> â- â- ' .' /f ' . . â- ;.f ;.,"â- -••â- I : \ About the House I t : SOLTIlEnN SOUf'S. Purco of Split IVas.â€" r.rack Ihe bnnos cl a chicken, cover with wsiler, and simiuiT quiclly Jor lour hours. Al tho liisl Ixiil ami .skim, ami al the end if 'Ihi' third hour add n loaspnonful of sail, '« (jiinrl^T of an onion, with twn cloves stuck in il, ImI[ a tciisponnftil o( cl- »ry .si-ed or u .s|)ri« of dried c^-lpry top. a quart. T nf n .slicoW carrot and liirnl|i. Inilf a bay loaf, and a quarter of a tea- fepiionful (jf \vl«):i' popper corn.';. .M llie end 'if 111.! fnurUi hour strain the >tock. Wlii'ii c lid riMiiovft 111." fat frnni the .surfa.o. Cover one teaiupfiU of Vplit jieiis Willi c.ild wat.'C. and .-.oak uv.'r TiiK'il. In the iiiorninj,' \va.>~h them •through .'icver.il vvattT.-!. Then cover with a pint of «atfr and .â- ^iininor fir two hours. l'i''>.s lhrait;h the sii've, llieti adil u'l.ilher cupful ut tlie stuck and pr»»ss tliem ltirou^!h a pureo sieve. Add ajiolher eii.iful .if .slu.-k and i-elurn I'l Ihe lire. Ilul) tr)<;.-lher halt a lahle- Jiloonfiil of II lur and one lal)le.--poon- â- fu' rif b;it!er; .-.lir into Ihe puree until perfec'ly sniO' Ih. .\ -w add half a lea- fi(>ooiiful iif .siill. a qiinrler of a Ua.spi.on- ful of 1 e[>|>er. and a toa.spieinful 'd urat- Hi onou. Iloil gently for live minutes, stirriiif.' all tlie lime. Serve in a tureen â- with ernutun.s. Soiitlicrn Curnboâ€" I'ul a lable.spoonful W lard in a p'lreelaiii lined lioili.T; .slice â- an o'lion and try il in the lard. When the onion is !i nice lirown add .me quart c' .sliced iikra and (ry uiilil the okra will nut rojie troiM the .spoon. .'â- ^tir constantly. I'muc lialt a tjallon of hot %valer ill the boiler and let il lioil down t' a quart, .^cald Ihre.' larfjn tomaloe>, and rd witlj lilood orangt*. and garnish with candied |x'el. Orange lee Cream â€" Take one quart of cream, lialt a cui)tul of .suyar, Ihe juice of two oiaiiKes, the Ltrah-d rind of one, and llie liealen yolk-s of tour egjis; .scald and CO )1 and tive/c to niush. Tlien Mil cruu.uo .siielN, refill the cap.s, and pack i 1 ice for two hours. Nb)U.s.seline Orange â€" Mix lour table- .sp.j'infuls of sU|,'ar, Ihe juice of two .ir- niiKe.s, four level lablaspcjiifuls of I uller, and the beaten yolks of .six ef^.s. .<el in LHiiling water and .stir until l.ieud.d. c.mI. Then add the .sillily beat- e)i vvliite,s, |)our iiilu bultercd mold, 'and .sleain tor on hour and a halt, .siprinkk" with stale nuirnroon cniiiibs, and jiarnish Willi nciijie .sei-liiiii.s. Oraiioe (;iaceâ€" Ma!;e oraii.Lie jelly and \vhen conneaiinji coal Ihe molds Ihiek- ly Willi il. Ihiii iii.'^'rl a .s|)oonfiil .• f V;"iaii;i-^ miniialade. and on tlii.s a while 'bianc nianjje. to wliieh luis l>een added v.-liile w.irni Hi'- biMlen uliilcs of e^fis. Set on ice. S.'rve wilh tioiled custard Or swceloned cream. I)ul the.se Into a pan, and pour boiling \vn[er over; they .should .stand in water for a few minule.s, then dry in a clotli, brud),'o wilh (lour, aea.soii nicely with 7iepp,r and .salt, and fry brown on both Mdcs (u.siiij; butler in.slrad of dripping if you can afford it). Parboil and chop Tine some onions. When Ihe liver is tiartly done, pul the onion over it, and let it axik till brown. When done place fill a hoi dibh, make .some good tliick feravy and injur over all. LIFE OF PERSIA'S RULER 1 KASV, INFOnMAI, II\KIT.S OIUKM'AL SI>LK.M>OltS. A.MID TIIK LATK I)H. LAI'I'OM. Oct-.lli lias Itrinovcd n Dislinfluidied Pliysirian and a Man of Itare ('.oi:ra(iP. peel Iheiii, eiil into small pleci pul in Itie .soup. Next sprmkle wilh i^^l'^w-s. eb-. Hut the result