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Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1907, p. 2

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♦â- â™¦â- â- f -f-f >-f -f-f -f -ft* f -f -f -f -t-ftf â- > i „ ^ i Alout the House : : : wiNTEit vi;ui:iALiLi:.s. Tarrol Tiinbnlos Biikod in Cups.â€" Hiil c.ucfully in iitisiilloil water unlil loinlcr. ^'>v.^.^o Itiieo t'.joil .^izetl ciirrot.s: adit lo llio II liulf II rupful or CMvrini, foiii' c^'K-s tieiit. n iiiiUI liglil, a li>a.-.))f<uii ol .sail, and ;i (Jasli ol poppw. Fill inlo .siiiul! cu.slurd cuiLS, slunil in a baking pan if br>ilin^' waloi', and bake in a niocli-ralc oven tir lliirlv niinulos. I'ui.siir:s l!.>i:c(J.-lI pnr.sni|« aio >â- (»â- '»; and louder, sorapc, and In pre- Tcnl di>culonilioM, llirow each at once into old wabT. Wlicn prepared put tlieiii iiilo a .'-;n:ee pan of boiling ini- Bhllcd ual r and cook .slowly until teii- Jler, u-iially .iboiil an tioiir and n quar- ter. Drain and put lliein into a healed di.sli. heads al! one way. Put one lablc- spimnful of liiiUiT and one of Hour inio a saucepan; nii.x and add half a pint pf boilin;,' \val<^r. .stir until Ixiilinn; lake Ir-mi tlic lire; udd half a t/'aspoonfiil of sail, a iiiiarlei- of a tia.spoonful ot ]»â- ]>â-  per. and .sbr in .slowly another lalde- Kpoonful of bultor; udJ a lublcspixinful of vinegar ur liMr.on jiiire and pour over Ihe parsnips. (JarnUh wilh .squares 'f toH-sled bread and .serve at onoe. Hiked l'ar.-iii|j,s.â€" i;iit in halvtw and I) III louder; drain and put in a haklntj l)a.sle wilh nielled butter, dust th:ckly Willi jji aiiulalcd jsiif,'.'ir and bako In a Mioderalt> oven unlil a golden brown. Parsnip Cakes.â€" Tor Ihi.s th-y nnisl \x- l<j:li-d tender, pre.s.sed llirnuf,'li a colander, and to each four good sizeii parsnips a \v<>ll beaten ena and one tablesponiiliil of llnur should be added; mix, fijini into .small round cakes and Bauto In a liUle beef dripping. I.enlil Curry -."^oak over nijjiil in cold water one cup of lentils., cover with fre.sli water, ami o<x)k .slowly for two hours. Drain, [lut two talilispnnn- fuls <if butler into a .saucepan; when nM»lled add two onion.s rhupped fiiifl; cook slowly unlil a golden brown; edd n Ica.spoonful of curry powder, a da.sli < f cayenne, and half a pint of the waler in which Ihe b-niils w^ere boiled. Add IcntiLs, cook slowly for Iwenly niinules; udd a leasjioonful of salt, the jukv of one lemon, and .serve with well boiled rice. Dolled Pei tsâ€" Old heels require preat cai-e in Ijoilin^. Kour limirs' slow cook- iiif? will, as a rule, make Iheiii lender. If they are uil'el and luu^jh. .-oak llieiii in Cold wahr o\er iii;,'lil. .Next ninrnlnt,' wa-b, pill Ih.-m iiilo hoilin),' waler, anil cook slowly. When done remove the skin by riililiinf; willi a towel; cut inIo thin .slices. dLsli in a hut dish. wilh salt and |iepper, and pour over a lillle meit^-d biiller. 'fliose left over may bo put in vinet^ar and used as a garnish for polulo or carrol .salad. slronf? hot .soda and waler; when dry, pulisli wilh a cloIJi and a lilllo powder- ed whiliiig. To make silk that ha.s been washed UMik like new put a Ica.spoonful i,f methylated spiril.s lo a pint in a rins- iiif,' w.i'er anil iron while dnni]). ll.fure boiling milk rinse out Ihe satioepan willi a little hot waler; it will [u event lli-c milk slicking lo the bot- tom of Ihe pan. A litlle .soihi put inIo llie waler in wlii> h tiried beans are soaking will cx- pidile l.hc priMi'e.s.s