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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1907, p. 5

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k â- ' â-  ♦ â-  •t: : t: •• : \ > : I * t a. TilE FLEESHERTON ADVANCE January 9 l9o7 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Having moved to Uioir new qiiai-lc-i s (I('.8ii63 Iheii' luuny l,atioti3 to call on tbtni at tlu'ir new oftics. Main St., where a rtgnlar banking busiiicss is trunsactefl. Mon- ey livai'able for legitimate bnsiiKss enterprise. latiTcst allowed on drposits of one dollar tii'A up'.vaid, com- pounded half yearly. CfEce hours 10 a in to 3 p.m. Batuidavd 10 a.m. to 1 p. m. Standard Bank J lesbcrtc n Vicinity Chips .lo!lictt« uvinJor Hi iiicii plates for sain ohenp. Geora'.iin Buy Power Co.,Eu;;enia. For njimay at lowest rates, Iiind secur- ty, no to A. S. ViiiiDuseii, Fleslierton. Dr. Uaniill Irva b'sea appointed pc.ii- mnster at Meaford. For S tieâ€" Stick bull for shIl- 2 yearn pl.l. iip;!ly Vv'. J. Sini[>.non, Fli!sluTto!i Pnst Office. ISftil) Mrs. Dr. Ciirior is visitii)i» ber molh''r and sister, in Tnronto, th;s wiek. Coltd for sJe â€" one yenr old coach filly and one !ie>ivy diauuht fiily, Ruckpr. Apply to W. J. Moore, lot 170 T. S. It. Tbo subject at tho Biptiat church next SunJiiy morning iis "Tho Fai'uro who Succeeded." The quartette will sing. Mrs, Spesice'a little daughter, Irene, has been seriously ill at her home ui Toronto but is now recovering. Youiii' Eiiglii^hiuan latily out w^nts job on firm. Bom on fiinu all his life. Apply to John Coulston, Eu'^eeia. The Fleaherton Hotel Co. are adver- tising for a tenant for the handsoraa naw hotel which is now nearii'g completion. Mr. Jos. Moore of Winnipeg is ."spend ia:{ this week with his brother Will, in town. Hound lost â€" .\bout nine months old : mostly ail white, three black spots on ri^ht siJo. A reward 18 offered for his return to A. Wdson, barber, Flcsherton. \Yc are sorry to report Mrs. J. Oir^o very sick and bopo Ihero will soon bo an iinproTcment, Mrs. Jane Thoin;80ii Is also voiy low. Public Noticeâ€" All parlies are here- liy warned that I will not be reaponsihlo for ar.y d'.-bts contrr.ctcd in my nameâ€" John Sciiley. Mr. Robert Cleniis haa sold his farm near L idy Bank and is bavin? a bi<j auction sale of stock and implouuuits on thj 23rd inst. a". S. Thurston has a good stock of 2 for 5c cards on hand now. Lojk him up and sen what be can do for you. Adv.nncn 0;K 0, Fletheiton. Mr. Alfred Thistlewaito will start a milk dnlivery in Klcsliertoii if he can get tutlkient piitron.'itje. Will those desirini; his pitronage plejso apply to him. Dr. CaldwoU'a sunn in, next Sunday A. M. "Where When and How Adaui and Eve hil Th«iii»oIve»." P. M, "The Wonders of S.ilt. Are You Sailed?" Rev. and Mrs. J. S. I. Wilson, Mr. and Mr?. Ptopboiii, and Mrs. W. .\. Annstronn of Marhdalo were visitors at Mr. W. A. AriiiB'runf^'s in town on Friday last. Get your chopping done at tho Eloclric Plant, Eugenia. Satisfaction guaranteed on clean ^rain. Come eaily in tho day and avoid the rush. Mr. David UoU-rts of Lady Bank i« now a licenced Auctioneer for tho county of Grey and is prepared to at tond to all galfS eiitaus'ed lo him promptly and at modarate charge. Notice -If the party, and they are known, who took a set of whiffletroes off a Bain waijon tha day of my salo will place th.m wla-re tliey cot their it will save them trouble. â€" F.N. Field. Boyd & Blrtkoley's mill Jam at Flesher- ton burst on Friday. Three other dams broke forth, besides the special ones sop- plied for the occasion by Mr. Boyd and Mr. Blakely.