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Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1907, p. 2

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m •C" VIMH^P r_ : r ~ * DARE HE? OR, A SAD UFll STORY ! Oil W F 4<,^0*0>0-»A>>0>C>4-0>0>04-(>04<^0^0>0-»<>-#-04-0><>>0-»-0-f dmnl, wiirii oul with tier roli' of UiU'nna CHAllKli wil.â€" (ConUiiued) Anidia has pitsswl hir • 'ii<l lhrout;li am Iruii ttnii f iiirc his Ittle iiif.n'U.Mtl kind- nefcs U) h«r she hu-s tMfii If^ t<' inuiiy iiiore hlU« froedoiiis \*ilh hiiii IliiUi shu had hiUierlo pcniiiUrd hiT.sitK- Uiough she e. v<yy caitiliil ikiI l^' tHiaviJv ot IrouljiBsomfly U|)(iii hiii Ihu .shilhl ocnUrl of her liiinci's kiv4is him n-nmulfn) liml she Is \hvn'. I'or- haps il IS » wivll. t-iiin; l<i-<la> he 1.1 ctrfisi^ lis if .Mich ;\ ^il^ln^'« U-iidtiicy Ui (orf'H evar/lhjnt;. li*-"^, )'rt*«'iit. und to cotiM-. Hu-, om- ol Ui«' iii'iiik> iimiib luiiicki bt«fi Imd upon hi> hciirl. to lull Iidi.Mi 11 qjiel .' Ill-day he wpre aljM<jlul<'l\ iniiKJSsible it -nUj :'i feels a.s it il â€" _ Ill him Id i^.xjjeni'iice eilh<.'r jjlt'u-sun- or pain. a> if !<> iHild MizutxIJi in lii.s <<WM a/ins, 01- .-ifc litr iii hyiigs. w<iul(l bt- In hiin K|uully iiidilfereiit. Hi.s a|)«lhy in Ihifr lullt-r rf^pecl ift to Ix' put lu lliv l«»l f<«u[iei' Uiiui he iwpirU. .Nul iiidetxj that Kli/.ab<'lh i> lyiiit; in lUilK'* anit. il would be il ti'i"^'' iiii>r<'pri»ieiilHtjuii lo ^ay tt). she heiiij,'. on the cunlniiy. most <l^â- ^X)loll.^l)<l tin a c.-anip-«tool â€" U^lsI roinuiihc uf hiiiiiaii iix>lin^' -pllicus ulieii lliey .uiiie .^Ulldl•Mly upuii her and hiiii 111 llie uf Iheir prowl round Iho »iih<i.->pilahle \Nalts. .><he i.s sitlini/ on her eionp-slool, and he is lyiiij; <iii liia face III the grusa, just not loiicliii'.g lK;r slim f«el. â- J'he advriiii inj! |"ii1y (xToeives the eouple ud\anee(l upon licfore the latter aie aware .if lln'ir n-'imurj^s; loii^; enough tor the fonihT to realize how very iiiucli il." Injp they will U\ \dl not loiij; ttnounh lo enable Kmtii io PMupe un- noticed. Jmi lKy(iiik»- aware of Uk- very «>ecofid Hi winch .\ine)ia nxotjiitzesi Ui'e iiiicoiisiioiN pair, by an involuntary /'inih of lur lin|,>«:^ upon hr. arm. which a nioMienl laUr ,slie h,-i.sUly drops. IIis own feeliiijj on cali-hint; sifthl of lliern - no. luil Ills ver\ lirst hi.s very tirsl is as If «oniL- oin- iiiij i-i,n il danimgiietxlle nilo I11.S hwtrt hul ulnia^l las lirst is to »>houl out to Ihi'iii in i/iniA wanmig â-  "He on your nuai-d : U e are cloae to you ! Ho will never forgive either hims«'If fir I hem If they i){norunllv iiuluae in any tnd.-4inuenl under hts verv ,.m5s luil they do „ol. T|„.rt5 are no inlerlacinL' aririN to di«eii^;a(-c ; nolliin;; lo inaice lH!in .spring „parl. when al lenyUi Ihev look up and lake ,n the fad an un"- welcome fad it iiiu.s| „<v>|.s U^ of Iheir invaAion. Kvn.'. r!T''"'" «l'>"-"»*^hin« fooUt«.ps. yntr lolls OUT .„, i,i.s i,u, k ,n the gnis «m perceiving. ||,„i ^.r-t of l>,o f^ill '"â-  t«'t. l-.lizaU-ll, i^inaiiii siUu g on her ramp-stool. ^ '"^ "^yml a coincide-nce ;â- ' cri«i Cecilia breaking mU, a h.iigh ^-«.iiia, .narPi!""'' "." f""*'-^' ^" '"'^ '<"• »'«' re- mark, though II IS rai«.r a sdly one. as ..rl*"' '^n"*' '""â- I'ciilar coinrul..