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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1907, p. 4

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r^ January 9 , 1907 t- JU g THE FLESHERTO N ADVANCE BIG F. T. HILL & CO. JANUARY is tli.' iiionih t!mt we (jrepiro f^r stouk t:\kinx. Jiriuary is tlio iii mth th'il r.) start to prune d'lwii tile utocloi frmii lliu diff'reiit Jejmrtineiits. Wn linn't oxpuct to make pintit ill J?iiiu»ry, bu' nitlicr rxp> .t tci losi! iiiKii-v, licMoe llii- niaion wn siy \hif money Raviiif? inilucciiientH all t!ii()U„<h the Bioro. Tiie Jiiii- ury S.ile pr.cif tickets nil tuii of lji>i reiliietiDiis. Cuiiio if hut to rcilizu the power of ruaJy m')ney hero I.AUIKS Slvd'.TS l!EIi\G SACRIFICED. $2 76 to ili 7.') viiliii's fi.r SI. 75. 8') aiily Luii(!S winter hkirts id excellent (pi:itiii'« <jf beiivy allwool I'nezes mill lloinesjiuiis, ulsii goiiio hox cloths in the Int. These v%liieH lire rciliy renmrkiililo as the skirts we :ire RclliiiK mine uro worth Icjs than 1^2.75 and none are w<oili leHS ihan ?2.7i> niiil iii.vny are worth up to ?4.T">, hut they iire limlien aHjorlrneiita and wu want ^o oell ihfiii <iiiickly, yi'ur choice for §1.75 EIDKRUOWN CLOAKINGS. piecci only of Eiilerdiwn Clonkiiies fur Children's coHiK III pl.'iiii and th« rc^rular jirico. f.Oe hues f..r 7oc hues for ei.tKJ lines for . . . fiuiey cnlors. Ho oil hand all selling; at just half early, dust tliiiik : 25c. 37k- t;0o ."» 3 S 3 JANUARY SALE OK GAUNTLETS Men's, Liidie's and Cliildien'« We boUi;ht he.ivy in tliese linen and as the pcasen lisH been a mild one t!ie trade for ih se liHes his licit h.^en »H active as we expected but we do not wish In c:irry tlioui over so we are iiiakini; the cut deeii to insure quick seiliiiu. 75 purs of .Men't I'dack Curl Gauntlets Ro warm ami cniiifi/rt.iblo for driving or street wear. January sale piice, per pr 98o LADIES (JAUNTLETS 60 pairs Ladies j;''"y ""'J curl Gauntleis, all sizes ill the lot. Regular values ii5c and 1.25. Janu- ary price reduced to per pair 583 GOLF JACKETS 3(5 only Ladies and Mi.sses Golf Jaekets in white, red, blue and black. Regular values 98o, 1.25 and 1 50. To clear quickly your choice lor 48o CROCKERY 15 only Pcitclenn Tea Sets in colors of brown, bine and ])ink. Renieinber, 40 pieces in all and the price about half, selling at per «et 1.48 MANTLES We have about 50 Mantles which are last season's styles but are all made of Rp'endid n^atoriala and cond woikuiaii.fhip. Tln.'Si" are .Mantles that represent 4.50 5.00, C 00 and 7.30 selling;. We are puttinij them into two lots and the price is almnst nothing, just think â€" 25only Lidies' Jackets as represented above, yniir choice for ... <)8 25 only Ladies' Jackets, as represented above, your choice for 78 MEN'S FUR LINED COATS 4 only Men'* Fur Lined Coats with Persian Lamb ("iillars, also Riis»iiii Otter with sjoi.d ijuality of Ker- Bey shell. Regular price 25.00 andSO.OO. January Bale price 18. 