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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1907, p. 8

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January 9 t9u7 •f> THE FLESHERTON ADVANC The Markets. Carefully Correctnd Each Week. o»i<i M t> ;u l'»-»« 77 to 77 R.'x.ley 45 to 45 Wh.'»t cr> to 71) Hny 7 00 to 8 00 Fotatoes per b«g 45 to 50 Muster 22 to K^^xfrcsli i;2 to Cliickfiis 00 to iiu.'fi.: 10 10 Tiirkejs 1 J lo D;i^kK 10 lo Iâ€" KiMmffc id h Bull For Service Thoro'iRhbrol sli.irthrrn ball forferricoon lot I'.l-na, r.. T. .V S. It., Arlcmoti*. P«digrav on nii'licaliuM. Turtirt'Jl. CLALUr. EKIN3 p.<- Weak Lungs Bronchitis i f(;ii(;n'Mrii!; i iiLii'iuiDLi: t In Fm i ture For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs, colds, weak luugs, bronchitis, con- sumption. You can trust a medicine the best doctors ap- prove. Then trust this the next time you have a hard cough. The bast kind of a tootimonialâ€" "Sold for over clnLty yeaxB/' Tlie largest nml b.>st 8»ock of furnitmo ovc-r Hlioini in F.'eshcr- ( '11. Tills williitit fjar'if coiitr.v (Jiction. Come diid K' t sonic of the >iice tliiii'o's ill Sideboards Dining Rooiri Cl^airs Parlor Sells Bed Roorri Setts A spcciil ro<li:cl!on just now oii evurylhiuK in < nii-r to rtducu tlie slock. W. H. BUNT rlssllSiilll! â-  lat. ! â- TO fXs^ J UsdlsbT J. O. A7or Co.. low«lJ, Auu uyuiufa^turarb of 9 SASSAPABIULA. if C / O iiaIr V:30b. •Wo huvo no oecrcts ! Wo publUll tba fonj^i -• of ail our me<liou;ea. Ayer'f Pills keep the bovvJireaular. All veeotablo and gently JaxatNo. «â- â- â- .' Groceries . . . & ^^ lion yon hjiM f;n ccries you ^ wniil tlu' buit. l'.-ili:i|;.s yoii do ^'^ n* not !;â- )(. w wliero tojrt't wlmlyou .:i? ^- Dill you fiver jro to Wri'^^lu's ^'S tt.^ for youiN? If yoti iliil ynu wi r • ^ i-uiti'il. If Vim iliilii't it will lie ag to yoiir a'lv;oit:iL;e to ilo so. V>'b ^4 hilVe 1 Slood K' 1- Clioll of nil killrlH ^'^ »i3 Strona f^ecsds And Skilled Ilfttia« to Ui« Irnir.l tbf fniiiotis l/nELLIO'xT Altoiid TORONTO. ONT. H1..1 Im propurly pri'ii.riil f'V Vm,iii'"< l.o,itioiis. \Vt! (loal I'nly In Hifjli I'.i'le liuhii:.-!..- K!ui-iili i.i, lliukiji-li-vu/yyoMor iiiiii) ftMl wooixn «Iioal.| Im*"'. Ovir K,h"ol li;i.iiiow ,li- lavt'xl itU'.inlio:<: in ji.i liistoiy. C .uiiiienci now. ricpiri' â- w^jll anil aui'jdn is c(-i!:iiti. No li-.u-K- f .r our urrii!ii.«''s 'o yd. |>o'iti.>in. C'lU'osuofree.â€" W. J. Elliott, IV.iiciim!, Cor. Yoiin mill Aluxun'lor Sts. "yifin-tea? Term Now on a; tin.- OWEN S<)(:NI), ONT. loit KtuiUiiIi iir.i H iinillocl at r.ny linu' w.lliout aiiv iiicoiivi'iiictico to tlifii.=elv>h .rothiTR. 'TlirujcompUti! mil tlioroiis'' ioirw<t ofstu.If: r.'isu;u.-s, Sliortloiml mil â- ry|M)writiii>;, ami I'ropir ilory. N" maiter «liii. your p.eaunt i-luriil^on is we orin li' yii f.«r u l.fii.T Jivyiii;,' |iositiioi Full iiKrticiiiiirs si'ut to any ilMiohs free. NViiti) to A FLEMI.NO. rnnclp'vl, ^Js^Zs! «^ of Oio'.