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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1907, p. 8

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'«•, January 17 1907 THE FLESHKRTON ADVANC ' M " T *> The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. 0»t« ;i4 ti 34 I'e«^ 77 to 77 Unrloy 45 to 45 Wh.Ht C5 to 70 Hdy 7 00 to 8 OO Pot inifs pur l)ai5 Butler Et{i(S (r<ihli Ohiekfiis Qe«rt« Tiirt.fyR DuckR 45 to 22 tu 22 to (J(> to 10 to 14 to 10 to no 22 22 08 10 14 10 Bull For Service Thnroitijliliro.l ahorthcrn bull tor sorvino on lot VH-UU, i;. T. * B. H., Arleinosia. redigruu on n(:iilii.'ation. TvruiK ?l. for-- -V^ mm lii Fjrit ure I Tlic lia>; niul best stock «f fiiriiiiiie ever slioun in Kleslier- t"ii. Tliio witliiiiil fi'iir of coMiru- diction t-"(iiiio unci sue soniu (>( the uioo tilings in Sid3bDard3 Dining Roorri Ch^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorn Setts A H;<coi:il roiliiclinn just lum- on tvciytliinj,' in ordiT U> reJujo llie stock. W. H. BUNT yTiirnitiirc i/jculer .. FlssWon - Out. ^ e^ ^irong l^eads And Skilier! 1 1 .ml i lo I l.i; Ir ii t lie fjiuiuus Altind •i'ORONTO, ONT. nntl !io |irii(' |)ro)ricii'(i f..r liu'iiivss poairi.iin \\n c.nly in llii.')i (Jtadi; liutin^'i.s KlinHtini, tliukind oMiy yi.iii.' innii LiJ vmnian flimdd hivi'. Onr H.di lul liun>«- tin liiri/.st nllcud.iii.o ia its Lit .ry. C Miinienca ntj»-. I'rop'iro well un.t Hti(v;i EH iH certiiiii. No trnil)|',' f.-r ll'H- KlBlltM'rS to H:a ll.lsili.liM. Catnloy lie free.â€" \V. J. Klliott,, I'or, Youh und Alexander fcils. Kow on Ki the It duiets the Cough This is one reason why Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is so valua- ble in consumption. It stops the wear and tear of useless couching. But it does more â€" it controls the inflammation, quiets the fever, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about this. Th« iMSt kind of a tastimonlkl â€" "Bold for oTor sixty re&ri." W J, C. /Tcr Co Also mjiuu/Atilurerit I^T.nn, UlM. ijers SKiSAfXSUUjL PILLS. HAIB VIOOS. W« b*7» no Meratv ! W* pubiigh th. ronnulAd or »1) onr nodtc Haatan recovery by kceplnj; tho |>oweia regular with Ayer's PIUs. Groceries . When you want firoceries you want the bent. I'irha[iH yiai do not, know where to get nlwit yuu want. Did you ever goto \V'ri;jhl'fl for yourh? If yuu did V'" were Kuited. If yon didn't it will l>c to your iidvaiit»;;e to do so. Wo have a^ood m l>'ctii>n of itll kiiidM of Groceries. Kloiir and Fiid.etc. A lot of "I'lMtecimn" Syrup, the best ..btainablo for t.ible uno. ^b^ This syrnp is » bari(ain at 4^ ^ ^^ ciiiti a pound. 'f^ W. L. WRIGHT. ^ IT ?/ ili ^ ^ '-'â- .â-  'S.',*^-*."'