THE FLEESHERTOK ADYANnl F£bbuaby21 1807 CSTABUSHCD ISTA > ^ â- i I > THE STANDARD BANK ( OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Savings Department. Deposits of $i and upwards are received, on which the highest current rate of interest is allowed. No Delays in making Wilhdrawals Savings Bank DBparbncnt in Connection with aU Branches. FLT3^]HE,RTON BRANCH Gjos-go Mitctxell, Manager XSR.A?ICilCS Al^'-.rt AT n-nT«.HA.M, HARJRIJTTOH -.O AT Dt7T«.HAM, Vicinity Chips For money nt lowest Mtes, Utiil s->cu - ity, 150 to A. S. V*nDusen, Fleslierron. Mr. «nJ Mrs. RoiJ of Re-i Deer were visitiiitfut Mr. M. WiUon's this week- Mr. Henry Hulmsu, PortLaw, is in Toronto this week. Mrs. Lorenzo Norris i« visiting h>?r siKter, yrs. C. Irwin in D'lnJ.ilk. Bornâ€" T.' Mr. and Mrf.S.McMollen.oii Sunday. Feb. 1'.), % daughter. Mr K. De>«n, of Toronto, is visiting nt Mr. A. Wilson's. Ms. Elijah Ptu! r>f E i'ifm\ isviaitin;? her dau-jhfer, Mrs. R. Bontham. Mr*.' Fred Tucker of Oikville jiined h-r hus'janJ here Tuesilay. Mr. E. VanzanJt nf Toronto wa.s in towti this week. Mr. John Paul left this week for Lang, Sa.<^k. • Miss Jessie the S^-utli Line. Priceville is on an extended visit tn her sister, .Mrs. Wright, of New Liskeard. Care taker wanted for Fleshort'm Meth- odist church. Make applications to Wui. Clayton. The subject iit the Baptist church next Sunday is The Trials and Triumphs of a Little &Iaa. Miss Surah Paul returned from Toronto last week, and spent a tew days with her eister, Mrs. R. Benlhaui. Miss Shore of Caledon visited her rousiii, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell last week' Dr. E. C. Murray leaves on Saturday morning to attend the Ontario Dental Convention held in Toronto nexf. week. Mr. .li'hn McLean, late of Priceville, F'T sale-" y"Un!i .»hort horn bul's,. 6t lor service. W'illiaui Fatten, Ct-ylun. Go.kI far-n mare f>ir sale. Apply to J<*. Fctns, Ceylon, Ont. Clover Hay for sale â€" Robert Neilson, Protiiii Station. Culler, neaily new Cor 'ale, also yiKxi cuttpr rolie. Will take [mrt pay in wood. Ai'ply to Joseph Clinton, Flesherton. Oet your choppin;; done at the Eloclric Plant, Eu^jenia. Satisfaetinn jiuaranteed on clean ^raiu. Couio early iu the day itiid avoid the rush. Fob Sale â€" Rtijistered Shonhorn bull Prince Albert, No. oTO^i!), dark red, 2 ye-irsold. Apply to A. E. Huuley, lo;4, con. 10, Osprey, Fevershani P. (,). Cheap Firewo<:d â€" A quantity of 4 f' ot siabs, principally hardwood, at Keenaoa' mill or deliveredâ€" ni.-ikes fir.stci:i»s winter or summer wood. Apidy to R.'.SprouIe, Fle^iherton. Piiia for sjilaâ€" twelve pigs, f.iur weeks o'd, to be sold when six. weeks old; eight pii;s, one week old wiih »tt«r. .John Flynn, lot 21, con. 10, .Artemesia Vandeleur P. O. FOR SALK â€" The pure V-roed reuisiraled short horn hull,{ of the s-jrays, tit. forseivict*, will be sold »i'8«on,ibIe, for cash or tood paper. W. J. Meads lot 2'J N D. R Arteraesia, Ceylon P. O, ColIiTn;«0'>d hockey team defeated the Markdale bunch on the rwilr ut Mea*'>rd on Mund:iy. The score was 4â€"5. This WHS the tirat sianie in the semi-finals, and Markdale ia down and out. Did auyone wbiaper '*prot«»t" ? Lostâ€" On Saturday ercning, Feb. 16' h between Mr. Collnison s house and rt-ar of -Mr. Sarijeani's lot, base line, west o( Ceylon, a five dolUr bdl with a number Auction Sales Lot 21, con. 9, (Mprey, Monday,March 4, the property of .loho Hunter, farm stock, implements, etc. .Tames Speers, auctioneer. Lot 16, con. 4, Osprey, Friday, March 8. farm stock and implements, the prop- erty of .)oha Graham. James Speers, auctioneer. Lot 13, con. 10, Osprey, Friday, March 6, farm stock and iraplemerits, the prop- erty of George Ellis. James Speers, auctioneer. Lot 36, con. 8. Osprey, Wednesday, Feb. 27. farm stock and implements, the