"lAlMAf'lAYLOFF SHOT Seven Bullets Fired into the Pro= curator's Body. A (Icspntch from St. Prln-shurfi snys : I.ioul.Giii. Mmiiiiiir I'ttvluff, tlw Mill- tJiry I'rucujiilor, or A<lvucal<'-Gi'nfr;il, gt'nenilly Known .since tlio lute I'urliu- niont iis "lliiiiyinan" ravluff, from the ♦"pillict cniLsliiiitly iipplifil lo him l>y Hie Ilndiciil ilo|nili(V-,. was .sliol iiiiil killid lit 10 nci<icl; oil WciIiiQsdiiy iMfiiniM^; u liilu walking' in llio t'aolrn of llic clia'f iniii- tnry rouil liuildinp, near llio .MoiUa fuiiial. The a.s.-inMin, who, apixircniiy, wii.'i (lisgiiisid lis u wfirkiniin, was eiiji- liirivl after a lonj; chiiM' lhroii;;h the crowded clly stred.s, diiriiiji which lie Jired ntujiil forty shot.s f."oiii Iwd revol- vers wh/cli he cfirried, killint! a |i«hco- niun and lu'eideiilaily wouiidinj,' u hoy. .MURr>KH CAHKiai.l.V I'l.AN.NEU. TTiB crime sliowed (^vidi'nce of Iho snma cureful ineparalkjn svliieh wils rharneleri^lir of Itie imirdereis of (ieii- <Tal Alexis I|.'natie[f and \dn der l.niin- ili, and wa.s midoiibledly curried out by Hie .same ornanizjilion whieli hu.s .scn- teni'cd r.niperor Nicholas and several of the Minisler.s l<i death. Tlio iLS,sas.siii, who wore tho unitorin uf a iiiililury clerk attached to the court, olitained uii entrance to Iho garden under llie pretext of Milniiittiii',' u report lo thu .Miiituiy rrociiralor. U.-^ICD n.vPlDlirtK Pl.STOI.. He npproaclicd the imsu.specliiif; fien- eral within an ornis len;.'th. drew a pi.s- lol and tired the whole load, seven Khols, into I'avhjff.s hody. K\ery .sliot wa.s welt aimed, and two of them lore a papiiij; wound in his hreusl. The (ien- eral cxpiriHl while heiiif,' carried lo his ai.arliiieiiLs jn the saim.' Iiuildint,'. Imoiii the nature of the wounds it appeared tlitil thi> .sleel-jaek.te<l bulU'l.s were llal- len.d in order that they niiylit inllict more serious wounds. A.S.SA.'i.Sl.V .S HAf.E FOR LIFE. Ilasllly .slipping aiKillier "clip" nf car- tiid>,'0.-i into hi.s revolver and drawiiiK a second weapon, the ass.i^-,in ran across the pirden lo the ciirria(,'e entrunco, llireal.nin;,' the |Hjrler willi hi.s pistols niul dashed down Glinka .SIreel, pa.st Hie liiiperiiit Opera House, with a crowd if thirty house (lorlurs and cniirl at- liiclies in -close pursuit. .\ iiojiceiiiaii slalioiied in front of the opera liouso at- li mjiled lo !seizi' the ii.ssa.s.sin, hut wa.s liliul down ly Ihe latter, who also woiiMili'd a lioy. The lerrorisl then re- fcuiiieJ his lht;hl, liriiit; at tln' police ofTlcors and house po:-!crs who nltemptcd to liar his way. Mis UMiiiimiilion hc- caine oxhouslcd and he was inlerceptcd and captured when he reached Lantern Lane. When taken In the police .station (ienerul I'avloffs slayer was in high s|,irils and answered the olllcers' quea- tioii.s with laughiiiy jesl.s. A ULOOD-'llllllSlV Ol'I'TCF.H. The entire career of Oeneral Pavlnfr, who was 5.0 years old, married, and had two children^ wa.s spent in llio judicial deparlineiil of Ihe nriny. Alter scnini^ several years as a military Jiid(,'c li>' was appointed Jiut^^e Adv<)cate-<ieneral of the War Ministry, and later