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Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1907, p. 7

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\ A MOTUKftS pniDE. A molher's greatest pleasure is in •eeing her litUe ones bright, playful and healthy. The well child is a blessing 10 the home, but llic sick child is a rt-gular little tyrant. A f<'w doses vl Baby's Own Tabids will muUn the sick- ly child well, or an occasional dose will prevent sickness. ThiM-o is nothing to ?qual Ihftse Tablets as a cure for slo- iriach and bowel Irnubles. They make teething easy, break up colds, cxpe.1 worms and cure simple fevers. Bsbys Own Tablet-s are soW under the guar- antee of a government analyst not to conlain one particle of opiateâ€" they never do harm â€" always good. Mrs. V. M. Kemp. Carleton Place, Ont., says: 'I have given Baby's' Own Tablets lo tny little one since he was a weelv old, and have found them a splendid medi- cine. At eleven months iie weighed over twenly-fii.x pounds." The rablets sre sold by druggists or by mail at ;Vi cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. ONE ADVANTAGK. I much prefer the man who speaks From manuscriptâ€" doitl you'.' For though he may be windy, yol He knows when he is through. A BROAD ST.vrEMENT. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid will cure any case of Piles. This statement is made without any <]ualiUcations. It is in the form of n lablet. It is the only pile remedy used in- ternally. ' It U impossible to cure an establish- ed of Piles with ointments, supposi- tories, injections or outward applianc-'s. .A $l,()00 guarantee with every pack- age of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid. $1.00, all d«ilers. or The Wilson- Fyle Co.; Limil.-'d, .Niagara Falls, Ont. *. COULDNT SMELL O". "Jane, don't you think that sweet- heart of yours is a procraslinator?" "I've been suspectin' it, mum; but he «iways uses a breath perfumer an' I can't be sure.' VERY LIKELY. "I can't understand how a man can ccmmit suicide for love." "It happens frequently." "\V«H1. perhaps so, but if I did it, I should regret it all my life." FELL D0WÂ¥* FLIGHT OF STEPS iTROVKD ZAM-BIK BKST IN TIIREK IMFFEItlCNT K.Mi'JtUENCIES. One of the most valuable points about /am-Buk. the herbal balm, is the vari- ety of uses to which it can be applied. Mrs. A. Livcrnois, of l:U Sydenham St., Toronto, says: "I have u^ed Zoin- Buk for colds on Ihe cluist and found when rubbed well in it gave almost in- stant relief to the 'tightnes.--' and 'stiff- ness.' One day 1 slipped when de- scending tlie stairs and fell (o the bol- loin. My right uriii was terribly dis- colored and .swollen and beeaine i|Uilo Blitf. As I still had a supply of Zain- Buk I rubbed .some on llu> bruised limb and it was rciilly surprisuig how quick- ly it removed the discoloralinii, cured the stiffness, and restored the arm to iij. proper form. .Since that lime 1 have occasion lo use Zam-Buk for theu- matisni, and I have found it equally good." Zam-Buk is so unifortiily good bo- cause it is composed of tlie fim^it her- bal balms, essences, and juices known ti. medical science, compounded and refined in a special and peculiar way. II: has such high germ-killing power that it is une(|U!illed as an niili.sepUc. Pud healini; virlue is very great andts u household balm Ziun-Iiuk i.s absolute- ly unique. It is a sure cui'o for eczema, iifh, I'iood jioison. ulcers, chronic sores, rir.gworin. ehikiren's rashes, spols. etc. 11 al.sfi cures culs. burns, bruises, chap- ped hands, enlarged veins, piles, and aV di.seiuscd or injure<l conditions of the skin and suljjacent li.ssues. All drug- gists and stores .sell at .")