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Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1907, p. 8

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FiBRUARY 21 1907 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE THE MmiS CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH Oats. .. Peas . . . Hirluy Wheat. CORRECTED WEEK. ;$G to 7o ti) , 45 t'l C5 10 36 '; 75 I 70 Hi»y 10 00 tulO 00 Pi)t»toe«, uor bag 45 to 50 JBu.t«r 20 t.) 20 Kiigs. fresh 22 to 22 •Cliicksnii 6 to 8 â-  Geeso 10 to 10 Turkuys H to ^ Duck, 10 to 10 r -vp '[ IIIHDLL G In Furniture The lai-gest and best stock of furniture ever shown in Fleshor- i,.iii. Tnis without fear of conirii- Jii-tiuii. Conio iiud 8«o some of t,!io uice tliintjs in Sideboards Dining Roon\ Ctiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock, W. H. BUNT Supniture Ujealen ^ ^[Werton-lliit. ^i Graduates iiF THE riil'lI.AR 1^ ELLIOTT TOEONTO, OHT. Readily yi'l jio-iitions uh Sti'noi:r»i)hi'rM, Bniikkeepcrx, Invoice clurk.s, ciMiiiiiurcial te«cher«, Slinrthmiil teachi^rn, i*'c., iit (i'lod 8:»laiie». Doinaiid fully tw-nty tiint'H iiur «U|iply Such a deiriaiid ilnes nor, SHfrii |)(is-ililo but it ia true. t)iir Huperiur wurk ix well known. £:itur now. Citnliii;ui! free. W. J. Kl.fJOTT, l'rinci|.»I Cor. Yuiigo and Alexander jls. h It your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do If? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction ! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Utc this splendid hair-food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The b««t kind of a te»tlinonlalâ€" "Bold tor over aixty yeora Au b7 J. O. Ay«r Co.. I.owell. a1» â€" â-²Uo mAauikotux«r« of 9_ SABSAPASILU. PILLS. CUEBKY PECTOI^AI.. ifers fGROCERIESl We lell the »ery best groceries money will buy. We sell our Groceries at the lowest possible prices. Our shelves are well stocked with Canned Goods of every description, Christies' and McLauchlin'a Soda and Fancy Biscuits on sale at the best ratijs Royal Household, Ford's Patent and Morning Glory Flours al«o on sale. W. L. Wright. Kimberley News of 1881. From This Advasob of Jusb 2, 1881. Vol. I, No.l Wo have wars and rumors of wars. N«-iKhbor No. 1 was doggin-; Neighlor No 2'h cattle. No. 2 said if No. 1 did not refrain he would shoot the dof;; No. 1 thi'H threatened to .shoot No. 2 if ho evt'r CHuylit himon hi8(No. I'm) property. The Queen's Hotel pleanure erouiid is thoHceHe ;if mirth, pleasure and enjoy- uieot every evoiiiii(.'. The youni? po^'jil" meet there and while away their vacant lime in playing croquet. H. Hulix-rt HUB started blacksmilhinj; ayain li<-ie in theah 'p l<iely occupied by Mr. G Saul as a pjiint «hop. R, O. Howell intends buildiiii» another dwellinii house as well ns the store room now und'.T way. 'I he K luberly Mills Oiolh and saw) are running gready m w â€" in sliort, buhin-Ks in liooniing. Our enterprinin^ miller, U. Campaign, ha^brouulitoutsiiiiioMiiedpiitatoesnaluely, •' E,iily Ohio," and "â-  ViiMoij." Quite a number visited Mfiiford yester- day ill order to hoiii>r the Queen, but more of them disgraced themselves than honoied her. Our tri weekly mail U quite a necessity now, and many of the natives say they do n..t know what they would do without it ^ery lnrK*-ly ikttended, the members of Mi-aford L. O. L. luriiiiig out in a boily. The service at tile bouse