-triis.l'louriinti Fei'il, jw »V A lot of '•Peifectioii" Syrii|), *« ^- the best ..l)lhi'>:il.K- for t.iMi- uso. gig <5* Tlii.i syiup is n banjain at 4)i •.* ""^' â- â- â- â- T.riia i.i„mrl " ^« ;,^ ^ uiiits a poiind w. n^ef' L. WRIGHT. Eugenia Di?d â€" At his homu, Eugenia, on Jnn. 1, Jninoi» Williatns, lax collector, paisoU away, the victim of that dreaded di«i'»»e, cniisuiiipiioD, At the age uf 41 years. Doc'.ased waa highly refpccted \'y all who knew him. He Wis a contittent member of the Meihodmt church 'from t!arly tnsiihond, also a membor of thu (>rani!0 order until loss of hoalili prevent- ed liiin from attendinu L.O..L. 1118 At Olio unit' his father, Mr. .loliii Williams, could )n>uv'. that ho had seven Ktalnait popN niardiiiia with him in 12th of July pioceMBii.ns ; now two are no riiore, the fither and iOii. His wido.v and "little (luuehter, it!io his lnothei.i aiid siatcrs, have the »y:iip»!hy of a larye circle of friirnds in tlu'ir sad bereavement. The fuiiiial to Salt'in burial ground was at- lended by a Urvio number of syiopithi/- iii'.r fri.nils, Tho pastor, Mr. (iiui.lin, ull't'-i.itoA^aBd the service was under the auhpftfA'of ijio Oinnije order. I'cv. L. W. TliMiii aJttii as.siati'd nt tlio house. Doittli t« .Mr. Willistng wa« fjain, he hav- ii:^ died iu i?J« hojja of a gloiious nsur- reciion. Mr. Wa'tpn Wiiliama of Toionlo at- lP!i;!ed ll:o.V itieial of Ms bii.lhor. Mix. .lMo*.j;ori i.i lyinj; very ill at tho lionie i.f her -.iater, Mrs. \V. (',';nicron, Oli 'hr 8tl! bnx,'. Ulr. .Jai«!v> Campbell who is f^i'lTerinii t'oni a r.troke of p.iralysn« Btill remains (eiy i>i>oil,-. ,- I'iss LiUInn Graham is very ill at preai'nt. Mr. Vi"ell Ori»h»m of Torntito is spend- iiio; h's holidiiy<iat the pircntnl homo, V.'.y.e VilU.' . .Mr. Low P!r^l,•^r.^nl wife also Miss i'lirih Pedlir of Toronto spiiit Ciiiist- ma'i v.itii their pnrutiis, Mr. and Mrs. S. I'e:llar of Hiimnier Hill, Eii:4en!a. The Oiiinptineii of 1118 luve hsd their bill nicely pftin'.<d and papered. It fhoWH tile spirit, of C)rani;ei.siii in not dead at Eut;ei.ii aft Konie of tho Imjies went and assiKted ptiKiiii; oD the pajior. 'I he few dnys remiiida one of iinlian summer, txcopt f^r hnow on tho orooiid. M.-i." F.i'a IVc''»ri< vieitin^ v.ith fr.i ni't ^t Sin>!h.uu[>';m. VaiMldeur Miinbcrley (BelJ ovet from laat week) Kinnberley L. O. L. 1340 met in th«>ir Inilgerooms on Thursday evening, Dec 27, and fclected the following offlcem tft tho ensuing year : W. M., Thompson Allen ; D. M.. Frod «tuart ; 11. S.,Robt. Abercioinbie ; F. S , Lyness Fawcett ; Trcas., R. Allen ; Chap., IT. V. Gaudin; D. of C, Jas. Lawrence ; Loots., R. Law- rence and H. Smith ; Com., Bros. Jasper Stuart, J. Carruthers. H, Smith, Geo. Lawrenre and Geo. McConnell. Audi- torsâ€" 11. Smith and R. Laivroncp. Mr. ami Mrs II. J. Stuart visited friends at Dandalk rectnl'y. Mr John Mclvco^an of CoUingvrood «I)ent a few days in this vioitiity last } week and was rlia gm-st of his sister Mrs' .lohn Smart, Miss Olive O.imAck visited frionJa at Clarksburg la«t week. Mit.s Claia Uiird attended l!io annuil revision of tho old boys and ^iil,4 of tho Muaford Hifjh SohoiO last%eek. Mr. E-'n. r Oorley wIm ha.i fpent the the results a.