50 ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS. 2 only Ijtdira Fine Electric Seal .lackels. Satin lined, Reuular price 3C.O0. If they are your size the pric • 's 19.50 CIULDUENS GAUNTLET.S 48 pairs Children'R ('leatn Curl Gauntlets, all sizes, warm and coiiifortahle for children's wear, Rei;iilar 55c and UJc values. January price pet pair 2'Jo. MEN'S HEAVY UNDERWEAR 150 pieec) of .Mho's I' in heavy all Wool and tine uiisliriiikablo liiiei representing 75c, H.'ic and l.OD valuis. J iriuary clciriii^ pri-'c, your choice for. . . ,58 ASTRACMAN JACKET.S. 4 only Ladies;k .-V.straehau Jackets with Farmer'^ sa'in hiiiii/. 'I lieso are last year's styles, hence the loasnn f"r such alow price. You can have yair choice for 10.00 MEN'S TWEED PANTS 100 piiri nico'rt heavy and lino twee I nant.s, odd lines but, all »iz-s in the lot, 1.50, L75, 2.00 and 2.50 cleiri'i!' for ^AWRM MAPKPALE incK, 1.48 mm^ nt Jcsii^rioji. ttivmti^,!:::::::::;::::^ his beroavenient, but believe hi.i is jliis departed loved one's naiii. ek and mdd weather f»iw I (|ioiu,iTiiiy iiii..! »|ioiu'u the Hleigliing for ilio u' l,nbli.,h..d every 'llmwbiv at fd.OO ,„.,' present, wo may console ouiTeUes Riinuin if jiaid in aiivunee, if l.oii if iii>l mo paid, with the thtiUitht that wo never Saw lioer All Hiili.cri\>er p,viu/ ^llletly iu , weather at this time of year. adtaiic- x«t the Moiureal l(ei;vld one yoari ^ ' free ail a iirriiduiii. ' ___^________^_____________ AJamaicaiiLadySpeaks HiRhly of loll. Li,,,. Chamberlain's Cougl, RemeJy. Mrs. Michail Hart, wife of tlio siiiicrinted- _,, . .• . I, -1 xj ''"' "' *'•"â- ' â- ''*'â- ' ^ i'"> at Kini,'Htoii, .lam de;., The tai niJetlMt! at I'rovidonco on New j Went Imlien Ubiidif Kiy» thatsliel .i»f,ir nome yonrs cveninjj was a unind succdss tnd, vears le-ed (nmnilierlain's Couj,-!! llennily f,ir ., 1 1- I . t d-.i 1. lennjrlis. ciiini>nnd wlior.i)iii,< eolith and li;ui the hi leiidld amount of ?.).) was raised to,f,„„„i it very beiii-fieial. ,sl,e Im- be iiiiplicd on the debt or. the church, ['""'ideiieo in it aiel wouM not Iw withimtuf it T,, , , 1 1 I f, . :, . „ hi her home. Sold by W. E. llic!i.ird»«n. The I) wore enough eatables left to aive ai __^ BUCHANAN Id.; Focial on Thursday eveiiin;;, briii|;iiif{ thfl sum tjtal up to nearly 805. There was a splendid program and the pcjple enjoyed themselves thoroui'hly Mrs. Matilda Ibichaian died at the Too! home of her son, Joi-oph, Meaford Ro»d, much praise cannot be yiveii the ladies! .-Vrtirae-dn, on Friday list, .Ian. 4. Ma- for I hiiiKS provided, espocially Mrs. T. j tihi.k Carson was born in the county of Cooper and Mr». J.Oltewell vho con- 1 Tyrone, Ireland, in October lSi4 ami tnhiitoi so largely to its success in ilM! pissed away from this life Jan, 4, 1007. ii>itial stage. In 1840 .she «aa inatried to the lalo Win. Court Fevorshain, No, O.'U, C.O.F., ' "uchanan then of the fame c< unly. A of breaking these socinl ties is not imme- diate,, however, as the rev L'eiitlemaii 1ms agreed to renj.iin for six inotiths or until another p.i.slorcun bu dociired. Car of corn for sal- r.t stalion. ,.T X- W, lioyd. All j.iirlies indebted to T. Ll.iktly .t Co, Will kindly p,-iy their accnutita »l once ot J. & W. liojd-T.l!lakely&Co. The Supeiiiiteiidents and leaeheis of the Methodist Sjhh.uh School an 1 some youiit? i.eople of the town met at Mi.