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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1906, p. 4

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December 6 in06 THE FLESH ERTOiS Avy A-aci ^^vwvw^v^/wy F, T. HILL & CO. vywv^^^vWt^vi 5 16 SALE ^ Of a Manufacturer's Samples in Ladies' Caperines in all classes of Fu rs at half and less price. THIS week wc put on aal« two bandred C^iperinos io different combinations of Furs, silk and nstiu lined. Tliesc are the saniples of a large leading manafdctcrer. Wa made an offer for tbe lot and secured it and we now pai the lot on sale this week at prices that are aahe^trd of in the retail trade, so be on band earljr if yoa are interested and want to make a big saving ou your purchase. 93.75 CAPERINES Bulling for 1.49. 15 only Ladies Caperinea, h'(;h collars and wide shoulder effect, in browo, chinchilla and electric seal combination, rc|{ular *! ^ Q $3.70 value, selliii); for ^ « ^XO $4.50 CAPERINES soiling for 2.25. 22 only LaJies Fine Electric Seal Caperines, with tail and hund trimmingn, satin Q Of% lined, regular f4 60 r<«lae,s«iling for tO,^<J tu.OO CAPERINES selling for 2 48. 18 ODijr Orey Lamb and Russian Thilwt Cspeiines, all utey in color, very suitable fur youiiK Kirls, retiular $S.OO values, O y\ Q sclliiiK for .^."XO 90.60 CAPERINES selling for 375. 15 only very fine quality of Electric Seal, very full size irilh head nnd t.iil trimming., stlk^lined, regular $6 50 value, sell- Q TC ingfor O./U 93.00 CAPERINES for 1.48. 28 Caperines in this lot, many different kinds and combtiiaiions, all satin lined, "1 A Q regular 93.00 value for ±.trO 94.60, 5.00,6 50, 6.50 and 6.75 CAPKUTNES selling fur 92.48. 60 only Caperines in Wool Seal, Electric Seal, Coney Black Astrachnn, Cbincbilla, Rusaian Fux and Maimot. Some lines there are only one of a kind, some lines there are probably two or three (.f a kiad which represent tbe greatest value we have ever offered snd they are priced so luw, your choice for O yi Q Store Full of Price Inducements This Week. LADIES' DAINTY SILK WAISTS, 2.75 AND 3.00 LINES FOR 1 75. 24 only Ladies' Fine Silk Waists, latost styles pink and pale bine, all 1 '7P% ill white, sizes. SeUing at EXTRA SPECIAL FROM TBB CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. 35 only fine quality fancy decorated Majolica Pitcbors in fancy shapes, difloront efffcta, 30c, 35c and 40c lines.selling at your O P^p choice for LADIES CLOTH SKIRTS selling for 1-25. Ruiiular 2 50. 24 only ladies Cloth Skirts in dark mission shade and myrtle yreeii, pleated and tore styloB. While wo have them your 1 Q^ choioo for , Soiling BORSE BLANKETS at nearly Halfâ€" $1.25 line for 65c. 24 only Heavy Lined Horae Blankets with bteast strap, a big snap, wbtls we QRr* have themâ€" youra fur. fancysilk embroidered <7a1st lengths. 24 only ladies fancy Silk Enbroidered Waist LtiiiKths nuw so popular. These make excel- lent Christmas gifts. They come in white, cream and linen .hades and in the re.;ular way sell st 2.75. While we have I ^Q them, your choice for -»- • *-''-' LADIES ELECTRIC SEAL JACKETS We have three only of ibe.o beajtiful Seal Jackets with marmot irininiines tn cutfs nnd rerores. They nro a traveller's sum ple.s andcsn- not he repeated. While they Oyi F\/^ last the price will be ^'X- U\J Big Saving ill Flannelette Etnliroid- ericB, 7, 8, 10, ie| and 15o lines clearine at 6c per yard. 1500 yards of Flannelette Embroideries, in all thu leading colors, pink, blue, groy, red, and white, narrnw and wide widths, some aie silk embroidered, now required for trim- ming ull kind, of winter underwear, selling at a tremendous saving ot per yard f^r\ only New Arrival of Christmas Goods This Week. Thii week wo are opening op our special purchases in the many lines ot merchandi.e wanted for the Christmas trade, to if you are undecided what your Christmas trade will be, wo would ask you to see our ihowiog of the following new arrivals: New Collar* and Tie. for nonts and ladio.. New Handkerchiefs in silk and fancy lawns. New Waists in Silk snd Lustre. Nuw Slippjrs for ladies and gents. Now China. New Linen, in D.ilies, Tray Cloibs, and Table Covers. New Glove., fancy Comb., etc., In fact we are exceptionally well prepsccd to supply your requiiemenls thia scs'on and when in town would a.k you to take a look through our Inrge Slock. No nerd to buy, wo will be pleased to show you, snyway. I J. 6^ W^ ^%J I FLESHERTON ONT. WE are sailing on an even keel tliese day.s with all sails set and every condition in f ivor of big busine6.s. Doing things best has been oar reputation from the start. Our customers tell us repeatedly we have exceptionally good values in all lines. We knew it in advance but we like to be told; and the more we're told the more we strive to do bettei-. Our KmaS QOOdlS this year excell thing we have had here-to-fore. any- XMA8FURS. Fur Caps from Fur Ruff from Fur Gauntleta Fur Caperines Cbildren's Boas l.GO to 8.50 