fKBBUARY 21 1»07 THE FLfiSHERTON AD VAN CI \ •*»« IWWWWWy p. T. HILL & CO. mmHiiit. Just fifteen Days More of February OUR GREAT - Graniteware Sale J. &W. BOYD Oar sale closes Thuraday night January 31. We begin stock taking Monday, Feb. 4th and will finish about Monday, Feb. l!^. During these two weeks we are putting on a special sale of furs and ladies jackets. Just fifteen more days to sell Graniteware and then the opportunity to buy all kinds of Graniteware at a saving of one third to one half to one third less than regular prices will be gone. Thrifty housekeepers shonld not miss this chance to anticipate their rc(iuirements and refurnish kitchen utensils in all kinds of Granite- ware at such economical prices. GRANITE PUDDING TANS 150 (inly Grnniio Puddiiiij Pun, 4-quart size, in Riey jtiid white, .VlcLary's nmki), rejfular 35c ralue, sellinK for 19c (illANITEWARE WATER PAILS 75 only Granite Wator Pails, ill culorH of aroy, blue and white, porfeclly s eaniless, no ciiiinco for u lenk, eiituielled on steel- lle>;ul«r value 75e, seilinj! for 48e. Ke^uUr value $1.00 selling for 5fic. 250 Graniteware Basins selling 2 for 2r)C. 250 only Oranitewaro nisiiis, enaniTin-led on stei-l, perfectly seamless, in colors of white, blue and |;rey. during our February Graniteware Sale selliiii; two for "-•"^ I8c Granite Pudding Pans â- February Sale Price lie. 200 Granite Pudding Pans, very useful size arailalile f :ir many purposcH and the kind that sells for 18c. anywhero, February Sale price each lie Granite Slop Pails and Slop Jars. 45 only Granite Slop Pails in white, also grev, extra heavy and full size, tegular $1.60 value, helling for 85 35 only Grsnite Slop Pails in white, also grey colors, adjustable lid, strung steel pail and seamless. Rosular 8oc value, sellinif for 48c. Regular 81 00 value sellinnf for 68o. Preserving Kettles and Lipped Sauce Pans selling at half. 75 only (ifiiiite Preserving Kettles, regular 35c, size, February Sale Price 18c. 7."i only Granite Lipped Sauce Pans, regular 35u. kind, Febi uary Sale Price 18c Granite Dinner Pails selling for 35c, regular 65c value. .'iC (pnly Granite Dinner Pails, cup.s attached, also separate inside attachment. Thin article isaliuonto the man taking' hit meals with him, February Sale Price 35c. 'I B Ladies Far Mantles, sizes, 3-40, 1-38, 1-3G, casli price $20.00 ^ (^ 21 Ladies cloth jackets, ^ey tweeds and black beavers, sizes from ^ 7t 32 to 42. regular 8',. 00 to §10.60 selling for 3 0.) ^ '^ 11 Ladies cloth jackets, blacks and fawDS, selling at 93 fK I Flour and Teed 5f» We have a full stock of flour and feed including ^ Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, Corn, Barley chop and I Five Roses Flonr ^ Every bag of which is guaranteedâ€" the best fiour in JL the land â€" no other can equal it. 1 . . Hardw^arc . . A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axes, saws and all kinds of woodman's supplies, also BUILDERS SUPPLIES i Parties contemplating building should not neglect get- ting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. mm MARKPALE Is piililisliiMi every Thursduy at aimuin if paid hiaiivuiice, ^1.5u if All BulMcrilKr piiyinir St.On strictly in kdvancu K"' 'he Montreal iprald one year fr*« as » iirruiiuiii. EDITOIU.\L DRIFT has been important Wr. l.B. Lucas, M. P. L' tuado chairman ut' several c3mmittcos, one of which chuirmun- ships is said to bo the next best thing to a cabinet luiiiliilci'sliip itself. Uomo people may be Batisiied with "the uexl best thing" but not hero â€" we want the tiling itsoli, and until LB. gets that cabinet puBitiou may Mr. Wliilucys dreams be all night- mares rampant. 