(lc. a lx).x, or cost free from Iho Zam-Buk r:o..Toronlo, (oi price. 6 Ixixes sent tor .$i.50. Send (iiie cent tor dainty trial bo.x.- THERE TO STAY. "Well,''- said the laltoo artist, as he dropiied his needle. "I have put an elo- phani on your arm and a ship on your chest anil now I wani my money." "I ain't going lo pay you a cent. lad." Cliiickk'd Iho old sail, "and. what is more, I have Ihe advantage of you." "In wlint way'/" "Whv, ,vou Ciin'l take it out of mv hide. " ' DODDS ^^ ? KIDNEYS a PILLS ' ANTI-.Sl.lCinF. RIRKAi: MCKDRD. People of Austrian ('..-ipilal Have a Ten- dency to Sell-Ueslniciioii. In Vienna, the .seemingly gayest ef citie.s, an anti-suicide bureau, such as has been established in London, i.s bad- ly needed. The year's record of selt- nnirders shows lliat Viemm still relains her bad pre-eminence among European capilals in respect to Ihe percentage .u her population who voluntarily cut short their lives. The figures for lOOG, just published, •show that â- 42.') persons committed sui- cide, while another 707 tried to do it. but failed. The figures reveal some curi- cus anomalies which must sorely puz- zie psychologists. More suicides lake place in summer than in winter. In the month of May when all nature was proclaiming the joy of living. 48 per- sons decided that deatli was preferable an(d terminated 'their exi>>lence. In drearer November, wlien llie birds had cea.sed singing and hieak winds wailed mournfully through Ihe leaffess trees, only 2S persons yielded to the convic- tion that life was not worth living. The motives assigned for suicide also disekise some perplo.ving problems. For instance, only 31 [XTSons conunilted suicide because of poverty, while two more shullled off tins mortal cx>'\\ bo- cause life had dealt too generously with â- them, and they had bwome satisfied with it. Sickness was the motive alleg- ed in IfK) cases, while love affairs gone wrong drove 6;i lo destruction, and do- mestic strife impelled 2:i to llee to the ottier world where tl)ere is neither maiTiage nor giving in nmrriage. The oldest victim was a man of fi7; tht youngest a little girl of eight. What <lire tragedy of childhood caused her to take the leap in Ihe dark does n.)t appear; but the bare mention of the fact awakens a feeling 'of infinite pity. Poor little mite! .May her soul rest in peace. The men greatly outnumbered the women, which can hardly be regarded a.- proof of the superiority of the male se.\. There were 3i:i of them who took their own live,s in the last twelve months and of women, I Klâ€" tittle more than a Ihird as many. In the methods chosen for making their exits, men showed a imich gn-ater partiality for bullets than did women. Only twelve o: the latter shot themselves while 118 Il^ell chose that way of ridding Ihem- selv«;s of Ihe burden of life. Despairing vKimanhood displayed Ihe greater pref- erence for poi,s<in. Thirty-two women fewaltowed fatal draughts. Twenty- eight womein selected the most ghastly form of suicide â€" throwing themselves fi'om top-atory windows. ITie MarK That Tells //ff^e ^{an( Tracie mttked thai in a Vlriety tit itylet, (abriciand prica for women, men and childlea. Form Filled. Dealen are authoiized to replace initandy and at our coat, any Pen-Ansle sar- ment faulty in material or m a k i n 8. '-^ Pen-Angle trade- mark (in red) on every Pen-Angle garment, tells you it will fitand won't shrink, â€" your own dealer so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, more flexible, better wearing. e Ul^PERWEAR SWEEPING ASSERTIONS. Father : "Did you notice how grace- fully Ethel swept into the room at the parly lust night'.'" Motlier : "Yes, but when it comes to sweeping out a room she's not much use." If you are a sufferer from colds get a bottle of Sickle's .Anti-Consumptive Syrup and test its qualilies. It will lie founil that no praise bestowed on it is too high. It does all that is claimed for il, and does it thoroughly. Do not take any substitute for Bickle's .Syrup, be- cause it is the best, having stood the test of years. .Ml the best dealers sell II. AU.STRALIA'S WEALTH IN .SHEEP. The greatest industry of .