^. W. A. Armslronji's on Tuesilay eveniiiL' and presented Mi.vs L. F.iwcett with a (iiMinond and ruby liii^.. Miieh regret is occasion- ed by Mis.s Fawciti's departure and nil wi^li her (very prosiiority in her new field of labor in Tarn. Toriiiiy (li.stBseof the nkin ite can reconv inenil ( limnlierlaiii'n .Sahu. It relieves the 1 telling ,ind Imininp hens.ition Inntantlv and soon pljeet* a enre. This salve in nlsi. iiivnl tial.le f„r sore nipples, \V. K. Uicliaranon. elected their ollicers on Friday evcninij! list for the ensiling year. This court is few iiioi:ths later they eair.o to Canada, spnndiiin two years near I'.ranipton and 111 a prosperous condition, liavinj? 42 "i 'vod to Aitemesia in 18D0 where they inetnbvrs iu t(ood standing and fllo in the treasury. Miiw Jem Roi;ert) has returned to her duties at No. C, where she will tench another year, this being the third year for her tu loach in (his section. Miss Watson is also teaching iu No, C fur another year. Mr. Dun Murphy is spending tho winter in these parts. Mr. .\ndor8on of Cidlingwood is tho lived on the Rravel road >ix years and oiculually purcha.scd the farm i:ow occu- pied by their son, Mr. J. is. I!uelianan of the Meaford Road. Her husband died in March, 1,S!)2 in hi.i C8ih year. .She was a christian fioin very eaily in life. Although no one can reniumher the date of lier conversion, yet her earnctl, con- sistent life hits been sufliciiuit proof to those who knew her beU. Shu had betn very poorly br some time siid the end was very iiuiet and peacof'il. The f uncial puest of Harvey and Charley I'erigo of i„ok place on Sunday to Markdale ceine Fevershani. | tcry. Four sons and a daughter remain Louis Whewell of Aicola, Sask., is to mourn hur loseâ€" Robert of Oxnioid, 'IVn,ler»will beieceive.liip to 2Htli .Taiiiiarv I'.IO, liyihe Hrnl.eitiiii Hotel Companv L'l'd for renting their new Ibitel intmiiieR. " House (L'x .'â- lO. ;t*t iri-y'roiitaiiiiii'j'J.S rooms. Stal.len l^ x M, ;(Bt..reyM. V„t p.anieulars a|'l''.v to. 1^ (;. K.VR.STKDT, j'"'24 President. Flesliertim, Ont. ^(l|If.K u horeliy (jiveii that tlm Annual (oncrar Mnotinj; of the .Shareholdois oftlin l'1'.-.liTton IIoU-1 fompany Limited, will be lield in Clayton'.^ Hall, Klesherton, on W ediie.sday,-.>3id Juniiai y current atlhe o'clock afternoon. BU.SINES.S 1. Toroceive reportof Directois for the yearliKM!. 2. To elect Directont for tlie pret iiit year 3. Any other conipetisit liiiklness. R. .1. Si'liOUf.K. ,., , Secretary. h lesherton !)lli January WO", RpOiidiiiK thi> wi^er ill O.-ilaiio and is viailing friouJs iu this pan at present. Mrs. iVlcUowan of R>tveniia visited lior m ither, Mrs. John Weldrick, the past week, also Mrs. Uucliatinun of Rock. Mr. Joe Hi ndersoii of Rob Roy has purchased 50 acres of land from Charles'^'"'''"' c!>"'ch Rev, L. W, Thorn called ilawtoM, .aid land lying along.ido i,i, {':«",»';«'-" '"K';^'"''"'."