ill ii; il[ m Verdict of Coroner's Jury for Death of Golspie Sailor. A (jeBpa'ch from Snt:!! Sle. Mario. Ont., s^J'(^ : "\K'f iliid that Sydney Noal c.-inio lo his death fioiii ficsl, causccj by cxpo- w^re. 'J'tiie expasure whs due dire-jlly to <.'-Afil. Roult, whti drove the said Sydfiey N««l fi-om shelU'r when tie might liave |»T)J«:lcd him. SVe liiiiik Niiite WcLood shauld be sevu-ely censured for rof sending prompt assislanco on his arrival at tht" Sudi wa.s the verdict given on Wed- nesday nij{lit l)y Ihe coroner's jury on llio Aiaih of Sydney .Neal, one of the .sailors ©/ the slearner (Golspie, which was »«mrked early in December at linile Harbor, and wlin died at ttic ".Soo" iios- jfilal from the c.'.'ecis of the subsequent l»«fd£)iip.>; which lie, witli several others, tiiderwenl. fiiptains Jo.seph Gantry and W. C. Barr. of the "Soo" ami William Kimbnll •nd Joseph Andrew.i, of Michipicoi'ji, were examined. The captains gave evi- dence regiuxling tlic negotiations that fcad been can-ie<l on between them and tlic MacKays for Ihe sending of relief to the Golspie after the wreck. They said thiii had tugs bi^cn sent up earlier than was a>e case il would not have prevenl<xl the men from bein^ fto7^i in, they were. Wiliiam K-mball. of Michipicoten, said that he saw .Mu'; Mcl^ood after he ar- rived at Michipicoten. the evening the unforlunato sailors who had been with him earlier were left out in the cold. Kimball volunteered to go out and gel them, but the male told him he had made tho arrangements. Jaseph .Andrews, an Indian, told of lx>- ip? engaged by Ihe male lo go out for Ihe n«?n ttic next dav. of finding thorn, and of their bfflng talicn lo the hospital al Michipicoten. Capt Boult and Engineer Andrews, who had been sumriicVned at Hamilton and (xkliingwood. did not appear to give evidence. Crown Attorney McFaddcn accordingly decided to give the lo the jui-y without htarinjf them. lEADINB MARKETS BI^KAaSTUFFS. Toronto, Feb. 5.â€" Wheatâ€" Ontario, No. 12 white wintei-, 72c asked outside, 70>ic ^id; No. 2 red, 71c bid; No. 2 mixefl, TUyic. a.skefl outside, 70c bid. Barleyâ€" No. :» extra. 50c asked oulside, «*.>c bid for 5,00(1 bushels. Peasâ€" No. S, 81c ;isked outside. Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 3&.- iisked outside, 27c bid. Manitoba Whrat-No. 1 hard, Mc 'c U^c; No. 1 Northern, 8234c lo 83c; No. t northern, nonimally 79>ic to 80c. Pea-sâ€" 7t»c to 80c outside. Cornâ€" No. 3 yellow, 51c to 51Xc, To- nonlo; No. 3 mixed, AmrVican, SOj^c «;tfid<-; Ontario, Wc lo 44c. Buckwheatâ€" 52c to 54c. Oalsâ€" No. 2 white, 37c lo 37>ic. Ryeâ€" 60c !o 70Xc. Flour- Oritflrio. 90 per <»nt. patents, «2.65 «?ked. S2.G3 bid; Manitoba, patents, H.CtO; seconds. $4; bakers' S3.90. Branâ€" .Nominrilly, $lt lo $20 outside. m- fiOuvrr-Y ivtoDijcK. Bultoi'â€" The nmrkot continues com- paratively ca.«!y. Creamery, prints 2ricto27i: do .'^j I ids 2.1c lo .4c Dairy prints 22c to 23c do tubs 19cln21c CJieejJoâ€" Quol.iljoris arc IS^.^c for large â- nd I4c for twins, in job lots here. Kggsâ€" Ncw-;ni<l, 2'.)c: select, 2Cc to t7c; .storugc. 2tc; limed, 22c. r\/ullryâ€" The market is quiet, with very little d«Mnand. *;hick«ns, drejisal ;0ctol2c Iiifoho.'* He to 00c Fowl SctoflOc r>uck^ 10c lo 12c «Hiesi' lOctoIlc Turkeys llclol2(; Money -lie to 12c per fxiund for pails • nd .S2 to 82. .VI .'or ( omb.s. Beansâ€" .SI..-..') fo .$1.00 for lianrtpicked, •nd primes S<l.4() ti> KI.45. I 'olaloi'Sâ€" Ontario, .scarce nt 70c 'o 7.V: jiei' big: eastern. 7.')C lo 80c, In car lots li«?r.'. BdUvl May- .i;il to $l!.,')rt per Ion 'or No. I (inioihy and SK.'iO to SO for No. S ;n car lots on track here. Deliveries â- re not very heavy. Straw- $11.50 lo $T per ton on truck tifre. MOWnr-AI. VIAr\KKT.S. Mf.nlie'.l. Feb. 5.