'It dors seem stranfjc that people will jstand this sort oflioitoras as they do witliout an atti-uipl to discover a means of cm tailing; tiio dtstructivo qualities of their luodern Jui,'gernaiit. fl.oo iwfjAs a hnmaiiitarian Mr. HoosrCveU 5,) if iu,t su P»id.'Qj,|^,,^ j^p ,„ji.g of ji,ig ji,e ^,,.g5j crowi,. iii<; aohicvcnu'iit of his udininistratiou. He btoiigbt the beef ring to time, has had the Htandiird Oil indicted, and has looked into the railway methods as coniinoii carrieis, bat as common murderers the railways have not le^ coived the attcutiou to which they are usily entitled. A JamaicanLady Speaks KiKhly if Chamberlain's Cou;;h Remedy, Mrs. Michael Hart, wife of the suiwriuted- enc of Carl Service at KiiiXFtaii, Jamaica, West Infhf^ IriliituU says thatnlifiju* for sniiie years uned Chaiiilierlain's Cmiiih KeiiiBdy fi r e<iii(;hi), crotip and n hooping; c(>i));h and . Iia» fo'iml it very Iwneficiul. Mljo tiiui iiiiplieit LO f tdence in it and wouhl not he without of t in iier hotiie. Sold by W E. Kichardsou. Notice to Creditors •Iâ€"! J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, Ont. A Letter From E. R. Steinhauer Hon. Mr. KmnieiBon, iniuistor of Railways, Jehvi;red a epoecli in To- ronto last Week in whicli the statu- ident was mude that tliu Inturculuiii- al railway carries IVeiyhl for just 50 pur cent, less tlmn any oilier railway in the country, and that this was the reasoo v/hy u has lu^vur bcuii able to meet ex] ciiHf 3. The idea conveyed by this Htatenicnt was tliul the iiiulur' cliai'gu was a virtue rather than a misdemeanor, (•vanlilig heliclits taj hearts, knowing that wo have frieiulH win people living aluii;,' thai liuu of rail- 1 !'"'•>: havo syiiip,uhy f.>r us, whoiuo pray way enjoyed hy no oilier people in liiLst full a ('hriHtmiiH liox was prepared hy tho Kpworlh Loagiiu uixler tho <Urue- tion of Mrs. \V. .-X.. Ariii.strotij' who is the seciiiid N'ice l're.sidunt, and avnl to Itev. K. K. and Mrs. Steinhauer, of Fisher Hiver, Manitolm, who are supported liy tho Oweii Sound diHtrict Leagues. Last Week Mrs. Aniislroiig reeeived i\ letter from Mrs. Steinhaiior acknowledging tho receipt of the box. As wo believe the letter to 1)0 of intereHt to our sutwcribers wu publish a [Hution of it as f(dlow.s, - "Itiit after all one thing in your letter went to our luNulrt mole than the pre.sonts did mid that was thiw little scnteneo 'you ale ever ill our inintls niid hearts.' We stiipped when we eaiiie to that and talked it liver, wiitidering ut it. Mr. Stoiiihauer siiid it iiinst he ho, and it seemed, ns wn iieoeptod it for a fact, to add a joy to our In the matter of the cutute of ROCEUT THIMBLE, late of the Villaue of Kleehertun in the Cr>unty of Urey Merchant, deceased, NOTICK l9 horebv giveu pursuant to the «e« vtBodStatutoH of Ontario, Imr?, Chap. l-.>9 that all crcditomaiKl others huviuu ulaiiun aKainat tho estate ot Uie aaid KOllKKT TKlMllLE, (i.<- coaued, who tliod on or about tlio Tvrenty-FitBt (lay of Doceuibor, A. D. JlKni. arc roqulre'd on or buforo tho IHth dav of Kebrmry, A. D. lOUTtu Bend by poHl propaiil or deliver to W.W.Triuiblo Esquire, Klonhcrtou P. O., Out.. AdmiulBtrator ot the Butato of the naid di oeaiiM.l.tholr christian and »uriianii», addreh^-eBaurtdBBcriptious, the full partiuulain of their claniiB, tlio Btateinunt of their ancouuta and thu nature of tho Hucuritluit (if any) held bv theui. ANl) further take notice that after »ueh last nipiitioned datu the naiil aduiiiMBtraioi wi II