i; JiOll. popp»?r, and llour the wines, liack, If ;i mo liiurii ot Hialitl appl ftel. and reik of a chi.ken and fry Ih.'m â- a light brown. I.ifl them from tlM» fry- ing pan witli a fork, and put them into \Ue guinlio hall an hour lietore .serving. Tomato Sou|>â€" One pint of .slewed to Tnaloes MINTS fOIt TIIF, IIOVII-. Driy ovens .spoil custards and milk pudJiiit;.s. ther.'fore all ovens .should l.e washi-d out wilh tiol soda water at least <ince a week. I'ur a Nervous Memlactieâ€" Take n cup Of moderately strong' lea in which two \,i Uu'iHj sliees of li'iiion hn\yt \>ccn intuseil. No milk .should be ased. When boiling eggs add a table.spoon fit .s;ilt to llie watiT. .'should any ,f them tmr.sl, lliey will not boil oiit cf the .shell. I"o<id arti.bs tlint are damp should nevn'r be left in onliiinry paper. I'apar i> niado of woo.l pulp, rags, glue, lime, and .similar suli-lance.s inlermix<"'d with ai'i.ls and clieiiiieal.s. When damp, il sli.iulil not be allowod to come in con- lucl with things thai are to be oaten. Coar.s.' brown .sii;.;ar is an article of coiLstant U!ic in a kilcben. .\ .snltspoon- ful 111 a iMiiind of meal a.s.si.sls tender- 'ii.'.ss in Ihe luse of such parts of beef It- an,' C'liimic.nly used tor pudiling.s, t«'llor still In" used. Tr.)ubi.,' with Coat oil ran lie avoided in wint.-r by k.vping tli.- oil where il will 'not be too cold. r;iiille<l nil will smell dusjigree.-ible wlion burning. If the oil lank â- IS in a very cdd place, kevp a ne pint of w'aler. one sliro t;f j 'Small can of oil in a room where there lUiion, and one bay l.'at. Hub together I '^ •"'"'• one tatle-.|)Oiin(ul of l)uUi'r and lw<i i,f 11'iur, add to mixture; cook liv.- miiiules; ^l|â- ain and serve with sqiian-.s of toast- tii bread. ;?rown Brothâ€" Put two labLspoonfiiis lot tiiittiT in a frying pan. add two table- spoons of illoliped (ini.ms, two of rhop- p.'d carrot.s, and conk unlil a golden irown. fill Ihese In a kellle wilh a quart of boiiing water and a bay leaf, â- and simmer (or lifle.m minule.s; pre.ss through a .sieve. While Ihe .soup is M"""' »i;iiim. ring put alxml a tablf>s[>ooiifiil of'*'"" sugar III an iron saueepan. and wh.'ii •it lirown.s and burns add two labl.'spoon- ffiils of chopped f>iiions, then two < r Ihre.' lab'i!spoonfuls ot water; add Uiis to the .soup; add a tea.spoontul of salt nnd a .s;ilt.s|K)ontul nt pejiper. .Strain '(lie soup, relurn II to llie kettle, add 'half a pint ot blocks of bread that have T^en stiriiil up with b.'aUTi eej.; ining Hu a bull and serve with grated che..\se. I Baked Pobitoi.sâ€" If nol required to le , eil.-n directly they aiv scrve,l. .should be [ tiroken not cut in lialt) and kept in a iVarm place. Hy thi.s means the .steam In tho de:ilh ot Dr. l.ii]ii;oni, physi- cian lo IIh- I'ojie, a pcr.soiiage has been removed from life'.s .scene who was .scarcely le.ss known tliroiiglKuit Ihe World than the poiiUtts whom he niin- i.stered unto, llo was a wonderful man as well a.s a di.slingui.-hcd physician.â€" Ollawa Kree Press. II may be addid that Dr. Lap;ioni was a man of rare aiurage. lie had n. fear of that bugbear known ns pro- tessi.inal ctiqiielk'. When he found .somi'ttiing good in a medicine he did not hcsiUile U) .say so lo Ihe world, lie proved this when ho wrole llie Or. Wil- liam.s' .Medicine (m. .strongly endorsing their celebrated Pink I'ill.s- fur Palu I'lyjple as a cure fur anieinia (bloodlcs.s- ne.ss) and certain nervous disorders. In Ihe interests of the tliousaiid.s who suf- fer from ameinia. riiivous disorders and kiiidr 'd troubles, il is worth while republLshiug Dr. Lapponi's k'tter, as follows: "I cerlify