„ce i„ ij.e it^' A 'T^^^'"' " '"-ilaWy con«;ioii.s ,thal Amelia ,s covertly olism'ing him ana ii'for« he can cheek hiniself he ha.s hrown ovpi' hi4, sIkiuIUm- at her one of hos.1 snubbmj; gi„nc«, from which, for the ten days, he (uls paiaslakinglv Jtnd ivinorsefully refruincxl. It u> not a happy rnornont to U^.k al poor Amelia, «s .she ha-s not yet cooled d,iwii from Ihe heat of her ehinh through Ihe llr wood « heat Uiat lranslat<*; iLs,-lf mi,, ,,«!,,,,„ nashfts HI over her fao.-. nol sparing even IKT orehiNMl. l-;h/.uU-lh ls ii,t.h«l lr«i. Sh« hai, imt met Mlvs WiLsoii sine* Mi« had d.vlinwl liurgcyne'.s olf.-r of bringing his hetrolhe.l to sfn her. and in her d.-prec,ilin^; ..y.t, itu-n- is a guillr and tremiitoii^ re. ollediun of Uitf (act ' But iH-low the guill aiul the <l.;precaljon and he tremor, what eiv u; Uiere hi Kl.ia- bolhs O'Pi? What of .spi«Kl«l and turning, and llmt (y,nK« but once m a llfrtmi,;? Mather than be obliged U, giv* •""";<• ';; "'"' vulgar raduinoe, Jim linns hLs back upon hi.s own Uio Blowins oeur one. * -Dal you oome here all alorw? Yoii t».i all alone? What fun!" wiki (r- cilia. with an air of dellghUxl cunoiuly \gain her e^impanions inwardly Ihank h«T. II ,s Ihe ipi.rhli,,,, it,«i („,h •. .hough with di((er,.nt d4gni..», of eager- ne-s.- have U>en Uiirsiiiig Uj ahl.. "Alone? <jh, no!' replieii KhzabeUi wi'h that un«f;y, fnghu«ne<l look Uiat Biirgoyn." hius alwayx noli(>-<l on her face when «he ha.s tmeti bnuiglit into iinwill- Inj; r<'luLnn with slriuigers. "My inothiM- Is here she faine with u.s ; why. where ki «he?" looking around with a startled •ir-".she was hen. u nionienl ago." A grim Miiile curves Jiin'w nioiitli. II fe evrtdenl that Uic unhappy Un,. 1 r Mar- luus .slipped uvvuy without In'uig inis.sed by eilher of her conipniiKJius, Would they have even dtscoverid her ubjA-nce bill for f'ji'ilias (|iKT-y ? "Mrs. U' Miu-chanl was here a nionient ago. e(!h<jes Hyiig, adilii-ssing lli«. com- pany generally; "but" ilodgiiig his frinid'.-. «.yes "she saiU slie wils a hUle sliff fnjiii silling .so lone; .sd,. niiist be ()iiiU' close by." "1 wtII go and look for her," says Kliwilieih. (xinfii.sed, and rising from her rickety seat a., she .s),e«k.-: but .\iiiclia, who is riairoit to Um, puis oul a friendly hand in prnlubition. "Oh. do not .stir!' she ciio. smiliiig kindly and adiiiiriiigly. ."Vou look .s<i coiiiforlnble. l.el me go and .s<.an'h for Mrs. I.e â- ManJiant; 1- I- should be afraid to .sit down. I am .><j liul. I should like lo liiid her: C.eciha will help me, ajid .Mr. H.vng will .sIkiw us the way." It is not alvmvs Ihol generous nclion.i meet their iiiknI of gnilihide from llios*- tor wlukSi; .vnke Itiey are perforineil ; and. I hough Biirgoyne recognizes the macnHiiiniily of his llancee.s line of (xiiidiul, lliaiikfuliiejvs to Ikt for it is not Ihe iipperiiiost feeling in liLs mind when, a few momeriU later, he linds himself Nlanding in iirieaiiy Uli'-a-tete over Ihe .seaUsI Kli/.aU'lh. "U'lll nol you sil down.'' she ii.sks, pres<>ntly, addiPj/. with a low. timid laugh. "I do nol know why I .-hoiild in- vite you. a.s if "â€" glaiiiiiig lound ul the sun-slpcpiMl panoramu "tliis wei'e my drawing-room.' lie coinplifis. taking eaiT lo o<cupy a quite diHeivnl si.v fe»'l of herbage Iixiiii Ihat which still* the inipnnl of Hyng's lengthy jinitis. The grows cool aiKl fn^sh. full of biiltercups and tall hliie bugle; oul uf them the grey nioniLs- l< T) wall ruse.s, III its niter lifeless siieiice. with its small barred windows. W.L-- ever any building, williiii which is liiiiiian life, so iiniiltenibly still? As he leans hts elbow among Ihe king-cups. Jim say.s to hini.s.lf Ihat Ihe lovers had cho.seii their place well and wisely that the consciousness of Ihe ailsleie, denied live.s going on .so close lieliind lliem, in llieir entire joyltssness. must have given ail added point, n ki-enei- edge to the poignancy ol llieir own enjojment of llie .swis'l .