Procura- tor of the .Supreme Military Uiurl. (Miieiul Pavloff was delet^ated l.y War .Vtiiiisler liiidiger lo answer thft inlonicl- lulions of tlio tiovernnieiil in tlie lower liouso of Parliament in re,','ard to the Haltic Provinces and in I'oland. The Military Procurator jii.stilicd these acts Willi such col(>-ljUiodedness and disre- pnrd of the seiitiiiienLs of the i:ieintie;'S that it arou.scd Ihe inditjnaUon of al- most the eiitiri> House, and he was driven from the rostrum with cries of "iiiuidenr,' "haii>.'nian," "a.ssassin. ' Me wiLs not allowed to speak again. The iriurdend ^'einral was a lartje liuid- owiicr. After the <li.s.s<)lulioii of Parlia- ment he cruamzed Ihe Protective Poli- tical League hi euiiiliat Hailical projects for tlic c.xproprialioii of landed cstalvs. LEADING MARKETS COL. ANOIlHiFF .SHOT. A de-^palc'li fro") }x>ilr., Russian Po- land, says: Colonel Palko .\ndricff, chi-'f of the }iendariiie.s nf the Lod/. district, was shot and kill.d on Thursday iiiorn- inf; nil Poludiiiowa slieel. \ piissinu infaiilry palrol (ired a volley at tlie as- sassin, liul only wounded several inii'i- ci-iil on'ook' rs. Thr a.<sussin e.seapciL Poliidin iwii street was closed hy tniops and tlii> police he^an inakint; a strict searcl) of all Ihe hoiKses fronting upon il DOL'nA.'^.^Ol'l' W A ri.NLD. A despatch from SI. Pelershurg say.s: Vicx'-Adimral D luhassoff, ex-(iovernor- fieneial of Miscow, and al present a memior of the Council of the l-jnpire, has ici'Pivcil nolilleallon that another atleiiipl U|;on his life will he made. l)i;si'i;it.VTK SIIIAIIO.N'. Munilolia Oisirlcls .\re in a Prcrnrious Coiidlliun. A dispaleli fiviiii Winnipeg says : Many Maiii'olm dislricts are still in a liii-carlous pusili(,ii as re^iards fuel sup- jily. and siiiijily depend on the railway.") to <leliver from day lo day sullicient c/ial jind wood tor tlieir present needs. At Ihe nipii-l of Premier Itiihhn, Hie Canadian I'acilic slii|)|iixl coal on the rejjular piis- ^ellger t<i Ciirnian, while several cars uf wood were delivered there on Friday. A car of t\inl was sliippe<l lo .Siiowlliiko r.ii I'lidays local. The supply there was «-\liaiislcd. and the railway will eiulc'i- vor In gel a sullicient supply there lo tide them o\er Hi? next alorin. Uoissevuin also complains of a slinr- lage of fuel, and coal was shipped to lliat town ua I'ridiiy's sn<iw plow Iniiii. .Several oMicr lowns have riv reived one-cur sliJiuianls to tide them over (lining the [lasl few <liiys, and aji noon IIS a ie|«jrt conies in that lliere is r, shortage anywhere llio rallWMy will iittach a ear of fuel lo Hie llrsl Iraiii leaving, eilher passenger or freight. (iiavi' [ear.-, are expre.-.sed over Ihe IKjs>i|]ililies cf a Ikiod in Ihe spring, and llu' .Mainlobu (ioveriimcnt is in receipt of 11 Iclli'r from an engineer urging Iho (Ioveriimcnt l<i iii<piiie inlo the Irulli of .1 reiMirt Ilia! the .'^oiilh .Sa.skalchewan is llahle to burst its luiiik at the elliow and How into the Oir.\p|ielle, whirh iiicans, he a.^seits, tliat \,\ innipeg will see Iho most disastrous of Uoods. (.LKP.KS CIlLOIlOl'OItMi:!}. .Mysterious .\f(air in \Viniiip.