fm OAT. LUNGS. PlDNEYSf JUDDER "ATKINS" CANNOT COOK. "Toiuiiiios" in Brilisli Army Vicliiiis ol Iiid'i'iur Cuokiiiy. There aro very Tow men in tlio Brit- ish uiiiiy who aie sutislieil Willi tlie miiiuiLr Ml which iiniiy cooking is (ionc; ttiiil will) ciin wuiiUlt? 'I'lie secret ol imlilterenl nriiiy mess- iiit^ lies in the unpi'eimredneso iiiul \in- wiUinyness of soldier-couks lur their wcirli. Men iire scleeleil at ramluiii fri/iii the ranks, totally regardless of tluu' iiun'.illeiiti'ins. anil are iiitu u ouok-lKiuse to pre[)iiro, pcrliaps on the veiy day of appnintiiuMil, dimier 'or a eoinijany of men. It says iinicli for tlie .soldier's udaiilaliilily ami llio car , pac.ty [or cxlraiiems work of llie one ' trajutl cook in a hallalion â€" Ihe .ser}.'o- ' anl-^'ookâ€" liial meals are cooked as well a.s ihey are. lint lliis cooking i.s at its tesl priiiiilivo, and at its luleiy niiiinus to any stomach but that or an o.-lrich. Lillle opportunily is allowed llic .ser- geanl cok for Iraining his charges; they cojiie .Tnd go with Iho ahrupl ra- pid. ty ot all soklier.-; on l.iillels lliat are uiir(in;;ei)ial; and men have not iiifro- qiienlly to bt' d^'laih d lo act as cooks a< (ol' any onliiia.y faligue. The woi'k of llii' .Mildier-cook is as pliysieally ex- aeWng as his vi I'y exacling iirl cnu wll he. oflen lasling fi'om i n. m. lo a p. 111. He has seven working dnys, and his only reeoniiu' comes from Ihe rii-rim .sliinee Ihal he i.s not reipiir-'il lo pay tiie orlh<)do.\ threepence jior diem tor his messing. Does fit Doesn't shrink Pen- A n ;'; 1 e Underwear has the soft warm feel the skin enjoys. " Tadc/lJrK ^^"^^n't itch. r" ' r"^ Made for men, wo- rn en and little folks, a variety of styles, fabrics :ind prices. Pemna is a hounchold friend in more than a mil Hon homes. This number is increasing every day. Peruna has hecoiac a household word all over the Engliish speaking world. It is an old tried remedy for all ca- tarrhal diseases of iho head, throat, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder and â- female organs. Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruaa Almanac for 1907. STOHY OF BOca S JKV.IXS. IMiisic Hall Sinner's Alloinpt (o r.ani- huo/.le Itatlway Knds in I''ll(|lit. S. ciiriiiiis incident liappened in Home, Ilaly. some lime ago. when a Iruvel- ling trunk was Insl. The owner a iiiiisie I'I'all .singer. decliir<'d that it euidained i naluahle elfecls ami jewelry, and .slic i was otf^ red $2r).(KI I in liiial selllenieiit : o' all claims. liiil Ihe music liall star â- refused. ' It .so happened Ihiit, pending negotia- lions. the trunk was dis(ov«'red, and Ihe onler was at once given by Iho of- Uleials tor a list ot ils conlenls. .An e.Nperl jew "her was also ri'ijiiislioned, and his rospim-e was lo Ihe effect llinl "tlic as.sei It-d preci^'us dianionils wero all fal.'-o. The fael rraeheil Ihe ears of the owner, wiio disappearecl, and has not ti-eii litard of .^ince. N.\TL'I1.\LLY. "What do yoii think of Profess" Kiiowall'.s hilost vaeimin l!ieoi-y'.'" "I'O'ihl there's nolliing in it." No ReMonable n«n oxpoots to euro a iiefrloct- e,l °.hl ill a ilav. Kill timo ,^.lll .Mlon- I.>niK ? \h; ' il "Vurc.ino tllo cUl iin.l »tavo |,l'l 'mnplinil. fmiKli will coas. aud luug- b, us auuuil as a uow dollar. AT THE LAUNDItY. "Wluil do you think the most press- ing evil of Ihe day?" "A cold iron." "niches liave wings." Don't lielieve it; if lliey had Ihcyd fly our way oc- casionally, if only liy aecideiil. If .viiur children moan and aro rest- less during sleep, coupled, when awake, Willi a loss of appelilo, jnile coiiiilon- ! ance. picking of Ihe nose, elc, you j may ilep«Mnl ujioii it Ihal Ihe primary cause of 111..' triiiilile i.s worms. Molhei' Graves' Wm-ni Kxleniiinalor effoctiially removes these pesis, at once relieving the htlle .sufferers. .