--'.uckwhealâ€" .''.Cc lo 6<>'/jC Iter bushel. Oirn- .\merican, No. 2 yellfW, 55c; No. 3 mixed, C'lc, ex-store. ()at.'^â€" On S[xjt. No. 2 wJiile. r,i%r.: No, a Willie, i\y,c. lo 42c; .No. 4, 40)^0 Ir 41c per liiishel, e\-.s|ore. |V!i.s..I?oiling peas, $l in carroad lots, SI. 10 in jolilung >nLs. Flour '-.Ma nit<,lm spinng wheal, $4.2.1 to S;.60: Htriing biikars', S:!.!)0 to $4.10; i winU'r 'iv.ieal piiteiits, S'l.ll) to .$i.l:r); â- ^lr,rghl rollers, .W.filj to S.t.70; do in ] l.ago, SI.C5 lo $1.75; extras, ^I.-'jO Iq «).ri.n. MilUeixS- N!::nilib,i l.r.-in, in ling.<:. S''0 «c $22; .shorts, «22 to $22.50; Ontnrio bian. in bags. $20 to S2I; shor'iS. 922 to UDM; milled miuille. SSi lo $2.'.; biiajgh',. (TiMiii, 32b ill 52? per ion. .'tolif^J Oals--IVr bag. .$l.!)5 to (fl. In car lots JjiJ.K) in jobbing lols. Hayâ€" No. I. .$I3..'^;0; No. 2, »12..50; No, J 6tl..50; clover mixed, Sll; pure clover, $1030 to $11 |)( r Ion in cr.r lots. I'rovisions -Ittrrel.s .slinrl cut mess, , S.'8 la «23..'.0; lialf-bnrrjls, .'iill.75 to *I2.»0; ciMr f:il liarks. S2I lo S24.50;. I<,ng n-.H heavy nuss. )i!20.r)U lo $22; half- IjnrreUi do.. 8l0.7.i In 811.50; dry sailed "(ing riear bn.on, 12r to 12)4c' harreU riale beef, $11 lo .SI2.5I); half-banels do., *« lo S0..50, barrels heavy mess beef, S^S.50; half-barrels do., 84.75; compounil lard, 8%c lo lOc; pure lard, 11%c lo 13(»; MUle rendered. i;)c lo 13)^p; hams. 13c t,t 14}$e, iireording In size; breakfast Imooiy, 15c to lOe; Windsor bacon, 15o I/) Ific; fresh klllnil aballoir dressed hog.s, «I0; alive, «7 lo $7.25. <;ii«e.seâ€" CJotolier make is now quoteil â- I n^c lo i:»?^e, Biil'crâ€" Fresh-made creamery, 25c lo ^ic; western dairy, selected, S2c lo PSXc; Manitoba dairy, 20c to Sic; rolls, f<i basket*, 22Jic to i!3c, and half-bap- rels. 22c to 22%o. F,gi »â€" Ncw-laids qtiotod at 35c lo 40c; selected, 'jc. to 55c; .'sclecl^d slock is quoted al 26c to 26>ic; No. 1 cold stor- age, 21c to 22c, and limed 21c. • BUFFALO MAHKET. Buffalo, Feb. .v-Flourâ€" Steady. VVnieal â€" Sleadv; Spring firm; .No. 1 Northern, 8f.)ic; Winter nominal. Comâ€" Strong; No. 2 yellow, 4'.»Xc; .No. 2 while, 50>^c. Oats-Strong; No. 2 white, 42>ic; No. 2 mixed, 40>^c. NEW YORK WIIi:\T MARKF.T. New York. Feb. 5â€" Spot firm; No. 2 red, 81^c elevator; No. 2 red, 83>ic f.o. b afloat; No. INorthern Dululh, 92c f. c.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 87>ic f. o.b. afloat. CVTTLr, ^4AKKF,T. Tomnlo, Feb. 5.â€" Owing la the in- fluence of a heavy run of cattle at the Western .Market buying was somewhat slow. Fxporl cattle wire i-eporled lo bo firm on small traiusaction* The quotations were:-Mediuni .;xporters'. !i;i..'!0 lo $4.60; good, S4.70 to $4.95; cliolce, $5 to $5.25 per cwt. Trade \v»« rvol active in any grades of bulcliers' catlle excepting Ihe best. Besl butchers' cattle, $4.4<) lo $1.75 ; heavy biitehei-s' .1U to S-'i.35; fat cows, $3.25 to $.1.75; cominon cows and mixed lots, in- cluding cannetw, $\.aO lo $3.25 per cwt. A liriiited demand obtained tor light slockers and feixlers. Slockers, 400 to 800 Ita, Sl.Tfi to S;i.20; feoders, 850 to 1,05(J lbs. $3.25 lo $3.75; .shorl-kceps. 1.150 to 1,.300 lbs, 53.80 to $4.20 per cwt. I.amhs wert> wi'aker nt $f> to .S0.75 for grain-led. and $1.50 to »5.50 for com- mon. K.xporl ewe.s wen- (pioted al $4.25 lo $5, and export bucks, at $3 lo $-1 per cwt. Hogs were sli-ady. .SrVecte sold al .SC.CO, and lighlB and fats al $6.35 per cwl. Milch oov.'.s were in fair demand, and prices ruled steady a I $25 to SOO for each, according to quality. 