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Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1907, p. 2

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KO-IIVT ItllKiADE. ^ami-rin(} Mniht-rs in ICi)t|li>iid Kxposr CliiUlrfu lo Wiiilry Viuor. The "N'l-Haf Bi'i).'nde in I'.iiKlarnl w^ems llii-i wiiilpi- lo be cotnposi.'d only •«rf iztTanls of lender yfiir.s. Tliosfi little talMK. niKise iiiulhiM-s ox(»i.>>o llif'ir 2&d(y bare lifHils to llie coldiit-f-s of "wtads. can bi' seen in every pait uf Ob Wimbledon Omimon, on n billor Wtojr iwienny ddxens of bnby nionib<;v.s d tti>» "Ni»-lliit" Hiifjiide wore bcinti ts»AifcXe*i lo the new IrPidtneiii liy nin-.s- â- Â«fi wfau were well bonncled and |)r(ilocl- •^ iron [\w winlTv breezes. Mothers, Vi«"Ji»clve« tur-co.'iled and wearing; fur %Bte, ran be sPen loadinj,' .siniill cliil- otfaetu of n}.'.'S up In live and six years. ^SkAiteA in Ihe srnnlicsl of outlil.s. The Sttie ones weai- .short .sijrks. .sleevele>s «r4ilc. no hcad-grar. and neliier fiiv- amBili; Tvhieli leave the knc-^s and legs Sometjnies (lie i;riprolecled liniKs of She ffllte one.s are lil.rally blue willi Itio â- CEiAi still (hey parade llie .streel.s and â- ^tin:^ victims of a era/e dear lo thnse «4k: Jo nol suffer from ils observance. BROOKS' NEW CURE >k>' Appll ulj I : < I (lllcuTcry. " Woodcrfal. No 1 obnoxious iprlnics i>r pmdti AutoniAtlr Air <:uMMf>Da. Binds and draws Iha broken 9»ri» togeihe a braktn In : No lyciphol. ' abln.chcAp. •EMT ON I CATaLoaut C E.BROOKS. Ilrauki BliK. FOR rhe Peopla Who Know By Praotloal Experianoe Have Unanimously Pronounced LRUPTUBEI Iran* Iha broken ^^ XI i _ _ ^_- -^ __ â€" _ iS^COnSFOOTE lilE Why will you poison your systems with fake nos trilma when fomalt) trouble should be treated an you would tient a More tlnRpr. OCT *T THE tCAT Or THI TIOUOU The •• Km;inrlpa6or " ii* ii local renie<iy easilj spplie'l hy your»elf. i:o«ln liut twocent* adayani ifl Kiaru)te*)il ahHotutel> antiseptic. It is color leiM and odorless, and is relievintt thousands o: woman who did ntt ilroam of help without tlu aid of a ann;eon Prii-a ll.'iii per buttle, sent prepaid to any .iddre^.s in <',iiMda. THE CMANCiPATOR CO., 11^ YoDKH .St., Toronto, Canaila JkgwiU Wantad In Cnry Town, xiM-Bik \vii.i> .'^riii:KY r.iitK MfTf are a few uwlantcs of Zani- StukV healing power; TTiree children in niie family in Sarti's Falls ha\e been cured of seri- •OF Fkin diseases bv /.am-Buk. Mr.s. Minnie Klliff,' of .<!. .lohn'.= \V,\st ^eJiand (Zounly). .says: ".My baby had • liiaO of nisli nn his hend--quile a lot o* rmall red .spoUs and pimples. I .ip- ylleil Zani-UuU and was delighted with ««• TPSlllt." Mrs. <'fOiinf;. of r,nn«fnid Mills, says: ^otiti-BiiV is a wonderful dealer of ring- iPiinc. i tried everylbint; that could be Aousht of, bill notliln({ wa« able lo care iinld /jirn-Buk came. II ia a line SHTiefly." Vtr. Win. Scott, of Portland, wrile.s: *2ann-Buk scem.s lo lake the pain out *I Miftn, uound.s and .skin injuries n.s xnor, as applied and then it heal.s Ihi'iii *|» m quick tune. Thai has b<>en my aexpRTi^nec and I have u»ed /.am-Buk fci tb.^ home for some lime." K«n-Ftnk is particularly adapted lo ^iical^ and tender .skin.s. II i.s free %«eD all mineral eolorinc mailer and IrciTi a»»imal fat. twliif,' purely • herbal. :it iie*l.s cu1.<, burns, bruises, ulcers, cisXpped place<, <"c7.ema, ringworm. Ttmiung .sores, bad leg, enlarged veins. gylWs s<'aling .sores, etc. ..\s nn embrn- 4xtion it cures rheiiinatisin. .sciatica, «eur&1f;ia, and nilitied well on to the <*f».l tn of cold the lig'il- ymee and aching. All dn»j!gi>il-s and .<'lores .'ell at SOr. * Iwt, or post free fivun Ihi' Zam-Huk sCc_, Toronto, for price. C bo.xes sent flnr $2^0. 4. AN ICVCldTION. Warn: "Here is an i!i>in that .says a mrv''lic liius b.'