-(j llan\ ul Cunuiierce. .â- \ despatch from Winnipeg says : A most iiiyst(M'i«nis occurrence liajijiencd in the vvc-slern luancli of the Caiiadiaij Hank of Commerce un i^'riday aller- iiooii, when two clerks were chloro- funned, and, accurdiiig lo rciiorl, were rohbiHl. Itaiik ollicials a-id the police ore very reticciil, but one uf Ihe clerks is now ill the hosiiilal. Ihe police deny that any robbery was aclually c<iiimjilr led. The new Shall of IVi-sIa ha.i lieen nc- kiii)Wledge<l by the high ollicials at 'I'elieriin. ti B! fi Fiery Stream Flowed Four Feet Deep in Pittsburg Foundry. • A dcipalrh from Pittsburg, I'a., .says: A.* H result of an explosion of a furnace nl Hie Kliza furnaces of the Jones & I.aughlln stool works on Wednesday Tiiglit three are known to be dead, seven »ire In a llo.^pltll( wilh fatal burns uiid tnjuiies, ami i'i are nursing. IliNKIl (IF ItlON. The explosifiii was caused by an an- cuinulalion of gas al Hie base of the furnace, around vvhieli '.l.'i inon were woiKuig. Ill all Hiese but one man es- caped injury. W ithmil warning find with a iiiar like arlilleiy, tuns of niollen ineliil were poured <i\ir Ihe woikiiieii, nnd tor a spaee irf llurly fi'el iil>iiiil Ih.' ' liiriiaeo Ihe metal ran, lluwing al some Bpols lo a depth of lour or live fool. ULIIIFI) IN STF.FL. Two alnrnis of tiro were ininiedialely ftrnl in, and alt Hie iiinbiilanees in ttie rily were culled. Soon Ihe seven who were able to escape Irnni Ihe hot metal Willi their livts were taken to hospitals, tut all the missing, it is tliouglit, liave been liiirned in the mass of sicel, and Hieir tiodies are consumed. While alleniplliig lo resriio some of Hie men Chief Peter .Snyder of the foiirlh lire district was tlniiwii from a trestle thirty feel high and was serious- ly injured, lie was taken lo a hospital. lIomilHLY IllHNKn. The bodies of til' three dead which have bieii taken to the morgue are lior- l.lily burned. While the lunl ollicials are iiiclincit lo believe that not all llie niis-.iiig men were crenmleil, iiolhing ditliiile is known as lo Hieir wliert>- abiiiiis. 'Only tale iiinii lia-i turned up sinre the evplos'.oii, and he says every- Hung hiippeiieil so ipiiikly that lie doubts wlicHier Hie men escaped. W lien Hie lumilies uf Ihe vicliiiis learned id tlie «tisasler Ihey giitlured lieloie Hie gale and liiaile frantic eflorls 1.1 gain adnii.ssion. Several frenzied women lougW Ihe oHiceis lo be alkiwcd 10 enter Hie mill to sec their loved ones. 11 iH'canie neeevsary lo call additional police to forcibly o.scyrt tlieni to their honi i. nnEAD.STUFF.S. Toronto, Jan. I.i. â€" Ontario Wheat â€" No. 2 rod, (lUc bid; No. '.i iiii.<cd, 70c usked, (Wc liid; .\o. 2 goose, G5c asked west, Clc bid east. Miinil ha Wheatsâ€" No. 1 northern, 80c iLskod, Owen .Sound, 79Jic bid; 80c bid Point f'Jdward. Peasâ€" 80c asked outside for 5,000 bush- els. Oatsâ€" 35%c bid on a (ic rate, fl.T.II. Ityeâ€" .