-^- *v *'x- ^' BU.SINE.S.S Cards '.TOUUjOUQH * YOUNQ '^ llaiikur Murkdalo Jo A p«neral baiiUiiiR ImHinufls. Monoy loaneu a roaaouablo ralo Call ou uu. Tl CmSLiETT, A • I'ttHtlURHtt^r, '?oylnii. «'oiuniittHioiicr in II. *:. .1 , L'onT«'vaiicer, doedK. jiiurlfjfiKMB, leaHop, wiltH utu. carufuny drawn up tJollectlout luad:'. cbftr^oH ritaHulinblo. Alrto i;^octtriea, flour, feud oto. ke^it lu bCuck, I*ricu6 riKbli, Osprey Agricultural Society. The annual nieetini; of the Oaprey Aiiricultural Society wa« hi-ld in the (^raii^d Hall, Fevornlian;. on Wednesdiiy, January 0th, when the fidluwmg resolu- tion was unanimnusley ttdnpiecl: Miiveii â-  by ^^'- U- <juy, seconded by Ira U.Peritto ; and tOMolved that Vif, the iiieinb«r8 of the Osprey AL'ricul'uial •'^ic oty, do expres-^ I to the family of the late R. Y. Burke oU' j iP^ciTe aynipaihy and regret in their re cent bereavement. In Mr. liuike (nin late Vice President) our society ha.i lot. one of it» niodt cHicient fiflicer*. Ono wb.. haa hold ottice continuouitly ever since it'> iiioptioM, over 40 years a^o, and i^no wli was always ready wuh adviceand cuosrl. »illiii;{ at any time to make any aacrifici in tho interest.' of the society and wbil. we feel that no one can erer Bdec(uateli (ill bis place, «till we feel that out los has been his gain. The foll.iwiiu- I. (Beers were eleclc' for 1007; Prr.sideht, W. Dnncaii; Ist Vice I'rea., W. U. (iuy; 2i.d Vice IV<>s., . aa. Clark; Sec -Trtaa., J. \. K'Tuahnn; Dir., .Ins. Biiekingliain, Speera, J.. hi. Douglas, John MoKinnon, Geo. Hawton, (J. \V. Ro^s, G. H. Biirk. At a BUbspqiieiit uioitina of the Direc- tors it w;i» decided tn h.dd the Fall Fair (in Thursday and Kri lay, Oct. 3 and 4. Rockvale Baptist Anniversary. The second aunivi rs.iry nf the Rock- vale liaptiat Church was held on Sunday and .Monday last. (»ii the Sabbath, the pastor, liev. Lewis F Kipp, preaclu-d afternoon and evcniim to oxci'edintjly larue coiit;rci;ations. Monday eTeniniMi concei i was hold in the church. Tho Kiiiiberloy Choir rendered three churuses and a duet, Mrs. lilackburn sang a sol.» and th.- clioir of tho church in this village tjave a nuinberof sclei^tions. Recitations were iMven by Miss Richardson, EIIwoimI Giiiiie and iithcis. Tlie addresa n f th. evening wm given by Uev. Mr. Kep.;p, of Msxwell, 111 ••Uaiiaili." It was an exccl- l.iit «peech and listi neU to with giual alteiition. The paster nia.Je a at.iteinent re<;arding linanccs. Rev. Mr. flmUmrt collected (â- r till- church hiiildin:; loii.l at Rockvilc ?4I>0.;)0 and oblainrd a loan .if S25tJ.(>0 Irciii ho Cluirch FMitice Ituurd. He paid .ml $7"8.20, havii.g a biilmco olS12.10 when the present pastor to.ik charge n. .Se[>teinbcr. Sincethen.tbeshc.l ha» bo< n preclr.l and Mr. Kipp his rai.scd abmit 8105.00 for building jurposcs. These ligiireareveal a healtl.y t.oancial coiiditi.'i.-. At ll.o anniversary, ibo olFerings re- ceived amounted to $21.00. After the concert, thiiBO taking uar t in it were enter lained at Mr. Win. Knglish'a. Vaodt'leur RJ 81-ROULB FkoahertOD . 