proeood todistribute theassntBof thodpeias edaiiioni; thb partiOB entitled thureto.haviuK ru- (;ard only to the elaiuia ol which ho nhall then l.avenotlce.and that tbeoaid AduiinlBtiat- or will not be liablu for the Baiil asseta or any part theroof to any person or nuraona of whose olaima oolicii shall not have beiiu lecuived by him ut the time of aneb diHtrlbtitlon. IJatud thiaHthday of .larniarv, A. V. 1906. Lucas, Wright ,i McArdle, feb7 Oweu Sound, Ont. Solloitora for tlio Administrator. PRIVATE SALE For 30 Days Givitia up 0u$inc$$ the couutry. Th.ere are ihoso who cannot look upon it as a virtue. Why, they ask, should thu people who are 80 fortunate as to live on that lino ol railway enjoy bcuelita not enjoynj by others who helped to hiiilc tiie line ? If all railways wero owned and oper- Hled by guveriiinont tho bituiitiuu would veqniru no apuloj,'y, but uiidei existing cuiitlitions it is tliu duty of tho govei'umeiit to put ihut as&et of the Dominion on a paying hasis. It IS mauilesily iintuu' tliai the uunntry ut largo Hhuiild bo ta.\ed to pay for the Iransporlatiua facilities enjoyed only by u smull section of liio cuuiitry. Tl» L»'J'""''0" govfuriinent cannot {<(>» busy too ipiick at readjuHting their Intercoluuial laiiH' of shipping rutus. I'rpsKjciU Roosevelt was largely iii- strnmeutal iu slopping the Rnssiuns and Japs from killing one aiiollier, but iii»,iDtUie:ico is uol so evident whun it coinos to the inaitor ol the groat slttiighler of innnomitH, wliioli irikes plaoa annually in Ins own country. IMtring lliu past six months, fv-jm Aiijiist 1 last, the railw.tys of the I'liiled titatC'S wciu siiccudshil iit de- S^.'oying B51 human lives itnd seriously i.; K-iii(; acvenlhundrod butuaubciugh ing for US, and who eaio what the linal isMio of it all shall be. Oh, di'ar friends, you do not know hifw much alone wo feel soiiietiiiies, as far ai* humanity is cencorned and how wii long for huntan recognition whoti the work is hard, each diiy tilled until eleven at night with work for the hands and feet as well as for tho liwid and heart. But you Imve refreshed us and we thank you, helievinx you too do it all for (.'hrist's sake, for the hive of Christ, with whom we all hope to meet together. When He shall eoiiio again wu know not, what joy sh.'dl be ours, but wu havo His hope ns an anchor to tho scud. Our people have had a great deal of sickIle^,s this winter, and it has been very cold and iiiucli snow. The peo|)le are better now and we hope Ihiiigs will he better all round. NV'e pray that (iod shall lilcss yon all ill your work, and us in our work for His Name's sake." Vours very atTectionHtely, Mr. and Mrs. E. IL Steinhauer CANADIAN •>i«.^.:^PA.OIFIC ONTARIO HORSE BREEDERS' EXHIBITION TORONTO PEDRUARY 20 2j Return V'are from f^ f\ ^V FLESHERTON 2.60 1 Horae C years 1 I'ow 7 yeara In calf 1 Top buitgy e Set of single harness I Cutter Pair lif-ht bobsluichs 1 Set Heavy harness. Set of lumber trucks Several plongha. Lainl rollers and pulpers, .'iO.OOO ft. Lumber, 503 Squares shinKles, sidings, tloorintfs and other house finish. Come aIouk and |{et this stuff at your own pjioe while it lasts, Everything Must be Sold Will slao roci'ive offers for tlio purchase or leae of the will property and dwelling. R. P. LEGATE CEYLON Tarm for Sale. Lots 171-1"2, 2 8. W. T. A 8. B.. Artomesia containiiiK UU aurea, 00 aorvs cleared, 'good p»H' tnre farui. frame house, log barn; well fenced and watered. Apply to W. H. HAl.KS, ao-aoa I'rioeville, P. O » M » H »- Mr. Paulsfnid, of 30-10-21, on the morniiif; of thu I5tli wont to his barn and foiind three horses aiWl three cows anil Ilia chickens dead and two horses and five c iws ulniost dead. Ilo built hialtarn very tijjht and thu frost made it air tight. His stock Hinotherud to death aa a roHult. Al or thu \mrn «mh i>ponod and air admit- ted ho Huccuudud in Having the twohoruos ttiul flvo oowj.