\i!slraUa is" sheep-raisiiig, mainly for the sake of tlie wool, but also in purl, of, for the mi>at. .\ustraliu now ranks second among tlie great .â- jlu'ep-raising countries', .Argentina being lirst with l)2,()n(),0(JO slieep. Austialia .secoial with 72,000,00(1, I imd Russia third with 70,(XK).0(j(l. But a } lew years ago .Australia was lirst, [jos- i sossing no les6 than l(ie,260,000 liead of sheep. liial was in 1891. Prolonged j droughts were Iho cause of the destruc- tion of many millions of Auslialian sheep, but since l'.t02 thei-e has been an I annual gain. Yet shetip were not I indigenous to .Australia. They were lirst introduced in 1797, being of the Spanish merino speciiis. LOTS! I .'i fellow can'l live on love, But lots of men there are. Whom you and 1 liave knowledge of \\ ho live on their love's pa'.' riiey .Advertise Themselves. â€" Immedi- alely they were offered lo the public. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills became uo- pular .because of the good report Ih.'v made for tlicmsclves. That reputation has grown, and they now rank among the lirst medicines (or uso in attacks i.f dyspepsia and biliousness, complaints !â- â-  Ihe liver and kidneys, rheumatism, fever and ague and the iimumerahle, compiicalions to which these ailments give rise. "Qneen City i> InUei dun a ymc Uutnba Boar it tkaaa piae OntHO* flour â€" bang blcxaiiBd a the txH qHalitas of bodi. 'Qaees Olr' â- > a;i lU-potpoaR 8aK. ^tk your jroctt for The Campbell Campbcll'S MlUlflS Co. t.j»aM -_ * ^^•a_ Tcraoto juocdoQ. Cm. i^ueen (.yity FOR SALE. <5 acre riiiicli, 10 ai-re." lioariiii; oicharii. :!i fenceil uHJiture. K cows, :i hur.'.es, guoU huiua, he' wlU wtMl. .V Kood hume. U. J. W.IIIKICK, ConuBj, CaliL NO HEART TO IIEARI'. She â€" "And now. Cliarlie, I supixise to-morrow you will have to speak to papa about tliLs'.'" Heâ€" "Yes, dearest, I suppose I must." (.\fler a pause)â€" "Has your father a lelephone'?" BRKVD TII.VT IS TWO VIO.VBS OLD. The Hiinoarian lias a Year's Supply on the .Shelves. In Hungary they do not oat fresh bread. Wliether it is Iwcause Ihe Hun- garians believe in liyniene more ehan tneir Eui'op<'an brothers and sisters ' r not lias never be«'n told, but the Mag- var is partial to stale bread, and Iho staler Ihe Ix'tter. His "rozskenyer," or ordinary black bread, as it is eaten by the very large majority of the Magyar population, is carefuUy laid away on a shelf and dug out for consuniption inonlbs and months after il has come out of the great ovens. If llie huge loaf. weigliing something like live pounds and fv)r which Ihi' Hungarian pays si.\ or seven kieutzcr, etpnvalent In aijoul threo or four cents in our money, has careful- ly been hiddi'n away for two years it :s considered all the bolter. Tlie Hungarian never tliinks of where Ihe bread Ls to from lo-morrow. He thinks of V;herc it is to come from next year, for l>e has at least a year's supply on Iho shelves. The Hungarian hakes her bread 365 days ahead of time. Her \\'ednt!,-day baking is for the Wednes- day of a year lo come; her Thursday baking for a Thursday of a year to come. The inmiigranis arriving in America from llimgary bring over many of Ihcse