yksfe^rtutt ^hMnc^. •'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOE." - " PRKXCIPLEb NOT MEN. 70LXX7J, NO 13U Flesh-erton, Ont. Thursday February 21 1907 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOB UOPKiETOB i NEW Jewellery Store Have you callnd in yet to See iiur ntw premised I Bigger Stock Better Display <if Jewellry, W»tch.»s, Clocks, PliiteU War^, nnd clu-ico thiiins ill every line. I femalrt inmate?, with the prohabilily of more lo cfnie. Ill the ibsence of Mr, llitrntss divine (itTvice 0.1 Sunday, the lO'h !n»t., was i CDi'ducted by Mr. Emiis, of MarkdaW. | The rae'i's day room is pretty well ' er of acholars in ihe Sabbaih School on crowded these days and evenings when all •â- "'' '•"' * huridred and ten, and tlie average ' GreV Countv's are Kathered together there which is quite I. ""r"'*''"'=V'' "f^J-ti^.e. They' frequent. The hM.s^-ment Sfcms too cold and dreary for the o^l cliaps. officials of the church evidently know â- how to set out a statnient that will satisfy i the people. The book showsasarigfactory condition of Bffair«, and the Priceville Presbyterians have aood rerson to be; pleased with their standing. The numb- McFarland&Co. Pres- Get your Wedding ents liere, Get your Wedding Rings l^ers. Prices Right, fitods the Best. W.A.Armstrong I attendance is tifty-tive. They have ; had EOmo heavy expmiditures during the I year, and have a bitlance on hand of I 82.50. The manauers report; of the • â- * • ' church shows receipts to the extnnt of I'orHiiW I 8848.12, and e.xpeiiditure8 amoutin({ tj S*f(»!).71 showing a oaLince on hand of Gnpis VLsiting our neij^horhood and.g:«.4l- The session statistics are as CiiUirig onnearly evary family. [follows; Present membership 179, MisH Violet Warlint; vi.sitod for two i added duriiji; the year by prtifession weeks with har aunt at Chatsworth. | twelve, by certificate four. Removed Me.sfsrs. T. Sht-.-wood, W.Fisher, R.| during year by c^rtiticate, eight; wit h- Young and J. McNevin are making prep- I out certificate fix, and by dea>h Hve. aratioas for building bams in .the near | The number of baptisms was three, future. Mrs. RouLston and family purpose leav- ing 8(Hjn to join the fcjnner'a husband in Euu;eMia Iowa. Miss Annie Jamieson, of Toronto, ac- Cfinipanied by her little nephew, Wilfred McM.tster, of Eugenia, visited the iwust week with her brother W. G. R. T. White had the misfortune to lose one of hLs horses last week. Mrs. J. A. Thompson visited her father and other friends at Mclntyre recently. Sir. R. Allen goes this week a.s alter BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE nate representjitive to Grtind Council R. ' here. There are a larjjH number of eicic people in this vicinity. Amonij them are MrR. Plartt. who ban the gripp; Mirs Mable Carr, who is very low with pneutnonin; Stanley Canip'^eU. with pneumonia; also Mr. Andrew Graham's rhildreu are ail do^n wiih the measles. Mr. Walker Sh'aii, who is working at Richmond HiU, spent Sunday at his home Clearing out the Stock all Winter goods. Only two weeks more BQBBI^^BB r^- Industrial Home Votes {Btf an InmaU) T. of. T., also as a delegate to Provincial Conventiim Dominion Alliiince from Port Law council. of Griers- former's lotSi Line Osprey V (Bv an Inmate) "^ ^'^ ^^''^ experienced some of the cold * * ' : est weather of the seiwon the past week. Mrs. W. H. Col<iuette, of Bladworth, I Sa.sk., has been visiting her many friends By « s:ip of of the pen au error occurred j'-lus ^ ^^'CLr:^ed of hi« farm in an item of two weeks ago which we ; j„ Joseph Irwin and we understand Mr. desire to c>)rrect. Your cor. in tendering I Ellis will move inttj Fevemhani and re- his thanks lo Hit. Haskett and daughter ' tire from farniing. ""* " ^ . u- 1 ,„ , . hin, 1 iVlr.Wm. Hendry is very 111 .-it present. for their unremitting kindness to htm ^y^ ..