wonderfully without liising Ihe lluvor of the beans. I'ardi'y may be kept frc-;h and a Rond Cidor for several days if put into a cov- ered eai!lii-ii jar in a cool place it will last much longi'r than if kept in waler. To c'eaii raisins and curranl^ roll in Hour and Ihei pick oil all large slalks. If iiirraiil.s are wiLshed Ihey mnsl be dried li^fore being added to cakes. CAKi;.S. rrnmh Cake- Rub half a cupful of bul- t(.r or lard into a cupful of Hour, lo which has been added <in<' cupful of mgar. a loaspoinful of cinnair.on. one- fourth of a Ica-spoonfiil of gr.iled niil- nieg. anil half a Ica.s'.-ooiifiil uf sail. .Sd n>i<le half a cupful uf Ihe niixlme and udd til Ihe leuiainder one cupful ot Hour, I'.alf .'1 cupful <if .vniir milk, a li'a.spiMinfiil O'' soda, one of cream of lartar, and uno egg. If .'•our milk be usedâ€" sour milk is bell.r than .sweel milk for Ihe pur- poseâ€"cream of larlar should be omilled, 8.S I ho arid in the milk lal; -.s ils place. Put in a pan, place the half cupful whi. h has Won .set a.sido on Ihe lop, then I ake. Droj) Cake- Take four ciipful.s of llour, Vialf a lUjifiil iif coriislaich, one cujiful of butler, iiiul two ciipluls of .sugar, and rub well togellifr. Add a small cupful of milk. Ill' grated rind of n leinnn, ..r a wine glass of rase luaiiily, and Iwo leaspoonfiils id snleraliis. Care mi'sl 1 e lakoii lo pill 11,0 ingredji'iils logelher in Mil' Older nnmcd. Drop InIo tins and Lake iniinedlalely. .Spiio Layer Cake- One lalilesjuionful Pf lard, one lablespounful of butler. thrce-cpiarters of a cupful nf powdered sugar, half a cupful of iiiidii.s>es. two eggs, Iwo h a-pooiifiils of riniiniuon, lialf n lensp;;oiiful uf ginger, halt a le.n- spoiinful of al!spie.->, half a le.i.spootiful of clo'. es, one large i:U|)ful of Hour, half n cupful nf .'our milk, and half a lea- spoonful <if soda. l!;ike eilhcr in two layers or in gem pans. The quanlily Is fcUlTicient for nne dozen gems. TIIIll'K I'lKS. ruslnid IVe.-- Whip light Ihe y.ilks 't threo et.'gs with four lablesixionfiils of •ugar. I'our upon them Iwo ciipfiils if boiling milk, slliriiig this slowly. Fla- vor with a leaspoonfiil of vaiiilln. Line a pie plale with pasle. biaish Ihe in- tiile well s\ilh the while of an egg, pour )n Iho ciislaid. mid bake. Chocolale l'i<>.â€" One pint nf milk, nno CujifuI of sugar, yolks of two eggs, Iwo lalde.spooiiluls fif grilled chocolate. Mix jind bake in an upeii crust. Make a nieilngiie of llie whiles <if (ho eggs and a lable-piionfiil of sugar and spread on the lop of Ihe pie lo brown. Creamed Apple .Sauce I'io.â€" Hake your crusts nnd when you have separated thcni spread wilh well sweelened apple 8nuf'« bealcn light; cover wilh wliippod cream; lay fii Ihe upper criisl and sprinkle pfrvvdcied sugar on top. THINGS TO IlKMFMnKM. Don't sland brooms on llieir broom end, but Ui>side down in Ih.- corner. A pinch of soda slirrcd into milk that 5.S lo be boiled will keep it from curd- ling. To kcej) tias brigh'., wnsli well with AVOID WA.STi:S. II is an old, yet trite saying thai "A woman may throw out of Iho window with a sjiooti more than a man can bring in on a .sliovel.' This of course does not ,ip;ily in many, but il 's often as liuo as il is homely. A few of Ihe many way.s of wiLsling wilh i .s|)oon ari': Buying arlicle.s simply be- caiL-iO Ihey are "bargain^" and oxpetding them lo come in liandy some liinc; us- ing napkin.s for dish towels, lowels for dish clollis and .sheets for Ironing tables; using silver