t 1, I Aiiout the House ; FACi;i.l.KNT EGOS. Eggs a La Sutese.â€" Four eggs, one- half cup ci-eum, one tablespoon butler, two tablespoons grated chc^'se, salt, pepper, cayenne. Heat a small omelet pan, put in butler,- ami wtven melted add cream. Slip in the eggs one at a time, .sprinkle with sail, pepper and a lew graias of cayenne. When. â- *hites are nearly linn sprinkle with cheese. Kinisti cooking and ser\-c in bultered toast. Strain cr<»m over the toast. Eggs a la Buckinghamâ€" Vtake five slices milk toast nnd •arrai>ge on plat- ter. Lse recipe for iScrambJed eggs, having the eggs slightly underdone. Pour eggs over toast, spr!.^I;ie with four tablespoons graW4 mild cheese. Put in oven lo nK.-lt cheese and finish cook- ing eggs. Eggs a la Fiwicyseâ€" Harve ready a .shallow pan Iwo-lhirds full of boiling *.aHed water, allowing one-half tables spoon salt to one quart of walor. Put two or thn'f buiterwl mulVm pans in the water. Break each egg .separal<*ly ,n- Ut a cup and carefully slip into a mudin ring. Tlie «-at«?r stwsild cover tl»>'eggs. When there is a liloi over the top imd Ibe while is rirni carefully remove wllU â- & butlered skiininwr io circular pieci's 01 bullen-d! loast and cover wifh lomtfto sauce, s<<«soned with suit «Jii pepper end butter. .Shirred Eggs. -Butler an ogg shinrer. Covor bolt/uii awl sides with tine crack- er crumbs. Br<"ftk an i-gg iaito a cup *nd carefully sJip into stiirrpr. Cover with sea-soncd buiten?d cnirntis and bake in a mo ierato ov^n onlil while is (irm and cruinlis brown.. The shirrevs shoiiltl be pltcr-d un a li*i plalc that lliey may be renmvod •e(»si!y !r«m the ovei). Egg? in Tnmalr)es--Cot ?i -slice froKi elein end of toinalo. r.viiop<iut Jtie pUip, slip in an egg. sprinkle «-ith salt and pepper, co-jer with biilUered crumlis, and bake. Eggs II in GoMenriid â€" Tlinv hard- bf.iled C(.gs. one tab5esp»<Tn bulter. sne lablespiKin Hour, oni^ cup milk, one-half t< aspf)on .sail, one-.-ijihth teuspo<jn pet>T per, livi' .tiices loa-.l, parsley. Make a I hill, wl^itc -sauci; willi butter, "flour. Tijilk, uikI sca-suiiings. Separate yolks from »lii'i-s of ''ggs. Chop whites fine- ly and add them to the sauoe. Cut fi ui- slices of toast n huhe? leiigthwi.sc, arrange on platt«'r, ;iraii pour ov^r Ihe sauce. Force lli^ yo!ks lhroii<:;i a po- tato rirer nr strains, sprinkling over the lop. Onmiali with parsley and re- maining loa.st cut in piiinls. Egg Farci â€" Cut hard boiU'd eggs in halves crosswise. Henwve yolks and put whites aside in pairs. Mash yulk- and add e<iual amount of cold ojoked chicken or veal finely chopped; Moisten with melted bulter or inuvonnaiso. i:elerv s.\l.\ds. Celery and Apple .Saladâ€" Pare three lart apples and cut into dice; mix with two cupfuls of celery, cut into half inch lengths. Arrange lettuce leaves with cups for Individual serving; Qll wilh the apples and celery; pour over a plain French dressing jusl before serving. Hosy tinted apples, having a slice cut (â- ff U»e end to make tlvein sit llnnly. and carefully hollowed out, make a pretty I'eceptacte for this salad. The tpples should not be prepared lung be- fore seiviiig, as they turn dark after they *re cuU Plain Celery Saladâ€" Wash and cut into small pieces the white stalks of two bunches of c-lery. Amnge lelliice m cups f«r individual ><er\ing. pile little TOrtunds ef thi> celery in eai-h, and dress wilh