-t! past two yiurs in tho Canadian, ' " rclurncd h 'iiio recently. Mr. John Myles of llnilebiny, ac:oin- panied t>y .Mi.ssM^t'o Myli^ of lloailicote were the of Mr. ontK JUs. A. K. My lis, Springbrook, on Sunday lis'. Mr. r.,.b R. Fawcett ntttnlcJ tho SGOREO ANOTHER WONDERFUL VICTORY Om Hor« Added to th« Lon|( List of Cores Iffecte4 b/ FsrcUiit. Business Cards VrCULbOUOII 4 YOUNa l- H.-iahcr Maikdale Jos ftcnei-al lisukin^ business. Money lOaaod a 1 easouabiu laCu Cull uu us. T t'iIISLHTT, A • Poi'tmnsti-f, Ooilou. ''oiiiiulssiupei- In 11. ('. J . CotiTevancer, docf^s, luoiUia^os, leascR, wilia etc carotullv (irawii up t'ollt-ctions inai!?, chai'Kos reoiionalilu. AUu iiroourles, Hoiii , luwl e'.c, ki'iitlu sto'.^k, Prlcon <ii<Ul. " Pojtmastor, Flosliartou ..oininlKsloiK-r in H. C. .1., Aaitioneor Con veyancer, Apinnlser r.ii<i Honoy Leiidur Hiial Ka^Hic (Orel IiiHiirRncn Auent. Domts irort^Hi^os. Ipsm's nii'l willH carerullv ilrswu ui> ami valuatii/as made en plioitesi' ur.tU'o. in.)nc;.v lo loan iit luwost ralos ot Intovcnt. Col •inlionj attiiniiMl to with pi'nm|>tnt;ss i!hi>.r;;e» low. Ajjont for (Icoau Doniiuiou attaujslii;. Couipuay. A call »olieitad. D. ^!cl'ilAI[., Mceusn.1 Anclionoor for tho (Nullity of (Irov. TerioB niodurato and HalNfaotion i.'tinraiitt^O(l. Tlio ci-raoK(MOfntp and dates of sales can bn luatio a*. TUR Aovanok â-  iI'to. Kosidonc'O and P.O., Ceylun, Tele|iboiii) coniiectioii. Duo. 0.07. This young lady, who lives la Brown8« ville, near Woodstock, Ont., t«llH her own itory in a few effective words of hf.w lihe obtained deliverance from the terribla grip of weakness ami discMe. 1 have to thnnk raychlne for my riiescnt health. Two years ago I was going inio a decline. I coulij hardly drag myself acroes the floor. 1 could not •weep the i'arp«(. I( 1 neni fur a drlv. I had lo lis FT*28?;y^*5'^£S^^T^ down when I ""^^ came back. It I went fur a mils on two o n m y wheel I was too weak to lift It throush the Kate- way, and fast tlino I came In from having a • plu I drupjMd utltrlT hel|.!es3 from latixim. .My fsihtr would civc me no peace until I nr:x*urcd r.-y- chlne. knowlnuit w.',s excellent lor dccliue or weak- ri'O. I must say 1- peopio reii;aikeil i.iy iiapTovmcnt. Instrad of a Utile. p,ile. hollow fiiecked. ILâ- ill•â- ^«. uniamholy ttirl. I am to- lay full of life, rcvly fur « Kl<li,'h.rlde. a skatiuir taatcli, or an everiw;,- puny wiili aiivone, av.i a few mouths at;o i loula not siniKflo to (.".urcli^ 40 natl" from my home. 1 have never hud ilie elk-htest eauio to t™»r anv return oi lbs disease. ELLA UL'KUiL Woill). ISrownsvllle, Ont. Thonf^.