t<irlw nnd spoons in Iho kit<'licn; opening canned meals, pre- serve-., lie., Ilieii by foi'gelling lliem and they lire left lo .spoil; letting pieces d brtad and cake dry and mold and then Ihoin away; no<iking larger quan'ities of fool than can lie ealen by the f.jmily al ni. al time; failing lo cook plain diets and substiluling diets Ihal are expensive for Iho pockolbook and boallh. .N'l, there arc as grave respon- sibililies rrsling on Ihe wife as on the tiu hand in Ihe home and the two must pracliee Ihe same spiril uf economy and pull togelher if Uwy may hope for suc- cess. SO.ME bSICS FOR .SA.S.SAFRA.S. Th" lea made from sassafras roots IS an exceilenl blood .purilier, while that of the hark, not U-ing so strong, n g'lOd for colds. The dr.ed bark placed on pnnlry shelves will drive away ant.s. The dried roots u-ed for smoking meal give it a nice flavor, and makes il lly proof. When puUing away dried frnils for i:se 111 uinler, place a bunch id Ihe bark in llir lop of Ihi- sack and Hies or olhi'r iiLsecIs Will ni'ver Iroubh! il. I'or b )ne-feIon, blood-boil or any bad sore, a poiillice made of Ihe soft inside liark f.f the I'ool will ciiol, ease and tical qiiicloT Ibaii anything ever known tu be tried. An excellent salve for burns, etc.. ran br made by boiling Ihe gnen biiik in lard lill of the iLsual Ihiikiiess. unil adding a few drop^ of iiejijicrmint oil. Ju--l pure .'â- assafias oil or a line- ^11 III composed inoslly of il is good for almod all aches or pains. A siroiig solulioii made from the roots is go id fur ivy poisoning. 3 IN ONE FAMILY. (;i:ui;i) OF SKIN DI.SKA.Si: /.AM-III K. KY OLD nO.AIAN IIOl si:.s. Heating Apparatus Di.srovercd in a Ituin in ISritain. An unusual type of flonian villa has J>oen unearlhed on Ihe site of Ihe uiicienl lioman oncainpmrnl in lirilain at Caervvenl. The remains have been found lo be in excellent stale of preser- vation. A depailiiro from the conven- (ional practice of Ihe Homans in Iho de- signs of Iheir residences, as revealed by previous excavations in Ihal cmmlry, is Ihe jirovision of exlia rooms abutting o'l the four sides of the courlyard. In Ihe basemeiils Iwo completely perfect healing devic&s or liyiwcausts were found, togelher wilh Iho peculiar blue tiles iililize*! by the owners fur conduc- ting Ihe from Ihe slove in the bas&- meni and radialuig it llirougli the upjior rooms of Ihe dwelling. In Iho basement some exquisite specimens of Honian jiaving were unearthed. LUCKIN DETECTIVE WORK Oiiee more /.un-nnk, Ihe great herbal balm, has been )>r*ived vaslly .siijieiinr 111 ordiiKiiy remedies, and has cured where other preparalious had signally faded. Mr. .1. C. Hates, of liurks Falls, re- ports the case referred lo. lie says: "My Ihive children were all broken out wilh sores on face, haiKis and feel. Their Cnndilinn was pitiable, aiui al- though I Irii'd varioiN oinliiieiils iiiul salve.-, Iliiy did nol gel at the root of the evil, and Ihe sores contin- ued to siiread. One da 1 saw a re- port in a local newspaper Udling Ikiw lienelieial Ziim-liuk was for .skin dis- eases, ulcers, elc. I got a supply of Ihe balm and ap|died il to Ihe childrens sores. Almosi imim^halely llu-y got re- lief, nnd the sores began lo In'al. In one week Zain-lliik overcame Iho liouble, unit lo-day Hie eliihireii have nut a pim- ple or .spot or mark of <lisease on Iheir skin, /.ain-lhik is a splendid liialer." /iimlluk is a healing balm eoin- pouiided from saps and essences of the Hiiesl known medicinal herbs. It lias high aiiliscpllc power, killing dis- ea.s(> germs which sellle on sores and i-ru|iliriiis, elc., and which siM up leslei- ing, blond poi.s<ni and suppuialiun. II cure-, eczema, skin rashes, outs, burns, brnisi^, abscesses, ulcer.