Till FLtlSMCBTOV IT- r 1 • » > V STANDARD^ANK OF CANADA HATtag tDOT*d to U>«ir aew ({HftrUurs desirp* their maay patitma to caH on them at their new office, Main 8t , where a rexuiar banking btuincfle it tranHacted. Mon- ey available for legitimate bannta cnUrprise. Interest allowed OB d^poaita of one dollair, and upward, eom- poonded half yearly. Office- bonra 10 am to 8 p.m. Satoniaya 10 a.m. to 1 p. m. Staiidard Baak Vicimty Chips Yoa «»a go rabbit buating on Chrtalmaa day this year tf yoa lo dwin. For money at loweit rataa, land (Mar- ty, r> to A. S. VanDuaeo, ri«ih«tTaa. B«r" â€" lo'Artcaiema, oa Suaday. ninlli isat. to M(. BiM Mrs. Wesley CWrwn, a aon. A qoantily of 1^ inch cmU rack aim f.w aale at oar Rack*al« â- illâ€" Amiatroaa Bfoa. Uarkdale. HiM May GiUeapie, of Toionlo, i< home fur the Ckrintiiia* holidaya. For Sale^-Stnsk baU far â- »!• S yMi* eld. Apply W. J. 8â- lupaM^ Fteahertoti Pnat Oflba. ij/gb The new abed at the {Uckvala Baptist ehoreti ia about completed aad waa med for the fint time list iSuoday evenini{. ReT. L.F. Kipp vill ipmk in the Baptint diareb, Saoday raornDiK, on "Gud^t Chriatmaa gift" Rot. Josia* Green, retired Methodist anisiater, called oo frienda here S«tiuday laat. Mr. Green wu stattuned uu this eircoit forty yean ago. Mr. and Mra. Qeorca J. RaaaeU of Kirkalla, Man. are nuking » vintar visit with Mr.Rawell's father in this tovnthip. White Leghnma for saleâ€" A namber of thoroujthbred onekerels fur sale, extraor- dinary stock. Tout choice fir fi Oa H. Harrow, PrieeriUe, DeclS An eDidswic of imeasles of a mild type haa broken out in the Port Law district and as a consequence Miu H. Staffurd's achool concert is iadeliaitely poat^ned. Miss Frances Forrit acd Miaa M. Magee of Homings Mills wars EueaCs st the Mothodist paraouai^e fur a few d»ys dartuK the past week. The social st the Methodist panouaga oo Friday ersnioK last wm» veil attwided aud * *ery pleasant eTcniog enjoyed by those present with games, laacbMo, etc. Xotiee-r-All Uxea in Dir. So. S not paid on D«e.M wiU be oullectod with eoata.â€" W. L. Wriickt, ooUeetot. Noticeâ€" Port Law School eoncwt ia puetponed on aoconnt of ateaalea until Jan. lltb. Keep that data ia view dar- ing an yoor Xmas featiTities. The rotw adrertined in Uat week's Advance was rtrtnroed wiihin three hours after the jtaper waa issued. Mr. R. Moore. Macksmith at J.U.Uverd'a. wsa t'a finder. Wa understand that a hockey dub was organiu-d the other ereninft bat thn aamea of the boys have not been hand«d in. Probably they are modest aad do not like to aee their namae in print. Hound Joatâ€" pert bea((Iaâ€" on Dee. 9. B'ack and white spotted, white ring around body in front of hipa, antwers to name Jack. Finder please ooomuaicate wUh Dr. S. C. Murray. Fleahertoo. The OeoiKian Bay Power C* paid on Saturday the aaonud flOOO purchase money for the township's right in Eugetiis falls. Marriedâ€" At the raaaie, Mesford, by t^ie Rev. S.H. Eastman. Daniel L. Weber * > Jennette Maria, dau|thtar of Mr. A. McLean, all of the towtiship of Atteml Miaa Lou Edmonds of Hamilton is â- pending theObristmaa holidays aith her uncle and anut, Mr. and Mrs. W. Trim- ble, PCBUC Nonca-Ali parties are here- by warned that 1 wUl i.ot be responsiBle for any