\o. I', O'Jc asUcd outside. Other prices:â€" Cornâ€" .No. ;i yellow (.American), Wc lo W%c. Huckwiieal- ii2c to 53c. Flourâ€" Dull; Ontario. $2.70 asked fn:- 'M per cent. pat*'nt.s for export, buyers' bags, outside; .Si.Oo bid; Manitoba lirsl lalcnts, Jj-i.SO, seconds $4; bakers', «-3.00. cou.vrnY pmoduce. niillor â€" The market continues quid and tlrni. Creamery 25c to 27c do solids Z'ictoiJ."; llairy pr.nLs 22clo2.'V; do pails 19cto2(ic do tubs 1ScUj20c Inferior 15c lo i8c Choe.so - Qiiolalions are I3%c for large and l-lc for twins. Kggs- .Storage are (pioleil firm al 2ic and limed at 22c. New laid are noniiii- a' at from 30c to 35i'. Poultry â€" .Some storage slock sold steady to linn. Chickens, dre.s^M ft- to-IOc l''ovvl fie to 7c Ducks locio 12c Ccvso IDcto 12c Tui'k'ys 12c to tic Honey- .\l lie lo 120 Der ixmnd 'or pails ami W lo .$2..')^i for cnmbs. Potato; s -Onlarios are ipiotcd nl (loc lo 7;)c per bag in car lots here. Eastern, 73c to W)c. Halet linyâ€" Ouolation.s an' .$11.50 'o SI2 for No. I ImioHiy and .Si) for No. 2 in ear lols here. .S|ravv-i:a>y at $;.r>:) in car lots here. .M0.\TI.I:AL M.MIKFTS. Montreal, Jan. I.").â€" l-^ggs show very little change to-day. New laid ari' ipiot- e.i al 4"c; .se!,.cl mil, 25c lo 20c; Iniitil un.l co:<l-.stoiago. 21c to 2I>!;'"- Hutlerâ€" I'inesl Fuslorn Towii'^hips, 2iC Ic 2Gc; choice dairy, 23c to 2k-; wesl- 0111 dairy. Zk; lower grad.s. •20c to 21c; MiUiloba, 20c lo 22c; rolls, 22c lo 23c. Cheeseâ€" October make Ls quoted al 12Jic, alllioiig'i 13c IS being asked in .'oin.T quarars. Provisions -liarrcls short cut mess. .V.'2 to .S.'3; half barr.'ls, .•iitt.2,") lo .$I1.7J; char fat baik,.S2l lo'-:22; Inngeiil heavy mess, $20.51; iialf barivls do., .$1.75; dry salt long clear biicrji. |(i'.;;c |o u).^,-; banes iilale b ef, .$12 to .$1;!; h.iif bar- rels do.. .$tj..M) lo .$7; barrels heavy iiie.s,s beef, $11; halt bands do., .iKi; compound Inrds, ,s%c to OXc; pure lard, H%i- lo 9Xc; hams, 13c lo \'t}4i\ accnnl- iiig to si/.e; breakfast biieoii. 1.5c lo Kn'; Windsor liacoii, I5i' to Itlc; fresh kill'.'d aballfir <lre.ss<^d hogs, $'.(.75 to Sli); ahve, .$(•)!)() lo .$7.15. liiiekwluutâ€" 50;, to 5G'<;c per bushel, ox store. Cornâ€" Amoricnn No. 2 yellow, S'lc; No. 3 mixed. 5te, ex store. Oals On spot. No. 2 white, i2X<'; -N'n. 3 while, uy,c. lo «c; .No. 4, lo^c lo •Jle p^'r bushel, ex sUire. Pea.- n.iling peas. .$1 in carload lols and $1.10 in jobbing !o's. I'"loiir- Maniloba spring wheal, $t.25 Ic $i.(i); strong bakers', $3.'.ii) to $1.I0; winlei- wheat palei.ts, .$1.10 lo ,$i.25; striiielil rolliTs, .$3.00 lo .$3.70; do iii hags, $I.()5 lo $1.75; extras, $1.50 lo )i!|.55. .\lillfodâ€" Manitoba liriiii. in bags .$2o to $22; shorts .$22 to $22.r.(l; Onlurin bran in liags, .$20 lo .$21; shorts, .$22 lo $2.i..'i'i: millej mnuille. $21 to ,$25; .siraiglil grain. $2H lo .$2',) per ton. Ilolli'd Oa'.s^ Per hag. $I.<.15 lo .$2 in car Ills and .$ii.lO in jobliing lols May No. I. $13,511: No. 2, .$t2..M); No. 3 $1I..M); clove-, mixed, $11; pure clo- ver, $li.',50 lo $11 per ton in car lols. nUFFAI.O MAHKKT. Piiffalo, Jan. r> F'.niir steady. Wheal -Spring dull; No. 1 .Norlhern, 8t!:;e; Winter llriii; No. 1 while, 7Sc. Corn - SI longer; No. 2 yellow, â- I7>ic; .No. 2 wliile, .I7c. Oats- Finn; No. 2 while, 3;l>;; lo 3'.)JXe; N.i. 2 iiiixel, :t7?ic. Bar- ley- l':asior; sales at 51c. and elioiee I- ferod al 5'.