^omelhing More than n Purgalive â€" To purge is Ihe only elfwt of many pills now on Ihe market. I'armclee's [Vegelahle I'llls are more Ihan a pur- :galive. They slrenglhcn Ihe sloinach, jwhero' olJier pills weaken il. They cleanse the blood hy regulaling Ihe liv- <;r and kidneys, and Ihey slimiilak' where other pill compounds dopress. Nothing of an iniiirlou.s nature, used for merely purgali\o powers, i?nlers in- U; their composllioii. PHOOF PCSITIVK. "Is she really so popular as a drcss- fliaker w.tll the swell sel?" "Well, she's jiist failed because she can't collect her hills." Twitchy Muscles and Sleeplessness.â€" â- H'hc hopeless heart siikiuss that Kettles upon a mall or woman nervi^s aro shattered by dispasi' can beet be oie- tared in contrast with a patient who has been in the â- 'deplhs' uiid has been dragged from them by South American Nervine. George Webster, of Forest, Ont., » says: "I owe my life to it. Everything else failed to cure mo."â€" 44 Afler telling his wife a lie il is n re- lief lo a man's con.seienco lo find Ihal »;he Uoesn'l believe him. Th« Orf««e»t Tonic is " Ferrovim." It Is fcWrstnt in Uusto ami o..iit»in» ^u»t tho nmin li- f, :; and "trmiKlh-Kiving -l"*' "t- that aro need- idbytho.sB who aro sick and woakly THlEn AND FOU.ND WANI'I.NG. '1 see. you have no failli in .Mine. 0- skynn's wrinkle and wnrl ei'adica- â- lor'.'" "No; I tried 11 on a large pickle and It lailid absolulely." DODDJS ^ IKIDNEY^ fc, PliLtS â- â- Even an opUmist is liahle lo bacl<- !?l:de when he lia.s a boil on llic back of his neck. Manly Strength and Womanly Beauty deiieiiil on purity of the blood, and iniieli nf that purity deiieiids on perfect kidney lilteriiig. If tlicse orffans are liineased and will not perform their fiiiietionH. man will seek in vain for streiigUi ami woman for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives out all iiiipurities throuKh the body's •filteccrs"- repairs weak spots. â€"46 IIl.S WAY. "Well. Willie. I must commend you for lie' way ynu go downstairs: gianil- ma di in'l hoar a sound. I wish I could g,i downslairs so noiselessly." ".\iu'l you too old, grandma, to slide down banisler.s?" ITCH, Mange, Prairie fioratohea and every form of contagious Itch on human or animals cured in 30 minutiw b.v Wol- ford's 8auitary Lotion. It never fails. COnHKCT. L'llle Boyâ€" "Wanna hear my doggie talk'.'" Millie Girlâ€" "Dog.s can't lal!!." ".Mine can. Now listen. Hover which part of this sleainer do you like best?" The Uoggieâ€" "How!" Nolhing looks more ugly Hiaii to sec a person whose haiid-s are covered over with wurls. Why have disllgure- menLs on your person when a sure re- mover of all warl.s, corns, elc. can be found in llolloway's Corn Cure. Our id a of an impossihle man Is one who hasn't a hit of foolishness in his luako-up. Jtlft • Word of cautlnn ; Where lbs skin ia iostntyed by buniM or scahis apply Woavor's I'erato iinmediatoly : Uio soonor tho hotter. IKiTIil. LIKE A H.Vni.K.'^IIIP. ,\ imiipie holel, which owing lo ils slender .shape is called Ihe "Toolbpiek. " is lii'ing enxiled in .San l''rani'iseo. It was being put up at the time of Iho earlliiiuake, and Iho .'sloel skeleton was uninjured. Nnw, insleail ii[ llnishing Ihe walls with slone and hiick. as was lirsl inlendi'd. groat pUile.s of boiler iiyjn will be riveted on as Ilie armor of a bullle-ship is. 'I'he sleel plules slrenglhen Ihe sliiiclme of the building, it is said, cannot he shaken off. and pre- sent a sinoolli surface for painling. W Al.KINC. AHOUND. "Itoen in Kgypl. eh'.'" "Yes. and .^aw nolhing but mummies." "Huh! '^'ou cnn .-ee iilcnly ot Ihein," Wc authorize every dialer in Pen- Angle U.idctwear to replace, at cui cost, any gaiment faulty in material or mnkin^ "floalth and Vlflor depend upon Ihe qualiiy am! quantity of Ihc blood."