â€" Toronto News. A line of leather gooda,iocIuding music rolls, pocket books, purses, satohelc, â- chool baus and razor strops, just placed in stock, also men's fur lined working (oata and the usual stock of win^ good*. f/, lloore, FlMhenoo. For sale cheap, tasy terms, 1 cutter, good as new;^oo(J cutter rib«,iIino8t new; New string bolls and horse blanket. R- â- ). Si-RonLB, Fleshortoii. air. W. J. Orr, of Toronto line, "ave a piny to some ii6 youiij{ |a!opIijon Tburs- 'i:iy tvenii.t; last wlicn a very enjoyable time was spent by those present. NoTiCK â€" We are prepared to run our chopper every Wednesd ly and Saturday ,viiiiiiinncioi; Jan. !)cli. Many thanks for priht favors. Your obedient servant. G. Colli. -iso.v. JIrs S. E. Turner retanied 8:iturday to Toronto afier a weeks visit willi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. .Ad.inis of Flesberloii, accompanied by bur friend, Miis M'lggio Ckrk of Pricuviile. Local (Jpiion won in Proton. Mark- di«le, Menford and Cobina«ooJ still hna the toddy. Toronto Junction retained local option 'ly an increased majority. Tho Vote ia stood 408 for, 217 ii:; There wore ten candidates io tho 6eld for pi dice tru.stee»of this viUagrt. The three popular niWi (.iroved to be Mark Wil.-on, W. W. Trin.l.le and W. n..yd. Mr. Crofislty was defeated by only one vote. He ia d'fcu.^sin^ a recount. .Mr. aiid Mr». Danii 1 Pheik (si.stor of Mrs. T. U. Scliell) and A'^ues Sherk I'f Muliirave spent their h'lMi.vs at; the hnine of Mr, and Mrs. I. R. Sohell, Proton Station. The anmialmecting.jf the Royal Scarlet Chapter of Aitemesia district will be held in Fb'.sherton on the eveniin; of M inday, Jan. 14, where elect im of otficJis for the ensuing year will take place. â€" Ed Thompson, Comp. Scribe. Mr. Sanester Flemphiil, oC Ceylon, will supply the Priceville Baptist pulpit next Sunday as Mr Kipp is preaching the aioiiversary sermons at Rockrale that afternoon ai 2 p. ra. and in the evening at 7 30. The Kimberly C. O. F. will hold a concert on the cTcring of Friday, Jan. 18. Harry Lloyd, Toronto's best society comic, will supply tho fun. See bills fr other nuuilcrs on a g' od pri'gran:, and o-her info rni.ilinn. To the electors of Arteniesia : T duly ii|)pr;'ciate the honor you confeire<l upon me by placing tiie at the head of the poll and heartily ihanlt you for the same, and as»u-e you that iny earnest aim and s'uJy as iu the past will be ycjur best interests, and to merit tlie geneious uxpreusion of your confidence. Your humble servant, T. R. McKeszie. Mr. Mill, tho new principal of the ]iublic school, and Miss Farijuharson, who has ch.irgeof the intermediate fi'rni, begin their duties on Tl.utsday last, but a holiday ajjain on Friday owing to the b:id;;e bi:D:< impassable. Mrs. Mill aid little daunhier arrived on S.iturday. They have taken up their abode iu tl.e residence recendy occupied by the latu l^'riocipal, Mr, M.iiisell. Mrs. Geo. .Mitchell of this p'ace was called lo stleiid the funeral of her inotber, Mrs. Andrew McGirr, of Menford, who died on the 3rd at the age of 78 years. Ueceused was, with her husband, a pioneer of 0.s|Mey township. Her maiden name was Siwusanah Shore For 'iity years she wasaconsitent and devout member of tho Methodist church, liur a;;ed husb:ind survives her, also, two sons and a daugtiter â€" Robert, William, and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell of this place. lotn- meut took place iu Meaford ccm.'tery on Saturday. Cauu of Thanks I \)eg to thank tho pei'ple of this umi.icipalily in the niokt emphatic manner for the handsome wny in which they sapporled lue in the past municipal election. .