<Ti di.scoverefl thai •will «Ttabl<> a palienl lo wal<h himself Ittn); o|>eriiti'd u[ion." UufI; "Kh ! .Suppi»sing you were bor- ^ Alio the back of his head ?" n your children are troubled wllli •mMormt, give Uwm Mother Craves' Worm K\»<?rminator: .safe, sure ami effectual. TVy It, ami mark the improvement in 3fuaT child. "Troller iseenn lo be a very linpp\- •nan. lie never ha.s any bills" lo p'l.v." 1I««'» Uiul?' "iNo one will ever iriisl diim," â- Â»Â«rtji Mnu <m Vaur Feet and keensyon there '»*>»*> •'Jiat "I'omivira" does for all ro limrruiK f'oni nistinn,nos. It is tlui hont â- â- " in«ii«toi>fe. It stimulutos, nouri.shus and anoJd-'. up tiiu ntystam. •"W hwl, the lawyers cnn'l .spill hnirs .«*â- Â«â-  (hal eiuw." "IIiiw do you know tfc^y cnn'l?" "Rer.iiu.*i there's nolhing at d bi. iiald fads." Hobson : "What are you doing?" "I'ainling my name on Itie in- ftOftlM.s umbrella. " llobsnn: "Do ymi thai will prevent, anyone frnui Xtoklhiff 11 • IloUsou: "Well, if the fel- tow wtut owned this umbrella before I <lad tiad {Minl<>d his nanie iaside, I doii'l •rianr* 1 would have hud the pluck to TI\NKI> VIKIIMAID, .\ .New Dclicary From llie .Viislriilian Seas. Epicures of tlie more advenlurous .Mrt will before long have lln.' oppor- tunity of passing judgment on liiinp<l dugong, a delicacy which will soon ap- It^ar on lite London and I'aris iiiui- kets %roni Nortltern fjueensland, say.s the Coiinliy in'ulleman. The diigong, which is an aqua.ic ani- nial. and no fish, is common in .some of the .-^hallow waler.s off the Queens- land, and as it is a clean feeder, cinsuining the which grows nn the .slioaLs. there iot'iius certainly nu rea.son why it.-) should nol be appetizing enough. The dugong's upright atliludc in the v.ater and hubil of clasping its young to lis breast gav.; it a quoerly human appearance in live eyes of early marin- or.s and explorers, and it has i)crhaps not yel censt?<J lo appear stuffed in travelling .show.s aj llic authentic body oi a mernialff. Its decline from this romantic role lo the level of mere tinned meat ia doublles.s characteristic of uur piusaic and indiiilrial age. I.AllGlvST VINEY.VRD. .Sunny .^lope, California, enjoys the Aslinclion of being Ihe largest virn'-yard in ttie worlil. U is siliialcd amidst the beaiiliful hcenery of that favored land, two imles from San Tiabriel. Of n total (d l.'JtJO acres, T.iU are devoted lo grape vines, Ihe remainder beiny dis- tribuled among orange, lemon, and olive Irees, " man U .so honest he woiililnl sioiil a pin." .said Mr. Goode. "I never Ihoughl much of Ihe pin test," answered Mr. Cayenne. 'Try him with an um- brella." Do nol give up In despair, tou who suffer, from obstinate disfluuromenta of tile skhi. Annoint >he sore spoU with Wearer's Orate and purify the Wood with Weavori .Syrup. All druggUts keep tliem. Tommy Twaddles: "Oh. I don't want lo go to st;liool." Pa Twaddles: "Hul don'l you wanl a gfn-xl eiliicalion ; ' Tommy Twaddles (ingnilialingly); ".\o, pa; I'd rather grow up to ho "ju.'.l like you. " Thiy are a Powerful .Nervine-- Oyspep- siR causes derangomeiit of Ihe nervous system, and nervous debility once e.'i- gendeieil is diMicult lo deal with. Tliere are many tesliinoiiials a.s to the eflicacy '[ Parmolee'.s X'egelablo Pills in treat- ing this di-^order. .showing Ihat thcv nc\er fail t-i produce good result.';, li'y giving projx^r tone to Ihe digeslive or- gans, they restore efiuilibriuin lo Hit* nerve centres. •re* MADE WITH MI-.I.TED SNOW. A Bwi>o doclor lia discovered that tea iiirtir Willi iiielled .snow Ls u ciir>> for Nffrvoas di-seasM. The doctor declares aiat ttf has iMircd people with this elixir •m/hm all other remedies have failed, lie tmttie Uie snuw over n slow (Ire, and â- ik/n tttMs Vte water. DODDS y KIDNEYS PILLS^^ ♦ I»RA».TI(.M. KNia.lSII JlDr.K. I(elln(|iiisliin!i \Vi(| and (inwn, Hon-s llorrnwetl "Pluu" and 'I'csls .