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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1906, p. 7

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81,200 LOSTâ€" KEWARD 6 CENTS. iVoman in KnylanJ Bcslows MuiiiQcent Rextard I'pon Honest UiU. A correspondent of the London Daily Mail sends an account of the loss and recovery of a bug of tjolcl, conlainintj JE2'iO. und the "generous' reward of threepence paid lo Ihe llndi-T. The bajj was found on a seat ut Nuw- ton llealh Ha. .way S.a!ion by a boy, who at once took it to Ihe lost properly ofnce. From subsequent inquiries it was found that Ihe money was the properly of a lady who had been on a vLsil lo Nfcwton Ilcalli, and who did not miss the bag until she arrived at Vicloria Station, Maiichaslcr. She duly reported the loss, but could give no idea where she had left tier properly. Aflcr recovering her gold the lady rewarded the Under with Ihrce.pcuce. fERRIBLE RESULT . OF BLOOD POISO:^ CUROMC ULCERS AND SORES FOR 9 YE^VRS â€" Z-VM-Bl K WORKED A MAUVELLOIS CURE. Th' wonderful value of 7.ain-BuU, the terbal bahn in cases of chronic ulcers, sores, elc, is illuslraied by the experi- ence of .Mrs. VV. E. nice, of London Junction (Ont.). She says. "i-'or nine yea.-s I had been a sufferer from running sores on my legs caused by blood-poisoning. 1 had tried every kind of oinlmenl and salvo that I had heard of. but none of them scemc<t In ray case. Last winter I wiis Worse than ever, and could not bear lo slanJ on my feet for live minutes. The pain was so acute thai 1 could not Uar to have my slippers on. "! heard of Zam-Buk, and decided lo give it a fair trial. From Ursl com- mencing with it il did nie good, and it ha.s now cured ine. Whereas before I could not stand on my feel for live minutes at a lime. I can now not only stand, but walk about without feelin-j any pain whatever. I feel like a new woman. I have waited lo see if Ihe cure was pcrnianent before making any statenunt, and now I am very wil- ling to give my lesliniony. I shall be pleased to answer any inquiries, und if any one cares to come and see me, I shall be pleaded lo tell them what Zam- Buk has done for.njo." It Is by working such cures as ihc above thai Zani-Buk has made for it- self its world-wide reputation. II is a certain cuio for cut,';, burns, eczema, pinples, running sores, spread- ing srab.s, sealp diseases, poisoned wounds, fe.slering sores, piles, ulcers, bad leu-:, ab.scc-sos, boils, ringworm, erysiptlas, .scrofula, barber's rush, bhickheads. acne, sliffiiCRs, rheumatism, and all injured, di.sensed or inflamed' con.lilions of skin and tissue. Of nil druggists at 50c a bo.\, or postpaid from the Zam-Buk Co., Colborne Street, I'o- ronto, upon receipt of price. 6 boxes for $2.50. It Is a pleasure to comment upi''n ihe cons rviUive niclhods emplayed l.y IJie G. k ('.. Merriam Co.nipany in the pub- I.calon of the Webster's liilernalional Dictionai-y. Not ev^ry little s!ai;g word \ or is pul» Into the book regard- '. â-  lesi of Us .schi)la.3lic or linguis'ic quail- ' lies. It IS this conservatism hiick'd 'jy Ihe .scholarship of the ediinr-in-chief, William r. Harris, Ph. D., LL. O., late UaiU'd .Stule-i Conuni-ssioner oi Educa- tio:, and hui;d;eds of others of the greatest educa'ors of this and i;lher na- tions which has made Ihe International llie slan !ari! in the United States Su- preme Court and all the Stale .Supreme Cour'.s. also the standard of the Gov- Fnnling Ollice, and the basis o' nearly all the sehoolbnoks in the c-untry. II is indorsed by every Stale .School .SuptriiUcndent, univi rsally re- commended by College Pifsidenls and Educators, ad adhered lo us .standard by over 99 per cent, of Ihe newspapei-s. Shoultl you not own such a book? Get the best. ECYm-'S LA.NDIIOLDERS. There are an enormous number of small latidliolders in KgypI, 5.