^a^rst^md Joe. Irwin has rented during ht« recent illness, should have I ^^^ ^y^y ^^^^^^ ^^ jyj^ 5^^,^ Sanderson of written Mm. N. W., and uot Mrs. G. j the 12th line, also his own lami to Noah J, . ,, "Jeffreys and Mi^. Irwin will erect and op- - erato a saw mill on Sam GnUo way's fa: in Mr. and Mrs. Alex John-iiton, ville, spent last week with the sister, Mr«. Loon.ird Latimer. Misses .-V-la Willams, and Georgina Smith have goie to Toronto. We aie ph'sed to report ihe wedding of Miss Jessie (!'Hham, danghl-er of Mr. R. Graham, of Vnndeleur, to 5[r. Porter I Beard, aUo of VandelHur. The happy ewnt took place te day in tne Preshyter- ia:i church here. We wish the happy couplrt a long and prosperous wedded life. Mrs. Win. Larj;e, aoc'inipauied by M'sH Mary Hmsley, both of Markdale are visiting the fo-mer's puroots here. Miss .^r:etia Carr, of Toronto, ia visit ing at her home here. Mr. Armstrong, of Owon Sound, and eX • warden Binnie, of Glenelg, audited the manager's book accounts of .the institutiim a few days Mio. Will. Wiggins, ..f Markdale, ag?d 54, (was admitted to the home for two or three j ^^^.^ ^^ y^^ ^ months «n Mond«y,the 11th inst. Billy, | week whom we undersund is a l-achelor, has been re»idiri« in Markdale several years, working his little gtrdon aid doing .'dd jobs arouiwl the vilUge. Beyond a little Umeness t*ero docs not appear to be very much wrong wiih him, mentally or physically, and he <eemH to be very fond of readips^. This is his first esperiencu hdie and he do«8 not seem to take kindly to hi* new »ltnation,buts»f8 he will leave the day hilt time expires. Well, Billie boy, ytm ouglfct to be goml for a few years yet next summer. Capt. Ida J. Heron of the S.A.Toronto, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Heron of the ijth line at present. Mr, and Mrs. H;irry Hortou. of Col- i lingwood, are visiting the latt4ir'8 parents Colquette, the piist We ar* glad to report the people have been suffering from the grip recovering their usual health again. CaptJiin Ida Heron, of the S. A. the service in Bethel Methodist church on Sunday iiK>ming la.>-t and wa.s much appreciated. ♦^^♦â€" klinbcrley There have arrivpd -it the Children's Sh< Itir 111 Torciiito seven children, rung- ing from 2 t) 13 years of age, who were foo"d living ui.di-r tfiri'i'l" conditions by â- J J. KeNo, Sup'T titei dent of Keglected ami Dependent Childr,-n. The disi^overy wi« made within a f"W milps of Tweed, where the family of Uicb.ird Lindsay, jr., were found in a atate ot extreme wretcl eJneas ;inil neglefl, living in a shack ur nt tor huii'an hahitation. Their only bed «as a hole in the ground under the I took ' ""'"^' t'"''"" c'olhiiig was of the scaiiil«5t, and tbcy did not even have shoes to prn- tei"t thoin dniitig the winter. The child- ren were brought before the magistrates «rho are I Mr. J. R. Fawcett visited Heiithcote i friends on Mi*nibiy hist. The Kiiiiberley branch of the O. W. I. will hold a box social here on FriUiiy Feb. j 22nd. ; Mr. .\bei-cronil>ie, of Griesville, was a / at Tweed, and committed to the care of \ rl'e society. Tliey will remviiu at the ' Shelter here until suir.able homes can be (.s-cnred for them. â€" Star. We were sorry to read of the death of I visitor at Mr. J. M. Fawcctc's on Sunday oar old ftioii4, Mr»,. Malpolra Kennedy, 1 last. and tender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. We understand tkat < AMiile engaged in the ice han'est last week a team l)elongiiig to Stuart Bros., butchers, had the iiiisfr)rtune to go through new straw and 1 th** ^'â- ''^ "" "'*' '"'^1 pond but were soim . I , • » L 1 . . ^L L .u- I rescued bv willing hands who speedUy hsy she.1 » to be buiUtothe bam tb» l^^th^e,!." The horses are n.me the worsi coming seasiin. The mnj-t of the lumber j f^,. ji,e cold Iwth which they receive<l. is on the ground, but we have yet to !earn I Miss Jennie Grahaiii.of "Boyne Villa," who is to be the builder. This aildition j Eugenia, wiis the guest of Mrs. George ,,.,,, Pr.iotor during the mst week, to the ban. will be a very iieceaiy ,m- , ^ ^^^_ ^^^,^.