wa.H conducted by Rev. Mr. lirown, rector of ChiiHt church, while the beiiuiiful ritual of ihf Orange Order was re^d by P. C, M. Bro. .lolin Muxlow ill his UMual eloipu.nt way. The [wllbearerh were Bros. A. C. Toijd, Win. (Jo<.k, .loliii Gower, Joseph Lowe, James Sp.irlini', Bnnj-iinin Curley. NeeiUesa to s.ty the relatives have the >incercsc syiii[>Hlhy of the coiiimuiiity in thedeaili, within a space of five week.", (f their father ami ino'her â€" Mirror The pand will play at the rii.k Thurs day niglit, Cofquette-Dand Minister SpeaKs to Mothers TcUs His Wife's Exparienc* for tk» Sake of Other Saffertrs. The following letter has been sent to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication. Dr. T. A. Slocnm, Limited :â€" Dear Sirs : Within the Ui«t two years my wife (who ia of a delicate I coiutiiution) has hail two severe attacks ot la grippe, both ot which iiave been speedilv corrected by the use of Psyctiine. We have such faith in th«»' efficiency of your remedies that as a family we use no other. For toning up a debilitated fivstem. however run down, re.-itoniig to liealthy anion the heart »nd luugs. and u a s[«cilic lor oil wast- ing disea&'S your fsychlne and Oxomiilslon are simply peerless. Yoiirs sincerely, Uev. J. J. Bice, - w» - Business Cards lifCULhOUaH & YOUNa lU. Ilanlior Marlidale Jo a gsoeral banking business. Money loaneo a reaionablu rate Call on as. TOHIHLETT, • Posliuaater, Oeylon. Coinmissioiior iu H. C. J , Convevancor, deeds, iiiort(!«8«», leases, wills ote. carefully drawn up Oollectious mad?, charges reaaonalilB. Alpo urootrios, flour, feed etc. kept iu stoek, Prices riitht. HONOR ROLLS Report of S. S. No. 11, Osprey for the month of January, IV srâ€" Mary Arnott, Albert Grunitnett, Millie Winters, Floronce Jainiieson, Ethel Grummetl. IV jr. â€" MaUe Younp, Vina Seeley, Mary Winters, Emily Seeley. II â€" Alfred Down, Hartley Arn)tl, Nelson Arnott, Louie Winters, Millie Parker, Clittord Smith, Winnie Seeley. Pt 11â€" ^Jimlnie Leech, Alice Wiiiteis, Johnnie Winters, Lillio Arnot'.. Sr Pt Iâ€" Alvin Gruinniett Jr Pt. I â€" Hughie Parker, WilmaDown, Willie Winters. Aierage attendance for the month 21. Mabl» Winters, Teacher. Death of Andrew McQirr. a J BPBUULB Pommaster, Fkesherton v,oiumisiioner In H.C J., Aaotlonoer voyanoer, Appraiser and Money Wintei? Tex*m Now on at the OWEN SOUND, ONT. hut stmlents are aiiniitlcd at any time without, any iiiconvenienLO to themselves or others. Three ci«oi|il(-te and thoroutjh uourKMS of study: IliismeKS, Shiirtbund and Typewriting, and I'leparatory. Nn matter what your present education is wo c«'i til yiiu for a butler paying poHitimi Knll parliciiiara sent to any aildress free. Wiitelo C A.FLEMING, Principal. Clearing - Sale at Port Law For one week mere only. Tiio ureateat lleductiiiim ever oirered to ihe public in dry I'liods, Bouts and Shoes, Stoves, Hardware, and hand inado tinware, for ono week only, Shuphards Hour for sale, oavu trougbina, Slid furnaro work, a .spoc ialty. J. A. St. JOHN GENERALMERCHANT-.PORT LAW Farmers, Take Notice. Con- Lender Itual Kstsle iind Insurance Agent. Deedt inortRBKes, leases and wills carefully drawn up anil TsluatiooB made ou shortest notice, money to loau at lowest rates of tuterost. Col actions sttoudod to with promptness charges low. Agent lor Oooan Uomluiou SiMauisbip Company. A call solioltsd. D. McPHAIf., Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Orov, Terms moderate and satisfaction (juarantnoil. The arransemeiits anrl iJato« of sales can lin made a*. Tub Advaxck olllco. Kufcideuco audl'.O., Ceylou, Tolephoue coiiiiectintt. Dec. 6,07. GKO. n. LUDLOW. I^iconsed Auctioneer (or the ('.unity of Oroy. I'roiuivt service auii reasunab o tirins. fiotou Btailou i'. 