(<tK) (XX) arres being cultivated by over 1,000.000 landowners, of whom C.dOO are Euro- j>eans, owning, on an average, a little over IW) ucies. Nine hundred and forty peasants In. id under live acres each, or 23 per eenl. of the whole cultivated land; while 12,000 men of means have holdings above (ifty acres, their total being over 2.250.000 acrte. or W per cent, of Ihe whole ; proprietors of be- tween live and twenty acres having 21 per cent Husbandâ€" "You are not economical." Wifeâ€" "Wei!, if you don't call a woman economical wlio saves her wedding-dress for a possible .second marriage, I'd like It know what you think economy is." Ab Inheritance of waak tnngs ts a aenou Janilicap, but .Vllon'.* Lung luisam t.ikeii at tb« drat signs of a o iiiiih wiU •luure immunity frum ton lUiigeruua ialovt. Dout triHo w itU u.-iiiowa cure-juls. Podkinsâ€" "Do you think Peters capable of deceiving a fricndT Dodkinsâ€" "Oh. no; none of his friends believe a word ho says." TiiiT eii? Tsa m Eisiii? Procure from your druggist PROFESSION'S THAT KILL. OR. SLOCUM's The latest compilations which have been made show llial the air in cutlery f.iclorie.s is laden with invisible melal-, and this, being carried into ihe iui'g.s, cuuses aslluna and consumption. The steel-grinders bending over their work, inhale such huge quantities of me- tiJ-dust thai they rarely live beyond Ihe oge of forty. All meial trades are verv hazarJrms. and plithi.^is or tubercular aiieclidus und re.-piratorv diseases are penalties of these pursuits. The rate of I niortalily amongst brewers is 50 per cent. gi-eatiT than thai among men of ordinary callings. Gout is an enemv which makes iUelf sorelv fell in this n xu rr, â- . J X . . °'^"P«'''«'- linkers, too, are more than l^lears the Ihroat and Lungs, heals ' normally subject to premature death. andallavB InSamiaatioa, cures Coucha. i '"J'f I"""" ""''^ ''' " ^"'"y ^'""'^ ""iTobe .olds, Hoaisoncss, Whooping Cough, attacks the drums of the ears, causin- Does fit Doesn't •brink EXPE€TORANT Underwear has the soft warm feel the akin enjoys. " Doesn't itch. Made for men, wo- men and little folksy in a variety of styles abrics and prices. Jroup, by removing the cause. jNothing better for Children. IVice IOC. a:id 25c a Iwltle. Dr. T. Am Slocum, Limited, Toronto. deafness. The next day aflcr she becomes en- gaged a girl l)eg!ns lo wonder if her happiness will last till she is married Vk aixborise t ytly dealer in Pen- Angl* Undftwear to repUce, at cut etui, any gument faulty ia mateiial at "â- â- t''"g. Patents Secured Free ' A Medcne for the .Miner's Pack.â€" Pro. and othei-s going into the niin- I prepare patent applications free of 1 '"" fegirns where doctors are few and charge. If you have an invention send I*,"'- s'ores not at all. should inflvide sketch to-day for free opinion. 24 years' experience. F. U. Gibbs. 52 SI. James St., MonlreaL POSTAL ARMY. The British Postniasler-Ceneral has a staff undi^r his eontrnl bigger Ihe standing British .\nny. The postal sys- Ec'eetric O.l W.^in'inT,\ '"'â- ?'".*!•«'•" keeps b'Jsy fn>in 170.000 to t80,(W0- Lceniic UU. It uill offset the effects j „,„„ „„,\ wnmnn .-inrt h«.j wilhin ,1. of exposure, reduce sprains, and when llieni ;il\es with a supply of Dr. Thomas' CO,VL BUrtNED BY STEAMSHIPS. There are many s\\\y>s which bum from too lo 300 tons of coal per day. Ihe lowest consumption being when the ves- sel is going at a modenilc rale. British men-of-war do not consume .so much in proportion as swift pa-ssonger steamers which ply between Europe and .\mcrica, for, unless in an emergency, they are not driven at the highest attainable speed. The ocean passenger steamers often burn from 2,500 lo 3,500 tons dur- ing a passage lasting si.\ lo seven days. THE ART OF GLOVE-CUTTI.XC. The cutters of Uie great glove houses in Bru.ssels and in France earn even higher wages than Ihe cullers of the most fashionable tailors in Londou and New York. So dilllcult is this art f cutting gloves that most of Ihe princi- pal cullers are known lo the trade by name and by fame, and the peculiar kriives which they use in the business are so highly prized that they arc hand- • d dovM from generation to generation as heirlooms. .