lliat I have tried Or. Wil- liams' Pink Pills in four ca.ses of Ihe sjiiplc ans'mm of development, Afier a few weeks of Irealment, the result came fully up to my expectations. Kor thai reason I shall nol tail in the future I 1 extend Ihe usii ot this laudable pre- paration, not only in tho treatment of olher morbid forms of the category of aniTinia or i^lilorasis, bul also in coses of neurasthenia and the like. (.Signt'd). Dr. Giuseppe l.appnni. Via del Oracchi ;t3i, Itoine." The "simple anoeinia of develoiunent" rel.'rn'd lo by Dr. l.ap(>oiii is of course thai tiriHl, languid condition ot young girLs whose developinent lo wuiiiaii- hood Is lardy, and whaso health, at the |>eriod of that development, is so often imix'rillcl. Ib.s .ipinion uf the valui' <if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at that lime is ot the higliesl scientific au- Gocs lo Council in Flapping Slippers and Eats Willi His l-'ingers Troni Dishes, can ese.-ipp „nd the inside of Ihe pobilo '";'"''• '""^ " ^f 'â- â- '"â- ' "": '"""f ^f" Weoims li«hl and nonry in.slend , l'-l'<-'l ';a.s.^s;n whiei iiii.Tmia and other waxy and .sodden, wtiicb invariably hai)- i "â- ''^•"â- '''•'' ?' ""•'''""^' "- l^''" "-"^ nm'.wi biy hap away whole I Tf) .^I'.HVi-; onANf;i;.s. F.ir breiikfnst, cut tlu' peel .so a.s to liMive an iiuh-wide I and about the cen- Ire, then cut and turn inside out .so ,is to leave Ihe siclions mil; ta.slen together til a eirc II' with a liny .skewer. Another way is to i.ul the pwl from 'the bl<is.-.om end toward Ihe sleiii into lielals, then pi'.'l d.AVii, liieking poiiiLs In; torC'^ siHillnns ot fniil open that Ihcy 'jiiay be easily r.-uioveil. Orange Omelet- Ib'.d. four yolks ,t <'ggs, Willi four leaspwmluls of tine so- giir. Add a pineh of .salt lo the whit.'S flnd Ix'a! iiiilil dry and llrm. Pour Ihe yolks over the whiles, adding llie jjral- 'ed rind ot .me oran^'e .iiid three table- Spoons of juiee. Mix liyliUy. Cook ;ii tot buitei- until Mini; .spread willi orange pulp, (old, giirnish with sections 'and -erve. ; Ora ige HaviiroLsp â€" DL^-solve one-fourth ri' a jiockage ot gelatin in one Ihird of a cuplul of old walei ; ibeu Imit. .Strain Into a cupful ol orange juice and puli), •and add llie jiiici' of half a lemon and lliree-fiiurths of a cupful of .siiiiar. Set t'i< Ice; v\ben ronijeuling, stir in a pint Ol whipped ci'iain; liirii into a mold iin- I'lUis it the potato is pul I'l be warmed again later. When Itrusliing l''o!t Carpelâ€" If tea lleaves sriuee/.ed dry and scalteic-d on the tloor when you sweep do mil answer |)iii'pose, dry some eommon .sail I Ihorounlily In the ovon an<l .scalier it "Viu- till- carpet befoi'i' swi'epin;;. Care liiust be taken to crush Hi,' salt up en- liivlv, or the fell will gel stained with il.inip. Ceroian Mustard -This will keep for 'a year. |-;i;,'|ii lablespooiitiils of iiiii,- lanl. four Ijibl.'spoiiiifiil.s eaeli of salt and white sugnr. a salt.s|iiioiifiil of rav- *nnc, tour lalil.'s|)ooiisfiil ot melted bul- li'r, Ihi- jiree ot a lar;,'e oni.m squeezed tlirough a lenioii si|u,.ez«.r. and mix with Vinegar. Vou will lind tliis (|mle ea.-y lo make. To Clean a .S.-wing Machineâ€" Place il tlciir the lire lo tn-4 warm. Jlial the ceng.'al.;.l oil aUiiil it may melt, and ""•n oil it tlioioughly with parallin. Work the macliiiio for a lew mmiiti-s (wilhoul. (U)tlon in it) and as the dirty Oil oozi.