mayonnaise. Cliicktm and tilery Saladâ€" Chop two *nd a half cupfuLs of coid boiled chicken inti) dire, and oi>e cupfuJ of celery in<o tuiall pieces. Mi\ well logetl>er and marinate wi'h a French di«ss-ing. Chill thonrughly. pile in lettuce cups, «nd pour over a Utile niayi-jnnaise. Celery and Xut Salad â€" Remove Itie bhatls from abnut hvo doaen ISnglrsh \valnul-, turn boiling wuler over the meats, lei staad fifteen mirrules. then drain, remove the >kitis. and bneak in- i|f. .small pieces, r.ift an equal <i|uantilv of celery iiil<j small pieces, mix with the Uieats. marinate wKh French dressing. I^.'eap inUi lettuce ouijs, aixii dre.ss with lTiiayonai.s«> ami garnish ».itb whole walnut meals. I (:eler>' .ffnd TohhiIo 'Salad â€" Wa.sh and ;\vipe 11* t«inalt)es. ciil a cap from the Isleni end of each, and remuve llie »>eds land pulp. Mince the cek»n' line, mix Uvilh Krcn<.'h dres-ing and the lomato i pulp, pile it in Ihe tomato cupjs, and dress with nia>yoniiai.se. I Celery «nd pulato salafiâ€" One cupful I or cold toiled potatoes, cut int« dice I ai; equal nuanlity of celery, finely niiBced. and one I i't Ihis rccts^. and ils use simply was llial of storage. .\ lop piece was filled on and stained to match the rest of the wood. When the piece was completed it was much stouter and letter made than an ordinary cheap set of book .shelves, and the posses-ion of trie draw- er was a great addition to the conveni- ence of its owner. f -ts-e:- FOR PARE.NTS O.NLY. This world's a rare ami joyous place For those who deem it .so, Wilh smiles enough for every face â€" This is no tale of woe. But yet. when alls been done and said. Some little children creep. .-\t cuddling lime, unkisscd to bed And sob themselves to sleep. Their daddy's off at work, somewhere. Their mammy's tii-ed and worn. Both burdene<l down wilh carking care From the first break of morn. Each kive-starved young one on the listjl-y an .American lady in the summer lo Has troubles by the heap. contribute something U, her aiilogroph Vet each mu.-^t go to bed unkis^ed j album. Mr. Bu ns kepi the album three .\nd sob himself lo sleep. ]days. and tlien returned •'. wilh the fol- Icwing original stanza: â€" HiGfa: C3-T A.OJS Incubators and Brooier^s Awardi-d H;ghmit Hoii'.rs at Eihibitio-^s. iiin.- <rj» oui :n. every lest, and r.re Patentod. Vac RXJilUlXXf Ini'Ubatxir rpjfulates its own lifut. I. requires ofily <• mmiiteH of your lime twice a day lo (."ppratf- '^ ffc takes oniT 1 . iri>IUinn of oil to each li.ifih. Vh*- HAt- Il/rOS batches big. healthy. dolTy ehiekfinB. »nif dim UAItlLTDN BR.,ODKR will ukc care oJ overs tfcrli. Wri;c ui to-day for our big trw cauimewc. t>yvu.- U^ and easy termB. Address, THE IfAMILTOH INCUBATOR COMPAKT, Limite</» and anothei- emerald. The initial let- ters of thes<? stones spell the name by which her husband is int;malely known and by which she hai always called him. The Right Hon. Ji.hn Burn- was asked Oh. world of sunstiine nii.xed with sloi ni. Oh world of tears and jwy. Oh. world of frozen hearts and wamj. Oh, world ol man ami boy, lyess were your sorrow, less your dread. If. -when night's shadows creep, F-iich liUle lad went ki.s.