! ''"'"""'^'It'- H"'"' ,. T , . t his intention to retire from the pastorale o*n farm, making ono of tho beat farina attheond of six months. The reM^nation William, John and Joseph of Vandeleiir, and .Mrs. VV. J, Richaidson of the ".till line, £u)ihrasia. \ Pastor to Retire. On Sunday after service in the Presby- >n that iieighbothood. A great many people are complaiuing of colds at prasent. We are sorry to learn of the death of Mrs, A. McOirr, sr., whose remains were waa placed before tho Presbytery in Oranijevillo on Tuesday, Wo are utter- ing no platitude when we say that very many people learned of Mr.Tlioni's decis- ion with extreme resret. He has been pastor of the church for the past ten years I ,. • »» . , c : and during that time a largo debt has 'aid to rest lii Meaford cemetery on Saf | ,„.en cie„ed from the church here. As urday last. Mr, and Mrs. McOirr wate' citizens both he and his estimable wife rrspeoUtd residents of Feveraham for ''â- ''b come to be considered an essential 36 yean, Mr. MoQirr being postmaster' P*''' "f '^« *^'' '''» "' ""â- â-  "'"»«« »"'•'' .> »k.» .>i.~. f . u 1 n« uj ' '• "o* alone among the meinbow of his at that place for about 30 yeara. We „^„ c„„^rB,„io„ t1„t their departure Kt«ii4 our syavMthj to Mr. McOirr in will be keenly regretted. The prospect J. A. ^tt GENERAL MERCHANT - • PORT LAW s! In all kinds of Cinware Why buy coiinion stove pipes when you can get polished pipes for the aanie price? (3.00 stove drums for 92 IK). Hand made wash Ixiilors, |3.00 now selling at $2.50. Pandora Ranges to be sold below value. All kinds of hand made tinware to be sold likewieu. Call and give us a chance . Our prices will surprise you. SHEPPARD'S FLOUH FOR SALE. J. A. St. JOHN EUi.afwiiiijujiMmmBi BJ>MaitaMaavrtUaa <ggc» Heady made ^lotbing Moil's Odd Pant.-", regular 1.25 S'X^ Reg 1.50 and 1 75 1.10 Men's Suits, single and d mhle breasted, sizes 30 to 42, reg, 6.30 and 7,60 at. .4,05 Hoys' 3 piece suits, sizo 23 to 33, rcg. 4.00 and 4.50 at 2..39 Hoys' 2 piece suits, rwft. 3.00 at 1.95 Men's Dress Overcoat.s, navy blue and black 30 to 42, reg. 0.50 at 4 05 LaJics Jackets ro.i; 7.50, 9.50 for 3.00 leg 7.00 to 8.50 for 1.50 Furs A largo stock including Ladies's Mantles, Mdii's Coats, Lsdies .^nd Caporiiics, Caps, etc. We're going to SiU at 25% off. Boots and $1)oe$ Men's Reefers, 30 to 42, roo. ;;.50 at 2.35 Men's Do:g Bals, new stock, reg lioys' Ruefers, sizo 23 to 28, reg. 2.75 at 1.85 2j at ... .1.48 men's Furnis'oings Men's Fancy Shirts, res.'. 1.00 at 79; -Men's neckwear, reg. 2.0 at !2.^i: iK'ii'a neckwear, reg. 50 at 30o lilack cashmere Bocks, reg. 2.'!; at .. 18a Ex'ra heavy socks, reg. 20 at 12ic W<, men's Donx Buls, patent self tij^u, reg 1 75 at 1.19 Mi-fes School Sine, solid leather uppej and Milid s dp, tCft' 1 .')0 iit 75 Wone. n's Don;; comfort gaiter, reg l--Oai 1.15 Gi'oeerks Neiv cleaned Curran'.s. . , New Va'encia Uasins . . , Staples Crash Towelling, r.g, 9c at Gh r( y Flaniirlli!, reg, 22 at 174 All wool Flanncllt, reg. 25 anil 28c at 21 Wrnpperettes, reg. 10 and 12 J at 8 Union Flannt'U, reg. 17 at 12J Ladio's Wrajiiiers, regular 1.00 and 1.25 at 871: Men's Caps, reg .50 and 75 at 3.5 Ladies' caps, assorted colors, reg. 50 and 75 at 35 UoidToipiea, any color, re,'. 