--, acne, hhick- heads. lingworni, blood jioison, elc. II heals cnicked and chapped hands, cojd soris. elc. A.S an emiirocalioii it gixes speedy relief in cases ot muscular rheu- malism, scialica, etc. Rubbed on Ihe chest in cases (d colds, it relieves Ihe liuhlncss and aching. All druggisis and slores sell at ."iOc. n Ikix. or may bo ob- lained pust free from Ihe /am-1'.iik Co., Toronlo. upon recei|)t ot price. (> boxes fur Si. .Ml. Send one cent .slamp lor ilainly trial box. fR0Fi;.s;RlO.\Al, ADVICF, ONLY. Doi'lor- Madam, your liiisband must ha\e iibsolule rest. Madam -Well, doclor, he won't listen lo me Doolorâ€" A very good beginning, ma- d.iin, a very good beginning. ORVIOU.S. Squire Pcavyâ€" "W'nl, I see yer nev- vy's back from college. D'ye thing ho rariit aiiylliing?" Mr. .Shellhaikâ€" "Not az fur as 1 kin see. Why, the blame lunkhead asl mo what 1 poiiicd out my coffee in the sas- sor an blowod on it fur." DISEASE MADE BONES SNAP LIKE GLASS Frank I.. Wellington has died al his home in Trinity Avenue, .New York, Ihe victim <i[ a di-easo which caused his bones to snap like gl(LS.a. One day while holding a strap in a slrci'l c-ar his arm snapiKd off. A short lime later a leg bone .s lapped. According lo bis physi- cian Ih .s terrible condition was broughl ahiup by tjikiiig medicine whicii con- luii.el a certain mineral i)oison. Ag il and again has it been demion- slrat d Ihat mineral medicines are harmful. II is Ix-cause Uilians, while sr, effective for all liver and (bgeslive disoitlers, yet contain no trace of any mineral, but are, on Ihe contrary, pure- ly herbal, that Ihey have wmi tlie praise cf medical men, Irained nurses and scienlisLs all Ihe workl over. Ihleans differ from nearly every olber liver motficine in containing no mercury, and from nearly every fillier slomaih nit'dieine in being free from bismulh. They ar.' also free from alcohol. They are comp.iundcd from Iho f;ne.<it known medicinal herbs and roots, iiikI are Uius Ihe best family mcdi-ine Ihal can be nb'ained. They oper.ile geiilly on Ihe bowels, curing conslipalion and piies. They correcl acidity of the stomach, slimuhilo Ihe digestion, hm.' up Ihe liver, and correcl llie .M'crclinji of bile. Their general action is at the .same Time correMve and tonic- correcliiig faully secre'ion, toning uji weak and deinli- lat.'d organs. They Ihiu cure anceinia. green, female ailments and irregulnri i,\s, blood iinpinalies, rlieu- m.itism, nau.sen, headache, gas, pninlii Ihe cti st and belween the shoulders, conslipalion. piles, and all female ail- nienls. All druggLsIs and stores .sell liileaiis al (ifly cenls a box, or posi free fruni Ihe Rilean Co., Toronto, jn rei'eipt of |»)'ice. I'OJ.SO.N Afii:NT OF IIKVOI.ITION Itiissiu I'inils 11 I'sefiil in Itonihs, Itid- le(s und Le;lers. Accustomed as people in .s^t. Pelei-s- burg are lo new develupmeiils in revolu- tionary methods, no liltle conslernalion has been caused by Ihe latest p<dice di.s- covei'ies regarding the manufacline of bombs. I'or n long lime it lias Ixien runiiired Ihat Ibo bi.uihs lliiown in .St. I'elersliurg and at Mo.scow niusl be (inisimcd, as fragments found have lorne of some such Ireatmenl. Ndw, there is no doubt loll â€" a woman's Hal having just been searched liy Ihe |iolic,e wilh convincing resulls. A quan- lily of cylinders was lound of .such mi- usiiiil Ihal exjierls at once said Ihey were inleiided lo conlain a siroiig poison, i-'urlher liupiiriO.s proved that bombs of tins cylindrical form are lilled with coiniire.sseil nir. carbolic acid, or any other gas giiaranleed lo make the cylinder expl.ide wi... Ireinendous force. This is Ihe reu.soii why one IkhiiIi will blow several people iiilo fragmenls. F.xperls allirm that horsi's wliicli have died without an incised wxitind on llieni but with Ibo skin cracked all over their bodies, have been the viclims of the same diabolical instnunen'.s. II is fur- ther allirmed that a man hit wilh oven a small piece of such a liomb cannol live, however slight Ihe wound may be, as aciile blood poisoning immediately sets in. Rill it is nol only bombs Ihal are ixii- soned. l.ellers are now treated in Ihe same way. A cerlaiii Moscow olllcial was al his club when a nie.ssinger broughl a letter to his Hat. His wife, who was inclined to jtaloiisy, seeing Ihe envelope was addressed in a woman's baud, opened it. She had .scan'oly be- gun lo read it when she fell jhiwn in a fainl, dying some four hours after- wards. 11 was found lliat Ibo iiolepaiier coiilained .soino sublle iioison, which, aeioiding to tho letter, was mcanl f<ii- Ihe olllcial. Public men unw warn Iheir wives lo beware ot iuiiLiisilivenc-ss, lesl Ihe same lale overtake Ihiiu which befed Iho woman al Moscow. yuicl people, of wIkuu there nro slill n lew Ufl in St. Pelersburg. arc asking Ihemsehes whelber Ihey live in Ihe Iwenliclh cenlury, or in .some hideous nighlniaie, where poisoned bullets, lel- Vrj; and bombs play Ihe diief ixirt, and fount their victims by the Iboiisunds. Tl'.l.KPUONF, IN POlKi-.r, A pocket lele)din::e for ixdicc purp.ises is Ihe novel Ibiiig in lelephony. It is .said to bo in daily use in Vienna, whciv ever^ policeman on duly is pro- vided Willi Iho necessary appliance. In every sireel of imiiorlaiico are special call boxes, and a man lo coiniiiunicale wllhliis slaliiin has only lo pull out his poekel aiiparaliLS and adjust il to l!u wire in tho box. EASY TO .M.VKK A MISTAKK THACKi.Xf; A C.lil.'Mi.N.VL. IN How a Flecino Cashier >Vas Found- Discovery of a Ga: j ol Counlerfeiiers. All rrofe.s.sional criminals and most police ollicers aiul deleclive.s are super- slilioiis. They believe in luck. H is luck if Ihe criminal gels away, and il Ls luck if he gels caught. Forliinalely for s<iciely, Iho lurk usually is against the criminal and on the side of Ihe law. One detective on Ihe central slaff was looking for a pickpocket recenlly. says Ihe Chicago Tribune, und was in a fever cf impalience lo get hold of the man that afternoon becaiLse il wa.s feared be would leave town. The pickoockel could not be found at any of his usual haunts. lie was known to be a baseball fan, und Ihe detective, who was Ihe only man on llie force that knew Iho offender by sight, decided al once that he wiis al- lending the gamt>. II happened, how- ever, that lliere was a game that after- noon at IkiIIi Ihe ball parks. II was a question of .Suutli Side or Wi'st Side, and llic deleclivo Hipped a coin lo see where he should go. Tho coin .sent the officer west, and liLs luck \\as wilh liini. iho pickpockft w"^s loeattHl in the grand slami and fcUowL'd and taken inIo cus- tody AS SOON AS TIIF, GAME W.