4. Mr.rJEirS MAW VICTIMS. Colin Cainpbell, Ihe Florist. Compelled lo Assiyii. A de.spalch Irmi Motilreal .says: The Atlorney-(icneral of the Province has been a,sked to inler\ene in Ihe of Willinni J. McGee of the Peiiplo's .Mutual Building .Society, and see IIimI a strict and fur-reaching linvesligation takes place. The new features in the case are these: MeCnX! will not be sentoncrd 01' the mere plea of guilly of theft, livery detail of this rcniarkable series of crimes will Yh^ invcsligaieil by the \k- Inrncy-General's represenlalive. F'rob- ably n .score of warrants will be issued fluainsl Mcdee. FJur men -alone are known to have lo>l $l5,(ii)0 each. Colin ( anipbrll, the florist, will lose .?1G,000, ami as a iCiUll of the !o.<so.s has been ccmpellc*} to a.ssign. Twenty oilier myn will lo,'>e aboil! $4,000 each. Two hun- dred people will lose sums ranging from 8IW lo Sl,.i00. McGee does net even know, in many cases, which sig- naluros are forttories and which are genuine, ft is klievcd llial his losses will total a quiirier of a million dollars. 'J'lie invesliigaUon shows th.itf. only a small part of the uuiney has been spent. The qiie.slion now is. Where is tho money? _ ^, OIVKS SKIN TO SAVE BROTnCll. London lVIi>n Ilr.s Twenly-Four Square inches nemn>cd ui Hospital. A despatch from l^ondon, Ont, soys: Samuel .^nderiion on Thiir.sday , ufidcr- wenl an operation al Victoria Mospllal, when lour strips of skin, one inch i.y eix Inches, were removed and graflPif on the side of his brother, ,lamos An- di^rson, who was U-rriljIy burned in Septcnilicr Inst while underncalli a 0. T. n. engine In Ihe (iuelph round- house. The wlKile contents of Ihe fire- box were emptied on hirn, burning him from shoulder lo hip. UoBi patients are doing lavoiably, and a couipletccurc is Ak' pec led. TIIK KARTII OPENKD. Fearful Earlbquake in Ihe Solomon ' Islands. A de,spalch from San Francl.sco says ; The .Solomon Islands in tlie .South .Seas were vtsiled by a fearful earthquake several months ago, in which the earth was opeiied and deep gorges created. The entire appearance of the islands wa.s changed. There was no loss of life. Tlie news was brought lie-e by Governor C. B I.. Mooire, who arrived on Thursday from .Samoa. He slated that a trading schooner came into Apia with the news sliortly before he sailed. It is deemed probable that the earth quake was the one recorded then on the seismographs in various parts of the world. Accord- ing to tho inslrumenl al Apia. Samos, it lasted for several minules, and was said I J 1)0 the heaviest shock ever recorded. II was figured that it occurred soine- whci'o in the SouUi .Scjls, but as no re- port came from any civilized island 11 was believed Ihal il occurred at sea. A IIOnniBLE DEATH. Condaclor Lay for Ten Hours Pinned Under Ituiler. A despatch froir, Mi.ssoula. Montana, says: Two engine-;, upon which were riding a large number (if men who had l<;en eivgagcd in bre.iking the snow b'ockade near .Siiltoz. .Mont., plunged over an embaiikii:enl two miles west f l)e Borgia on 'I'huriday, killing Iwo men and injuring nearly a score, some ct Ihem .seriously. The dead arc: D. ft. McDonald, conductor, and Levi Burris, fireman. (xindi.ctor Vicllonald's death occurred on Thursday night after he had lain for ton hours pinned L>eneath a boiler, witii his body partly submerged in the icy waters of the river. His fellow-workmen, unable to help him, kept his head above the water until he died. Me steadfastly refu-^ed lo have his leg amputated. LEFT S5.IM0,IMM TO l>OOR. Murdered Ixndon .Men-hanl Dad an Imposing Funeral. .