35 and 45 at 25 Reg. 25 and 30 at 20 Dress Ooude, 25 pieces, reg. 30 .3 for 25 . ...10c Nevr Seeded Rnbins, 1 lb. packages 2 for .".250 New Seeded Basins, 12 oz. packages. ,10o Ne.v Piuncs, extri quality, 25 lb. boxev 1.05 No 1 ReHpath and St. Lawrence Granula- ted Sugar 4 75 S' Polish, 10c «tick, 2 for 10c Raking Soda, 2 lbs for '.So Clothes Pins, 4 doz for 5c Corn Starch, 4 packages for 25o Gloss Starch, per package 7o New Corn, per can 10c New Peas, 3 for 2.5c New Tomatoof , per Can lie Toniatoe Catsup.reg 20c at,p''r boHle..l5c C^rockery to 45 at 25 •''j'"' ^"'1 Pick'es, reg 13 ;.t. ,â- ; Ri g. 55 and (iv5 at 43 Reg. 1.25 at [.So Women's Cashmere gloves, reg. 25 and 30 at • 18 Fancy ringwood gloves, reg, 45 at. . . .25 Women's heavy plain wool hose, reg. 25 at ly .2ro A lot o.'' Fiincy Crockery iii.-Iii.liiij; Ciko Plates, Trays, Biseiiit Jir.i, Perry Disllc.^ V.ises and all kii-ds of fancy crockeiy We're uouig to »e 1 2'.;;; b< It w Cofet. Come and See the Bargains Eveiylliing in onr stock will be icdacod iu piico. Store c'oscd lltli Jamiaiy to le-iiiirk goods auJ sale coniinencod l.Oth iiist foi- lo days only. % and Flesherton, Ont Farmers! Look Here! 1 have opened up a new Harni'ss fchop ill town and have a good ;;iid over increasing stock of Bells, Blanko'8, Robes and a'l Wi.ntsr NE(iis.^lTiEa for the Horse O.Viier. Drop ill and have mo do any Harness Repairing you may have. I can do it right. lliips Directly opposite Tho Advance ollicc. Flesiif.kton, - - Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid Stock = c Best Stock Bells, Blankets, Robes Fur lined coats, pockeibooks, satchels, razor strops and other leather goods. Cuttersâ€" best makesâ€" and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flesherton Ont. Shiortt^orri Cattle fcr Sale LATtnlas and Wimplu, the best of breedine tud qnalltv. Bulk, eows aad heitari (or sale at reasonable prlcea Lot M,ooB.8 OtU8. BTAFFOBO, rtoshsrioa Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. riESHERTCW. Annual Meeting NOTICE id horeliv idvoa that tlui Annual Meeti.iKof HiB Klaotoral Ulstriot .\nnnultural Society of East Orey, will be lieM in the To.\n Hall, !• Uhhertoii, on Weduosdav, IGth January 1U07, at Olio o'cljck i>. ui. BUSINESS Ti) receive and jiasB tlie Diroctni-'e and Anditors' Uepovts for tlie past year 1007; lOid such otbor b.iauiB9a BB inav Iw oeiisidoied exiiuUiBnt in the iuterouts of the Society. As none but Menibers for 1907 can liolj any oIBco, or have a votoat euch iniHtiii« kiiidlv Bend inoiubetBhiii tee of One Dollar to tho Bocretiy before tho day of tho Mooting, or hand same to him that day.aud bccoma ulUl^ bio to take p4irt in tho moatinij. D. McXavish, eie». W.Hsskin.tat VicePres R. J, Sproulo, See. J.A.Boyd, 2ud Yo . Prta Flesherton Slst Deoember 1030. Yorkshire Boar for Service. - \Kt onderslgped has for service on lot IS^, Snd W. T. * 8. R., Artemesla. a thoriigtabtvi Yorksbire boar. "Lakeview Victor." No. Itmt, Terius «1 00. TUorooghbradi eitta. A aI>l•B^ did stock settar. "^ ^moslFab. TBOe, QVIOG Prop. k â-  • • ! > • • ; ' • > t « a * * * * â-  • ' » 'â-  • If :|: --*< t • '*â- . • t* X " »»» . ♦1* •»« • 14 >|t .T. 5 * c* * c*,"

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