dsbta contracted in my nameâ€" t -hn Soil ley. Th» Ontario Qovemnipnt is not a poker player, but it has put op a Uiiiit that few proteeaioiials wouM care to bock ad^iiist IT'T,"?. "*V^ »»i"«"o»- It is known aa the Gilhes limit. ,nd we all own aliarea that cannot be affected by the bulls or the bears. At the eoort iu On»^ SomnJ last week »*•"'* of Feverehaus.wbo was charged ^th st««lin« a horse, was discharged by the jud«e. The facts regarding thia case. Which was a horae trading dispute, were jleen in a rceeat isf ue of The Advance. The akatiag rink opened on Ttoeaday •«en.H,^ of last week. The ioa waa very jtood. |lr. I^tton haa had electric li<{bt^ inatallad since last winter and haa engaged the band for evsry Tuesday uif(ht tbruugh- oot the season. The annaul Sabhaih sekoul aniertain- m^at of Chalutita' QhuccK will be held on ABTANCI the ewewsBg of Hew Tcar's'anrMr ...., whew a itat elaas peegrain wip-bn n|i<* wl and (M aMrvcd fcMB • to t o'doi*. See Good stnng hoy want«d, steady job the year round. Apply at Furd'a Chop- ping mdl, Marhdak*. Mr. Wm. RiclMfdaaa was emiinad t« the honsa last week with a asvore attack of lumbago. To Rentâ€" 8b>re and dwelltnc ic the village ixf Priceviile. Apply to Mra. K, J. Grier, Dnndalk. %Ir. R. Borkof Kmadaie and Mrs. HerowofBuflaIn catted oa friande here laat week. They had all>nd»d the fune- ral of their father. Mr. R, Y. Bmk of Oiprey. TaK Noticeâ€" All t»s«s in arreara must beiw bjr Dse. 14, IWC. <« they wUl be liaUe to he eoUeetwl with onsta, Jamea WiUiama, Collector. Cnganw. A apectal msati ag of theA. O. V. W. fur election of oMeara will be held on Meoday aveotag, Daea n s n sr U. T. A. Blakely, Fiw.8ee.. F. Chaid. M. W. A toa mcating wiO ba haU at Piveid- ewee ehurek, Uapcey. on the eveaiaa of New Teara day. Good musie, rceitatione speac h ss, ete. Them wiU be two serviesa in liM ehufch the Suaday before, morn- ing and eveaiug. Do aet forget the tea meetia<(. The Sooe uf Scotland heldtheir annual oyettrr supper in their HaU at Priervdie oa Tuesday ui«bt,.iaat. About fifty members uf the order were presenv after the supper, an iinpr;>aptu concert wae given by different aieabers. The staff of Flcohertoa puidia arhool haa once mora been filled with W. J. Mills, B. A., of London, aa prineipal,and Miss Jtjsaie Farquhacson iti Durham in the intermediate t jra. Misa Cunlaun cvntinuea iu the Juaioc forat. An auction sale of fiarm stuck and im- plements will be h- Id on lot 90, cnn. 10, Artemeeia, on Friday of next week, Deo. 28. Sale at 1 p.m. Uaual lerma. F.N. Field proprietor, D. McPhait auctioneer. Tlie anniversary serrice in connection wilb the Priceviile Baptist church, wilt be held on 30tb and .^tlat inaL Oa the Sunday the pastor will preach at 2:30 and 7-.3U while a platform meeting wiU be held on the Hunday eeaning. We direct the attention of our readers to the adrerti-iement of the popular Elliott Du8iu«ss CoUaee of Toronto, a achool that is crowing greater year by year and is well worthy of patroaaKe. Write to the Principal, W. J. Elliott, for a catalogue. The Winter Term opens Jan. 2ud. A line uf leather goodisioclttdiiig mu<iic rotia, pocket books, purses, satchels, scboot btkua and rasur strops, just placed in stock, also men's fur lined working