'OtiiTr.lHsloD^r tn ll.C. .1., Auistbineor Con v.iyaiioer, Aiiiiraieer ati.l Moii.iy I.end«ir Iteal Katate an.l liiBiiranco A^.iiit. Deods p'.ortKauoa, leaaua and willn earffiilly dr&wu up ami valuations made on sliortiist notice, i.ionu'y to loan at lowur^t r&tos of liittiroHt. Col .nHl.iiH attendo.l to with tironiptneaa .diari:aH low. At:ent for Ocoaii Dotuiuioii StuBiuablp Coinpaiur. A call aolioitcd. D. OWEN SOrND, ONT. but stini.tii'.s ar.j alniilied at r.iiy liiiu! Willi lilt any inconveiiieii' o to iheinaidven oroihcrti. Tiuoa Ooniplrle nn.l llmroitfjh u)ur.^i<i ofsludy: llusir.oKH, Shortlunnl nil J 'lypeviriliiig, and I'repar.nory. No ii.ativr .^ h it your piiiK«-|l e t ni.tit on is wo can Ii" y.u fur a better \i i) ing pnsil ion Kiill pniiicuiars s.-nt to any nddiess fro.'. Wli'.' to (J A FLKMING, Pnnclpd. Loc;?I Salesman WAMMJi) At on â-  I f..( FUshorti'i and .sinrouii'liin' d I it lie H. HIGH CLASS :-'!'i;:'iAiiT)i:s. ill Fruit, unil Orini'iiental Stock ^rnwii nii.t f..r »a'o by CAN \nA'.S (IRKATKST NL'RSERIKS \ pTi iivniat Hitiivtinn for tlii'iii;ht pirty. l.ilH-r.ii in 111' •111 ;nt<. I'.iv weekly. Hand- • ii.iie f..:e .ial;it. Wril.! ami i.ala l.i'jii.-, anil '.'.if in I tniniiH foj mir roClvKI' .MAG.MKYlNtJ lUJiH'.-^ or ;i!)j iir RANOY MKTAl, HACK SAW. Stonn & WelJington roi'ithiil Nurseries. (iiVBU SOO ki:u,l.n) To.'itilo • I- Ontario REi^lOVEO McrHAir. r.icpuan.t Aiic'.ionnor for th.i C.iuiity of (Irov. Trrina iii.nlcra*!! and Kntinfartirili f,'liiirailteiid. 'I'li.i Hl>'Hl>i;.'MielitH and tlati.aof aaluHcan li.i made a*, TuK AliVAScK .)ll\.!i.. Koaldunuu and I'.O. , Cuylun, Teloiihoiio COllllHctioi). Uoo, 0,07, SOCIETIE.S O U fl 1110. Its on tho lant Monday ^'t in oacn itio.ith, in tli.iir ImiKe room. t'li.lnliiii's bUiuk. l''le»Hii,toii.Ht H |>.lil. M.W., Kiiiiili Chard; H.-c, 'I'. lIlNkidv, l''iiiAliuier, W..J. Ilel.auiy. Vialliiii! biutliicu ii.vltutl. pIUN(t|C AKTIIUlt liliDIlK, No. :::i t A hi, iiiootH in till. MaKiiiiic hall. :i, A.r A - Straiii'H lil.ich. Kiutthurtoii. every KridAy nii or hiifore tiiH full iMocu. W A.Armttrenv, W M.; Hoib. .-i.iitli, .Soirutnry. ^ Chi JMtoe'B ftliifl-- till lust Ue.lni'Bilnv oviiidiii,' li month. \ii.itlii« KnitntiliH luartll tiio. C. H.. Dr. Miirrai; It. H., T. Ilot.r>; tiei',, ('. N. liluliar.lij.Mi. t'leii'.ii |.ay duos to I'ln. Huo. bufora tho dav of tlio inoiitb. (i/I'iSKN KfaKNDH-KlesliDrton t'oiini'll ot ^ CnnatMi Kri.'iidii niâ„¢i« in (iavton'Bliiill flmt and tlilr.I We.lnii'-.liiy of ..(.cli iiioiit K p, tti l'.i\' assr.KHiiiontH to tn.i Iter.irdi r on orlmfoio ti-« llmt day of oa.di iii.nith. ciit.if Couutltler, T. lilakulcyiUecorilcr, W. II. Hunt. Mkdical DU OAUTKn M C t* A 8 Out, I'liyaioian. Rurpoon, ato otUco aud reaidvuoeâ€" Potur at., Floaliorton I linva itiuvcd my litllotlng cstabhuli* laoiil I'l till! now l-iluiwLu.l iViiili Laildiiiitund mil now doing biiaitio.w 111 my iic'v iinti more comino(lioii« (jd'Hioi-'i. Il will pay anyone wlio in )ii 111 I'll of It now Hiiil to look na up. S. J. BOWLER Mr. and Mra. AVin. tlutchinson ar., are visitinK friends at Aunua .Misa Mabel Allen is vinitingat