1.50 to 12.60 8.00 to 5.00 3.50 to 16.50 25 to 40 Imitat'n Oaantlcta .25 tol.!)0 Fur Mantlet fur 20.00 to 40i)O For Coals for 18.00 to 45.00 XMA5 GLOVES. Ladies Kid gloves 1.00 to 1 75 Men's Kid Gloves 60 lo 1 83 Wool Gloves 26 to 50 Children's Mittts 15 to 25 LINENS & NOVELTIES. Side Board Scarf 25 to 75 Tray Cloths 15 to 1 00 Pillow Shams 50 to 1.60 Colored liuen covers 50 to 1.25 Damask Table Napkins 85 to 3.75 bilk Piano and Organ Drapes 1.75 to 2.50 Jap Silk Gnsbion Tops CO to 1.50 Drawn Work Novelties 15 to 160 XMA8 HANDKERCHIEFS & NECKWEAR. Iiaee Handkerchiefs 5 to 25 Hem-stitched silk Hand- kerchiefs 25 to 75 Fancy Silk Uaudkorchief 10 to 60 Oc<nls' Silk Mn£3er8 25 to 1.75 Gents Silk and Satin MofSors 25 to 60 Ladies Fancy Bilk Collars 25 to 1.00 FANCY SLIPPERS Felt, Carpet and leather. Children's 20 to 45 Misses 25 td 60 Women's 33 to 1.75 Men's 50 to 1.50 See onr stock of Xmas Goods iu China and Glassware. Tbe best values we have ever bad consisting of BeiTy Setts, Table Setts, Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Water Setts, Porridge Setts, Vases, Rose Bowls, Jardineics, Placqnes, Salad Bowie, Moustache Cnps, Opal Novelties, Wedge wood Ware, Japanese China, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Sbaviug Mugs, Ciiildreu's Mtigs, China Novelties, Cake I'lates, Bread and Buitoi Plates, Fancy Silverware, Table Knives. M^^i^M^?s^?Sit^i:!^SiS^^ \Mm MARKPALE mmfy^ 1. imWUhed every Thura.lay at $1.00 pe.- snnum If i»ld in adrance, »l.Bo if "«» *» l'»'a- All .uUeriber paying »1.00 .tnctly in ad»anc« get thf Montreal n«rald one year If., aa a prrmium. Should Owen Sound get all that she is expecting in the way of improved siiippiag facilities and in other ways it will ioaroely be possible to live in (he same county with the average Owen bounder. Here is a partial- only • parial, mind youâ€" list of what the people in the county town are figuring on: An extensive strool rail' wsy sysiem; au immensely castly bridge Mross the bay below the harbor for vehicular and railway traflio; t'le Huron & Outaiio railway to Meaford and Toronto; the same west to South- ampton and Kiiicardine to Sarnia; another line of steamer'' operated by tbii company; connection with the Canada Northern railway, and another liuk of the Grand Trunk conncotin;.^ them with Meaford. They also hope to baili a new town hallâ€" sometime, tiarel j (bit is qaitv a respuctablo av- idonce of ambition. There is still another lingering longing, however, that we marvel has not taken a more definite shape, and that is incorpoia tion as a city. The town ia large eiioQgli and it certainly is not modesty that prevents it from "coming out" in the civic world. The press of tho town should talk it up. But then, tho gifts poured upon Owen Sound in thiti manner would moan pronpcrity for the who'e county as well. It wuuld givu competing lines to almost every town and village, little and big, within the county, and pavo tbe way to opening up now industries, making of Ibis Bcclion a hive of bnsiness and present proG'<ible investments for capital. It is something in the nature of a dream as yet, but dreams some- times do como true. The United States is now beginn- ing to yearn for commercial uuioii with Canada, at least so far as raw material ia concerned. She would like to got our pulpwood and the pro- duct of our mines for smelting pur- poses But Canada is now alive to the fact that she can utilize her own raw material, and her present rate of expansion makes it unnecessary for our statesmen to pass any more slee[)- less nights devising ways and means of getting tlio good will of our cousins across tho border, whose pathetic vows of aDfection for what v/e have and they have not savors of saurian lacrimal exhndations. Nino thousand miles of railway con- struction are at present undor way i.i Canada. Whon this i? completed Canada will have 26,000 miles of railway. This moans that Canada, with ita Bi.x million people, ia build- ing considerably more than half as j mncli line as the Uuited States with I its eighty millions. It will soi n 'ue up to you to do your holiday baking. We have everything you need in ihu lute of spices, caiidiid peels, dried fruits,rtc. Wu guarantee everything strictly frosh and of the best (]aality. Give us a call, nuntham Bros. Gardiner â€" McKenzio â€" At the resi- dence of tho bridn'a parents, Eai{le Uiver Out., on Nov. 15, by Rev. A. J. Bruce, A J. Gardiner to Kiuily Mary Campbell IklcKonsie, both of Eagle River. The bride is a daughter of Mr. A. S. Mc- Keiisio, formerly of tbi* place, and granddaughter of Mr. D. McKcbxie of Cey!uD. Next MTCck This space will be occupied by an important announcement of Christmas Goods "Which are now being placed in stock â€" a bigger and better se lection than ever â€" by W. E. Richardson | Son DRUGGISTS, FLESHERTON I s agg g g g^jygyj gd ^jwa i a^^ \ \ .â- .â- ^jsifc.--^ â-  'â- "•^nrr

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