^nds of women are using PSY- annual ineetiug of thafEast Grey ' ('^H^'P- bei-au;-e th.\v knew fr.i.ncsper- I)i;<iiiet s,,nfl .,» 'r„™„^.„.-- L f, ionce tb.tit in it they h:;vo a safe frienfl UiHi.ictS..n8of remporanoe at Thorn- .,„,! deliverer. Ps/chinp is a wonderfnl Mr. Thiii:i:is Oilray Is visititis his sister, Mrs. Geo. Wr'tbt. Mr. Charles .McCalluin, of H.lland (.'''iitru, renewed acquaintances her^ last we- k. Mr. Ja-pi-r Gilbert, and two sister , Je-isie and Olivo, spent Now Years with their sister, Mrs. Will llutchin.son. Vnndeleur Duision I. G. F. intend h 'bliii^ a box Bouidi in 'he liull bore Fri- day eveniii,?. , ' Dangers ol « v^cid tnd {io^v-to • Avofd 1 hem- Mor.> fatilitire have tlieir orI[,in in u! re^nlt froiiiacoM ihan from any other causn. This fact aliMii- hli<nil(l jieoplo more careful as Ihrie in no dainrer \\^>ate\'fr fi-oin a cold wbenit ii- properly tieati'd in the l.iinninif. For ma'iyyeaiti Chanilierl.-^iii's Coii^li Itemctly has been ri'Oot,'iii,'.e(l as the nir at prompt ami etrectnul nieilicine ill ti^ne for tlis tliseiu:o. It r.els on natme's plan, loosens the cmuli, relicvi-s tlic hiuirs, opens the pccr<»tions and aids nature ill restorini,' the system to a lieallliy condition. Sold by W, K. Richaids,.u Societies AG U \V meets oi, tlio lart Monday III oaoii month. In their loflf;u room, (Mirlstoo's block. Klesliorton. at H 11.111, SI.W., Kranlt Cliiird ; Hen. T. lilskelv, I'lnanclur, W..). I!ol,amy. VisitirK biethrco luvlti d. pUINCJE ABTUUIl LODQE, No. HS3,A.V.ft ^ A r.f. inc?otB ill tlio Masnnicliall, Straiii'ii Ido'-k, Kinshortoe. wverv Kriday on or before tli'i full loocD, W A.Armstrouj!, W M.; Hurb. oiuith, .SoLrctary, f. or All those ill iiinar.s liiiidor Twi'U! will plfafu^ .settle tho s:\iiic iimnodiatoly ;iml imieh oblige yours tnil}' R. H. Kinneai', & Sons {lirilTFLRSIIKnTON. 095, I. 0. P. noets In ^ flo istoe's lilonl. tlio lart \\ odntmdav oveiiiuf; of each niolilil. Vlsltloij Koreuters heartily WI li^oiiie, <", 11., Pr. Murray; li. H., Y. flur,ry; fin. Koo., f'. N. KIcliartlKon, PIvanft pay dues tu Fin. 8cc, before the flrst liav of tho month. pitOKKN KlilKNTS-FIcshorton fonnell of ^ ctiosen Friends meotn In (!la\ toti'i. ball ilrst find third Wednofiday of obclt moll t H p, in I'ay aH^eH^,»nentH to tile I'eror.ler on or lioforu ; ec first day of each niontli, ( liUif Councillor, r. HlakolojiUicordor, W. IJ. llu.,t. Medical DU (.'.AUTF.P, M r, â- MAXWELL O.NTAKIO l!!i RERHOVEO 1 Imvc inovod my tuiloriip.; c>tab!iRli> monl to tUa new 8lniid:ii-.l n.mli liuiMinj^ftiid am now doiii){ businctis III my jitw and iiMro cotnmodiour- qiwiUw. It will p-iy aiiyoiio wlio in ill need of u new suit to look us up, Sa J. BOWLER I' A H Out. riiyBlfilfln, BitrRoon, oto oilIcG aiiU jokIIoiicoâ€" J'etor at., floshcrtou HONOR Rt)LLS Report of Port Law School for Decem- ber. V â€" .Vlice Tlolmaii. IV Sr.