<c in store. Hvt-â€" Dull; No. 1 Weserii, qiioled G'.ic. NFW ^oll^ wiiFAi' M.viiKi;r. New Yiri'k, Jan. l.'iâ€" S|xit steady; No. 2 red, T.le eteviit<ir; No. 2 red, SOe" f.o.li. alloal; No. I northerii Diiliilli, S'.ic f.o.h. iilloal; .No. 2 tiard winter, Mfie f.o.b. utioal. (â- ..VITIK maiim-;t. Toronto, Jan. 15.- Heavy deliveries were lO; orilc I al Ihe Western Cattle Market lo-d.iy. Ch.iice latlle in bulcliors' cIa&S(<s sold ipuikly Ihroit'lMut Hie day. Good 1 lads soUl al $t.-.'5 lo $L:ki, and .Mime pii kivl lots bnaighl $t.G() to $1.75 per cwl. .Mixed laltc;ler^' cuttle of a fair iniiilili sold III .S:( .'lO to .«(> Ii„.,,,< ,1 ••,â- ,,.><.,-, ,,,t,iv HI u OOI (pialit.v .sold al .$3.,-)0 to $t; heavy liiilclier.s', $» to $L;15; iiiixed lols and , $l..50 to $2.75; (at cows. .$3.50 to rovv>, $l..5( cows, 1111. all lo 9-i.i.i; lai cows. .53.50 to $3.75, and common cows, mixed, incluj- Ing eaiiiiei-s. $1.5(1 hi .$3.25 [lor cwt. l'',\|Kiit eatllo were needed by dealers who had ciiiilracled f<ir space on the . renn stoainers. ,\ >ale was recoixled al ii.5.15. A qu PI doriiand obtained in feeders. EASTERN DAIRYMES lEET Address By Mr. Derbyshire, the Association's President. At the annual meeting of Ihe Rastorn Onlaiio Dairymen's Association, held ;n Ottawa last week, Mr. D. Derbyshire, the President, in hLs address, wiinled out that not as much milk had Ijocii prixJuced a-s in 1005, owing lo Ihe short- age of pastures, but he fell conndent, ill view of the increased educational nd- vanlages of the dairymen, a greater quantily should have" been pnxJucvd. IK U'lievcd that cow-tesUng associa- tions, which were lioing established and encouraged under the supervision of the Dairy Commissioner, should receive more altention. Nothing aided nmre .n keeping up the standard in both ([uan- lity and qualily of milk than the ac- curate knowledge of just what each cow was doing for the owner. Statistics showed that about 100,000 more cheese wore made in 1906 than in I'.KJS, though :i' l!ic exports of butter a decreaso cf ISO.dtKl packages was noted. "Willi the high prices obtained," conliniied the .speaker, "wo llnd thai the estiinaled vulu.^ of cheese, butler and bacon ex- I'orle.l will amouiU lo about $IG..500,0'IO from the make of liXXj, and when you add to this $54,500,000, Iho value of these urticlos nf food, including milk, consinn- eii al home, we have a grand total of SIOI.OOi,iKK), which is .$G,0(.KI.ilO0 more than for Hie year 1905, ami a;; dairymen bocnmo U'lter ediicaiod in the work, they e.vpi 10 see the demand for both foreign and home consumption increase ouch succeeding year. fiOOD.S IN DETfEn CONDITION. "Ill Ontario lliere had been Ivv-enly- 0:glil inslruclui's and two sanitary in- spectors last year, and il was expected that this slaff would be incrtased dur- ing the present year, and eai-h inspec- tor mad ' a sanitary inspector. The work of Hie Dominion Dairy Cc inmis- sioner in the line of belter lrai,..,jorta- lion and i ei'rigeration had been much appreciated. The results of these efforts ha J been that goods had