\ TiIE FL E ES IiERTO ?f ADVANCE Fkbruary 7 1907 ESTABLISHED 1873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Head Office - - - - Toronto FARMER'S SALE NOTES DISCOUNTED This bank makes a specialty of discountiog Farmers' Sale Notes at lowest current rates. Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. FLESHERTON BRANCH Georeie MitcStoll, Mar^&ger BRANCHES .\-L,^0 AT r.-7n,KA>r, MAR.IW*TCN Vicinity Chips Mi-s. \V. A. Tucker nnd her diuighter, MiiiiTVB.Hre visniiii! ihe fnriiier's iWunht- er ill Tiiriiit". Culler, nenily new f'>r »Hle. aUn i,'of"l outt.fr riilie Will inkBpnrt poy in wnod. Ai'p'y to J<Miri/h Clinton, Flusherton. U.v. L. W. Tlidin pii'iinlied in the Mf tliiiiiist L-liiirch Sunday evwniii?. Dr. (J.tldwt.ll takiiiii his woik «t Proton stii- ii"ii. Mis? Wildii CroH-lKy, wlo ha< heeii oiiiilined to tl)n houso for a ciiiipli* of niiiiilhs with n sorii fnoB, ruturnud to her du'iea at BiiyJ Uros. store ill Monlay. I'lu'8 for mlnâ€" twulve pisjs, f>ur wortlfs <>M, to be Si'ld when sis. vrot-kH old; ei>;lit piljM, one week old wiili kow. John Flyiin. lot 2), con. 10, Aiteniesiu Vrtiidelour P. <-). Mr. VV. \V. Tiiiiil>b ha« sncun^d the leiint* of the now temperaiico hutel, which will lie ready for ocoupatinii in aboi;t two weeks. By Iho way, thi!< ImrdRomu hi>9- telry hiis not yor Iwoii christened. Wha' js it« naiie to bo? We are opi'ii tn anugcst ions fruin our readers. Mr. T.imhle, with his cupable family, oiiiilit to make a SUCCB88 of the busiiifsB if anybody cnn. A d«(i])«tch from Owen Sound Hay.s. Keenaii Bro.s. h.ni.^hi, ihc liigsjieht loj ever hrou'jht into thiR plnce on Friday. W. .J. Gtiiidwiii Hrou-iht in an eliit that nieisuied 5,250 foet, and required five toamH to haul. Tin' ]irevvn« rci-ord for a largo lot; was tivoih'HisHnd fi't'b. Hi^ides Uii.s, a nunitier of the limbs aio larye eiiou;;h for lumber, nnd will be brou'.{lii llOfH. ..> ." Mr. Lar^'u's Choial UnioiilicM a busin- ess nieeti"g in their hall on M..inlav even- ing. It was the unanimous dcrisoti of th« Uiiii^n to contimio thrt clans fur snuilur term, and it is openiiii; with a lander ini'inlioialiip ih«ii evor. This is « great o|iportuiiity for all who sing. The fee for ihe term is set at ;ho bay siiiii of lifty cents eaah. I'dsonfl disinjun !.f joinius; may hand their namen ill to Mr. F. G. Kiirstedt, >[r. E.I. Bentlmni or t'.ie Secretary, Miss Cnulson. We will aniii'uoce fri'in tliesu ojluniin later, when ihe tifht. rehearsal will Ve luM. The Oratorio, "Sujl of Taisus," as roii- derojd ill the Me'hodi.st chiuch on Thui.s- day eveiiiiiK last under the leadership of Mr. Newton L.M'i!'', of Owen Sound, wa.-, worthy of a much laraer |Mtr"naue than wa-s vouchsafed it. The choruses wore splendidly balaticej and the stdi^.s, duels and trios excellent. Durinij tlio ci ur.se of these practices .some new voices have been developed which i;ivo niiicb proiidse. and Mr. Larijo is to be coimratulaled on the excellenco of the musical program hank here has been ronioved to Ihe i which ho proneiitcd to the public in ibis Strathiuy hiancli, and left for his new ' oc.