\ desp^ch from London says : Un- usual pubnc interest in the tragic death nf Wiliiam Whileley, who was shot and killed in Ins great di^artment store, Jan. 24, by Horace George Haynor, was stwwn by the scenes at the funeral of the merchant on Wedne.sday morning. Ixmg licfore the hour for Ihe ccivmony thou- .sands of persons gathered about the Whileley residence and dense masses lined Ihe streets leading to llie church. Most of Ihe shops in Ihe Westbourne Grove district kept tlieir shutters up and over a hundred caiTiages followed Ihe hearse to the cemetery. Four of these were laden with floral wreaths. Accord- ing lo the new-iipapers, Mr. Wliitelov be- queath(xl $5,000.(KX) lo provide alms- house.s and homes for the aged and de- serving poor. INVADED BY f;ONSLMPTIVES. Calgary Wanls a Sanilarium tor Eastern Invalids. A despatch from Gaigary .says : Cal- gary hn.s been burdened in a most alarming milnner' during the last few years, and particularly during the last few months, with a large number of ofinsuniplives coming here from eastern Canada. They come hero usually with a small amount of money and are unable to work. The iftsult is thai Ihey are soon on Ihe hands of the city. They also find great diflicully in gelling accommoda- tion. Many heartrending cases are re- fioiled every day. Al a iiiueling of the Calgary E$oard of Trade on Tuesday night u resolution wa.s piussed calling upon the Dominion Government to es- tablish a s,aaila."iuin .some place in Ihe mountains when; a cure can be effected in the best form. ! Aid for a million dollar smeller lo be nrectid in Ihe Cx^)balt disU'iol is asked from Ihe Government. iiiM i <m ' Citizens of Kingston Deplore the Government's Incapacity. A despatch from London says : There IS rea.son lo believe that the resignation of Sir Alexander Swetlenham a.s Gover- nor of Jamaica has been accepted, though Ihe olIiciaLs of the Foreign Office are mystifyingly silent and refuse all infor- mation on the subject. This ofTicial reti- cence is attributed to a desire lo com- plete Ihe arrangements tor a succft.ssion la the post before announcing .Sweten- liams lolirenient. it is expected thit, the lallor will leave the island as soon as details can be coninleled for handing ovei- the affairs r.t hLs oflice. The (lovernment officials here, particularly those of the Foreign Ollice. have ex- pressed the opinion throughout that this was the only pos.sible outcome of the Kingston incident, short of the perenip- iory dismissal of the Governor. CITIZfCNS i:\PflF.SS TIIKMSELVF.S. A deftpatch from Kingston, Jamaica, says : .\ large meeting ol representative citizens was held in Nicloria Market on Tuesday to di.scus.s plans for r*>biiilding Ihc city. The follcviiig resolutions were adoptiHl by acclaniiilion :â€" "This meeting denlores Ihe enormous loss caused the entire community, and more particularly the mercantile com- munity, by Ihe piUajiing of shops and stores, such pillaging being entirely due to lack nf organization pn the part of the (jovernment. Ihe Oovern- menl not calling cilizens to its aid. and ils refusal <]f valuable sticcoi- offered by Ihe navy o! the United Slates, which would have prevented much of the lo6S that has occurred. "This meeting with deep regret desires, to place upon the record its conviction) that Ihe chief executive otTicers of th« Government have been and are stfll out' of touch with ttie community generally;, that this altitude on the part of the said' ofTicers (.would appear lo rencter them in- capable of coping with the situation* in ; the only way practical, namely, that of concerted action on the part of all the persons concerned." STRICKEN KING.STON. A despatch from Ottawa