-s out wipe il off. Apiily a little â- more paiallin nnd remove it after work- ing. Then oil with Ihe lubricaling oil you generally use, aii.l tli.' machine will w.u-k easily, amply rewarding you tor Ihe lime spenl on it. On Dambuft This troulilesiMiu' affee- 1.1011 of the .scalp is otb'ti alli'nded with t-.iiiMd.'iuble irnlalion and is common lo pe.iple ot all a^es. Ttie main treat- fiieiil is lo keep tin; lieiid cleiin by wash- tug it ul leiLst once a wwk wilh tepid W.iler and the yolk ot an egy, wilhoul Rising any soap. Have a wash prepared o' half a jiinl ot rase water ami Ihirtv trains of borax; kiTp this tightly cork- id. .\pply n little o| Hie wash with llie lingers and rub into tho .scalp four i.r 1iv(\ limes a wei'k. The Way lo I'ly I.iver Nicel>'-- Cut il inio slices one-third of an Inch thick. di.s<'a.ses have been cured by llie.se pills, i which, il nc'd hardly be mentioned, owe their ellicacy lo their power ( I making new blood, and llius acting f.i- lislly .111 the dif,'('slive and nervous | s>steni. In all (•tt.--es ot ann>mia, decline, ' mdigi^stioii. and troubles due to bad blood, and all affections of tho nerves i as .St. \ iliw' dance, paralysis and lo- j comotor ataxia, they are commended III Ihe public wilh all the greater con- I (ideiice becau.s<' they had tlie slnuig en- â- ' """''" i (biisemonl of the great |)li>sician who â- .-,.,, iv , ' great phdti'r .set in fnuit o[ liim on the lloor. l.aWr, he m.ide a slep toward The life of tho .S'uih of Persia, Muzaf- fei>-cd-Din, is a (piecr jumble of cun- Irasls between luiiopean and Oriental way.s. In Hit! iiiidsl of sjilendors tliat defy description, lie jiiussed his days, while his heallli lasted, in an easy, comforlalile and v\;;olly infornial style. Among llio adoiineiils ot his paiaco is the tanious peacock throne of Pei'sia. It is lushioiii'd Willi jewels after the stiov.y tail ot the bird iind it has U'.Mi appraisi'd al from SlO,UO(),00.i tu $l2,ii(K),- 000. Tliere is, besides, the terres'rial blobc which his father had constructed of pure gold Willi ."il (JOO precious stones iLs.d to iiiditale the cnnformalions of laud and sea. The oceans and seas are ol emer- alds, I'ersia i.s marked wilh turquoises, India Willi anu'ltiysts, Africa with rubies, Ijigland and I'ranco with dia- monds. Uul Miiziiffer sliow.s no in crest in these things. He rise^ early, performs Ins devulions and breakfasis on a li'l loiif ot bread and lea. He receives his Ministers at 8 a.m., I and dovotes the succeeding six hours ! 1 1 business of stale. I.ctlci's are read to i him and he diclales de.sjialchi's. He lio'.ds pri\ale consullalions and oiricial recH'plioiis and utiends meetings ot his council. I'"nr all these occasi.jiis he is alisolulely indiftiTent to bis uiipearuiice. UK WKAIIS A I.OO.St: JACKKi', keeps Ins lixiuscrs turned up and pail- dl*s around in a paii' of heelless slip- pers, which go llap-llapping on the marble lloor iis he walls up and down Hie council-room. So careless is he in such mailers that the story is told thut his lirst wi'e prociiriMl a divorce from him because lie w;is less scrupulous in Ills ablutions Ihan became a good Mus- sulman. Al i o'clock, wbni in health, he tak.^s his luncheon. The preparation of all his food is most strictly supervisid. since he has many liiJter enemies and is not specially loVed by any of his ollieals or attencbiiilsâ€" a result, .sfiy those who know the Persians best, of his eiusy dus- [Kisilion, which lias always cau-sed liim b) treat his subjecLs with far Wss .sever- ity thau they were acciislonied to. â- J'he imperial kitchen is under control of a pr.nee of the blood, who is answer- able t.ir il with Ins head that no acci- deiils happen. ICveiy dish is sealed be- fore it leaves the kitchen and the .seals are broken only under the .Shahs own eyes. In accordance witn court etiquette, tho Shah eats alone. Pormerly