arrived in- Montreal in belter condition than form- erly, llie supremacy of the dairy in- da-ilry in l'.M5 had been largely due to Ihe addilional work of the instructors, the iiilliienic > of improved cool curing rooms and improved transporlation. "1 am proud of the fact that our dairy- men have been very prasperuus during the year just clo.sed, and I predict a continual ion of lliis prosiierity for the coming year," said .Mr. Derbyshire; "yet I regret that our manufacturers have not sharoil in that prosperity, as in most inslanc.'s they are paid the same prices only as r<iniierly. I do hope our dairy- men will carefully consider this mat- ter, which is, in my opinion, of vital inlereiit lo Hieiii, and not allow their old and trusted makers to retire from this busine.s.s, but encourage thcin by c-iving al least 1^ cents for manufac- turini,'. and urge them lo attend our casleni il.iiry scliool, which is so well o<iuip;'od to give them a thorough train- ing and thus enable thoni to do you iiiucli boiler service in the coming year." bucks, !>3 10 -^J-aii per cwi. .Milch cows were sloady to nrm al $25 t'l $55 each. lUigs wer.' qiioled at -Si'). 05 for sc'ClIs, and $G.-40 for lights and fats. * ROAD PAYING WKLL. Tlie Net Karninfls for Ten Monilis Were 8159,071. .\ d â- spateli from Toronto says: Fho Provinc.al (ioveriinieiit has received a reiiini [rmn the remiskaming ;.iid North- ern Ontario liailway, showing the net earnings of that railway from Jan. 1st, l.Klil, lo Ihe end of Oclober, of Hie saiiio year, to b' $l,->'.l.07t. For Ihe monlli .f Oelotwr aloii(> the pi-oss earnings aniouiik'd lo !'!52,H|S, with operaling .'x- peii.ses of ,$38.20S. leaving the net earn- ings al $li.,5t'iO. For llio corresiKinding iiioiilli of I!HI5 Ihe gross earnings ainounled lo $32,023, wilh operaling ..x- penses amounting to $1G,05G. 4 HIS UltlUi: A NVIDOW. .Vlrxander Crawford Fro/en lo Ueatli nn Prairie. .•\ despatch from Halllcford says; .Mexander Craw lord, a humesleader liv- ing litteen miles from ."^Iralhnioi-e, was frozen to (hiith on Hie jiiairie on Tliurs- day. lie was u son of J. W. (irawf<ird, a prosperous miller uf Durham, Out., ami was married in llial town to Mur- garcl Hyan only two months ago. DIVISIO.N OF KAILWAY TA.\. II Will Bo Eight Cenls Per Head of the Pupul.ilion. .â- \ despatch from Toronto says : It is oflicially announced that tlie distribu- tion among the municipulitics of the Piovince of their share of the la.\ on steam railways will amount to eight cents i>er head, based on Ihe census of KhU. From this aggregate due Ihe re- spective municipalilies on this basis there will be deducted ten cents per day for patients in asylums wfio are [Kiying to such inslitulions less than $l..50 per wc'.'k. The wurk of making these deduc- tions from the amounts to be forwarded l.> the municipalilies is proceeding, and as ruiiidly as po.ssible checks for the buU ances will be forwarded. The new act practically doubled tho tax nn steam railways, and the total re- ceipts from this source to the end of Decenit.i'r were .$375,GS;). Of this the (iovernment has laken .