Mr. Mallie.-on, the Provincial Tre».«ur<r, presented h,s annual budget on Thurs- day. .In his analysis of tlie ivvenues and expenditur>« of last year the Treasurer was able to show that the liiiances were on a safe and sound basis. With reve- mus of $i,ll9,475<, and exjh^nditures of j6,720.17'.>. u cash surplus of .^429.29>» had been retained in the exchetjuer of the province. In the two years in which Ihe ftnances ha\e tK.-cn under Ihe present management Ihe Treasur\>r lias Nvn able lo announce surpluses aggregating $l.tX)O.0OH. wh.cl: will l>e a\aiUU)'le tor the corapletion of the Temlskaming and Northern Ontario Railway. At Ihe same lime oitlinai-y expenses have be.?n met from oriijinary rev..>nues. Hon. Mr. Malhcfon triM!«>d of the iislimated "x- peiulilure for 1007, amounlmg to $6,519.- 13t. He went on to deal with the i'^'- ceipls. for Ihe same vear, which, it -is expocled. would total $7.6!2.2S7.25i. Wilh c*.sh liilancxs of $3.497.2;t9. this would nutiii a total of $ll.liX).526. and shouUl Ihe disbursetneiits equal the amount foretold, would leave s surplus of over four million dollars. The details of the estimated income follow :â€" Subsidy. $i.3;t9.2?<7.2!i; interest on trust funds licld by Uie Dominion, less interest on debts due by Ontario lo Dominion. $!i«,Ott); interest on invest- ments. $tw.iiu). Civwn Lands Departmentâ€" Woods and forests ; Bonus. $;«0.(«0 ; limb.T dues, Si.300.i)iXl; ground rent. $65,(W); l-ivses, etc.. $25ii,«XW: ckigy lands, $5,000; ComnNin sch.ol lands. $10,(IOO: gram- mar sclKKil laiKts. $2,000 : Royally and Crown mines. $200,000: mining licen.s«R, $IOQ.i«)0: i:oba!t and Kerr Lakes. $t.l55,- 000. iniblic instilutioiis. $135,000; Central Prison induslnes. JOd.iVIO ; Educalioa IVi^varlment, $4.'>,iiOO : Provincial St-cre- larys IVparlitH'rit. $175.nOli; agricul- tuiv. $74,000; cas;iai revenuf, $140,000; succession diUies. 87>X».0OO : siippieinen- tary revenue tax. $t>40,000 ; laven\ anj brewers' licenses, $:"v5i),000 ; law stamps, 880.000: Algoma taxes. $2,000; tKlMC ies, $65,000.