-.umiiier dav miLside. "Viii have nol been to .se<> us for a long Uine. ' .says I'.li/.iibetli pre.x'iiHy in a small and dillidenl voic... afler" having wail«sl iiiilil Iho probability of his speak- ing hrsi had tuvonie a men' (Kissibility. and even that a (aint one. He rt«|ilie.s huldly, ".No." lib. IcMjk 1^ lixed on a knoll, whenci- the monk- ini»^l have gathenxl Iheir leu- pa ill s tiaiie. 'rtii-y cannot Imve gattiertHl inuili. so lKiiintrtiU>i> do the gay \ellow Ik'wers sUll wave on the liillork.' .Nearer sUiiKl.- u colony ol purple on liisiti, and from Uunii III,, eye Iraels nwav to Ihe .silenl fir-wood, to the range of misty lulls and Uie dislont plain. UiuclH'd now and again by a vague hint uf sunshine. thai iriakes one for the moineiil kvl sure llial one has ck'iccte<l dtionio or cam- panile. Hon miiiiy lull ranges tliere arc' On.' can ciiml six or seven, like the ridge.s m a gigantic ploughed Held, one Ix-hind nnottier all solemnly tM'iiiilifiil on Ihi- windltts.s diiy of grave and unguiid) sw(vlni..s.s. Has' Hit- young man been r<Hkoniiig the ranks ol Ihe Apiieniiifls. that it ls so long beloiv he adds a low voiced, ni<ii;Uiiig quc^stion lu hLS ninnosy liable? "Have you mi.<M\i me very much'/" The wiomai' addr(*v-e<l .sei-nis in no hurry U. answer, .s;!!.. has drawn her naiTiivv brown brows together, as if in the effort to hit truth in her nicest slmde ill her answer. Then she siM-iiks with u sort of .Soft Mdf remonstrance : "Oh, surely ! I must have missed you -~ yuu were .so extriuirdinarily, sj un- accoiinlably kind to us ! " There is not one of us vvtiii would not ruUicr be hived fur what we are than for what we do: .so it is perhaps no won- der if the young womans reply strikes Willi an iinrcasonublo cliill ujioii the ifcskers lieiirt, "Vou miisi have bwn very llllle n.-.ed t kindne.sN all your life, " he says, will) Some |inis(|Uene-s, "to !«• so dispropor- iMinalely grateful for my trumpery CIV ihtiub. " s^he liesiliiles a iiKiinenl. then ; "Vou are right,' slie replies; "I have not received any great Kindness in my llie juslice, well, yes, I su|)|> s*i- biil. no. not very niucli mercy." Her candid and composed adiiii. .ion of a neod (or ineicy whets y,-l further Uiat immi-d curiosity which has always ! ^VWWWVS/VW^^^^^'^^^'^'* bivii one of the sirongest eleniejiLs in ' his uncomfortable interest in her. liut the very sliarpfioss of that interest i makes him shy away awkwardly from Iho subject of her past. ' "I always think," he savs. 'tliat there IS .sonietlung fatuous in a mans apolo- gizing Uj a lady for not having tieen lo .see her, us if the lujis were hers, and not his." "is Iheix-? All llie, I am sorry Ihat you did not come." This simple and ull^nplli.