property of Thomas McCunnell. James Speers, auctioneer. S SKATING S Tuesday/Thursday, Saturday. W ^^ J. O. PATTON, - . proprletar "X, Fowl and Grain for Sale has bought a house on Water St, Owen , „£ diamond shaped holes in a line length wise of bill. Any person findiox and reluriiinȣ sanio will be siiil.ibly reward- Sound, and moved there. Miss Belle Henderson returned to Toronto last week, after siwndini; several months at her home, and in town. Se\-eral from here attended the recital ill M:irkdale on Monday evetii^g, and enjoyed a j;ood time Milliner approntiie wan'od. To com- mpnoe duties March first. F-G.Karstedt Flesherton. Mrs. John Nuhn, whr. has been wit" ler mother on the fourth line, returned on Sunday. House for Rent â€" Frame house to rent Apply to Mrs. Milligan, Flesh- ed. chei'p. erion. Dt=. a.m., V . ni. Caldwell's serniiitis next Sunday : "Lions" a stoiy for boys and girl'. '•It is not (jooj tor man tube akme; Than get Married. M18. J. \V. Arinstr<r.ii{, who lias bi-en ••8i:ini» her dnughters in Toro.ito and 0-ta«a for some months, returned home las" week. NoTlcBâ€" After the end o( the present month our premium offer if the Montnal Herald for paid-in-«dvaiue subscriptious will be withdiiiwn. W. H. Thurston Mr. Wm. Clayton is in Toronto atteni'- inu the Grand I.odaooflhe R. T. of T.and will al.-^o attfiid the CcnvKiition, of the Doinin.m .Alliance to be held Thursdiy and Fridny of this week. For saleâ€" Mare due to foal in May.cow due to cilve it. Ai)ril, sow due to pig iu ; .April, aid three head ot younj cattle. I .\pply to Mrs. Archie McPh:ul, Piict- j vile P. O. â- I The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid will i-ive ; a photooranh social in the basement if (he church on Wednesday eveninir, Feb. ^ 27, coniiiiencing at 8 o'clock. Admission I 15 and 10 cants. ' The Advance had the plea.sure of a' call friMO Mr. Win. McClung this week. ! Mr. McClnnjj tells us that he is ifettinij I his Clydesdale stallion Honor IU>uod in •bapo fof the con)ii)i( season. Lizzie McArihur, Ceylon. Rev Walter Daniels, B. A., the general secretary for western missions for the Baptist denouiina'ion. L;»ve an address on "Wtsiern M:s.sion Work" iu the church here on Friday ninhl. The iidilress w;is excellent but the sti-rm interfered ^really with the attendiiiicc. Farm for sale or rent â€"One niileeaat tif Priceville, 50 acres, g>od orchard, build- ings, iiicludinii brick .A baid- wood bush, and waterid by the Sausi<-e'> Itiver.â€" Mrs. .Archie McPhail. Piicevilli . A meeiiu<{ ot tha Wmnens Institu'e will be held in the town hall on Tuesday Fob. 26. Subject for discussion, "Con- humptiun, how to Guard Against 'it " ' Lttier Writing" by Mrs. Rev. Tlmin, Mrs. T. M jKenzie and Mrs. Win. l,over Every lady welcome. A neat little booklet, beautifully j!lu<trated, and printed on fine paper, eutiiled " Hi'ii e life of women in western Canada," a story of what women are Hccoiiiplishint! iu our Canaditm west, has b '(-n issued by the C. P. R. Any peis«>n desiiinv a copy can have it by enclos'tif; a 2 cent stamp, and sddressinij W. T. Robinson, C. P. U. adrertisiug aiient, Montreal, A meetinit of Mr. Large's Choral Union will he held in Clayton's h.tll on Monday cvenina next. .\11 the youni! pcoule should embrace thin opportunity of join- inj! the class. They would certainly proHt by so d'Ung. Any one wishing to join should communicate wiih Miss M- Coul-on, Mr. F. G. Karstedt or Mr. Ed. Beutham T'le Flesherton Epworth Leasue pui- poses V. siting" the Mtrkdale;ue t>n Tuesday nvenini.' next. The enteitain- nmiit for the evening will take the form tif adeliale between the two Leai;ues, the det ae l>ein!,", " Resnlved that the l.ive of f.iine is a more jK>w«ifnl motive in human nfl.