\s Deputy Kceve for tbo largo and prosperous township cf Arlemesia it wdl be my aim to work, both in the inuuiLipal council and at the cu.inty council, so that no dLscr'jdit will be reflecWd upon the intelli,jeut electors who have granted mo such an overHowiiig evidence of the confidence they place in me. Your buuiUo servantâ€" W J. Meaus. K very sad funeral was that of Mrs. U. V. McPhail, of I'ricovillo, last Fridiiy, as it w^ just one mouth since her mother, Mrs. .Arch. MeLeau, was laid to rest in the same cemetery. Mrs. McPhail, nee Sarah ftlcLean, aufforcd greatly for over a year from caucar aud her pasting away on tho morning of the 2nd inst was a happy ruiVRSo from terrible pain. The funeral took place and was couduoted by Rev's Matheson and Kipp, both of whom gave short addresaes at the service held io the Piesbyterian church that day. To mcurn ber loss, Mrs. McPhail leaves a husband, a father, Arch. McLean,and seven sisters and one brother. . The Sunday School Entertainment and Christmas Tree of the Ba|)tist churidi was held last Friday evening. The church was well filled and an excellent program was thoroughly enjoyeil by .ill. The pijzes for tho year were awarded to Gladys Cornfield, Ida Wyatt, " Oordin McKinnouand Willie Wilson. Besides the usual program of music, recitations and dialouues given by the children, the church quartette sang two numbers and tho pastor, Mr. Kipp, sang a solo. There has been oonsiderale agitation of late in favor of improving our standard of horse flosb, especially iu the agricultur- al and clydeedale classes. However the only way in which horse breeders can hope to make a financial success is by possess- ing the right stock to breed from. We want to to call tho attention of our read, ers to a consignment of registered clydes- dalea, c-msistiog of about thirty fillies and a few choice stallions which are now cros- sing tbo ocean and which come direct to this district. This iiDpirlatiou is by Mr. Thos. Mercer, of Markiale, and is his third lot wit hill a year. Mr. Mercer has been notably succe.ssful, especially with iiiipurtoJ lillios fvr the past two years at Toronto and Western shows and this time as usual, he may bo counted <m to bring nothing but the best. He is expected to ariive home about the 12th of this month an.l will tak'! this stock direct lo his own les at 51aikdale for private sale. This is certainly advcrtisini.' Mr. Mercer, but the importation of stock is an induitry worth encouniijing and a golden oppor- tuniiy for the farmer and breeder to get the proper article. The annual meeting of the Methodist Sabb.ith School was held iu the basement of the church < n Friday evening last. The Treasurer reported a balance on hand of §45.71. Messrs. b', G. Karstedt and W. U. Bunt Were appoiiiied auditors for the bojks for 1907. Tho ollicors elected were: â€" Messrs. M. K. Richardson, supt.; W. U. Bunt, asst. supt ; W. J. Bellamy, sec; A. S. Thurston, librarian; Rob. Bellamy, a.sat. librarian; and Miss Ella Karstedt, organist. The teachers elected ware:â€" Mrs, W. H. Thur.ston, Mrs. W. A. Arns'rong, Mrs. Joscidi CI ntnr, Mrp. W. Moore viih Mrs. CiCC- C.ddwell as asaistant, Mr. Edgar Bellamy, Miss K. D Ua.ey, Miss Reid, .M'ss M. HaloH, J'l^s T. U.'uderson, Muss F. E. Thurston with Mi-s. W. Bunt as ossi.stant. The number of pa|;era ordered for the coming year are:â€" 15 seni.r ijuarterlies, ;i,j t)ii',va;ds,l;j Pleasant Hours, 70 t! Leafs, monthly, 11 Banuers, 1 P.oroin Leaf Cluster. Mr. Bunt exjjbui od the ri pirt read at the eutertalnnicnt on Xew Years evening was deceptive n ht it gavo the alteiubinee oi ly of ilie wlioo it should have iiuhiKd the olli'-eis and teacher, thus lriu:int; the averaj.'e attendance up to a'jout sixty live. Ex?!)sctant ^r"* should take " Bn-Ju " d'.irinK this trying time. The extra strain, weight aud undue pres- sure on the delicate orj;ar.3 often irritate and inflame the kidneys. This net only iiicrea-ses the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the health of the baby iu jeopardy. keeps the kidueys strong and vigorous â€" neutralizes Uric Acid in the blood â€" relieves Irritated Bladder (Cystitis) â€" acts as a mild tonic on all the female organs. A "Bu-Ju" pill at bedtime takes av/ay the sharp pain in the back â€" relieves the dragging, bearing down pains through the hips â€" prevents