cuats and the uaual atodt of winter goods; W. Moore, Flesherteo. TO LSTâ€" Several good contracts of cutting and haulian sawlufs to our Rock- valii milL Also wanted, family to run boarding houae. If the aiMi bad a good team we could give him employment. Armstrong Bros., Bfarkdale. Dealer say that those who have used Cham- berlaiu* Stsooiadt aad Liver Tabiata are tpAta loyal to them and eaa oo* be panoaded t» take any substitute. ti«t a free nBpla at W. K. Kicbardsou's drug Uore, in ve them a trial, and yeu too, will want tbrrm in pre(m«nee to any otlier. They cur* (tomach tronblsa, bilious. nese and constipation. Before- another isen* of The Advanee the Chriatmaa sesson will have paased. Wbeii eatiag your Chriatmaa turkey and plum puddio«; rememlMr that thia paper bop«e it may taste good to every reader and that there will be no evil after eSecta. Thore will be a targe nnml>er i4 bome- cumers and family re-oaions. May we all enjoy a very merry Chriatmaa. Mr. James Stinson of the Toronto line prcRAiited The Advance last week with *a basket of crab applea wkieh he had pre- served as fresh as when they came fnHB the tree. This waa effaetcd by etoriag them in leaf mould, tligjbtlj dampened. Crab applaa are uaoally a very ephemeral fruit, ap<iilit)i( a abort time after picking, but by thu method they can evidently be kept for a long time. A number of citizens attended the new Meth(Hli»t church opening in Markdale on Suuday last. Thia church has Ix-en erected at a cost of 923.000. and $11,000 of this had to be raised by tubscriptiun, the biiUnct) sccruing from insurance on the old building. At the services on Sunday the full 111,0(10 was raised, which places the cbuich sbs<ilutely free of debt. Of course the subecriptiaos extend over a period of four yetirs. Nine citizens of Markd«le put down their names for $500 each and the church societies sub- scribed $1000 between them. The new building is a handa4>uie edifice with gal- lery all round and audi'oiium raised at the rear after theatre fashion. Dedi- cation will tiike place noxt Sunday. It will certainly add to the entbusiaam and pleaaure of future servioea lo know that the coatn in connection with this beaoti- ful houae of worship arw fully provided for before the day of dedication. The Advance man visited the tunneling work at Eugenia on Thursday laat aad found the work still progressing slowly with 130 feet yet to axeavate- About teo feet per day ia all tkat can he aaeom- plished owing to the extremely dtlicalt nature of the material ^thtoogh whwh they have to penetrate, aad aolwith- standiiig the fact that work goea on con- tinuously, day and night. It will prob- ably be the end of Febrwary before this M9 feet of tunneling ia oomplaled. The stone and cement faoinifa an now in place and give cavhteutcawe quite an iw- Klaff of an cough medicines. Mr. E. G. Cka^ a mail carrier of Canton Center Conn., who has bean in the V. S. Ser- vice for about sixteen yean, aays : "We have tried many cough aMdirioea for croup, Init Chambailain's Cough Remedy is kiur of all aad one tu be relied «n every time. We alao find it the bast remedy for c^uglu and culds, giving certain results sod leaving ao'bad after stfacta.