Mr. G. Warlii'g'a. Mr. Wilfred Cullis ia «ttending High SlIiooI at Meafiird, Yandfleur S. O. T. held their Hocial in the acboi.l h<itiso . n Kriday evenini^ last. The l.idies fnrnisb- I'd ihe boxes ami ilm gei.tleiiien paid iho piper. Mr. Uoh Kawcett of Kimberley ocinpieU tho chair, a (.'ood proniani being rendered. Lverybudy bad a j;<.od li.ub. The piocotida aniouniid to $1.1,00 Hatherton also Mr. Diiwn aa IJible elisa teacher. Mr. J.ihn Scilieyand Air. VVill Grunmiet were apjioiuted secntiry ai.d libinrtan. Well, Mr. Editor, the eld h»3 passtd a'.d. we have entered upon the new. We wish jonr »t.iff a pr uiierous .â- aid hajifiy twelve in.iitlis. BITING PAINS*IN TflE BACK. Every man and woman â€" who has dragged the day out with bai-K " aliiiO!:l breaking," and then tossed in bed from side to side in a vain endeavor to fimi relief from the maddening paia â€" would pay Jio a box, if necessary, for Bu-Ju. The first box give* such iiibtant re- liefâ€"and afterwards tikes away every trace of pain and soreness â€" that sufferers would not be without thsni at any p:ice. Bu-Ju costs only 50c a large bo;i â€" and is guaranteed to cure Kidney an.l Bladder Troubles, and Rhenmatiim. If your druggist does Ljt handle Bu-Jnâ€" the Gentle Kidney Pill â€" write Tlie CUflia Chem. Co., Ltd. Windsor. Out 65 Minister Speaks to Mothers Tell* His Wife's Experience for tiM Sake of Other Safiierert. .*^t«nr !*«'tJ!i'iiifMt (latened fo;- last w.-ek.) Di-atli again visile.l oitr ne uiiboihooil wlo'ii, E. Puiiy, ..| Maikdai.', was akeii hiniie. Deceased was the ois.i r 01 Mr. E Purdy of ih.s vicii ity. The fiimral t.'ok ph.-e on Tii' sdny. .Mr. and Mrn. Jim Fie oli.r, of O-ien .S diiiil, lire sjiendiii:! a few days with Mr. and Mrs. .I.din MissSad'e Fletcher reiurrcd to Durham nil Sritnrd.iy last. M'ssRu.'si'.n [{..I i. son reliirned t.., -Markdalo on .Saturday Miss Mable Mi-Arthur icturned lo Ti'iiinto 01; iMoiid.'.y. The iti'iu in laatwe^U's issue slmiild have read â€" Mra. U Sone, vi.silrd her step- diu'^hi.'r M-^s. D. II. S.i-'iice, ofToiont o .Mrs. Spcnce is the second ^lauwrhter nf the late R- gs R'lbiu.ion ofj tho fnurtl; line e;.Hl, Arieniusia. The following- letter has been sc-dt to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub- lication. Dr. T. A. Sloenm, Limited :â€" Dear Sirs: WitUn the last tvro years my wiie (who is of a delicate coii»tn'i'!on) has had two sevcro attacks of Tm anpp.-'. both of which have been speeillly rorriH^tfld bv thi^ U:in uf Psvchlae. W e have scch faith in tb« ettK-it-Di-y of your remedies that an a family art use no other. For tonlni; iipadob'.iitatei! sj-Kexa, ' howi'ver run down, reswmii? to healthy (MCioil the h.-art anil lungs, ami isa spcciiiu fur «!1 waat- Inx dueiisni your l'.