Constipation â€" is the best protection against Kidney Trouble during pregnancy, At all druggists, or direct on receipt of price, joc. a large box. 87 THK SLAFUN CHEMICAL CO. UMITCD unMDSoa, OMT. Farm for Sale* Lot»84and35, coa. 8, Oiipr«y. WillsoUlOO, loO or 200 acres. Situated 12 miles from Col- Uni(wood and one and a half miles from SiiiK- hampton. A good frame bam and stone basu- m«nt, brick house, farm well wnteied. .'Vdnpt- «d (or a stuok farm. For further particular!, apply to ROBERT McCONNKLL, ISfeb SioghamptoD. Tarm for $ak* r.ots 171-172, 3S. W. T. & S. B., Arteme»ia contaitiiiif; ll'J acres, UO acres oluared, TRond p-is- ture farm, frniiio Uouso, lof^ barn; well fouccd aud wuUtoJ. Apply to W. H. HALKH, Do22 0fi FricoviUo, P, O S SKATING® t The riuk will be open for skatinR nn V*< 1, Tuns., TlluvK., and Kut., nveninKS. pj C Itandin Ktte:nlftnuu TtjoH., uveninus. V*^ t Skating Xinaa aftoruoon witli Imiicl. 5w^ ^ J. O. PAITON, - . proprietor O Fowl and Qrain for Sale Brown Leghorn Cickerels for sale, also lartar King seed oats, (^ond to stand up. W. BUSKIN mount Pleasant l^erd* Of purebroil scotuh Sliortnriis with the faiiiiniH \oiui(,' .itoek bull, Scuuisli Chief, ht tlia huati. Youug stock for sale, prices rmit oimLle. terms easy. ouiiarDo7 B. ALLEN, Prop. 170, Con. 2, E.T. A S.B . Pure Bred Camv^ortbs and Berksbires 1 have for sale soiiu- puiebred Tamwcith sows, also two nico pure, bred Berksliire boars nearly ready to wean. (" Satisfaction ifuai-au- teed M.17 07 -a. W. Ross, Maxwell. Farm forSale. Lot 33, con. 1."!, /Vrtemesia; 100 acro.s, 30 cleared, 50 acres hardwood bush, 30 aeros swamp, (iood frame house and log stal)l»«. and loi; stables. Well watered. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to uov27 R. W. McMuUen, Eu«ama. Sbortbcrn Bull Tlic thoron({hbrcd .Shurthoni Bull, "Favor- ite," li'iL';!."), i.s for .service on lot 27-ii,S,2nd range N. D. R.,.\rtemesia. Pedigreeon application. TuruisSl,2i5 \LEX. .Mcit.VE, Ceyloa Tamworth Boar for Servics A tlloroufjlibrc'd Tamworth hoar forserviOB ou lot .â- >, oou. lii, Usprey, Tormsâ€" #1 for yraUos DAVID ItllDEltTS For CUinfer CUear Slippers, Overshoes and Rubbers FOR SALE AT CLAYTON'S ^ ^ <9 We have already received a very large stock of new ^ goods, and invite you to give us a call, expecting a ^ good bargain. We will not disappoint you. ^ Custom mork and Repairing Httended to ^ \m^ JL//^ S FX-.ESIi:iaRTON, ONT, ;1^^>T-^T\^Tj^/:a:?.-;:>^^^^^ > > 1$ Your rim^U P â- J Now is your time to get a good bargain iu all lines of » ,; goods. New goods arriving every day and at the right e-^ prices. J.'tj , t^i\ "^ ^ Come and get a good fur coat at the right price, both S/^j ^•j for ladies anil ii'.en. Also a good assortment of men's t.%< r.i boys' and youth's Coats; Men's and boys oil p^ > taimcd larigins. Men's and boy's 50c cups for 3")c. * < XMAS PRESENTS r^ * ' yi We have a good a.-5S()r(:ment of Xina.'-i presents for the fe • ^- children and are all ready. JSanfa Clause can load up |;g any tune. i5.r>F>IL.E3 Foil SilLK [\Jas. Pattison, Ceylon. Call and see our splendid variety of gents tics, scarfs and Ways mufHcrs; Ladies collars, belts silk waists, llingwood gloves in gray, white, black, red and blue. ^ Touquesand fascinators at reasonable prices. Bsar Skin Coats for Baby We have n number of the finest bear skin coats for the baby you over saw For ?2.50 to $5.00. Also little mulfs and ruffs combined for 50c. Ladies Coats We have a number of the finest coats in twoed.s, light and dark for. . . .18.00 Qcnt'^ Coats A lino range of Gent's coats for $10.00 Christmas Confectionery Just arrived, a lar?e shipment of chocolates, creams, nuts (Brazils, walnuts, filberts, peanuts) and California oranges and lemons. F. G. Karstedt I Flesherton - - Ontario. 1 ' %%%%%% %%%^/»%%%%%%% %%%1V%% %

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