Muzatler, the manner of his forebears. crouctiiHl on a carpel and ale from a A FRIEND IN NEED Whtn you havi a cough, cold, Mr* throat, croup, whooping oought bronehltii, aitlima or lung treublu you naturally think ot GOLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT. the safe and never'ailing remedy for all Ihe-se ills. Perfectly harmless for the weakest stomach or most delicate child. Ciiildren love il. Adults enjoy il. It alw.!ys cui-cs. II is Dr. Slocum's won- 'derful Cough and throat remedy. II has 'never been equail.i^l for quick, positive ^nd sa!:sfactory results. No household fehould be wilhoul it. "I have used your Coltsfoote Expector- ant Bud find it galisfactory in cases ot croup, colds or coughs. I have used it ever since I got a trial bottle, and hare recommended it to everyone in need of it. You may use my name and address for testimonial if you nrinb. Hoping it will benefit others as it has done my chil- dren, I remain, Uaa. AGNEH COMRES, 1069 Frances St. London, Ont. Every mother, every father who values the health and well-being of llieir chil- dren will always have ColLsfo.'jte in the â- - , j home as an ever-readv physician and a cup of sweetened I ,r,^,nd. All up-lo-daU/ dealers, tor 25c. will snjpidy you with has so rwently p^«4>4><0»0«0<'<»0«»««C"fr4»4>«»«>0<>«0^ Girlhood and Scoffs Emulsion are linked together. The girl who takes Scoffs Emul' sion has plenty of rich, red blood; she i» plump, active and energetic The reason is that at a period v/hen a girl's digestion is weak. Scoffs Emutsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested fomu It is a food that builds and keeps up a girl's strength. ALL DRUGGISTSi 50o. AND $1 .OO. jja-ssed away. * 300 MILMO.VS OF CIIINESE. Vrlluw ICinpiro Has About One-fi((li of (â- lobe's I'opululion. The inlere.-.tini,' (juestion of Ihe popu- lation ot the tdiine.se l-linpire has oflen been diseus>cd, but il is still im|xissible lo say wilh any degree uf certainty *hal the lijjures are. At the tiegmning of the Christian era i', Is tolerably ceilain that there were at tea.sl So.UUo.lXXl mhahilaiils, Hni\ il niusl W. remembered Ihal the empire then was much siuuller than il is at Ihe present lime. Most ot the census taken in China (luring the last -,;,(X)0 years, says the North China Daily News, have not pro- (e.s.s<Hi b) take in Ihe whole populatian. 'Ruling children ainiUcd. Ihe main ob- jcel ot the census beinn lo iLscertain the number ot la\alile persons. liy Common coi sent the mosl reliab'o ceiusus over luken in China was that 01 ISIi. I'tiis give.'i^ the figures as more lliaii tit"!:.'.!**).!)!)!*. "Ul l*'>« the popula- tion wa.s estimated iH nearly 40,S,lX)(t,(KHl; lut in IS.SI il had fallen lo :ts<),0(l0,i)tll), the great T'aiping Itebellioii, in which so many millions of peopUi bisl their lives, lieint; one of the i^ruicipal causes uudoubie<lly for thi.< great <leclino. Travellers. mis.si()naries and others, who lia\e visited the letiion devastated a'. Ihe liine ot Ihe faipiiig nebellion, ex- press tlie opiiii Ml Ihat tlie lo.ss of life during Ihal great eonvuLsmn has gener- iilly been eslimaled al too low a figure, and it IS a (iiieslion also whetlier the It riible famine more than a score -.f ymis ago In the provinces nt Chili, .-sliansl. Shells! mid llonan, w'lh a po- piil:ilion of 70,iKiO,lJ()(l, is not respoiisilile tor Ihe loss of more lives than il is usually credited wilh. II is still more certain Ihat Hie Mo- liammedan uprising in the northwest ileslroyed more lives than il is generally .supiMVsed to have done. A very niod- erale coinpulalioii of the lo.ss uf life in- currnl in Ihese three eiilamaties makes it to be fully CiO.IKXbntXl. And in this connecli'"! it vvou'il be well, perhaps, to remind our.