>ed lo l>etl .Knd smiled himself to sleep ! TOWnitED BY INDIGKSTION 'A'aKanis' Pink Pills Cured 1>oolar> Hud Failed. Xibin, 368 King CA.MBLEa'i' I.NDEX. Vienna Pulice K<i'|i Clii-;- Tab ua \'a(' uuis (janibles». The Viunna police, wilh the assto<i«M» o' the police of niasl other eapilul.s, !'jb«» prepared a "Gamblers' Index." •:o!itja*~ ing the names of Ihe gix'at pn>I«>s<aa«>L gamblers and card-sharpers of Europe. This index, in the form of a sotaO. lilhographed book, has now bi'en senl I* Ihe authorities of all large ciliag- .»â- * health ressorts in Euitipe. It conlains nioi-e Uian a UwusamK names, among which ace a nmabsr ut high-sounding tiltes, .â- Hith as pn*c*-Sv- marquis and count. Most of itttsg- ':iiet- are, of coui-se, self a-vsumed, Uut --^twe are genuine. To each name a personal desenpUo* and some biographical details at* .«»- tached and a reference to Uie paiiic Mrs. T. 1 Quet>ec. wife of the cireuialion inana- | eer of L'Eveniiienl.. is one ot Ihe l>est known and wosl e-liiuable ladies iw Ihe city, and Imm- statement that LV. WillJanis' Pink Pills cured her of a v.Ty .severe attack of indigt^slion will bring liope lo sirnsiar sutfenirs. .Mrs. Jobin says: ".\bo»»t a year ago I was seiieil Born in struggle, rea-ed m strife, .\gilalor all my life. Blessed wilh Wallh: iny only wealth. My ain gude wile. .\n old Harvard inslruclor was recent- ly telling people of the lime when Tlieodore Roos.'velt was a student in his class. One day \oimg RtKiscvell â- was rehearsing a p<}em lo be re<Mled 'or public declamation. He f^ut as far as a line which read: "When Greece, tier i ,"„ei|[o4,; "and Iricks einptoved.' such J» XUtr Ivnees in suppiiaiice benl. wlien he : railwav cord sharpers; billiards, pluyunR. i>iuck and couldii I get any farther. , j^,.,^. jyi^ ciirds; cardsharping with JCi- ^J.^^ I Again he repealed: "When Greece, ber j complice, etc. â- ' knees.' and -1:11 he stuck. Once more i i^^^^ ^^^^i ,j( „,g j„j„ jg f^ pnabftr he repealed Ihe (our words, when, fin- |,,£ u„t|,oniie,s at health resorts to re- ally. Ilie in>lnielor said: "Hnosevell.K.pgnix^. undesirable chai-aclers ami em- suppose y(Hi ;.reii.se your kn.-es again, p,,! u,em as soon as Ihev arrive, the fear and llien, perhajis, shell go." „( ,„uking mtstakes having hiUierlo pr»- His Majesty's honorary degrees num- venled the police from taking sulliciealfc Un- only seven, a- ojinparwi wilh ele\-- measures lo protect visitccs- en or twelve owneil by the Prince of Mrs. Cora B. flliiJier Makes a Fortune started â- 'Few Years Ago wilh No C^piuU. ami Now Employs Nearly .One Hundred <°.hTk<< aiul Slenoijrapbecs. tJntil a few years aso Mrs. jCorn. B. Mill«r lived in a mauner similar to that ' of thonsanda of other very poor women of the averace smalt town .»nd Tillage. ! She now resideH in her owa >j>alatial | brown-stoiie residence, aiid is oonsidered ' oDe of the most suecessfut bnsiness wo- 1 men in the United States | Willi indigestion which had an alarm- i Wales. The King has the right of ar- in*. eflect upon mv 'health. Day by haying himself m the .-carlel clolli. and dinv mv stiitngth gr-'v. less. ! suffered hr.ed wilh criia<on silk. < f the Oxfor.l fKj'm terrible headael»«, di/jiiness, pal- Doetor of Civil Law n.C.l..); while as pClalioii of flie liearl and sle.'plessness. D dor of Laws tLL.a) he may wear I'le I was ill IhLs condiiioii for about six srarlet cloth, lined with pink silk. months. 1 consulted two doctors an.l ! which is shai-ed by Cambridge. Dublin. .allhouch 1 followed their Irealment lend the Rnv-al Uuiver.sily of Ireland: or ; simple feveis or teething troubles.