- rorsaleby W.E.KicW£KH>. Nigh Claat Concert Don't fail to hear-th« renowned Scotch sing«r% Miaeee Duff and Rubertsoo, on Thursday night. Dec. 20th, under aua- picrs of the S. O. S. at Watson's hall, Prioevilie. AU seats iMMeed. Tickets Muwnu. iV>ofha4iht«ietOftoa. Tberiuk will (xoixn for skatietoo Tl^jM.. Tbur».. an J S«t., •Tsoioxs. RandtD aLt«iitJaiios Ttiea., evsainga, Matiog Xuas afternoon with baad. -Tâ€" *- Xmas Requisites Christmas is ahaost at hand and you can not do battel tkaa to call at our stove and inapect the large ttalck uf candica, nuta, etc and the prioca Will be an agreeabia ieifinte to you. We bars lots of nuts; bcre area few : Peanuts, WalnnlK, Filljer^s, Almonds and aB kindv nf •beUad nnu We bare also a very large aeleclion of Caadies. Call and aecure some while they last. .\lso Navel Oranges, Lemony Tigm, Dates, <*e. W. L. WMGHT Notict to UN Public Motlae is herebv etvsn that an v i>eranfi (aUan ?rarel fmm tbe aide of my lot, nitiSwnniniog the saee wiH tM prosecuted lor Ireepaaa. J.^MKS PATTOS. Flesbarton, Dec. 7. nxxt. FSanti for $ al^ Lot 33, con. 13, Artemeoia; tiX) acres, 30 cleared, SO acres hsrdw<MMi bush, 30 acree swamp. GtMtd frame house and W gtablea. and U)g Ktahles. Well watered. Will be suM cbeaparidon easy tenn*. Apply tu IIOV37 R. W. McMuUen, EuKenia. DMcPHAIC, Lieenred Ano'.ioneer tor the • County of Orejr. Terms moderate and satisfactiou guaranteed. Tbs arraansmaots aad dates of lalss can be made a% Thb Advinos oflloeL Baaidenoe and I'.O., Cejion, Tslsplioue eonosotion. Doe. 6,07. mount Pkasant Berde Of pursbrsil scotch Bhortorna with t^e famoas \oiiag atock bull, Beottisb Chist, attlte head. Youagstobh for tale, prises rseeaaahle. terma assy, otmar aj> B. aI<Lâ- ^(, Pior>. 170, Con. n K. r. * 9.B . Hotiet l oflK Public 1 hereby notify all panoas againat unrcbaa- ing loss 171 and 172. 2 S. W. T. * S. R. Arte- mesta, without first atttKag with me. MRS. L. MeA^TUUIL }aa S Fricevii'le.. December the Utb. 1906^ ptwidv air.' ~M- rteoad ~4Ua -tar motrngt: ' win liu.sibeted at tbe HaswaU ddoeoad, eight M|i9eaM«f:BiiM«L^«l|M will he of iminengjieapiteiryi^wM hack the water aSblar up aa Feveraham, 1^ snilaa farther eaat.- The eoatraet for these dame wiU lihalf lie let thia wiaUr su tbat material may aa got na tKw gioond while there leaaow. Mr B. F. Eeesor, the oompany'a enginoer, waa on the grottnd laat week. An BUcUon aale nf tatm stock nod implemenU wili he held oo hit o3. If. D. K. Uleneig, m Thursday, Deo, 27, at 1 p.m., the property of Saiab Ann Mortnw. D. HcPhui, aaeiionoar. Seldom doea a ehnidi give its Sunday sehiHil acholnra tn goad an evening aa the Pricevills Praabytsriangavw their 'shildren bat Friday nighi. It ia to ha regretted that the ice aturm prevented many from auynying the food thiufraprovided. After lua had been aerved in the basement, an eteeOent proRram waa r aads r sl in the aaditoriumof tha^reh. The little ooee gave the nraal Chriatmaa rscilatinna wUle the maaie waa fumiahed by the msm h e^a of tke chair aad eonaistad of a aila.a daat,a oaartat and » ehoma. Rev. Mr. Bnach, of the Methodiat eharch,eun- veyed the Chriatosss greatings of bis people. The addram of tha avaniag was given by Bev. Lewis F. Kipp, B. A., of Fleshertun, who chose aa hia euhleet, "Jim Dumps, or Sunny