->ehes Ihal the habitual use of opium by such a large niiinber ot the piMOle tia-; tended lo act injuri- ously on the recuperative power ot the nation. ,. . koNi" or THAT Fon iiri. "tbt^lil here." said Ihe arcbilecl, who wfs showing him llie plans for an or- iiamenlal fount. tin, "would lie a givid I'lace to pul on a garg.ivie as a (iiiish." "riiiit would do br Ihe inside wood work of a hou>e, all rinlil," said Mr. ('..iswell, Willi <1 eision, "but for an out of door linusli I lirelcr paiiil." l';uro|)ean customs. He now sits cross- legged on a divan, and a table alimit a tool high is placed in frimt of him. He began with tablecloths and napkins of printed nuuslin. Now ho uses while ones. I'rom lllly to si.vty dishes are prepared daily for Ihe meal, but Ihe Shah par- takes ot only two or three. Ilis favorile \ iambi are rice cooked in fat. tricaseed chicken and broiled niulton cutlets. .•\s (les.s.'rl he enjoys a lemon pre- stTved in syrup, a (avm-ilc Persian deli- cacy. Knives and forks are iiiadmi.s- sible in the Pei-:.iaii court and the .shah eabs every Hung wilh his lingers- (iur..vsv HICK, cm i.kts, nturr. While e.iting ho reads the mosl im- portant articles in the Kuropean papers, espirially Ihe breiicli ones. He IS much impres.sinl wilh ICuropean culture, lie tries lo mould Ids ixdicy aUtng I'.uropean lines. Wlien he is pu/.- zltxl bv a ipiestioii of stale, il is usual for liini to a.sk. ".Now what would It-e King of Knuland do in such u eiuse?' Aller luncheon Ihe ."shah sleeps an tiour. 'riieii be amuacs biin.sell for the ifinaimler of llie day. He <k'liglits in sending inejisagcs over a minialure lele- graph apparnlus, be plays barkgaminoii with his Miiiistei-s hiuI be digs in bis gaitleii nnd lakes care nf his favori:e (lowers. Hut liis grealisl de!i«ht is plKdography. He lakes excellent |uc- tuns lumselt and likes lo sliow lo visi- tors the alliums which he (ills wilh his own work, lb? bus also a mania b>r Ik>- ing photographed, and bir this purpose he will lake Ihe lr<iublrt hi array luins*»l( in all sorts ot i-oslumes. Among others he has been pluilograjilied in Ihe uni- fm-m of a Prussian siddier and in the robes of ail f.iiglish llishop. lb' is a much more moderale man than bis tnlher in his iwrsonal life. Nasr-i\l- Din used to drink a Isdlle ot jKirl wine every iiiuhl bi-toro he retired. The pre- senl Shah never liisles wine. His harem consisls ot only sisly b-ulics, and he has tour sons ami Iweuty-lhree daughtvi-s. Wlieu his falber ilieil Ihere were l,7iO women in Hie seraglio. A lawyer al a circuit town in Ireland dropped a 'en-|>ound rote under Ihe table while playing cards at an inn. He did nol discover liis loss until he was going lo hist, liul then relnrned iuinii>- ilialely. On letubmg Hie ii'om he wa-S nnd by the waller, who said :â€" "1 know wlial you want, sir; you have last some- Itiiiig?' "^es, I have lost a tenisiuiul n<ile." "Well, sir, I have found it. ai'ii here il is.' ''I'oaiiks. my givid lad; here's a s..vrre;gn for > on." "No. sir. I wanl IM rewaiil Iv: being IkuicsI; bul." Iivik- \\\\i III liini w.th a kllowui;! i;rin, "wasn't it a gold job that none of the gentleiiiiii fouuu ur COLTSFOOTE EXPECTCRANT. I.AKK WIN.MI'KG I'ISH. Ib)\v Ihe While Fish Are Ciirght. Cured and Itroiiulit to Market. Lake \\inniiK!g Ls a inucli larger bod/ o' waler Ihan is generally suppcsed. be- iu" ~'i>5 miles in length, and Irom 7 to !