0. Societies AD U W nieota oi. the last Monday in esco month, in their longe room. IMiristoes block. 8 p.m. M.W., Frank Chard ; Kec, T. Illakely, Kiuaneler. W.J. Bellamy. VislilDR brethrao ii^vlted. PHINCK AUTHUU LODUK, No. M33. A.F,* A M. meets in the Masonichall. Strain's block. Kloshorton. every Friday on or before the full inocn. W A.Arustiouii, W M.; Herb, niiilth, Hecretary. COl'IlTFLflSUKKTON, 90.1, I. C. F. ireets in Chrisloe'i lllock tliolant Wednesday evening of each moiitli. Visiting Foresters heartilv wiiloome. C. U., Dr. Murray! 1'. H., T. ller.ry; Kill. 8eo., C. N. UichardBon. Please pay dues to Fin. beo. before the first dav uf the uiuiith. CnoSRN FhlKNTS-Flesherton Council of l^lioseuFrlniiils iiieotn in Clayton's liall first aiifl third WeilneMilav ofebch niont H p m Pay aaHimnnicnta Ki the I(ei*oril»ir on or iiefoie too drat ilaynf each month. Cliief Cuuncillur, T. Illakeley;Ueoorder, W. H. Hunt. Medical DU OAIITKR M C P A H Ont. Physician, Surgeon, etc Ullloe and roHiilenee â€" i'eter St., Flushertoii D" 1 have ci'iwd MiirkiiiK fur .\lcf 'oniiiirl; KIMjiiiiiM, imt i!mt 1 hail miv f:inll witli tlm iinplt'ments. hut JucUhoii k nunnali, of .Mini;. dalo'tidil a .Md'iirniack sis find liiiider to Mr. Wibiia Mc.Mulleh liiHt harvi'st fur j^l'J.'i.fS) mi three pii'.'ii, uiiil Ilia oil) I'litl'iKiei liliiilcr ami tlien imKI tlienlil lilniler for ijli'id, and on next xoi'^a lerjiis tlioy are eliargeii tn lliii...i' tlint )ierhii|.) till y get tliiiii for lean than I ilo. Why iliin't they M'll them to .Mniliil.ili' farnieia (or tliesuiiie? 'I'hin I i an prove. I li-.vfcoiilniut- eil with Peter llaiiiiltoii, of lVtj:rl.o|iiiinti, to Hi'll his iiiipleinintHat Markil'vle uiiil l''l<»inir- ton. I will Hi'll the liiiiileii, six font oil iiiif|iiiy Si in, •_' |iays .â- JITi, tlinni paya ^I'.ll; chills, inii, jmy l'.;hi«! drill *il, i (uiya *'«,'l, tin. â- Â« pays $1^ anil iiClier i,i/.i-nto correapninl, Hnmlliror luigiT. 1 will lie at Murkdale ivl'er the liist of .Mareli ever'/ .S.-mudsy. .Any one wanting m.n liiiim or r"|«irs will tinil inn III! .Siiturluys. 1 have soinemicoiiil iiund llrilU on hand, some only worked oii<> and two years, Noxiiu, ( Inlianu nnl i'etrr lliunilton. Also agent for the I iii!kHhiitt Plow, I'aris Manure Hpieailfiaii<l ^)luituii't'lireala'r. D, MADILU T. IIOND KiMlnatf. Toronto Univorsllv. Mem- ber of Ontario College oj PiiysiclianH and Sur- geons, Maxwoll. On'. riuc(:eKSor to Dr. Keott. T P OTTKWULL ' Veterinary Burgeon Oradiiata ot Ontario Veterinary College. resideiiee â€" stteuiid door noutli went on Marv stimit. Tills streut runs south PttiHbyterlan Church. K. Wll.SdV, niBclcfinlth 'irailtmto of the Veterinary Rcienee AsKociatlnn. Uiiai'louee. Dni'haiu street, op- puhita lloyd.Iliuklibg's liardwaru. Lecal LUCAS WKtOIlT * MoAUin.F. llarrUters Solicitors (Conveyancers, etc Oiflcouâ€" Owun Sound. Ont xndMnrkilaleCnt W II VVmiiHT, Mi'Anm.K 1 li Lfcas N Hâ€" ''loHhprton otllco, Mitchell's Hank every Saturday. Dentistry Dr. B. C. MtlUkAY