â€" Uunianiiuiiaii. Dr. Carson's Tonic stomach ana CDiistipatlon Bitlers A Purely 'VeRctable Tonic and Blood Purifier. Price 5O centa per Bottle. If v.iu aro not able to obtain it in your lieiKbb irlioo:!. »ii will sond to any aji- drois two h^>ttloil upon receipt <if O.NIC Dt)l,l.AR (iuc. por bottle) carriaQt preptiid. Pamphlet eent FREE on application. The Carson Medicine Company 87 Wellinaton SI. West, - roi-oiUo PniCE OF GREATNESS. Aiiiliiiioiis Villaue ne.soiis lo Uodijp and .Suffers for Ils .Sin. An aimusiiig story is told hy Ihe .Slras- liurg Post at Ihe of "the authori- lies of a small village in Ihe Craiid i>uehy of Hadcn, (lermany. worlhios, it seems, full of loeal palrio- lism, were an.\ioiis to show at tiie lecml census a population of over 1,000; but the miimlest lurliniiiiary count failed lo raise the lolal over '.t'.nt. " .\s Ihe village is silualid ill an oiit-of-llie-way corner of the Craiid Duchy. Ihe chance of the de- sired lolal being made up in an odd visi- tor or two and a h^w hamps. was coiv siderod CNlreniely remote, and the hup- gomaster was in despair. In the nick of lime, however, a Land of gipsies ar- rived, who Ijroiighl up Ihe total lo 1,004. Ne\er were gipsies made more welcome. Used as Ihey were lo harsh rebulfs, Iho swarthy waoderei-s were bewildered by the receipt of all sorts of iiieasant al- lenlions, and pr<iudly Ihe villagers saw llieir hamlet inscribed on the roll of "places of moi<; than l(»M inhabitants." ,liul a sad awakening was in store for them. A new law was pits.sed in liaden imreashig Ihe fiscal responsibililies ot places Willi n popiilalion of l,(:00 or more, anil so Iho villiigers found Ihem- selve.s saddled wilh laxes which, but tor Ihiir uiiforliiiiale local vaiiily. Ihey would have esciijied. There was Ihe in- cvilablo revulsion ot feeling, and Ihe iMirgiiinaslor's lol, w^e read, has not been a luijipy one since. PHUDENT. "non'l you Ihiiik yon ought lo tell falhei- of <iur cngagenu'iil, Boh'/" "Was lliul your fiilher who has just come huineT' "Yes." "Well, 1 think I will wait fill he has httd Uuie to pul his slippers on!" ISSUE NO. 2-07. Itching, Burning, Skin Diseases Cured (or Thirty-flve cents. -Dr. Aciiew h Oiiit- moiit rulii-'VCB in one day, and cures Tet- ter, Salt Kheuni, Keald Head, iOczeraa, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all cruption.s of the hIoii. It is HoothiUK and quieting and actH lilie maKio in Iho cure of all baby humurn. 35 ceuts. -47 INl'OH.M.VI'ION WANTED. Ellaâ€" I always keep him at arm's leiiglh. .siellaâ€" How long is Ills arm? Nip Disease in Ihe Ihid.â€" II is ditncull hi eradiimie a ilisiase afh'r il has be- come .-eiited. Ihereforo il is wiso 'o lake any ailment in il.s inilial stages and by "such reiiielies as are sullicienl, slop it ill it.s eoiir.^e. (.:old is Ihe- eom- iiioncst (rimiiiaiiil ot man, and when iiegtecle.J leads lo serious results. Dr. Thomas' ICcleclric Oil will cure the severest cold or most violent cough. . sriLi, w rrif u.s. "We don't hear much about Ihe sli'en- uiiis life Ihe-e days." ".N 1. ovrryhoilp's too busy living )t to talk about il." UOH.SE S Ahlll'K'.lAI. POOT. Tho vclerinary profession is much in- lereslcd in a .surgical oiienilion which has been accomplished by Professor I'liriski. one of the staff of Ihe \eleriii- ;iry .schuul ill Biiehare>l. Having aiiipu- laied a horse's limh at Ihe felluck joint, iiller several faihins he siieceeded in filling a leather boot or arliliciiil limh that "imhied the animal lo walk about and lake exercise. A .'<1.\I1'LE CL'HIC I''OU PILK.^. Pile siifh'i'ers know Ihal (linlnienls and other local Irealnienls soiiielinie,s relieve bu! never cure. 'I'hey <lon t re- move Iho cause. There is a lillle tablet that laken internully removes thi^ cuuae of Piles and eiires any of any kind no in li- ter how long slaiiding. ..