:&' i* ,: * â- â- ._g? »"i» i» "THUTH BEFORE FAVOR •' â€" " PRIKCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOLXXIy, so 1307 Flesh-ertoii, Ont. Xliursday January O 1907 W, H. THURSTON, EniToit KurjiiKTOIt i- V Christmas cJoocls Jjust to hand. •.~ -â- ,. T!io fihoiccsr thing.i in cbntiy, I'.atlior, plush ftDd silver fur Oliris- â- maa nrosanUi Wlion n'.iildiij; your scUctii'ii il'i nof. mil ti> look over our stock, wliioli \i '>iio of ihc biriji'fit, m"Ht coiiiplotu and up to-dato north of Toronto. Wiililiaa vitiKi and ji-willrj' i'l • bdwiMaii!!)! varioty at prices to aui-' (jvery pocket. ' ' 'f â- " J/eM^/^ef &• Optietczn ^lesherton, • D&COiPA MAI^KIDALE, ONTAKIO •* > • ,rey 'County's BIGGEST and CIIEArEST STOKE ensationa â- oons VvE.vn;i;N .ii'i'ui.,uji to ': L:-;'n':;.rcR; ^. /=^ f . ( At tlio left is shown .111- iioiul v.'Jiiiii l>nr.st it.4 l><ii"!s <"' P'riiftiy l:i.it. Oyer I'ho K^ntai'to. la 1 ()'> Mcen tlio top of r>liki-ly ifr Boj'd'^ |i!jin!:iu mill This iMSjldiii" was uiiiiij , V a I ..- :^>.<;« f.iu top Ot l'>MKi-iy iV l3o3M'1 |>! 1 as till! forc'i of tho iriilir ik iRi-d to ihy Uff. l«Sil.rui<» was 'uiiiojuwal f^^---^-^--^^-^ The Boyoe on a^- Tear. f Industrial .Home Nctes \ (By an Jnr«ate) -^ â€" ^^ ^^-^ -â- ^- ^ I Siiil unother deiilh .ind iiriotliov .idmit- ted s>iiii;o our -last re|Kirt. Umiiilu L' itoli, who v»;is discharged in .July last and re- aduii: ted aU.ut the uiidillo of Deo "mln'r, imsHud ii^iiolly away on M.induy, Deo. 2+. On vetuiiiiiia to tho honie tho poor oil felk-w looked to be entirely worn out nnd it WOH evil«iit that his O'lrthly career was fast drtwiiig lo 3 el'isi', but he did not taliv to lii.s bed a:ilil fi.ur oi live days pni.\uou.s to hia doAtU, when lio took to hiB bod au^ bousniu dulirii'U^*, veriiaininu in that condition until about. 24 hours pte'iioui' to d-'ath, wlien he passi-d quietly nwsy almost without a Htrugglo. Ilii fri.'rds look char<{o of his renmum and on Wednesday the 26.h rennived them to Dornocli for intornn'nt. His vacani oornev in the hospital foi.m was tilled a d»y or two later by old Ed. Black, hut wo entertain hopes for his recovery, nol- withstanling his own opii.ion to the con- tmry. Mis. Allen, a well known old woman i« Owen Sound, was aduiittjd on Friday evening;, Dee. 28. Wo are njraid she is jsoinj to bo rather troubleaomo until she finds out where she really is, at any rale. The followina; sifts have boon received for the inmates iluring the past wuek, for wh'ch the uiana)<era bcii to e.xpross their tihnnk.H, viz. : Misj liewitt of Owuu Soun!, a number of haud.«oino calendars and box of ouudies ; Mrs. A. Walker, Mark.l.de,Jemon pies for the old ladies, â- ftltd litsket of tino snow apples for tho whole of the inmaton ; Mrs, \Vittcr,lhroo gema of fruit ; Messrs. Shaw and Chal mers, pair of ohickens ; Mi.s.s Whailey, cushion for old ladle's' day room. We were greatly surprised to read of Roboit Trimble's death in la«t week's issue of The Advance. .\ fow mi.'iiths ago the late Mr. T. caH.d on your cor. and liad au hour's social conversation, when we thought he was looking remark- ably ncll and aov.ivo and sceniii:gly f^ouu for at least tho ne.xt leu years. Wo ex- teud svuipathy to tho family.. Tlie f.illowing are a few j*(ali«tic3 of the lii'U»o of refuijo ffcm., ihutipening of the institution on June.2.?;'4y04, .to- the tiist o( r.107 : StAll'-D?lTi;i,'o,Mai'kdaIe^ hou.sc surgeon; Thomas Harness,", 8U|x!>- inteiulent ; Mrs. Harnchs, matron ; Miss Robin.soii and Miss Dunnini^ton, house niuids. No. of inm.^tes admitted since the »peiiin.