^ti,â- aled im- plication of a liking for him vv<,uid have warmed again the heart Ihut her former speech had chilled had not he, under Ihe su()erllcial tli.,ugh genuine regret of her face, .veii, slill shining wilh steady lustre, that radiance which has as litlle been calhvl forth by, lus it can b<; dimmed by him or anything re- lating to him. And so he passes by in silence llie expression of thai sorrow which he bitlerly knows to be so sup- IKjrlable. The still spirit of the day .seems to have touched the very biiUs. They sing a few low iiohai in veilinJ. chastened voices from the llr-vvoud. anil again are ..iilenl. The clock tells Ihe hour^ in quar- ters to the doomed Jives insido the muiiMslery, self-doomed t-j suffering und penance and iiicarcera'.ion, even with the u inning blue of the Tuscan sky above Iheir toii.-.iiiud tieads, wilh the forgel-me- noUs pressing llieir feet, und the nighl- iiigaliis singuig endless lovt.-songs to Ihcni from the Utile dui-k forest near ul hand. "1 suppose,' says lilizabtMh pri^enlly, in a relleclive tone, "that the fuel is, when people are in your positionâ€" 1 mean on the brink of a great deep hap- pini^s- lliey forget all lesser things'.'' lit) siiuliluto a hasty glance of suspi- cion al her. Is lilts her revenge for his lu'glect ol tier? But nuthuig can look more innocent or les.-. ironical than het small pixilile. bent Inwards llie giganlic forgpl-mc-nots und Ihe pulinonaha, u/niv iLs genliuns. "I'erhaps. " "Tlie big lish'-d>er liltle face breaking iiilo one of her lovely smile.-., which, by a turn of lier head from side lo full, sho offers in its compleleness to his gazeâ€" ".^wallows up all llie ..Itle gudgeons I I'oor liltle gudgeons I" "Poor liltle gudgeons .'â- ' he eihoijs stupidly, and tlien begins to laugh al hm own wfMjI-gulliering. "And now I suppose vou will lie going din^'lly- going home'/" pursues she, looking at him and his laughter with a .soft surprise. "I hope .so; and and you loo?" She gives a slarl. und the sky-colored nosegay in her hand dixips into tier lap. "We â€" we? Why should we go hoineT We have nothing pleasant lo go to. and" -looking round with a iiiLs.-.iuiuito relish a', mounlum. und suffused far plain, and sappy spring grass -"we are so wellâ€" s<i inlinilely well here!" Then, pulling herself logelher. and speaking in a more iomposiHl key. "but, yes. of course, we loo shall go l>y-and-by ; this cannot last foreverâ€" nolhing lasts fvuever. That is the one Ihoiighl tliul has kept me alive all tliese years; bul now " .She tin-uks olf. "Hut now ? " Kven a* he walches her. putting this t'choiNl irilerrogatioii. he se«s the radi- ance breaking through the cloud his quesli<in had gathered, as a very strong sun breaks Ihruugli a very trunsluceiil exhalalion. "Hul now?' she repeals vaguely, and smiling lo lier!i»>lf. forgetful of his very presence beside herâ€" "Hut now ? Did 1 say 'Hul now ?' Ah, here they are buck again I" flu be c'inlinued). Tin; hi:ai. hhm:. CIkiIIv : "I'm d^asid vv«irrie<l. > know. My doitah .siiys I'm suttenng Iwoiii bvvain fay." Jack : "I'etil sol I of clouvly in your mind '{" Cholly : "I'w.vicely. ' Jack : "Cheer up. old chap, llials not bruin fag its only brain fog." l'H.\Cni;AI. I'ATKH.NAl.USM. "Sir, 1 want your daughters hand " "Vou niav liuve il Willi Ihe grciili-sl pleasure, dear boy. if you II lake the one lliul's always 111 my iHickel." llAl'I'INKs^S. Tis not in money nor in land I'hal lite its n-veals ; II IS 111 dodging iiilciolxvs and Assimiluting tlir»'«' .sipiaie meals. I'AltlT.V WII.I.IM'., Miiiden Lady (ri's.ned from drowning her n..s<'uei): "How can I ever lliaiik noble .Miung man? Arc you mat I. villi i led ? â-  Voiiiig Mull : piell) duughlci "N> have you gol Till' W W Ol' ir. "Whv. this vviliie.s.s di«.sn t sivin know even whul he is lalkiiig about. "Of f<iuise ho diH>sn'l. W asn I called 111 as an o.x(vrl in Uie titse." to .SA.NITAITO.N OK Tllli UAIHY BAH.N. I have (xnne lo t^-lieve Hnnly and tK)ni..