\ innnlhs treatuH'iit cosis .'SI.OO. \sk fci Ur. l.eonhardls Ihmi-Hoid (a Ihoii- sand dollar giuiranlee goes wilh every lioalineiil.) All dealers, or The Wilson-Kyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. AIJSKN'I'-MIM>KD I'l'iU.IC. 67,820 .\i dries UU in Piihlir, Voliirles in World's Melriipolis. Is Iho public growing more absenl- niinded ".' .\n answer in Ihe allirmalivo would appear lo he llie legilunale do duelion from the llgiires supplied in Ihe Biinual report of Ihe ConiniLssinner of Police, regarding arlirlcs found in cabs, omnibuses and Iramway cars, and re- ceiviil nl the lost properly ollice. Last year S7,K20 arlieles were found, an increase of over ."i.OOO on Ihe pre- vious year. In 1001. iu.iU arlieles were hiund, anil since Iheii lliere has been a steady increase. Tliei'e were received last year ti.Si'.5 wrillen impiiries in re- gard In lost goodsâ€" an increase of .I.W,') on Ihe lignres of 11104, and of Ji.Oal on Ihose <jf 1003. Owners ot Ihc lost arlieles were found in :,'r),770 cases. These were of Ihe de- clared value of XaV.'ilJ l!ts,, and awards amounting lo ,t:i..'io".l l'..'s. were paid lo drivers and conduelors who found I In lost arlieles. In i;i av^aids of Xl were paid, live of .etl, one of £7, four ol £». three of JtIO, one of Jti.'i, 0110 of .CIO. and in one case the lucky Under received JCIOO. Public forgelfulness was mO."5l marked in Ihe case of uinhrellas. no fewer Ihan '25.;l;i7 being left in public vehiclos. liags iiumhcred i.f)07. arliclia of men's clothing :i.27!l, womens elplhlug :t.!.'>a9, purses 3,707. 70;'. jewellery 1,535, and watches 232. i-iOliiii^ A Stirtlsd Hears Tlat OoEJfi She Th'n'ts of tho Conseqiionccs â€"Croup, Whojpin^ Cough or Lung TroubiB' NO niCTUn.N \VA.S PO.S.SIBLE. "1 am going lo sen your father about you,' said a teacher lo a boy who had c.\haus:ed her patience. "If you do you'll never eonie back." ""v/hy?" demanded Ihe leachei'. " 'Cause pa's dead.'' If she is a wise mother she will hnv< the never-failing remedy at liandâ€" Collsloote lixpeclorant. It is the best, the safest, the most reliable and posilive cure for all formi of coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, sore throat, broncliilis, asthmi and lung trouble. No harmful drugs. Tho most delicule child, Ihe weakest stomach, welcomes il. II is plejisanl W take. II is the most reliable houisehoW remedy known to medical sciencei effecting remarkable cui-es every day. *' Having used your Ooltifoota Kxpectorant 1 con^iJer it a -ipleii'li^l modicine for oou;:hs or an| throat or lunt; trouble. Would uot liko to bi without it iu LliB house." MES. J. LLOYD, Vittorta, Ont Thousands have Ixirne similar testi- mony lo He' wonderful curative proper- ties of ilulbfoolo KxpectoranU At all druggists, ;!5c. per botlle. No otliiut Cougii .Medicine "Just as good" as COLTSFOOTE EXPEGTCB.^NT. ."^o popular is liiekle's .\nti-(lonsnni!)- tive .\vrup as a meihcmc in Ihe Iroat- nieiit of colds .111(1 coughs or ailmenls of lln.' thiual, due lo exposure lo draiighls, or sudden changes of lem- peralure, Ihal druggists and all dealers ill patent me<lieiiies kee)) supplies on hand lo meet Uie demajul. II is plea- sant lo lake, and the use of il giiaran- lee-i freedom from llirual and lung di.s- eases. S'l'L'.NC. Meâ€" "Bill do you think, Mi.":.? I.iiers, Ihal your fallier will aciepl me for a Sim-in-lau? Sheâ€" "1 : houldn'l wonder; we .so rare- ly think alike." Speechless and Paralyzed.â€" "I had val- vular di.seaiie of llio lleurt." writes .Mrs. .1. S. (ieode, ot Truro, N.8. 1 .â- ^ulfiTed terriblv and was often Hpeechtesn and partially (.aralyzeil. Ono deso of Dr. ARiiew'H Cure for the Heart uiivc mr re- lii;l, ami before 1 tiiii.shecl one bottle 1 was able to ko about. To-day I am a well womau.'