-iirs than the love of money." The F'lesherton Lt".auiie has the aftirinaiive. There will t>o several loads (loinsj and ihiwe wi.ihint{ t'> take this in will com muuicate wjih the president. Skating Carnival. The Hrst caruival of the season, held on the rink here on Friday last was a huge succfss, notwithstanding the heavy snow storm which lasted all day. There ' were a number from a distance presen among them being a load of young folks from Kiniberly and all seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. The costumes, while not large in numb- er, were in the main K"*'d, and showe- ed isreat care in preparation. The judg- es gave eeneral satisfaction and awarded the prizes w the b^st in every instance. The Fksheiton Citizetis' Band added iireatly to the enj'iyment of the evening and surprised and pleased everybody with the music which they rendered. Mr. Tucker^has demonstrated his ability as a baud master by thus bringini; the band up to its present e.xcellency io one week. Followinc is a list of tho maskers, other than ilie prize winners, â€" M. Hale*', Japanese; M. Wilson, Queen of Hearts; R. Trimble, Sheperdess; Z. Trimble, Automobile girl; M. Gillespie, Winter; T. McKiniion, nurse; F. Bellamy. F. Mc- Tavish, A. Oillespie, W. Wilson, Tramps: E. Blak-ly, U. Bellamy, fat men; C. Bellaiuy, W, Crosaley, Clowns; H. Hales, Bro*ui«. F'dl'>wimr is a H«t of the prize winners. Fat iiiini, J. Gamey; Queen "f hearts, M. Croaley; Biiys race, V. Sullivan. I). \Vliitt*jii, S. MoMuUen; T'otato race. F. Patton; Kl.wcr aii 1, P. Rvlelv; Brst 'my skater, W. Wilson; Clown, C."E Tyr. d; Tramp, W. W'llsuu; Best litI sk »6er. M.; Be^t lady skater, Wilda Crofsley; Caii«<i:i, L 1 i»n Armsirmip; Nun, E Trimble; Obstacle race. F. Sullivan; Ued ridinjini; hiiml. P. Hadely; VVinter. L. Hutledgo; Hii:hland Laasie, .\. Wilcox; Slowest man 011 ice, E. Blakely; Uncle Sam, G. .\ii:Kinnon. Messrs. K. H. A'. Hickling. Geo. Clark and C. N. Kicliartlsoii wore judi;es Manager Pattou reports himself hianly pit asid with the carnivKl. and will hold another later on in the season. Hatherton The box social, given by the young ladies of our Sunday school and held at the home of W. J. Arnott w:us a decided succf.s.s, §11.50 being the proceeds of the evening. Mr. T. Fawcett. of Heatheote. nccom- pinied by his bruther-iu-law, Mr. Frank liell, of Yiukton, Assa., also Mr. and Mrs. J. HaU, of CollingwiKxI. and Mi. and Mrs. Ftn ton, of Horaings Mills, were the guests of Mr. and Mn<. Down the {NU-it week. Mi.s.s Bertha Sinitli, who has been ill with pneumonia. «Uo MLss Cliuii Gniiii- niet, we are glad to rv\ ort are iiuprovin^; nicely under the care ot i<r. B. rd. Mrs. Hairy Down, wiio has boon ill with la grip and put'uii onia is^improving nicely under the care, of Dr. Piirks, of Fevoi-shain. .Mr. J. H. Seeley .sold his trotter to Mr. Bolgcr, of Dunihiik. Mr. J:iines .Aruotl has purch:i.sed a very tine imi^mrtetl Clydosiiale stallii 11 from %\"illitim Hognte. W estoa. We be- lieve this four ol-.l colt to t>o one of the that could bo purchiused in Sc it- land. Mr. and Mrs. C. Winters. Mr. and Mm. J. Loughocd and Mrs. Jes.sie Arnott, who hive been laid up with grip are all doir.g nicely. Brown Leglioni C-ickerels for sale, also Tartar King seed oats, good to stand np. W. BUSKXX mount Pleasant l^crd* Of Purebred scotcli SbortomR with Uie famous louDg stock bull. Scottish Chief, at the bead. Young stock for sale, prices rea«>aable temis easy. ' otniarUiyr K. ALLEN, Prop. 170, Coo. -2. E r. 4S.R . Pure Bred Camwcrths and Berkshires I ha.'e for sale some piuebred T.\m^"ith i4iws, aiao two nice pnr« bred Berluhinr twan nearly ready tu wean. Satisfaction guaraa- te«l M.17 07 -G. W. Ross, Maxwell. Farm for Sale* Lilt 33, con. 13, Art.