^ McConncl is on the sick {)-oveinunt as it will dispense with tie li^t at present. stacking of a material portion of the | Mrs. .V. E. Myles and son, Teddy, and erop each year «s has been necessary daughter, Ruth, ai-o visiting M;i.ikdale in the past, and will douMless in ^^-'-^ ^::,;^'^,„,,, .,, ;„ t„,, „„ a very few years cover the cost of building MoniUy hist. by protecting the crop and field which ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart are now otherwise would bo damaged and iierhaps , comfortably settled in their new home. , ^, . , ^ . Mr. James Muart.one of theprommen; lost by inclement westher. I ^.^ia^.,,^^ „f t,,;, ..i^.j^ity, who received The matron was under the weather for mther severe injuries in a runaway ac- a couple of days, but h.us fully recovered" '^'"^ent some live weeks ago. Ls recovering r, , , 1 , .1 ,. 1 but slowv, having been out of the house Beyond a few colds there is not much , , 'i\. ^u t . ; , w, i, . ^ u.. but tince in that time. »V e hope to no sickness among 'he inniater at present, n\,i^ j„ the near fntura to rejjort Mr. tliB worst civse being our old friend John Stuart fully recovered fiiim his infiiries. None need suffer with Rheumatism. It makes one tliink that perhaps some people WANTED to have Rheumatism. Because they wont take Ba-Ju. Now, isn't it a fact that there are a lot of people in your neighborhood who say "Bu-Jn compUUly aired me cf Rheumat- ism.'''' When yon read tlieir letters; tlie agony tiiey suffered M-ith Muscular and In'lammatory Rheumatism, Sciatica ami Lumbago; hov/ they tried temetly after remedy without relief, and then found liealtli in Bu-Ju, you will wonder how people will go oil having Rheumatism â- when tliey can cure themselves at houie. The lowest prices yet have been put on Come in and see them. We are stock taking at present, selling before we take inventory. The time is short and our stock sheets must show^S.OOO less than they did on February 28th, 1906, ^ ;:, The January sale will Continue through February Dress €oods 2 pieces Black Alpaca, w;i3 3.ic, now 21c 3 pieces Tweed mixture, was 30c, now ....: 21c 1 piece green serge, was TSc, now .... 69c 3 Cashmere waists, new, were 2.75, now 1.38 3 Cream silk waists, were 3.23, now 3.t)8 5 pieces velvet corduroy, were 38 cents a yard, now . 10c Shirts, €aps, etc. 2 diz heavy tweed caps, were 50c now 32c 2 doz. Fancy tweed caps, were 50c now 28c 4 Persian lamb wedge caps, were 5.00 now 83.50 3 dozen heavy tweed shirts, were 60c now 40c 1 dijz. mens cardigans, were 1 00 now 89c mantles 4 L.idies Jackets, were S5.50, now. .1.39 4 Children's Jackets were 2.50, now. .98c 3 Ladies Black .\strachan Jackets, were 40.00, now 31.75 Bring us your Trade. Turs 12 Ladies tur ruifs, were 3.00, now. .2.18 ^ " " " 3.50, now.. 3. 48 2 Sable Fur Ruffs, were 10.00, now. .7.50 3 ' 12.00. no*.. 9.90 2 Rubber Lined Robes, large size, were $9.00, now 7 03 All furs leas than half price. See them. Clothing 15 Men's tweed vests, were 1.25, nmt 89o 15 pairs boys tweed knickers, were 50s, now 29o Si:ixi.dj?ies 13 Ladies olack and fancy belts, were 30c, now 19o fl large size rugs, nice design, were 7.50, now 4.90 50 while and colored large size sugar bowls Were 25c, now 5o 2 gross white castile soap, was ,5c a bar, now 3 for Iflo 10 dozen black handle steel knives and forks, per di^zen were ^.00, now. . . .75j 5 dozen silk bihs,lace edge, were 23c,now 10c each or 3 for 25<J We will serve you well. McFAI^LAND 8L COMPANY rv- ^r "â-¼" "•^ "â-¼" "^r" ''^ â- ^^â- ' TT" "^ "^ ."