-artion. It is nmny years since the chafe la.st week. (' P"''''*; here has heon treated to aiiyhiiig just So ({iind ill t;'..o musical lino and we lioleve had the public really undurstood what a rat'u trt-at was befoie them the churcii would Hciircsly have h»ld the audiene. We cnniiot think tliat the For money at lowest rates, land secur- ity, eo to A. S. VanDusen, Flesberion. Clover Hay for saleâ€" Robert Xeilaon, Proton Staiion. The recount of halli.ts in Collins:wo"d local option case did not alter the resiilr. Mr. R. G. Trimble, of Mich., called on relatives here this week. For sale-2 young >hort lioin bul's, ft lurnervico. William Patton, Ceylon. Mr. Wiu. Wilson, of T.irnnto, iH visit- ing at hia piirental home here. Mrs. W. W. Trimble has been in Totui'to for the past week. <»o to Be.iihani Bros, for all lines in shelf and staple hardware. Larae quantity of Oil Cake iust arrived. \V. E. Uichardpon and Sou, Flesherton- .loUittto urinder Hi inch plates forsale cheap. Georumn Cay Power Co., Eugenia. The chiaook, so much talko.l about out in Alberts, oppeais to bo spending the winter in Ontario this year. Any amount of chopping wantod, any and every day. 5c per hundred lbs. P. Laucks. The junior hockey team was beaten at Duihiim last week bv the team of that place. Score lU-1. Three umbrellas have been at the Methodiatchurcli for sometime. (Jwnera can «Bt iheoi from M«. Thos. Grainger. Farm for Rellt-^Lol 24, con. 10, Arle- nicsia.known as the Turner farm. App V • to Fred Deagle, Euuania. Miss Helen Boll of Toronto Junction wws the guest of her uncle, Mr. Rod McKenzie, Toroulo line, last week. Four good cows for salft, due to cdvo this month. S. Turner, lot 3(J, con. 10, Artemesia. Mr. W. W. Tiitnble has recoivod Ihe appointnient of iinniiaraiion agen'at this point. Tliose farmers requiring help this spring can apply to him. Salmon Trout, Fresh W\tf.r Hcrrina, Fresh Merrinti, Cod, Finnan Haddie, for sale at Benthani Bros. aims Ruby Trelford, of Proton Station, is visit ii'ii her sister Miss Flossie, and Mi»s Ella Karstedt. For Saleâ€" Str<3k bull for sale 2 years t,\A. Apply W. J. Simpson, Flesherton Post Office. 12feb Mr. W. Livingston of the Standard Ida employed in the postotfice here, Mamie, Fred and Horbie at home. The deceaned genth iniin wt.s boiu in the Ni- agara PeninKula nnd had quite a cheq- ored life, his nn tljer dyin« when he was very younit. Ho lived at St. Catlmrines in early life and for a lime sailed on the upper lakes, afterwaida taking up his trailo it tinsmith at which ho worked in Durham, Kincardine and Owen Sound protianM to conilMU to Flesherton. Ho was a member lif PriiiOB Arthur Lodge, A.F. and .