<ji:hi';e and Oxomu!.si.m are ^uipiv pi-orleis. Y^ars siuceroly. Rev. J. J. Kke, il nalker Avenue. Torouto. PS VCH I NE, Pronounced Si-keen, is a scientific preparation, having wonderful tonic properties acting directly upon the Stomach, Blood and weak orjjans of the body, quickly restoring thein to strong and healthy action. It is especially adapted for people who are run down from any cause, especially Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, LaGrlppe, Pneumonia, Con,suniption and all stomach or organic troubles. It has no substitute. Dn A.T. IlOND (irailuatr Toronto tlnlveriiltv. Mom- i.i.r i>f Ontario i-nllnpA oj i'l.vaieiiaiis and hut- i;.K'iiii. Maxwell. On'. .Siit-eotisor lo Dr. Hcott. t 1' ' Vtiturliiary Kiirguon Cra.Iiiftla of Ontario Volciluary Oolloco. r.'iidiiiie* â€" « -C..1 d lioor south w««t or. Mnrv alrcKt. 'li la airtiot riihs aouth r.uabvtariaii t^hinrii. HWIl.BO.V, Jllarkumlth • )i'»i)i',Mn lit tho VaTrlnary Scfonoo .\,-AiH'lAtloil. IOihIiIuiic.', Iliirhalu itrout, tip- ptoilu Iloyd, IliokUi.ii'i liardwaru. Lkgal Liro\M wniioriT * McAuni.n Harr'.utor" Holiilloi'H rNiviyanc'ra, ..(i- lililooaâ€" Ownu F.nuiiiVOnt and Morkdalo (^iit W II WnldllT, McABIU.* I n I.ITAB N II -I'lenlievton olU.'O, Mitoboll'a Itntik avnry Uaturdav. ^â- LESriliUTON ONTARIO. Dr.NTl.STRV Dr. C. C. MURRAY T,. hi'n>i-i,'rHiI.i.\fc« of T. n. H , diinf.-il miKOO . ii.nito tbilveiiiltv aiul Unal ' .ill.Kool liiiiilal Siirunona of I'.Karlo. lias -idiiilniiiti-allon for laotli oitraoilou It .oaldauea, Toronto atrcixt, ITIcahitun Mr. Thus. Oauiry and Wife, of Florida, ucconipftiiied by Mr. John I'hilipa and rt- I vioited with 5lr. atid Mis.Down last week. fitiss Alice SL-illey i-eturiied to Toronto Saturday after apuiding her Imli.lays here with hot pnrenta, Mr. and Mrs. James Sen ley. Miaa Mable Wit.toi'H took charge of lur Scluiiil hero Thiiisdny Jan. I bird l.;irulietidance, and we ferl as- ured we have boon fortunate in tecuring her m .nil' leaelier. Mis. David Scdiey nlm lia.i been very ill with piicuinonia is slowly ricovering under the skiliul tieniineiit of Dr. Itoiid aud wo hope soon t 1 here tl lur speedy lociivery. Mr. Will Parker left for Toronto Satur- ilay inorniiig taking bia Ittle daus^htur M.try with him. She has been .sulleiii g l.irsoniu lime with an abccss on her jaw, tii'Ublo arising from lior tuetli. Wo (rust sliu wi'.l ret urn greatly bunelilod by the operation. We extend our fiyinpBlhy to Ihi) piiren:a in ihi'.r tr iiildi'. .Mary isa l)u.;lil liltl-.' gill of seven years. Mr, an 1 Mi'<i. (ieoige Giuinnict enter- lainea a fsw of their friends Now YpAra' p-.-e..iiig. Also .Mr. and Mrs Arnot had a laiiiily gnlli'.'iiiig of over tliirty Christmua day. Uliasrs. G«(>. (h'uiumct and Rubrrl Aiiii tt ntlcndad the fat stock show in Gu.-'pli and whila there puicliased a Ibiduunlibriul betkliir.) a -w each imd a ' number uf slheis an.l we hear that i.. the I mat future they ii.tiiid purelia»ing ro.i e I vatlle. I'-ucceiB l.i tho Irtiniera »h.> lake iniei'eat iti imiiro\ing our a'lek. Mr. U. Gruiniiiiil is alitiady in j osseta on of a baiiilsoiiiii mare, registered and iniporieil. i lli'gli ll.iiily, who lias been tilling foi uiini.i iiiiio with rheuu.aiiaiUiis iiiiptoving. 