\!i Irishma.'i entered a Now York Pctvi Ollice f<;r Ihe of mailing n letter lo his lianeee. He paused in p::plexity before a board containing tliree letler-.slols bearing the words "" "Dome lie," "Foreign." "Faith," h.,> muttered, "this is a pretty problem. Maggie's a doniesiic, she lives in .hi FEATHER DYEINQ ClaaalM^iua CwJIac ui4 EM Warm deuied ThM Ma k* sni bf yoM. Uymm. <»m tea pUe* ia niTltH AMEXICAM OYEIHC Cti Young Yeomanry Oflicer airing bis exploits in Ihe late war>â€" "And among other Ihings. don't you know, I had a hors,' shot under me." Fair Ignoramus and asked his advice, and ^wâ€"" taken mieinaiiy will prevent and cure colds and .sore throat, and as a lubri- cant Will keep the muscles in good con- dition. WHAT THE CHE.MI.ST ADVISED. A man went to see a doctor. The dcelor eTamined him carefully and wi'h a grave face told him he was very ill, and asked if he had consulted any- one "Oh." said the man, "I went to .see a â€" "Poor with it?' thin" What was the matter Many inherit weak lungs, and as dis- ease usually assails Ihe woakcsl point, tliese persons are continually e.xposed lo attacks of cold and pulmonary dis- turbance.s. The speedy use of Bickle's .Vnti Consumptive Syrup will be found a preventative and a prolection, strengtiiening the organs .so that they are nut so liable to dorangemenl from exposun? or abrupt atmospheric chang- es. Bickle's Syrup is cheap and good. "Chemist:' the doctor broke in angrily. "What was the good of that? The best thing you can do when a chemist gives y u a bit of advice is lo do exactly the opposite." "And he." Ihe patient continued, "ad- vised me lo come to vou." "II is true that she has monev, but she is also very exacting. If you "marry Jones~"Thal was a scathing sermon on mean men the parson gave us last Sunday. Wonder what .Smith thought about if."" Brownâ€" "Singular. I met Smith yesterday, and lie Siiid he'd like lo know your cpijiiun on it.' South Amarican KIdnay Cur* is tlie only kidney treatment that has proven her vou will have In k\\p nn oi^r^iJin;, i f"*' *° correct all the cyiIs that arc nl ;iri,a,.i,' " "VvLu ^f . ? ?'"0'^'n« likely to befall those physical regulator,. I'll (11 inking. Well, if I don t many 1 Uundreds of testimonials to prove the her 111 have lo give up eating as well." leurative merits of this liquid kidney spe- |9'Hc in cases of Bright a disea.'^e. diRbet:<s. irritation of the bladder, inticmmation, dropsiual tendeuvy. Don't delay.â€" 22 All women know whit it Is to h.-\ve vIoTanl Sun ; Hoint) take una thiug and fioino anuther. ur aUvice is, t > plaoo " The U A L." .Moiithul Planter over the sdat ,<! tlie p>&in : it will do mui« feu give you cuioiort than aaythiuc. Wiggsâ€" "'Young .Screecher has a re- markable iinaginalion. He is a great Ihmkec." Wagg.sâ€" "Indeed!" Wiggsâ€" "Yes; he Uiinks he can sing." nes III ine ,, ,, . ;; - ~ city, ai;d she's a foreigner. W hal beats ' f'o'l"wn.v s Corn (..ure; ine is how I'm to gel the letter in the Hard and soft corns .cannot withstand il is effectual three hol.'s at wanst.' One Irial of Motlv>i Graves' Worm Exterminator will convince you that it has no equal us a worm medicine. Buy a bottle and see if it does not please you. A Cure for Cosliveness.â€" Coslivcncss com\s frnm Ihe rofu.sal of the e.xeere- tory organs In perform their duties regu- Inily from contributing causes usually di.s<irdeied digestion. I'armeleo's Vege- U\\M Pills, prepared on scientific prin- ciples, are so cotnpouiided that eerlain ingr,:dienls in llu'in through the stomach and act. upon Ihe bowels .'•0 a.s lo remove their torpor aiui Iheiii lo proix-r aclinn. Many lliou- sands are prepare*! to bear loslimuny ti Iheir power in this respect. 'I'he huge guns of modem navies con only be tired about sevcniy-flv© times before they are worn out. Daath or lunaoy ai^cmed the only alter- native for a well-known and highly re- spected lady ot Wingham. Ont., who had travelled over two continents in a vain acarc'h for a cure for nervous debility and dyspepsia. K friend recommended .South American Nervine. Ono bottle helped, six bottles cured, and her own written testimony closes with these words: "It has saved my life.'"