-.lly Ihat IIm' great uplifting in Ihe dairying has got to c<ime from patrons, wrill's Mr. John Could. I believe Ihat when Ihe patron uiiderslands that a cheap thing is not the l)est thing. Uieii ho will realize us never before vvlial good dairying is. and itial a goixJ burn is one of the greatest things in conneclion "vith goiHl dairying. The idea of a good biun IS to iiiaki- tlie whole thing level and give Ihe man on the farm M'lj days of suiiiiiier and make the cow a paynig animal ten months of Ihe year instead of .seven. 1 was down in Oeorgiu one winter and .1 dairyman took nu- to .see liis barn and a tiefd of JeiX'ys. lie was un up-lo-ilale dairyman who said lie tiad one of Ihe complete lianus in Georgia. I iLkl not Mxr unylhiiig lacking. It was a log- burn wilhoiit chinking, with a lean-to around il. Two logs were taken out on three »idt«s and pegs driven in. und the Cows standing on tlie outside of llie Iwrn pulling their heads Uirough where Ihe logs .stKjiild lie and ealing Iwy. That was his idea of a tuirn. lie was making but- ler, and .selling it tor 3o cmiIs a pound in («.x»rgiu. 'I'lial bum would hardly do il r.aiuida, but it was all right llierv. Not long since I was in Uie Hon. J. .Ster- ling .Morion's $75,(JIJ0 barn in .New Yoi-k sUle. II was Uie oUiei" e.xli-eine. There were Oo cows freezing to death in il. 11 WU.S perfe»-lly sanitary, only loo mucJi so. I get lielween lliese two extremes. Uel down to Ihe cunimon farmer and niuke Uijit common farmer ttie avei-age fill iiier, and then Uiul average farmer Uie way up-lo-dale fanner, and s«l him clean up to Uie sky. 1 want a bam so olveap that any man can build it. . .\ bam IS so much inclosed out-of- (looi-s. Wliul IS oul-of-doors ? I'leasant sunshine, unifonn temperature, dry ground, tepid water in brooks, succulent foiKls and pi»r« air. Itial is June. Now 1' I put all (our of tliese into Uie stable I have suinmei' there. While 1 admire a great many barns (i-um the outside. I liave very rarely .seen one of Iheie great tiams that was ui really Ul condiUoii in winch to keep a dairy cow lied up. Nearly eveiy one is chilly and damp, dark and imvenlilaled. and smells cle«tr up to heavefi. .\ cow does bolter in sum- mer than winter, beiruiise sbe has heller sanitary condilKins. .Some men gel away from nature and turn llieir oow^ oul on a cold day lo freeze and put Ihem iMtck in the barn to Uiuvv oul. I want my barn liglJ and .so Uiat Uie .air can t>e controlled. It masl be made es()eciully us a dairy stable and not part <if Uie general barn. 11 iiiuy be in U\« ell !.) the liai'ii which is lo In' used as a feed barrel und go lo the souUi as the ell part wilh a straw mow over it. 1 have greul ri*|)ecl for w^m-nl and sIoik>. A lot of men are building stone tmrns und stone bii-semenls. tiut llieie was never so pei- fixt a stable tor u cow to stand in as vvtMHk'ii walls made on l'>-inch .-cantliiig t<inguwl und groovod sid«', wilh tar patier on both sid«». In that way we liav(. a wall inifiervious to cold and that Controls Uie heal. The only other Uimg wt have lo do is to get light into il. It liiLs lieeii deinoiistralod Uiat ejicli cow n»«txLs i Uvi square of gUuss. and llie wiiuhivvs put iLs high as possible. st> as I I gel Uie Uiiigttst slant of .