\iiio. There was an amiLsing inlerlude lo Ihe pivic<"edmgs in Ibe llrompton (xiunly i.oiirl (Knglimd), reciilly, when, in an action br<mghl against .\Ir. Jow^ph Lyons, of \\e.-,t Kensingloii (iardens, \V., concerning a molor car. .Sir William Selfe, Ihe judg<', led Ibe jiiiy into the street, where the vcliicle was standing, anil tested Ihe .seals in Ihe iiilerior and Ihe chauffeur's seal. The plaintiff cl.iiiiied £!>0 for filling a landaulelle body lo ii cjia.ssis owned ly Mr. Lyons; but there were complaints Ibal there wa.s not (piiie enough head room in the molor car, nn(l ihnl (he .spai'.e lK>lue.-n Ihe chauffeur's driging wheel nii«l the exiriior of the carriage was insunicient. At Ihe in.spection both the judge and Mr. I'.ose Innes, defi-ndant's coiin.'«eI much to Ihe nmu^enicnl of the bysland- eis look off their wigs and gnwn.s and m lurn put on n borrowed silk-hat to lest Ihe height of the carriage. Hu Honor tried the chnuffour'.s sent, I'inally jmlginent was eiilered Jor Iho plaintiff. rteware of Ihe man who never an opporlunily to say that there ain't innney enouj.(h in circulation lo buy him. .•-v^ioner or Inter you will llnsl hiiii on Iho bargain cuiinler. ISSUE NO. « 07. "llnv* you lost anolher loolh, Berlha?" n-sked iiuiilie. wlio noticed an unusuni ILsp. "Ve,s,'' replied the foiu-year-okl, "and I limp now wlmn I talk." Since 18W,, I ,!»nO,0»iO acres of liUh land have gone 6u> of cultivation. EXPECTORANT The Quickest Safest Surest Throat and Cough CURE IN THE WORLD The reeson Is II CURES everybody who lakes il^young and old alike. The chil- dren love it â€" like honey. It is alisolutely free from hurtful ingredients. It is the greatftrt. hou-sehold remedy of the ago. No homo .should be willvout it. It acLs immediately upon the irritated s[>ol, .slopping ttie cough, allaying in- flammaUon, strengthening the Ihroal, voice and chest, making breathing, and giving quick and pennancnt relief tj Ihase having coiiglis, colds, cmup, whooping-cough, tiore throat, bronchitis, asthma and lung trouble. One fond mother, who krisjws, says : " I have no hesitancy in reoommendine <;ults- fooie Kxpectorant, w-htch 1 have useil time and aK&in, and consider it the heat retut»tly on earth for nonj^ and cnUl-i. We keep ii cunatantly in oar home, and it is the hituaehold reuedy 1 bare known. Co'tsfmite is like nu other cough remady I hare ever uaed. it is so aoathinc and healiaK. and I (aet euro it is a purely TegeUbla praparation." MB.'<. D. M.\HOXBY. 1S7 Cathcart Street, Haaitton, Ont. Mother I Father ! Do not let that boy's or girl's cough run on without atten- tion, lhu6 endangering their Hves, when a 25c bottle of c:oltiifoole E.xpecloi-ant will core it. Got it fmm your dealer. Keop it in the house always. "He .said that if I would marry him h' would conquer the worKI." "VV'ell, ilid he?" "Not yet; he hasn't conquered mainina yell" It is ea.sicr |o prevent than it is lo cure. Inflammation of the lungs is the companion of iiegkvled colds, and once it llnd.s a l(,-dgnient in the system it is dinicuit to deal willi. Trealrnenl with Hicklc's .\iiti-(;unsiimptive Syrup will eradiento the cokl and prevent inllam- I'lalion from seHing in. It costs lillU', imd is a.s satisfHct<jry as it it is surpris- ing in its resulLs. I.nve sees enough in one plate of ice- cream Willi two spoons. MHtrinioiiy places a regular order for a whole freezer. latclllsent Treatment with Allan's Lnai Ral- lam brpijis up the phle;£m. stops the cough an*) pain in tile cfiest, ovorc.ime.* thof-e tor.