â€" Mile&tioao M'*!!, Sin((le fare from all Ontario ntatiuus. QOOn OOINO WEDNE8D.\Y AND THURSDAY, FEBRUAKY 20 AND 21. Return limit, Monday, February 25. Soour* further parti'-ulars and tickets from nrartst Can, I'ac. Ticket aifunt. 60 y:Ar!f cxPEaitfjoi '•a TRACt MXUKS! Diisii.ia Anvono senillnu a sksleh and io.«it.ptbn rnv (luloKIr a»cort'Ua oiir oi-nndn fni.i whol.t-r as liivanllon Is pnihalily rntrioiililix {',<liiliuelr'ii- ^riaulrtoii'.liil. IlauiltMMiften ht(i-itta Inula •irlctly loccUfi •UMi iTvn. t>Irti'«t Uifuiif'r ri.n Ri'rmiiivi"U-m l*nt*'iiU Irikfu tlir.iuuh Slutm A Co. )oct Ipffiut w^tic*^ withaut o ti:ing fl. In tU© Scletttiftc J?ttieriC()iti. A hanrtsomelT lllii«»rat>'d wwklr. 1 irnsi clr nSstliui <.( any srtaniMo journiO. 'Icmi.. f:i t rsAr; four uiuiuas, It SoM byall SL'waattlera, MUNN&Co"'8'<»*''**New)nrl( Yarm for Sale Iiot 30. cou. M, township of ArtemeRia, eon* iAininil lOU acrvtt, 40 ncruH nndrr cultivation, 20 gooil paKtiirn laud, olHiir*«(t; runt iu biirtb, uotid urutmi'l. well waturtKl; loc Iiouhu log stable. fiaiDH bavii, 2 uiihiB froui nchuol. Will soil otu-Hp, oil easy terui^. Apply to iTiiar J.VV.CKOZIKH. Rngenia Fartn fo Rent tnt HM42. 3rd nwigvT. it S. R., two miles fron> KloHht'rt<ni» coiuaitiinK IW acrcH, (â- (hk) orcliaid ImiUltngd, incUmliiK brick hoiue. Sploiididly wiitered. Ai>ply to mAAU SINCLAIH. Fleshertun HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tho place to get the best Photos Ih ut BULMERS PHOTtHJRAPH OALLEKY. Fairmcrsf Look Here! I have opened up a new Hsrmatf shop in town and have a gtK>d aod^ ever iucreasint; stock uF Belli,- Blankets, Robes and nil WijjTBrf NECzstiiTiEs for the Borae Owner. Drop in and have me do any Uarueag Repairing you uiity have. I can do it rii;ht. 0. W. Phillips Directly opposite The Adv»nce otHce. Flesherton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid$toek»» Best stock Bcl1s» Blankets* Robes Fnr lined coats, pocket Itoolia, Rutchuls, razor strops and other leather goods. Cutters â€" best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Oat. Sl^ortl^orn Cattle fcr Sale Levinias and Wluiple«, the best of broetlinti »n<l inialitv. Hulk, cows and lioiteta for aaltf at reii8unal>le itrious Lot M,oou.S CMA8, STAFFORD, FteabartoD SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to €«pying and Babies' pictures, Pictui^e fram- ing a specialty. Try UN for any kind of pictui;»« and we will prumiaeaatisfaction. Yorkshire Boar lor Service. I Mrs. BIJI^I^ER Thy uudersiijued has lor aervice on lot H8, 9nd W. T. & 8. K., Arlouiesia. a thoroughbred lorkshiie hoar, "Liikeview Victor." No 18480. Terms *1 (HI, TLotouuhbreds oilra. A tblauv did stock K ittttr, SmvilFeb. TH0S.QUlO'i Prop. For Sale by Ccndet^ Tenders will be r 'coive.l by the in Irrilsnarl* m. tj b'ubruary 15. IWI, for the o, r •»««» c7t:.H bull. iuRB known as Me-lical Hall In VloshertoD' On the prooe'ty a.ea tlii-.p vu.iuv brick builU- In« fornu rly used as a drug store, and a twov s'oioy bruk buildluB now occui'led asa butcher shop auil 3wt lliui; alflo u rough cast buildii r ic cu-'i~l AS hainiss shop, also stables, Tbei l^U- •«t or kay tendfir uoi uecesaarilv acoeptad. The store part oi tb« block U lor raut at an* Ima W. J. Bellamy Mi», B. 0. Tho«,