>•) miles ill vvidlli. Hounhly siM-aking. it is aliout Ihe size of Ihe Province of Nviva .Scotia wilhoul Cape Breton, or sliehlly smaller Ihan Scotland. II is the third largi-sl lake in Canada. There are many beautiful islands in the lake, in many cas« with sandy beJiches. TlHise in time will be taken ndvanl.nge of for summer n^iilences. Allhough the land in the vicinity is broken by rocks, muskegs and .swamps, the lake will no doubt become a great highway of coiniiierce, pos.sibly con- n.'cling the Old World with Ihe New by means ot the NeUon or Churchill Ituers and Hudson Hay. rishing on the lake lia.s been carrii^ on extensively for about twenty years. The variety of llsli mosl abuudanl. and mosl sougtil afler. is Hie whilelish. Tho wliili'lisii caught lien- is proUibly tho liiu^st in ttie world. 'I'liere are a con.si- derablo number ot other varielii's, as pickerel, jacklish and slurgeou. Ot lale yeat:s, although the Govern- meul has niainlameil two llsh hatch- eries, tho one al \\ e^t .Selkirk and llio other at lierens Hivei', the iiuantily ol lish lias materially dccreasetl, and the question of curUiiling the output, or in- creasing the hatcheries and protecting, the spawn, must ere long. force itself upon Ihe attention of llie tioverninent. The process of preparing the lish for market is a very interesting one. fsually a tug takes the boats out at, break of day. when the lisherinan, ex- cepting Ihe .sleersnian of each Imal,' snatch an luuir or two of sleep lo sui>- plenient Iheir ordinarily broken rest. Thnv nii'ii work in each t'oat. one to iiKinage the boat, and Iwo lo lift lh» nets and remove Ihe lish. .-Vs .soon a* a lioat relurns with its ipiota the lisli aro thrown on a <lressing table with a hole in the centre, beneath which is a box' about the size of a small barrel. I-'mir men work at each table, twn al eiich side; one open.s Hie I'lsti nnd lakes out Ihe gilLs anil tins, Hie oilier cleans tho lish with n biileher knife, the lush are Ihen Hirowii into bins boUling about 1,5(W lbs., and inixi'd wilh pounded ico in order lo cool them l>ef.ui» packing. After cooling for aliout an hour, they are plaiMMj in boNcs bidding \'M lbs., pucki-d witti chopped ice and sliipjuM in a large refrigerator in bu.il.s to Selkirk. Here Hie boxes luv opene<l, and fresh ice is put in the boxes. They are Ihen loaded in refrigerator cars and .shippixl to various markcLs of tho world. When Hie calcli Ls large. :irhl Uierc are too many for the orvlers. they are put 111 big bins and tliMougbly waslirtl. then put one layer deep in tin lioxes, then packed in large bins between thick layers ot salt and ice. They are left there a couple of days unlil frozen solid, they are Itien taken out of the liiis in a solid cake Hie si'ze of a tin. ihe whole cake is again dipiwJ in water in order to give il a fresh coaling of ice. They are Ihen packi'd in lioxes holding about 150 lbs., and shii>i>(Hl in refrigerator b lals al u temperature ot about 10 div grees below zero. The Prosbyleriun. Till': CAHK OF A B.MIY. .'V baby Ihal does nol eat well and sleep well, thai is not chccrlul and p'aytul needs all.nlion, or Ihe result may be .serious, .sioniach and bowel troubles make eliildix'n ero.ss and sUvp- less, bul a dose nt llaby's Own Tiiblets s;on cures Hie Iroulilc, the child sleepa soundly nnd naturally .nnd wakes up bright and smiling. Mrs. .1. K. Ilarley, \\ 01 thington. Onl.. s:;vs; ".My little one las had iwi medicine tint Ualiy's Own Tablets since sIk- was twii months old aii<l Ihey have kept ncr the picture <.f goo 1 health." Yua can gel Haby's Own Tabids from any druugisl or by mail al sr> ciiils a U)\ t.Miii The r<r. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.. lirock\ilio, Onl. : ?. i