^.M , under who.se auspices intornient will take place to-day (Thurs- day) ai 2. ;!0 p. m. and was also an ')'ld- fellow, being a chartir member of the B'losherton lodge. Cattle frauds have been operating in Erin tcwnt.hi;). The plan of those men is to i;o to the fariiiurs and represent then selves us ownois of a farm, but slii.rt i.f ready cash, and to buy cattle for which pnyuient would be made later. After ihe lapse of some time, ihobe wbo had sold j their stock became siippiciuus, and as no satisfactory iiif'^rmation could be ob'ained the matter was repoited. It is said that men who have been operating are from the Oranuoville noighburhood. Tarm for Sale* Lots 171-rB, 2S. W. T. <k B. F., Arte<n>««t eontaliiiiiK ItU acre*. <J0 acroa cleared, tgood |iM- titro furni, fruiuu liou»e, log barn; well leuooU and wulei'uil. Apply to W. H. HALES. DoaZOO I'liceviUo, P. yw\.^^^ty^^ ^t\^'^i\^f^ y^^.^yf\yy^ *w\yyf\^'W^?*f \ S SKATING Tliorink will be open for skatintj ou Tube., Tburs., and Bat., evenings. J. 0. PATTON, proprietor Fowl and Grain for Sale Brown Leghorn C ickcrels for sale, al«o Tartar King seed oats, g<Kid to Ktand up. W. BUSKIN Danger 13^ Farming. "DoU.-ir Wheal' is fine for fann- ers, but tlicy take lon^ chances with their hc.illh in getting the â- wheat. Bad weather, lifting, straining, wrenchcil backs, lay t];e foundation for Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. There is n fanuer, out Markham way, who was bO hufy making money that he did not realize he w.is making ill-health at the same lime. He had head.iches ; often his back hurt so badly he could hardly stand, often tiieurin'j w.as highly colorcil atid scalding. But he thought he w.is only " working tooh.inl." One day he caught cold. The next day he had Rheu- malisin. This Markham farmer Buffereil 7 ycamviUi Rheumatism tmtil chance brought a friend who told him about Bu- Ju. They relieved the cxcniciating pain, and cured him in three mouths. Markham, Okt, " I tintl stifToreU almost coatinunlly for seven ycnrsv.'ith Kidney Trouble; couldjscarccly wnllc and was unable to attend to luy farm duties. .\ftcr takinj^ t'le nrj.t few pills I fcit much re- lieved, and .-iftcr t.ikinrt half a box was able to do .1 fuU d.iy's work. I l;now one box of llu-Ju savril nir $i \o-t Doctor's I) ill, and tiink tbey arc the r::u-^>t i'i!l made. ;' jAMlki .\niloTT. mour^t Pleasant iferd. Of imrebrert 9cotc!i Sliortorns with the faiiiouR \ounf* Rtock bull, Scottiuh Chief, Kt the tiitad. Yuuii^Ktock for sale, [iiirus reaboimble, tonus oHf-v. otniftr'Jrt? R.ALLEN, Prop. 170, Con. 2, E.r. A 3.U . Pure Bred Camwortl?$ and Berksbires I lisve for sale some pniebred Tixmwoith sows, also two uico pure bred Berkshire iKiam nearly wndy tu wean. Satisfaction guaraii- leod M.17 07 â€"G. W. Rom. Maxwell. Farmfor^ale. Lot 33, con. 13, Arteniesia; UK) acres, elearei', 50 acres Imulwood l)U»h, 30 iwre swiiuip. G(i<id frame house and lf« s'alil.*. and !"(,' I'talilu.s. Well watered. Will be sol J eheainuidoD easy terms. Ajiply to nov27 R. W. McMuUen, Eueonia. $!