L. D. S, .lantal surgeon hfmorgi'tilnsto of Toronto I'lilvemltv and ttnval ''olUgoof I)sntal Hnrgsons nf Ontario (las idmliiMlration (or tenth eitrai'tlon OJIs* at rssKonoe, Toroato strsut, ITIssharla. In the death uf Andrew McGirr, which lid event occurred at the home of his son Mr. R. T. McUirr, tho well-known prop- rietor of the Koyal Hotel, ou thursilay evening last. Grey County lost one of her oldest, most cosplcuous,niost distinguished and must re.spected citizens. Mr. McUirr, akhouoti far the three score year and tea mark, was in his usual state of of health up to about a week ago when he was stricken down with la urippo. Despite the best medical treatment and teiiderest nursing his noble soul crossed the bar, after a will-lived life and duties faithfully perfoniu-d. Mrs, McUirr died about tivo weeks ago, and this was a great sorrow t > hitu, for thuy were greatly uti ached to each other, and this coupled with la yrippe and the wearing out of the human machinery of life, hastened the end. The late Andrew McOirr was a sjontle- nian in every sense of I ho term, noted for his kindness of heartâ€" his loyabty to his friendsâ€" bis love for Cuiiada and his felluwmen. He Was born in Tyrone County, Ireland, over ninetyone years a^o, and came to this country while stil) a young man, and set' led in Vaughn township, near Toronto, whore ho pursu. ed tho occupation of carpenter, and for it number uf years built some of tho bet>t hiiuses and barns iu that district, for be Was a good uiochsnic and always took great prido in making a good job of oAery- ihing he iiudertonk to do. Being of an industrious disposition ho «uun accumulated considerable uiuDoy and HtiirU-d a general store at. Purploville. From there he went to tiieenbaiik town, where he conducted the same business. Thirty-live years ai'o ho soitled in Osprey township. Grey county, where he met with much success. Ir all hi.s enterprises ho brought iiilo ^diy these busines.s char. uCtorisiicH which made him the man be wa8--energy, perseverance, sagacity â€" coupled with hriicst, htrniglitfordward dealing, ilo sii'.in won the voiitidence of the people, and fur over seventeen years represented ilium as reeve and County Ciiniuiis.Mi.iier. Ill politics tliu lato Mr. McGirr was a staunch Conservulivo, and in religion a nieiabor of the Church of England. Quiet and unaHMUining ho was a reinarkaldu man in many lespucis, and desjiito lii.s hisuiiiel) -one yonis could a p:ipef wittunil tho aid of glassei. . tie I.S lui vived by t.vo sma anil one j daughter. They lireâ€" .Mrs. tievirge Mitch ' ell, wife of tliH manager of tiie Standard Hiiik, FI«sherton, and Messrs. Robert T., Jleaford, and William J. Mc- tiirr, Toronto, The funeral, which was held under Orange auspices, was held on Sunday .tfternooii, and nutwitbstHiiding; the unfavuiablo weather conditions, it was I On the evening of Feli. l.'J. the h mie of Mr. and Mis. K. J. C dipioite, lUtli line, Osprey, was the sc-mj ofapretiy home wedding, when their youngest daughter, Geriie A. wa» united in mar riage to Mr. Wm. 0. Dan. I of Uejina, Sask. The ceremony wa.s p' rforiui-il ly Ilev. H E.W.Kemp. Mrti. Kemp played the wedding march, Tho bride was preitily dressed in cream silk crepe d« chene trimmed with satin and allover lace and was attended by her cousin, .Miss Ida Heron if Toronto who was dressed in blue .sirs-e with wbire silk sash. The groiiiu was ably supported by ' his cousin. Ml. Thunipson Davidson. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and ii.seful presi-nis. After a l few weeks \isit with fiiends the young I couple will leave for their home in Regina , Sask. They take with them the best, wishes of a la-go number of friends in, this neighborhood. ' On Tburad.'iy, .Tan 24. a bare knuckle ' prizilikiht t.Hik jilHce in a liani in tl e , lownship of C.iledon lu'tween Rnlui,, > llensoii and George Duke, both (aimers in the lO-mhborhotMl. The stakes were $40. The lighters, or those (if them wliomth- constatile couM reach, were befiiiH Police .Magistrate Crawford at Brampton on Tuesday and pleaded ,{uilty,' Duko, who lost the battle, wa.s let go on suspended senteicc, but ho has $2.t in co«t» to pay. A. Spe.-rs, an aider and abettor, was finel $lt'0 wiihout costs. Benson and two brothers are beiDt; looked for. The fighter and one brother are reported to have gone to the west, wheie one has a farm. 61 Walker Avenue. Toronto. , PSYCHINE, Pronounced Si-keen, is a scientific preparation, having^ wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak organs of the body, quickly restoring them to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrippe, Pneumonia, Consumption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. PSrCHINE (PRONOUNttO Sf^KECN) is for sale at all dealers, at 60c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Liniited, 179 King St W., Toronto. There is no other remedy "Just as Good" as PSYCHINE. Dr. Root's Kidnev iftls are a sure and pemument cure foriiheumatisn], Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back and all forma of Kidney Tioable. 25o par box, at iSk de*Ien.____ . lainwoith Boar for Service: A tlioroughhred Tain worth boar fors-jrv'c • ou lot 5. cou. 1'2, Oeprey. Termsâ€"* 1 foi grade DWll) Rl'i'-l ir-i Glasses That Cure. Mr. Peter McGregor of the village of Dundalk has been appointed Police Maidstrate for th-*t place. McGill's foundry, (diatswnrth, whirh has been idle all winter, has heen purchas- ed by 11. A. McEweu of Carletoii Place. The Petrolia Oil Company will Injre for oil at ChatSrtorth, Our Clubbing List 'Advance. *HerHld and ♦Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Daily News . 2 30 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mad-Empire 1 70 Family Herald & Star 1 ai T. ironto Star 2 30 Farmois Sun ... . 1 rtO FariiiiTS Ad>oi«te 2 30 Weekly Witness 1 HO Eyestrain auses many serious ills â€" Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. Wc adjust glasses that remove the strainâ€" give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. .feV/tJ.E' [V~| 5PTiiC3AN- tm In Sleighs, Buggies, Waggons, Harrows, riougli.'*, Cream Sep- arators ami Wire Fencing. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY \ Hi Heard's Carriage Works S iIII[flM10 [ m\\ For First Clas^ Buggies, Carts, I'leasiiro and Lumber Wagons, cuttevs. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to cluiose from. ALSOHOkSO SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and truarantoo lirst class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and Massey- Harris and Noxon repairs for liimUus, Mowers all kiinls of ina.hinery, also liinder Twine on band. » Olbeti in town give :<<5 a call

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