\S OVER. II is asbmishingly easy lo make a mis- lake in Iracking down a criminal, and il is no dispjiragement to Ibe iiolice that a blunder, sometimes on llic part of the • iffeiider iiiul somelimes on the part of Iho oHleor, often carries Ihe hunter >lraiglil lo liLs quarry. .\ rwenl instance of this kind seems almosi providential. riio cashier of a grain company on l.a .Sallo Street had bis.'ii plunging on bis own account and was behind in his cash to the tune of several Ihou.sand doUai-s. Ills enipkiyers complained lo the bond- ing company, whicli stood i-cspon.silde, and at the .same lime llie cashier got wind of Ihe exposure und bought a ticket for his home town in Wisconsin, and left on the aflernoon train. .\ do- leclive was afler him wtlhiii Iwo hours. Rut lh(^ detective, lo while away the lime on Ihe train, engaged in a game of whlsl wilh a party of druniniers. and be- fore he realized i! was carrieil Iwo towns past (he station where ho was supposed t) change cars, (iursing lii.s luck, the sleuth left tho train and found by in- quiries Ihal he could not gel buck tu Ihe jiinclion jioiiil for Iwo hours. lie wandered around the village sireels and ran almost into the anns of 'he fugilive, who, by a cnio trick, was wailing Itiere for a Irair. to take him westward cause deUi'ctives lo he arimilled Ihal he had none. The div leclive look him in custody on the' chance thai he might be a criminal.' When he wa.s searched documents were found connecting him wilh Ihe -Ptintii^' murder, A BLOODY MY.STEnY, which al that time was creating an im- mense sensation all over France. It evenlually transpired that this youth- he was but 11) years oldâ€" had in Ihe most cold-blooded innnner murdered a family of eight people in order to .secure Iheir liltle lioard of money. The police had nol a single clew unlil tho acciden- tal dt-icovery of the tnci thai lliis young man had no pns.sports. It was luckâ€" and bad luck for himâ€" Uial cau.sed a side woman to writi! a message lo her criminal lover with a hard pencil on a .soft pad of paper. Tha police had been watching her for a week in a vain effort to discover his hid- ing place. They knew she was writing lo liiin, but Ihey never could intercept the missives. Then one day a detective found the pad on which she had just wrillen. The sharp poinled lianl pencil had left the address indented on tha sheet below. A police officer on the northwest side discovered Ihe body of a murdered girl some years ago, because he wtis lucky enough lo have a dog that insLsled upon following him. 'llie girl disappeared und Ihe whole counlry had been .searched for hi'r. and nol Ihe slightest trace had been discovered. The grieving mother in- sisted that the young woman liad been murdered. The pulico thought Ihat she had run away. The officer who found Iho body was walking across Ihe prairie, followed by his fox terrier, Ihat reru.sixl lo be left at home. Tlie dog, linding the body of the unfortimute girl half buried beni'ath weeds and rubbish, barked .so loudly thai his masler followed him to the spot. MOSU':.M TABLE MANNEHS. Examples Which We .Might All Follow al the Table. The rules sol down by old Moslem precepts as lo how lo behave religiously and lyjprojiriately at meals ai'o inleresl- ing, lliiiugli whelher tticy are devoutly comi>licd wilh in limes of feslival is doubtful, says London Luneet. Here uro some examples :â€" your hands and iiKiuth before eatuig. When eating never put one ley upon Ihe other, nor put your elbows up<in Ihe table, as this hinders good digestion. Never be a slave of your repast, and never touch any meal if you are not hungry. lie ever content with what you liiid before you, and never give yourself great pains in j prei)aring choice dishes. Ri5 always, if pos.