- !hey ty of celery, finely J<.m.^,(u,,y ,, j|j ,Kjt help me in the least, the .^«»rlet c'.oth lined wilh Veneiian red i are good for children of all age^ - easpoonful of ""need js^ j^^, OtWr. seeini: thai insU-ad e,f re- silk of Cdasgow; or the scHrlet silk, i fiom the new born babe to llle *e» "•"â- '- 'â- • ijijgj ^.^.jjij ^-iiii.T salin. of Calcutta; ,r gi«wn child. And Uie moltier liaj- "is le not less resplfndont plumage of Ihe guarantee of a government aiialy»i rii.iil BABY S BEST FR1E.NJ> Baby's Own Tablets Have saMvm' many a precious liitle life. That* i»- no other medicine lo equal (ton f«>r- stouiach and bowel troubtes, ttskiftr. ^.'"Vi^^Z,^:/J T^^^^^^ decided t, try Ur. _ Williams' Pink h; chill thorouglily. Amtnge on Jetluce haves and uaniish wifci eggs oiil into circles. hard boiled FIOUSEHOLB IIEI.P.S. .\ little chUiride of Isnie dissolved in wann water makes an effective deodor- ii-r for vessete to whiidi (he -sdor of Iveri'wene clings. &J not wa-^te time aftd .stren^rth iron- Unn knit uiiderwe ir. If foldMl down ilPitls. .MVer I had taken Ihe »e<-onii j I ox there wa-; a ch.mge for the better, land aft<^r taking IIk pills for a Tiionlli jil-m^er Ihf Imuble eiilirely dtSJippeared. land I am again enjoying the best cf I health. 1 have -.so iiiucli conliilosce in Dr. Williams' Pink fills that I always lake them occiisioiii'ly as a safeguard. " Just as surely as IJr. Williams' Pink L'nivei-'iily <it \\ ale.s. No doubt to llieso they do not conlain opiates or hirmfuk will be aiWetl the scarlet cloth, lined , drugs. Mr«. John C. Giidart. Pr-ciser with pale blue silk. o( Al«erdeen Uni- , Rwil*. N- B-- says: "1 have proved .bai versily. Baby's Own Tableis are a grewt 'neipt .\ppropos of Lord .Slralhcona. it is a n.deworthv and curious lac! that of the three Can.ndian peerage- not one has ail heir tiuile to conlinue it. Lord Stratlicooa'.-' title will pn-Mimably de- ran cure all other hilmenis which come from bad blood. Dr. William*' Pink .^mjolhly whan taken from Ihe line'!^''lls actually make new. red iblood. lli.*e gnrmeilh; will ne«l no ironing. Htia' is tlie one thing they doâ€" but Ihey ir whiting is used for polishing glase M^ it weil. In milking this now rich put it in muftlin bags. naaipen Ihe- i ^^'^'^ "'•^ me<liciiie strikes straight it. ^lass *iighllv. then rub wgh the bai; ""^ '*'"'' *•' •â- ^'""^ eoiiimon ailments .is *nd polish wlHi crumpled newspaper^!. 'â- «""«'"'"' beadaelies and baekaclies. gen- It cold waU'r is p»iur.ed on greiis*^ im- ,'*''"' «'«<livi)ess, nervoii.- debility, neu- mediatelv afler it has been sjBslled cn|'''''S'«' rheimialism and the tort-uring the table or lloor il will hard)»ii ii j,, weakening ailineiiLs Itial atllicl women and growing girls. You can get these* Hills cured .Mrs. JtMii's indigesliom they Isccnd one day lo his daughler. .Mrs. Howard, who will thus add aiiolliei' to the small and select coiii[)any o( peer- esses in their own right. Lord Mount .*^phe«. though he has been twice married, has no children; and Itie one i,ther Canadian peerage, that of Mac- dunald of EariLseliKe, i.s now held !.y the widiTW of Ihe tirsi Lord .Macdunakl. and a.s yet no provision has been made for its inheritance by her only daugh- ler. Lord .