immense loaves. They are cumli<^rsome ' affairs and of I'ipe old age. The loaT weighs a trille under live ix)Hnds and is SI hard that to drop it on your feel ! would be lo smash a toe or two. A ! h;ilclict struck inio tills loaf is hard In lemove, and ,\et Ihe loaf is wjnsidered a great delicacy by the llimgai'inns. ; who look upon it with the same pride ; that the Clerman peasant looks upon his ] pumpernickel. Your Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold^ no question about that, but â€" ' why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of hav ing hispreacription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURB for a quarter. Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHILOH will cure you as quickly T Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. §HILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have • Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH Doctor : "Did llio.-e red pills I lefl for little Walter do him any good'.'" Mrs. P.. : "Yes. indeed, doctor. He's Ix-eii j silting up in bed all day playing marbles with them. " Yaa iwed n»t sh»il aTiv tpars if voti will nines* !' Tba 1> ><( I, " .Muntliol elasMr ou that Um» back. Tr7 aud b« conviiicdd. (x^)nstiluent â€" ".Now, Mr. Wiinnovit. I wish youd do your best to get my boy a good (ioveimiieiil pusitiun.' M. P.- "Well, what can viur son do'/" Con- stiluenl â€" "What can he do"/ Great .Scot, man, if he could do anything 1. wouldn't be bothering you!'' They Cleanse Ihe .System Tliurouglily. â€"Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the siomnch and bowel- of hilioiis matter, cause the excretory vessels In thixiw oli inipuriti's fi'om Ihe blood inIo the lioweLs and exfiel llie deleterious mass fioni the biKly. TIk'y do this without pain tjr inconvenience lo Ihi' patient, wllo sjxM'dity realizes their good olllces a> soon as lhe\ begin to lake effect. They imve strong recomiiiendalions from all kinds of [K'ople. Big iiKiney now hi'iiig made sell- ing shares of one of (xjball's safesl. best and most reliable companies. .A tiustworlhy repre- sentativ(" wanted for this dis- trict. Wrili- at once to Box 413, Toronta. CARPET DYEINQ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ 0<3L â- â€¢â- 4 partiMtua kj pMl and we ar« awa<.My M«r«M %n iM, Mmtraal. .And when you hear a man boast of Ills ancestors il's a safe bet that his descendants will have no occasion lo boast of theirs. A natter •! Importance to all tliosa wlio ar« run duwii atid tlobilitabed is the fact that " KorroTtiii " is tile bf>it tunic ever conipuundeil. U givaa atrdiigtli aud builds up the syataia. .Indge-".\nd your wife aimed at and struck your heml with a cup'.'" Witness â€""Yes. sir." Judgeâ€" "Well, all I have to say is that you ought lo be very proud of her.' "Hmv much coal is Ihere, Susan? How long will it last'.'" "Well, ma'am, it will last quilo a while if .vou don't have any fires." "Then there' isn't mucJi IcftT "There isn't any lefl. ma'am. " Pain is Punishment.â€" Pain is a ft^- test of nature against nt»gliH:t of tha bodily health, against carelessness -<>- gui'ding the physical condition. It steals in at the fil^l opportunity and lakes u|i its abode in a man and it is s<,metiines diffici^l to ejeot il. Dr. Tliomas' Eclecli-ic Oil will drive it aitl in shorl order. Pain cannot .slaywher« il is Used, but immediately lleis away. .•^ugar tonlay is only one-si.