â€" -13 nuHss. II'.w do differ from a pair i:f scales'.' Tho one Ihal is down is always tlio lightest. CHENILLE CURTAINS ftOd ftU kiB<b of houft* UaDCtugs. ftlM UOl CDRTAIUS â- '^*?.K*B°N'if.C."" WrtU to us kbouL fouii. BKITIIM AMUHMM DYIINO CO., Su IM. Uontracl HANDICAPPED. "Ilavo Ihe I->Uiieos adopted any of Ills ways of CIV ili/.a lion yet'.'" asked the young man \\'ilh Ihe plastered hair. "Exceedingly iew,'' said Iho arctic ex- plorer. "Think how costly il would be, for inslanee, lo pul on a full suit Xiy Ihere and W'iir il lo tatters in ono evening." The Kdccis Produced by Wileh Hazo .hen ronl.iriod with Moi.tliol ai fouiel in 11 o 1) .V 1. Mo ' i ol l'la-t«r ^o-e truly n.a.ic.U it being a ipociUc for rhuiuuatiaui anil ueuralsia- i)i-:i-:pi-:st mineral houe. What is believed to he Ihe deepest and siieressfiil Coal bore in (Ireut Pri- laiii, if not. iiidet-d, in Ihe world, is Ihal which has been slink and is Hearing eoinplelion in Ihe neighliorhood of Cameron Bridge, I'ife, .Scotland. The bore has reiiclied Hie eiioriiious ileplli of t.OOOfl. Al Hull dislance from the siir- fiice the Dunfermline splint i oai, a seam <if splendid iniiieiiil. has lie<^n probeil. How far ill the future il will be before it is cnii reially eNpedieiil lo work coal at such a depll'i is a |iroblein which only mining engiiiei'rs ciin solve. PAPER fJA.S PIPES. Cas-iiipes of paper are being made in Prance. .Maiiila papei- is cul in strips eipial lo Iho length of Ihe pipes lo be made. These are then ]ilaeed in a re- ceiver filled wilh melhil a.sphall and w rapped, around a core of iron until Ihe (le.sired ihiikricss is niaehed. Aller be- ing siibmilleil to slriing plâ- e-.â- ^luâ- e tho paper is eoiiled wilh .sand, (imled. Hie oM-e withdrawn, ami the ouli>r pipe sur- fnec covered wilh a waterproof prepnrn- lioii. II is claimed that these iii|ies are as good as, and inoro oconomical than, metal ones. For the Overworkedâ€" What are ihe causes of dospondeiiey and melnneholy? .\ disnriiered liver Is one eau-se and a prune one. .\ disordered liver means a disordered stomach, a disorderejj sloinach means di>tnrbancc of Ihe nervous sy.stem. This brings tin- whole tody into subjtrlion and the vicUin feels .s;rk all over. Pariiieices Vege- table I'ilh are a rerngm/.ed remedy in this stale and relief will follow their Use. TIMI-; f'dl! lllCl'I'.lvM'ION. "One eaiinol always judge a man by Ins elolhrs,'' (piohd Ihe niorali/.er. "That's right,' rejnini'd Ihe deiiiorn- h/.er. ".Most of Ihe eha()s who wear '.sweater- are in Ihe iievi.r sweat cliiss." Never judge yourself by Ihe faults â- <! VDiir neighbors. Yoiir Doctor Can cure your Cough or Cold, no question about that, but â€" why go lo all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hisprescription filled, when you can step into any drug store in Canada and obtain a bottle of SIIILOH'S CURB for a quarter. 'Why pay two to five dollars when a twenty-five cent bottle of SHlLOIi will cure you as quickly 'I Why not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians havo done for the past thirty-four years : let SHILOH be your doc- tor whenever a Cough or Cold appears. SHILOH will cure you, and all druggists back up this statement with a positive guarantee. The next time you have a Cough or Cold cure it with SHILOH riOS '„ .8* Th© Low Down OXFORD has pr<i\en lo be one of Iho besl all- round (;ream .'-^epaifllors foi' a farmer lo buy. eaiLso il is built for liard e.very-<lBy use, is a good skininuir, lias inter- changeable ball-bearings, is easy to and I urn, and has Low Down Jsupply Tank. If you consider your own inferesl you will seo the Improwed Law IViwn Oxford before buying;. I'hJs ad will only appear once, so write today for calaloguo and price to ?\\\mu MFG AND mm ca. LIM ITBD , f IIomI Ontce and Vacior; : r>-criis^-A.M:, - oisrx or lo S55 Siutsrx St., Ottawa, Onk *f^