1 ho niiuusl meriting cf our Sabbath i.(-hoiil waa held last wei-k. Mi. Down v.aa appointed auptrrinieiiilent, Mis. .Us. .Villi t( asaistaiit, Mra. Down, Mm. .le.sae Aiiiott, Mixa Mabel Wiiilern aud Mrs. Juiiiua Ariiott wure ap|)oiiiled tuacUera, HONOR Rt)LLS Report of S S. No. 17, AUemosia, for the nioiith of i)eeeinlK.-r. IV--Veia rhdlii.8, A'lhur Chard, V Riiiscll, Mag'.;io Fisher, Leila Clark, W. Akitt. lll--Ernio Russell, Retis. IMi. i Fisiiei, Ebie .•\iuisii-oiig, Ri'ia Fi-.ler. Ill jr â€" llarley I*liillip<, Edwin Smith Nellie Fisher, J. Armstu-.ii,', Ediiie '.Shite, Reta li-t!s. Aiini-.- Reus, richie Clark, .\Iiic McDowoll, liertlm M.irrow. II sr. â€" l.ouis Pedlar, Mary White, Mable Radluy, Lili Fislior, Walter Fish- er, Minnie Aimalroiig, Samuel Fishvr. | Ella Geiioo. H jr - -.^nnie Pi-iller, Wesley Smith. U Pr. ar.â€" Elwoud Partridge, .\rthur I'.irtc.dis. 11 Pr. jr. -Bertha White, Harold .McL.'Mi, Mnbl.) Leech. I -HerVnrl Kettb, Violet Smith, Lome AtkiiiHou. M1S8 E. WiLUSOS, Teacher Clearing Sale Every thinic in dry goods grocer- i»3 Roo'a, and Shoes, Stovna, Ilrtrdwartf, Tinware, t.i be 8i>ld at tlio lowest uricfa possible, all bolrt.-i stri'jtely'.i or Produce. No Reserve (PRONOUi^CED Sr-K££{^ is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and $1.00 per bottle, or write direct to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, ITS King St. W., Toronto. There is no other remedy "Just as Good" as PSVCHINE. Pr. Root's Kidnev Pills are a eure and permanent cure forfeheumatisic, Bright's Disoitfo, Pain in the B.ick anil all foruis of Kidney Trouble. 2oo per box, at all dealeis. Our Clubbing List ^Advance, *Her!ild and »Toi'onto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Daily News 2 30 W.okly Globe 1 80 Mad-Empire 1 75 Family Horuld * Star 1 80 T.ii-onM Star 2 30 Famiurs Sun I 80 Fanners Advocate .... 230 HIolirCLASS PICTURES. . Tlio pla-,'e to i;et the bc^t Pliotiw is at lU'LMIUlS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. J. A. St. GENERAL VERCHANT -- PORT LAW AND SPECIAL ATIENTION Wi. pay Special Attotiti'ir. to Copying Bi; I IVibu's" picturit), Pi.-ture friini- ing a mi-.'cia'ty. Try lis fur any kin 1 of pictures anil we w II promiso.tatisfaction. â- w.D.3^ "^^ ..._5 •as'^3 A splendid selection o? first class vehicles to choose from *>^» ^H^ >.<â-º j^^ t& c Prices nnd Zinm H^abt « ^ J. H. HEARD = - Fksherton D. KlcTiVVISM Ill[ ([[SliJI I For ('ias.^ lUig-gies, Carta, Ploasnre and Lumber Wagons, cuttei'H, Sloi^ha. Wo keep a stuck on hand to choose fiom. ALSO MORSE SHOOINQ ANDQENERAl. BLACKSMITHINO and L'U'iraiilee lir.^r class work. Wo kee|i on band Ploughs and Plough repairs, anc" Harris and Nux.m leiiairs for bin.lere, MoTer* nm;hinory, also Hinder Twine on hand. aiso Masaey- tU kinds \>{ lU!>en in iovcn givi eall

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