-- Flo.ssie Simmons, Delia Ped- Ur. IV Jr.â€" Harry Meldrum, Elb.rt Corn field, (lerlio Tboinpson, III Frank Taylor, Wilfrixl MoNally, (joMrjiO Fisher, l'Mt;ar Jackson 11 .Sr. â€" Lawion:o Lyons, Ilia Tjyona, Miriliu Walker, Ilnrry Fiahor, Milioii Waker, H Jr.â€" MaiMliall Shcrwtxjd, Lizzie Osborne, liirtio Sliicrs. ll pt. Sr.â€" (iladys White, Myitio Wailioy, Annie Fislii'r, Darbar* Napier. II pt. Jr. -I'rank Sliiora, Millie Wliyte, Iva McNally, I Sr.-- Wilfred Uoulstnn, .\leta Ljoiis, Reiia Sliiers, Willie Wh^te, George Udell Fred Oaborno. 1 Jr, -Ilany Tlionip.son. 1 A.- Glen Roulfiton,Muiray Coriilield, Annie I'doll, AveraKC atteud.»pce for tho month 21. Ha.vnaii STArrOnn, Tenclur. bury on Fiiday lasi Mr. Ji.hii P.iown of Fevcrshatii r.cccm panied by his brother, rev. W'm. Rrowu f SioiifTville. were tho suetts of their brother, Emerson Brown, durin;' Christ- niss. Master RarolJ Proctor visited friends • FUsherton during the past week. Our Clubbing List; • Advance, *nerald and ♦Toronto World, daily J3 25 | Toronto Daily News 2 30 ! 1 80 . 1 7o' . 1 eo . 2 MO , 1 80 . 2 SO ti^nir, purifying the bh.'uj, driving out diseuFO p3ri'i:i, frivcd a rif.ri.onR appetite, aids digestion and araiinilation of fo<iii, .tnd ia a po.=i'.!VG trad abfcolntc cure for discar^o of t!iro.".t, chect, U:ii;is, stomach and other orgwis. It cpiiekly builds up the entire systom, makititi sick people well and weak iHJople etror.};. Weekly Globe • Mail-Empire F.iiiiiiy Herald & Star. T-iiiuito Star Fainiers Suu Farmers Advo.:,tte (pROnOUNCEO SJ-K£EN) for sale at all driiRpists Rt 50e. and $1.00 porlx)ttle, or at Dr. T. A. Tlocnm, Limited, Laboratory, 179 King t^t. Wr?t. Toronto. Dr. Root's Kidney I'lUnaro n sure and permanent cure forRbeiiniatisni, Brii»ht'»» Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms of Kidney Trouble. 86c per box, at all dealers. HIGM CLASS PfCTURES. . The place to oet the best Photoa is at liULMKUS rUOTOORAPH GALLERY. SPCCIA5. ATTENTION W,' pay Special Attciilionto Copjini; and li lilies' pictures. Pi.turo fram- ing a speci.ilty. Try us for any kind of picture* and we w II promise .':.!it;!!fnc(ion, Local Salesman WANTKU At once for Fkshorton and surrounding. distric'R. HIGH CL.^SS SPECIALTIES. in Fruii and Ornnraentid Stock grown and for ta'o by CANADA'S GREATEST NURSERIES A permanent situ.ttion for tue rikfht p-%rty. I.ilK'ral iiidiicementi. Pay weekly. Hand- â- oniB free outlit. Write for terms and cat»- loi^'iie, and 25e in stain: w fur our ruCKET .MAllNIKVlSo tiL^VSS. or 3l)c foriur HANDY MKTAf. II.VCK .S.VW. Stono & Wellington Fot>llii!i i^iurscica. (over 800 ACii-s^ Toronto Cntsrio ^ ^^5 ^Si^(^SS^^i^^^i^5S^X^5i£^^^S^ ^6^Y^ AND D» A.T. HOND Oradnalf. Tornnlolfnlvprsltv. *!om- le-r of Oiitaiio Cr 111 ne <j I'hyKlniiaiia anil Hur- ;',ujii?i. .Max-A'ell. On*. .Siiucussor