says : Th» i:)epartment of Trade and c;ommeroe ha& received a letter from a Hfllifax com- mercial company in close touch with' conditions in Jamaica expressing sur- prise at the recent telegram from Mr. Burke, commercial agent for Canada on. the island, staling that there was no groat need of aid from outside, and that- conditions following the earUiquake could t>t remedied by the local authorities. From advices received direct from Jamaica the Halifax correspondents of' the department state that they cannot undorsland why such a reassuring tele-' gram should have been sent to the Can-i adian Government. Their information is' that the whole city was practically de- stroyed, and that for ten miles out in the surrounding countiy there is hardly a habitable house. CIIAS. AlcGILLS SENTENCE. Former Manager ol Ontario Bank Gets Five Years. A dcspalch from Toronto say.s : Five years' impiisonmcnl in the Kingston l'<nitentiary was the sentence imposed on Friday on Charles McGil). former general manager of Ihc Ontario Bank, \'ho pleaded guilly in the Criminal .\s- sizps before Mr. Justice Clute to the charge of preparing and signing leturns to send to the dcpartnient at Ottawa. Tlicre were three indictments llie acc,i.sod. and he pleaded guilly to two counts in the lirsi one. Tlie court imposed .sentence in these and tiaversed those in which McGill rileaded not guilty unlil Ihe next .-Vs-sizi^. Mr. Justice Chile and Ihe counsels in the case slated emphatically that tho newspaper statements regarding tlio dropping of the theft charges were in- correcl. No undeislanduig existed whereby the prosecution promised not lo go on wilh these indiclmenls, which would coiiio up for trial in due course. FROZE.\ TO DEiVTH. Woman and Two Children Found in Grand Rapids Tenement. A despatch Grand Rapids, Mich- igan, says: Miss Emma K. Livingston and two children, her nephews, were found on .Sunday frozen lo death in a tenement here. .\ thii-d child, a niece, was found badly frozen, but alive. The dead children were .Mired Livingston, aged seven, and Lincoln B. Livingston., aged three. The name of the little girl' is Helen. Her age is ten. None of the family had been seen since Thursday, when two of the children attended school. It is .supposed thai after the family retired Thursday night they be- came partially a.-:phyxialed by coal gas and the fire died out and they were frozen to death. 840,000 FIRE AT PICTON. Three-.slorey Rriek Structure Occupied b> T«o Finns, Deslroyetl. .\ despatch from I'icton. Ont.. says: Piclon was visited shortly aflor mid- nighl Saliirday wilh one of the worsl lirt^s in Ihe history of the town, when the Jamiesun Block was destroyed, at a loss of about .«^4O,000. The buildinf;. .1 Ihiee-sloivy brick stnirlure. was jc- cupied by the dry goods e.stabltshment 'if t^ayley and Tuiuum'. and A. J. Fiii- iiok and C.ompun\', mens furnishings. The cause of the fire is unknown. II was nearly nn hour Iwfnre Iho firemen got properly at work. The light to con- lr(d the llames was kept up wilh the greiitosl dilliculty, as a strong biting wind blew, niid everything coated with ice as fast as the water issued from the The loss is partially covered by insurance. LADY VICTORIA DE.\D. Earl Greys Eldest DauijlUer Falls Vlc- Inu to Typhoid A despatch from Ottawa says: Lady Victoria Grenfell, eldest daughter f their Ivxccllcncies, who has been ill fioni typhoid fever for Ihe past three j weeks, died shoftly bcr<ire midnight on I Sunday night. Her Ladyship passed Itic critical fourteenth day a week ago. II was felt thill if she tided over three periods of seven days, wtiich fell due on Sunday, her comlilon would be ab- Milutely safe. .