\lh the price of what it waa in the year at Waterloo. There la IM snda tMnc an a harmioai oaash. tie trouble (jixw f r»ia liaa t,; worse uiilMn cUook- ed. \naii'' l.uiic Riilaam imro-* the w*r9t calda. it iUlayii inHaiamaliuii aod cteats tlie .UJ im ai gaa The t The never failing medicine. Hollo- way's Corn Cure, removes ail kinds ' f (oiiis. waris, etc.; even the most dilli- cult to remove eaiinol withstand this uondorfut remedy. Before Lister's antiseptic inventions the dealhrate in aiiipulations of Iho thigh was U pel- cent. 11 is now*ibout 6 per oeiit. Mother Graves' Worm <i:xterminat3r (loes not rai;iirc' the lielp ot any pur- gative medicine to complete the cure. Oive il a trial and be convinced. I SometiiTies fi woman doesn't meet her 1 ideal man unlit she is loo old for hhn to j rocognizo tier. SHAWA' Galvanized STEEL Shingles ^Av^^:: ISSITE ^0. « 07. Like little velcanoea of disease, the nrnptinnn of eczoma pour imt iliBi:haiT;n». Bail blood nauiOH i the trouble. I'be lo(:al roinndy i» Wuaver'.i ('era)o, anil Weavers Syrup will drive tbo Rpi.ion from the I blood H0LL(3\V Cd.AS?? BIIICKS. The demand for hollow bricks and building blocks tor coiisliuctioii has induced manufacturers lo pul hollow glass bi'iks on Iht.' iiiarUel, and they promise lu be used extensively f. r no\el and arlislic efleels. The lirst bricks, being solid, proved a fail- ure on account of their cost, but tlie hollow glass liricks can lie made al ' much less o.\ Tliey .'ire lighler and slrunger than cinv luicks and an.' such cxi.elleiil nonconductors lliat walls built of Iheni are proof .igainsl damp- liess, sound, hent and cold. The bricks are .seated herineticatly when hot mid are placed in walls with a colorless morlar made of siK'cial The j bi iiding strength of the glass morlar i^ i almost as' great as the bricks themselves, i Mrs. Madison-^"How do you like .vonr nesv iioiglibors'.'" Mrs. Dyerâ€" "I don t i know. I lia<en'l tried to'liorrbw any- ' tfiing yet.' .. . : •/ •• i Ttie Kreal .Auslrian salt mine (it Wiel- iczka has tiOO mile.-, of galleries, and em- ploys 0,000 miners. It has been worked loi" the past six centuries. ' AT $4.50 a Siiuare (10 ft. by 10 ft), and with a guarantee of twenty- five years service back of the sale, "Oshawa" Galvanized Steel Shing^les make the cheapest good roof for any permanent building on your farm. They last a hundred years. Even cedar or cypress shingles will cost you aa much, and be rotted to dust long before an "Oshawa" „ Shingle shows a sign of wear. Slate wiH cost you far more to buy and twice as much to put n , â€" a n d it won'tlastlabitlonger. "Oshawa" Steel Shingles make build- ings lightning-proof, and are guaranteed water-proof, w i n d - proof, fu^ proof, an weather-proof for a quarter - century, â€" without painting. Made of semi-hard- ened-heavy sheet steel (28-guage â€" wajranted) with heavy galvanizing:. Anybody who can drive nails straight can roof any building witli " Oshawa " Steel Shingles,â€" a hammer and a pair of tin- ner's snips are tools a-plenty. Tell us the surface measure of any roof, and we will tell you exactly what it will cost to cover it with the cheapest roof you can really aiTord to use. Send for a FREE copy of our booklet, "Roofing Right," and read of the profitable, common- sense way to roof any building on any farm. The booklet is worth reading. It tells why an " Oshawa "-shingled roof is cheapest for you. It tells, too, why "Oshawa "-shin- gled roof is safe from lightning, and gives some surpris- "* Oshawa " Galvanized Steel Shindies are GUARANTEED in every way for * .. u ^^u 25 Years. Ou^ht to Last^ Cea'dS U !i^?JSn'^gtf£| cHuaed in Caiuuia la^^ year. Better read tha book â€" where shall |we send your copy? X TfiaPBdlarPeopla X Of O sha wa MONTREAL 3«-8Cr»i«Sl. W. TOKONTO U C«lbur!Mi SU OTTAWA OSnatxS LOMMm ag DundaB Sb wnamRG 7C Una bard Sb VAWCOOVER i

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