$30,000 to pay the salaries and expenses of tho Railway Hoard. Of the remaiiuli-r. one-half, or $l72.>i'i4, goes lo Ihe niunicipalities in the rale staled, and the other half lo the Piuviiicial Treasui-y. YYAS OLD AT l-XEVEN. nace lames .Viiderson's Rpmarkuble Through Life. .\ (lesp,-iic!i from Minneapolis. Minn., says: "James .Vnderson, who died here in Wednes lay. agi'd eleven years and Iwo iiionths, was, in Ihe opinion of the physicians, al leasl sixty, so far as the condition <i[ his vitals determine tho age (if a man. When six years old his hair began lo turn grey, his oye>ight begin I., fail, and he walked with the delib- orale care of a person who is advanced In years. .\s a young child he was ox- oeplionally bright, but his mcnt:il facili- ties were gradually failing for the last two years, so he was litlle better than a person in his dotage during the last few niMiilhs. lOlflS T O PACIF IC COAST Projected Fast Service to Canada Has Been Launched. \ desiiaU'h from Montreal snys : In eonneclioii with ciilile advices regarding the project of a fast service from Hliick Sod Hay to Ilalilax. il is learned here tluil the project has been launched by a svndicale foniied in l.inulon, in which piiiminent Hrilish ea,)ilalisls are iiiler- es'e<l. The project contemplates the es- tablishment of a .service between Ilali- tax and HIack .Sod Hay, un Hie west coast of Ireland, of a line of tirst-eliiss steiiniships, capable of cr<issing the At- lantic ill tliree and a half days al an average speed of 25 knots per hour. "The Cii-eut Untain, Irehiiid, and Canada l-'.xpress Route ' is the olltcial title of the project. The distance between HIack Siul Ray and Halifax is 2, too miles, aiul, wilii 25-knol steamers, tlie trip would be made in three and oiie-lialf days. riie dis- tance between RIack Sod and i.on.lon. fiGl miles, Wiiiild tie covered in about II hours, and belwei'ii Halifax and Mnnl- leal ill IS to 20 hours, .mi that mails ciiuld bo conveyed from Hie posl-ollice i 1 London lo the post-olllco in Montreal in less than live days, Ii-oin London lo Chicago in le.vs ttuiii six days. ;;nd Lon- don to Ihe Pacific coast in nine days. Willi proper stenmers on the Pacilic, it woulil he iiossible to deliver the mails 111 Japan in 17 days, and lo Hong Kong in about 22 days. Ttio pRiinoters claim, ill fad, that pa.s.sengers aiul mails can I-' landed in Halifax and sent on lo Chicago by the time Ihe best steamers to New York reach thai port. It is said the onleiprise has Ihe sup- port of Messrs. Chaplin. Milne and (Iren- tell, llie l.inlon-Cliirke (jimpany, Messrs. \ iekers. Son and Maxim, Me.ssrs. Swan and llinton, wlio are building one of the two new 25-knot Cunard steamers, and olliers. llie estinuilixl cost of establishing Ih© new line is £0, 17U,0(H1, llie time-table provides for live ste.i- mers and a bi-weekly service. It is understood tlial the promoters will ask an annual .subsidy of $t.000.i«i0 fioiii Ihe Canadian Cioveriiment and .$.">(Kl,0!Ki from the Inipcriul aulhoritioi. Ten years ago a Canadian Ciovornmeiil made R o«iiilracl wilh Ihe ,\tlons where- by tliey were lo receive $750,000 for » service of 20-knol boats.