â€" 20 "There's a quniv thing aliout a cousin '.' mine." .said Barney O'Flynn. "He's ;i great habit of walkin' in his sleep. ' "( an he be cured av it at all.'" "Cured nv il? Sure lis the makin' av him. He's in the police force." To Starvo Is a Fallaoy.-The dictum to stop entinK because- you have indigestion has long since been exploded. Dr. Von Stau's Pineapple Tablets introduced a new era in the treatment of stomacb troubles. It has proved that one may eat his fill of anything and everything he relishes, and one tablet taken after tho meal will aid the storaactl in doing its work. M in a l>ox, 3i cents.â€" 24 .Attorneyâ€" "You oan sun him for bivtich ot madam; but it seems ;o me preposterous lo claim lifty thou- -sand dollai-s damages." Fair Client â€" "1 want to gel so heavy a judgmeiil ayainsl him thai he'll just have to marry me â€" Ihe scoundrel!" j every lime. Gel a bottle at once and to happy. .Magistrateâ€" "You say thai you did nol know you were violating ihe law. Ah. but, my dear sir, ignorance of .'he law is no for any man." IMsoii- erâ€" "That's rather rough on both of i.s, ain'l it, your worship " Mirrors arc a nuisance in the house of a man whofio face i.^ hniiiled with evzem.i. Hia own â-  \ raflection shaniot hitu. Let him annuint bis skin I with Weavor'ft Cerate and purify his blood wiUi { Weaver's Syrnp- 'I say, boy. " remarked the would-be fisherman, "are there any fish in this stream?" "Yes.' "Will Ihey bile?" "None of IhOMi ever bit me, niistei-; but you needn't go into Ihe water to fish if vou're afraid of them." Small Boyâ€" "Can I have a ride on a donkey, ma?" .Maâ€" "No. dear. Your papa says you are nol to have one." Small Boyâ€" "Why can't I have a ride on a donkey?" Ma to her husband'*â€" "Oh. for goixiness' -sake. James, give him a ride on your back, and see it it'll keep him quid." Fever tb* CurM ot the Tropics- In tho slow and tedious recovdriei fn)m this .mil all other disea-se "Kerrovitn" is the btsl tonic, Keuiam. ku the name, " KUBBOVIM. ' "Why, Willie, what are you crving about?" "'Cause I don't get" no Satur- day holiday like the other children does. Bco-hoo!" "But why don't you get out of school on Saturday?" " limse 1 ain'l i old enough to go to school yeU Boo- hoo-hoo!'' Mrs. Hale (just married): ".Marie, we will have eels as a second course for dinner." Marie; "How much ought I to -gel. ma'am?" Mrs. Hale: "Oh, I think two yards will be sullieietil !" DODDS , rrCH, Mange. Prairia Scratchea %nt every form of contagious Itch on humaa or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- (ord* Sanitary Lotion. It never (ails. A BIG SUPPLY NECE.^^SABY. i;p and down the drill-ground, llrsl right and then left, an awkward squad had trumped all the morning; but i>o BMiount of drill seemed to put any smart- ness into their movements. "Stand" called their mentor ,it last, wearily mopping his brow, and ,n- wurdly abusing Ihe Fates for making ,1 .soldier of him. "Dullluad.' he said to the warrior who had insisted on turning muiKi three limes e\eiy lime the "about" was tr- (lerod, under the inipivssion probablv, thai he was playing blind nmn's buff, "did you ever hoar llsh was good for tlie brain?" ".\ye, .sergeant." "I'iien for goodness sako go and eat a ,whale." Pilas ourad In 3 to S nlfhts.â€" One ap- plication gives relief. Dr. .\gnew's Oint- ment is a boon for Itching Piles, or Blind, Bleeding Piles. It relieves quickly and permanently. in skin eruptions it stands without a rival. Thousands of testimonials if you want evidence. J5 cents.