Jim-^whiehr Miss Irving, of Hamdton, a most gifted elnentionisr,. made her tirst appearance before a Priceviile sodienee. A mono- higue entiled, "Bridget, the eook " and "A night in the hotel bar" simply eon- vulaed the whole audience, young and old. A aetuetion from Ian McLaren, "The Death of the old Scott" waa ezcsptUmally w^ rendered. As encoreo Miss Irving gave a number of lighter piaees. »'ai« ELECTION CARD To the ^eeton of ArUmma : Laous ano GairTumw, â€" Having been solicited by a large number of ratrpayera of Artemeaia to become a candidate for deputy reeve, I solicit ynur vote snd in- flueooH. RUBT. B£iJT. I For 9 Olititer ai€ar y Slippers, Overshoes and Rubbers ^ FOR SALE AT CLAYTON'S I s We bare already received a very large stock of new goods, and invite yoa to give as a call, expecting a good bargain. We will not disappoint yoa. CiistoM OPorli md Ktyairtog^jmoNlMI It n CLAYTON'S now is Vour Cttne Now is yoar time to get a good bargain in alt lines of goods. New goods arriving every day and at the ri^t {H^ces. Come and get a good fur coat at the right price, both for ladies and men. Also a good assortment of men's boys' and yoath's Dress Coats; Men's and boys oil tanned iarigins. Men's and boy's 50c caps for 36e. XMAS PRESENTS We have a good assortment of Xmas presents for the children and are all ready. Santa Claase can load up any time. J as. Pattison, Ceylon. ^CHRISTMAS* Call and see our splendid variety of gents ties, scarfe J I and Ways mufflers; Ladies collars, belts silk waists, 1 1 Ringwooid gloves in gray, white, black, red and blae. I ' Touqaes and fascinators at reasonable prices. \ I Bcw Skia CoaU far Baby ^ I We have a number of the fineet hear akin coata for the baby yon ever mw I ) F<ir $8.50 to 16.00. Alao little muffs and ruffa combined (or 60c < > LmKcs Costs K ' . We hare a number of the Sosst ooata ia tweeds, light and dark for. . . .fS.OO {0«it'4C««tS A fioa raagn uf Gent's coata for $10.00 \\ ClHlstiiMW CootoctioiMry JJuat arrived, a larva ahipmeot of choeoUtea, creams, nuts (Brasila, walanU, filberts, peanuts) and California oranges and lemons. Ii Fe G. Karstedt i: Flesherton - - Ontario. Pure Bred Camwortl^ and Bcrksbires I hare for sale some put ebred Tamwpith •nws, alao two nice pure bred Berkihirr boars nearly ready to w«an. Satiafaction guarau- teetl M.17 07 -G. W. Rosa. Maxwell. Tenders for Farm Teodera will tM rsMivad ap to Jao. 1. 190T for tbe pnrcbas* of lot IW-ISS. K. T. * a. R., ArtcDieKia. all seedsd dowa but 4 aorss, aod in Rood shape. Have aold oat my atoek and deairs Iu qiiil taruiioc Not lass tiian atOOt o««h aad balauce at 5) par oaot. with terma ya salt pur. cbassr. Tbe bisbsst w aoy tender aot aaoss sarily aoe e yae J. A.BOTD. neahsrtoa. Sbortbora BuH Tb« thorooghiirsd Sbnrthera Bull, "Favor- ite," naBS, '-* r---- Til iTTIITt.TnrtiaBgi N. D. R., Artemeaia, Pediffraean apphcalisa. Tsnii*<1.25 ALKX. McBAR Ceytaa Tam worth Boar for Servtct A tborowcbbreJ Ta-oworUi lM«ar tor smilae »e>ut5,eea.UkOsprs/, Tanae-at targraAea^ DATIO Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, ^ I beautiful eye ^lass artistically fitted is a facial ornament We will fit you with a fruM best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, : rUESHCRTOMa ^^