>orthorn Bull Tlie thoroiiprlibred .Shorthorn Bull, 'Tavor- ite, " Ii2i!3."), is for service on hit 27-2K,2nd range N. D. lt.,ArCeiue8ia. Pedigree on application. Terms SI. 2.1 ALKX. McRAK. Ceylon Tamworth Boar for Servics A tborouRhbred Tamworth boar f^r service ou lot ^. cou. 1^. Usprey, Terms â€" 61 fortjrades DAVID IWBERTS Slippers, Overshoes and Rubbers FOR SALE AT CLAYTON'S ^ We have already received a very large stock of new w^ goods, anil invite you to give us a call, expecting a ^ ^ fxood bargain. We will not disappoint yon. ^ BC Custom lUork and Kepairing Httcnded to ^^ 1^ CLAYT 'S FX-ESHERTON, ONT. Colts for sdeâ€" one year old coach tilly and one heavy dtniiyht fillv, siiek'-r. App'y to W. .J. Ml ore. lot 170 T. S. R. Noticeâ€" After the end c>l the present nionth our premium offer of the Montreal Herald for paid tn-advanec Bubscriptimm will be withdrawn. W. H. Thurston. Got your chopp'ng done at tho Elociric Plant, Eugenia. Sntisfacti'm cuaranteed I'U clerin .'lain. Coino eaily in the day and avoid the rush. .\ species of grippe appears to be epidemic in this section at tho present tiinn, and there are few families that ara not sutfoiiiiij from it. Thcto is Cvinsiderable illnca in this ceotion at 'he present tiire. Amona the more serious cases in the vi!l;igo are ihose of Mrs. dohn Oshorne, Mrs. W. Neil. and Mis. Jns. Carg", Cheap Firewocd â€" A quantity of -i fi o' siaKs, piiuciprtlly hardwood, at Keonnns' mill or deliveredâ€" makes first class wiiitei or suuimer wood, '^i'ply ( > '.X .'.Spri ii'e Fleahciton. We will refund -i^ourt'ioiiey should these Gentle ICiduev Pills fail. .S< c. a large box. .'it all druggists, or sent oa receipt of price. 69 The Clantn Giemicsl Co.. Ltd, Windsor, 0»f. Farmei'3, Take Notice. I have coaied HruUlnj,' for McCormack machines, imt that I had any fault wit'i the iin|>ieinent!i. Imr .!ac:kMiii &. !laiin:i<i, nf Mark- dalo.solil a Me('(>rni:ieU »is fdnt binder t<i Mr. W:i«in Me.Miillen lu^l Imrvent fur .Sli'i.DO on three ji:iys, aiui luM old I'ult'Tstni binder and then soiil the old liiinler for .^l.."!!, and 011 next year's terms tliey are eli:iix»id tti ihose th;it lierhapi they tent them l'MrlB«.s than I do. Why diin't they wll tlieni to .Maikilrle fanneis for lliesiv.iie? 'I'liii I i.Mo pr n-.'. 1 li;\ve 'iont Met- ed with Peter Haiiiiiom, nf IVterlMiroiiKh, to pell his iinpleineiits ;it Markdaie and l''le.^liiir- ton. t will sell tile biinleis, «i.\ fnot on one pay Sol!), '1 pays <IU">, liii'eo pays .S120! drills, one ji.iy V2 lioo drill >5(il, 2 pays ifli.3, tliree jiivys S(l."i, and other sizes to eori'cspoiid, smaller or Ijum'r. 1 will be at Markdalc ai»er the tii.st of Maicli every .Sanrday. .Vny one wantiiix iinnihines or repairs will lind me on 3ntnr;biys. 1 have .some seooiul hand IJrdls on hand, soini! only worked oiiii mid two yenr.s, Noxon, Oslia-vs and I'eter Hainiltiin. .\l»o agent fur, the (Viek.slnitl Plow, .i\ai8 Manure Spreaoer mid Clinton 'I'lneslicr. D. MA DILL. •«^i . piitdic are indilfereiil to choico niusie, bu' rather that ihu opportunity was not ap- preciated at its full Value. The proceeds were less than (35. James Sullivan Dead. James .Sullivan, linsniiih of this town, died at his homo here on Tnesdsy :ifter- mioii after a shui illness of only four days of pueumoiiiii. His as:o wim about 7I) years, of whiuh ho S|ieiit 'M years in P'K'sherion. Tho deceased Kent'enmn was throo times married. The liist and sec- o:id wives were sisters nsniud Ilopps ;Jby the (irst there wore no ohddreii ; by the Second ihete were two sons. Frank and Wi 1. Twi ii'y-sight years ago he marrii d Miss Mary Crossley, sistor of .VI r. VV. P. Crossley, and now leaves hiS wdjw and I fsmily of seven children as follows : llatiefMrs. M:ll>) of Spokane, Cmie II .M,';n.reiil, C'hi'.r'.