->uiLshine in. 1 want the stable made so small tliut the cow can wunii Uio air 111 which stie stands. 11 hu.s bi«n foiiii'l Unit a cow can warm a riMim containing bllU cubic feet aiul iiialnlain the tem|HM-nture. tlkit is 10 feel long, 5 ftvl wide, and 8 fe»'t tiigli. If Uie walls are made so Uie air will not gel Ihiougli. .slie will nimnlain ttie Ileal inside thai space wiUi Uie llit'rmomet«'r 2(1 degrt^es lielovv zero; bul she will siiKilher liefore iiiorning. und therefore we miisl liuve ventiluUon. .V slable M fivt wide ls w i<l.. eiKnigh f«vr two itiws of i^ows and if we have Ui cows we want tiur stable Oil feot long und :;.' wide. .After haviii-g iiiadt' Uiese bu.xts !)xlxlti hvl for tsich cow, we have to provide for ventilation. I want the venUlatoi's ul knu^t W feel long iiiid liiriKsl aUive Ihe iKlge of Ihe barn, so they will have a <lrHft all the tiiiu-. I'lu'y iinusi be a ftKit sijuure iii- •.id«i aiKl »ine air stiafi Itir each ten c<iws. I'l-esli air is iidniilUxl at the corm-rs by four Clinch s'ove pi(H's wiUi an elKivv extending Uirougli the wall. The main lube LS parallel to Ihe wall. Tlies<' fur- nish half iLs much i-nlrance air as theit' i.> exit air. Tlw air comes in at Ihe top of the iiKiiii where il warms, and in that way it ecpiali/es the lemiK'ialure : it then» out lluuligli lliesO ventilaUirs ul Ihe bottom. lnanufac^ul1Ts as w<-ll as farmiTs and are putting a more linish«d pnxhjcl Mi the maikel. till years ago 1 venlurod Un' slateiiieni Ih.U we could iloublo tte atiiiual value of our fanii prrxlucLs bf .selling uur gram in the form of Uve stock ralfter than in Ihe raw .slate. What I i Uien |U od'cltd ha? coi;ie U) pu-st ; our I oulpul has doubled. I fc«l*eve ttMre 8 I no animal Uiat ca.u do more toward stM I further incr<>a--ing the weulUi-|>roducing j value of farms than tlie sheep. .No (•la&» of live -.Ujck can be hsivlM with .so liUle labor; and one of th» I greatest dilliculUes on Ihe farm duiing j llie last live years hits been Uie ipie-slioa of labor. TTiere is no clusj of mea»prT>- diicing slick thai can be prepared so I cheaply. T Imi cost of producing muUon ! Uo compar»l wilh beef is allogcthiT M I favor of muU'.iii. I am sulistied ihut on*- j can prodiiix- Ihtl [kiuimLs uf laiiib at ft. 'cu^t of â- $â-  to 9i km than il costs lo put I UK; pounds of weigiil on a .-.leer wheii I winter linL-.hing l-> piarlK.>.<l, and, ul Ui» Isiinie time, tlie uvenige s<'lliiig price of j well tinisJied lamle in FebiTjiu-y an* .Vlaivli has bt>>ii from T.') cents U) $1 per cwt. more Uian the s<Hhng price of ex- I port cattle in .April and .May. I Tlie liead buyer of a large Clitca^ i packing house is pi-wlicling a inucn im- proved oulUxik Ujv the sfjeep business. I .\n Otii« fajiiier' told me lluil he ha4 lueii nine years in Uie catlle feeding business und 111 only one year in thai lime had he made u e,,ud proiil. In a siilisequenl niiu» yean, in lambs he iia<t failed only oik* to make u good protit. On one doiUile-decked cnrloiMj la^t ytMr this feeder made a proiil of $17j. In 15. years, with Uie (teln of laint«, he had cleaiwd a morlgage of .lij.axi from his- place, besides inipnoving his tarrn build- ings to Uie e.xUuit of Si.'WO. He can- feed three lob; of lajtibs in Uie Uiiie i( Uikes lo linish one lot of bullocks. To draw ^IUmiUoii lo how slH.