\llerlon, chairman of the Great .Norlheni Hailway (\)nipany. of Eng- land, has always been a man of prompt :iiul energetic action. The son of a po< r tanner, young William Jack.soii had in rise betore the lurk lo acquire such scIkwI kine as came his way in Uiose days, and by six o'clock -he was hand- ling great hides in his fathers factory. When he «a.> only seventeen his father died, a bankrupt. William t(iok up the ^.Mls from any medicine dealer or by mail al 5(1 'Cents a btix or six boxee for ifi.bO frotri The Dr. ''^Villiams' Slefiicine •Co., Bpockville. OiiL mSONAL lS)I.ViT-RS. idr*. Millar's New Resldsneo, Earned In Less Than One Year. I SeTeral *ears a|fo itrs. Miller learned i «f a mild and siniikle preparatiou that : cured her«elf and severaJ friends of female i wetLkness aaid piles. She was besieged by | «o many wnnien needing trealment chat she deeided to furnish it to those w<ho might call for it. She started wilh only u few dollarH eapilal. and the remedy, I possessing true and woiuie.rrul merit, piiu. I dtu'ing many i-ures when doctors and ' other remedie* tailed, the demand grew so rapidly she »a.» several iijnes compelled i to seek larger <iuarter8. t^ie now o<-ru. I pies one of the «.itys largest ofllce build- t ings, which she owns, and almost one hiin- 'â- dred olerljs and stenographers are re- ( «iuired to assist in this great business. millan Mrom«n Um it. More than a raillK>u women bave used jjrs. Millers remedy, and no matder where vou U>e. "he i-an refjr you to Indies in your own locality who can and will tell any sufferer that lhi.« marvellous remedy really i-ures women. Despite the fa«t that Mrs. Milters business is very extensive, she is always willing t^o give aid and ad- vice to svery suffering. woiuan who writes to her. She is a generouv, good woman, and has decided to give- away to women who have never used her medicine 810,- 000.00 worlh absolutely -JIEB. Every woman suffering with pains in the head, back and bowels, bearing-down leelingt, nervousness, creeping sensations up the spine, melanchol.Y desire to cry, hot flashes, weariness, or piles from any cause, should sit right down and send her name and address to Mrs. Cora B. Miller, Box 4583, Kokomo, Ind., and receive by mail (free of charge iu plain wrapper) a SO-cent box of her marvellous medicine; also her valuable book, which every wo- man should have. Remember this offer will not last long, for thousands and thousands of women who are suffering will take advantage of this generous means of getting cured. So if you are ailing, do not suffer another day, but send your name and address to Mrs. Miller for the book and medicine be- fore the tlO.OOO.OO worth is all gon«. Ikiat il can eesiiy be Teinoved with a. knife. Shellac poiirod over Ihe won» places it: grauike ware ,niul llieve.s.sel held over ll>e lire s^ Ihalt Ihe sliollac oaii cook hard, will make them Uiiable for a long tiute. To r>-eslien up old poUtoeo; and wilh- eiied apples sorfV then: in eolfl water I ~ "^ over night. ;ilbe polatoe.s .should i-e llnHrrstino CMs.sip Wmui Some of ihr paietl. btd Ihe apples should be ^oaki><l { WarUt-n l>runti«eiit Peovlr. \vith their skins jiii. ' lo prtweni (tieese iroiii molding i *««'.CliarleK Manner-'., . Ihe (amousoiiern wn»p in a elolh »rung ml of .vjiiegar, *^"««'". is crM<!il<'d by a lAindon exp-rl liien roll ia papet.. jwith being oik- of (he finest aniatear A <sereen is inii^ptinsable in -.a sick j'"'!^"*'"* ''>''ni2. His CKatiuns ar^ sawJ n om. (or rt Ls netted lo lii.vp the light ; '" l^e etpial 1« .