-'ble coltli «hlch, neglected, lead to consumption. MEAN OK HER. Miss liaddie: "Did you hear fitKjut Ihe spiteful tliiiip Miss Meaiiley said lo May oil her wediliiig day '/" Miss Asciim: "You mean May wlio inarriiHl old .Mr. DCscmbcr?" Miss ('ijulilie ; "Yes. She said she wished lliem both long life. " .\Iil<l in Tlu'ir Action-I'ariiielee's \>- gi'lable Pills arc very milil in their iic- Imn. They do not laiise griping in Ihe shiinacli or cause di.-lurliauces lliei-e us M many pills do. Tlierctoiv, Ihe most (lelloale can laljo them without fear ol iinplo.isaiil results. They can. too, he iidiiiinislered lo chiUlrcu without im- (xising Ibe pi'uallics which follow the use of pills so carefully prcpare<l. BHIT.ilN'S .STREET EAUS. , I r.rowil. of Traffic is Knornioiis - 2.2M,- I »0«,000 I'assenflers in 1906. The remarkable growth of tramway tmllic in the United Kingdom is indi- caled in a reliirn issued by the Board '•i Tradi'. I'ho following ligure.s slww the extent of the progress made since 1W: .Mile' of route, I*?7, 209; 1906. 2,2in. P«.s«enger.>, 1878, IW,()il0.r)nO; 190(i. 2.- Net receipLs, 187s. £2:10.- '.)5l!; \<m. jESSJ.HS. Capital expendi- ture, 187S. £5.207 .,150; 100«, JEiW. 177,832. The popularily of electric traction, toth overhead and conduit, may be gauged from Ihe fact that of Ihe "total number of miles open only 2i6 are not worked by ele<dricity. Local aulhorilies owning and working Iheir liannvay undertakings made a net piolil of £2,."i20.7.j2 on last year's leaf- Tic, out of which they applie<l i:(i»>3.:U)6 towards Ihe reduclion of tramway debt and i:2n.").!>8l in relief of rales, while carrying JEt)2:t,6l7 to reserve and renew- al funds. In regard to Ihe f.ondon County Cnn- cil tiamways the lolal length of line open lo March :!lsl last year was fitly miles on the northern system and lifly- three miles on Ihe .soiillierii .system. The number of passengers carried was 18,5,- riii.eHO. The cars covered a distance of no fewei- than l.''i.7'.>7,."i(J2 miles in llie curse of Ihe year. The number of miles run by all Ihe Iramcars in the kingdom was 244,149,- 4114. TROUBLI-: AllEAO KOR PERCY. "Miriam." said her mother. "Percy I'laxham Ls an excellent young man. with desirable family conneilions. and ii|>on the whole I have no ohjeclion to your receiving him on a familiar fooling, but you must not allow him lo presiiine upoii Ihe [act Ihat you have accepted a prcsiMit from him." "I won't, mamma." said the proud vouiig beauty. "If he gels chesly over it ill give liim Ihe clammy flipper the next time he blows in here. ' We .Ml Have Mi.ssions in the World - There is a work lo do for every man on eailh. Ihere is a function lo iierform for everything on earth, animate and inanimale. Everything has a mission, and Ihe mission of Dr. Thomas' Kclec- tric Oil is to heal burns and wounds of every descriplion and cure coughs, colds, croup and all affeclious of the respiratory organs. 1)ett5i Xlnderwen; Keeps your bpdy warm, yet lets your skin breathe ' â€" knit, not woven,â€" / -it fits, X \Guafanleed TdoesPEN- / \Againit angle/ . \SI>rink«ge ^Underwear.X 803 fTrade-markedin red. laa^ irariety of styles, fabrics and ' rprices, for women, men and /fehildren, and guaranteed. "Queen City" a better than a pure Maniioba flourâ€" it o beHer thv) a pure Oniario Aour^-being btcwicd it coi b M Pi the bat qualities ol both. •Queen Gty* o in all-purposes flow. Thecampbeii Campbell's Milling Co. Umitcd _. * /^'A- Toraolo Juncbon. Onl 1^116611 Ulty OHENn.LE CURTAINS •â- 4 ftU kfa^a o< b«uM Haaitaga, aJao LAOI DURTIINS "''SA "a.'iSJ."*" Write to ua aboat yours. nmM SliniUa •vims ea. sax hi, HaalraM "The kitchen-maid is ion stuck up lo iissuciale with Ihe cfMik.' "IIow alxiut the ccKjk '.' " "The cook says there ij; no pride about hiT; if there was she wouldn't be working for us. " Suffrage Lender; "Vou lion't seem Ihe leasl worried about the fact thai women arc crowding out men in every profi--i- sinn." Sandy Pikes: "No, mum. They'll never crowd men out in tlie tramp pro- fession, mum." Everyone I HI eke his own cpms is thelioaTiest When conflned to the house with a .l»i" in to' ide for instance, bat it would ha quickly forjot «n if "The D A I." Menthol PUster wan applied .'hey only coat » trifle, why uot try themt THKK.