^^ "'•'" "^^ "*^ "^r â- "^". '^T' "^ "^'" â- "â-¼â- "^r" "^r "^r" "^^ -*y '^J Teesdalo who is very sich A' present, but not critically so, and we hope to see hiiii artuud again in a couple of weeks Th" housemaids are by no means elated Hv the extra Witrk devolved on them by the steailily increasing number of iimiates; should the number continue to increase, without au increase of the staff, the girls â- may take * notion to go west^ or,perhapH< they nny be teinpte»l to take unto them" selves a parti'er for life, for bettor or for wf>r«e, etc., etc. There are at preeeiit ^3 male and 10 Mrs. Stu.kit, whi> WHS with her htisbiuid at the time of the jiccident. received a rather severe nervous shock but hiis since fully recovered. Mr. AV. ».;. Pickell, of Mai-kdalo, was ill town this week. Jlr. H. Breadiur was a visitor at Mr. Jas. Knott's recently. Priceville Presbyterians. The Pricevile Presbyterian Chuich I" nan- ialstateinrnt h:isb«t'ii printed, and is beitm distributed. This is the most olalxirafo church ftatmeiit which his been turned out by The Advance fur some titf^ The t.T. CATH.^ltlNES, OsT. "No livinj person cnn realise wliat I suflTcrM 1 witli Rticuntalism for live y«ars. The Uisca-W completely iticapaciiatc'l nic, anil k-ft nic i'.i a 1 woriiout comlitlou. .\fler all el.se f.iilt-il, ami I felt that 1 wa.s gpttini; worse. I began the use ot Bu-Ju, wlicn 1 sjon fouiul relief. After U5itlfta few boxes, I fonnd I !iaU recovtretl my strengtlt nicely, and after U-ss tliau IS boxes lia>l l>ecn takeu, it left me without a vestigeof t;ie old complatnt. 1 believe Bu-Ju to be Uic best medi- cine oa record for K'.ieuuiatism '* .Mrs. DavsDALK. I So confident arc â- we of the powers of I BH'-Jn, of its uiif.xiling s\icccss in ctiping ] with cnses that have Ixifflcd even the best ! physicians, that we guarantee Ba-Ju w ill cure you or your money will be refunded. Buy It with tliat guanuntec. soc. a large box. .'Vt aU dniggists,^or from 7c Tke Oaflbi OKMical Ctt^LM. Wiwtsor, Oat. HARDWARE O ir new «tock of Hardware has arrived and we have been busy for rhe li»t ton days opioiiiiu up and lietii'is; info shape :ind we arc now fully eiiuipped to meet every demand of the hardware trade. Wo extei'd to the (inblic a hearty invit.ition to come in and in'jpect our stock. Y'lii will (iiid the 001 lis rinhr, the prices ri'.^hr, au>i we hrlieve wo are ipiite s:ife 111 sayini! we will use you richt. H'>>vHver drop in and see. 16 you i..le,id huddini; 'his coniinji suiiinier drop in aid let us Saure on your contract we have years of piactioul experience in this line. GROCERIES Just a word or two ahiut the Grocery busine.ss. You will (i:id our stock of Groceriea contains the very tinest noods uii 'ho market. We hiid thiit it jjives not only iirenter .sitifaotton to ourselves, but lo our customer* to buy the b. st. We reap 'he henetir by srivinij our cusKuners genuine satifaction, while our custoniets benotit by iioiiiu; able to rely im- plicitly on the iiuality of goods they are buying. VVu (.ay hiuhcst ptices for Farm Produce. 2i\tlian\ Bros., FlesKsrtcn. i Notice to the Public I beft to announce th»' I have purchased a saw mill which I intend liavintr in iii>Bration this Spriiiif on what is kiiitwnas ih'? obi Sfiarl. ill}; mill site, "'id am prepared toluiy all kinds of h.irdw(iod lo'-'s lath timber anil shinjjle tiinlwr for which I will pay the hiifheet c:i-<h pricei. Briiift a'.onil ymtr custom work. Satisfaction Ruarvn teed 21f 9, M. UhBO;iNK, Vandsleur. Farm for Sale. Lots ."Vl and 3.">, con.,S, Osprvv. WillselllOt; 130 oi- 2110 acres. Sitiiatnl l^uiilea fr-.m Cnl- lini;wi«>d and one and a half miles fr<jiii Sing • hauipton. ApvM] inuiie hivrn and stime baae. meiit. brick house, farm well w.itemd. .Xd.-xjit- ed for a sc^wk farm. Kor furtlier twrticnla^-. apply to R<)n!';RTMcCi)NN;-;LI.s n- I'tfeb Sin^Iiauipton. '% '"^.adtftk â- %