-«ip have- been discarded in IIils country. 1 may say that recently I had a letter from ft Hamilton linn staling that a few years ago Uiero was as much wool niai-keleil 111 Huniillon us there is iww in the whole ccuntO' betwwn Detroit and Niagai-a. The price of wool hus udvanced in tb» United Stales by 10 per cen;. in tlie lust year and it has advanc-ed here also. .Another point in favor of sheep is Uial Uie oonsuiiier is beguuiiiig to leuni lb* value of mutton. Ttiere is a good uod of waste m beef cattle and swme. 'Iti* lamb, liowever, a, edible meat from oeck. lo heels. Uuriiig my ^5 years' e.xpei-ienoe m sheep raising 1 have never seen so dear an indioaWon of what was coming as I do now. Many, although Uiey see Umm things, hesitate lo lake hokJ. .-After a while they gel faiUi emougli lo dip in jUBt «*en the tuni is cmiiiig und lose nioooy in oonsequenoo. Those who waal to gel the bttit «ad of Uie busiuess must sUK now. 1 .NOT WOimi HAVING. He was employed by a city firm ot dealers in bric-u-brac and old furiiilur* lo scour niral disUicLs in !<'uivti of aa- liquiUes. and suddenly he espied an old- fashioned collage nestling al the foot at a hill. Surely Ucn. in Uiis old-world spot, llwjre would be something in his hne. Ho kno^•kt^J sharply al the door. aiMt H weary-looking woman unsweivd : "LKj you happen to have any anUqu* ri;rnitun\ inadam'?" tie inquired, "or any okl ornumenU, such as healtwa idols, or such-hke Uiiiigs'.'" The woman looked puzzled for Ut» moment. "1 Uiink I've got one,'' she said «1 length. . Agog wilh expectation, ]\f tollovved her iiilo the house and Ui a room wliere lay u hulking fellow vklio was fast a&ieep oa a couch. 'There it is," she repiied, poinUng la- the couch. "lie's the only idle thing I've got in Um- placeâ€" liasnt d<ine any work for ycarsv he may do (or you ; bul lies certftialy no ornunieiil. " ♦.. SIIKKI' I'OH i;\i:iiY I'AHM. riw (leixeiilage of [arms in Ihis pro- vince on vvliidi shrt'P raising caiiiMl W made a prolilable-iiidustry is very small indet^l. suys Mr. John ( ampliell. I'urni- ing has chaiigixl woiidertully during the hist t.'i years. We IIh'II .sold our raw iiixjducls diliV'U Now we have Unoiiie IklAKING IT WOHSii. Flecwilly. in a ca,se at one of the t.oi>- ikin police-courls. ono of the wiUvebse* eviiKed some disinclination to slata her- age. "Is- is it r»-ttlly nocossary V sbe asked, coyly. "11 is absolutely nci-essai^. inadani,"* the magislrule ilssiiiv/I tier. "Well.' sigl»\t tlie maiden, "if i niustv I sup[Hist; 1 must. I ilon t see how it C( uld iKis^iLlly ufdvl Uie case, «or yo« s<'e â€" " "Madam." vib^iervcl the raagtstrule, ralhcr tartly , "I nui.->t usk vou not to fur. llier vviuste Uie tiitK' of this C-iu't. Kindlf state your age withou! further delay.' "I am, Ihut is, I vviis '' she stam- mered, unable lo proceed. ".Madam, I lieg you lo huiTv !* iiiiplorevl Ihe mugislrale. "Kvery iiun'ut* niak«.to it worse, you know '.' STU.I. LACKING. "Say. oki man. how do ycu like n)0 in mv new di>*»s sinl'/' "Kine. fvovv. if vou only h«d a hlUftt lUgnily you'd tooli likv a bcMu wait^ir.** Masl'iM'i.suii "Aim, • fr»»sl MTftikl I simply cftonol on thin "Wilhslaiid It Iry my â€" Ihe A WIN'I'KH Uiuplftliuii. I've gol 'IBMl'TAIION. "Now curling sloiM. Sho gue^! Awl W'hi^e! TLvi-* "Hoot, mon! Why didnt ye gpt II Ibc walk when sho saw U ooauuT' â- :? ,*!«'^

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