{ of the institution on .June 23, 19C-I, u|) 111 Dec. .'Jl, l!)0(t, men 53, women 26, tot.ilS4; number of deaths during the naine period, men 20, women rf. total 28. No. discharged, men 15, women 4, total l'.>. Ke adniitiod, men 7, woineti 1, to'.alS. No of inmates in tho home on .):m. 1, lOOG, moo 2'J, women Vi, tolal 42. (H this immber U men aiitl 1 woman |.5y (or their boaiil. One mail has been comnnt'ed three liines.mio twic«>, tnaliiiig a total of J»7 admissions. Average ago of inmate.^, 72 years. Sti»kâ€" Two working 'horsc.H, five niileh cows, two heifers, two culves, eleven sprin:! pig'f, and about two dozen her On Vvednesday, Dec. 26, a luaiiisttate's cou! t WHS held in the manager's ofhco before Mr. T. Harness, J. 1'., tho case being a fox and hound di.iputo between Adam Ilulley and - Walker. Mr. Mo- Ard1e appeared for the plaintiff. Jutig- m*«t defendant. Had ^'Our scribe known of the case previous to the ttiial full pirliculars might have been given. Mv. C. A. Kleuiing, of the Northsrij Vu'iinisi. college, Owen Bound, was a caller at the home on Saturday last. ^rs. Wilson MoMullon, Ceylon, was lOKEN LINES That shrewd huyer.s should talct; advanuioe (,(; [i ^viil ] Uioucy .saved to sec riuv'^e ixood.s ifth JO lifit that yoii i-L't|!iiro ere is aiivthiiiir on the Boyd's Dam, the Bridge and Nubn's Dam Carried Away. On Fri'iay morninjj last the dam at Rlakely and Ijoyd's niillpond uave w.iy, prc- cipitatiig a ma.ss of water down the course and doing a large amount; of daai.ign. The water piled u\) agdnat the bridge on Sydenham St, until it waa over tif leen feel deep and ran ov.T the road. Then the bridge (javo way, allowing t ho enorniuns flood uf waters aid debri* to rush i'lto the woollen mill pond, tho dam of which idio gave waj befnio th.i ter'itic im.sl'iunht of waters, and then the combined Hood inahed down the valley to Loucks' mill where it spread over tha flats and ittforee was cheeked. In the village no damage was d"iie u( any account to the mills themselves, though they wore flooded on ilie lower floors and ai tho woollen mill Mr. Nuhtt had a slight damakie to stock. DevHbtation followed the course nt raging waters, ami the handsoino ltovo of oe<Ws above the hndg" was liodily uprooted luid piled ii^uiisiijhily brush heaps. Laige pieces of mii.soiuy wciijhiiu probably two tons were earned fifty yards below the bridge by tho terrific force of loosened waters. No pof.sou s.>» tho catastrophe, ns it occurred at 6 a, in., before daylight. Mr. John Uellamy crossed the hridg.) at :., m. to liuht the Bchool housu fire, and in twenty luiiiutus rtrturnod to iiiid tho bridge yone and tho fury of the waters spent. No satisfactory reason is given fm' the eatastroplio other than that tho dam had gradually weakened and the recent (haw hail crrtateil extra pruRSuro sufficient to make it give way. D.-.mane 'o the two d.ains and bridge will not fall shore of ?L',000, ; the loss in business aud traffic inconvuukucd will also be very cuisiderablo. While Mr. Loucks' mill was somewhat choked with debiia, it has been cleared awav and the mill is running as usual, lie lost two hives of bees in the dood. The boys of the village found a tino harvest of suckefs and perch strewn along tho I'anks .after the flood had subsidetl. A temporary hriduo has been built for the winter, as it is impoMible to orccl a permanent structure in the winter. Artenvesia Elections For Reeveâ€" Div.l Div. 2 Div.3 Muir 37 C8 29 McTavish 26 81 43 Majority for Muir, 37 Frr Dy.Kocve â€" Be^t K. 39 64 Moad \V..T. 21 81 Majority for M«ad, 45 ForConiioiUors â€" (;ai>oii A. 2() 78 MoKonzioT.R. 38 108 .vr;;Lougliry U.D. C3 82 Why to Alex 2!) 