to Ijr. Hcott. T V OT'i'P.Win.r, ' \'elorinary HnrKCon Gradnatn of Ontario Vutorlnary CoMcro, ruuldei'Co â€" Dcoiid door south wost on Mary strcot. This stroot runs south ('lesbytvriau Church. The Grip. ^ "Before we can symp.itliUe withotlMis wi- must have suffered omsilvos." No em- can reali/,v the suireiiiifr attrmiant upcai an attaik of the grippe, unless lie had the i-.xpriience Tli^'re i.s proli.ilily II" disease that causen bm inneh physical and mental apaiv, or whiili so sueeesntnlly d.'lies niti'ieil !.id. .-Ml danger from tlie K'ip. however, may l>c nvoi led by the pionipt usv^of C hainUirlain's Coiigh Item- eiiy, Among the bio- ul tluaisaiids who have used this remedy, not oi.f case lia» iver been repi rtcd that haa ie«n!iid in laiuiiioniaor that haa not recovered. I'or >!du by W, K Kichai-d- II \V1I.S;1N, lllarU. nii!h inuliifttn ot tho Vo'Rrlnftry Holanco A»:MOol&tloii. l^;Hidtlllen, Durham Itruot, op- puiiiu lioyd.IIlcklli.g'B hardwai'O. Legal LtJOAS WniOHT * AfcAltDT.F I' Kidlcltors Coiivoyanoorn, oto Oninesâ€" 0\v*ii fioiiii.!. (Int and Marktlalel^iit W li Wrioiit, I II Lucas N n-Flopborton ofTice, Mitchell's rank ftery baiurJav, Dknttrtry D-. E. C. MIIRBAV I., n. K, dciUat snrijflon hioio.«>-sdiMto of Ternnto Uidver^lty and Itoval 1 ollfUrio' linnlal SurKMom of ontaiio. ilas ndiulnistratiun for tcotli estraclion plDc* at rtiidance, Toronto itraael, flMhaton An interostin;^ ease was tried t-.t liatrie recently. Mr, Millaul puruhased a team from a fanner near Unnie for ^t^iioll and the horses were lilivered next day to the buyer, Tho following day Millardiilurn> <i thu team saying .uie was h.avey. The farmer refused to take iheni bnck ui dthcy were Utl m the lao. , The faniitr tnincd tbotn cut on tho road nhere they leuiaiu- I'd for Homo weeks. Tho check Was md cashed and .Midaid bubid i'.h payment in tloi I aiik. Thu farnier sued Millaid loi the price ol tliu hoisus and wiinesxus ap- peUleu oil both hidis. T«o vels pin 1. ii'culilie horses uuhouikI uhile the farmer neighlxiri who knew tho aniii a a claimed thai they wore sound. The case went lo a jury and ilie fanner won the getting judgment fi r IMoO and oo ts which will likely lun up (o|dC<'a',ti>g.ther, ^^J3Tk\ A splendid selection of first class vehicles to choose ffOtU ->«<â-º s^.-f ^.^ ^-«f g i « « Prices and Ccrnis Kigfcf « <& I J. li. HEARD - = Flesherton ^^i^'^il^'^l^S'^^^::^;^;:.^ D. jvictavish: II mum am For Firs'u Class liu^oies. Carts, Tie vsure and Lumber Wagons, cullers, Sleiijhs. \\e koep a ,stock on hand to choose from, ALSO MORSE SHOEINU ANDOENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and L'usrantoo (irst class wotk. We keep on hand T'loughs and Plouoh repairs, and Mas,sev- Harris and Noxon repairs for binilers, Mowers »ll kinds "of nia.hiuory, also Binder T«ine on hand. t» Oiben in town div( isa cdll %

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