^'aiurduy the viceregal family were \eiy huiietul as to Lady Victoria's cjiidilion, but nnforlunately Sunday evening a relapse set in and she gradually sue: unibcd. All Ihe members 01 Ihe viceregal iiartv, including Mr. Arthur CrenfeU. husband of Lady Grenfell, were present when the end came. Lady Victoria was married to .Mr. .Vrtluir Grenfell four vears ago. She- was ill the 2'.nii year of her age. WILL RETVLN \MIIPP|.\g POSr. PRISON eOYERNOR KILLED Hated by the Revolutionists for lil> treating Prisoners. RECENT VICTIMS OF TLUUOmS.VI. Prince Nakachidze, al Baku, May 25. 1905. Gen. Czenolucki, al Kisluneff, June 30, 11)05. Gen. Vonliarharski, at War- saw. Aug. :?7, 1905. Gen. Gakovloff, nt Warsaw, Sept. 12, J'JOS. Gen. Gololciikopolf, at Tiflis, Nov. 22. 1905. Gen. PolkownikofI, at Poltava, Dec. 1, 1905. Vice-Admiral Kusmich, at .SL Petersburg, May 14. liKXi. Gen. Kozloft, al SI. Peters- burg, July 14. I'.HKi. Count Alexis Ignoliefl. at SI. Pelei-sburg, Dec. 22. I'.lOfi. Gen. Von de Launilz, at SI. Petersburg. Jan. 3, 1907. Lieul.-Gen. PavloK, al St. Pe- tersburg. Jan. 9, i«J7. A despatch from St. Petersburg .say.s : M. Guideina, Governor of Ihe political prison on Vasili Oslroff (Basil Island), a suburb of this city, was siiot in the main sirw.t of the isiand on Wednesday and died ahnast inimoiiialol.v. T he assa'isin. who wtu « youth of 18 dressed a.s a workman, emerged from a" lea house a.s M. Guideina was pa-ssing on his way homo, .md .shot him Iwic^^ in the slomnch. Tlie Terrorist also shot and mortally wounded a prison warden who accompanied M. Guidcma, and who pur- sued the assa.ssin. The tatter dtsappeaaxi and the police have been unable to find any Iruce of him. as the population of Ih.: island generally sympathize with the revolullontsL'j. Tho Governor of ihe polilical prison has been a marked man for some lime H-j was accu.sed of ill-lrcating poliUcai prisoners. CHIKF OF POLICE KILLED. A despatch from Warsaw, Hiissian Poland, says : \ band of teiTorists on Wedne.sday evening shot and killini Victor Gruei). the cfiief of Ihc- secret police of (his city, as he was driving in a cab. The iiuirderers escaiied. but the police and lixiops are searching Warsaw for them and many suspects are being arrested. â€" . I Delaware Uyisl.iiure Refuses lo Abolish II- Good Eflorl on Crooks. A dcs]ialcii from Dover, Del., says: ITie Delaware Legi.slalure on Tuesday voUed lo continue the whipping post and public Hoggings for piisoners convicted of theft, felonious as-saull, hoase-break- ing and mayhem. The Senate committee reporting on ttie bill abolishing the whipping [losl said :--"We do not say. that the public whipping post is not an, extreme puni.slimenl, particular!/ in winter time, but we do .say that the whipping post i.s a fearful thing to gentleman cnwks, robbers, and safe- blowers, for they pass Delaware by so long as she lays the cat upon Ihe cul- prits* backs." LP TO CIII.VINEYS IN~SNO\V. Terrible SuMcriiifls in Austria Through Lack of Fuel. A dcspalch from \ ieima says : There have been immense falls ' of snow throughout Austria. Manv persons are suffering severe privaUuns. There is a coal famine in some places owing to the railways being blocked. The meeting of the Galician Diet al Lemberg had to be postponed owing to the lack of fuel lo heal the Diet building. In .soiti» districts in Galicia houses are snowed under to the chimneys. ._,jt FIVE MEN KILLED. Powder Exploded in an Illinois Coal Mine. A despatch from Marion. 111., aays' By an explosion of powder in the John, son City and Big Muddy coal mine ai Johnson City on Tuesday Ave men wen killed and eleven tturU