-meaia: liX) acres, cleared, 30 acres hardwood bush, 3U »it« swamp. <J»Nid frame house and lofr stables, and log stables. Well watered. WUI be »<jl<t cheap and tin easy terms. Apply to novJ7 R. W. McMuUen, Eugenia. Sbortbom Bull The thiirtjuehlired .Shorthorn BniU "F.'svnr- ite," (52235, i»forser\-i«e on lot 27-3S. 2nd range N. D. R.,.Vrtennsia. Pedigreeiinai'piiuaciun. Ternis^SLiT ALEX. .\tcR.U-;. Ccvfc.n For Olinter Oiear Slippers, Overshoes and Rubbers FOR SALE AT CLAYTON'S >?, We have already ri?ceived a very large stock of new goods, ami invite you to give us a call, expecting a good bargain. We will not disappoint yoii. f^ Custom Olork and Repairins Attended to A CLAYTON'S I ICGEST I k BARGAINS -AT Jas. Pattison's, Ceylon 21 lbs No 1 RedpathGranula- ted Suj. uar .ei 00 24 Yellow Sugar . 1 00 :5pkgs. C orn Starch for. . . .. 25 3 bottles Sxtracts for .. 25 3 cans Co rn or Peas .. 25 4.V lbs 2.7C Tea, extra choice . 1 00 Rollel Oats, per sack â- 2 40 WINTER GOODS .At exceptionally low prices. Men's Fur and Cli>th Overcoats Ready-Made Clothini;. Fur Collars for Ladies or Gents Caperines, Gauntlets Golf Jackets, Clouds and Scarfs Underwear, Heavy Top Shirts. Heavy Rubbers, and Socks Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells Men's Heavy Cups. Fflt Boots Shoes and uinuy other things. â- ^l r .1 hi It will pay you to sell your grain and buy your goods for the next six months. All over-due accounts must be settletl l>y February 10, \y Jas. Pattison, Ceylon, u 'i^:^:^*^-.^-:^ 2^-2t â- •^'2:*2r'2^ '^ -^ ^-^ ^ ^ -^ ^- ^ .^ â- .^- ^ .' :J| ! F, G. Karstedt ; I SLAUGHTER IN ALL WINTER APPAREL * We must make room for our SPKIXG STOCK and to Z, do so we are selling all Furs at less than cost, r SE.VLEU TENDRKS a.ldreBstfl to the undor- siK'ied and ond-msed -Tuiiner (oi Public Biiildiuf* (iwoii Sound, Out,." will be rot^eived attbis oOice until Uondav, Februarv U5, I'.CT, liioiiisively, forthii coiistiuctiou if a Public lluildiug, Cweu Sitiiiiil, Ont . Plans and specilloatioiffl can bo seen and forms of tender obtained at ibis depar'niunt and at the ottjeeof .Mjssrs. Foreter audClaik, Architects. Owen Sound. Out. Persons tcnderini; a»'0 notiliod that tou.lera will not bo consirtired auless inA«ie on the printed I'orui suii^iliutt aad sijjned witb tbeir actual sigtiatliret). Kacb tender umst t>o acoonipiiniod l>v an BCcei'ted cheiiuaon a charterwl bank, maile VAvabltt to the order of the Honoiablo thj Alini-ster of Public NVorfcs, e<]nat to ton pai cent, (to U.O.I nf tb< amount of the teniior, which will be forfoitwd i| the party londeriiitf 1 decline to enter into a contract when eaiied I n)>iM) to do so, or if he fail to conipla a tha work con tracto*! (or. If tho tender be not acc'^ptoit I bo clUMine will be reliirnud. T1m> Department does not bind \UoU to accept tbe lowest or an V toptiur. 'By order FKKD OSLINAS Secretary. Department of Pnblio Work Ottawa. Janutry :il. 1907. NeWMpapera wll not i e pal I for this adver. tisameat if they iusert it wiihout aaUxarity from tke department, RUJFFS W'e just have five Ruffs left. Sable and Marmot, prices ranging from S3. 50 to So.50. 82,50 to S4.50. Only ^ Mink Caperines, Rood collars, hmg, good tads, regular $10 IH) selliiii! at ST.oD Only 3 Coiiev Furs, loug and good, regular from ?2. 50 to SS.UO going at Sl.98to 8«.'J8 One only La«ly s A.strachan Jacket, tfwd value at ?3O.00 going jtt S22..">0 One only Lidy's Seal Jack ef. cost 845.00 going at .. .§35.00 One only Gonts Doi; Skin C-at, rvg. SlS.t«l for 8l,-),00 ( )iie only Cent's Wombat Coat, reg 9*^2.00 for $18.00 One only (tent's M. nnlain Coon Coat S25.t>i) for SIS.CO Three only Gents' C.ilf Skin Coat, leu S^W.OO for 927.50 The ladies fn>iu a distance will receive courteous treat- ment in our store and will be paid the highest price for their produce. Our stock is large and up-to-date with the prices right. Flesherton - - Ontario.