--ome of Ihe best Pari* fioni the (jatienr* eye.-, io gUiittU ihe | "'"<^'"'- li«>d £r,jm driiught- or to .•^11111 o«it the | Bt;aj--.Adiii:i.'al Charles !Davis Lucas, ,<HiM -oif medicine txjttle.- or any cor- : V. C- holds the proud position of bo i-er <.rf Ihe tooiii where wtirk i.s 4one. ii«g "iFalber of the Viclotia (iro.ss," be- An emergeiuir .screen may be made by | ing the lir.sl lo -receive it .j(ler il was i!-ifig a smaH ^dollies horse for a frame. ' iii>tiliiiied in l-srit lie is now in his II sh'iulit b' enameled in while, then a js-eveMlvv-lhird ytsar, having bcvu burn (.re!l.,- tigure denim ixr cretonne slreu-h- | ii. 163t ed ami Ijiked lo it-; before lacking on j ,q„^, qj „ thousand good stories of i {Mountain of Light). It is a huge .slonf, a iiuiiibtT of pockets stwuld he inttde on jcoquelin, Iho greui. Fri>nch actor, 'i-. il'^Jiii- lui'g ^^'^ ""• tii'oad. hut not very one side; in theue pockets may be kepi ' ' ' ... I) mothers, and are baby's be.-( fnent*., 'liiey act almost like mag:c and I «il4 always keep them in Ifte house." Thm- Tablets are sold by druggies or bf^ Piail at -'5 cents a box (rom Tli^ Dt-,. Williams' .Medicine Go., Brockville. OqU. POCKET TELEPHONE?.- In Warsaw teleplwne subscribers are? now ;Mipplied wilh a "waislcoal-|MK.iuK U-lephoue. ' Ihc invenlkin of an tagii' naT named Weuigott. and \Mlh a uUIb key which unlocks public lel'«pttoa* bi.xes dislribuUd al convenieat Mre«k corneisi and public cilices, lite po«.iM* instrument js used to establish coiiuec-' lion wiUi the "e.xchange. ' and to call \iff- jiubscribers in tlio u^ual manneLV ^ .' burden of his business, and bv the time I lie was twejity he had |iaid o(( his ere- ;«ltor». and live years laler lie was a ' wealthy man. \\ illiaiii .laek.s<jn wa^ iiiade a peer in VMi. utter reprcsenlinj,' Leeds in Parliament (or upwards of twenty yeurs. He is now ^ixty-six azid a widower. OW%KD BY THE .SHAH. The crown jewels of the Shall of Par- sUa are wurlli many iiiillioiis. .-Vmong tibem is Ihe sister lo ihe l\oh-i-.\oor woolen and linen clotiis, articles for poiillice-s. ubsorlxial eotlon., tiirgeonis' .sci.s.sors, a twx of .'riuttard pap.f», a hot v, aler baji. a clinical therniomeler. i.emeni for Broken Glassâ€"Plafsler 'if Paris, mixed into a paste with white if eyg. makes a strong eemienl for iiietid- mg fcr.iken glas<5 or china; and anollier exci'lleiit ceiiienl i.s- niadie as follows: Inlo a small hotlle press as much isin- glass as will fill it. ih,n ptnir in by ik-- grei's uii.-weeteiied f^in, winch will gra- dually dKsolve (he isingla.ss if ll»e bot- tle is kept in a warm place. The era of Ihe divan made out of u barrel is over, but many pieces of fur- niture whirl! are tli-^ oulgrowth of spe- cial needs are oflen .salisfaclorily de- velop<Hl fi'OMi irrel â- v:inl beginnings. .V set of book .-helves, fcr example, wilh a drawer at Ihe botlont. was produce^!' recently from an old fashioiied walnut dressing bureau. The marble top was reni'ivetl and the line oval tov swing glass taken nut of its frame to serve jmenl lo offer.; He would nol purciia-^o another piiip(vso. .^shelves were lilted Ibe comnii.ssioi). h-- said, but pr,imi.sed j m the drawer slides o( Ihe iipjier three "'at i( the tiiliro Lord Mayor careil !o | drawers, the wood of the-e l>eing util- <'"l'--l he woull nol buy him out. This i ized for the purpose, a partition fitted lii'X ""s onoigh, and the y.nmgsler ui from Ihe lop o( Ihe bollom drawer | ''ti""*^""''^' dr^iius o[ military glory. al half Ihe depth of the hureau. 