48 Totalsâ€" McKonzie 420, Carson 392, J1--J I L_ L ' .;.' Div. 4 Div. 5 Div. tj Div. 7 Div. 55 8tJ 20 77 25 43 51 28 62 28 -Hr 4!) 22 52 30 28 10 among tho visitors at the home on Thurs- day last. The first death in the homo for 1!)07 occurred on Sunday last, oth inst., wlion, with intense sntl'. ring, MifiS Kstlier Purdy pas-.sed away. Deceased was (li.Hchar.iod fKiiii the lionit on the expiration of her sentence, alioiit the middle of July, but was rea(lniiltt,'d in the oiirly part of the foilowioii month, from which time she continued to e.x.hib:t every appearance of rapidly declining health whi»-h appeared to be of a diopsical tendency, but, how- ever, proved to be a severe typo of broii- chi'".is V, hich prevented her from lyin:< down il. bedat night. Sho niinaged to ki-ep on her foit until Suiul.iy morning when she was put to bed but h.nl to bo propped up with pillow.t lo lirevent suf- focation. Sho w?is tenJerly cared for by th(>s;j al)Our her. 't'lio romaiiis Mere ta'Kon chat go of by near rolatuua and eoiiveye i to Pncevillo for buri.il in tha ' family plot. , I .â- \ndrew Kelly of Glcnela, for many years well known throughout a 1 irye [ portion of this county, wai ad in (ted as 111) inniiite for the next four ni.iilhs on , Friilay last. Andrew has .seen many ups anil do.vn.i in the world â€" hu waa a well- I diauer. ! Mr. Harness prpsonted each iimiato ; with Hii orange nnd a pocket hniidkei chief t on Now Years. | Miss .Maggie Mooieliouse of Toronto â- called on your cor. on tho 2nd inst. and j made liim a natty little New Yeais gift, j Many thanks, Maggie. Yiiur cor. also desires lo think Miss Laura VVhittaker for her many kind wishes and Now Years remombianco. 35 S» 12 74 30 tJO i)3 38 43 23 C2 80 31 40 14 44 42 23 05 46 33 3!> :jo 73 25 37 07 15 63 16 cLou) ?hry ,'5(il, Whyte 275. OS PREY ELECTION Reeveâ€" E. W. Norman, acclamation. Deputy Ueovoâ€" D. K. Profton 24;i, W. H. Guy 215. Majority for Prestoa, 28. Couiicillor.sâ€" A. E. MeCallum 240. .1, Spoers 215. Thos. Stephens 252, H. Down 212. The latter was defeated. Centre Grey Farmers Inst. Meetings. Mootiiigs of iho Centre Oiey Farmers' IiiHtilutn will bu held as follows : Iviinberley, .Jan. 10, 2 and 7 p.m. Markd.Jo, .Jan. 15. 2 iiid 7 p.m. Priceville, Jan. 10, 2 and 7 p.m. riopeville, .Ian. 17, 2 and 7 p.m. Dundalk, ,Jan. 18, 2 and 7 p.m. j B idj. roa, Jan. l'.», 2 and 7 p.m. M.ixweli, Jan. 21, 2 and 7 p.m. I Feversham, Jan. 22. 2 and 7 p.m. | Tho following spcidicrs will addro.s,* the â- meetings: Dr. O. H. Reid, (ieorgetown. .SiUj''Ctsâ€" Pniielpals and Praotico of, .Stock Bieeilmi,', tlolMO Uroidiiia f<il*( Prulit, Horte Care and Feeding in Rela tion to Disease.^, Disi ases of Diaestivo System of Cattle, and Brood Mare and Fo.il. Miss Miller of Ciiolph will (-peiik on Homo and School, School Limoheoo, The Keas.pu Why in Butter Making', Prolit and Lobs on the I>aii-y Farm, Health 111 t!io Homo, Hints for tile Homoj Nurse, and Lloms'stie Kdiieatioir | Miss Miller will organize a branch Woman'* histituSo at Proton Station on Jan. 13 nf, 2 p.m. OVERCOATS FUUS ," We put on Kiiln o.i« cloz.ii Men's f)ver- -^ ^I'"'s Dni> Skin C.iat.s siz'-s 42, -14 .-iiul coats, comprining fttiioy Eiii:li>h Tweeds 40, iviiuiur price S22, /lleaft'lng at . .17.."iO and blue ami blael; Beavers, niakini; tho •{ M .,,. r „<• . ,„'.. laiiije eoiiipK-tii from .)(> to 44. These ,.i,.„rii. ...i, '•"•-»•»-,»* ann 4ii, . â- ' . , . . 1 1 Clearing ai eacli i>, a.