â€" 23 "There ought to be one hea.l to every household," shoutt<d Uie oralor. "Thai's right," muttered a worried-looking man in the audi.'nct\ "You agree with me?" shouted tho oralor. .singling him out. "I do; I have just flni.shed paying for Ihe bonnets of my nine daugli^ers."' ASTONISHED THE DOCTOR. In Nature's Storehouse Tliere are Cures. â€" Medical experiments have shown conclusively that I here are medi- cinal virtues in even ordinary plants growing up around us wliieh give them a value Itial cannot be cstiiualed. .'I i,i held by some thai Nature provides a cure for every di.sease whii'h neglect and ignorance have visited upon man. However, this may t)0. it is well known tliat i^irmelee's \'egetable Pills, distilled from roots and herbs, arc a sovereign rtiiiody in curing all di-sordcrs of the digestion. sphere of operations more offices than there are people in Sheerncss. The Post Ontce is among Ihe most profit- able biLsinesses in England. With ?.n outlay of .'."ifl.i â- 00,000, it makes a profit cf nearly 8i0,0u0,000. Dear Mother Your little ones are s cootfutt can k Fall and Winter weather. The* wti calcii coU. Do you know about Smlab'i Consumptioa Gire. tke Lun( Tonic, tad wiut it hat done for m many f It is taid to be tite only reliable temeciy for ail l&eases ci die air pasugc* in r li i Uf iti. It is abwlutcly harmlc» and pleasant to taice. Ilii guaranteed to cure oc your mooey is returned. The pries is 25c per bottle, and all dealers in medidne teU 314 tSHILOH This retwdy should be in every bousebolJ. PRINTING PRESSES FOR SALE. Two 2-revolulipn CampbcTI Presses; sizes 40x5G and 43x5(>. The largest has the patent swing delivery, and both have four inking rollers and plate dis- Iril.iution. They are capable of doing the finest work. These presses will be sold at a very low figure for quick .sale. Wilson Publishing Company, 73-61 .â- Vdelaide Street West, Toronto. .â- !;>*ter=ca imi maitsixsa»sr!'sstsst>«tas:amivmKe»ie! INTEimATIOHAL DICTIONAIOr InO OTHE:? CHRISTMAS CIFTfl I W1II.S0 oltcn h« a reminder oi ihc dvc r. Useful, r JPi.*cucal,Atlractive,La*unir, Kcliable.PopulaiJ ICjinplrte,Scieaufic.VpXoD«teaiidAulhom»-| Itive. as.oooNew Woids, a^SoPsces, ^ooolllus- Ilralions. Editor in Chief W.i'. Hjrns, Pli.D. 1lL.D., U.S. Ccmr. ol Edn. Hichcsl Awards ai| I the St. Louis and the Portlaod EigHxitioas. IS IT HOT THE UEST GIFUOU CAN SELECT t WEBSTER'S CuLl-iiOiA 1 1- Di'- ' lONAKV |Lai^eslol\>«r*bri(iEi".-nl». Ke.;'il»f aa 1 Th:.t :'»;r e.tiuoin. III5 (ittM »ti.i i4tw tlliistr» Wnle lor " The .--tory .i a Book ' Cept C I a. k C. MUTfR iAM CO., Sprlagfleia, ..^... Physician Said At She MiglK Drop Doa<l Auy Time. EIOIITY-KOLH WliDS THIRTY. .\ mild .sensation was recently caused ill Ihe (]uiel village of Old Windsor, llorks. on Ihe occasion of a hastily, arranged wedding which took place at SI. i'cHer's Chuith. Ihe bridegroom be- ing a very old inhabitant, eighty-four yeiirs of age, and the bride a young woman of ub<5ul thii'ty summers. A donkey-chaise was hi waiting for the bridognjom atlor Ihe ceremony, but Ihe bride preferred lo ride her bicycle boU» lu Mui from Ihe chuivU. "Tho rvoelor told mo I had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on Ihc street al any lime." says Mrs. Moberl Eaton, of Dufferin. Ont. "I was afraid to draw my breath, it pained me so. I was nervous, short of banilh. had diz- Mrs, Rol>rrt Eaton ziness, loss of appe- tite, smothering and sinking spells, and could not sleep. "Somclinics I would have lo lie down to keep from falling. My hands and feel would seem to go to sleep and a sort of numbness would come all over me. "I began using Pr. I.eonhard+!s Anti- Pill. From Ihe start I improved. I feel much stronger, look better, and alto- gether .\nli-Pill has made a new wo- man of me. "I am entirely ciiretl." * All Dealers or the Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. ISSUE NO ICE AUTOMOBILES Lighter than the ligittest, Stronger than the Strongest. Faster than the Fastest. *♦ AUTOMOBILE " AND " CYCLE " SKATES ALUMINUM TOPS. CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR CO.. LTD., City Stors. 151 Bay St. m CHEBUGTO HOCKEY This Skate Is famsd for its Symntetrioal DMfgn, high quality and groat strsngtli. One of the most pepni&r of tlie 26 psttoms mads by us. CaiAloKve in addition to rioMrihind thoM all. sItm coraptai* rvlmB of tlM gaoie of Hookvy. A po^al CArd brings It. THE STARR MFC. CO., Li-niteii iBAITMOOTH, NOVA SCOTIA BRANCH '^^'^"^^ TOIONTO, G.'IT

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