'I'his | Queen Alexfiidra has a sale full of allowed the drawer Ihai was retained loj diamonds anil pearls. She owns .-oine ii.les that while listening lo ll\f reading i briglil. and could be pardonably ini.s. of a new plav he fell a.-leep. 'Ihe an- , bik*ii (or gia.ss. II dates (win Xm) B.C. Ihor, uiiicb piqued. stopiK'd and awoie j »<^^ «-"* •^"'•''^ "•* Darya-i.Noor. ur Sea of him. asking.-- "How can a man wlio i\ i ^-'H^^- asleep form an opinion?" ".Vly dear^ .•â- ir," said Coqiielin. Willi a yawn, "sleep Ls an opinion." There is only one reigning sovereign ' wlw does not smoke al a!i. ami Ihal is j King Oscar of Sv.vden; but Ihe yrentesl smokers ai-e K ng Edward, who siiioki-s the very best ciyars. and King Leopokl I Cl Belgium, who .smokes not (ewer llian | â- â- i dozen cigars a day. fhe Emperor o( .\ustrla smokes a pipe morning and ] evening, but the other .s,ivereij,'iis are ' conlenled wilh cigarettes, Ihe C./ar con- i suming about thirty a day. | 'fhe Lord Mayor-elect ot London. Sir j William 'freloar. when he was a youth, desired to enter the .Vriiiy. On leaving | schcol he prop>osed to his fullier llial a commission mi(!hl be procured for him. , 'Ihe (ather. lio>»e\er, had no en.'oiirage NO DIFFERENCE. Or .Leonhardl's llei;:-Roi<.i euros aon' toriii of Pilesi. Internal. Extenial. Keal? ir.g. Biind. Itclung. ^uppuratimg. ^c^ are simply names o( Ihe .stagc;^ llHtnigk. which every case wj'.l pass if il c«ai- ttnues. Piles are c«us<hI by congestion . »f blooil ill Ihe lower bowel, and' il t&kast ai; internal remedy to remove theoottic^ Dr. Leonhardl's lleui-Boid is a- l^iliCeK token internally, and no case of Tilfx lias ever been (o.iiij! it (ailed- to curc^ .Money back i( it dix's faiV $1.00 at all dealers, or llie \\ ilsoo^- Fyle Co.. Liiiiitofl. Niagara Falls. Ont, QIEER FI.SHING METllODSL Tlie idea of calciiing fish by means oK a beehive with a bole in Ihe top ot -J »â- • :i strange enougli one. Yet UUs- oBxt-i- aak: inadeqimlely describe Ihe method eiiH- phned li> lishcruun in Ihe Pliilipptna l.-lands. who clap tlieir apparatus -jc-xKi .)ver the sluggish bottom-feeding lit*^ and then, pulling their hands. l>:r»Hig% Mlc hole in the U.p, exiract their vii.-!!UiSfc. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<^^^^^^^M A Boston schoolboy was tall, weak and sickly. His arms were soft and flabby. He didn't have a strong muscle in his. entire body. te o( ils (uU depth, while pi-escrving ft suitable depih (or Ibe l^jok shelves. The space thus gained was utilized lo pack away iiuigiizines, access being gained to il by culling away Ihe back piece of light board. Of course, (he took shelf hud to be moved out lo got wondeilul copied gems, rubies, .saji- ptiires, and Jpnicruids. anil the greal koh-i-Noor, iL^ properly of Ihe Biilish Crown. I»a.>, nci-n reset (or her. Rut llie jewel -hefvalues most of al! is li.-r eiigugainenl nngâ€" .set wilh a beryl, mi emerald, a |uby, a Kipnz, a jacinlli. The physician who had attended the family for thirty years prescribed Scott'^ EmulstGn, NOW: To feel that boy^s arm yoor would think he was apprenticed to a> blacksmith. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND »1.00. ^^^^^^>^^^^^^^^^^^^^i