\ mi are ii'.;h'-iip to ilio miiniio in style and â- ••»#> oo.mi Iiultorn. the lialanco of our lo^ulur .?10 01) " L'uHes A.strnchau .lAckil.i, sizes 34 to and 10.50 lines eloiinng at each. . . .!J7.'.)U '^-' >"<-gnliir selling pricij §40.00, on sufa to cloar at each J,, j3i ^5 97.00 COATS FOR 4.90 4 Mammt Mhik C.perim's.'hirge'si.e ami Men's Blue and Black 13eaver Overcoats, "^' "'"*â- '""-'''^ regular JlO.HO sale ]irio.i sizes complele froia 34 to 42, reanlar >-al- ^â- '"'^â- h ^?7.50 ues ^.50 and 7.00. Only al.oul one of « .\.strachau IlufTs, regubr va'ue»'l--)0 eaeli size left. Come .Hily and secure ,„„1 4.0t», clearing price each . . «2 &J one at thosiiucml clourmg price §4.90 ....«>*«â- ./ LADIES JACKE'fs BOYS OVERCOATS ,. . ,, ., , ,, , . ^, , , , L!ulte.i shoit Coats 111 hi.ick, bins and Boys Fancy Tweed Coils, sizes 22 to 28, givy, remilar 85.50 to ?1).5() cloannir regular IJ.'i.dO, sale price each S3.08 pi ieo oncli j ;;i) fU)VK K-Viririi-py 8 La.lien.Iackets, this seiLson's stylo, in HOYS KMCkERS black only. These have been good .dl- 1 dozen pniiH Boys Knickois, navy blue 'â- â- '' «' Sti.T.i, to clear the lino ipiickly tweed, sizes 24 to 28; special to ciuar at '''^'y «" "t each 84.90 each 3O0 CHILDREN'S JACKETS HORSE BI,ANKErS 6 Children' Coats in navy, red and g-oy. 1 dozen H irmi Blankets, yood full size "'^.os 10, 12, 14 and 10, regiil.ir price of and heavy weiyht, regular 81.00 sale these was S3..-)0 and 134.50 ; to clear tho price 7<)o line they g'l at tach gi.80 SALAD DISHES CHILDREN'S BOAS 50 fancy China Salad Dishes, reguUr .30 25 Children's While Wool Boas, special onsalo 15o cie.iriiig prijc ciicli 5c McFARLAND 81 COMPANY Mi^FSKlDi^K. A£tsm, I'reatiueat. int; tho syiiiptoms afi.-.!n â€" runnlni.: Dc£cTO T/catuiCHt. seres, blolehoa, rheumatic i-niiis, looiieno.is of the hair, swelll'iss of the Blfinds, palms of tho hands scalli.ii-, Itcliincs.H oT ihfl skin, dyspep- tic .stomach, etc. X had sivoii up In Ue.'-piili- wiita n frioiij aUvlseJ mo to coutnilt yoi!, a.-? you had cured him ef a niiiiilar r.isoase 8 years ago. 1 had no hoi'O. but took his advice. In th!«n weeks' time tlio aorc! comniencftii to Ileal up and I bocamo eiieotirnned. I rrintinued tho No\/ Method Trcatir.'jnt for tr.\iv months an.l at the enit of tlint time every .symptom had diiioppe irod I wn.i c'.iret 7 >cnv3 m^o and no nlfc-ns of anv iliscnso since, ^^y hoy, three years olrt, Is wouiij and hf.i'.Uhy. I coe- lainly ciii iccomineiKi your treatment vitli .ill my hcnrl. You etn refer any person tj rae privately, but you can use this to.«limoni;U aa you virh. ' av. H. 3. W'a treat IVcn-or^ D.-btIK'-. 'Var!eoorJ<«, strtftTirc, Vllnl M'eahnrnn. nioud and STclu disacios, Hrluary, lilaildcr and Uldocy coniola.iiis of men ana M'oiv..:n. RKSnCfl Are you ft victim? ITnvo y>ii lor.t hoyi? Are yen tntoncl- &.Hii1,i\ Inr: to marry? linn yon.- t.liod b>ioii dine.iaed? Hnvo you uwy •wo.-dt'isiis? Our Nu-.v Jteiliod Tioiimeiit v.-lll euro you. \\'hat Jt liuM dona tor otliors it will do for yi.\i. »;(j.\'Sl,'!,T.\TION TRKU No matter v/ln h».i Ircatad you, vilt.? for in honest or>lnio-.i l''rco of Charpre. Charircu re.ifloneV.io. IiCO.U"a !â- •!<;:::; â€" "-TI-.o a'olr'.en J'nnUor" (ilUiatrntcdi, on IJls.'Uiej ul W»u. Seii'.oJ Bopk on "Discacoa ot V/oinoii" Kroo. COB NO N.t-iiKs UERn M'r.-Trot,T Tinir'rEv ftoN-;r:->rr. JZrcirtbSsiv ladoniinl. Qtictiion l.>» iimi cast of tj.-ntiucat^l'Hili::. i/ Irk^s H wjBtai;, â- <â- . n <- u..sts _ ^ _ Cor. WHchia<xf\ Avj. f»nd £i\ei!»y St., OeJrokJ. yf(f:h' The Advance and Montreal Ilcaild combined, only $1 per annum if pai-I strictly in advan,ce.