^ibie, al the table in company with 1 friends, as the prophet never partook of I his meals alone. .-Mwoys begin und end i yiiur meal wilh Ihanksgiving to .-Mlah. It is such Ihings us this thai Always eat wilh your righl liund and swallow, before and after fixid. a liUlo salt. It shows good iipbrinfjing iind is pleasing to .\llah ever lo put into the moulh only suuill luorseLs and never lo make any "ul.iservat ions upon the defec- tive ipialities of dishes. Ni'ver cut bread wilh a knife, bul. as live prophet did, break il. Never wipe your lingei-s willi bread, .\void blowing on a hoi dish, but wait unlil it gets cool, l-^al dales, apricots, and other simitar fruil one by one, remembering in eating them lliiis Iho unity of .-Vllali. .\void at Ihe IiiIjIo drinking much waler. Your meal finisli- ed, ullenlively llio lOiithpick gullier up tlie crumbs, and wash again your hands and mouth. Lastly, render thanks lo Allah. REI.IF.VI-: IN LUCK. .Some lime ago an odd piece ot luck â- iiaided the cily police lo tip off a den counterfeiters to the Covernment de- if leclives. In a raid on a poker joint a young man who was known lo the piiliee was captured with Ihe other players, and at Iho slation il was de- cided lo search him, just for luck. .Several new half dollars were discovered in bis iiockels, and these were found to 11? couuterfi'its of Ihe cleveresl kind, be- ing of gixid weight and ringing almost true. The man was delnined nnd his room on Illinois .street was searchixl. A quart or more of Ihe colas were found ill the boltom of his Iruiik. but no dies iir melting pots were discovered. 11 was clear llial llie poker player was "shoving the (pieer" f<ir a den of coiners. No- Itiing sold about his arresl, bul a (ioveninii 111 deleidive rent.-d the room acro.s,; the hall und shadowed every one who called to .see the man while he was lying in the station. " Thai night the jilanl of Ihe counler- feiiers was discovered in u basenienl near Iho iiorlh branch of Ihc river, und the entire gang is serving lime. A niilorious French murderer was di.scovered by a lucky accident in a cafe at Havre. A detective who was dining there happened to overhear a young niun making inquiry of the cafe keeper as to the formalilies necessary to secure pas- sage for Ame-rica. On being loUi J'lat of all bis papers must be in order. DO BONES MAKE WEIGHT. We often hoar il snid Ihat it is bond which makes weight. Ibiw very iiii.s- taken Ibis nolion is may lie seen from Ihe table of the actual weights of Ilia various eonslituenls of Ihe body. In every hundred pounds' weiglil of a fiill- giviwn ligures muu wo liave the following Muscles I'at Rones Shimacli. liver, heart, lungs, and other viscera Skin Circulating blood, elc 6 Riain lb. oz 41 i:! 1,S .1 15 li 8 13 6 15 6 8 1 11 100 Rapid changes of temperature are hard on the toughest constitution. The conductor passing from the heated inside of a trolley car to the icy temperature of the platform â€" the canvasser spending an hour or so in a heated building and then walking against a biting wind â€" know the difficulty of avoiding cold. Scoit*Ji EmulJtion strengthens the body so that it can better withstand the danger of cold from changes of temperature. It will help you to avoid taking cold. O t ALL DRUGGISTS: BOo. AND $1;©0. ^ ;

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