>^ I'li.vr WIII.<n.E. The iiiusicul tree Ihat grows in the West liiditt-Isliinds has a leaf of pecu- liar shape, and iKids wilh split or open edges. The wind passing through these creates the sound which gives Ihe li-ee its name. In Barbaikx-s there is a \alley llUed with these plaiils. and when IIh- Irndo winds blow across Ihe island a conslant moaning, dcep-loiied whistle is heard, which, in the still hours of Ihe iiigtit, has a weird and unpleasiint eflect. A species of acacia, growing abundaiilly in the Soudan, is alsti called by Ihe same name. Its shoots are fre- ci'uenlly, by llie agency of the larvae of Ihe forest iiisCiMs, disforted in shape, and swollen inio a globular bladder, from one to Iwo inclies in diiiiiielcr. Alter the insect has emerged from a lillle circular hole in llie side of llie .swelling, Ihe open- ing. playiHl upon by Ihe wind. iKVoines a niusicnl iiuslnimenl, equal in sound to a sweet-loniHl llute. AHEAD Ol' THE CAME. The wedding had just been pulled off ond the pri>senLs were iiiany and costly. ".Supixise," she said, "our moiTiago should turn out lo bea. failure." "In Ihat, " he rcp'li«d, "we can di- vido Ihe prt\scnls." Iliggins ; "Old Gotrox is a distant re- lative of yours, isn t he?' Wiggins: "Yes; and Ihe richer he becomes the moce distant he is !" Ill fitting bcols and slwes cause corns. Hollow ays Corn Ciiiv is Ihe articte 'o use. Get a boltle ul once and cure your corns. t "I do not need a library. " said the con- ceiteil aulhtir. "I write my own books." "Well." answered Ihe cynic, "there is one advantage in that. You run lees risk <if having them borrowed or stolen.' Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, butâ€" why go to all the trouble and mconvenience of looking him up, /• 2""^^«'"ofhavin|:hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store m Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURB for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure yoo as quickly T Why not do as hundreds of ttiousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years: let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next tima you have • Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH â- H Your Grandsons Will Be Old Men Before This ^'Oshawa" Roof Wears Out cc Send for FREE bockâ€" '«Roof ing Right,*'â€" worth your r • ad i n g. Roof your buildings with " Oahawa " Galvanized Steel Shinsles thU year, and that will b* a GOOD roof in 'SXfl. We will riva you a written gauantee. bwiked by |KeO,000, that such a roof, properly put on, wul need no repairs and no painting for at least twenty-(iT« years. B alwn iMd ITKCL make roofs water-tight, wind-proof, weather-proof, rost-pnof, flre-proof f or a ceatory,â€" eur plain gtiarantee keeps it so fto 25 years without a osDt of cost to the man who bays it. 5HAWA" "^ssr" Shingles Get the facts before you roof s thfaig. of Oahawa Maalraal V-S Cialf St. W, Made In ONE QUAUTT ONLT,-of 28-diuute.' semi-hardened STIIL donbie-^vai^iDd They lock on all FOUR sides- the ONLY METAL shingle that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put on-a ham- mer and a snips (tinners' shears) are tools enough. Cost LESS and last longer than any other roof. Tell us the surface area of any roof on your place and we will tell you exactly what it will cost to roof it right. UoSSntsk. ttlSuSl^St SSDouduSt. T«U?bS?SK Vaacavvar eii Ceodvr St j(y •

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