-y :.t Indian UvhI, OF.AI^F.D TENDKT13 addr<e-ied to llio iiialev- •^ (.iKiifid and niidnsed â- â- runner foi I'nlilie Bnildiiiij Owen Soiiioi. tnit,." niJl On roeetved at tbis olMce until Moiu'sv, l'*tdnoRev *.i^. HH17, liiclneivelv, for tlni eonsmiLtioii » f a Public liiilldini!. Twin Soniid. Out . lOaiiH and sjioei/le.iitions can bo pnon anil foilns of tender oliLuinod at til is depai'niuut and Kv llio otiiou ol .Messrs, Korstor andClaik, Aicliitoeis. Owen Souiiil,Ont. Persons teiidrrinH avo eotiliiMl that tondors will iitd lie coiiPift'reil u leis iiiaou on ilie printed ^orm «iip|ilitid Hud sigiuiU with tlicir actual ilBiiatures. Knell tonrler iiiiist 1)0 scconr.in niod bv an arcepled ciieqiie 00 a cliflrture^ batik. nia<b) pajablttlo tbo ordi.T of tbo Hoiiorablii tho Milijwter of I'uinie, Works, equal to ton pci cell'.. (lOp, c.l of tilt Hiiiomit of tbc t.inder. wlllcll will be fiiifeiled i( the p.^rt.v t.iudnii'K rieeline to enter into a coiitriict when called upon to do so, or if lie fail to coinplo tile work I'oiifriictod for. If the tondur be uut nceoptad till! cbeipie will bo irttnriiod. Tbu Department does nut bind itsulf to accept the lowotitur any toinlor. liv order V\ii;d oei.ixas Seo;o!a;y. Dopartnieiit. of I'nblie Wiiku lUtawa, ,lnnuiu-y ;ll, W.l, N<"W!ipi'povs will uot liopiilO '^r t.')!» advKV- titoment It tiiuy insert ^-i n;;>n^t c« 'ifirlr/ r.'r>ni the Pot>:vt.)iiOBi, y y y ' I K i 1 I ICGEST ARGAINS AT Jas. Pattisoa's, Ceylon 21 lbs No. 1 Redpath Granula- ted Suguar 81 00 24 Yellow Sugar 1 00 ;! pkgs. Corn Stareh for 25 .'J bottles Extraot.s for 25 ;> cans Corn or I'eas 25 Ih lb8 2.ic Ten, e.\tra choice. . 1 00 Rolled Oats, per tack 2 40 V/INTER GOODS At except ionully low prices. Men's Fur nnd Cloth Overcoats Ready- Made CI dhini.'. Fur Collars for Ladies or Geiit.s Caperines, Gauntlets Golf Jackets, Clouds and Scarfs Uudeiwcar, Heavy Top Shiits. Heavy Rubbers, and Socks Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells Men's Heavy Caps, Felt Boots Shoes and ninny other things. It will pay you to sell your grain and buy your goods for • the next six months. All over-due accounts nmst be settled by February 10. das. Pattison, Ceylon. 1^-^ '»/•.'% *-i^% ^ -^ ^ifc/^^k-^k^^ ^^ft^a,^^^ -v^/^^-^/u, <»/*/sk^^ * ^^ S P n I IN" 0_.«ac2^ ress mm% aiw \ p« rmts Do not buy your Dri?ss Gootls or rriiits before calling * anii scciiii' our large ujisoi'tmcnt. We have received a consignment of l."()0 yards of \ Prints, all of the latest patterns and colors. Also a # i'uUstock of Ladies' Dress (juotls which jire of the P latest shades. ^ HARDWARE DEPARTHENT S Wo have a full stock of C'oal lianges, Heaters and %i Base Burners, Tinware, Blankets, Ro!>es and Cream Separators, 2,UU0 lb 'f ruck Scale. F!es?^erton - = Ontario. â- ' â- 'â- n» . "'^"m